A reader discusses how she didn't really believe that her friend was a sociopath:
Obviously at that time I had no idea about those boundaries and actually at the time I didn't even take seriously about J being diagnosed as ASPD. So I really had no idea who I was dealing with. I thought falsely that time, since I didn't know much about sociopathy, that it was just an excuse for people acting like dicks and to murder people. I thought that they had weak impulse control because they weren't strong enough to control themselves and other people enabled them too much. Even when she tried to explain to me seriously I just kinda blew it off in disbelief.
Even in reading sociopathworld I felt disbelief mostly because I saw the comments and I thought a lot of those people were idiots and also narcissists and were not really sociopaths. Now months after the fact I know better that sociopathy is very real and most likely has to do with genetics and of course, environment. I still though believe a lot of the comments are from people that are confused about their identity or are narcissists.
I don't know if you have ever revealed to any of your friends that you were diagnosed with ASPD or if they even know that you own sociopathworld, but if you ever did reveal your diagnosis what was their response? If the sociopath was very talented at wearing their masks I think most people would react just like me in disbelief and blow it off.
Also on the topic of masks, do you ever get weary of wearing all these various masks? And out of all the masks which one do you prefer to wear the most?
I think the mask J wears the most is the one where she is the cute and charming flirt. This mask comes with a sweet mouth full of compliments that she dispenses freely. She is easy to talk to and a bit of a tease, smiles easily and laughs even when she is secretly annoyed on the inside. The combination of her coming off as already cute and pretty with an amiable personality makes a deadly combination and lets her catch her prey so effortlessly. Men and women alike fall under her spell so easily and lulled into a sense of security not even realizing that they might possibly be taken advantage of. It's fascinating like watching a siren playing with her hair and singing while leading men to their impending doom. Even for you, I can almost see your blog as like an army or cult and you are the head priest.
Oh, one last thing do you ever feel like you can't trust charming people the most? Before I met J I was already suspicious of people who were charming. It confuses me how easily people can be befuddled or lose any kind of rationality once they meet someone who is BSing hard to their face and acting friendly. To me those are always the ones to look out for cause they want something from you.
unless you show your true nature people would never consider you to be a sociopath.
ReplyDeletewho is more deluded? the person that doesn't act like a sociopath and calls themselves a sociopath.
ReplyDeleteor the person who has been acting like a sociopath their whole lives and diagnosed themselves sociopath?
ReplyDeleteTNP was all pissy last night because no one thought he was sexy lololololol.
ReplyDelete@anon 7:49
ReplyDeleteHeh, I know...I felt a bit bad about that...I was a little harsh with his score...Might raise him from a 3 to a 5 or 6 at least...
aren't sociopaths delusional?
ReplyDeletePeople get deluded BY sociopaths. They put seeds in your head to fuck with you. They'd prob even like to toy with you if you're gullible and make you think you're a sociopath.
ReplyDelete^ which makes you a toy, not a socio
ReplyDeleteI dub thee General Patton
ReplyDeleteWe think TNP is sexy.
ReplyDeleteDon't feel bad. It was fucking hilarious! LOL. He deserves a 3 for all his nonsensical whining. You shouldn't have put Ukan on the list. He's fuckig rank! TNP is like one of those nutters on XFactor with a tragic story to tell and ever shuts the fuck up about it. Please. Stop. Talking. We don't give a crap about your tragedies and we're not impressed. And Ukan is like one of those scrawny junkies that sits next to you on the bus shaking life a leaf!
ReplyDeleteHeh, those were some funny images you left me with anon 8:01...That put things into perspective for me....
ReplyDeleteEveryone is off the list apart from Mis from on....:P
*from now on
ReplyDeleteMy boyfriend broke up with me because I would not accept other woman, as well as me.
ReplyDeleteI was devastated. However, as time has passed, I am so glad he did. I see that my life would have been ruined, if I tried to make it work with him, under the conditions he wanted. The best thing he did for me was to leave me.
Ukan is rank is fucking right. Get him off the list, now. Don't wait a minute longer.
ReplyDelete@To any woman who is interested. I am available. Sweet Cheeks made her feelings known, last night, by ignoring me.
ReplyDelete@Lass, you should put Frank on the list.
ReplyDeleteI told you Frank. You could have had me and I would have put a smile on your face, ten miles wide.
ReplyDeleteMis and TNP stay on my list, I also like Daniel and Postmodern.
ReplyDeleteSo I have my own list and rating.
I was thinking about a situation and want to know if there's any valid point to it.
Empathic people must seem like an emotional mindfield. When you are getting to know them you search out their triggers, you call them weaknesses and insecurities and file this away.
When the time comes that you know that you've triggered or stepped on the minefeild and their emotion comes out, you have several options depending on what this person is to you. Damage control, use guilt or attack or see them as so weak you drop them.
Anyone see this as relavant to them.
No one's on the list now apart from Mis, people :P I welcome any suggestions for a new list though hehe...
ReplyDeleteFrank, you're an internet creep. NOBODY wants you on their list or wants to be your girl! No wonder Sweetcheeks ran. Ukan and TNP join you on the creep list!
ReplyDeleteCreep list. New entires:
Hot list------->
ReplyDeletesweetcheeks, haven, lass.
ReplyDeleteI've seen a little bit of Harv so I get why he's on your list but...who's Jason? I've not seen him....
That would depend on your motives Jane. Either way it all comes down to if you enjoy ones company or not. Life goes on either way
ReplyDeleteYour layout was better than mine, haha..Anyways, i'm not known enough to be on your list...but thanks..
I have a few big fish to fry right now and fortunately for me, none of the fishes happen to be here.
ReplyDelete@Ladies, Big Frank only wants you if you can get a rise out of Little Frankfurt.
ReplyDeleteI'll be your girl under only a few conditions Frank.
ReplyDelete1. You clean the house
2. You cook all the food
3. You bear the children. Not possible? Find a way!
4. You satisfy every sexual urge I have.
5. You sit inside whilst I go hang out with my friends every night.
Any questions?
That doesn't seem equal.
ReplyDeleteBella, they seem to not be able to sustain a relationship.
ReplyDeleteWould it be easier to know that they are a sociopath at some point, hopefully near the beggining of the relationship?
I think it would.
But then a lot of people choose not to continue.
How am I on the creep list I don't flirt or want anythibg to do with you whores.
ReplyDeleteUKan, you are the creep. I should not be on the creep list, with you, when I treat the ladies with respect. I joke around a little, but I love my ladies.
ReplyDeleteThis post reminds me of bluebird. No opinion that lasts longer than a paragraph. I don't see there as being a point to directly address anything else about it... and from the hot or not peanut gallery I gather everyone else agrees.
ReplyDeleteWhy you calling us all whores? The creep list is one person...And the sexy votes are just fun..
ReplyDelete"I don't want anything to do with you whores"
ReplyDeleteUkans wife picked a winner.
It all depends on the person and the goals really. I like to hyper categorize people so I know what I am dealing with but that is me. One they are categorized, I look at the risks.
ReplyDeleteI also like poker.
Tnp, we had the shaman list already. Its roughly the sleezy idiot hippy druggy Mafia drug dealer soldier that every girl dates. They collect lies from each other or something to woo unsuspecting naive girls into relationships that usually benefit them. Girls want to grow them up, they want to use someone.
ReplyDeleteFrank will travel, at his own expense, to meet any lady who
ReplyDeleteis interested.
Little Frankfurt will not come out until I have wined and dined my lady like a queen.
I did, didn't I.
ReplyDeleteFrank, what kind of girls do you like and what are you looking for?
ReplyDelete@Anon 9:15 True dat. If she has him, no other pitiful woman has to worry about him ha ha ha
ReplyDelete@Lass, I am very fussy. She has to be like top sirloin.
ReplyDeleteLololololol! See! That's what I was talking about earlier! Now Ukan's upset to be on the creepy list just like TNP was upset he wasn't sexy lolol. Jesus, if you didn't care, you wouldn't get angry and start tossing names like 'whore' around Ukan. How funny! The big bad wolf is all hurt, aww.
ReplyDeleteWhat'd you like about Sweetcheeks?
I saw her pretty, 'lil face and I melted. I would treat her like my queen. She would not be lonely, any more.
ReplyDeleteI didn't want to be on your sexy list either. The fact that you think a crippled retarded old lady is sexy discredited it. Get over yourself.
ReplyDeleteCalm down, Ukan. They put me on, too. I am far from creepy. Woman find me very sexy.
ReplyDeleteI take it you're talking about Zhawq? I took him off the list...I've only been on a month so know very little about the characters here...Zhawq was on the list because of the cool profile pic and pleasant manner of speaking....You need to chillax..
Ukan, who could think you are sexy when you act like such an immature cunt? Are you a tranny?
ReplyDeleteI am a cop and a buff guy. I wish I could show you a pic because I would have all the girls.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe the sexy lists have caused so much trouble, haha..
ReplyDeletelol Frank maybe you need to put up a better song than R&B for sweetcheeks
ReplyDeleteYour desperate frank, you are a creep. So are these birds. I'm not angry I just think its ironic that they put me on there when they are the ones angry that I don't return their deperate flirtations. They remind me of this stalker I had.
ReplyDeleteAnon 9:35 I will look for a song for Sweet Cheeks. If she does not respond, other ladies can take me.
ReplyDeleteYou said 'they put me on too'...The creepylist is one person..That's the point I was making earlier..One person put you on the creepy list...
@Ukan if these ladies think I am creepy, they do not know men. I give my girl the world. I cook and do housecleaning. Do you, UKan?
ReplyDeleteWho's angry at you? A couple of anons?
No my wife does that. I earn money and protect the house. Maybe one day frank you will learn how to be a man as well.
ReplyDeleteTo Sweet Cheeks from Frank
A good man helps his missus with house cleaning and cooking. I am proud of myself, UKan.
ReplyDeleteI'm personally not angry...I think you need to chillax...Me and the ladies are just having some fun to pass the time...And some of the guys not to mention...There was a fun debate about the sexiest woman here...I said Eden..
Did she was she was homeless at one time Frank? She sounds a little unhinged.
ReplyDelete@Bella, if Sweet Cheeks does not me, Frank will not throw himself at her. Frank gets woman by charm, not intimidation.
ReplyDeleteIF she even still checks this blog, her account has been deleted.
ReplyDeleteSeems like you would need to post your email or make one for her to contact you, just a little advice.
I'm not angry. Im just calling you out on your self flattery. I woukdnt give any attention to you birds.
ReplyDelete"That it was just an excuse to act like a dick and to murder people."
Frank, you're pretty much creepiness incarnate. Deal with it.
Just be careful Frank, crazy beepers aren't harmless.
ReplyDeleteShe seemed like a bitch
ReplyDeleteFair enough...Next! More hot men please....
ReplyDeleteDidn't you use to have something against Sweetcheeks?
I found here for you Frank
ReplyDeleteBy like, Bella means toy. Wether she plays until the wheels come off, comes down to impulse and control--how much residual enjoyment the toy represents vs. The fun in shattering it. Just kidding, the toy doesn't matter at all. it's wether she'll be implicated, there are always more toys.
(let's assume you really like Bella, she's gorgeous and what's between her ears isnt bad either.)
Now Jane, Bella's your partner in a trust fall. Given that you decided awhile back not to throw her to sheep, do you stand by amused, cheer her on, recognizing she plays in a consensual and straightforward manner-- Or be the imbecile to offer her your trust, for the third time. (Knowing that your pain is her pleasure and that if broken, you'll implicated and have little recourse.)
She really is quite extraordiniary, lithe, long legged, definitely a calendar girl. However, With respect to categorization everyone is in the to be used more thoroughly if need be pile. No one is special, save the extent to which they might amuse or serve. The hyper categorization is an artificial means of checking the chaos that would explode her residency.
So Jane, would you trust Bella as your heart surgeon?
Wv: uplato
ReplyDeleteI am by far the creepiest.
ReplyDeleteUKan, you need to learn how to treat the ladies. If you want your wife to appreciate you, make a roast. Clean the toilet. Real men DO housework, mate.
ReplyDeleteNo joke Frank, you can be a bit of a creeper. But you're not wrong about the cooking and cleaning thing. I do pretty much all the cooking and cleaning in general, but when my SO steps up and does something for me, it's INCREDIBLY appreciated. And who doesn't like an appreciative girlfriend? ::winks::
ReplyDeleteI don't think Grace likes to play nice.
ReplyDeleteSome of the most beautiful things are left unspoken.
Why am I creepy, Haven? I found the best foreplay was doing the dishes after I cooked a fine meal.
ReplyDeleteAre you single, Haven?
I like the creeps...
ReplyDeleteAre you the Grace from last year?
ReplyDeleteAck! Making it worse, Frank...
ReplyDeletelol frank
ReplyDeleteDoing the dishes = foreplay?
ReplyDeleteUm. ::cringes::
I'm seeing someone but I'd consider myself single.
Ladies, I will be honest. Frank acts cool and charming, but cannot find that special lady. What am I doing wrong?
ReplyDeleteLets assume Grace is correct for a minute. What would you do eh Jane?
ReplyDeleteI think anon is right about how some things are best left unspoken. But what do I know about anything lololol
In all seriousness, I think you know what you want to do. If you just want to break me than I am unsure.
ReplyDeleteI am last year's model. All the Graces were supposed to be nice, I suppose that makes me a defective toy. In any event I don't really speak, that chord seems to be missing.
ReplyDeletePerhaps we should have them all vote Bella?
Frank tries to act like the cool sociopath who gets all the ladies, but Frank is an aspie.
ReplyDeleteOkay, if I understand Bella and grace right, you want to know what I would do if I knew I was being used as a toy because I know that the person is a sociopath.
ReplyDeleteDepends on what I want.
If I want a relationship/freindship, that I am use to where it's mutual and exclusive. No, I wouldn't of myself to that.
But if I enjoy the company of the person and the activities knowing full well what their capable of (not trustworthy, sever mood changes, tantrums, disappearing) yes I can keep that going.
Do I trust them? No. Do I give them more then the time thats spent together? No.
Do I see them again when they want? yes
Well, it is your show and you and I both know that. I personally liked running around in circles with you, but if you are bored with it then you can feed me to the sharks. I knew going in to this it was a matter of time until that happened.
ReplyDeleteWhich Anon is Sweet Cheeks?
ReplyDeleteIt would just be one of several relationships in my life, not my life.
ReplyDeleteYes, its all Eiderdown when I am out of the room.
ReplyDeleteRE: Unspoken.
ReplyDeleteUKan, you need to learn how to treat the ladies.
Coming from you I will take that as a compliment
Ukan is a..............
ReplyDeleteBig, fat, scummy, no good, junkie, punk ass, sly, pissy, bitched, pussy, piss ant, fucked, slimy, ass cracking, useless,shitty, smacked, loopy, false, pimped, creepy, sneaky, manipulative, numbing, whiny, low life little scumbag with no balls who shits on everybodys head as he swoops in on his dump rampage and then ass rapes Mis who then ass rapes him harder to prove who the REAL bitch is....all the while his wife is pumping him with her tampon strap on and giving him ten of the best whilst fantasising about Luke's son and wishing they had kept ther play thing around at least to make it to the threesome where they would pull out the big gun and serve cherry pie in an attempt to convince people to stick around to see Ukan's dohnut sized asshole getting pumped like a wild animal by his wife and David as they take turns.....Free of charge! Then TNP will drown in the river of cum.....Bluebird has a plan though, she flaps her little wings over the river and right into socio boy's slimy lap and on his command shits out the kid right there and then and tosses it in the river with the rest of the garbage...TNP's body suddnely floating to the surface as all the air in his head travels to his abdomen....Sweetcheeks crys hysterically in the corner as she forgot her meds...and her children...Medusa taps away at the keys on the piano miserably and tries her damn hardest not to get a boner at the sight of Ukans bare, clean shaven ass in the corner getting stuffed for xmas and clamps her ear phones down hard in an attempt to block out the surrounding images...Wheatley counts the many hairs in his cock...All three of them..Eden is scarred for life as Zhawq flips from being picked on his whole life and wondering why girls never liked his little flabby ass in high school and pins her to the floor to unleash his micro dick into her cob webbed tomb full of crusty tricks and not sweet treats.....And you can quote me on that son!
Thank you, UKan.
ReplyDeleteIts only funny once, you know, anon.
ReplyDeletefrank is ami
ReplyDeletesociopaths and narcissists have incredibly intimidating body language. i had a sociopathic friend once. walked with his chest out and head in the air, the guy never smiled, just this condescending grin. they are especially scary if their tall.
ReplyDeleteladies love men who treat them like shit. that's why sociopaths are admired by all. hated, but admired.
ReplyDeleteWow, when did this turn into the real world?
ReplyDeleteHe's so sexy,
What, I'm not sexy?
That's it lets fight.
My dick's bigger than yours.
Sweet cheeks doesn't love me, she loves you.
Now lets cry.
If you were as manly as me you'd be unable to handle it.
Women love me
Pay attention to me.
Can we move on? This is a little too high school.
anon above is me.
ReplyDelete"ladies love men who treat them like shit. that's why sociopaths are admired by all. hated, but admired."
ReplyDeletethis is true.
Wow. This Harv fag is cockyer than UKan. Who knew it was possible?
ReplyDeleteOnly victims want men to treat them like shit. Thats for people who can't handle happiness.
ReplyDeleteAnd to a degree I agree with the body language thing. Though I think sociopaths have very controlled body language. Always in power, but not always aggressive.
Fluffy, If we wanted to speak with you, we wouldn't have posted as the anonomi.
Harv makes UKan look like Taylor Swift.
ReplyDeletefrank is ami
You know I was suspecting that last night, so now I think it's true.
Men love women that treat them like shit.
ReplyDeleteharv is ami
ReplyDeleteI've been telling you people this for weeks.
ReplyDeleteWho's Harv?
ReplyDeleteHarv is substantially smarter than Ami. It can't be him.
ReplyDeleteFrank is an aspie.
ReplyDeleteFrank I seen people with social anxiety with more game than you.
ReplyDeleteNo not Harv, I've been saying Frank and half of Monica is Ami.
ReplyDeleteHarv is a female acting like a male.
ReplyDeleteHarv is Ami . You are all idiots.
ReplyDeleteWomen like men to be confident and in control, not the ones that treat them like shit.
ReplyDeleteMonica is sweetcheeks.
ReplyDeleteJason is Frank.
ReplyDeleteif i disappear then you know why i am already up shit creek irl
ReplyDeletewhy not have a little fun before i go :P
UKan is Gaddafi.
ReplyDeleteIsn't Jason an aspie?
ReplyDeleteHe's a malignant aspie.
ReplyDeleteFrank is a social retard.
ReplyDeleteNot to be a butt kisser, but Harv is such a nice name.
ReplyDeleteKurt cobain had more charisma than Frank.
ReplyDeleteYa know, I know this sounds crazy, but I think a I is too dumb to be harv. I think harv is another idiot, but not as idiotic as ami... like a not able of sorts.
ReplyDeleteNow or when he was alive?
ReplyDelete"Now or when he was alive?"
ReplyDeleteIt was a joke. Kurt Cobain had the charisma of a wet sock.
I hate to say it but I agree with jane. Women like men to be in control and confident or powerful. Not to treat them like shit.
ReplyDeleteAnd i think harvs motive to get me out of character with the beating thing is beyond amis caliber.
I hate that fucking Erin.
ReplyDeleteHarv has charisma.
ReplyDeletetoo many dragons to little time
ReplyDeleteWho is sweetcheeks?
ReplyDelete"Now or when he was alive?"
ReplyDelete"It was a joke. Kurt Cobain had the charisma of a wet sock."
correct. that was the joke.
i know. i just thought i'd use it to further my joke.
ReplyDeleteFrank seems like he is slow.
ReplyDeletePeople, Jason is Frank.
ReplyDeleteno Jason hated Sweetcheeks
ReplyDeleteMaybe, Jason wanted to play Sweetcheeks, then.
ReplyDeleteHi Medusa
ReplyDeleteUkan, I blame you for all of this. Now everyone is obsessed with trying to figure out who everyone is. Like it matters.
ReplyDeleteLol. Bunny, you've stirred up more chaos than people can keep up with.
ReplyDeletejust because i see us as sisters does not mean i am Ami ;)
you remind me of my Mom so I see us a family
ReplyDeleteHaven, noone is any of these people.
ReplyDeleteYes Fluffy, Snuggly is just that powerful.
Shut the fuck up bitch.
ReplyDeleteHah. I agree.
ReplyDeletehaven. would you like a little sociopath brother? would that be cool?
ReplyDeletelol i am entertained Fluffy
ReplyDeleteor sister?
ReplyDeleteMy family is already BPD and bipolar, what's a little sociopathy between family?
ReplyDeleteHas anyone seen burn after reading? I just thought of George clooney in that movie and it reminded me of this site, for some reason.
ReplyDeleteBanana bread is almost done ;-)
ReplyDeleteUgh. I saw Burn After Reading. I have to say, I didn't like it at all. It was so completely contrived and absolutely everyone overreacted to everything.... so yeah, I can see why it would remind you of this place a bit, haha.
ReplyDeleteI have a secret
ReplyDeletecome closer
ReplyDeleteBut who cares who you guys think is hottest anyway? It seems more like a personality popularity list than a hot list. I care about if real life people think I'm attractive...not really if people here do.
ReplyDeleteI am completely normal. I just married a sociopath who does all manner of illegal things. We have the perfect marriage and perfect life because I am the most normal person you will ever meet.
ReplyDeleteI'll murder you anon
ReplyDeletepeople who say they are the most normal are usually the most abnormal, inside. didn't jeff dahmer say he was a normal guy?
ReplyDeletebecause a machine, a terminator can learn the value of human life. maybe we can too?
ReplyDeleteLol. I don't claim that we're perfect. We've just negotiated our faults in ways that work very well for both of us... and we lovses each other. :P
ReplyDeleteI dont care about legal standards that people try to instill. It doesn't matter to me that he's illegitimate. It matters to me that he's very good at it... and everything he aspires for. He's strong enough to take care of me, ambitious enough to build our home, and bunny enough to meet all my other needs. We aren't perfect, we're happy, there's a difference.
We could be considered normal. Just in a weird way. :-)
ReplyDeleteShut up you embarrassment! You're just pissed no one picked you as hot. And they were right not to!
Lol @ Bunny.
ReplyDeletei know now why you cry. but it's something i can never do.
Besides, I always wanted to marry a drug dealer.
ReplyDeleteBluebird, now you get to come in on your judgement train? How hippy. And how deserving you are of the condescension.
ReplyDeleteKanney, Bluebird thinks it's safe to come out to play....It's not! Bluebird, you make a mockery of yourself. Now flap those little wings elsewhere.
ReplyDeletei am not much of a crier in fact it is quite rare-i m a good fake crier
ReplyDeleteAnon....I don't really expect people here to like me at this point. It hurts my feelings, sure.
ReplyDeletebut I'm not worried about my hotness. Might have something to do with all the hot guys in real life who are pretty into me....girls too. Since this place isnt really real after all...I realized it was silly for me to care how hot you people think I am. I am not worried that anybody in real life would give me a four. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteWtf are you talking about? You're so hostile. It's really crazy. The animosity is seriously getting out of hand. I have not even been talking to you.
Tell me all about yourself, while I reveal nothing. Then, when you are done, I will fuck with you. Any takers?
ReplyDeleteYou guys need a new ami, but it's not gonna be me. I promise you.
ReplyDeleteThan maybe you should stop coming on here to try to prove to us how special you are. We haven't bought it, We aren't going to buy it. We also know how much you care about what we think, and this face you're trying to put on is getting laughable. No its been laughable. Now it's just getting insane.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm glad your back. You're much more entertaining than the hot or not lists.
ami actually wasn't attacked as much as you are. your reactionary, that's why they will keep attacking you.
ReplyDeletebut I'm not worried about my hotness.
You should be. I saw your picture and let me tell you that it's fortunate that hippy guys don't care where they stick their cocks. You have no body at all. Zero. And your personality is just as flat.
Where's her pic? I want to see...
ReplyDeletei don't know why you'd call yourself bluebird on a sociopath blog. you are asking to be prey.
ReplyDeleteThey'll keep attacking me cuz I pissed ukan off.
ReplyDeleteBefore I went against him, I was cool with everybody.
You're all his little pawns. It's pretty pathetic.
She showed it a while back
ReplyDeleteI dont ask people to tell me about themselves unless they're interesting. Eden and Medusa interest me. I have no foul motives, bluebird put herself together. She's dumb by her lonesome. I just like figuring complex people out. And i can't stand glaring insecurity. Like sweetcheeks. She needed to talk way too bad to be interesting.
ReplyDeleteYou do look like a old beat up mattress blubird. At 19? Wow. I wonder what you will look like at 40.
ReplyDeleteBluebird, you're dreaming. Its actually your fault... be accountable to your faults. We don't have a valiant leader we follow into battle, it's just, as you say, we can't stand bullshit. The worst part is you just don't know you're bullshit. And its boring.
ReplyDeleteHah. You were cool with me, too, ukan, until I started spouting thoughts that pertained to your crafty little lies. You just couldn't stand that I said a foul word against you. and everyone here is your bitch. It's gotten pretty boring.
ReplyDeleteAmi used her crazy humor to fight back at everyone who attacked her.
ReplyDeleteLol. That's pretty deluded.
ReplyDeleteIf its boring, why are you still here trying so hard to prove yourself.
There's not one word I can say that would make a difference to any of you. I could give a speech, but it wouldn't change anybody's mind. It's too bad none of you can think for yourselves.
ReplyDeleteThere isn't any reason for me to stay here-anyway, I have a life to attend to. This has been a fun distraction, but thinking back on it, I think the real world is where I belong.
People here are so sad they need to invent their wives. LOL. How lonely, UKan, how sad and bitter you must be, probably an ugly fuck yourself.
Bye bye.
shit. ukan got to her.
ReplyDeletewhatever bluebird you fucking moran
ReplyDeleteI never liked you blubird, I just ignored you. That's not getting along, that's just not noticing you exist. You haven't uncovered any lies, you have just lied to yourself. I can see how socioboy has got you wrapped up. Your insane rantings about some big conspiracy being played against you just shows more of how much of a idiot you are. I guess everyone telling you the same thing just means that I have manipulated them all right? Typical delusional thinking. I went from totally ignoring you to making a entire character, deliberatly mispelling, not mispelling, and using two accounts one from a phone that I synch comments from at the same time getting in everyones good graces and pulling their strings all to tell you that your boyfriend doesn't care about you? Is that what you are trying to say? Get over yourself, you are not important to me at all. You think you are special, but in reality you are below par.
ReplyDeleteThe worst part is you just don't know you're bullshit. And its boring.
ReplyDeleteYup. That’s always the worse part. It’s boring because it’s so typical.
daniel. are you good at manipulation? your very logical, so i doubt it.
ReplyDeleteOh, shes so silly. In the real world im sure its much simpler for her to lie to herself and others.
The funny thing is the thing I actually like about this place is the intolerance for bullshit. Its so rare to find people like that in the real world. Delusions are a dime a dozen.
The fridge needs love