He tested the theory that psychopaths with hippocampal impairments could become insensitive to cues that predicted punishment and capture. As a result, he said, these “impaired’ psychopaths were more likely to be apprehended than psychopaths without that deficit.In a second study, he looked at the corpus callosum of both types of sociopaths, and found that they are both longer and thinner than that of the average neurotypical:
Fewer than half of both the control subjects and the “successful” psychopaths had an asymmetrical hippocampus.
Ninety-four percent of the unsuccessful psychopaths had that same abnormality, with the right side of the hippocampus larger than the left.
Raine said the results suggest, but don’t prove, a neuro-developmental root for psychopathy.
The corpus callosum is a bundle of nerve fibers that connects the two hemispheres of the brain, enabling them to work together to process information and regulate autonomic function. Raine explored its role in psychopathy for the first time.Of course they don't credit the sociopath brain as having an advantage over a neurotypical brain, despite the demonstrated greater efficiency in transmitting information between brain hemispheres. Instead this efficiency is vaguely insinuated as the cause for the sociopath's "less remorse, fewer emotions and less social connectedness - the classic hallmarks of a psychopath."
“There’s faulty wiring going on in psychopaths. They’re wired differently than other people,” Raine said. “In a way, it’s literally true in this case.”
He found that the psychopaths’ corpus callosums were an average of 23 percent larger and 7 percent longer than the control groups’.
“The corpus callosum is bigger, but it’s also thinner. That suggests that it developed abnormally,” Raine said.
The rate that the psychopaths transmitted information from one hemisphere to the other through the corpus callosum also was abnormally high, Raine said.
Normal people, even scientists, won't ever admit that a sociopath's brain might actually be better. Every single article I have seen that even comes close to discussing some of the advantages of the sociopathic brain eventually backs off and makes some pat conclusion about how broken we are. In fact, the title of the article is "Out of Order." But there are two meanings to that phrase, and I think only one of them applies to this sort of bias thinly masked as science.
It is off topic. I can't resist.
this is a great post.
ReplyDelete"Normal people, even scientists, won't ever admit that a sociopath's brain might actually be better. Every single article I have seen that even comes close to discussing some of the advantages of the sociopathic brain eventually backs off and makes some pat conclusion about how broken we are. In fact, the title of the article is "Out of Order.""
ReplyDeleteGo figure.
I'm right-brained btw.
Some time into the future what will happen is our kind will have to start thinking for their kind because their kind will fall short (emphasis on reality deficiencies), after which they still won't admit it.
Just be patient, it's coming.
I'm kidding, just wanted to nip you in the bud.
"Bearer of Truth?" Socio Messiah seems apt.
ReplyDeleteA sociopath's brain might actually be better? Ok..under what kind of circumstances.
ReplyDeleteWould a sociopath help a person who is bleeding to death or just walk away? Even though there might be differences in our brains anatomy and physiology, it's what we are doing with it that matters. I'm sure I could never plan out things so strategically or manipulate situations so dynamically. We each have a purpose.
Hi Grace,
ReplyDeleteHow are your nursing studies? I wonder if you saw my question for you sometime ago about the concept of triage in the medical world.
I'm still at it. I didn't see your comment.
ReplyDeleteNo they're not going to admit your brains are better, hummmmm lets see why that is. We have had this discussion before,
ReplyDeleteso why not tell what and how your brains are superior to a normals and where they should be used for greater advantage.
It seems overgeneralized to say that all sociopaths have superior brains to neurotypicals, or vice versa. If superiority is defined by how deftly a person moves through life, then a normal person will beat out a low functioning socio who cannot control their habits, or be discreet. Conversely, a high functioning sociopath is superior to a normal person who has a short temper, or is easily manipulated.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I consider sociopaths as human subspecies, who have their own place in the human taxonomy – as do other humans who have variations in brain anatomy to so-called neurotypical humans.
ReplyDeleteI also believe that the perceived rarity and fearsome reputation of sociopaths has made them a target of 'big game' neurotypical trophy hunters, as well as the mental curio trade: the ultimate goal being to capture them (psychologically or physically) and place them on public show for status.
All subspecies of the human family have strengths and limitations based on how they process and understand the world around them, so I don't believe that the sociopath brain is 'broken' or 'better', it's just different to that of neurotypical humans.
Of course sociopaths have functional advantages that neurotypical humans don't, and vice versa, as do other subspecies. But systematically initiating, encouraging, and powerfully enforcing the oppression of all human subspecies including sociopaths maintains neurotypical privilege. 'Conversion' therapy to 'fix' all human subspecies is useless at best and dangerous at worst.
To my mind the human family has a top predator in the sociopath subspecies - however well-rounded studies of low and high-functioning sociopaths are currently lacking because research seems to be commissioned for the sole purpose of keeping them isolated and/or caged. Why not learn *all* about them in order to learn from their strengths *and* how to better protect or heal their prey?
We probly won't know where a sociopath functions best because their high enough funtioning that they don't stand out as being one.
ReplyDeleteHow do you think they found enough people to do this study on?
I hope it wasn't just the prisons.
Maybe they should test the Police and see how many of them are sociopaths.
This article has special interest for me and is something I want to obtain much more knowledge about.
ReplyDeleteIt pertains to what you mention, M.E., about psychopaths being able to process more information, yes.
But it also pertains to what some describe as a form of 'dyslexia' specific for psychopaths.
I know I have this issue, it's been pointed out to me, and I usually just call it 'Dyslexia' (it sounds so much nicer and more acceptable than Psychopathic Processing issues).
This certain form of 'psychopathic dyslexia' seems to result in us more or less frequently having a tendency to 'experience' processing colliding with the result that - at least to others - we seem to give contradictory statements, or to trail off the initial subject altogether.
I'd link to an article on the subject, but I don't know of anything about this on the Internet. I'm sure there must be plenty though (and I'm going to eventually dig it up).
I'm glad that you generally link to the articles you post passages from.
Another thought that comes to mind:
I'm sure I am not the only so called psychopath who have an "uncanny" ability to spot others of my kind when and where I see/hear/meet them, even on the Internet.
My question goes mostly to those who identify with Sociopathy (there IS a difference between our two subgroups), as I already know that other psychopaths spot me as easily as I spot them. We just know!
Of course I mostly don't let on that I know who are not what they think they are. And mostly neither I nor other psychopaths let on that we know each other to be what we are.
But I'm tiring ever so slightly of this continuous attempt to play nice and I'm considering letting it go altogether. In fact, I think I will. I don't give a damn at this point, because my plan is turning out so well (how could it not), and that means I won't have to 'hide' as much as I've had to for a very long time.
Ah well, just some private thoughts turned public. :)
I can tell a biological socio (born) from a made one, the biological ones have evil eyes.
ReplyDelete"A sociopath's brain might actually be better? Ok..under what kind of circumstances.
Would a sociopath help a person who is bleeding to death or just walk away?"
Must you evaluate 'good' in terms of what one does in a specific type of situation as according to your personal emotionally applied system or oral values?
But yes, indeed the psychopath/sociopath may be the one person who acts efficiently in such a situation. I know so, because I have been in such a situation and I was the one who made things happen, told others to go and call an ambulance (otherwise they'd have just stood there, frozen). I was the one giving 1st aid, and I was the one telling people to give room for the ambulance to actually drive through the crowd and reach the accident victims.
So there you go, if not exactly what you may have expected, eh?
Sea Witch:
"I consider sociopaths as human subspecies, who have their own place in the human taxonomy"
So do I.
"I also believe that the perceived rarity and fearsome reputation of sociopaths has made them a target of 'big game' neurotypical trophy hunters"
I usually compare it to the Middle Ages' Witch Hunts. We're the modern equivalent to Witches and Sorcerers, or even Demons or Devils. Some of the more ridiculous theories are that we're an alien species (Reptilians and Illuminati and all that idiocy).
"To my mind the human family has a top predator in the sociopath subspecies - however well-rounded studies of low and high-functioning sociopaths are currently lacking because research seems to be commissioned for the sole purpose of keeping them isolated and/or caged. Why not learn *all* about them in order to learn from their strengths *and* how to better protect or heal their prey?"
How very well said, Sea!
"How do you think they found enough people to do this study on?
I hope it wasn't just the prisons."
Actually it is mostly prison inmates. But they have large control groups taken from the 'normal' population, specifically students.
"Maybe they should test the Police and see how many of them are sociopaths."
Good point there. ;)
"I can tell a biological socio (born) from a made one, the biological ones have evil eyes."
ReplyDeleteAnd I can tell you're a troll from the peculiar font you use in your post, not to mention that odor coming off from your punctuation marks.
'I can tell a biological socio (born) from a made one, the biological ones have evil eyes.'
"Would a sociopath help a person who is bleeding to death or just walk away?"
ReplyDeleteI saw a woman getting half kicked to death by two random girls like a month ago over nothing, my guess was they were doing it for the thrill, I couldn't help but laugh to myself.
The answer is no, i wouldn't help anyone in distress. If i knew the person I'd help them up or whatever but if i had to wait around for an hour or more I'd leave. I don't even go to hospitals when my nearest are dying so why would i help a stranger? That would make me a huge hypocrite.
Another one from the other day...
"Sociopaths have a bad reputation because of the things we do. ME can try to dress it up as much as he likes but its never going to change and I dont care. I don't consider myself a terrible person I actually consider myself a fantastic person. Thats not because I do good, its because doing wrong doesn't matter to me. It's no big deal."
I like you. You speak the truth. ;)
Zhawq, you do the same thing as ME, you try to present sociopaths as Dexteresque like individuals out to save humanity, you are a tool.
ReplyDeleteBTW, aren't you like 40 years old?
"Would a sociopath help a person who is bleeding to death or just walk away?"
ReplyDeletePersonally I would help
1)I might be bored at the time
2)I might be bored at the time
3)The publicity will be useful.
4)My mask will help and I do what he does in public
5)She might have a hot daughter
6)I like to be seen as the hero cuz people like heroes and trusts them
7)I can use this for as long as I live to gain people's trust.
8)I'd feel terrible if you didn't, but i can't say that here.
ReplyDeleteRemorse is a middle class thing
ReplyDeleteAnyone who feels that petty emotion guilt should watch some of those mexican cartel beheadings, that will numb you up.
ReplyDeleteU'd feel terrible if I didn't? You would care more about me (a by stander)more than a person who is bleeding to death?
ReplyDeleteI meant you, because nobody helps a person on the street to get with their daughter, now that is just stupid, you'd feel terrible if you didn't, admit it.
ReplyDeleteAhh you got me, I would die inside if I didn't. I am going to go cry because i accidentally showed my true feelings and it didn't conform to the stereotype and i feel isolated and alone. You are so smart, you spotted it right away and called me on my lies. ... brb crying.
ReplyDeleteThis conversation started off so well...
ReplyDeleteseems I missed a post of yours the other day:
"Zhawq, your attempt at defense and humiliation was very amusing. You wasted many words for a simple stab.
Was your ego wounded that much, to present such a thorough defense?"
There's nothing for me to defend, as I wrote in clear and easily understandable words.
I told you what I think of your post, and of you in regard to what you said therein, that's all there is to it.
But you really missed that, did you? You, who are so good at picking up linguistic expressions, figures of speech, and all that?
You know, the problem - or one of the problems - with you, Notable, is that you think this (us - or some of us - here on this board, what we're about and what we do here, what we do in our lives) is a game. You don't get that we are real, we are not a novel acted out like a video game!
Seeing this and that you cannot measure and stick to a basis of conduct, I can not take you serious and have therefore no interest in keeping this up. I'm just letting you know where we stand with this.
"There is a difference between having fun at someone's expense and acting tough. You of all people should know the difference."
You clearly didn't understand. No matter, I don't care.
"I don't question what you are, or what you know. Can I not have some measure of fun in twisting words?"
Not on my expense, no you can not!
Find someone suitable for that purpose like the rest of us do, and someone you can handle. A wannabe sociopath might be an option, but as I stated above you clearly don't see the difference real and not real, obviously.
"What a boring affair that would be if I couldn't."
I don't care if you're bored or not. There was no twisting words, only your petty attempt at backstabbing me for something you thought was a weak spot with me, and you did it in the hope that others would bite and jump me also.
You can now attempt to explain it away all you like, as far as I'm concerned it doesn't matter.
ReplyDelete"Zhawq, you do the same thing as ME, you try to present sociopaths as Dexteresque like individuals out to save humanity, you are a tool."
*Yawn* Go back to school, kid! You've no business being here at your age, and your dad may get real pissed when he finds out you've been talking to Zhawq and M.E. and other such real bad sociopaths as us.
My god, I swear these wannabes get more and more retarded for each day. It must be a cultural thing or something. I mean, society is obviously in crisis and the state of the average individual's intelligence in rapid decline.
I take it as a good sign. Change is imminent and can happen at any time. It can hardly become much worse (it'll be worse though! Much, much worse!!). I must admit, I revel in it, each little sign of destruction is another victory, if not necessarily brought around by myself personally. I'll have my fun though, it is me and mine who will be around to celebrate when the rest have given in and left the scene by means of their own their own defeatist construct, or fallen prey to the appetite of me or those who are like me.
It doesn't surprise me that many differences between psychopaths may be biological in origin
ReplyDeleteOr at least that the differences between psychopaths manifest themselves in biological differences
ReplyDeleteThis comment section is a giant web of projective identification and projection.
ReplyDeleteI just projected my habit of projective identification on to you.
ReplyDeletePsychopaths - Thick hair, thin lips, large nose, evil stare, menacing smirk.
ReplyDeleteSociopaths - Scars, tattoos, shaved head.
What are your real life accomplishments, Zhawq?
ReplyDeleteAlso, what is your home address and credit card number
ReplyDeleteWhat are your real life accomplishments, Zhawq?
ReplyDeleteIf he told you that, you might be able to guess who he is. And then he'd have to kill you.
Sea witch, your argument is valid if you are talking about human subspecies that don't present a threat to society.
ReplyDeleteWhat about some people with psychosis? If they go untreated, they can create havoc on the people around them, physically and emotionally.
Sometimes the best thing to do is to lock them in a cage and throw away the key. Some people cannot and will not change.
You must be a pathological aspie
ReplyDeleteDanm, this has been "The Day of the Zhawq Attack"
ReplyDeletewv; dulas = duels
@ Jason, have you read "look me in the eye" By John Elder Robinson ?
ReplyDeleteOh, but you misunderstand me: I mentioned nothing of the so-called control of sociopathic behaviour in sociopaths or in society (which most studies focus on.)
ReplyDeleteInvoluntary treatment and care of a mentally ill person, or anyone suffering from a psychosis, who is self-injurious or dangerous to others is a whole other topic.
ReplyDeleteOh yes I did.
I can relate so much to him. Like 90%. It's so damn hard to look at someone in there eyes.
The irony is I get complaints of me staring at people. Men sometimes think I am sexually attracted to them, when I am just studying them.
lol i swear i didn't read this post before writing mine!
ReplyDeletefookin hell zhawq squawks too much!
"The definitive traits of the psychopath certainly make them more likely to be a criminal, but that is hardly the full story, just as not all young black men in ghettos are criminals."
ReplyDeleteI stopped there. Anyone who feels the need to make an analogy to race is not worth listening to.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletethe point i was making was that treating someone like a criminal for any reason other than them committing a criminal act, is not valid.
ReplyDeleteWet, you're boring. Too boring. Something's wrong with your picture.
ReplyDelete:O you're fake!
"The definitive traits of the psychopath certainly make them more likely to be a criminal, but that is hardly the full story, just as not all young black men in ghettos are criminals."
ReplyDeleteThe majority of them are, I'm not being racist, it is a fact.
Adam. You are an idiot.
ReplyDeletearrrgh! edit:
ReplyDeletethe point i was making was that a diagnosis for psychopathy will move towards a genetic / neurological basis, not based on behaviours. when that happens will society treat those identified as high risk psychopaths as criminals; stigmatised much as young black men in ghettos are.
sorry jason - it was my fault for not making it clear. as i was saying to someone before, "people who try to make things foolproof underestimate the ingenuity of fools".
Great article, fabulous posts and the swords and muskets are flying today on all levels. Must be in honor of our forefathers.
ReplyDeleteOne of the problems with most medical research is asking questions through the lens of pathology. What is wrong or outside the norm. Rather than asking how does it serve . . . and what is its potential?
Nature is in the wiring. The nurture part is where the games begin.
Neuroplasticity is the mutaible aspect of wiring. Its what is effected by education, experience, choice of playgrounds. Free will.
How would the study come out if they used sociopathic Harvard graduates rather than prison inmates? More damage on a greater scale?
Or what in regards to Anthropological research? How do other cultures nurture this universal wiring? Perhaps we are viewing things to much from an ethnocentric Western mind?
"people who try to make things foolproof underestimate the ingenuity of fools".
ReplyDeleteDouglas Adams
I am foolish enough to enjoy this quote! ;-)
How am i an idiot? Who agrees that most blacks from ghettos are criminals?
ReplyDeleteAdam don't let that fool bring you down. I'm quite surprised to see the blog finally accept the differences between a psychopath and a sociopath.
ReplyDeleteA sociopath wouldn't be on this website looking for help
ReplyDeleteA psychopath might come on but won't think the psychopathy label fits them fully
Soulful Path,
ReplyDeletewhere are you from? In your last paragraph, you touched on something which I am beginning to explore and did postulate some views in some previous posts before. I am keen to see any other ponderings or research material on this aspect human pathology.
I sense that part of the key lies in the questions from any ethnocentric perspective of human nature. I've noted before that a fundamental of western philosophy is the "Absolute" separation of God from the State which presents an analysis of morality which should perhaps be regarded as unique rather than universal.
A convenient example might be the disparity of value in western and non western lives as depicted by the present media.
where are UKan and Misanthrope? and Post Modern too.
ReplyDeleteThis was a lovely article, and it helped answer more than a few questions for me. Thanks for sharing, ME.
Zhawq, have I hurt you? Did you once consider me sacred or off-limits, and now I'm not? Or were you simply playing nice?
We can both stand here and pretend that slights jabs will make cooperation impossible, but, at least for me, it's not personal. We can share discourse, knowledge, and be civil, I suppose. Your made if difficult for me, though. So very tempting.
If you want me to play civil with you, I can. But the temptation not to play nice is so very strong when I hunger for it.
Your patience is fading, as well as your will to maintain it. I'll welcome the prickly Zhawq just the same as the smooth. I'll have no qualms over meeting a mask that greater reflects how you really feel.
Gag Reflex.
ReplyDeleteI am from the planet Mars. I have a background in Psychology with an Anthropological lens. Current media overtones are sooooo hypnotic. We are all being used as a tool.
And it's fun to poke fun at that. At the same time one can form their own culture. Follow deeper ethics.
Sea Witch and SoulfulPath:
ReplyDeleteTerrific clarity. I'd add that, empaths tend to act like mad idiots on witch hunting and socios do a lot of projecting (by thinking everyone else fakes concern like them, hence judging them hipocritical for upholding the moral system).
It's also amazing how each side displays sheer resistance to a transcending exercise.
Projection is my biggest enemy
ReplyDeleteI could use some projection of a cigarette.
ReplyDeleteJason, I haven't read the book yet, just bought it.
ReplyDeleteMy mother use to always tell me "don't look at me like that" and teacher's would tell me to look at them when they're talking to me.
My eyes show everything going on inside me which gets me into trouble.
Why is it hard for you to look others in the eyes?
ReplyDeleteThere is a chance I would help that person. I've done similar before. In Adam's case, where someone was getting beat that I didn't know, I probably wouldn't have stepped in either, or helped her. Those clowns already attacked her, and I was having a lovely day. I don't want to deal with them too.
I remember having a nasty bicycle accident. Really bad. Put me out of order for a while. I was screaming down a hill and my tire clipped the curb near the bottom. I went flying over my handle bars and had a lovely fall. My arm, face and knees were bleeding all over the place, and I was on the ground for a few minutes before I got up. There was a bus stop about fifteen feet away that had at least a dozen people there. Not one came over to make sure I wasn't dead (as I was laying down there for a while) and when I got up no one asked if I was ok or needed help. They just watched.
That's normal people, Grace. They're not saints. So get off your high horse before the wind knocks you off.
I was looking for a parking spot when a large group of about 15 older teens were moving down on the sidewalk, they had one guy in the middle and punch him till he fell then started kicking him. I didn't want to deal with them either, but I sat in my car and layed on the horn till they stopped.
ReplyDeleteThere was absolutly no way that I could ignore that.
How do you define your identity?
ReplyDeleteI know that none of the identities I have are correct representations of me but I don't want to have no identity or things get rather dull.
ReplyDeleteI guess if you have a consistent idea of what you want, having no set identity is alright,my personalities are real, in the sense that while I have them I act like someone with that personality. However, they can't predict what I will want or feel in the future.
ReplyDelete"Can I not have some measure of fun in twisting words?"
ReplyDeleteNot on my expense, no you can not!
You have different identities,how many do you use lets say in one week?
ReplyDeleteSounds exhausting.
Whats your favorite one?
ReplyDeleteI don't believe that sociopaths are superior. I don't believe empaths are either, or any other personality.
The people that left you on the ground bleeding did that because they were friggin chicken shits. They didn't know what to do and they didn't want to deal with it. They probably have guilt when they think of that. Most people are whimps. I'm sure there were a few that just didn't give a crap.
But I'm not just talking about coming to someone's aid. I'm using that as an example. I mean doing kind things for people and not acting on behalf of your own needs all the time.
Those people exist, and they're necessary.
this has been "The Day of the Zhawq Attack"
ReplyDeleteHow about,
ReplyDeleteAdam your an idiot.
Grace Name one thing that is not selfish.
ReplyDeletePast and future summary of SW.
ReplyDelete- socios have brain difference
-socios enjoy having fun with people, and for a while people enjoy them too
- don't please hunt us normals, what a witch hunt you are after
- normals better learn some from socios to protect and heal themselves
-psychopaths are really low form of us socios, we can't relate much to them
- we love repetition like children, so tell again
Today I went through four, at a party I went to recently I went through at least five within the space of a few hours.
ReplyDeleteI like the logical personalities, I also like my self loving personality and my aggressive personality. Really they are only fragments of personalities, I like to play around with them sometimes but it feels unnatural.
What's your deal?
Regardless of whether you describe yourself as a sociopath or a psychopath the result is immorality (amorality?).
ReplyDeleteThat is a very lose way of defining personalities. Everyone reacts differently to different input, don't they? I mean I am different when I deal with a moron, or a rude, or a kind person. Aren't everybody? What makes you think that means I am assuming different personality each time? Duhh?
ReplyDeletewhich high horse is Gag on? A PhD? a court clerk? a surveyor?
ReplyDeletetruetrue, I class them as different personalities because they have nothing in common. By definition of personality you are right, but that is just semantics. They are different views on myself, backed up by different sets of behaviour.
ReplyDeleteGrace: 'I don't believe that sociopaths are superior. I don't believe empaths are either, or any other personality.'
ReplyDeletei thought we established that people are not divided into just two categories - empath and sociopath.
'Most people are whimps. I'm sure there were a few that just didn't give a crap.'
my observation exactly. Therefore, what has empathy to do with anything when people are not acting on it? There are at the very least, (for the sake of minimum clarity), three types of people when it comes to 'empathy.'
And the intensity changes along a scale. Sea Witch mentioned a theory on empathy the other day that there are three types of empathy-
cognitive empathy
emotional empathy
compassionate empathy
so, Empaths to my mind, are the compassionate type - the ones that act on their empathy.
Emotional empathy - they possess some empathy but usually apply it very selectively when it comes to acting on it.
Cognitive empathy - people who can identify emotions in others but aren't moved by them particularly.
I find the use of the term spurious and misleading. There are socios here who constantly use the argument that empaths are hypocrites, behaving empathically only when it suits them or is relevant to them.
This is a valid argument, which begs for a change in terminology and a modification in the way we refer to people who are neither strongly sociopathic, nor strongly empathic. 'neurotypicals' or 'normals.'
Can we please understand the difference in order to avoid falling into the same discussions over and over.
Neurotypicals are not empaths, they are neurotypicals. Only when you place them aside hard-ass socios or psychopaths do they seem empathic - but like i said, it's a scale, not a clearly defined thing.
Also different emotions and different responses to the same sets of stimuli. You could say I am a combination of all of these identities, they are too different to be classed together.
ReplyDeleteMasks are usually talked about here, so when 2 were talking about idenities I thought I would ask.
ReplyDeleteVery simple.
I'm not a socio, to me I have one basic personality that all other reactions and interactions come from.
I will also react differently to a moron, or a rude, or a kind person, but it will happen without any forethought.
I wish I could turn some reactions off but it doesn't always work that way.
I must be a low impulse empath.
For those of you who don't realise, the term Empath is used specifically (when you look on the internet), by people who are addressing the subject of a specific personality type - the type that is on the opposite end of the scale to the Sociopath. Empaths are people who can not control what they absorb from the envirnoment and other people - they are extremely sensitive. The majority of people are not.
ReplyDeleteI was at this party a week ago this one girl was annoying me badly, she was acting like a complete fool throwing up and irritating people, my friend tried to touch her and have some fun with her, she told him to get off her, this annoyed me much more than you would think, I spent the whole night pissing her off, stepping on her shoes, bumping into her on purpose, staring at her in an intimidating way, it was fun. Then her friend tried to insult me a couple time, random insults, I started looking at her for like 5 minutes just looking straight across at her, she got so self concious and anxious, it was funny as hell. I was on the edge, if anyone had said another word to me it would of been guaranteed violence.
ReplyDeleteA sociopath is more sensitive than a normal person, anyone with a big ego is.
ReplyDeleteIf I didn't adapt my personality, slightly even, to the vastly different people I deal with every day, not only would I come across as dull, I would bore the crap out of myself. How many socios are happy being in an intimate relationship with a person who is unable to adapt? I am curious.
ReplyDeleteAdam, i won't argue with that. You may be right. Anyone who is on the extreme is gonna be on the edge, by definition. There are different kinds of sensitivity - although ultimately they all amount to the same thing...
ReplyDeletewv, unboy
There are socios here who constantly use the argument that empaths are hypocrites, behaving empathically only when it suits them or is relevant to them.
mainly a statement of fact.
ReplyDeleteI was arguing about the use of the word Empath with a capital E.
Like Sociopath with a capital S.
I've grown to enjoy consistency, I would prefer a woman who was consistent. I would hate to give myself some rigid group label like goth or gang member.
ReplyDeleteEmpathy is retarded in general. Who cares about being hypocritical, I am extremely hypocritical.
ReplyDeleteI am right. Time and time again i have seen it, people who don't have an ego can take anything thrown at them, when you think highly of yourself you will get offended easily.
ReplyDeleteNotme, I'm a Intuitive Empath.
ReplyDeleteHey Adam, I'm absorbing your personality, and living through it ;) xx
ReplyDeleteI am flattered anon.
ReplyDeleteWoah hold on a minute, sociopaths are MORE sensitive than normal people Adam? So now we care what other people think of us?
ReplyDeletei can tell you're very caring so i wouldn't doubt it tik.
ReplyDeleteI care exactly what people think of me.
ReplyDeleteAnon 4:50, you need us.
ReplyDeleteThink of how much less fun you would have.
Adam said...
ReplyDeleteI am right. Time and time again i have seen it, people who don't have an ego can take anything thrown at them, when you think highly of yourself you will get offended easily.
I agree.
Oh good lord, you're a moron.
ReplyDeleteI can't have people thinking I'm common, i lie about the price of my clothes and even my surname, I don't shop at low grade stores. My brother has down syndrome and when people ask if hes related i tell them no way haha.
ReplyDeletebut i assume you can control it tik and you use it well.
ReplyDeleteDr. Joseph Newman, I believe, talked about people with psychopathy often take what someone says literally. Although capable of dissecting conversation, and understanding it if trying to or in hindsight, often times if you tell them something like, "I hate you", or "I don't love you" or "I'll kill you", they won't take it any other way.
ReplyDeleteIt somewhat goes along with what Adam said, ego perhaps? I cannot say. As apt and capable as we are to find other peoples buttons, we have our own no doubt.
This divide makes it very difficult in relationships that are dysfunctional or prone to turmoil.
I would not argue that someone who is a P/S type is more sensitive, but that they are less likely to take shit from people. A form of sensitivity, perhaps.
The hilarious, somewhat tragic crux of this issue is that often times, the words we say, the attacks, the abuse, is not personal. It is meant to push a button, not to be bare and honest. So when you put two of is together, horns twisting can go quite wrong and bloody. It often does.
Presenting yourself as something you're not is not the same as getting easily offended. It makes no sense. Only someone who was insecure would get easily offended.
ReplyDeleteI'm learning all the time, this site has been a super charged learning experience.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how to put this any other way, I've also had healings.
And thank you for your insight and encouragement.
Okay Ghandi.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking for a good resource on Joseph Newmans writings on psychopathy. Are there any suggestions?
ReplyDeleteIn return I will post the greatest porn ever
I don't believe in all that "you need to be true to yourself" ideaology, i can't remember my childhood or any good moments, i only remember when people sleighted me or treated me like everyone else, which makes me furious, i dont even want to think of it.
ReplyDeletea simple illustration of a neurotypical versus a non-neurotypical is this: Neurotypical is another way of saying 'safely within the herd'. Neurotypicals can behave any which way they do, but within thier own social circle. They rarely branch out - whether that be to kill some stanger in the street, or to help some stranger in the street.
ReplyDeleteNon-neurotypicals however, do not view themselves, nor will they ever feel content, simply within a select social circle. They are more likely to kill some stranger in the street, or help some stranger in the street. This is a plain illustration of the distinction.
Thank you Adam, your too cute for your own good.
ReplyDeletei'm over-simplifying of course, but you catch my drift.
ReplyDeleteI was at this party a week ago this one girl was annoying me badly, she was acting like a complete fool throwing up and irritating people, my friend tried to touch her and have some fun with her, she told him to get off her, this annoyed me much more than you would think, I spent the whole night pissing her off, stepping on her shoes, bumping into her on purpose, staring at her in an intimidating way, it was fun. Then her friend tried to insult me a couple time, random insults, I started looking at her for like 5 minutes just looking straight across at her, she got so self concious and anxious, it was funny as hell. I was on the edge, if anyone had said another word to me it would of been guaranteed violence.
ReplyDeleteI was at this party a week ago this one girl was annoying me badly, she was acting like a complete fool throwing up and irritating people, my friend tried to touch her and have some fun with her, she told him to get off her, this annoyed me much more than you would think, I spent the whole night pissing her off, stepping on her shoes, bumping into her on purpose, staring at her in an intimidating way, it was fun. Then her friend tried to insult me a couple time, random insults, I started looking at her for like 5 minutes just looking straight across at her, she got so self concious and anxious, it was funny as hell. I was on the edge, if anyone had said another word to me it would of been guaranteed violence.
ReplyDeleteI was at this party a week ago this one girl was annoying me badly, she was acting like a complete fool throwing up and irritating people, my friend tried to touch her and have some fun with her, she told him to get off her, this annoyed me much more than you would think, I spent the whole night pissing her off, stepping on her shoes, bumping into her on purpose, staring at her in an intimidating way, it was fun. Then her friend tried to insult me a couple time, random insults, I started looking at her for like 5 minutes just looking straight across at her, she got so self concious and anxious, it was funny as hell. I was on the edge, if anyone had said another word to me it would of been guaranteed violence.
ReplyDeleteI was at this party a week ago this one girl was annoying me badly, she was acting like a complete fool throwing up and irritating people, my friend tried to touch her and have some fun with her, she told him to get off her, this annoyed me much more than you would think, I spent the whole night pissing her off, stepping on her shoes, bumping into her on purpose, staring at her in an intimidating way, it was fun. Then her friend tried to insult me a couple time, random insults, I started looking at her for like 5 minutes just looking straight across at her, she got so self concious and anxious, it was funny as hell. I was on the edge, if anyone had said another word to me it would of been guaranteed violence.
ReplyDeleteI was at this party a week ago this one girl was annoying me badly, she was acting like a complete fool throwing up and irritating people, my friend tried to touch her and have some fun with her, she told him to get off her, this annoyed me much more than you would think, I spent the whole night pissing her off, stepping on her shoes, bumping into her on purpose, staring at her in an intimidating way, it was fun. Then her friend tried to insult me a couple time, random insults, I started looking at her for like 5 minutes just looking straight across at her, she got so self concious and anxious, it was funny as hell. I was on the edge, if anyone had said another word to me it would of been guaranteed violence.
ReplyDeleteI was at this party a week ago this one girl was annoying me badly, she was acting like a complete fool throwing up and irritating people, my friend tried to touch her and have some fun with her, she told him to get off her, this annoyed me much more than you would think, I spent the whole night pissing her off, stepping on her shoes, bumping into her on purpose, staring at her in an intimidating way, it was fun. Then her friend tried to insult me a couple time, random insults, I started looking at her for like 5 minutes just looking straight across at her, she got so self concious and anxious, it was funny as hell. I was on the edge, if anyone had said another word to me it would of been guaranteed violence.
ReplyDeleteI was at this party a week ago this one girl was annoying me badly, she was acting like a complete fool throwing up and irritating people, my friend tried to touch her and have some fun with her, she told him to get off her, this annoyed me much more than you would think, I spent the whole night pissing her off, stepping on her shoes, bumping into her on purpose, staring at her in an intimidating way, it was fun. Then her friend tried to insult me a couple time, random insults, I started looking at her for like 5 minutes just looking straight across at her, she got so self concious and anxious, it was funny as hell. I was on the edge, if anyone had said another word to me it would of been guaranteed violence.
ReplyDeleteI was at this party a week ago this one girl was annoying me badly, she was acting like a complete fool throwing up and irritating people, my friend tried to touch her and have some fun with her, she told him to get off her, this annoyed me much more than you would think, I spent the whole night pissing her off, stepping on her shoes, bumping into her on purpose, staring at her in an intimidating way, it was fun. Then her friend tried to insult me a couple time, random insults, I started looking at her for like 5 minutes just looking straight across at her, she got so self concious and anxious, it was funny as hell. I was on the edge, if anyone had said another word to me it would of been guaranteed violence.
ReplyDeleteI was at this party a week ago this one girl was annoying me badly, she was acting like a complete fool throwing up and irritating people, my friend tried to touch her and have some fun with her, she told him to get off her, this annoyed me much more than you would think, I spent the whole night pissing her off, stepping on her shoes, bumping into her on purpose, staring at her in an intimidating way, it was fun. Then her friend tried to insult me a couple time, random insults, I started looking at her for like 5 minutes just looking straight across at her, she got so self concious and anxious, it was funny as hell. I was on the edge, if anyone had said another word to me it would of been guaranteed violence.
ReplyDeleteI was at this party a week ago this one girl was annoying me badly, she was acting like a complete fool throwing up and irritating people, my friend tried to touch her and have some fun with her, she told him to get off her, this annoyed me much more than you would think, I spent the whole night pissing her off, stepping on her shoes, bumping into her on purpose, staring at her in an intimidating way, it was fun. Then her friend tried to insult me a couple time, random insults, I started looking at her for like 5 minutes just looking straight across at her, she got so self concious and anxious, it was funny as hell. I was on the edge, if anyone had said another word to me it would of been guaranteed violence.
ReplyDeleteI was at this party a week ago this one girl was annoying me badly, she was acting like a complete fool throwing up and irritating people, my friend tried to touch her and have some fun with her, she told him to get off her, this annoyed me much more than you would think, I spent the whole night pissing her off, stepping on her shoes, bumping into her on purpose, staring at her in an intimidating way, it was fun. Then her friend tried to insult me a couple time, random insults, I started looking at her for like 5 minutes just looking straight across at her, she got so self concious and anxious, it was funny as hell. I was on the edge, if anyone had said another word to me it would of been guaranteed violence.
ReplyDeleteI was at this party a week ago this one girl was annoying me badly, she was acting like a complete fool throwing up and irritating people, my friend tried to touch her and have some fun with her, she told him to get off her, this annoyed me much more than you would think, I spent the whole night pissing her off, stepping on her shoes, bumping into her on purpose, staring at her in an intimidating way, it was fun. Then her friend tried to insult me a couple time, random insults, I started looking at her for like 5 minutes just looking straight across at her, she got so self concious and anxious, it was funny as hell. I was on the edge, if anyone had said another word to me it would of been guaranteed violence.
ReplyDeleteyou've broken SW. hope you're happy
ReplyDeleteI was at this party a week ago this one girl was annoying me badly, she was acting like a complete fool throwing up and irritating people, my friend tried to touch her and have some fun with her, she told him to get off her, this annoyed me much more than you would think, I spent the whole night pissing her off, stepping on her shoes, bumping into her on purpose, staring at her in an intimidating way, it was fun. Then her friend tried to insult me a couple time, random insults, I started looking at her for like 5 minutes just looking straight across at her, she got so self concious and anxious, it was funny as hell. I was on the edge, if anyone had said another word to me it would of been guaranteed violence.
ReplyDeleteI was at this party a week ago this one girl was annoying me badly, she was acting like a complete fool throwing up and irritating people, my friend tried to touch her and have some fun with her, she told him to get off her, this annoyed me much more than you would think, I spent the whole night pissing her off, stepping on her shoes, bumping into her on purpose, staring at her in an intimidating way, it was fun. Then her friend tried to insult me a couple time, random insults, I started looking at her for like 5 minutes just looking straight across at her, she got so self concious and anxious, it was funny as hell. I was on the edge, if anyone had said another word to me it would of been guaranteed violence.
ReplyDeleteMaybe that's just me. Do you guys really get offended easily?
ReplyDeleteI can't think of a single insult that would offend me.
I can't see why I wouldn't help someone in the street, it's always good for your image and bound to be more exiting than whatever else you were doing.
I was at this party a week ago this one girl was annoying me badly, she was acting like a complete fool throwing up and irritating people, my friend tried to touch her and have some fun with her, she told him to get off her, this annoyed me much more than you would think, I spent the whole night pissing her off, stepping on her shoes, bumping into her on purpose, staring at her in an intimidating way, it was fun. Then her friend tried to insult me a couple time, random insults, I started looking at her for like 5 minutes just looking straight across at her, she got so self concious and anxious, it was funny as hell. I was on the edge, if anyone had said another word to me it would of been guaranteed violence.
ReplyDeleteWe need to realize that nobody likes individuality, you will get most respect from the overall majority of your peers if you fit right into the norm, freaks and outcasts are looked down upon.
ReplyDeleteScreaming; Look what I can do!
ReplyDeleteOr am i projecting?
ReplyDeleteYeah you are projecting.
ReplyDeleteYou are trying to project your own delusions of being a sociopath on people who are not being fooled.
I would say act normal, to be on the safe side.
ReplyDeleteFrom Adam
ReplyDelete"The faces i remembered most were the vulnerable looking guys, the one with the pointy up nose,light eyes and quivering lip, he had victim written all over him."
I still can't get over this HAHA, trying too hard
I never claimed to be a sociopath Jason.
ReplyDeleteI didn't say that, it was a troll obviously.
ReplyDeleteyeah, act normal to be on the safe side. defo. Unless you wanna make a living as the next Lady Gaga...
ReplyDeleteI'm such a badass psycho that I refused to learn how to walk untill I was 11, I'm still using nappies, fuck society
ReplyDeleteI can't stand someone being rude to me. I have the scars of taking bites of vengeance too big to prove it.
ReplyDeleteAs I've become older, their bite does not lessen, but how I react has. I'm not so quick to fists as I used to be, but even in "maturity" I have a line that can still be crossed.
It's not a matter of getting even, with me. It's about destroying the fucker that thought crossing me was a good idea to begin with. My own hubris will allow nothing less.
ReplyDeleteIf there is anything I have in common with you it is this.
I do need your expertise. There is this annoying fucker at my school, and I have gotten an urge to beat the fuck out of him. I can't do anything, and I need a way to get him to vanish from me.
Err I wish ingenious solutions came fast to me.
I'm so psychopathic before I was born I attacked my own mothers uterus.
ReplyDeleteMy first murder was committed at three months into pregnancy when I choked my twin with his own umbilical chord
The worst thing you can do when being targeted by a bully is ignore them, if he is anything like I'm imagining, he will get bolder with his harrassment, the best thing to do is hit him when he isn't looking, from behind, use a weapon if you have to, i guarantee you he won't trouble you again, bullies prey on weakness, so show him you are strong.
ReplyDeleteHow is he annoying you? on purpose? by trying to be friends?
ReplyDeleteGet a friend and go all out on them fuckers, do a columbine.
ReplyDeleteshut up wise socio the answer is completely circumstantial.
ReplyDeleteThere is no good answer without more info
liberal ^^^
ReplyDeleteI think this person above is trolling
ReplyDeleteI am just asking for the best response for channeling the urge to kill someone or assault them badly.
ReplyDeleteSee if someone's rude to me I'm usually just rude back, in a sarcastic or patronising way. I like to make them feel embarrassed that they even tried to insult me. Make them feel small. Outwit them. But I don't usually get angry, it usually amuses me, as does belittling them. What kind of thing is really insulting? Swear words and name calling don't mean anything they're non specific they have no actual relevance. Insulting my intelligence is bound to fail because by doing so you have only made me secure in the knowledge I am more intelligent than you. And then there's insulting my character, what're you going to say, I'm selfish, arrogant, mean? Well it's not going to work if I agree with you, why would true things be insulting. What's there to get worked up about if you know you're better than them.
ReplyDelete"I am just asking for the best response for channeling the urge to kill someone or assault them badly."
ReplyDeleteKill or assault them, you will get over it in a week, just pretend it was a dog.
Get a punchbag.
ReplyDeleteYes, the best answer is definitely to kill them, use the motivation to kill them in positive activities, (school work)
ReplyDeleteBecome their boss, then hire people to kill them.
ReplyDeleteRegarding multiple postings on Empaths . . .
ReplyDeleteFamous empaths off the top of my head would be Helen Keller, Gandhi, and Mother Teresa.
Empathy can be viewed as a high sensitivity mixed with a take no prisoners mentality.
Kind of like Lucy from Charlie Brown. In service, yet moved from higher calling. (or ego delusion ex. Joan of Arc)
Empathy can be used as a seduction tool. Gandhi surely used that card. He seduced a nation into an almost non-violent take over of India.
Or a more recent example; one of the most popular and prolific Twitter reporters who tweeted minute-by-minute updates of the events in Egypt and Tunisia was Sultan Al Qassimi.
Again it's a high sensitivity to witness what is going in an individual or on cultural scale mixed with a different emotional wired mentality which sees a path others don't see or feel.
Soulful, Ive come to never read your comments, they are the biggest piles of drivel and crap of all time.
ReplyDeleteI'm not talking about simply name calling and jibes. I'm talking about someone being rude in every aspect of the notion.
ReplyDeleteUse some imagination if that doesn't make sense.
Jason, I need more info than that. I also need a history as to how you've handled yourself in the past.
yeah. sort of like having stronger empathic imagination and creativity than others. Some people may use it as a tool, say politically, some use it artistically, some use it humanitarianly etc.
ReplyDeletethe point is, they are more strongly attuned to where they can and should be applying it, and hence are more driven to use it proactively. This is certainly not the majority of people.
If you are small and you take wise socios advice you are fucked, think pearl harbour.
ReplyDeleteNeither was I. "Use some imagination" Helpful.
ReplyDelete"Soulful, Ive come to never read your comments, they are the biggest piles of drivel and crap of all time."
ReplyDeleteWhy thank you dear. At least I have the courage to use a name you Anonymous troll. I bet you enjoy living in rags underneath that highway bridge.
soulfulpath, your comments are terrible. You will undoubtedly think this is the same anon that insulted you before
ReplyDeleteSoulfulpaths comments show someone who possibly has a lot of intuition, making random connections between one thing and another, but hasn't developed their ability to use logical thought.
ReplyDeletesoulful path has good comments. you probably don't understand them anon.
ReplyDeleteOh great I have a fan club. I will rise infamous.
ReplyDeletewithout logic intuition is pointless you need logical thought to tell you which piece of intuitionn is correct and which isn't
ReplyDeleteEmpathy can be used as a seduction tool though, the most persuasive people I've ever met were very empathetic.
ReplyDeleteI will start my left brain exercises tomorrow upon your recommendation.
ReplyDeleteOr perhaps I will just hire a logical minded slave to do my bidding.
I pay $10 per hour and all the logical work you can handle. No lunch breaks. Unless you are humorous.
ReplyDeleteer, who says you can't have both?
ReplyDeleteapeaking of which,the main post today, i took some brain tests ages ago and always came out centre-brained - i was neither right nor left brain dominant. I sort of gathered it may be why i can take ages to make a decision.
Apparently it means i have the best of both worlds, i think it means i tend to be in conflict with my own thoughts. yikes.
wv obsest
I can feel my brain working, seriously.
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of someone showing off how they are centre brained, good for you though.
ReplyDeleteI would just like to mention that men are smarter than women, thank you
how am i showing off if i don't even know what it means? lordi.
ReplyDeletei'm curious if someone knows about that stuff then they could tell me what it means. get it?
notme, do you watch porn? ever masturbate? you're a woman right
ReplyDeleteI pay $25 per hour for brilliant logical minds who can prove they are smarter than women. It is important to be fully entertained. And if you can blow my mind then I will let you watch porn on your lunch break.
ReplyDeletenotme said...
ReplyDeleteyou've broken SW. hope you're happy
February 21, 2011 5:14 PM
I bet women can masturbate with no visual or mental stimulation, just moving to the feeling.
ReplyDeleteOn an elephant
ReplyDeleteGreat post, M.E. I hadn't actually seen this corpus collosum research.
ReplyDeleteI think that scientists are cautious to suggest things like a "psychopath advantage" because of the fun-house mirror like science reporting and the knee-jerk public reaction possibilities. Also, as seen in these comments, it is difficult for an empath (even a psycho-philic one)to admit value in having creatures such as us around. This feeling is likely to be shared by sw-web-posters and scientists and reporters alike.
(Assuming there is a genetic component) My guess, though I am no evolutionary biologist, is that the psychopath advantage comes out when environmental circumstances are hostile. When there is only enough food for X people to live, and most are trying to spread it around to X+Y people, a psychopath is hoarding and manipulating to ensure survival of them and theirs above the general good. The (X+Y) people die because they each have too little food to sustain an individual, and the psychopath & co. survive. If there is a disease, and others are nursing their sick (furthering infection), a psychopath is more likely to leave infected family behind and move on with the healthy ones, surviving to continue to reproduce and causing some original offspring to live as well. Traits are always being selected for or selected against, so I wonder what direction psychopathy is currently going in.
I'm really interested in the individual effects of these structural idiosyncrasies on function, but to me the brain is basically still a black box. I might have to poke around the research a little now.
Thanks again, M.E. for the thought-provoking post.
I visualise the same arousal image in my mind's eye every single time, focus my everything on it, move the energy I feel from it through my body while applying pressure indirectly through soft clothing, and...surf ;)
ReplyDeleteDAMN IT! Why do I always miss out on the good convos?
ReplyDelete@SoulfulPath I'm in. I don't even need the porn. I'm taking the lunch break whether you find me funny or not though.
Now someone else say something interesting that I can respond to. I don't like responding to old posts.
@pythais I don't think that is correct. I agree with the idea that S/P advantages come out clearly in certain situations but I think even neuro-typical can make the hard decisions when pressed. It is just the willingness and the lack of guilt about it that separates the norms from the S/P. If they couldn't then there would be many more S/P. Of course that is suggesting that it is a genetic trait only. I think the more likely course is that it is a genetic and environmental trait. Meaning there could be be a lot of people walking around with the genes but they were never given the stimuli needed to become one.
ReplyDeleteand surf?
ReplyDeleteKesu, your first assignment is to interview the USC researcher Adrian Raine:
ReplyDeleteHe states "There's faulty wiring going on in psychopaths. They're wired differently than other people."
In your interview you will want to pepper him for an admittance of positive traits. And to encourage another study allocating superior traits. If he disagrees then you will have to take matters in your own hands.
And please wear your Sociopath World t-shirt.
Kesu said...
ReplyDeleteI think even neuro-typical can make the hard decisions when pressed. It is just the willingness and the lack of guilt about it that separates the norms from the S/P. If they couldn't then there would be many more S/P.
Correct! This trait would only be an advantage during extreme situations, so I would say that during a time of disease, famine, etc, it would be selected for, and during a time of prosperity (like now) it is probably selected against, hence fewer individuals with the trait. In a time like this, it is probably more advantageous to offspring to have nurturing nt parents.
Of course there are nt's that would make the same "better" choices in extreme circumstances as p/s's, but some would not due to their attachment. Having the p/s type would allow for an extra handful of individuals likely to survive particular bottlenecks. I'm certainly not saying that they would be the only ones, but that it would be an evolutionary advantage in such a circumstance.
*shrug* It's just a thought.
Of course that is suggesting that it is a genetic trait only. I think the more likely course is that it is a genetic and environmental trait. Meaning there could be be a lot of people walking around with the genes but they were never given the stimuli needed to become one.
As the post I linked to earlier mentioned (though admittedly the study is not perfect), it does look like both the genetic predisposition and environmental factors are necessary for the p/s phenotype to express. I would agree with this from my personal anecdotal experience as well. I see p/s's popping up throughout my maternal grandmother's family, but only in individuals who were raised in very poor conditions or suffered repeated significant traumas.
I am skeptical of this "made" versus "born" sociopath perspective. I think that trauma dealt to a biological nt just produces a traumatized nt. Also, all people are born sociopaths. We grow into and are taught empathy. (If you don't believe me, stick a few 18 month old children together and observe :-P)
Interesting points. I would consider rephrasing that as all 'normal' people are born sociopaths. Presumeably, if a dyslexic child automatically becomes a target, might there also be any naturally gentle predispositions in that age group?
ReplyDeleteI think what pythais is getting at when making the children commit is that no one is born socialized. People learn it over time. In extreme situations children are the most dangerous people when talking about norms. They only have the survival instincts and none of the social graces that their adult counter parts carry. You have to remember what is considered normal is merely what society says is normal. In some cultures rape is the normal way you take a wife. In saying that suddenly I have an urge to move...
ReplyDeleteIndeed, we're all born 'mad', and conditioned to be 'sane' (or vice versa, depending on your perspective) but social influences can only shape a person in tandem with their hard-wired biological makeup.
ReplyDeleteSimilarly having a conscience, and the capacity for remorse, is no guarantee of an individual always or often maximising either for the public good.
As the author of The Lucifer Effect: Why Good People Turn Evil points out, morality "is like a gearshift that at times gets pushed into neutral."
Hi Gag :)
ReplyDeleteI don't quite understand your question. At something like 18 months, a dyslexic child probably doesn't have any detectable symptoms and isn't likely to be targeted. Also, I think that bad spelling and reversing left and right probably don't make someone particularly target-able. :)
I think even children with disabilities ranging from aspies to angelman's are going to have ego-centric behaviors devoid of empathy.
To say we are all born "mad"(Obviously meaning some type of insane) is a bit over the top. Rather we are born like switchboards. The switches are all set to neutral but with predispositions that can influence our development. Sometimes these switches can be so inclined to one path that it is an undeniable outcome. Of course this is still a gross simplification.
SoulfulPath at 11:44am:
ReplyDeleteOr what in regards to Anthropological research? How do other cultures nurture this universal wiring? Perhaps we are viewing things to much from an ethnocentric Western mind?
True. Western studies are undoubtedly coloured by cultural *and* class bias.
When I was in India I encountered a charismatic heroin-dealing priest who challenged his nemesis to a sudden duel in the street one evening with daggers. Needless to say, I didn't stick around for the denouement, but I learned of it the next day.
I also encountered numerous attractive middle and upper class Indian men who were seducing middle-aged Western women under the pretence of 'loving' them for immigration visas and/or money.
How might an Eastern psychologist have viewed them in comparison to their Western counterparts?
Kesu at 11:27pm:
I'm undecided as to whether people are born tabula rasa or not - but perhaps a better analogy would have been that we're born 'feral' and 'tamed' in tandem with our hard-wired biological make-up.
Agreed, Sea Witch. I think people tend to forget they're just animals, too.
ReplyDeletelol! my bad mum.
ReplyDelete@Sea I could agree with that. As long as when you say feral you mean having natural instincts. No baby has to be taught to suckle from a breast. You just have to remember that even during that stage a baby is already learning socialized behavior. In the case of infants it is facial mimicry. As far as egocentric tendencies have you ever seen a baby not be egocentric? Or for that matter be particularly egocentric? So sense they are already learning by the time they actually can display any type of real signs of thinking they have learned a lot of socials skills. Did any of us here have no facial expressions growing up?
ReplyDeleteSea witch,
ReplyDeleteThose men are light entertainment compared to the chaste village choir girls and the child/God insurgent leaders.
More food for thought . . . . titles for a predator's appetite such as . . .
ReplyDelete"Why Is Reciprocity So Rare in Social Animals?"
"Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny"
"Is Strong Reciprocity a Maladaptation? On the Evolutionary Foundations of Human Altruism."