Monday, July 23, 2012


Almost immediately upon arriving in a foreign place I try to imitate the natives as much as possible. Every day I pick up a new item of clothing, a new phrase, a new mannerism that will help me blend in. It must seem a little ridiculous or pointless now because I'm obviously not one of the natives, but I try anyway. I realize this doesn't make me a sociopath -- I could be a hippie backpacker, a travel writer, or a spy. But I think being a sociopath makes me this type of traveler.

Another thing I like about traveling is the chance to see how arbitrary your own culture's traditions are. Everyone makes a big deal about conforming to social norms and ostracizing those who don't quite fit, but that is just a tool of oppression. The social norm is not the important feature to society, the conforming is.

I don't think it's a coincidence that nonconformist Gypsies are sometimes called "travelers."


  1. I just play the goofy but likeable American tourist.
    It's important to offer them an inkblot, then react appropriately to what they see. Just like anywhere.

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  2. Oh yeah, "Fellow Traveller" is also a colloquialism for Freemasons! FEAR THE LORDS WHO ARE SECRET AMONG US!

  3. "i realize this doesn't make me a sociopath -- i could be a hippie backpacker, a travel writer, or a spy, among other things."

    It's not a choice or a lifestyle or a job. The fact you obviously see it as such speaks mountains. Let me put it to you like this, how you'll understand - you're Foster, not Ridgway.

  4. nonconformist gypsies are sometimes called "travellers."

    Gypsies ain't non conformists.

    Gypsies and Travellers are two completely different ethnic groups. That's like saying Indians are also called black people.

    An Irish Sociopath.

  5. Replies
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  6. Right before this post showed up, the thought I had was, "I really really need to travel for a very very long time."

    And soon. Been making plans.

    1. where are you going to go?

    2. Wherever I feel like, whenever I feel like, basically. Starting with the country I'm already in.

    3. That's free. Will you go alone or with someone, or a group?

    4. I have not travelled alone.

      I could not get into that book "Eat, Pray, Love"

      Did you read that?

    5. I have not read it, and from what I understand of it, not quite the way I plan to travel.

      I've traveled cross-country a few times in my life, and the one time I did it alone was one of the best feelings I have ever had.

    6. I'm leaving on a jet plane tomorrow. Woohoo!

    7. Sweet! Destination?

  7. Monica
    It is too ugly in here. the mirrors are hurting me more and not in a healing way.

    1. I apologize to post this personal thing in the middle of yours, medusa. It is clumsy bad tiiming. I have no angle. Just hurt so much. I will try not to do that anymore.

    2. You should leave anon.

    3. I know, Ukan.

    4. Going deeper and deeper in your own head is doing exactly the opposite of what you are going for.

    5. I don't understand entirely. You mean if I go I won't go deeper into my head? And if I stay I will?

      Why do you think I want to go?

    6. What I said doesn't necessarily have to have anything to do with whether you stay or go, although leaving might make it easier.

      And I don't think you really want to go, otherwise you wouldn't have posted this. But perhaps you feel you should go.

    7. I know I have mixed feelings. you are right about that.

      What were you thinking when you wrote this?

      Going deeper and deeper in your own head is doing exactly the opposite of what you are going for.

    8. You're looking too deep. Medusa isn't that deep. None of us are.

    9. yeah, I know!

    10. I'll let ol' Nietzsche speak for me on this one:

      "Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."

      The world becomes smaller and smaller. When perhaps it's the opposite that is needed. Isn't that your whole problem anyway? That you are 'stuck'? It's like trying to get out of quicksand by grabbing onto the grains of sand, when like Westley , you should be reaching out and grabbing something that is outside of the reality of the pit. Clearly the answer is not lurking anywhere in the small world that you have built for yourself or anywhere that you are able to see from where you are now... it's somewhere outside of it. And the only way to get there is to get out of your head.
      Perhaps you'll find the rest of your 'self', that you've been looking for this whole time, is out there, waiting for you. In experiences, in people, in places, in everything. Or perhaps you'll find that the concepts of 'self' and 'answers' mean nothing next to a simple wonder about the world outside and your relationship to it, in action.

    11. That Monica(above) is not me. In fact, I feel wonderful today. I feel peaceful. Kany was 100% right. I had a child's black and white view of my mother.
      I could, only, see that by all my crazy interactions on here. I could never let loose, like this, in real life. I could never show my not manicured self, not because I was trying to be a fake. I had no access to it.
      I think you have to learn and change, by doing, not by talking. That is where therapy fails. Are you going to go into the therapists office, foaming at the mouth, with hair uncombed and raging like a crazy person? No.
      If not, you won't heal. Thank you ME. Love you.

    12. Ugh you are so retarded. There's nothing here BUT talk and no one can see your hairdo. So stupid

    13. Yes that helps. Thank you Medusa. I have been making my world smaller.
      But I gave up one thing I am afraid of going back to. I am am afraid of it. Someone told me I should only be doing it if i did not feel it served a need for approval. I stayed away to see if this was even the thing. No. It is me. It is a part of me that follows me even here. When I leave it will only come out somewhere else.

      I have great fear about that thing. But I have always been stuck in a fucked up place about it. I fantasize that now I will be better at fear of rejection. It is fantasy. I am to embrace fragility as a gift. It is the only way for me. I will not be changed overnight . i am who I am and I am not going to be anyone else, no matter how close in contact to the ones with thick skins I come.

    14. ~ you are very dramatic.

    15. Monica I was at my therapists with hair uncombed yelling so much one day he told me to sshhh and motioned to the wall that the therapist next door might have HER session disturbed! I don't hold back at the therapist. I scare them just like I scare normal people. THat was a fond memory lol. THank you for bringing that back.

    16. Thank you, aspie.

    17. My world IS small. It is so small it is insignificant to the point nothing seems to matter and that is why you are right, medusa. I need to grab something (no, not a cock, not a cock. . .not this time)

    18. um, that was a hint, anonymous.

    19. No need to pussyfoot about it, aspie. say it. I am boring. It's ok. I think I am so clever and cute and I get attention here, yes? It annoys you?

      I don't know why you fucking people hold back. I AM CLEARLY A VERY F ED UP PERSON, PITIABLE.

    20. you deserve to be pitied. some people do and some don't. you do. you had the short end of the stick. but pity is not make you strong. it only comfort temporarily. tomorow another day, scarlett.

    21. I did not think i wanted pity. It sure can feel that way sometimes. I apologize. That is a disgusting thing to ask people for.

      I want self love, the real kind, the staying kind, the kind where the next day or next minute I don't start ripping into myself for sport.

    22. Anon, you confuse me. I don't understand the feelings you are attempting to convey. Are you depressed? What is the thing you gave up and are afraid of going back to?

      What do you mean when you say "rip into yourself for sport"? Do you mean emotionally, or are you referring to self-harm?

      Fragility is not a gift, it makes you vulnerable in a cruel world. Save your tenderness and intimacy for those you can really trust. Everywhere else, they will just get trampled underfoot.

    23. Alterego,

      Of course you would not understand. I am vague. I will address the gift of fragility first: When one puts up too many defenses, no one can penetrate. I have the tendency to do this BECAUSE I am fragile. But when I can let a little bit of fragility peak out i get good results even though it hurts.

      FYI PEOPLE: People like a soft spot! Also I am female and softness looks good on me.

      Showing fragility is a power. But that is another topic altogether..

      ..and of course "fragility" is subjective. I might SAY I am fragile, one day, like a few hours ago, and now you and I and all on this blog know that I am. BUT! It is not obvious. Not to the world. And still, some people who know me for years and years will say "really ?you're fragile??"

      I am working on Monica's just being thing, too. That might be something to look at once in a while hahahaha !

      Fragility is a gift in my job. It is a blessing and a curse. I cannot explain further; you will have to trust me.

      And the world, alterego, is cruel whether you show fragility or not. One can get trampled underfoot whether or not they are fragile secretly or out in the open.

      Yes, I am a covertly fragile person. I am very good at hiding it. I mean V E R Y good, and not like your garden variety narcissist is. I'm a goddammned borderline. Hiding our fragility is like brushing our fucking teeth, or having sex, a-holes.

      And yes, I am depressed.

      No I will not talk about this thing I have given up. I have NOT given it up. I SAY I gave it up and I can TAKE it up any time I damn well please.

      I will not go into it anymore at this moment in time. Good day.

    24. What do you mean when you say "rip into yourself for sport"? Do you mean emotionally, or are you referring to self-harm?

      This is something I am thinking about. I think there is self-harming element to this shredding of self/confidence. It is as if there is some higher purpose and I want to know what it is. It's a fucking rinse and repeat game. Without it I don't know what I would DO all day to tell you the truth.

      Maybe it is a just a habit and just to stop is all I need to do. Just to stop.

    25. Yes. Please. Just stop.

    26. Anon, Medusa, I had a hell of a time this year staying inside my head and this site. I was obsessed, looking for answers, trying to avoid all contact with reality to find some truth that would allow me to go on completely un-deceitful and clean. Well, it didn´t work. I didn´t learn a thing. Oh well, I learnt a lot from people here and some things about myself through introspection... but contact with reality, action and people actually give me a more real perspective of what I am. You can't grasp yourself. You can glimpse some truth, however, while observing as well as acting, feeling and interacting with the real world. You seem to be scared, we all are, even socios, but trying to rearrange from the inside is just too much for a human being. Try to overcome fear and get out of here.

    27. Thank you, Miss Sharp.

      I have applied some stuff I learned about myself irl and from here.

      That other thing, this bs speech:

      "No I will not talk about this thing I have given up. I have NOT given it up. I SAY I gave it up and I can TAKE it up any time I damn well please.

      < laughable. Been saying it for years. Not exactly sure leaving here is going to enable me to move.


    28. I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing so much emotional turmoil, anon. I cannot really help you unless you are willing to open up a bit more, and it doesn't sound as though you are quite ready to do so at present. I understand and respect that.

      It sounds as though this emotional fragility is exacerbated by the voices inside your head with which you repeatedly berate yourself.

      I have only one suggestion, and it may well be something you've tried before, but it can't hurt to try again.

      First, I want you to sit down and compile a list of your positive traits. It can be something as simple as "Smart, observant, caring, helpful, etc." Be generous and kind with yourself through this process.

      Every time you catch yourself in the process of shredding yourself, try to consciously halt your spiral of shame and replace each negative characterization with a positive one.
      I know it sounds trite, but if you do this often enough, I think your self-image will improve.

      In the meantime, bear this in mind: your fragility can only be a "gift" if the hands into which you entrust your vulnerability are worthy of confidence. Do not be your own worst enemy by tearing yourself down. If your own hands are treacherous, how will you ever be able to trust those of another? If something is truly valuable to you, it makes sense to guard it carefully.

      I hope that you will find the courage to face these issues with someone trustworthy. Good luck.

      PS: There is a very intelligent borderline who posts on this blog from time to time and who really appears to have worked through many issues. She has a blog which you may find helpful:

    29. Thank you. I read Haven's blog all the time. Sometimes it is so close to me I have some trouble facing it. I never knew there were people like me until I came to read here.

      I will try your suggestion.

      I know about fragility in the wrong hands all too well. I think that is what finally tipped me into full-bloom bpd.

      You seem like a kind person. Thank you.

    30. You are most welcome, anon.

    Come back.............
    And stay..............
    As you................

  9. What the fuck is this shit.

  10. My looks are extremely conformistic. It's encredible how appearances opens so many doors.

    I once read here from someone also claiming to be a socio/psychopath and he or she found it difficult to find decent housing because of never having a stable job. I'm in the same situation and move every 1 to 1,5 years and always rent the finest furnished apartments. It's like these people are honoured they can rent out to me, simply because of my behaviour and appearances. Always bewildered ofcourse when I stop paying the last six to seven months and there's nothing legal they can do anymore in that short period of time to get me out.

    I wouldn't see the point of dressing as the locals when I'm on vacation, unless I would aim to achieve something. Although I don't follow the tourist crowds neither.

    As a psychopath you have every reason to appear conformistic. After all these years I'm often still surprised how people are easily misled simply by appearances. I'm always vague about what I do for a living to strangers (unless I want to use someone and thell some story) simply because I do nothing but at the same time so many things to maintain a comfortable lifestyle.

    It's sometimes hard when I go out for a drink. A couple of weeks ago I had to calm down a guy who recently had troubles with the law and was convinced I was a judge. Strangely people always think I'm a lawyer, judge, someone in a public position with power ... So I guess my conformistic act had been perfected by now. That's the best way to (not literally) stab them in the back, to mingle among and look like sheep, so they don't see it coming ...

    1. I'm pretty sure conformistic isn't a word.

    2. It is, but it is usually appended by "non-", and it sounds awkward.

    3. I have Googled it. Its not a word. And it doesn't bother me, ego. You do. As I stated, though I will do again more clearly...
      My patience for you and your idiot arrogance merely wears thinner the longer your here, and thereby my posts become more aggressive. There's nothing you can do of your own intent to annoy me. If anything it makes you more bearable. Its merely the essence of your being that bothers me. Like how everyone ends up picking on david when he's here. It isn't our insecurity, its his unbearable oblivion that becomes tedious and wearing. Like everything you say wears on my ability to tolerate your existence. Is that clearer?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Blah blah blah, squawk squawk squawk.

      You're such a tool. I just said that to contradict you.:)

      I didn't ask you to clarify anything; your opinion means nothing to me. But I look forward to leading you to greater and greater heights of annoyance, now that I know how much "the essence of my being" bothers you! :D

    6. You just figured it out? You really are not very bright.

    7. So let me get this straight. I'M not very bright, because YOU feel the compulsion to repeat yourself like a stuttering fool concerning just how much you dislike me- so it's MY fault that you act like such colossal bitch.

      I "wear on your ability to tolerate my existence" (LOL!)... But *I'm* self-righteous?

      Jeepers Squawker! You've really outdone yourself this time, both in terms of drama and idiocy. :)

    8. (I just smoked a big fat spliff so I am feeling very contemplative and decidedly unaggressive.) :-)

      Look Kany. I don't actually dislike you, or anyone else in this carnival. I am emotionally disengaged here. I'm playing games, and selectively revealing things that I've never been able to purge anywhere else. I'm having fun.

      But if I really inspire all of these negative feelings in you, I humbly suggest that you refrain from reading my comments in the future. Now don't misunderstand me. We both know that you are free to feel and express whatever antipathy towards me you desire. If that is really how you wish to waste your energy, I'll more than likely continue to buzz around your head like an annoying little gnat- because it really does amuse me to do so, and I'm impulsive like that. :) But I think you can agree, from a logical standpoint, that there are more productive ways for both of us to expend our energy.

      I'll be perfectly candid. The antisocial streak in me relishes the fact that I inspire such antipathy in you, but this is not something in my character that I actively wish to encourage. So I am offering you a truce. I apologize for the mean things I've said to and about you. Let's just ignore each other from this point forward.

    9. Youre not very bright because picking on you is a pastime for me. All you ever do is open yourself up to insult, and i like saying a thing or two to watch you make a fool of yourself. My favorite part is that you dont know that you do it. Alter, as I've mentioned, I don't typically read more than the first sentence of your paragraphs.
      In general, I find your, and narcissism in general, unbearably ignorant and narrow minded.
      I'll take squeaker instead of squawker, and I'll take back Jeepers. Thanks.

    10. So you enjoy feeling all of these negative, hostile emotions on account of a perfect stranger, to the point where you consider yourself barely able to tolerate my existence?

      Jeepers you creeper! What kind of masochist are you?

      Oh yeah, that's right. The kind who was insecure enough to marry a person who will unapologetically cast her aside like a used up rag doll the moment her charms dry up, and who thus feels insecure and threatened by self-confident women in healthy relationships with men who truly love them. No wonder I frustrate you so much.

      What you don't appear to realize is that I make a fool of you every single time you open your mouth, Kany. You lack the mental perspicacity to debate with any degree of shrewdness or acumen, so you just sound like a whining bitch. So I think I'll stick with Squawker. It suits you perfectly.

  11. Just noticed the new featured comment. When I read it, the first time, it stuck with me. That is pretty profound that ME would put it up. I will tell you the truth, I don't understand all of it. When this happens, it is an emotional denseness, that I recognize by now ~

  12. Well, that's the problem. I don't get "crummy" because of something, I just get crummy. Regardess of what I do or what happens.

    1. You are going to have to face what is under the surface "symptom" which is cutting. If you medicate the external problem, you will never really get to the root, which is probably a great deal of pain, rage, betrayal and other feelings such as this.

    2. What was going on with your love the first time this happened?

    3. Not a clue. It started about a year ago, and while I did know her back then, we only became close three months ago.

    4. Hmm. What was going on in your life when it started? School? Home? Etc.

    5. Nothing major. I was still in school. Family was (and still is) normal. I quit school, but that was almost three months after I first had mood swings.

    6. Why did you quit school?

    7. Do you feel like you are underwater, Wheatley?

    8. Because it was boring. And I didn't quit permanently. I plan to try again this year. Probably going to be one of those years for people who have no idea what they want to do for the rest of their lives though.

      Nope. Not at all.

    9. So this anorexic friend. How well do you know her?

  13. Your blood sugar must be dropping and causing that crummy feeling, Wheatley. Eat something often, wheat crackers?

  14. The first time I went to a movie alone was tough. I felt as if I was all alone in the world (was soon after my first major break-up). By now, I get annoyed when watching a movie with a friend who needs to spurt a thought during the movie.

    The conveniences of movies, restaurants, planes, roads alone are a lot. Once one gets used to it, it becomes really tough to travel with someone else. I choose a travel partner only if I know s/he will not be a burden. If one is charming one is never really alone during travels, for one thing there are all these other solo charmers around, plus empaths work harder to make solo/sola travelers than couples or large groups.

    1. make solo travelers happy that is...

      socios would not work any less hard to make solos happy either, who knows what opportunities they see in the solos.

    2. they prob see you as horny, cougar, divoree with cash. Watch out for those other solo charmers know what i'm talkin bout, sceli?

    3. check out the new batman great sideshow
      (why so serious)

    4. Sceli, I find it regrettable that you've returned.

    5. Shut up Squawkbox. Welcome back Sceli.

    6. Kany
      Why don't you like Sceli?

    7. Welcome back Sceli. It's been a while. So what personality disorder have you chosen to portray this time around? You knocked out three already.

  15. What’s up Psychos?

    So, a friend of mine has been telling me about this web site. She believes some of you people to be legitimately crazy. Says she loves to read the discussions and arguments. Says she posted a couple of times, but is too apprehensive to do so in any form other than anonymously. Said she thought I might like this place as some of you seem to think like I do. I don’t know what she means by that.

    I bought this computer a few days ago and decided to read through some of this shit. It is interesting. But what the fuck are you all doing? What the fuck is going on here? It appears to be some giant orgy of self-licking ice cream comes to me. Bunch of you come here and throw all your shit our here for what? To get real help? You fucks are sad! Throw your shit out there to draw others into attacking you and thereby starting an argument? You really can’t find anything better to do… Everyday! Some of you pathetic fucks seem to live on this site.
    Those of you here just fucking with people in the disguise of trying to assist are fucking a riot! You guys I like. Keep up the great laughs.

    As for my friend, I don’t know what she thinks about me but she and I really need to have a talk. Other than a few care free types I’ve read who know how to live their lives unrestricted, I can’t find much in the way of a thought that seems familiar to the what’s going on in my head.

    1. Hey, Tyler Hurr-Durr,

      Glad to see you have found one more place on the internet you can swing your e-dick around and hope no one notices it's a fucking vienna sausage. It's always nice watching someone stick their nose where it doesn't belong. If you don't like it here, there's always another option: fuck off. Actually, one more: eat shit and die. In case you didn't catch it, you're not suffering from sociopathy, or let's be honest, psychopathy. Most of us have taken to using sociopathy, even though it's not a clinically relevant word anymore, because having "psycho" in your title gets a little irritating. Now back to you; what you're suffering from is called Narcissism or NPD. I apologize for enabling you by posting anything, but my quest to educate often overrides my desire to make the world a healthier place. Now, take that vienna sausage of yours, stick it up your ass, and move on, fuckwit.

    2. WTF? I've posted a single post and been diagnosed already by some unkown, what was that you called yourself, "sociopath" becuase your feelings got hurt by the word "psycho"? Are you guys for real? I didn't say I was anything. I said a friend told me I "thought" along your lines; I want to kill myself if I'm anything like you guys. This place is just one big masturbation session from what I can tell.

      And your ability to insult sucks! "e-dick"? LOL!

    3. Hmm. This could be good.

    4. *clap clap* anon 9:32

    5. WTF? I’ve already been diagnosed off of one post by some unknown psycho who wants to be called “sociopath” because “psycho” hurts your feelings?

      I didn’t say I was anything, retard. I said a friend suggested this place because she thought I think like some that post here. I think if this is how I am perceived, as a bitch with problems looking to vent my shit everywhere; I need to kill myself. As should most of you. This really is a group masturbation center isn’t it?

      Also, you suck at insults. “e-dick”? LOL!

    6. Round of applause!!!!

    7. One, you weren't "diagnosed". You got my impression of what your asinine post would indicate that your friend might be misconstruing. Take it with a grain of salt, or preferably with an ampule of hydrochloric acid. As for psycho hurting my feelings, if you even think that's possible, you've already misunderstood what we are, end of story.

      "I didn't say I was anything, retard." No one claimed you did, you mental midget, or is that too hard for you to read? I know I used a few words with more than 4 letters, and that's my bad, so let me bring it down to your level. Fuck off, shit bag. Clear enough? And yes, you are immediately perceived as a bitch looking to spew your shit everywhere; how else would you perceive someone who goes to a blog for a group of people with a specific condition, identifies they do not have that condition, and then proceeds to post a vitriolic foray into moral turpitude that wouldn't even pass for civil conversation among the depraved, shit-eating residents of a long-abandoned asylum. I don't care if you kill yourself, in fact the extant nature of your life is of no consequence to me whatsoever. I'm bored, and that's the only reason I'm taking the time to berate you. I could just as easily be spending this time watching TV, but there's nothing on. And I love when people use masturbation as some sort of bad word, like it's supposed to make people feel bad. That really just shows what an unenlightened little twat you are, reveling in your backwards, goat-fucking ideologies, you pissant. Talk about poor capacity to generate insults, you take the prize.

    8. OK, your first and biggest problem in this place I think will be an overt over defensiveness... and with an anon? Really? If you let an anon get to you that easy you've got a world of hurt headed your way.
      I like your introduction so I'll give you this piece of advice. Don't defend yourself. People here are thick skinned and aggressive and if you're going to let it get to you this is not your blog. Period.

    9. To the anonymous prick up there at 1:07; you're spunky, I like you. What's your real name? First off you left over santorum from mine and your mother's last encounter, argue semantics if you'd like but the fact remains you made a rather quick summary of me based off of what? 200 words? That to me seems absurd and only something and idiot would do. So, How long have you been an idiot? DO you know you're an idiot? I can help you, but it will cost you.

    10. _srM-Kany, not so much defense as a real feeling. I find this place to be a haven for wayward self-gratification vampires. Doesn't mean I don't find it interesting. Kind of like a train wreck or high speed chase against traffic.

    11. How nice of you to respond with nothing new to say except continued ad hominem. You're boring me, get more creative if you want attention. Until you say something worth responding to, I'm remaining radio silent. Ta-Ta for now, Jack's inflamed sense of rejection. Enjoy the Silence.

    12. Now that is just one of the things that kill me about some of you flaming-head-on-fire-look-at-me-I-have-issues-man-residual-snot-from-my-fuck-roots, why do you tell me your ignoring me? Just shut the fuck up.

    13. Go anon! You're doing beautifully!

    14. You all do realize to post something anonymous and then have an anonymous applaud you looks as though this could be a superb example of all the emotional masturbation going on here.

      Let me show you in case you might have had an accident during your last suicide attempt causing you to be just a little mentally challenged.

    15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    16. Oh, I love me some Tyler Durden!

    17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    18. Thanks for delivering your own killing blow, Jack's Colon. For those keeping track, that's now 5 diagnostic elements provided by Tyler Durden. Although my initial assessment was hasty, I had limited time and space to provoke a response, and narcissists have a terribly short attention span when they don't feel degraded, so I had to launch into provocation a little earlier than I usually would.

      Here's the breakdown:
      1. "As for my friend, I don’t know what she thinks about me but she and I really need to have a talk."
      -Has a grandiose sense of self-importance

      2. "WTF? I’ve already been diagnosed off of one post by some unknown psycho who wants to be called “sociopath” because “psycho” hurts your feelings?"
      -Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)

      3. "What's your real name?"
      -Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations

      4. "I find this place to be a haven for wayward self-gratification vampires. Doesn't mean I don't find it interesting. Kind of like a train wreck or high speed chase against traffic."
      -Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others (I gather this is the one his friend confused for sociopathy and sent him here about)

      5. "Other than a few care free types I’ve read who know how to live their lives unrestricted, I can’t find much in the way of a thought that seems familiar to the what’s going on in my head."
      -Is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her

      6. "Some of you pathetic fucks"
      -Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

      To sum up, takes 5 of 9 behavioral aspects to diagnose NPD, and Tyler Durden went 6 of 9. Winner winner chicken dinner. And as if to demonstrate the ultimate predictable response of a narcissist, his 2:03 post is an uncontrolled rage attack at someone who denied him the attention he desires.

      QED, you're welcome for the free diagnosis, now GTFO and find a forum for people like you to troll.

    19. This is known as "making the facts fit the theory", M.E.

    20. Love Humble Opinion You Scared Little Bastard.
      1. Duh! Which of you self pretentious know it alls aren't.
      2. You really didn't catch the sarcasm? Spunky, good; stupid, not so good.
      3. Again with the sarcasm. If you had thrown your any name out so suddenly would have been skeptical at best and extremely stupid at worst. You take me for a fool. Silly.
      4. So I have been told.
      5. Depends.
      6. See 1.
      Now, to you who will not be named. I'm glad you can read a journal and decide you know a thing or two. Your arrogance to assume you understood the context of my posts from only and few hundred, maybe a thousand-plus, words shows you to be the blow-hard you are. Show your face and then asses me. What say ye?

    21. I love me the Anon!

    22. You think you're any less "anonymous" as Tyler Durden, a fictional character? Pot calling the kettle black, much?
      We can hold a conversation if you'd like to lose the attitude, it's not like it's hard to figure out when i'm posting and who i'm responding to. You aren't getting my face, you don't deserve that respect as you haven't provided any. And as for reading a journal and deciding i know a thing or two, i never said my diagnosis was a medically applicable or even accurate diagnosis, just my impression of your overall personality as depicted in your posts and analyzed via what i learned in my several years of psychology education. If you want a real diagnosis and treatment plan, seek a professional.

      To anon @ 3:22 As i was just telling tyler, it's not a professional medical opinion or a full diagnosis, just an analysis of the information he has elected to provide through a filter of some, admittedly limited, psychology understanding.

    23. HA! Jokes on you twit. Tyler Durden is my real name. Just not the same spelling on my birth certificate. Fun time growing up with this name. .
      You use the word respect, is there such a thing in a sociopath's world? If so for what?
      I don't need treatment nor professional help; but thank you for supporting a need to ask my original questions, what the fuck are you all doing here? Self help? Group hugs? Amateur Psych experiments? Seems like most here just need a good glass of "suck-it-the-fuck-up" and get on about their merry way.
      What's your gig, Anon? Which reason fits you?

    24. Well, the polite tone is appreciated M.E. My response is that I’d guess that most people on here may understand that it wasn’t a professional medical opinion.. much less a full diagnosis. A professional diagnosis certainly wouldn’t be conducted thus.

      (It looks like Tyler’s posts were deleted by yourself at 2:38 and 2:39 - perhaps?)

      Btw. I didn’t post at 3:46.

    25. Since this anon thing is getting out of hand for the moment, i'd like to just identify that my posts were:


      all other anons were someone else (in case you couldn't gather.

      And with that, i'm done dealing with someone who insists on being a rude troll, even when handed the olive branch. I'll be posting no more on this thread.

    26. Again with the incessant need to declare all your actions as if the public needs to know. Don't tell me your not posting anymore, just kill yourself and be done with it.

    27. Hello Tyler, I don't see the "narc" in you myself - I think the term is now in danger of becoming something of a "catch-all", though I hope am mistaken.

      I’d like to inform forum users who are not aware, that you did approach this site very politely yesterday and were not exactly received well. (M.E. was not involved in that exchange however.) Posting this is an attempt to create fairness in this matter - though I acknowledge that it is my opinion and open to debate, naturally.

    28. jimbob is the anon. bird of death is the cheerleader. find them both in the forum. both seem pretty pathetic to me and make tyler look good, as stupid as his name is.

    29. Jimbob just arrived here, like, today and is trying to show off and impress talk about narc

  16. I'm going to say something here, simply because i haven't really noticed it said yet. The difference between a sociopath and a "normal" person, is that the sociopath has NO limits to action. There is not a single point at which a sociopath will say "maybe i shouldn't do this" or "this is wrong". So if you think it's a good idea to confront her, in any way shape or form, you might want to seek mental help yourself. The fact is, you may go looking for a fight, but a sociopath's road never stops until they run out of asphalt, yield signs mean nothing. Now that i've put it nicely and beat around the bush, let me put it bluntly in case i didn't get through yet. If she IS an sociopath, and you DO confront her and make her feel cornered, she will have NO qualms about murdering you. The only question that will make her slow down and think is "Where will i hide the body?" Don't confront a sociopath, it's just a bad fucking idea.

    From Jimbob on the Forum

    This is one of the most profound things I have ever heard on here. Thank you Jimbob.

    1. Ha ha. There is nothing profound there.You only say that because you said the same thing yourself not long ago. you really do love yourself alot

    2. shut up eden :D

  17. i have a zit on the inside of my nose and was so annoying scratched it open and half of my nose (inside) hase got a crust on it now and still i can't stop scratching that

    1. pain the nose pitn

    2. soft sm annyone?

    3. ther's more than 3 hols in the body let's get kinky

    4. it's not sculfucking but it's close

  18. The Frank and Eric Fomentile Phd(s) Award for Psychological ExcellenceJuly 23, 2012 at 10:55 AM

    We want to present this award to Kany for her psychological acumen.

  19. narc, socially acceptable target or not?

  20. *TFS* Hellsing Ultimate Abridged Episode 1
    just discoverd this (problebe late)
    it'z a hoot

    1. o my god i lost my phone... now i cant post on her while im at work :(

  21. I have to say that I had a better day. A friend came over and I was more relaxed and just let myself be, without feeling I had to fit some mold. I think I am going to like letting it rip :D

  22. See what I mean ^^^ masturbation.

    1. Hey YOU. What is masturbation about that?

    2. Keep stroking...

    3. Dude, there's nothing masturbatory about that. It's a major TURN OFF.

    4. BoD
      I wanted to say something to you. I think you are very cool. Can we be friends :D

    5. Keep stroking...

    6. Monica, Monica, Monica.
      You just can't stop seeking attention, can you?

    7. Sometimes, I talk to get people talking, rather than because I want it all about me.

  23. Monica, do you have sex with everyone that is nice to you at work or everywhere else?

  24. Gunge deleted his farewell post :(

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. If you build it, they will come. If you ingnore the one who stirs up trouble, then he will go.

  27. “After spending time with my family recently, I am more convinced that nurture had a significant role to play in my development into a sociopath. When people ask me whether I had a bad childhood, I tell them that it was actually relatively unremarkable, however I can see how the antisocial behaviors and mental posturing that now define me were incentivized when I was growing up — how my independent emotional world was stifled and how understanding and respect for the emotional world of others died away. Still I don’t think I was “made” into a sociopath, nor was I born one. I feel like I was born with that predisposition, that I made a relatively conscious decision to rely on those skills instead of developing others, and that the decision was made in direct response to my environment and how I could best survive and even thrive in that environment.”

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