A story of exploits: love and marriage (part 1)

Here is a fun story from a reader about his recent exploits:
Dear M.E,
I would like your view point on something that's recently happened on my side of the cage.
I have a "friend" of a friend of mine who on his bucks night decided to get a stripper, now that seems like the norm, not something I'm personally interested in, Anyways back to the story. On his bucks night after the stripper came to his house we moved on to the city to have a few more drinks and to see where the night took us, we ended up at another strip club....fun.
The groom to be proceeded to have coitis with said stripper. I said nothing I like to keep "information" because you never know.
From the strip club to another club we see my wife and her friends dancing away we meet up and have a drink together my wife and I go outside to chat and be "married" we come back in my buck/groom to be is gone, I ask around about the groom and he is said to be in the toilet with none other then my wife's friend, they are making woopie (cute term for what was actually going on). Once again I keep this to myself. We go to the wedding they wed they buy a new house its all happy days, till recently they wronged myself and my wife, I wont say how or why but none the less wronged. I put into action my plan.
THE PLAN - by ME(not you me)
Step 1.Don't let them know I'm upset, I like acting so this will be easy. Have lots of conversations about "adultery, cheating, infidelity". She is a paranoid person in general so making her think about these subjects will be easy as well.
Once these subjects take root in her mind we play the waiting game, I wait till Valentine's Day. I send her a bunch of flowers to the school she works at, then within the flowers is a note "your husband has committed adultery play the game and try and find out WHEN!"
My thoughts on this were as follows.
Flowers in front of her kids and fellow workers = Happy
Note that brings up a lot of topics shes already paranoid about = Sad
Happy + sad = Confused
Confused people make for an easy target, she will inevitably seek out someone to talk to about these "thoughts" she has been having, cue me, I can be very nice and helpful on hard to talk about subjects.
I will lead her to the "right" conclusion.
They had a BIG fight he admits something happened she forgives him we are all happy friends again.
One year passes, they get pregnant. time for step 2.
Step 2.
Month 1 and 2 - I have a new phone to play with, I start sending him random messages saying how I enjoyed myself so much with him.
He did as I thought played them off as a wrong number.
Month 3 and 4 - while around for barbeques and fun activities I started putting perfume into the air conditioner in their room. My wife has a great selection of perfumes she really has good taste I always compliment her on it.
Month 5 and 6 - myself and a mate start showing up every Friday night and Saturday night and taking him out with out making plans she comes home to an empty house, we take him to a strip club so he doesn't want to tell his wife where he has been, I tell him not to say anything because I don't wont my wife to know either, being as though he has already been in trouble with strippers we wouldn't want them to break up. She starts freaking out, but it seemed like she didn't want to say anything because of the baby.
Month 8 - I find some of my wife's lingerie and... well leave evidence on it.....I leave it in his Ute, wait a little to let it dry out etc. I start with the phone calls again and the messages. I send a note written in a woman's handwriting with the same perfume from month 3 and 4. I love how subtle a smell can be but how much power it can have at the same time its very exhilarating, the note says sorry. I send him another text that says I'm sorry I had to tell your wife I couldn't be the mistress anymore and that I accidently left some lingerie in his Ute.... his wife reads it and finds the lingerie - game over for them, they get divorced and she now has a baby by herself and they sell the house and are no longer happy. I win.
My wife has found out about this... from me, I think I wanted someone to know what I did maybe get some credit, but alas she is very.... upset that I have done something like this....I don't know I don't think I'm a sociopath in the basic sense of the word more so I just don't like being fucked over...anyways, what I was wondering is reading that do you think could I of approached it in any other way ? maybe a way that would get me in less trouble... I don't know.
some other me.
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dont mess with cartman
ReplyDeleteA couple of things to say here:-
ReplyDelete1. You're a fucking idiot for telling your wife.
2. You're cunt for doing it in the first place.
3. You could have done something less life corrupting so your wife wouldn't be so upset.
4. You should have married a woman that likes doing that to people.
5. I don't know your wife, but maybe you should of at very least discussed things with her first. (Try to play it off as a joke after if she isn't so accepting.)
6. I don't know what they did you to deserve this, so I'm not sure how I would of handle it. Too vague, you need to elaborate more.
7. I don't play games with people like that, they're bigger and meaner people that deserve this. Focus your energies on them if you still feel the need to hurt others. Good people, (no matter stupid they get sometimes) should protected, one minor offense (by the sounds of things) should not arouse this pointless act(though knowing people like you, I doubt you could stop yourself from doing it anyway).
Who the fuck even cares dumbass. The guy was a cheater, he deserved every single that happened (so did the wife for being a dumbass and forgiving him). Seriously though, who the fuck cares? Are you their lawyer or something?
DeleteMaybe the reason your wife is upset is because she thinks that the level in which you went about getting even was far more wrongful than how you were actually wronged.
ReplyDeleteThere are more subtle, yet quite effective ways to seek revenge that don’t require waiting for holidays and the birth of a child. I mean…all that energy wasted and even your wife couldn’t care less. You're pathetic.
Concerning your second paragraph, although you may have moved on by now.
DeleteInteresting scenario, but rather over the top energy over the years. For whatever reason this suggests a rather weak ego to me. Unable to deal with challenges directly. Why would anyone want to save a feeling of "being wronged" over such a long time. And why is this feeling faulted arbitrarily connected with someone else's sex life or marriage?
If this was part of a film script this would be my first question. I guess I would invent earlier events, stored anger, not necessarily related to the same party but similar issues, that lead up to this "slow motion revenge".
So far what he presented to us are cardboard characters, including himself.
What a huge waste of time. Besides why is he interested in other people's sex life? Or how they celebrate their day before marriage?
Was the childbirth already an attempt to mend a pretty derelict marriage? If so, he may well have helped them both in the long run. In any case the scenario wouldn't worked in a scenario with less secrecy among the couple.
Paranoid = easily jealous? Unable to deal with all the sensual stimuli out there and simply accept it. Knowledge that these stimuli make her man hyperventilate?
In any case, I would consider this whole manipulative scenario as a huge waste of energy, event he energy of feeling faulted.
this wasn't meant to be so long. Strictly this is all that is needed from my perspective. Ideally in the correct grammar:
DeleteIn any case, I would consider this whole manipulative scenario as a huge waste of energy, why not deal with the event that caused the realize of this energy "the feeling of being faulted" more directly. If it is worth at long. Why meet someone over the years that apparently you hate so much?
shit happens in a hurry:
Deletethe realize = the release.
This is the sick shit that has our country so fucked up. The sociopath is a coward that can not directly confront an "idiot" who has done "wrong". Most of these sheeple haven't the slightest cue WHY they are transgressing another's boundaries. Be virtuous and confront/resolve the situation directly. If your cognitive prowress is not as Great as you profess it to be, then taking a punch in the face for once, is always a beneficial experience. It's always a good way to recalibrate your world perspective. Besides, you'll ok. And... You will definitely "Feel" that! No tears, or crying to the Nanny police. Try to maintain some sense of dignity please.
DeleteMost of all, thank you for sharing your example of cowardly sickness- The Long Game. Wake up zombies! The wolves are evrywhere!!!!
Did you already do this plot?
ReplyDeleteIf so, good job, and if not, do it XD! I don't see any problems with this. Shouldn't've messed with your family.
Anonymous.....for someone who is freqenting a site for all things socio, you seem to have a negative reaction to what seems to be a well laid out and executed plan.
ReplyDeleteJD by the looks of the past tense it seems it has already been enacted, bravo I say.
wow, that was fabulous...
ReplyDeletewell, you had to know your wife wouldn't be happy with this, so perhaps telling her was a mistake, in fact telling anyone is giving them power over you... it can later by used to black mail you; if your victim finds out, he'll be the one trying to fuck you.
when you open your mouth and say something, you can't take it back, a mistake that will cost you allot more than any temporary satisfaction you might gain with it.
Best Regards
Maybe this person is narcissistic. They stated that they shared this with their spouse so they could get "credit" for having done it.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Silver. If you are going to do anything you don't ever want found out, it's better to keep it to yourself.
Aerianne. His own marriage in this context would deserve a closer look. Personally I have more respect for couples that deal with these issues more adultly.
DeleteHmm? Still trying to think about this as part of a film script. Or how the larger scenario could or would make sense. The writer is secretly jealous that his "friend" acts out his sexual urges. Let's say if the matter "he and his wife were faulted" in was in fact in the context of a discussion that suggests people should deal with these challenges in marriage in a more open and straightforward way. Of course rarely happens.
Under these conditions the wish to destroy the marriage of someone else would make sense. His evidence is flimsy on the guys later real infidelity. All he told us about could be booked under a "good bye" to his bach existence, maybe even trying to impress his friends. Friends like him.
why should you even care about her feelings on the matter? what do they mean to you. in fact she should be thanking you for removing her friend from a relationship with a partner who was after all adulterous. but just out curiosity, how exactly did they wrong you?
ReplyDeletesome other me
ReplyDeleteDo you feel you got revenge at all? Was it all worth it? Or do you feel any guilt..I mean you must feel some or you wouldn't be writing about it and asking questions.
What difference does it make now anyway..unless you haven't done it yet and you want some ideas of how to go about it differently for fear you may cause more problems than's it worth..don't know. Thanks for the story though.
The only problems that could possibly lie ahead are with his wife.
DeleteWhy should he feel guilty? If he indeed managed to keep reminding himself of the event in which he was faulted over the years. All he wants is revenge and success. That he got, didn't he, at least in the story he tells us.
What I would wonder about, were I his wife, is this: Why did he never tell me how angry this not that important event made him? To extend he stored it over the years. If she was aware of it, it wouldn't have surprised her to the extend it seemingly did, it feels.
Interesting and well executed game, to be sure, but it involved much more patience than I think the typical sociopath would normally have. Of course, we're all different, so unnatural patience might not preclude being sociopathic.
ReplyDeleteThere were, of course, countless other ways you could have exacted revenge for his unnamed wrong towards you. But I agree with others that the main error was telling anyone. Was revenge the point, or was the point to prove how clever you are? A large number of people who would have otherwise gone unpunished are languishing in prison precisely because they couldn't resist verbal ejaculation.
There are many things about your tale that would and should alarm your wife. The fact that you were able to be so patient and devious, enacting a plan that was most likely well more punishment than he deserved, would tend to destroy any trust between you. She must wonder what is to keep you from turning on her that way, for even a minor offense.
Many a well-played game is undone in the very end, by losing or giving away control by talking too much. If you want to avoid creating such problems with your wife in the future, you should probably find someone else to feed your narcissism. Of course, realize that you'll be handing them ammunition every time you open your mouth.
Yeah, I realized that after I pressed the comment button. My fault.
ReplyDeleteAnything else I would have said was polished up nicely by Aerianne, SilverOne, and Gabriel.
The patience used here while excrutiating to employ was worth the payoff I beilive.
ReplyDeleteThe un named wrong being of little value now, was at the time something I felt great anger and abominate for, I have a brother with autisim who they took it upon themselves to berate, belittle and cause great humiliation for ,not knowing he was a relation of mine. I hardly talk to or see my family so they were not to know, My wife said something to them and then they started a little slur campaign through out our circle of friends calling us various names and exacting various shut outs which seemed to cause my wife some great anguish. So I thought to cause some pain.
Are you forced to spent your time with that type of peoples? Are you sure they started the campaign. None of your other friends felt it was wrong?
DeleteWith this context it may well make an interesting movie script. Of course carefully adding a bit more: they deserve it. But why exactly did you not defend your brother, but left it to your wife? If I understand correctly.
Thats pretty supid of them when thinking about the fact that you know all your friends secret shaggering.
DeleteReminds me of a sociopathic friend I had once who couldn't keep his dick to himself. I kept shut about it while we got along. When that ended I didn't make a plot about it, just told his girlfriend. Offcourse she could have refused to believe me, and then a plot would be better. Also it makes me a target for revenge. But who cares. She believed, he was a known womanizer, and the best of all; he knew who had wronged him and I had by that effectively stepped on his toes and ego, and angered him. Too bad he's too cold for that to really last..
No one's blaming you. I personally didn't even need this explanation. I thought what you did was brilliant, besides telling the wife. But you love her, and value her enough to be honest, I would assume. Good on you if that helps you sleep at night:)
ReplyDeleteThat's horrible what they did. It's good that you took care of business. I'm with that. Telling your wife was a flaw though but I guess you know that by now. I wonder if I could ever pull something like that off..na..but I sure could plan it.
Knowing the full reason for the act, I don't think he's going to have trouble with his wife. She probably view's him as a hero, defending his brother and easing her anguish.
ReplyDeleteShe may be upset now but after some time has gone by I'm sure she will understand his motives and appreciate it.
It seems like so much time taken up when the good old cold shoulder works well for most people...still though sounds like the other couple are rejects - I mean a bloke who friggin does that to his future wife and a woman who is so pathetic and blind so as not to see that what her future husband is like....come on!!! They had it coming.
ReplyDeleteI mean a bloke who friggin does that to his future wife
DeleteFor whatever reason this cannot shock me too much. I have to admit.
It could be simply boasting with his virility to his friends around. Well the stripper is one story, the wife's friend is a different one. I spent a lot of time with boys, they had a word for it: stag, deer, the females concerned didn't really matter.
So you split the couple up but haven't openly fallen out with them and still have to bother with them? I suppose you can secretly re-live your victory by still be being close to the after effects and hearing their woes. In normal world someone with balls would have just said straight out to their face about how it was your brother they were belittling. If that wasn't enough to fall out with them if their subsequent whispering campaign fucked you and your wife off just tell your mates they're douches that enjoy making fun out of autistic relatives of yours and that's why you're no longer bothering with them. You could also out his shagging around which might end up having the same end result as something you put a lot of time and energy into. Is it worth the pay off and why not be open about something you're entitled to? There are times when being open might damage you so a secretive plot might be a better way, if you can be bothered but can sociopaths differentiate between this and be able to choose different approaches?
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely my core response. Although I would object to singling Sociopath out, assuming that they make the same assessments like everyone else, at least after they have learned to deal with anger issues, which many of us have to. Apparently negative emotions are not missing in the defective emotional palette. But partly suppressed anger is the core issue here, anger and revenge.
DeleteThere seems to be a huge gap between the report above and the little comment about the larger context. Almost as if it wasn't the same person, but someone fishing for empathy by adding an ethical frame in which only his wife comes out strong, but also pays the price. Apparently some type of justification for why he could not handle it himself more directly.
Ok, still meditating on a script: What could prevent a more direct response, or simply a "cold shoulder". Business connections, what else?
I think some can differentiate.
ReplyDeleteIt depends on how well they know themselves and what they have learned from past experiences. We are making suggestions to this gentleman on how to improve his approach in the future and he will probably take some of the suggestions, put them to use and see what works and what doesn't then refine. That sounds almost militant but that's how I see it.
Jesus Tap Dancing Christ... I have had many reasons and opportunities to do what you did, but FUCK dude. Can you say KARMA?
ReplyDeleteYou are a socio/pyschopath nut job.
That's alot of effort and time spent wasted on ruining three people's lives!
The fact that you don't see that is very scary and you wife is probaly thinking WHO DID I MARRY.
Just go kick his ass or call him a cocksucker or something.
I really hope you are PERFECT because if you aren't you deserve the same treatment.
I am not saying this guy is right but who the fuck are you to dole out that kind of judgment?
Sociopaths ~ahem~ YOU feel as though you have the right to do things like that. Don't get me wrong, I have fantasized about revenge and even doing worse, but the HUMAN side of me and not the monster prevailed.
It's all good though. What comes around, goes around. Even for you socio/psychopath nutjobs!!!!
Ammy, Karma is a nice idea, but I have rarely seen it work in real life. Besides don't you only pay in your next life? Now what if you assume this one is your only one?
DeleteIf you think sociopaths are the only people that manipulate others for their own advantage maybe even destroy their life, you should start to mediate about the term: Manipulation. The original Latin term means basically technique. Try to count the books on Machiavelli for every field of life dominantly in business and politics, it seems.
Fact is our society constantly exploit "the weak" (in whatever field, not only intellectually) it often merges with "polite business" as usual. Live with it, and be less trusting and naive.
Aint you heard Hammy? Life is often unfair, people don’t always get their just desserts and sometimes… GULP… the “bad guys” actually win. I know. Living in the real world can be harsh, but you ought to try it at least once before you die. It’s not so bad. Plus, there are cookies!
ReplyDeleteWell Daniel, you could be right but the true beauty of life is that those assholes DO get their just desserts!
ReplyDeleteI had ample opportunity a year ago to destroy my sociopath ex (he doesn't even realize he is a sociopath). I mean destroy his career and everything. Instead I took the high ground and you know what? It only took a few months and he fucked himself!!! It was beautiful!!! Not only did I get to enjoy his stupidity which will adversely affect him for the rest of his life, but I gained the support of most of his friends and coworkers whom he had all told I was crazy. "Bad guys" really don't win. I agree with revenge sometimes but you have to really weigh the consequences and not act in anger. I read "The Art of War" a few years ago which was extremely helpful not only in my career but my personal life as well.
If this guy's enemies ever find out what he did, he will get his. And will losing his wife be worth it? Again "cookie eaters" LOL, be very careful who you fuck over, karma is a bitch!
Ammy said, "Well Daniel, you could be right but the true beauty of life is that those assholes DO get their just desserts!"
ReplyDeleteIn other words, you could be right Daniel, but you’re wrong. What rhetorical flourish!
I have apparently taken it upon myself to help the poor souls who end up leaving a comment on this blog grow up a bit. Look, of course some people do seem to get theirs. And it helps if those people are stupid, as you describe your ex. But for every person that seems to get theirs, there are others who don’t. There are others who are smarter and frankly luckier. They don’t make stupid decisions and they aren’t greatly disturbed by their amoral choices or other people’s reactions to them. Sometimes the murderer gets away with it. Generalizing out from what happened with your boyfriend and turning that generalization into a fact is a common logical error. What happens in the world of men and women just isn’t as cut and dry as a belief like karma would have you believe. A brief and unbiased perusal of world history should make that clear.
Karma isn't a bitch because karma doesn't exist.
Daniel, its obvious to me that you are a sociopath; good for you.
ReplyDeleteJust because you don't think people get theirs, doesn't make it so. They do; you might not see it, but they really do. I have never seen someone who fucked someone over not get theirs. It may not be in the way we want it to be but they do.
I didn't go into details about my exhusband (not boyfriend) because it was pointless, but it wasn't illogical.
Infact arguing over something neither of us can prove is even more pointless.
Believe what you want and I'll believe what I want.
Oh yeah and enjoy those cookies!
Spammy said, "Believe what you want and I'll believe what I want."
ReplyDeleteOf course you will dear. That's what most people do. They believe what they want, not what they see staring at them in the face. It's always better, more comforting that way. It's not a belief's veracity that matters to you. It's a belief's function that you care about most. You are very pedestrian in that sense.
Psst. Here's a secret: I don't claim to be a sociopath. I do claim to be someone who is honest with himself though. Big difference.
"Oh yeah and enjoy those cookies! :)"
I will, thanks! Mmmm, real cookies are so much better than pipe dream cookies! Nom-nom!!!
Ammy said, "I have never seen someone who fucked someone over not get theirs."
ReplyDeleteMaybe the truth is that everyone gets their share. Those that are "fucked over" are certainly getting their share, seemingly first. The remainder may seem get theirs second. Is that cause and effect or does it just, sometimes conveniently, appear to be so?
Aerianne, I see your point. Well said and highly possible.
ReplyDeleteDaniel, are you sure you aren't DALE? You sound exactly like my ex.
ReplyDeleteYou are hilarious!
You stray from the point, get hostile, call names, act superior, and are basically a total dipshit.
Oh yeah and yes you are a sociopath and I'd be willing to bet you are so out of touch with reality that you wouldn't know what honesty was if it bit you in the ass, so how could you possibly be honest with yourself.
You started calling me names and getting nasty because I respectfully disagreed with you, wow not a psycho at all.
Let me guess, you haven't had a date in years that you didn't have to pay for?
What mommy didn't hug you enough?
And what the hell are you talking about? None of what you said has anything to do with my comments about some douche bag not giving a shit about the collateral damage he caused because someone may have pissed in his Cheerios. He didn't even say what this person allegedly did to him.
They say that you shouldn't provoke a sociopath, well I say, bring it the fuck on!
PLEASE respond! It'll be great for my research. Your other two responses have already shown what hostile insecure retard you are.
Ammy, Daniel may be a cynic, but your idea that he is your ex is hilarious. And now you get highly emotional. Why?
DeleteYou remind me of Mach. How many ex wives assume that their husband must be a sociopath. Nice little term to put the "badly evil" out there in one little "box" and all the "good" ones in the other. With the better box of course always the one where we ourself fit in? May give comfort in a complex world that does not always draw clear lines between good and evil. Or may help to ignore out own darker sides. No?
I am not a fan of Daniel but I definitively prefer his rational approach and have a hard time to grasp emotional outburst like yours above.
My ex husband is not a sociopath. And for the record, I don't dislike sociopaths globally. I just dislike stupid ones who are wastefully cruel.
DeleteDearest Whammy:
ReplyDeleteWow. It’s been a while since I have had someone here respond to me in quite this way. Even Jessefullofit wasn’t quite this antagonistic. Fascinating. Let’s look at what you are accusing me of, shall we?
Name calling: You mean the Hammy, Spammy thing? That’s what I do sometimes, with commenters I like and ones I don’t like. Nothing personal. It’s for my own amusement. But since you bring it up, it was you dear, that resorted to name calling, using colorful adjectives like dipshit and psycho and retard. You continue to do the very thing you criticize me for doing by ‘diagnosing’ me as a sociopath. To be fair, it is true that I did call you pedestrian. That’s a synonym for ordinary. Do you deny that your opinions about karma and everyone getting theirs is ordinary, as in common place and average?
Straying from the point: I was responding to one of your main points in your original comment. Remember, the stuff about karma and what goes around coming around even to “nutjobs”? And see, just like that we’re (and be we I mean you) back to the name calling. You never actually made an attempt to demonstrate how you know EVERYONE is subject to karma. You just resorted to ad hominem tactics.
Hostile: Perish the thought my dearest! I was actually feeling fine when I made my comments to you. And honestly, I neither know you nor care about you enough to generate hostile feelings for you. You, on the other hand, sound a tad hostile to my ears.
Nasty: Really? You think I was being nasty? Sarcastic, yes. Droll, yes. Superior, absolutely. But nasty though? Not even close. Again, that was you.
And that, fair lady, can be helpful to you should you decide to invest in personal development. You accused me of things I didn’t say or do. That was all you. It’s called projection. If you see nastiness and insecurity and retardedness and ‘psychotic’ speech, it might be because you are looking in the mirror.
Is this one of the real reasons your relationship with Dale didn’t work out love?
Dearest Whammy:
ReplyDelete"PLEASE respond!"
Your wish is my command. :-)
Wow. It’s been a while since I have had someone here respond to me in quite this way. Even Jessefullofit wasn’t quite this antagonistic. Fascinating. Let’s look at what you are accusing me of, shall we?
Name calling: You mean the Hammy, Spammy thing? That’s what I do sometimes, with commenters I like and ones I don’t like. Nothing personal. It’s for my own amusement. But since you bring it up, it was you dear, that resorted to name calling, using colorful adjectives like dipshit and psycho and retard. You continue to do the very thing you criticize me for doing by ‘diagnosing’ me as a sociopath. To be fair, it is true that I did call you pedestrian. That’s a synonym for ordinary. Do you deny that your opinions about karma and everyone getting theirs is ordinary, as in common place and average?
Straying from the point: I was responding to one of your main points in your original comment. Remember, the stuff about karma and what goes around coming around even to “nutjobs”? And see, just like that we’re (and be we I mean you) back to the name calling. You never actually made an attempt to demonstrate how you know EVERYONE is subject to karma. You just resorted to ad hominem tactics.
Hostile: Perish the thought my dearest! I was actually feeling fine when I made my comments to you. And honestly, I neither know you nor care about you enough to generate hostile feelings for you. You, on the other hand, sound a tad hostile to my ears.
Nasty: Really? You think I was being nasty? Sarcastic, yes. Droll, yes. Superior, absolutely. But nasty though? Not even close. Again, that was you.
And that, fair lady, can be a helpful insight to you should you choose to invest in personal development. You accused me of things I didn’t say or do. That was all you. It’s called projection. If you see nastiness and insecurity and retardedness and ‘psychotic’ speech, it might be because you are looking in the mirror.
Is this one of the real reasons your relationship with Dale didn’t work out love?
Dearest Whammy:
ReplyDelete"PLEASE respond!"
Your wish is my command. :-)
Wow. It’s been a while since I have had someone here respond to me in quite this way. Even Jessefullofit wasn’t quite this antagonistic. Fascinating. Let’s look at what you are accusing me of, shall we?
Name calling: You mean the Hammy, Spammy thing? That’s what I do sometimes, with commenters I like and ones I don’t like. Nothing personal. It’s for my own amusement. But since you bring it up, it was you dear, that resorted to name calling, using colorful adjectives like dipshit and psycho and retard. You continue to do the very thing you criticize me for doing by ‘diagnosing’ me as a sociopath. Yes, I did call you pedestrian. But in my defense, that’s a synonym for ordinary. Do you deny that your opinions about karma and everyone getting theirs is ordinary, as in common place and average?
Straying from the point: I was responding to one of your main points in your original comment. Remember, the stuff about karma and what goes around coming around even to “nutjobs”? And see, just like that we’re (and be we I mean you) back to the name calling. You never actually made an attempt to logically demonstrate how you know EVERYONE is subject to karma. You just resorted to ad hominem tactics.
Hostile: Perish the thought my dearest! I was actually feeling fine when I made my comments to you. And honestly, I neither know you nor care about you enough to generate hostile feelings for you. You, on the other hand, sound a tad hostile to my ears.
Nasty: Really? You think I was being nasty? Sarcastic, yes. Droll, yes. Superior, absolutely. But nasty though? Not even close. Again, that was you.
And that, fair lady, can be a helpful insight to you should you choose to invest in personal development. You accused me of things I didn’t say or do. That was all you. It’s called projection. If you see nastiness and insecurity and retardedness and ‘psychotic’ speech, it might be because you are looking in the mirror.
Is this one of the real reasons your relationship with Dale didn’t work out love?
Dearest Whammy:
ReplyDelete"PLEASE respond!"
Your wish is my command. :-)
Wow. It’s been a while since I have had someone here respond to me in quite this way. Even Jessefullofit wasn’t quite this antagonistic. Fascinating. Let’s look at what you are accusing me of, shall we?
Name calling: You mean the Hammy, Spammy thing? That’s what I do sometimes, with commenters I like and ones I don’t like. Nothing personal. It’s for my own amusement. But since you bring it up, it was you dear, that resorted to name calling, using colorful adjectives like dipshit and psycho and retard. You continue to do the very thing you criticize me for doing by ‘diagnosing’ me as a sociopath. Yes, I did call you pedestrian. But in my defense, that’s a synonym for ordinary. Do you deny that your opinions about karma and everyone getting theirs is ordinary, as in common place and average?
Straying from the point: I was responding to one of your main points in your original comment. Remember, the stuff about karma and what goes around coming around even to “nutjobs”? And see, just like that we’re (and be we I mean you) back to the name calling. You never actually made an attempt to logically demonstrate how you know EVERYONE is subject to karma. You just resorted to ad hominem tactics.
Hostile: Perish the thought my dearest! I was actually feeling fine when I made my comments to you. And honestly, I neither know you nor care about you enough to generate hostile feelings for you. You, on the other hand, sound a tad hostile to my ears.
Nasty: Really? You think I was being nasty? Sarcastic, yes. Droll, yes. Superior, absolutely. But nasty though? Not even close. Again, that was you.
And that, fair lady, can be a helpful insight to you should you choose to invest in personal development. You accused me of things I didn’t say or do. That was all you. It’s called projection. If you see nastiness and insecurity and retardedness and ‘psychotic’ speech, it might be because you are looking in the mirror.
Is this one of the real reasons your relationship with Dale didn’t work out love?
Dearest Whammy:
ReplyDelete"PLEASE respond!"
Your wish is my command. :-)
Wow. It’s been a while since I have had someone here respond to me in quite this way. Even Jessefullofit wasn’t quite this antagonistic. Fascinating. Let’s look at what you are accusing me of, shall we?
Name calling: You mean the Hammy, Spammy thing? That’s what I do sometimes, with commenters I like and ones I don’t like. Nothing personal. It’s for my own amusement. But since you bring it up, it was you dear, that resorted to name calling, using colorful adjectives like dipshit and psycho and retard. You continue to do the very thing you criticize me for doing by ‘diagnosing’ me as a sociopath. Yes, I did call you pedestrian. But in my defense, that’s a synonym for ordinary. Do you deny that your opinions about karma and everyone getting theirs is ordinary, as in common place and average?
Straying from the point: I was responding to one of your main points in your original comment. Remember, the stuff about karma and what goes around coming around even to “nutjobs”? And see, just like that we’re (and be we I mean you) back to the name calling. You never actually made an attempt to logically demonstrate how you know EVERYONE is subject to karma. You just resorted to ad hominem tactics.
Hostile: Perish the thought my dearest! I was actually feeling fine when I made my comments to you. And honestly, I neither know you nor care about you enough to generate hostile feelings for you. You, on the other hand, sound a tad hostile to my ears.
Nasty: Really? You think I was being nasty? Sarcastic, yes. Droll, yes. Superior, absolutely. But nasty though? Not even close. Again, that was you.
And that, fair lady, can be a helpful insight to you should you choose to invest in personal development. You accused me of things I didn’t say or do. That was all you. It’s called projection. If you see nastiness and insecurity and retardedness and ‘psychotic’ speech, it might be because you are looking in the mirror.
Is this one of the real reasons your relationship with Dale didn’t work out love?
Dearest Whammy:
ReplyDelete"PLEASE respond!"
Your wish is my command. :-)
Wow. It’s been a while since I have had someone here respond to me in quite this way. Even Jessefullofit wasn’t quite this antagonistic. Fascinating. Let’s look at what you are accusing me of, shall we?
Name calling: You mean the Hammy, Spammy thing? That’s what I do sometimes, with commenters I like and ones I don’t like. Nothing personal. It’s for my own amusement. But since you bring it up, it was you dear, that resorted to name calling, using colorful adjectives like dipshit and psycho and retard. You continue to do the very thing you criticize me for doing by ‘diagnosing’ me as a sociopath. Yes, I did call you pedestrian. But in my defense, that’s a synonym for ordinary. Do you deny that your opinions about karma and everyone getting theirs is ordinary, as in common place and average?
Straying from the point: I was responding to one of your main points in your original comment. Remember, the stuff about karma and what goes around coming around even to “nutjobs”? And see, just like that we’re (and be we I mean you) back to the name calling. You never actually made an attempt to logically demonstrate how you know EVERYONE is subject to karma. You just resorted to ad hominem tactics.
Hostile: Perish the thought my dearest! I was actually feeling fine when I made my comments to you. And honestly, I neither know you nor care about you enough to generate hostile feelings for you. You, on the other hand, sound a tad hostile to my ears.
Nasty: Really? You think I was being nasty? Sarcastic, yes. Droll, yes. Superior, absolutely. But nasty though? Not even close. Again, that was you.
And that, fair lady, can be a helpful insight to you should you choose to invest in personal development. You accused me of things I didn’t say or do. That was all you. It’s called projection. If you see nastiness and insecurity and retardedness and ‘psychotic’ speech, it might be because you are looking in the mirror.
Is this one of the real reasons your relationship with Dale didn’t work out love?
Dearest Whammy:
ReplyDelete"PLEASE respond!"
Your wish is my command. :-)
Wow. It’s been a while since I have had someone here respond to me in quite this way. Even Jessefullofit wasn’t quite this antagonistic. Fascinating. Let’s look at what you are accusing me of, shall we?
Name calling: You mean the Hammy, Spammy thing? That’s what I do sometimes, with commenters I like and ones I don’t like. Nothing personal. It’s for my own amusement. But since you bring it up, it was you dear, that resorted to name calling, using colorful adjectives like dipshit and psycho and retard. You continue to do the very thing you criticize me for doing by ‘diagnosing’ me as a sociopath. Yes, I did call you pedestrian. But in my defense, that’s a synonym for ordinary. Do you deny that your opinions about karma and everyone getting theirs is ordinary, as in common place and average?
Straying from the point: I was responding to one of your main points in your original comment. Remember, the stuff about karma and what goes around coming around even to “nutjobs”? And see, just like that we’re (and be we I mean you) back to the name calling. You never actually made an attempt to logically demonstrate how you know EVERYONE is subject to karma. You just resorted to ad hominem tactics.
Hostile: Perish the thought my dearest! I was actually feeling fine when I made my comments to you. And honestly, I neither know you nor care about you enough to generate hostile feelings for you. You, on the other hand, sound a tad hostile to my ears.
Nasty: Really? You think I was being nasty? Sarcastic, yes. Droll, yes. Superior, absolutely. But nasty though? Not even close. Again, that was you.
And that, fair lady, can be a helpful insight to you should you choose to invest in personal development. You accused me of things I didn’t say or do. That was all you. It’s called projection. If you see nastiness and insecurity and retardedness and ‘psychotic’ speech, it might be because you are looking in the mirror.
Is this one of the real reasons your relationship with Dale didn’t work out love?
Dearest Whammy:
ReplyDelete"PLEASE respond!"
Your wish is my command. :-)
Wow. It’s been a while since I have had someone here respond to me in quite this way. Even Jessefullofit wasn’t quite this antagonistic. Fascinating. Let’s look at what you are accusing me of, shall we?
Name calling: You mean the Hammy, Spammy thing? That’s what I do sometimes, with commenters I like and ones I don’t like. Nothing personal. It’s for my own amusement. But since you bring it up, it was you dear, that resorted to name calling, using colorful adjectives like dipshit and psycho and retard. You continue to do the very thing you criticize me for doing by ‘diagnosing’ me as a sociopath. Yes, I did call you pedestrian. But in my defense, that’s a synonym for ordinary. Do you deny that your opinions about karma and everyone getting theirs is ordinary, as in common place and average?
Straying from the point: I was responding to one of your main points in your original comment. Remember, the stuff about karma and what goes around coming around even to “nutjobs”? And see, just like that we’re (and be we I mean you) back to the name calling. You never actually made an attempt to logically demonstrate how you know EVERYONE is subject to karma. You just resorted to ad hominem tactics.
Hostile: Perish the thought my dearest! I was actually feeling fine when I made my comments to you. And honestly, I neither know you nor care about you enough to generate hostile feelings for you. You, on the other hand, sound a tad hostile to my ears.
Nasty: Really? You think I was being nasty? Sarcastic, yes. Droll, yes. Superior, absolutely. But nasty though? Not even close. Again, that was you.
And that, fair lady, can be a helpful insight to you should you choose to invest in personal development. You accused me of things I didn’t say or do. That was all you. It’s called projection. If you see nastiness and insecurity and retardedness and ‘psychotic’ speech, it might be because you are looking in the mirror.
Is this one of the real reasons your relationship with Dale didn’t work out love?
Dearest Whammy:
ReplyDelete"PLEASE respond!"
Your wish is my command. :-)
Wow. It’s been a while since I have had someone here respond to me in quite this way. Even Jessefullofit wasn’t quite this antagonistic. Fascinating.
You accused me of name calling. I assume you are referring to the Hammy, Spammy thing? That’s what I do sometimes, with commenters I like and ones I don’t like. Nothing personal. It’s for my own amusement. But since you bring it up, it was you dear, that resorted to name calling, using colorful adjectives like dipshit and psycho and retard. You continue to do the very thing you criticize me for doing by ‘diagnosing’ me as a sociopath. Yes, I did call you pedestrian. But in my defense, that’s a synonym for ordinary. Do you deny that your opinions about karma and everyone getting theirs is ordinary, as in common place and average?
As to the rest, I stayed on point because I was responding to your specific comments about karma, I wasn’t hostile because I neither know nor care about you to feel anything like that, and I wasn’t nasty. Droll, yes. Sarcastic, yes. Superior, naturally. Nasty? Nope. Those words however do describe your comments to me perfectly.
This can be a helpful insight for you should you choose to invest in personal development. You accused me of things I didn’t say or do. That was all you. It’s called projection. I think our Lord suggested we get the beam out of our own eyes before we bother trying to get the speck out of someone else’s eye. And if you see nastiness and insecurity and retardedness and ‘psychotic’ speech, it might be because you are looking in the mirror.
Is this one of the real reasons your relationship with Dale didn’t work out love?
Dearest Whammy:
ReplyDelete"PLEASE respond!"
Your wish is my command. :-)
Wow. It’s been a while since I have had someone here respond to me in quite this way. Even Jessefullofit wasn’t quite this antagonistic. Fascinating.
You accused me of name calling. I assume you are referring to the Hammy, Spammy thing? That’s what I do sometimes, with commenters I like and ones I don’t like. Nothing personal. It’s for my own amusement. But since you bring it up, it was you dear, that resorted to name calling, using colorful adjectives like dipshit and psycho and retard. You continue to do the very thing you criticize me for doing by ‘diagnosing’ me as a sociopath. Yes, I did call you pedestrian. But in my defense, that’s a synonym for ordinary. Do you deny that your opinions about karma and everyone getting theirs is ordinary, as in common place and average?
As to the rest, I stayed on point because I was responding to your specific comments about karma, I wasn’t hostile because I neither know nor care about you to feel anything like that, and I wasn’t nasty. Droll, yes. Sarcastic, yes. Superior, naturally. Nasty? Nope. Those words however do describe your comments to me perfectly.
This can be a helpful insight for you should you choose to invest in personal development. You accused me of things I didn’t say or do. That was all you. It’s called projection. I think our Lord suggested we get the beam out of our own eyes before we bother trying to get the speck out of someone else’s eye. And if you see nastiness and insecurity and retardedness and ‘psychotic’ speech, it might be because you are looking in the mirror.
Is this one of the real reasons your relationship with Dale didn’t work out love?
Dearest Whammy:
ReplyDelete"PLEASE respond!"
Your wish is my command. :-)
Wow. It’s been a while since I have had someone here respond to me in quite this way. Even Jessefullofit wasn’t quite this antagonistic. Fascinating.
You accused me of name calling. I assume you are referring to the Hammy, Spammy thing? That’s what I do sometimes, with commenters I like and ones I don’t like. Nothing personal. It’s for my own amusement. But since you bring it up, it was you dear, that resorted to name calling, using colorful adjectives like dipshit and psycho and retard. You continue to do the very thing you criticize me for doing by ‘diagnosing’ me as a sociopath. Yes, I did call you pedestrian. But in my defense, that’s a synonym for ordinary. Do you deny that your opinions about karma and everyone getting theirs is ordinary, as in common place and average?
As to the rest, I stayed on point because I was responding to your specific comments about karma, I wasn’t hostile because I neither know nor care about you to feel anything like that, and I wasn’t nasty. Droll, yes. Sarcastic, yes. Superior, naturally. Nasty? Nope. Those words however do describe your comments to me perfectly.
This can be a helpful insight for you should you choose to invest in personal development. You accused me of things I didn’t say or do. That was all you. It’s called projection. I think our Lord suggested we get the beam out of our own eyes before we bother trying to get the speck out of someone else’s eye. And if you see nastiness and insecurity and retardedness and ‘psychotic’ speech, it might be because you are looking in the mirror.
Is this one of the real reasons your relationship with Dale didn’t work out love?
Dearest Whammy:
ReplyDelete"PLEASE respond!"
Your wish is my command. :-)
Wow. It’s been a while since I have had someone here respond to me in quite this way. Even Jessefullofit wasn’t quite this antagonistic. Fascinating.
Look, an objective reader can look back at both of our comments and see that I was not nasty, hostile or even very aggressive. Droll, yes. Sarcastic, yes. Superior, naturally. But hostile, no.
You however, were all the above. You were the one resorting to color using colorful adjectives like dipshit, psycho and retard, among other choice epithets. And you were the one who couldn't intelligibly answer my simple critique about your comments concerning karma. Instead, you decided to answer my response with ad hominem attack rather then reason. In fact, one might even say you sounded a tad psycho...
And that, fair lady, can be a helpful insight to you should you choose to invest in personal development. You accused me of things I didn’t say or do. That was all you. It’s called projection. If you see nastiness and insecurity and retardedness and ‘psychotic’ speech, it might be because you are looking in the mirror.
Is this one of the real reasons your relationship with Dale didn’t work out love?
Very, good comment. I love it when people are able to remain calm and analytic in such a context. I also love the style that is produced by anger. Much energy in it usually.
DeleteOn the other hand, Daniel, it would have sufficed to post it once? Why don't you repeat the ones. The fact that you repeatedly pushed the publish button shows too much emotion in a different way. Know, what I mean?
Why don't you delete the superficial ones, I meant. Excessively repeating you already did. Great anyway. ;)
DeleteYeah Daniel you are so correct!
ReplyDeleteIt has been fun...
I don't believe any of this, it is too stupid, and doesn't "some other me" think he is incredibly smart? It is just another sociopathic lie, the whole thing, the dude just wants some love.
ReplyDelete@some other me, take the advice of one of the other posters, if something like that really happens to your family, just turn the cold shoulder, karma can be a biatch.
Cartman is right; Scott Tennorman must die.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, seems strange to me that you held your anger for that long (2 years you say). If it were me, I would have reacted quickly. You know, it's not healthy to keep all that anger in for so long. But I guess that's the difference between me and a sociopath. A really good plan though; it boggles my mind that people have the ability to think like that.
I can't for the life of myself understand why people do such things.
ReplyDeleteLife is short. We could be here today, and gone tomorrow.
Why not take the positive path? Why not cultivate wholesome
friendships? How does it add to your life to do dirt to other people?
REAL LOVE is the answer. Not intericine warfare between groups.
You seemed to have wondered into the wrong neighbourhood, perhaps I can show you the exit. [x] <-- press when red
DeleteI will never feel real love and i never felt it. But I can use my other skills to feel satisfied.
DeleteIf I am able to act like that I will do whatever I want regarding to the law.
There are no laws against being an "asshole". The others make themselves deliberately to the prey!
DeleteThat's disgusting.
this is a person who has .... no life.
ReplyDeleteCurious if he ever has some other thing to obsess about. should spend energies on the real eworl nuisances. Imagine being so consumed with one itty bitty couple with relatively nothing l o n g l a s t i n g to gain from the win.
shit if i had to obsess abt sthg personal to win at, i'd do it for sthg more substantial like getting s a promotion with financial benefits/getting rid of a boss who made me want to stress all day / putting my child's school bully n his/her place so the pig learned a lesson and left my baby aloNE.
.Hear abt the suicide from bullying today?
He's definitely an obsessive narcissist.with the revenge thing.
one other thing..
Fuck, you're dumb.
DeleteI wish i was as smart as you.
DeleteThis post is mistitled. There's no love here.
ReplyDeletethat story is bullshit and you're a dick.
ReplyDeleteIf the story's bullshit, then that means he wouldn't do that. that means he isn't a dick.
DeleteIf he's a dick, then the story's true. AKA Not Bullshit.
What about suggesting a different in your opinion more fitting one?
ReplyDeletePure genius at work there.
ReplyDeleteWow, this guy must have such a full and hectic life! How did he find the time to spend years of his life planning and executing a convoluted revenge for a slight so minor that its details didn't even make the final cut on the email?
ReplyDeleteAnd then he tells his wife expecting her to be all impressed and proud but she's mortified! Hilarious.
ReplyDeleteYou are the guy that fights over table scraps at his minimum wage job.
And the fact that you couldn't keep something as trivial as this a secret --
Your whole escapade shows just how much empty space you have in your head and how much time you have to bumble around playing detective and sneaking around hallways squirting perfume into vents, and then bragging about it to your wife.
You are a psychopathic narcissist. You should have it tattooed on your forehead.
ReplyDeleteToo funny. I've went through some outrageously unnecessary extremes to get even for being "wronged", but this is just too much. Not that it wasn't warranted (we can't know that for sure), but the amount of energy involved seems utterly pointless. My most elaborate plans lasted 2-3 months at most and were just as affective. Bravo on commitment though. That's unheard of these days.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHis wife is probably list because he made it look like the guy was sleeping with her lol. Her perfume, her underwear.
ReplyDeleteWomen shop together if these two men were "friends" then the wives probably were too and women talk about stuff like pufume and lingerie.
The other guys wife was probably with her when she bought the lingerie and recognized the purfume
His wife is probably list because he made it look like the guy was sleeping with her lol. Her perfume, her underwear.
ReplyDeleteWomen shop together if these two men were "friends" then the wives probably were too and women talk about stuff like pufume and lingerie.
The other guys wife was probably with her when she bought the lingerie and recognized the purfume