Monday, November 18, 2024

Sociopath Lessons Part 3 (but mostly abt childhood trauma)

M.E. Thomas and Tony, from the previous "Sociopath Lessons," chat about religion, childhood trauma, whether psychopaths are smarter than other people, the lack of "urge" or desire in psychopaths, the reason behind gray rage, mask wearing, hypocrisy (especially moral hypocrisy), people who try to make reality or a belief in reality seem absurd, child abuse, adults playing games with the provision of food to children, "information warfare", and mind games.

Sociopath Lessons Part 1: 

Sociopath Lessons Part 2:


1 comment:

  1. What does it mean and what follows after a narcissist opens up about their truth themselves rather than after being caught? For ex they admitted to their cheating and lies and some dark thoughts too. Do the narcissists come back after that if things have ended ? I’ve heard narcissists always come back but I’ve seen that when they’re caught they are not. In this situation though, they aren’t caught though they themselves admitted and came clean so what does that imply ?


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