"Robert Hare, the eminent Canadian psychologist who invented the psychopath checklist, ... recently announced that you're four times more likely to find a psychopath at the top of the corporate ladder than you are walking around in the janitor's office," journalist Jon Ronson tells Guy Raz, host of weekends on All Things Considered.I see this rather frequently, accusing sociopaths of trying to twist bad behavior to look like good, flaws to look like superhero traits, and damaged brains to look superior. People who make these accusations must believe that sociopaths are villains by definition, but that's not an entirely consistent or defensible position to take. Neither are some of the other assertions I see most frequently:
Picture a psychopath and you might think of Norman Bates. But Ronson says successful businessmen can also score high on the checklist. While researching his book, Ronson visited the Florida home of Al Dunlap — known as "Chainsaw Al" — who as CEO of appliance maker Sunbeam was notorious for his gleeful fondness for firing people and shutting down factories.
"So I turned up at his house, and it was full of sculptures of predatory animals," Ronson says. "And he immediately started to talk about how he believed in the predatory spirit, which was word for word what Bob Hare writes about in the checklist: Look out for their belief in the predatory spirit."
But Dunlap managed to turn the psychopath test on its head, Ronson says.
"He admitted to many, many items on the checklist, but redefined them as leadership positives," he says. "So 'manipulation' was another way of saying 'leadership.' 'Grandiose sense of self worth' — which would have been a hard one for him to deny because he was standing underneath a giant oil painting of himself — was, you know, 'You've got to like yourself if you're going to be a success.'"
- Either we're 4 times more likely to be at the top of the corporate ladder than be the janitor (and so presumably resourceful enough to get those jobs), or we're so impulsive and evil to the point that we are all leeches on productive society.
- Either 1 in 25 people (technically Americans) are sociopaths, so presumably some of them are your normal seeming co-workers or neighbors, or the only people who could properly be classified sociopaths are serial killers, people you would never meet, particularly not writing or commenting on a blog.
- Either we're very talented chameleons who are able to hide in plain sight, or we're so obvious that anyone we date can immediately and successfully diagnose us.
There are many others, of course, but this post is already getting long. I don't mind people believing one thing or the other and broadcasting that belief loudly and frequently, I just ask for a little bit of rationality and consistency in those professed beliefs.
i know i have a grandious sense of self worth when I'm on my game, i could easily climb a corporate ladder. i can show people they're hypocritical when they're making me sick to my stomach, treating me or my loved ones badly, and people sometimes walk away feeling like i twist their personal reality. I don't trust easily, and i can sometimes see where things are going, looking for loopholes in commitments/contracts. I've gotten more selfish, and less forgiving recently. And I can charm the pants off a goodly amount people when I want to. Does that make me savvy for business? I think so. Also a good lawyer. I was once accused of operating one of my relationships like a lawyer. Any bastard normal person can do this!
ReplyDeleteThank you sw for today's post. I learn very much. ........ Even the jackasses who post help me understand the world.
ReplyDeleteHumor time: Nobody ever talks about the psychopaths in the media. Nobody. Ever.
ReplyDeleteTop Draws: Media, Finance, Entertainment, and Market Making(blue ocean)
ReplyDeleteRequisite Skills: Grandiose Sense of self worth, ambiguous structures that either reward entrepreneurship or alternatively lend themselves to tentacular power within nebulae, Ability Foment creativity and exploit technical expertise(Hi Aspies!),balls out approach.
Rewards: Adulation, Magnificent Compensation, Vast opportunities for Shadow pursuits.
Discipline is key and present in only the very high functioning (impulse has to be re-tracked). The boldface S's are meticulous, single minded and capable of maintaining the long term allegiances required to originate and rule over markets.
How do you guys deal with slip ups?
ReplyDeleteWhat do you guys think is better. Improve your strength or work on your weaknesses?
ReplyDelete"He admitted to many, many items on the checklist, but redefined them as leadership positives,"
ReplyDeleteYou mean kind of like this?
Actually, ME, I would say that many companies are run or founded by corporate psychopaths and sociopaths. Yours truly is one of them, as well as both of us business partners.
The one I was at before definitely had people like Mr. Dunlap at the top. In fact, almost every job of import I have had has people like us floating above that glass roof.
Just my two cents.
Maude, you're fired.
ReplyDeletesociopath = infant feeling powerful by inflicting pain.
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go sociopaths!!
hey guys, do you think jack kevorkian is some kind of a sociopath/psychopath?
ReplyDeletethis shit about 4x more at the top than janitor, proves the point that sociopathy is a choice, and not due to genetics.
ReplyDeletethe difference between people at the janitor level and people at the top is intelligence.
therefore intelligence, the ability to make choices, leads to people consciously choosing to be "sociopathic", hence there is really no such thing as "sociopathy", only an infantile choice made by a infantile person to use that modus operandi. and also to suck their own cock thinking they are "cool", or some pussy ass shit.
Question for the socios;
ReplyDeleteWho hear gets wet when they get the finger?
i ran a VERY successful section of a mammoth industry for a few years. It does feel good at the top.
ReplyDeleteI remember having a conversation with someone about about the difference between successful and unsuccessful sociopaths/psychopaths. During our discourse, we came to two different conclusions, or theories at least.
ReplyDelete1. Cleverness and Cunning are not enough. Most P/S types have a decent level of both. However, intelligence coupled with these traits helps one realize opportunities that less intelligent P/S types do not, or do not know how to take advantage of.
2. Antisocial traits heavily influence success. Even if one is extremely intelligent, their own proclivity to impulsive destructive and self-destructive behavior shapes the opportunities they have available in life, regardless of their capabilities.
Therefore, I posit that these successful pools of P/S types need both intelligence and lower levels of antisocial behavior to streamline their success through legitimate means.
One should also take into consideration the thin line between hard-wired Machiavellian behavior versus true pathology.
nobody want ta run they house like they run they work. I's tired when I git home, children. If my man ain't got the food out with his dick hard, I go to the club . Plenty of men playin with they dicks there. Makes me feel like I's the finest piece a creme pie they got in they kitchen. I got ta feel that Hard DICK ON back fat after MY day...jes like them young things with they titties out.
ReplyDeleteAnother thought occurs, regarding NPD.
ReplyDeletePerhaps the idea of Corporate Psychopaths en masse is a logical blunder. Relating to the points above, especially number two, I think an intelligent pathological Narcissist would have a much easier time elevating themselves in the corporate world than a sociopath or psychopath.
Narcs often lack many of the trademark antisocial behaviors that P/S types have, but still encompass a level of amoral ruthlessness and drive for power. In addition, pathological Narcissism seems to usually stem from two very different upbringings. Severe neglect, or severe over-admiration. Both of these are common in well to do households. Either the parents are available and spoil their children rotten and live vicariously through them, or the children are simply there, but not taken care of or loved.
Coming from such well to do households often brings with it pre-made connections in business industries, thus making it even easier to rise to the top of any business venture.
So I would hazard to guess there are far more Narcs at the top than sociopaths and psychopaths.
always be workin on them strengths, wetsy. Cause you know anyone can trump it when others do they own thing better. President Obama did this thing on the basketball court in college (I knew him before Michelle. ...CHIIILD !) He had a choice as how to settle a tie, and "suggested" the difficut shot. His opponent, he didn know that was Bracky's (that was I called him) ace. Thisa true story.
ReplyDeletehello to tik, ukan, 50%, jason, and of course last but not least the notablepath, just a note about yesterdays discussion. i had to leave the chat room round 5.15 your time. where im from it was 1 in the morning and i had to go to bed, ive spent the last hour reading all the posts after i left. some very interesting reading.. @ukan,did you give me a compliment saying my name was fitting? if you did, then cheers, another ego boost! though someone using your ID or you yourself called me a cunt later, not so nice, i hope it wasnt you? @kesu, thank you for not resorting to name calling after i left, and indeed defending me as i wasnt there to do it myself. but imagine my surprise to find that most of you were still discussing me and my 'problem' right up to the end.
ReplyDeletei don't have a blog of my own..yet! nor have i seen any of yers yet. (have to figure that one out first)
BUT i realised that while you all gave me much to ruminate apon, none of you told me what to do when he texted last night??? so, i didnt reply to his text, in the hope that one of you mite tell me today,
and last but not least, imagine my surprise to see two quotes about ME on the side of the home page.
and though i hate to say it... i think i had quite an affect on ye last night. thank you.. @kesu, i liked the horns keeping up your halo line... nice one. i hope to hear from you later tonight, when i get a chance to come back on line.
will i come back to a battery of insults? i hope not..? i look forward to your mad debates on this and that.
im looking forward to getting to know you all better,xxxxxxxxxxxx
Note, I agree.
ReplyDeleteI've worked with many Narcs who were almost all privately schooled (which reinforces entitlement and privilege within itself.)
Those from less well to do backgrounds tend to thrive mostly in sales.
p.s. no i didnt ever give him money, and he never splashed out on anything nice for me, ever!!! he even with held sex from me...by breaking arrangements to meet or causing an arguement, and im hot and the sex was amazing..so i dont no wot he got from his game?
ReplyDeleteIcon. That discussion last night was in no way was about you. What you obviously fail to see was that you were merely a catalyst that allowed that to happen. No one gives a shit about your problem.
ReplyDeleteYou want to know what to do about your boyfriend? Simple. Give him an ultimatum. Say whatever you want to happen or you are just fucking out. You just have to back it up. A threat is no good unless it is backed up. If you tell someone you are going to knife them in the chest if they touch your sandwich and then you knife them in the chest when they touch your sandwich. Well they are never going to touch your sandwich again. If you don't though they are going to keep eating your sandwich.
"Actually, ME, I would say that many companies are run or founded by corporate psychopaths and sociopaths."
ReplyDeleteYeah. How many here are CEOs and upper level executives? I would not be surprised if most of us were.
I should add Narcs into that equation now, however these comments do not have edit buttons.
ReplyDeleteWell, let's see. ResCogitans is some sort of successful engineer, Postmodern Sociopath was running his own local crime ring, Ukan has his own territory and market that he runs, I'm an upper level executive at the new company I'm with, Pythias is a successful scientist who is helping someone close to her run for office through a means of even more power, and our very own ME sounds like quite the successful businessman.
So Kesu, what do you do?
I'm my own boss. nuff said.
ReplyDelete"their own proclivity to impulsive destructive and self-destructive behavior shapes the opportunities they have available in life"
ReplyDeletebullshit, normal people don't do this, and its absence doesn't distinguish sociopaths from others.
anyone who actually "calls" themselves a sociopath, is the biggest fucking moron loser, desperately trying to suck their own cock,
there is no such thing as a "sociopath", that is only a name some "fool" used to classify an entire range of behavior, which is entirely based only one distinguishing factor:
sociopath = infant feeling powerful by inflicting pain.
hitler, stalin, musso, saddam, bitch slap, madoff, cheney, w bush, shit bucket.....
that was all these fucks ever wanted.
and same with any other loser at the top.
everyone is free to hate all humans alive and there is no difference between wasting a human or an animal since that is all humans really are.....thinking this also doesn't distinguish a sociopath from others.
the only distinguishing factor between a noble person and an ignoble one, ie sociopath, is not weather you hate everyone or not, it is in purposely inflicting pain to feel "powerful".....
whacking off 'paths on a massive scale is the highest possible aspiration, as they only "fuck the world up", and need to be taken out of the equation.
wet !!!!!
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right on right on right on, Kesuella!
ReplyDeleteI own a company.
ReplyDeleteall the 'paths here are most likely typing on homeless shelter computers, 'paths get clobbered by someone somewhere along the line and never "make it back" lol
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"their own proclivity to impulsive destructive and self-destructive behavior shapes the opportunities they have available in life" bullshit, normal people don't do this, and its absence doesn't distinguish sociopaths from others. anyone who actually "calls" themselves a sociopath, is the biggest fucking moron loser, desperately trying to suck their own cock, there is no such thing as a "sociopath", that is only a name some "fool" used to classify an entire range of behavior, which is entirely based only one distinguishing factor: sociopath = infant feeling powerful by inflicting pain. hitler, stalin, musso, saddam, bitch slap, madoff, cheney, w bush, shit bucket..... that was all these fucks ever wanted. and same with any other loser at the top. everyone is free to hate all humans alive and there is no difference between wasting a human or an animal since that is all humans really are.....thinking this also doesn't distinguish a sociopath from others. the only distinguishing factor between a noble person and an ignoble one, ie sociopath, is not weather you hate everyone or not, it is in purposely inflicting pain to feel "powerful"..... whacking off 'paths on a massive scale is the highest possible aspiration, as they only "fuck the world up", and need to be taken out of the equation.
ReplyDeletewet !!!!!
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icon, he didn't want to please you, plain and simple. I know that when I stop wanting to please someone, the relationship is pretty much over.
ReplyDelete"their own proclivity to impulsive destructive and self-destructive behavior shapes the opportunities they have available in life" bullshit, normal people don't do this, and its absence doesn't distinguish sociopaths from others. anyone who actually "calls" themselves a sociopath, is the biggest fucking moron loser, desperately trying to suck their own cock, there is no such thing as a "sociopath", that is only a name some "fool" used to classify an entire range of behavior, which is entirely based only one distinguishing factor: sociopath = infant feeling powerful by inflicting pain. hitler, stalin, musso, saddam, bitch slap, madoff, cheney, w bush, shit bucket..... that was all these fucks ever wanted. and same with any other loser at the top. everyone is free to hate all humans alive and there is no difference between wasting a human or an animal since that is all humans really are.....thinking this also doesn't distinguish a sociopath from others. the only distinguishing factor between a noble person and an ignoble one, ie sociopath, is not weather you hate everyone or not, it is in purposely inflicting pain to feel "powerful"..... whacking off 'paths on a massive scale is the highest possible aspiration, as they only "fuck the world up", and need to be taken out of the equation.
ReplyDeletewet !!!!!
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I find it fascinating that our infantile Ukan impersonator always using the middle finger popped up at the same exact time as Mr. Eli Dupree was thoroughly mangled in our comment section.
ReplyDeleteReally, are you that spiteful? God, we need some better trolls here. This guy makes me miss Adam.
Well Kesu, I wasn't sure if you were being sarcastic or not, so I simply presented the facts.
This is an interesting trend. According to this very small pool of diagnosed or self-identified sociopaths, we can come to one conclusion. Successful sociopaths really do dick around on the internet writing and commenting on blogs.
Cheers to that.
If I slip up, i take responsibility. If it's real bad Ill let someone take the blame and reward them privately. unless they are an advisor. Then I just let them take the blame and watch them with their tail between their legs. I clean up the mess on my own.
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Has anyone ever told you that your thumb looks a bit like a bolt? You might want to get that looked at.
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@note. I was perfectly serious. I really do own a company. I can't take credit for building though. I'm the inheritor. It is a big business though. Thus why I have time to slack off on here so much.
ReplyDeleteif you just said that u aren't a 'path, a 'path would have believed he built it.
ReplyDeleteI'm not so self delusional that I fall prey to idiotic things. I know it's lineage. Both sides of my family have had long standings in business. I'm proud of that. It is a piece of me. Hell both sides of my family owned plantations at one point. I never did but my family did and in that accept I genetically own it. Though one side still owns some of the farms. They just aren't as productive any more and aren't worth mentioning.
ReplyDeleteThis is freaking boring. We use to make people cry.
ReplyDeleteNow it seems for the past few days, all we have is Haven, TNP, kesu, and wet.....
Oh, and the random trolls. Maybe we should go back to posting sociopath videos.
lucky boy
ReplyDelete"Oh, and the random trolls".....lol
ReplyDeleteu know i am #1 you stupid bitch.
"I'm not so self delusional that I fall prey to idiotic things."
Who is there to make cry Jason?
ReplyDeleteAdam's alts.
ReplyDelete@kesu.. i see compliments don't go down well here at all... nor does a sense of humour!!
ReplyDeleteyou say it wasnt about me last nite? i was a catalyst?
i commented on this site yesterday for the first time ever, ive been reading everything on this site that interested me for about a month or so.
how do you know if i didnt just play you all? i started something and of it went.
over 235 comments last night
p.s. i never said you cared about my problem.. good lord we dont know each other, why should you???
one last thing.. ive noticed this about a few of you, you have a great love for using big words, expanding the vocabulary, does this make you feel clever? more intelligent if the words are huge? look how smart i am i swallowed a dictionary? alot of the statements actually make no sense, just thought id let ya know... nothing wrong with using words that everyone can understand.*
Does using an adult-level vocabulary pool irritate you? Must you open new tabs for dictionary.com so you can play catch up?
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen anyone of import or frequency here using "big words" for the most part. What do you consider big words, anyway? It's hard to take someone seriously accusing others of pretentious vocabulary usage when said accuser does not even bother to use capitalization, proper punctuation, or a decent goddamn line break once in a while.
You're nothing more than a caterpillar complaining that you don't have wings. You should at least take an earnest effort to self-educate yourself where your actual education utterly failed.
As far as reading comprehension goes, I'm afraid your lack of intelligence can't be helped.
@icon First. You are an absolute moron. Second. If you presenting me with an opportunity to have a fun little chat with someone like last night is you playing me... Than you are a more of a pathetic sap than I thought you were. I don't give two shits if you found it entertaining or not. You can't see when an opening is made I however can. If there is a gap. I will fucking plug it if and when I feel like it. So cum-dumpster you can take your 4 dollar vocabulary and go take an English at you nearest community college. Maybe you can upgrade to a 5 dollar vocabulary. Stupid shit. I see why your boyfriend is constantly cheating and dropping you.
ReplyDelete@TNP, Kesu
ReplyDeletedid you run everyone off the site or something?
Adam is gone
50% is gone
daniel birdick is gone
medusa is gone
and a lot of others are gone.
well jason, the caterpillar is here, well acordn 2 his lordship, ooops, bad grammar, did i spell right..huh? im not from america, cleverhole, if you were half as smart as u think u ar, im using standard txn shorthand. u do no wot a mobile fone is? dis mgs is for kesu an the other one, his name is 2 long 2 rite, iv 4gotten how,
ReplyDeleteim goin now tho... those pretentious assholes are no fun at all
people are gone cos it got boring.
ReplyDeleteSo your justification for poor intellect and a piss poor English vocabulary is that you aren't from... America. Oh, and also that you appear stupid because you are on a mobile phone?
ReplyDeleteAnd let's not forget that you apparently masterminded last night's fiasco too!
Well, at least your hindsight isn't blind.
Either we're very talented chameleons who are able to hide in plain sight, or we're so obvious that anyone we date can immediately and successfully diagnose us.
ReplyDeleteI would say that, like chameleons, most people don't notice you beneath your camouflage. Once someone learns to recognize a chameleon, though, one starts to look for them. Which doesn't mean that there is never mis-identification--I suspect such errors happen frequently.
I don't mind people believing one thing or the other and broadcasting that belief loudly and frequently, I just ask for a little bit of rationality and consistency in those professed beliefs.
Is it easier or harder to manipulate consistent people? Not disagreeing with the comment, M.E., au contrair, it just sparked a random curiosity....
Gerrr I'm irritable today.
ReplyDeleteLOL it only took a little laying into her to get her to shut up and leave. Weak bitch.
ReplyDeleteYou really need to improve your baiting techniques.
ReplyDeleteI'm not trying to bait. Just lashing.
ReplyDeletegotcha again kesu..! your still talking about me..
ReplyDelete"Either we're very talented chameleons who are able to hide in plain sight, or we're so obvious that anyone we date can immediately and successfully diagnose us."
damn, such losers, fuckerz, azzholes, cum cups, drinking cum oft by the quartz, shitbuckets, morons, scags, and trifles, and all in between the asscheeks is what connotates the 'paths.
ReplyDeletesorry ass buckets, fuk u and shits streaks you fart on.
I never hide. I flaunt my shit stained ass and rub my taint in smiling faces til people suffocate by my homemade frumunda cheese
ReplyDeleteWanna have sex with yourself?
ReplyDeletewell that's it, isn't it? it's about the ability to choose whether you want to be good or bad, climb the corporate ladder, be a leech, just blend in the background, or be out there in everyone's face. free will for the sociopath. :)
ReplyDeletegiven that, i don't see how you can really reverse engineer the sociopathic personality from the deeds.
that's exactly it:
ReplyDeleteif you choose the modus operandi of an infant feeling powerful by inflicting pain then you are a bona fide 'path.
it is as simple as that.
an infant feeling powerful by inflicting pain brings to mind the wailings of the emotion driven uber empath.
ReplyDeleteit isn't a question of emotion....the noble can be completely emotionless and hate all people, it is only the conscious choice to feel powerful by inflicting pain that defines the ignoble aka the 'path.
ReplyDeleteIf this resembles your workplace, a s'path in management is a fairly straight forward supposition:
did u ever c someone who has a blank cold zombie-like stare, as though nobody home?
ReplyDeleteand behind their back they hold an ax?
to inflict pain is the only way they can feel alive, yet only the pussy 'path gives in an becomes ignoble, the noble 'path is intelligent enough to register that distinction.
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ReplyDelete"let me ask all you self described sociopaths this: what use do you serve to anyone but yourselves?
ReplyDeleteWhat do you?
People are uplifted through my ambition to drive to greater heights.
What qualities do you bring to the world and other people in it that justify your existence?"
Steadfastness. Quick thinking and problem solving.
There you stupid twat. Go back to your hole.
Imo there is hope for narcissists, some may change if they can look within. Psychopaths are completely unaware of themselves, they are more like an alien than human, they will never change.
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ReplyDeletek-dude, from some of the stupidest comments i hear from you, it only shows the delusional qualities of the 'path....
ReplyDelete"Steadfastness. Quick thinking and problem solving."
lol, is this a fucking joke!!
p.s. you suck
p.s. = puke slurpee which obviously you enema, mix with a little vodka, and then share with the other 'paths while rimming UKan bin laden....phuckin' scumbag....douching your mom's pussy that she has
....and round and round u human garbage go.
trust fund hippie? I answered your question. You were proven wrong. Get over it.
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ReplyDeletek-fag u aint even a 'path:
ReplyDelete"Gerrr I'm irritable today."
'paths don't apologize......
you'r just a dumb bitch simple and clean who gets butt-fuked by abraham....
Alright, I've taken a shine to you Sparkle, but only because i couldn't find anyone to chisel an old ruin this evening.
ReplyDeleteThere is that special s'path reflection: I personally value the awareness and exposure of my inherent hipocracies: "Is that how I appear? Grotesque, and how thoughtful your renderings!" Anything torn down can be built anew, I sometimes find it, catalytic.
In the same vein, they can be safe harbor. An opportunity to explore aspects of our shadow. Surely there is something apart from light that brings you here on Saturday night/ Sunday morning. Care to share?
There are also the games, intellectual, linguistic I wish more reindeer could play. But whatever.
In business, they Pilot Chaos:
1. Confidence
2. Brightsided direction
3. Perspective
4. Rational Decision Making
5. Creative Problem Solving
6. Risk Tolerance
7. Flexibility
8. Tolerance for ambiguity
9. Immune to failure (will go until they succeed)
Little insect, pray tell what have you done to be 'considered seriously by intelligent people'?
Hm, although meant as probably an insult, I will answer this question on a personal basis, not a sociopathic basis, since the spectrum is not completely universal.
ReplyDelete1. I have a keen understanding of exploitative motives and methods, and because of this, I am qualified to both safeguard and reinforce systems, companies, or social circles in which I want to either be loyal to, or preserve. Although I do not do this specific type of activity, think, a gray hat hacker. Yes, I do have my dark side, but on the flip side, I also empower and protect things I invest in.
2. From a built in aversion to weakness and vulnerability in others, and the ability to spot it quite easily, I can peel away their protective layers of insecurtiy, doubt and denial to help them grow as a human being. I can either do this in a kind way, or a cruel way. Once again, it depends which side of the coin lands. But the effect is essentially the same. I expose someone to their fears, help them understand the scenario, and give them advice on how they can overcome those issues.
The Protector and the Adviser.
The Infiltrator and the Adversary.
Sometimes these two get mixed up, sometimes one group is more predominant than the other. But the fact of the matter is that my Protector and Adviser elements exist, and help serve those around me in times of need.
1. Confidence - nope, only confident in inflicting pain
ReplyDelete2. Brightsided direction - nope, pain only
3. Perspective - nope, blinded by inflicting pain
4. Rational Decision Making - see just above
5. Creative Problem Solving -see just above
6. Risk Tolerance - ur ass is always close to smashed
7. Flexibility - ankles touching ur ears, ass cracked big?
8. Tolerance for ambiguity - glory holes, we know
9. Immune to failure (will go until they succeed) - ^
Good answer Note. Well stated. Do your anointed Beta's see Kind or Cruel?
ReplyDeletewhat did u protect? shit?
ReplyDeletewhat did u advise? some more shit?
what did you infiltrate? a pile of shit?
what was your opponent? shit?
basically, your world is a slathering of diahrrea, the corporate shit bucket and the bosses cocks u suck......no, u r nothing butt-a-whore....and u like it.
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Alright anon you win. You are funny. I actually just laughed a little because of your list. Someone obviously took a big ass bite out of you at some point. It's just to obvious. Fucking hilarious. I have to know what they did to make you so incredibly butt hurt. I mean. Jesus. The best part is how juvenile you are. It is like you are 13. That is just funny.
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suck on this, as it was just pulled from your ass
i know, you couldn't feel it, that's cuz ur ass is so wide.
ReplyDeleteCome on man. Share the story. I mean all the homosexuality and poop jokes. I gotta know how you were fucked over. TELL US!
ReplyDeletelol....ok....i'll tell u a story:
ReplyDeleteme: where's that one faggot-ass 'path?
kesu: who me?
me: right...u.
kesu: how did u know i was gay...i mean...got fucked by abraham?
me: it was written in the bible......duh....
kesu: oh, i never read it, i have to use text-to-speech cuz i can't actually read......
me: i figured as much, especially since most skinny, weak, and puny 'paths have nothing better to do then .......mmmm.......share puke?
hows that phuck face?
hey you fucking assholeeeeeessssssss
ReplyDeletei hate you alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!
blah blah blah
blah blah blha
thats all yhou fucking do
change the fucking record
i'm outta here niggas
Ah. It came from...
It's all starting to make sense now...
Ahhhh. Explains everything.
ReplyDeleteare you calling me 'it'?
ReplyDeletewow. I am sooooooo aghast right now.
stfu dummy.
ReplyDeleteI'm speaking to the person with the copy pasta middle finger that simply adores articulating homosexual activities.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder he is trying so hard. He is away from home.
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ReplyDelete"Come on man. Share the story. I mean all the homosexuality and poop jokes. I gotta know how you were fucked over. TELL US!"
ReplyDeletenever fucked over......cept for that time you said you would let me fuck you, and the held in your shit for a week.......pulled my cock out......was like DAMN, you are so full of shit......then again i did shove my cock back in your mouth......and you redeemed yourself......remember?
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You guys are a bunch of ass munching faggots? I thought I was talking to real men this whole time? Where are all the bitches up in here? They got more cock than all of you. switching my diagnoses to bpd/ maniac, cause they are the strong assholes. Guess what fags? Your shit is too big for your ass, hence all the tears in them lately. And Kesu, fyi I have been farting into a mirror all day, and your eye looks exactly like my hole.
ReplyDeletebesides , haven likes it when i cum all over her face. She's my hero
ReplyDeleteMan, you guys Egos is about as good as a thick cotton bullet proof vest. And you wear 10 layers over your heads, blocking out your brain. Can't you see that icon is right? She had the last laugh from the best seat in the house watching a brutal 235 post, fingers and sleep bleeding online manhood slugfest. Maybe that's the new gay-bonding.
ReplyDeleteTBT I feel 'so used' for getting drawn in by that evil woman. How did she know that I too, have sensitive balls? Bet yesterday made her feel better and more a woman than all the 12 years with her socio. Ok maybe she didn't get off all that clean cuz some of you did call her names and told to go away,..to school, so some man-respect back to you ma badass bruddass. But this ain't the last time this shits goin down. Stay tuned bitches
I see this is an old thread. Oh well. Bump!
ReplyDeleteI've just found my way back here, a few years after my first post. Yada yada yada. Not sure why I felt the need to reconfirm what I've always known, and what he's loosely acknowledged, but this sure made for an interesting read.
My boyfriend is a CEO, and we roll along. Interesting times, always thinking on my feet. Thank goodness for my own wry sense of humor.
Anyway, interesting read.
Yes, An old thread. May I add my 2 cents, M E's posts are worth a whole lot more thoughtful reply than showing readers the poorly made graphic finger and using foul language just to show you can. Some of you need to grow up and maybe you have. Seduction can be surely accomplished with finesse and grace to benefit, titillate and educate all parties concerned.
ReplyDelete"Anonymous November 27, 2014 at 9:36 PM
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing more satisfying than hurting people under the guise of helping people. Remember this next time you see a philanthropist. :)
~ Sadist"
Mal intent comes in several forms, one of which is denoted by your comment and its underlying meaning. I have seen the other forms of mal intent in you as well, since I know who you are on this site. There is the expression of selfishness and then, there is the expression of selflessness, which is the essential quality that defines a philantropist. Confusing the two, along with acting and/or practicing what you seem to believe is what makes one a sadist.
“What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.” A.P.
"I have seen the other forms of mal intent in you as well, since I know who you are on this site."
I don't believe anyone who posts to this blog (including the author) is a socio/psychopath. Most people, including most therapists, will never encounter such a person in their lifetime. To think otherwise means 1) you don't understand the criteria 2) you don't understand math.
ReplyDeleteexplain more.
DeleteThese sound like dangerous assumptions you are making. Maybe you should think more critically, not project, and don't assume anything about anyone. Check out this blog for example. Does this man sound like a killer? He sounds like a bit of a nutter, but I would never assume he was a killer, and would do the things he ended up eventually doing:
are y a mom?
Delete"I don't believe anyone who posts to this blog (including the author) is a socio/psychopath" I suppose that's why you posted anonymously, and won't reveal your real identity?
DeleteIsn't that the blog of a pedophile that beat a couple to death with a hammer, kidnapped the kids, and then beat all but 1 of them to death too? I remember seeing that on America's Most Wanted.
DeleteYea, Joseph Duncan III
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete"People who make these accusations must believe that sociopaths are villains by definition, but that's not an entirely consistent or defensible position to take.
ReplyDelete...I just ask for a little bit of rationality and consistency in those professed beliefs."
I completely agree with these thoughts. In addition, these same individuals lack an open mind to the existence of other possibilities. I have mentioned the checklist before, too, which I see as a stereotypical, fixed way of looking at a certain individual from the closed-minded view of a person living within the restricted limits of a biased, microcosmic world. I find that people living their lives according to checklists are afraid of that or those that are different, and I am not only referring to sociopaths, since being different entails all types of personal characteristics which I like to define and view as inimitable. History shows that people seem to fear that which is unique and/or original, and it is only after a certain number of years that they come to understand it, either partially or fully. Consider all of the art movements that the world has experienced and learned from, as well as the artists that have originated so many ideas and styles along the way. Some of them have even been called insane by the so-called "normal" people, only to realize years later that these artists were magnificent innovators and quite ahead of their times. I have come to realize that sometimes, we expect too much and/or we ask too much of these "normal" individuals whose personal views or minds are so limited that, in turn, we do not understand them (i.e., we might experience frustration when dealing with such people, but that can't be avoided when we see much more than they do, our frustration stemming from wanting to make a change or to change the world in some way, along with these so-called "normal" minds). But then again, how can we understand them, when we see so much ahead, having the ability to consider and acknowledge the existence of other possibilities?
Being quite interested in quantum mechanics, I just watched "What the 'Bleep' Do We Know," a movie which has the potential to open one's mind to other, even attainable possibilities.
ReplyDeleteWhile I am not commenting on the first part of your comment, I do have something to say about the second part.
"To think otherwise means 1) you don't understand the criteria 2) you don't understand math."
Not everything or everyone operates or lives according to a certain criteria or within the predetermined postulate of a mathematical equation. While I dislike chaos when experienced in a negative form, and I am mentioning this for a specific reason, as I previously wrote, an open mind is that which welcomes and considers the world of different possibilities.
And like the author of this blog wrote, coupled with a "recollection" of your views, "...I just ask for a little bit of rationality and consistency in those professed beliefs." There is truth in this statement.
"Dwell in possibility." It can be uncharacteristically refreshing.
ReplyDeleteYou wrote the following in a different post that I read and thought about:
"If all matter stems from one source (Big bang), then all matter is connected by fundamental forces, as shown by quantum mechanics. If all matter (beings) are invisibly connected, then the saint is a person who sees that connection, thus protects and loves that source in all of its many forms. No matter what form it takes."
Are you familiar with quantum mechanics? It's a subject that really interests me. While I studied some of it in its purest form, I like seeing or understanding it in a artistic and original form, making it increasingly engaging to the more creative mind. What attracts me is the incomparable "art" that I see in it, as well as its continuous evolution, akin to "art in motion."
Familiar with the basic concepts. As a generalist, I read a wide range of materials.
DeleteThis is interesting. "What attracts me is the incomparable "art" that I see in it, as well as its continuous evolution, akin to "art in motion." Could you expand a bit?
btw, saw What the Bleep. OK. A bit too gushy for my tastes, though I agree with the general sweep of ideas.
Morality is easy to succinctly define. "Don't murder. Don't torture. Don't rape. When feasible, and not too much trouble, help somebody out. If your desperate to be good, or bored, help an animal out."
ReplyDeleteAs being "good" is so easy to define and understand, it's not that difficult to understand if you are a sociopath. Honestly answer if you have murdered anyone, tortured anyone, or raped anyone. If you have never helped another person out or even an animal, welcome to the club. Congratulations! You are an official sociopath! Bask in the limelight of everyone's envy and admiration. Is there any other web site on planet earth where this could be true?!
Radical Agnostic,
ReplyDeleteWhile I don't mean to sound argumentative, since arguing per se has not been the reason for my comments in this post, based on the many entries I have read so far as posted by the author of this blog, the point and overall message of her blog as a whole has not been about "...if you have murdered anyone, tortured anyone, or raped anyone...." Her thinking is more evolved, and her selections are not geared toward such oafish ideas.
"...if you have murdered anyone, tortured anyone, or raped anyone....Bask in the limelight of everyone's envy and admiration...."
Looking closely, this is where you need to re-adjust your thinking, and re-think the message as given by the author of this blog.
"If your desperate to be good, or bored, help an animal out....if you have murdered anyone, tortured anyone, or raped anyone...."
Radical Agnostic, once again, the evil you have described is quite boring to me. Take this as succinctly as you can fathom and/or muster based on what you have written. Also, and this is just a suggestion on my part, stick to the more humorous comments, that is if you mean them in such a way.
I think he's just bein tongue-in-cheeky, and has a very black sense of humor which I can appreciate. Besides some of us are here to let the evil out, and exercise (exorcise) our demons :):)
DeleteDr. Ginger,
DeleteI see your view, and while I don't mean to be antagonistic, what you appreciate promotes violence in more than one way, meaning that it both reflects and affects your state of mind. You most likely disagree with me, and I do expect it, but this is what it looks like from here. In addition, it might influence the thinking of others, so you need to consider that as well. Is that how you, in your existence, want to impact the thinking of others?
Of course, I would not want you to take this the wrong way, so post as many comments as you like, and you're certainly free to do so here. By comparison, the same applies to Radical Agnostic. These are your views, and, obviously, not everyone agrees or will agree with them in the future. I, for one, highly dislike violence in all of its forms, and this has been my personal observation of what I have seen in so many of your posts. Also, just because some posts don't discuss violence or something similar to this subject, it doesn't mean that they're boring. As they say, "to each his own."
"Besides some of us are here to let the evil out, and exercise (exorcise) our demons..."
I can see that quite well.
What I would also like to add is that, in all honesty, I don't mean to make you feel guilty, and/or to make you think or feel anything to the effect of what other commenters might suggest after reading my comment and then responding to you. This has happened to others as well. They seem to "interpret" my comments in a way that does not reflect reality, meaning out of tune with the intent of my message. They don't know me as a person, so, logically, they can't say much or make sense at all. Overall, they just sound negative/untrue, and ironically, they think that I am the one propagating such thoughts.
But, yes, I was looking for intellectual ideas that are actually connected to the topic of this author's post.
"what you appreciate promotes violence in more than one way,"So you think comedians like George Carlin and Louis CK promote violence? Come on now...really
DeleteI think you need to differentiate between violent thoughts and violent behaviors. You can’t say that because someone has a violent thought that they are a violent person unless you are here to police people’s thoughts which is just begging for things to start getting political. Also, most people can find a reason to justify violence. If you are debating the issue you first have to define what violence is. Is it inflicting physical harm on someone? Is it property damage? Is killing an animal an act of violence? Exactly how are we defining violence here? The majority of people seem to be opposed to predatory violence against other humans, but support the use of violence in an act of self-defense, invasion of the country, or protecting someone else, or another country from invasion. Sometimes they do support predatory violence. How many Americans were on board with the invasion of Iraq even though they weren’t involved orchestrating the 9/11 attacks? It was pretty predatory, and the large majority of Americans felt it was “justified”.
DeleteDr. Ginger,
DeletePertaining to you and Radical Agnostic, I honestly hope that it is just comedy.
I am saying so because I have read a large number of your posts, which did not sound funny (i.e., comparable to the humor/subject-matter of George Carlin or Louis CK, that is), and having also read the responses of other commenters, I was able to see that they agreed with my reaction based on their own thoughts on violence in all of its evil forms. So, it is not just me. No matter how you look at it, or the type of spin that you put on it, being preoccupied by violent thoughts is not humorous. But again, and while I don't mean to sound antagonistic or to make you feel guilty about anything, this is my opinion, and as I previously wrote, "to each his own." Post whatever you want, and feel free to do as you like. I certainly don't mean to "police" anything or to make you feel bad in any way, as I read in other places. Obviously, that is not my role. I am just a commenter here.
I, for one, like the subject-matter of the author's posts on this blog, and I was looking for reactions in close connection to them. That is what I would find engaging.
"Post whatever you want, and feel free to do as you like." Um yes, yes I think I'll do that, and I'll imagin chuckin your ass in to a meat grinder...I'm still free to do that too.
DeleteYour free imagination is maleficent, Dr. Ginger. Maybe it's just me, but I take your comments as dark humor.
DeleteI promise not to act out on your words. Till the endtimes, anyway.
PS Stay Smart, No offense. But don't you think perhaps you're over-reacting a little? After all, this is sociopathworld on the internet. A fantasy cloaked with real issues from real people in real pain, or living in some state of Otherness. Isn't it better they vent some steam here, rather than acting out in the real world? Perhaps by doing so, it actually helps them NOT to act out. I do appreciate your legitimate concerns and realize that some people might take what's said here too seriously. But I'd rather see those people vent here then in realtime, and hopefully find some companionship. Perhaps even insight. Feeling connected to others does much to alleviate rage and pain.
"yes I think I'll do that, and I'll imagin chuckin your ass in to a meat grinder"
DeleteAh Dr. G - if I was younger and single...is it strange that I'm tuned on? ("Ma!!!") >8D~
@Harry, It's not strange. For you and many others on this site. :)))
"Ah Dr. G - if I was younger and single...is it strange that I'm tuned on? ("Ma!!!") >8D~" lolol
DeleteHappy weekend all - time to put the spawn to bed. 8)~
DeleteI've got a clan of spawns too. :p :p
DeleteDr. Ginger,
DeleteSee my comments in relation to what has been happening, in the newest entry on this blog, entitled "Depression hurts").
As I wrote in those comments, I do hope that you will get the right help, and that you will stop hurting others, as you have done to me. What's more, being helped in the right way will also stop you from hurting yourself.
I asked you for a sincere apology in an attempt to help you come to a realization, to explain what it means to feel responsibility for one's words/actions and remorse (as you can see in my comments), as well as emphasizing the importance of having the willingness to make a change and to take some steps into the right direction.
What I would also like to add, and I strongly believe in this, is that having a conscience is not only present in the mind, but also felt in one's heart. For instance, when I apologize to a person, it comes from the heart, because that is also my conscience.
Reading all the responses to my comment, I am at a loss for words. Fortunately, you are making up for my lack with a generous superabundance. I will try and regard your contributions as good deeds.
ReplyDeleteUnless that is not how you want me to regard your comments.
THERE'S RA! Nice to hear from you -
DeleteI've missed him too !
DeleteMy, my. What a kerfluffle. While I must agree that indulging violent thoughts too often and/or intensely can lead to violent acts, it certainly doesn't always do so. What about Stephen King's stories: Should he be held accountable if someone reads his horror stories and then acts on them? While video games like Grand Theft Auto and so on probably do negatively impact some kids, the majority do seem to manage to limit themselves to virtual deeds. The bigger question, I would humbly ask, Does endless exposure to violence via the media de-sensitize people in general? I think this might be so, but lack proof. I love horror stories myself and even write them from time to time. It's a release, a way of exploring the nether regions I could not otherwise safely tap into. And don't want to: Violence is usually the refuge of the weak.
ReplyDeleteAs for Dr. Ginger . . . I personally never found anything she said that over-the-top. We're all adults here, presumably, and if someone is going to take her words as literal, they would likely act out in any case. And, she's provided much food for thought on this blog with many other thoughtful comments.
Three different things. I've managed to get a reasonably good grip on one - actions. I would say that's a pretty good start and, in the end, all that really should matter.
Deleteand then there is speech...
DeleteI would argue that speech is an action by which thoughts and feelings are communicated.
DeleteTo me speech has more complexity in it that is made explicit or even implied in that definition -- without knowing anything more about speech itself. Indeed much of our thinking is in terms of words too. Indeed speech doesn't imply communication directly only expression.
DeleteJon Ronson is an idiot assessed that while watching one of his lectures on youtube. The stories about the businessman and the broadmoor psychopath were a bit entertaining though.
ReplyDelete(Ronson reminds me of my high school math teacher (also an idiot))
Hey ME.
ReplyDeleteI had a question I was wondering if you could shed some light on.
I've always felt it easier to read or mirror the emotions of fellow "blacks" than I have white people. Due to my difficulty in mirroring the whites Ive tended to prefer making friends with fellow blacks and ignoring whites in general as a result I have no white friends.
I don't want to make this about race but in light of the ferguson riots I've been thinking about my own ideas and feelings towards white peiple and white supremacy.
In your book I read we socios have no problem with rules just as Long as we understand the rules of engagement we can work with those. but if we feel like the game is rigged we are disgusted or at large feel cheated. When I applied it to my feelings on ferguson and on race I realized I wasn't mad or angry at the cop for shooting the teenager. I honestly didn't feel anything about that. However, what does make me mad is when I feel like the white supremacist system or this American system is rigged in favor of the whites even though the constitution says all men are created equal. That is when I feel like the system has been rigged which in turn leads me to avoid interacting with whites in any meaningful way as much as possible. I'm not trying to have a discussion about race on here, I just thought I would introduce a new perspective on things. If as a black socio, I believe that the American system is rigged I have no incentive to play in an arena rigged for whites in general. Now if the rules said explicitly whites get favored status then I wouldn't have any problems working within those rules but when a constitution says differently but reality on ground says another U can understand my reticence.
Hope to hear back from you with your thoughts on the matter.
Hi PoB,
DeleteFor whatever it's worth, I'm a white guy (many who meet me assume that I'm "redneck," but race makes little difference to me; though I find some cultures more difficult to work with than others...) and I am...bothered by Ferguson (among other examples).
I don't think being averse to rigged systems is a "socio thing." I think the notion is more along the lines of, I don't mind a corrupt system as long as I get to participate in it (I couldn't find the actual quote - anyone? anyone?).
Race is an issue in the USA to be sure. However, I would also point to the advances of sport figures and hip hop artists as one avenue whereby some of our collective (i.e. USA) issues. It's going to take a generation or so more I think...
It's interesting - my family came from Eastern Europe in the 1960's, so from the sense of "carrying the sins of our fathers," I should be fairly clean (Jewish people may be able to make claims...another conversation). However, when I talk to my black friends, they show me how that is just another example of racism from both sides (which is why they are my "friends") - they know that my family had nothing to do with the oppression of black people in America in the past. However, because I'm white, I look like all those other assholes.
It makes sense to me. It's a drag, but I do see how it works -
I don't want to get too political here - it's "an emotionally charged" enough forum as it is.
And, of course, there's Neil Degrass Tyson - he ROCKS!!!
DeleteHi Beans. I am not M.E. She seldom pretty much never answers here and the waiting list to being the topic of her more or less daily post is months, if not years. So take something from my reply, or ignore it completely. It's pretty much the same to me. Posting here is just something for me to do as I wait to die. (I am 70, so who knows if the next tick of the old ticker will be the last?)
DeleteI will answer completely inappropriately. After all this is a site for socios, so what's appropriate? Especially, for someone who not a “real” socio, but just a hybrid “wannabe.”
In one category, I am a white atheist “Jew,” with Eastern European ancestors. I've grown up in America and never faced persecution for being a “Jew,” so I find the category meaningless and useless. I've met one “real Nazi”; a German-born man who was a member of the “Hitler Youth” in 1944, but he was only faking because his parents were deluded fan boys. If I ever do meet a real Nazi, I will probably kill him, though as I am 70 and I have never gone through serial killer training, I doubt I can pull it off.
Anyway, despite my white skin and presence of enough traces of empathy to not really belong here, I far more identify with the black community than the “Jewish” community, just as I kind of far more identify with the socio community than the empath community.. Not anything I set out to do, but at 16 had a Harlem-born black chicklet as my first “girl friend.” Later, I taught in black schools, lived in the Seattle “ghetto” (such as it is, but it is real if pathetic compared to Harlem, Watts, etc.)
I think if you want to be a rule abiding socio who plays with only blacks . . why not?
To some extent, your rhetoric about American society being “rigged” is at least 50% bullshit. When we kept slaves, it was 100% true. When we maintained segregation and lynched black people, etc., it was 90-110% true. I don't know where you live now, but in much of America, white people are so consumed with guilt that most of us are easy prey to any black socio who wants to do a number on us.
If you want to limit yourself to “playing” with black people, then that's a fine trip for you,. I guess. Trying (totally unsuccessfully, no doubt) to put myself in your place, I think you have needlessly internalized the inferiority trip white people laid on your parents and grandparents. You know the expression, “The wheels of justice grind very slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine?” An awful lot of white people (I am not one of them) are now consumed with guilt because of what the white devils did to your parents – grandparents – and who knows how many generations back.
There's another old expression, “The best revenge is living well.” I suggest you read various “training manuals” about how to jack around white people. I am not as up to date on this stuff as I was when I was younger and living in the black community but a few writers that come to mind are James Baldwin, W.E.B Dubois, Ralph Ellison, Tom Wolfe (white but a tremendous connoisseur of how to jack people around, particularly in terms of race and class consciousness it's hard to beat such old classics as Radical Chic and Mau Mauing the Flak Catchers) and so on and on. Any Black Studies Program can pretty quickly train you on how to manipulate white guilt. Just don't waste your energy on white people like me who have been through it all and are pretty much immune and close to socios ourselves, but for every one like us there's a hundred who are easy pickings to an adept black socio.
But life is short, so do whatever works for you. I don't really give much of a shit.
Hi Radical Agnostic
DeleteI never really thought about it that way in the sense that a lot of white people do walk around with a sense of white guilt which is absurd because believe u me If the shoe was on the other foot I wouldn't fret at all.
But I think u are on the money when u say I may be suffering from some sort of internalilzation. I say this because I notice that with my interactions with white people I'm always self conscious wondering if they think I'm some hood nigger or another young black man who sags his pants. I'm constantly having to put up with the perception they may or may not have and I guess because I'm focusing on myself and instead of them I dont focus on reading them as well as I should.
Nice to hear from you RA -
DeleteYes - be the success. 8)~
Hi HLhaller
ReplyDeleteThank u for your response. I didn't grow up in the states I moved out here about 8 years ago and where I'm from racism isn't as big of a deal well because everyone is Black LOL. But I think I bought into the American system with its values of equality, liberty and Blah blah in my teenage years.
Obviously I've been set straight on that front in the ensuing years. I'm not one that's out here begging for equality among all races I dont really care tbh. All I ask is for the rules of engagement to be set and made clear and then let me get to work handling business.
If indeed the law applies to everyone equally then let it do so. I don't want to see anyone getting by on the basis of their skin color. P.S: as I finished typing that I realized on the flip side I could get by and have probably gotten by on the basis of affirmative action. Well then this is awkward. However, I still stand by asking for the rules of engagement. Do blacks enjoy the same freedoms and protections of the U.S constitution or not? If no, then let it be said so Im not out here chasing tails
I'll just jump in again. I'm in that kind of mood tonight. First of all, when I was young I read a great short story (which I've never been able to track down again) titled "Everyone Breaks their Back on a Rose" or something like that.
ReplyDelete[1 post of of several. I am running off at the mouth tonight and have to break it up to beat the “system.”]
The story runs like this. A volunteer in a veterans hospital after the end of WW II meets a veteran of WW II who is completely crippled with a broken back. The volunteer is drawn to the crippled veteran who seems remarkably cheerful and serene despite his plight. The crippled man tells the volunteer his story.
“I fought in Europe for America in WWII. I experienced the Battle of the Bulge and some of the worst fighting of the war. I killed people. I saw many of my closest buddies die before my eyes. I never suffered the slightest injury. I returned to America physically unscathed, though my soul was seriously damaged.
“When we got home, we marched in a victory parade in New York City. Crowds cheered. Women kissed us. Other people on high floors threw roses at us. Although I was stil suffering shell shock [now called PTSD, but essentially I guess psychic damage and survivors guilt from experiencing terrible events and experiences] I felt great joy and hope that my soul would heal and I could merge back into a normal civilian life. Suddenly I tripped over a rose that someone had thrown from a high floor. I landed terribly and hit my back in the worst possible way. When I came too in the hospital, I learned that I had broken my back in ways that could not be repaired. I faced being a quadraplegic for the rest of my life, after surviving several years of experiencing terrible war fare that could easily crippled or killed me a thousand times.
[Continuing. 2 of several]
ReplyDelete“For about a year, I was filled with rage and bitterness. I could only focus on the the unfairness of my life. Then gradually I had an epiphany. As I talked to many people, many of whom were perfectly good health physically, and whose lives seemed on a positive course, I realized that many of them were almost as bitter and unhappy as I was, for what seemed like no reason.
“Gradually I came to realize that most people, regardless of the material circumstances of their life, in terms of health, wealth, relationships, etc., make themselves unhappy. It's kind of choice that most human beings about their lives.
“As I realized this,” the man concluded, “I came to realize I could make the most out of whatever I had left of my life, or I could spend the rest of my life feeling sorry for myself and pissing my life away, or I could choose not to.
Final post. Then I'm going to bed. I enjoyed talking to you. Thanks for listening attentively. I am guessing you are from Africa or from Jamaica or some place like that, but I am usually in the dark, so to speak.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, here's the rest and then good night.
The veteran concluded, “Once I realized that almost everyone breaks their back on a rose of one sort or another, whatever the circumstances or details, I pretty much achieved quite a bit of peace, contentment, and gratitude that I am alive and choose to enjoy my life for whatever remains of it.”
Please forgive this poor retelling. I am working off memory from 50 years ago. The story was well written by a professional fiction writer, and less tendentious, literal, and preachy sounding then my lame summary.
Nevertheless, I think there is a reasonable “moral” here. Life is not fair. Some people suffer from terrible diseases. Some make pretty good lives, nevertheless. Consider Stephen Hawking. (There's a movie about him which I haven't seen.) At the other end, consider Alan Turing There's movie about him. One of the greatest geniuses of the 20th Century, persecuted for the “crime” of homosexuality. My daughter is gay and living a happy, productive life with her wife. Being black as a category is now better than slavery and segregation days, but not entirely free of unfair suffering. Being homosexual is not entirely free of bad treatment, but far better than when it was a “sin” punishable by painful death.
Life is not fair. But for most of us, especially in 21st Century America, we have a pretty good chance at enjoying life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness despite our eventual death sentence for being a sentient self-aware mortal being, if we choose not to break our back on a rose.
Perhaps you can get rich selling roses to rich guilty white people. Call them “expiation roses,” or something. Say, “If you buy this rose from me for $25, I will absolve you of your guilt for having ancestors who raped and brutalize and lived off the slave labor of black peopole.”
Hey, look. Look what Barak Obama pulled off by tweaking guilty white people! If you weren’t born in America, you can't become President (and no sane person would want to, in my opinion), but I am sure you can have a fairly rewarding life as a black socio playing by sensible rules. There's probably a pretty good book you can make out of your experiences. “Black Socio Like Me” or something!
@RA, "Perhaps you can get rich selling roses to rich guilty white people."
ReplyDeleteBrilliant and funny. Would work on many, I suspect.
I've read a lot of this feed. And kesu, you're my favorite commenter from those which I've read. Partially because your image has a bloody eye and partially due to the fact that you own a company. Success and violence, my two absolute favorites. I'm going to take a moment to explain my position, as it's a bit strange. I hope those of you here might have interesting commentary regarding it. I'm going to give myself false names here for privacy reasons. But names nonetheless are relevant to my sociopathy. First. My birth given name is Diana. I was born to a schizophrenic mother of whom I naturally found advantageous for her weaknesses. As a child I was relentless in getting what I want. My grandfather was a violent man with little impulse control ect. He killed himself before my birth thus I've never met him. From descriptions I know of from family members and as a former psychology major he identifies well with APD criterium. Also, I see many similarities in myself. with my family history I naturally have a disposition for mental "illness". During my grandfathers time in the military he was a test subject for LSD. I believe in predispositions people LSD can bring out underlying sociopathic tendencies. My father contests the use of this to his behavior. I had grown up an empathetic individual with normal, if not overactive emotions. However, in my late teens I naturally experimented with drugs. They're fun, anyway. LSD being one of them. Previous to my trip, I was studying clinical psychology with a meek goal of spending my life helping people. I had said to the person watching me, while on LSD that I no longer wish to help people, and that in actuality the idea seems endlessly daunting and annoying. Since then, I mostly introduce myself by a different name when I'm not in a situation my legal name is necessary. I have formulated the name aimee. I find it a basic name which entails no associations and allows me to create a blank and differing persona to match which is complementary and necessary when meeting new people whom I view as targets or connections. Previous to this experience I was in a close relationship for which i couldn't imagine losing. I felt connectedx afterwards I was unable to comprehend the connection any longer. The person I was with was extremely empathic and cared greatly about everyone. I recall a conversation we had in which he sympathized with people dying because of FoxConn and the suicides taking place. I could no longer understand his empathy for this. People are no longer people but chess pieces for which I can use to get ahead or toss aside when I become bored of the game. My response had confused me, because the feeling he had no longer made sense. I recall saying "I understand the concept of this situations wrongness, but I can't seem to process why it matters. It makes no difference to me personally." I believe I have sociopathic tendencies or some type of moderate dissociative identity disorder in which one part of me, which is no longer prevalent is an empath. While another, which has epitomized my being at this point. Is quite sociopathic. I changed my major from psychology to HR and corporate communications. My dream went from making the world a better place, to being bemused by the control I plan to have over others lives. My point, I believe that in my case a predisposition for this "disorder" with the combination of mind altering substances has brought out a unique form of sociopathy for which I cannot find much supporting data aside from relation to environmental factors. I'm curipus if anyone's situation is at all relatable.