
Monday, July 2, 2012

Literature: Interview with the Vampire (part 2)

The other selections from Interview with the Vampire that I thought were interesting included this one about apparent inconsistencies, particularly with regard to being able to feel but also being detached:

You ask me about feeling and detachment. One of its aspects, detachment with feeling, I should say, is that you can think of two things at the same time. You can think that you are not safe and may die, and you can think of something very abstract and remote. And this was definitely so with me.

I think this accurately describes sociopaths as well.  Sociopaths are notorious for holding two inconsistent views at the same time.  I believe this is due to their exceptional ability to compartmentalize.  This ability to compartmentalize also manifests itself in the way sociopaths feel and express feelings -- sometimes there, sometimes not really there at all, sometimes an inappropriate emotion.

I realize that normal people are also quite capable of being grossly inconsistent, but for some reason I feel like there is a difference there.  I believe that people who do that successfully are employing extensive amounts of self-deception, whereas a sociopath is more likely to see every distinction collapsing in on itself at a certain level of abstraction and so there is no such thing as "inconsistent."

Another quote was from a vampire about his choice not to exercise the influence he naturally would have had being the eldest among them:

If I exercise such power, then I must protect it. I will make enemies. And I would have forever to deal with my enemies when all I want here as a certain space, a certain peace. Or not to be here at all. I accept the scepter of sorts they've given me,but not to rule over them, only to keep them at a distance.

This was also brought up in the book "Power", this issue of whether and when people choose to cultivate power.  Sometimes I would read things in "Power" and think, yes, I guess that is a form of power to take over the planning and production of a charity event, but for what purpose?  Maybe some people (control freaks) would choose to take on thankless, go nowhere jobs for the sake of power, but I don't tend to be one of them.  It's the same reason why I don't really think most high profile politicians are sociopaths but more likely narcissists.  I believe there is too much thankless work required to achieve power as an elected public official.  Unelected political officials (shadow players, as one of my friends used to call them) are an entirely different story.


  1. When I'm older I want to have my finger in a lot of pies. I want to invest in the next amazon/facebook/twitter and become a comfortable fatcat millionaire. Then I'll live out my days raising pet children and smoking mad weed and imparting good feelings and tasty food on my partner and children/pets/friends. Yeah. Sometimes how good I am surprises me. Especially when I think about how I could easily go about the same path and be very bad. Having my ego stroked is like mutual masturbation.

    1. Narc much? =)

    2. So your dream is to win the lottery through no personal effort whatsoever? Good luck with that.

  2. Themes is making a new commitment to excellence to his beloved SW. This is from you

    Theme Song for Themes, himself

    1. ... for the first chair-dance number of the week. Ah well, back to work.

  3. The most power is when no one can pull your chain he he

    1. Exactly.
      (To add)
      Ultimate power is also the ability to forcibly act, interceding at any time, yet choosing to abstain- out of mere patience or lack of immediate interest.

    2. When will you reach that power, Monica?

  4. Replies
    1. Give Mee a second song, or you can't find one that would fit? :)

  5. I just read in a book: "emotions are very important for survival. They warn us about danger and suggests what we should do - run, fight, hide". So why sociopaths handle dangerous situations better than Nt's if they lack emotions?

    1. they are calm under pressure and show little signs of reaction that would trigger certain responses from others

    2. The question is at what about the time that you need to be responding.

    3. Because sociopaths don't lack emotions.

    4. Whaaa? UKan, explain.

    5. Do you have emotions but they are shallow and fleeting?

    6. they have shallow emotions...they do not lack them

    7. More importantly primal, so thats why sociopaths might handle a situation like the above better than someone else. Of course we dont know if they would handle it better. They might end up making reckless decisions that sink them and the rest of the group.

    8. very true. once involved the socio will not let go despite the danger. others will see the dangerous situations and try to step in, yet the socio will literally kick down the door to be with you and mow over anyone who gets in the way.

    9. its very important to remain to have the ability to take care of yourself

    10. No no no, sociopaths are monsters! THEY CAN'T HAVE EMOTIONS LIKE ME AND YOU, UKAN, HAVE! Also, who decides what emotions are shallow and what aren't?

    11. yeah socios are maniacs for sure.

    12. I see the emotional shallowness allows to understand whats goin on but keep their head

    13. But if sociopaths are smart, then why they are criminals?

    14. Monica is playing down her punctuation and grammar.
      How pathetic.

    15. Monica must be some big fucking person around here, as much attention as she gets. Focus on Eden. There is a very interesting person!

    16. Being a criminal doesn't mean you are unintelligent. It just means you think outside the box

    17. True about Eden.

    18. Eden does have that special sexiness that most people don't.

    19. Monica is shit compared to Eden, Folks.

    20. "... they destroy the ‘object’ that elicits these emotions.

      * A damaged object diminishes envy since the object no longer has qualities worth possessing. .."

    21. UKan, don't you think that people should brain scan everyone and send all socios to jail before these bastards do something bad?

    22. Why do you always start pulling this crap, Monica? Everyone knows you're the anonymous. Why even bother anymore? Why don't you come out from your hiding place like a big girl...

    23. I haven't wrote any of the above, lol (I'm the person, who wrote the question). Well I begin to understand this emotion stuff, but how do shallow emotions feel like?

    24. Who's Eden? Who's UKan? Shut the fuck up.

    25. I was asking how shallow emotions felt lol
      I didn't mean to cause trouble.

    26. So, can you answer me? UKan, Raven, Monica? How shallow emotions differ from regular?

    27. How would they know if they haven't been on the other side smartass?

    28. And how would you even be able to describe an emotion?

    29. You're asking Raven to tell you? Are you the same person who asked who Monica was?

    30. That's exactly why I want to know! I don't know, by using words..

    31. Raven, no I'm not that person, it seems that there are many different anonymous people here :D

    32. Raven has a shitload of sock puppets who praise her stupid ass.

    33. Her ass is not stupid, it's pretty hot.

    34. How ever would I know how to measure my emotions?
      The best I can tell you is that most of the time, I'm like a canvas with very faint color on it. Nothing much stirring on the inside for the majority of the day.

      I like to call it, a consistent state of well being.
      It takes something extreme to pull me from that state, and get my adrenaline pumping. I'll just take my eldest sister's description of me.

      She says it's like nothing phases me munch. The world could be crumbling all around me, and I'll still walk in with a smile on my face; like nothing.
      She was the first to say she didn't believe was Bipolar back when I was diagnosed.
      She said: "You keep talking about how manic you are all the time, but you act so normal."

      I don't know if that helps... but that's the best I can do.

    35. Extremity
      You praise her more, so she can stop praising herself with all her stupid aliases. Who the fuck is Snake and the rest of those stupid aliases who kiss her ass?

    36. hahaha

      She doesn't need to praise herself apparently.

    37. "AnonymousJuly 2, 2012 2:22 PM
      Raven has a shitload of sock puppets who praise her stupid ass."

      Everyone knows those sock puppets are you, Monica. Give it up. If I were going to self-praise as a bunch of anonymous, I'd do a way better job than you're doing, and it wouldn't be so fucking obvious.

      You're technique is the worst I've ever seen.

    38. Monica hates you. Why would she praise you? Better think of a better one, you stupid moron. You never give up.

    39. I stand corrected. Everyone knows save that one idiot anonymous who falls for your lame shit. :D

    40. Thank you Eden! And how normal people feel things? Where is a line?

    41. It's obvious why she would do it. Is it not? Unless of course... you're the one doing it. In which case... you're technique is the worst I've ever seen next to Monica's lame sock puppets.

    42. Hate to interrupt, but I wrote many things here, so it would be so stupid if that bitch haven't wrote anything, lmao

    43. Eden
      You are such a grandiose idiot. I have tried to reach out to you, time and time again, to no avail. To think I am praising you after all the crap you have pulled on me befits a moron like you.

    44. I have to say the truth when I see it. Those are great words Raven.

    45. But 2:32 wasn't me!

    46. LOL fake Monica

    47. Raven could fuck up a wet dream.

    48. No one believes your bullshit, Monica. Except maybe all the narc who's cocks you're always sucking on. The inverted narc, is probably the best cock sucker of all, yeah? And you don't even have to worry about it not pleasing Jesus, because according to you, cock sucking is perfectly allowed.

    49. I hate you all! I only wanted to get some answers, but you made it all about yourselves! Nah, I'm kidding, this is epic!

    50. I already answered your question.

    51. You seem obsessed with Monica, Eden. Give it a rest, huh? It gets old and takes up a lot of space on SW. Monica is not that interesting lol

    52. I haven't asked anything, but you should check 2:33...
      I wonder if the writer of the questions is satisfied. Or writers are...
      P.s. I am anon 2:45.

    53. I don't understand the question from 2:33.

    54. here's a pic of monica

    55. * A damaged object diminishes envy since the object no longer has qualities worth possessing. .."

      I often feel this way of people. I easily lose interest in using someone if they don't fit a certain interesting criteria for me. I like to be stimulated & amused while I put someone to good use in my life...If they're simply not enough to tolerate- They'll either not be allowed or soon after, they'll be dismissed.

    56. "A FriendJuly 2, 2012 3:00 PM
      You seem obsessed with Monica, Eden. Give it a rest, huh? It gets old and takes up a lot of space on SW. Monica is not that interesting lol"

      I don't see anyone stating a new interesting topic around here. In fact... the place seems to stall out. Why don't you be the first to talk about all the interesting things you have to say.

      In the meantime, I'll just keep filling up all the space with my obsession of the very uninteresting, Monica. Sound good to you?

    57. What makes her so interesting to you, Eden. The rest of us are bored.

    58. Heh... that's easy. Her obsession with me, makes her so interesting. :D Any other questions random stranger who isn't interested in the Monica at all?

      P.S. Love how you say, "the rest of us". How many of you are there?

    59. You seem to be obsessed with her, not the other way around. She does her retarded thing, but doesn't seem to bother you.

    60. You just keep telling yourself that... "Friend".

    61. Monica has her shit with her mother, but you don't seem to be much of a part of it. My 2 cents. I'm done.

    62. For someone who doesn't find her interesting, you sure have made yourself the expert on how she seems. Why do you think that might be?

    63. "but you don't seem to be much of a part of it."

      Which is why she only compares me to her mother like... always.
      You're really not good at this. Why are you even trying?

  6. Replies
    1. Themes for SW RegularsJuly 2, 2012 at 7:05 PM

      Thank you, Post. Music and math are closely aligned.

  7. One more for the day themes one more

  8. Where is Medusa? Don't let those fucktards bother you.

  9. I will tell you one thing, Eden. You taught me a lot. I have two people fucking with me, in my regular life, and I pulled an Eden on them, and they don't know what hit them LOL

    1. I see you are back to your suck up phase, monica. Please continue. I will be back next week when you call her a follower and a piece of trash.

    2. I am truly tired of rolling over to anyone who fucks with me. I am a lover, not a fighter, basically, but I do have it in me to make someone wish they did not mess with me. I will never bully someone, unprovoked. I just don't have that in me. I think it is cowardly. I have no respect for it, but if someone messes with me, I want them to regret it.

    3. Anon Things are not black and white, unless you are frozen, but that was last weeks lesson, so keep up with the program.

    4. What would be pulling an Eden?

    5. She's not sucking up to me, anonymous. More than likely "pulled an Eden", is just another one of her backhanded insults. That's why she didn't answer the anonymous who asked what it means.

      Not to mention her story is probably a lie.

  10. I am truly tired of rolling over to anyone who fucks with me. I am a lover, not a fighter, basically, but I do have it in me to make someone wish they did not mess with me. I will never bully someone, unprovoked. I just don't have that in me. I think it is cowardly. I have no respect for it, but if someone messes with me, I want them to regret it.

    This is pretty pathetic.

    1. It's bollocks!

    2. Ukan
      I know you won't be able to hear me because you have cement in your head, but a person will never achieve personal maturity by putting down other people. I think it is cowardly to be a bully. It is not strength. It is the height of weakness.
      My goals are different than yours. I want personal maturity and character. Those are my personal goals. I have a career I made for myself, with no help from anyone, and it is flourishing so fast that I am having a hard time handling the success.

      You have parts of you I admire, UKan. I have learned a lot from you, about strength and values, in your own way, but I don't want to be like 80% of what you are because it is low. I don't want to be the lowest part of humanity, UKan. What profits a man if he gains the whole world and loses his very soul? Not just that, but love is the real power, UKan, not hate.

    3. "but a person will never achieve personal maturity by putting down other people. I think it is cowardly to be a bully. It is not strength. It is the height of weakness."

      Then why do you keep doing it?

      "but I don't want to be like 80% of what you are because it is low. I don't want to be the lowest part of humanity, UKan."

      Why do you give yourself clemency for behaving the same way as everyone else at SW? And don't say it's because you're picked on first, because that is bullshit.
      Fact is you are not the "good person" at SW, Monica. Not by a long shot. You remain one of the blindest people here. You are The People of the Lie. The people of your most cherished book. You haven't learned a thing.

    4. Eden
      It is silly to talk to her because you have me pegged as you want to see me, but I will try, again, to tell you who I am and what is important to me. I want my own voice. I want my own individuality. I want my own strength and I want my own heart.

    5. You are a covert abuser. You use your victim-hood as a mask to be able to change the rules for yourself, and make your narcissism ok. Make your insults ok. Make your sniping at people anonymously ok. You have done nothing but put my character down from the moment I stepped foot in this place, and act like you are entitled because you're a better person than me. A "good" person.

      You in turn, do not want me to have my own voice. You want to keep me in line with how you think I should act, and who you think I should like.

      You are not better than anyone else here. Not UKan, not me, not anybody.
      I don't give a fuck who you say you are. Your actions speak for themselves.

    6. YOU see me through YOUR own eyes, not as I am.

    7. I am not the ONLY one who sees you this way. YOU just don't want to FACE yourself.

    8. Eden
      I will be really transparent with you about who I am. You can ask me about myself, and I will answer.

    9. Eden
      Your band of people on the Forum are there to mess with people. They don't count, to me.

    10. My people on the forum? hahaha! Who might those people be? I'm willing to say that at least 90% of the people who come here see you about the same way I do.

      Interestingly, about that same percentage see me completely different than you see me. Which one of us seems to have a better handle on reality and perspective?

    11. Some of the people on the Forun--Ukam, Kany, Ell ( and others I can't think of or don't know) are here to harass people. I have no respect for that, so their opinions don't matter to me. Why should they?

      I respect Alterego, as she is here to work on herself. You all drive her crazy and harass her, when she is here for a positive motive, for herself.

      She is not here to be mean to people are you and the ones mentioned are.

      Why the fuck should I respect that? I don't want to be that way.

    12. At least 90% of the people who come here see you the way I see you. You are listing a very small portion from that percentage.

      You are a cover abuser. You use your victim-hood to mask to cover up your envy, and need to put those you envy down. You use what your mother did to excuse your own narcissistic behavior, and harassment.

      You are no better than anyone here.

    13. I am not better than anyone, here. I never said I was. My goals might be different. UKan and Kany come on to harass people. You come on to be a badass and harass people, too, as you have sided with them. At the beginning, you were not like that.

      I come on to face myself. Alterego comes on to face yourself, from what I have observed of her and what she has said.

      So, some peoples motives are good, imo . Some people's motives are not. No person is better than anyone.

    14. If I envy anyone on here, it is ME, but envy is not the right word, as envy connotes wanting to take something from someone.
      I admire ME. He is smart and more than that, he is soulful. He tries to face himself with absolute honesty. He reveals himself, yet he has a strength.

      I admire that. What do you have for me to admire, to be quite frank?

    15. "I come on to face myself. Alterego comes on to face yourself, from what I have observed of her and what she has said."

      We are not talking about Alterego. We are focusing on you. You do not come here to face yourself. You come here for narcissistic supply.

      You are a covert narcissist. You use your victim-hood and your Christianity, as a mask. You hide behind a self righteous mask, to excuse your own need to abuse, and put down the people around you.

      You are an abuser.

    16. Eden That is YOUR lens. That is not me. I can't change that you see me that way. It is on you.

    17. Eden
      Who in your life was like that? THAT PERSON is who you see when you look at me. You are not seeing me.

    18. "What do you have for me to admire, to be quite frank?"

      You are a covert abuser. You use the mask of coming here to face yourself as an excuse to put other people down for not coming here with your same purpose. You are no better than me.

    19. Eden
      Think about my last question. In it, is your healing. You can put me down, forever, and never find your healing. Meditate on that question and I think you will find it <3

    20. This is not about me. We are focusing on you.
      You are an inverted narcissist. You use your frozen persona a an excuse for not growing past your victim-hood, and your hatred of your mother.

      You are a fraud.

    21. It is about YOU. You will only heal when you face yourself, not me. I am nothing to you. You could kill me and still be the same. YOUR hate is in you. Your hate is for someone *I* represent, to you. It is not about me.

    22. We are focusing on you. You are the one who says you have come to face yourself. And you are an inverted narcissist. Your aim is to control the people around you in a covert way. You abuse people through subtlety, or turning it around on them, to make them the abuser.

      You are an abuser.

    23. I have come to face myself. That is true, but YOU have nothing to teach me, unless a clueless, blind person who won't look at herself and projects her hate, outward.

      You did teach me that, but that is about it.

    24. "but YOU have nothing to teach me, unless a clueless, blind person who won't look at herself and projects her hate, outward."

      You are a covert abuser. You believe yourself to be better than the people you abuse, because you wear the mask of "good person" on your face. This is not about hate. This is not about me. We are focusing on you.

      You are an undercover abuser.

    25. It is stupid to keep arguing the same thing. You can face yourself and grow or find your father/mother/sister in everyone you see. You can never kill/ demean/ hurt enough people to make your pain go away.

    26. This is not about me, and my behavior at SW. We are talking about your behavior. You are an abusive person. You excuse your harassing behavior because you believe you are just for abusing.

      You refuse to face yourself and are trying to turn this around, to make it about me, so that you can continue not to face who you are.

    27. Eden
      I gave you things of value to consider. You can take them or not. I don't care to talk about this anymore, if you are going to be a cement head like UKan.

    28. You are the one who is blocking information out. You don't even see what you've said to me. This is not about me finding myself, or healing myself. This is about the fact that just like me... you are an abuser.

    29. You continue to make your values, the "right" values. You want to control me, by saying your value for coming here is better than mine. You enjoy abusing me. You want to reduce my value as a person, to make it ok for you to abuse me.

      You are a covert narcissist, and are not capable of facing yourself.

    30. Eden
      I have said all I can. You can accept it or reject it.

    31. You have said all you can say, because you can only reject what I have said. You are an abuser and refuse to face that fact.

    32. Monica about herself: "I gave you things of value to consider."

      Monica about me: "What do you have for me to admire, to be quite frank?"

      "but YOU have nothing to teach me, unless a clueless, blind person who won't look at herself and projects her hate, outward."

    33. You are an abuser. You see yourself as better than me, a "good" person, and that makes it ok for you to put me down.

    34. I'm impressed eden

    35. LOL that is probably Eden.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. You know why Jesus was so powerful? Because all He spoke was truth. People live in such lies that Jesus' words were fire--absolute fire. They burned into the lies of people. People can feel truth, whether or not they want to admit it and they won't, usually. Truth rings with a bell of clarity and beauty with which lies could never compete.
    Go forward in your lies, Eden. You showed you are a consummate person of the lie, all the while trying to argue the reverse. *SIGH* This is what "People of the Lie" is about.

    1. You are all lies Monica. You can't even come back on here to accuse me of lying as yourself. You always split up into other characters when you know you've lost.

      You lie to yourself daily. That is the burden you must live with because you are consumed by envy, guilt, and self loathing. All those lies you tell yourself won't make a truth by putting it all on me.

      So you go forward in your lies Ami/Erin/Monica/Bible Anon/Snake/ZeZe/Caroline/Dr. Frank/Dr. Eric/Hank/Billy/Frankfurt. Did I miss any?

      You are an invert narcissist. You rely on your victim-hood to cover up your abusive nature. You use pity for yourself as a means of making people believe you are harmless. You are an abuser.

    2. Did I miss any?

      Yes, Miss Sharp and How to Heal PD. I'm sure there
      are more.

    3. Oh damn. Good call. Was she josita too? That character disappeared as soon as her beloved jose did.

    4. Everyone is wondering "just who in the hell, have we
      been talking to?"

    5. Now, it comes time for Eden's sock puppets to praise her lmao

    6. I feel like there are more than that. There has to be. She is like a one woman circus.

    7. "Now, it comes time for Eden's sock puppets to praise her lmao"

      Now it's time for Monica's sock puppets to come and praise Eden, so that she can accuse her of using sock puppets to praise herself.

    8. Eden, you could fuck up a wet dream.


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