From the book "
Quirk," by way of
Salon, discussing the role of oxytocin in empathy:
[S]tudies are finding that oxytocin can increase the amount of money people will donate to a charity. One study in particular lent credence to the time honored method charities use to pull money from magazine readers: Feature a woebegone child in your advertisement. In the study, researchers had subjects watch a tearjerker film of a father talking about his son's brain tumor. They sampled subjects' blood before and after the film. Following the film the blood was awash in oxytocin, and their donations to charity rose 47 percent, compared to those of subjects who saw a film of the same father talking about a trip to the zoo. The tearjerker technique was more effective on women than men. Experiments wherein people sniff oxytocin to bolster the chemical in their brain show that the chemical may work in two ways. It may operate first by dampening our natural fear of one another. Oxytocin is very active in the amygdala, which monitors the world for danger. Extra oxytocin fights fear. Then, with that terror out of the way, perhaps it's easier to read another person's emotions and relate to them. People dosed with oxytocin make more direct eye contact, and they are better at describing the emotions portrayed on another's face. So extra oxytocin also helps us to empathize.
I found this description of mother vs. baby refreshingly frank, although it certainly is nothing new:
[A] mother -- every mother, whether snake, skunk, or sheep -- has biological aspirations above and beyond an infant. In her DNA she dreams of launching not one, but a dozen offspring down the river of time. And to do that she has to watch out for her own health and welfare.
All mothers and their infants engage in a battle over this issue, from the moment of conception. It is in the offspring's best interest to drag every nutrient and calorie it can absorb out of its mother's body. It is in the mother's best interest to hold something back so that she can raise future offspring. This battle continues after birth. An infant denied the opportunity to nurse does not quit without a fight. She'll let loose wails that in earlier times could attract deadly predators.
But no matter how sympathetic a mother might be, the infant won't gain the upper hand in this contest. Starvation remains a real threat to humans today, and the photographs that come out of refugee camps testify to the importance of motherly selfishness. Still strong enough to walk, mothers embrace their dying children. I'm sure they wish they could nurse their children, but evolution has outfitted them with bodies that will not permit it. When a female's body fat drops below a certain point, she can continue to empathize with her child's pain, but her body refuses to sympathize: Her body stops producing milk. And how could it be otherwise? Why would evolution reward a body that would give its last calorie to an offspring, then die and leave the offspring to starve alone? The offspring of such sympathetic mothers don't survive, and neither do the genes that would make a person so disastrously generous.
But neither could evolution produce mothers who would abandon an infant at the first sign of hardship. Evolution rewards those mothers who invest in their existing offspring but guard their ability to have more children in the future.
Why would that be? Why does evolution perpetuate both the pushovers and the pushers? Well, a personality that's low in sympathy or empathy is not a heartless block of stone. She just isn't so quick to assume the feelings of others. She does a better job of maintaining her boundaries and keeping a steady eye on her own future. Undistracted by life's melodramas, she's more likely to focus on facts and figures.
these dumb mothers are the cause of narcissism and psychopathy, if you shower a child with attention and treat is as a beacon for your failed hopes and dreams you are bound to create a monster. just leave the child alone.
ReplyDeleteGross. That’s why you always see commercials of starving bug ridden refugees. Do you know how much money is spent on those commercials? Millions. How about eliminate the middle man and actually give that money to the people you’re asking to help? So I don’t have to watch terrible commercials.
ReplyDeleteSecond thought: If a mother’s body drops below a certain body fat percentage they can’t nurse. Generally if their body fat is too low they also can’t conceive because ovulation stops for this very reason. She doesn’t have proper provider qualities to sustain hers and another’s life. So how does she get knocked up in the first place? There’s got to be some persistent sperm donors in those refugee camps. If their so insistent on contributing to conception, why aren't they so insistent on contributing to sustaining. Isn't that the point of the male need to drop their DNA into every female they can find?
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ReplyDeleteand their donations to charity rose 47 percent, compared to those of subjects who saw a film of the same father talking about a trip to the zoo.
ReplyDeleteWell damn those people are easily manipulated. I'd be much more interested in the zoo for certain. No doubt about that.
47%? Actually, I really doubt the percentage would be so high if they studied folks watching the commercials that didn't know they were being studied. Most of them probably didn't want to look like selfish fucks.
Oxytocin is very active in the amygdala, which monitors the world for danger.
Sometimes science is just so dumb and repetitive. All these amygdala studies point to the same thing, but each one acts as if it has discovered something entirely new. Last month it was that a larger more active amygdala resulted in people who were more interested in others and being social. This is just the same shit, same conclusion, but different angle. Scientists find what they are looking for in their own words, don't make the connection (at least not in the popular media) and publish this shit as if it's a revelation.
There’s got to be some persistent sperm donors in those refugee camps.
What's interesting is that they never show starving men in those goddamn Christian Children's Fun commercials (which they recently renamed to ChildFund to make it sound less like a missionary).
I'm sure part of the reason is that it's harder to feel sorry for men than women and children (women and children are pathetic beings to be pitied, didn't you know), but I also wonder if the men are the last to stave, because they take all the food. Cuz they need to energy and shit, to go out and do manly stuff.
Why would that be? Why does evolution perpetuate both the pushovers and the pushers?
ReplyDeleteBiologically speaking - it works. Mothering works. Survival works.
Philosophically speaking - duality. The tension of opposites. You see it in cell division, business, politics and sex.
Good and evil, Shiva and Shakti, Good cop, bad cop.
All sorts of "off spring" emerge from the dance of duality.
That's why when things are too predictable and constant. The word "boring" emerges, impulse ignites and well the whole thing just starts over.
Experiential thinking - Oxytocin is fun to take in a pill and or create experiences which increase its likelihood of flooding one's sensations. Think nursing.
As far as the amygdala research goes, I agree, it's nothing new.
ReplyDeleteOxytocin is one of two main naturally produced chemicals in the human body that makes you feel happy. If you're happy you want others to be happy because it increases your chances of remaining happy, hence more receptive to the needs of others.
Throwing around buzz words needlessly I imagine is just media hype to make their article sound more credible: Hey look See science = obviously more believeable. Oxytocin, great, drawing another parallel to things, redundant but possibly valid. Especially for con artists and charitable organizations that want to dope up their marks/followers into emptying their walls = Practical application.
It's a starving refugee camp! What manly things can these guys be doing... exept not growing/hunting food. Lazy. Is that a manly thing to be doing?
@Soulful... I'm not sure I'd count nursing as one of those fun things I'd like to be doing on a Friday night. Especially when I could be doing, anything else.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of nursing, what ever happened to Grace?
ReplyDeleteShe's in school, I think, and probably got what she needed from SW, and got bored here. Perhaps she decided to concentrate on her life instead of her ex, and got over him.
ReplyDeleteShe wasn't really much of an empathy-challenged/disordered/pseudo-intellectual sort so I don't really see what she could get out of this place by continuing to stick around.
I hope she is well.
Yes, good old Grace. I think she left an article of clothing at my place of business. I have been trying to track her down, but i don't she'd pay any attention to me. Being so busy and all, I doubt I have much to offer her. Oh well.
ReplyDeleteHaven, you just don't know the ecstasy of the let down response. Raw, primal, pleasurable and symbiotic. A mother's devotion is a chemical joyful pool to swim in.
ReplyDeletePlus, what's a little sacrifice when I get to see my genes manifest into unique forms of genius. Different fathers produce interesting genes to raise. And my bed is kept interesting and never empty.
No she is a sweetie! I hope she's well, too.
ReplyDeleteHm, I wonder what oxytocin legally introduced into the food and water supply would do.
ReplyDelete"And my bed is kept interesting and"
ReplyDeleteSoulful's gettin sexy... Uh oh, sw, beware! See told you all along she was just a freak. Stop thinin about sex, Soulsex, and give us an egg to reproduce... we need more dangerous types in this world.
Yeah right. Fuckin fraud.
I'm out. Fuckin bore here
ReplyDeleteI'm feeling like my long period of celibacy needs to come to an end very soon.
ReplyDeleteThough I tend to prefer the sublimation. Which makes sense, as my need to create and perpetuate will most likely not result in babies.
I give birth to other things.
Do not offer any type of emotional depth or intimacy. Narcissists are terrified of intimacy; of getting close to someone, of having any type of real feelings other than rage. Remember, the less feelings you show, the happier you will be. Be sure to not accuse the Narcissist of having any "deep" feelings, either, or you will threaten their magic bubble and infuriate them.
ReplyDeleteNarcs like being perceived as deep and profound. The "still waters run deep" sorta crap.
ReplyDeleteBut confront them with ways in which they might really have depth, they do indeed freak out.
...or rather, to behave/talk in a way in which proof of their depth is required, they freak out.
ReplyDeleteSo, in other words, our biographies, histories, and sociocultural constructs count for nothing when it comes to our individual concepts of the deserving and undeserving poor - it's all biology. What rot.
ReplyDeleteOnly showing participants culturally approved *deserving poor* narratives, that need no intellectual definition because they're heavily equated with death, is testimony to their ability to respond to popular media narratives as they've been conditioned to. And I agree: who wants to look like a tightwad when to even admit to media-induced compassion fatigue of marasmus is still relatively taboo?
Advertisers use images of starving, dying women and children because of their *ambiguous* vulnerability and morbid attractiveness, of course, but also because they're framed to as domesticated Madonna and child poses that make the cause of their starvation appear to be apolitical *shrugs*
I'm so bored of oxytocin as a buzzword. Yes, yes: neurogenesis occurs during pregnancy, oxytocin bonds, prolactin stimulates opioids, and so on. In others with sufficient amounts of oxytocin in their blood at any given time it also bonds and increases trust while reducing anxiety. But 'selfless' mothers are a sociocultural construct as much as 'scolding' children is - so mothers who do scold are not necessarily lacking in 'empathy, sympathy, or decency' at all. And who says a 'good friend' is a meddlesome, drama-loving, martini drinker?
We're not all the same and are not designed to be. How hard is it for people to grasp this?
Its not depth they are afraid of. It's nature. They can't control it as much as they cannot control their own power. The anger comes too much ability and not enough focus. Happy socios are successful socios.
ReplyDeleteYes, yes, yes yes and yes. Very well said.
I especially like the point about women and children representing the apolitical. Involve men and it suddenly becomes an issue of foreign policy. That did not occur to me.
"Narcs like being perceived as deep and profound. The "still waters run deep" sorta crap.
ReplyDeleteBut confront them with ways in which they might really have depth, they do indeed freak out."
Look but don't dare touch?
Yes... because it's a house of cards.
ReplyDeleteAnd what narc wants to play 52-card pickup?
What do you mean by house of cards?
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ReplyDeleteHouse of cards = when presented with who they actually are, their self imposed construct of themselves will crumble and they'll lose the identity they try desperately to uphold and make others believe in order to achieve whatever it is they're after.
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ReplyDelete@Soulful... A little effort? Raising kids is not a little effort. But you're right, I don't know.
ReplyDeleteI love sex + I hate kids = I love contraception.
(also, lesbian/bi girls, so no procreatioin option there)
All of the fun with none of the consequences (hopefully). Just as easily keeps the bed interesting and not empty.
i read a ton of stories on lovefraud about narcissists, some women claim that their narc lost his virginity to them, that is how fearful of bonding they are. how could you be so in fear of intimacy? i don't get it...
ReplyDeleteHaven, mate with good nurturing brilliant men and raising kids is a breeze. Sexual partners are for adventure. It's just logical biology and return of investment strategy. The next generation is our future. Nurturing is a smart strategy. Yes, its a lot of work, yet so is anything worth our talents. Love is the bond which keeps our planet populated, without tearing out each other throats to often. Oxytocin has rhyme and reason.
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ReplyDeleteGood nurturing billiant men. Where do you find these again?
ReplyDeleteNo, I have my reasons for not wanting children. Though I've always said that, if my partner were to really want children I would consider the possiblity, IF, he/she could convince me to overcome my very rational reasons for choosing to not pass on my genetic material. Granted, I'd first have to find a partner I could stay with for life. Challenge
Haven . . . Destiny + mystery + focus + luck.
ReplyDeleteAnd horoscope and yoga
ReplyDeleteFocus is a big one.
ReplyDeleteNot that I'm a love expert.
scenerio: someone is stranded late at night and strikes up a conversation with you. you end up giving them a ride home.
ReplyDeletethe next day, they act like they don't even know you, and when you see them in the hallway, you see them and you know they see you but they just walk by pretending not to notice you. is this sociopathic behavior? i notice that sociopaths are only nice when they can use you for something.
i also detect an undertone of shear aggression, or the tone in how they say something. one moment they sound normal, but if you don't do what they want or expect, there's this aggression to their voice. does this indicate a sociopath personality?
"the next day, they act like they don't even know you, and when you see them in the hallway, you see them and you know they see you but they just walk by pretending not to notice you. is this sociopathic behavior? i notice that sociopaths are only nice when they can use you for something."
ReplyDeleteIt could be. Sociopaths don't think like other people, they really don't give a damn about anyone but themselves, so the answer is yes, it could be sociopathic.
Doubtful. Might just be that he doesn't feel that his existence matters much, or is just shy.
ReplyDeleteIt could also just indicate a jerk.
ReplyDeleteMedusa- Focus is everything. And is the back bone to all success. Every cruel dictator knows this as much as the leader of any successful rebellion.
ReplyDeleteM.E.- Focus is the purpose of this blog. I get it. Power through knowledge, dear. And all the circus rings are such dubious fun to witness.
i bet vaknin is wacking off in the mirror right now.
ReplyDeleteMedusa, what do you mean? Sociopaths are notorious snobs, just as much as narcissists. This blog tries to put sociopaths in some sort of tortured soul perspective, but it is bullshit, if you meet these people you find that there is nothing deep about them.
ReplyDeleteI had a friend who would tease me and bully me because i played the guitar, he said musicians are nerds and losers, i beleive he was a sociopath. They have no clue about anything, arts culture and spiritualism are all weakness to the sociopath, they are all about anti life and opression.
ReplyDeleteI once told this sociopath friend (same guy) that i was in love with a girl, it was at a club, he burst out laughing and told me to stop fooling around, he start saying what do you mean by love? Ever since he has looked down on me and degraded me, is he really mad or perhaps envious of my capacity to feel warmth?
ReplyDeleteHaven. Didn't you say your evil ex was a sociopath? Why do you think he was?
ReplyDeleteThe part about Oxycontin is valid, at least for normal people with normal Amygdalae.
ReplyDelete(Yeah, I know: Medical Latin, but it SOUNDS femininumistical to me, lol).
However, I don't know what you think yourself, but to me the part about mothers' bodies is flawed in my view.
Why does HER body get the strength at that point? Probably more because the child is too small to survive on it's own should she die. Hence her survival takes precedence.
The bit about denying the child to drink from her relates mostly to culture. In some old and/or 'primitive' cultures it is still common to allow children to breast feed until they themselves begin to prefer other food sources.
As a scattered thought I guess it could make some people ponder how it is with mother Nature and Mother Human-Child in this regard, but I really don't think it's much of a mystery.
For as long as the adult can produce (age appropriately, that is) they will be likely to have the stronger physique. Once the child is into puberty and has developed far enough to be likely to have both physical and mental abilities needed to survive, it will be the stronger of the two.
Hence, 18 year olds are generally stronger than 30 year olds, even if many women can keep reproducing well into their forties.
As for the frankness of the text, yes, I agree with that. It's good to see there're still people around who don't hold back from going against the politically correct norm. ;)
(Who wrote that part about mothers, M.E.?)
Anon 12:15, because I used to act like that.
ReplyDeleteAnd folks, stop with calling every jerk a sociopath. Doesn't do any good. I know it feels nice to use that word because it makes you feel for sure that there is nothing wrong with you, that it's all him.
But it's still all him if he's simply a jerk. If you are putting up with jerkiness, well, then I suppose it's your problem as well.
@Anon... Evil-ex had socio qualities.... I honestly think he was a malignant narc. His motivations were slightly different than socio. His actions were to build an image of self-glorification. He had an elitist projection of who he thought he was and used that to draw people in to eventually take advantage of whatever it was he wanted. Everything revolved around proving his own superiority, prestige and vanity. Anything less than what he glorified wasn’t worth his notice. He fancied himself a beautifully charming monster.
ReplyDeleteCool. What did he do to you?
ReplyDeletethat's true medusa, but if they are showing all the signs then one can't help but point the finger. lack of empathy doesn't mean lacking empathy in certain situations, lacking empathy means lacking empathy long term in every area of your life.
ReplyDeleteSounds exactly like the ex of mine, all of it, Haven.
ReplyDeleteHe does that ignoring-people-that-don't-matter-and-are-of-no-use stuff. Blatantly.
I used to ignore people for much different reasons. Some people thought I was a snob, but it was quite the opposite.
I'm a snob now, though, and proud of it :)
Oh, I wrut it wrang: It's Oxytocin (not Oxycontin).
ReplyDeleteAnon 11:30
"the next day, they act like they don't even know you, and when you see them in the hallway, you see them and you know they see you but they just walk by pretending not to notice you. is this sociopathic behavior?"
No, it is not an indicator as such. It is a very common technique among men in modern society. If it meant they were also Sociopaths I'd say half the world is sociopathic.
It's just a symptom of a tendency in general towards being self absorbed and emotionally immature long into adulthood. Very common indeed.
he's probably just a cynic when it comes to love or he's ugly and can't get beautiful women to fall in love with him so he gets insecure whwn others are able to wxperience love
ReplyDeleteThe core drive is power. The power to charm, control, manipulate. Powerlessness is sin. Which is why weakness is to be ignored, shunned or killed.
ReplyDeleteSo i have found the hive
ReplyDeleteanon, narcs are masters of deception they are pricks in private. some abuse websites teach victims of narcissists to meet the narcissist in a public area to talk one on one so they don't have a rage attack, they hate being looked down on.
ReplyDeletei feel bad for anyone with an N boss, they will psychologically rape you.
ReplyDeleteI see him around every once in a while. I mostly completely and blatantly ignore his presence, but I do always take a moment to stare him down until he freaks out and looks away.
ReplyDeleteUsed to be the opposite.
He knows what I know, I know what he knows, and that I know what he is, and he knows what I am. Somewhere in that decrepit body of his, he knows, and I win as far as I'm concerned.
Not a good idea Medusa, if he is a sociopath he would think nothing of assaulting you.
ReplyDeleteHe won't. He's a coward. Like an injured puppy trying to look psycho to ward off people. Or like frilled neck lizard trying to look bigger than they actually are when threatened.
ReplyDeletePlus I've got biceps. He's 6'4" but I could probably kick his ass anyway.
...and I know he's trying to show a mature restraint to the world and prove that he's above it all.
ReplyDelete"...and I know he's trying to show a mature restraint to the world and prove that he's above it all."
ReplyDeleteWhen has that ever worked? A good ol ass kicking goes a long way.
Damn, I wrete it wring again!!
ReplyDeleteOxytocin (NOT Oxycontin NOR Oxycotin!). Lol
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ReplyDeleteAnon 12:15 PM,
ReplyDeleteA few words for you:
"This blog tries to put sociopaths in some sort of tortured soul perspective, but it is bullshit, if you meet these people you find that there is nothing deep about them"
And you know this because you've met a LOT of people like this, yes?
You THINK you know. Well I THINK you've read a few fundamental books on psychopathy, but KNOWLEDGE you do NOT have!
It is so easy to throw confident statements originally made by others, that way you don't have to make your own personal experiences and form your own personal opinion based on your own personal knowledge gained from your own personal experiences.
Need I keep going on? Or did I touch on the heart of the matter here?
Why should anybody listen to this type of primitive prejudice which you display?
Your words deserve no respect!
Boring boring boring boring boring boring Boring boring boring boring boring boring Boring boring boring boring boring boring Boring boring boring boring boring boring Boring boring boring boring boring boring Boring boring boring boring boring boring Boring boring boring boring boring boring Boring boring boring boring boring boring Boring boring boring boring boring boring Boring boring boring boring boring boring Boring boring boring boring boring boring Boring boring boring boring boring boring Boring boring boring boring boring boring Boring boring boring boring boring boring Boring boring boring boring boring boring Boring boring boring boring boring boring Boring boring boring boring boring boring Boring boring boring boring boring boring Boring boring boring boring boring boring Boring boring boring boring boring boring
ReplyDeleteWhat can I say.
ReplyDelete"boring boring boring..." etc. etc.
Such display of intellectual superiority! I'm humbled by your eloquence!...
(Yu be tryin' to bore poor ole Zhawq to death, anon?)
@Anon 12:47… I’m not getting into it here.
ReplyDelete@Medusa… haha. My sympathies. I ignore people to, but mostly because I just want them to leave me alone, not for any reasons of superiority. My narc ex was absolutely a coward. He won’t come anywhere near me for much the same reason. I know his secrets and he can no longer bully me as I no longer give a shit about him.
Just tell us, we won't say anything, we aren't that bad..
ReplyDeletecould someone compare a jerk vs a sociopath?
ReplyDeleteHere is what comes to my mind:
a jerk may have remorse afterwards but a sociopath would not. yet, both would keep acting their jerk sides steadily anyway.
"Need I keep going on?"
ReplyDeleteLOL! You always do! reading your long pile of crap posts is like watching paint dry! And putting an exclamation mark at the end of every sentance doesn't make them more interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"The bit about denying the child to drink from her relates mostly to culture. In some old and/or 'primitive' cultures it is still common to allow children to breast feed until they themselves begin to prefer other food sources."
ReplyDeleteBut in the example given the mother doesn't deny her child her milk, nature does: when a mother is starving the fat content in her milk initially peaks just before drying up because there are no longer sufficient nutrients going into her body to produce it. She cannot feed the child physically even if she emotionally wants to. Another breastfeeding woman can, yes, which is common practise around the world in the form of wet nursing and cross nursing - but if all lactating women are starving it's one of the reasons babies die first in famines. In the same way that an anorexic woman doesn't stop ovulating because she wants to for her own survival, nature stops it for her no matter what she wants. Many women in the West, like the rest of the world, still breastfeed their children for years in the same way that they co-sleep with them from birth - they just don't tell everyone because it's ridiculously taboo. I don't understand why any of this is considered frank or selfish? This is sociopathic.
"The bit about denying the child to drink from her relates mostly to culture. In some old and/or 'primitive' cultures it is still common to allow children to breast feed until they themselves begin to prefer other food sources."
ReplyDeleteBut the mother doesn't deny her child her milk, nature does: when a mother is starving the fat content in her milk initially peaks just before drying up because there are no longer sufficient nutrients going into her body to produce it. She cannot feed the child physically even if she emotionally wants to. Another breastfeeding woman can, yes, which is common practise around the world in the form of wet nursing and cross nursing - but if all lactating women are starving it's one of the reasons babies die first in famines. In the same way that an anorexic woman doesn't stop ovulating because she wants to for her own survival, nature stops it for her no matter what she wants. Many women in the West, like the rest of the world, still breastfeed their children for years in the same way that they co-sleep with them from birth - they just don't tell everyone because it's ridiculously taboo. I don't understand why any of this is considered frank or selfish? This is sociopathic.
Not a whole lot is known about P/S types regarding their inner monologues and thought patterns. Most of the research has been dedicated to studying their behavioral patterns and how to detect (and ultimately route) them.
ReplyDeleteMost people don't sit around with pals or complete strangers and give a bird's eye view into their mind, why do you think a P/S type would be any different in the real world? Talk about being a stranger in a strange land. The only people who would fawn over you would be complete fools.
Tortured soul? No, I don't think I am. I think I'm mostly alone (as opposed to lonely). There's just a lot that I say and do that doesn't sync up with the Status Quo, so I usually can't be bothered to try. Wide eyes or deaf ears, pick your poison, in more cases than not.
bitch slapped zhawq.
ReplyDeletesoon you'll have a tortured body not able. watch your back from now on, faggot. your not as alone as you think. (;
ReplyDeleteThe tortured soul or is it the soul that tortures?
ReplyDeletePick your poison.
Interrogation, punishment, coercion, or intimidation?
As arrogant as I am, I realise that none of us are worth anything, It's a dangerous world, your life can be thorn from you every time you step outside the door, don't waste time on spiritualism and "finding yourself" when there is no self left, the only thing that is important is your present pleasure.
ReplyDelete"watch your back from now on"
ReplyDeleteAs if I ever stopped. Boring, next.
Those all sound pretty fun, Soulful. Can I mix and match?
I like how ME posts his first science-related post in a while and he gets nothing but bitching, heh. You jackals always need to have something to whine about.
Those all sound pretty fun, Soulful. Can I mix and match?
ReplyDeleteOf course, it's like the basic ingredients in a soup. And just for ME it will be Hearts of Palm bisque.
1 cup flaying
1/2 cup disembowelment
1 tsp crucifixion
1 lump of impalement
a pinch of stoning
Stir wildly until dismemberment
What does he expect? His audience are socios.
ReplyDeleteMurder and Torture weren't part of the original ingredients you listed :P Unless you're trying to coerce someone into the grave xD I guess punishment works for all of those, but I'm not a fan of capital punishment. Not my cup of tea, nor favorite soup of the day.
ReplyDeleteThat must sound silly, me not being a fan of capital punishment... whatever.
To the vegetable its all capitol punishment you fool.
ReplyDeleteEh? How is that? I've never punished a carrot before. Maybe had a little too much fun with asparagus back in the good old days, hah, those were the times...
ReplyDeleteEvery time I hear "heart of palm" my brain thinks "balm of/in Gilead" for some reason.
ReplyDeleteSelling one soul to another by a brother. Blood of a goat on Joseph's coat, Judah the rude dude.
I have a greedy fetish for coats. I find them very healing to possess, collect and wear. They are the "balm"
ReplyDeleteAbout that.
ReplyDeletefor anon 8:49pm
ReplyDeleteDon't complain of affliction,
for it's a smooth-paced horse
carrying you toward nonexistence. ~Rumi
I have more coats than clothes. Of many colors. Everything else, black.
ReplyDeleteThe sisterhood of Joseph's revenge.
ReplyDeleteWe should have a haiku day on SW.
ReplyDeleteHaikus and haikus only.
I'd love to see what all the anons/Adams come up with.
Here is a template
ReplyDeleteBoring faggot
a whim creates chaos
another day
Let's see who can do better.
nO NO nO NO NO no no
ReplyDeleteIt has to be 5-7-5.
I stopped smoking weed.
Now I am all fucking spaz,
And not allowed sleep.
I knew about the 5-7-5. I was breaking the rule because I was lazy.
ReplyDeleteWell actually the 5-7-5 is more complicated than just syllables, but is too hard for us stupid Westerners (or me) to understand.
ReplyDeleteHaiku hijacked these words from the post. And I followed the rules, perfectionist.
ReplyDeleteHeartless block of stone
Pushovers and the pushers
Perpetuate the same
Clever is as does
ReplyDeleteMixing ready made phrases
Into soups succinct
You win. I would be whipped in Scrabble by you. Yet I am sure I have a more wilder collection of coats.
ReplyDeleteMeh, I do not care
ReplyDeleteFuck your stupid Haiku game
Delicious irony
I doubt it.
ReplyDeleteI could populate quite the varied-species zoo with dead animals' souls.
Note you win an honorable mention because irony is the most delicious truth of all.
ReplyDeleteYou are a failure
ReplyDeleteI do enjoy pointing out
Your last line had six
Don't tell me you have a Tasmanian devil coat or a pink mink or I'll go mad with jealously.
ReplyDeleteMad with jealously
ReplyDeleteNotable wears the pink mink
Medusa just stares
Possum and sable
ReplyDeleteFox, rabbit, cow, mink
I'll never own anything
Ever in pink.
I do have minks whole
Four tied in a stole
The one with two foxes
My cousin she fucked it up good.
Too easy. That was worth a smirk and a half.
ReplyDeleteAnd the souls of these creatures serve as your servants?Cousins have the divine ability to fuck things up.
ReplyDeleteTime for pink, Medusa. Think Lady Gaga with snake hair. It's time to spread your wings.
Notable don't even TRY to out smirk me.
ReplyDeleteI make your smirks look like curdled scowls in comparison to mine.
ReplyDeleteBRING IT!
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ReplyDeleteShow me
ReplyDeleteDon't mention Lady Gaga in my presence.
ReplyDeleteThat woman is full of scheisse.
Smirks like curdled scowls
ReplyDeleteValkaries in pink mink
Fire in the hole!
Socio fact: Psychopaths can't smile properly, they look like the friggin joker when they smile.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Note, you are too easy. I expected that response regarding Gaga, because you are a German cussing snob.
ReplyDeleteI don't smile too often. A brief grin here, plenty of smirks or sneers there, but smiles, not so often. I usually look awkward in photos when I try to smile, so I almost never do.
ReplyDeleteI don;t think I look like The Joker, though. Then again, I'm sorely lacking a proper barber and cosmetics.
The psycho my ex
ReplyDeleteHe never much smiled
Heroin teeth
But still he beguiled
They were so tiny
I think that just maybe
He stole his George Washingtons
From rotten dead babies
Douglas Adams is rolling in his grave right now. A little bit late for an amendment to The Guide, but it's never been a very stable story to begin with.
ReplyDeleteWhat you mean?
ReplyDeleteI read the first one and saw some of the old TV series when I was like really young and stuff and don't remember much.
ReplyDeletepoop face, you
ReplyDeleteThis site is fullo douches and sluts.
ReplyDeleteTHE END
It was a pleasure to read your lines.
ReplyDelete'Possum and sable
Fox, rabbit, cow, mink
I'll never own anything
Ever in pink.'