
Sunday, July 1, 2012


I had to get fingerprinted recently. The technician told me that although it is true that everyone's fingerprints are unique, making them a prime identification tool for law enforcement and otherwise keeping tabs on the general populace, a few people in the world have no fingerprints. These fingerprint-less people have a little bit of a rough time passing background checks for employment, etc., but other than that society leaves them alone -- this despite the fact that fingerprint-less people have every reason to exploit the weaknesses of the fingerprinted majority. Fingerprint-less people walk among us unnoticed, doing who knows what untold horrors. They are evil and they prey on the weak. They can't help themselves, it's just too tempting for them to wreak havoc when they have little to no incentive not to. If you ever are able to identify one of them, beware! Yhey will tell you whatever lies they think you want to hear. they pull the persecution card -- "different doesn't necessarily mean bad, bla bla bla." Don't listen to them! They can't be trusted! The fingerprint-less are god's mistake. Our only hope is to smoke these people out and lock them up, or better yet drown them at birth. Nothing else is keeping all those fingerprint-less babies from growing up and going on a stealth, murderous crime spree.


  1. A wink and a nudge, and maybe a bit of fudge?

  2. This post makes me think. If a man had his hands replaced with a monkey, would it be like the simpsons episode where homer got snakes hair? Would you all of a sudden steal bananas, pick fleas of others and throw your poo? Just like Homer became a complete sociopath? Questions, so many questions.

    1. some people who get organ transplants get this

  3. I meant to say replaced with a monkey's hands. Not monkeys grafted to the wrist stumps, that would be just crazy.

  4. Ooooh so that's why truth-monger thinks you're schizoid!

    I get it now.

  5. Don't you think you're schizoid. Hey we have lots in common! Ohh by the way... guess what I am Truth-Monger. Ohh so sweet playing different people on here. Dance. Dance some more!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Bahh, you have to direct your comments, or my narcism kicks in and I always think its about me...

  8. I am Truth-Monger though. And M.E. is most absolutely a schizoid. Not that there is anything wrong with that... I used to think I was schizoid, but I decided I didn't care and enjoyed myself one way or another.

    Keep going though, M.E. Never stop, keep beleevving!!

  9. Hey Peter, check out this forum:

    I think it will help you. I'm all about helping people.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I didn't say it was full of clowns, candy and streamers now did I? I see what you are saying though. Most mental health sites are pretty full boring crap.

  12. wow im like soooooooo glad i have fingerprints!! Lmao...Then again i guess people learn something new everyday...i never knew people could be born with no finger prints...

    Thunderball aka "truth monger" are such a cheat!!! ha ha know im bi nosy through my thoughts and make me feel all dirty and exposed..... mmmmmmm ;)

  13. No, unless you were joking Thunderball, M.E is certainly not schizoid. M.E doesn't actively try and distance themself, and even recognised the importance of social relationships a while back. A lack of empathy does not mean a lack of enjoyment for social activities. I am quite sure too, that M.E. would be easily capable of diagnosing themself, and since they haven't posted about it on this private blog, then I really doubt that M.E. really is schizoid.

  14. Na, I wasn't joking. Forgive me for quoting wikipedia.

    "Many fundamentally schizoid people present with an engaging, interactive personality style. Such a person can appear to be available, interested, engaged, and involved in interacting with others; however, in reality, he or she is emotionally withdrawn and sequestered in a safe place in an internal world."

    It's impossible to be correct about someone based off their writing. But, again wiki says it pretty good...

    "First, what meets the objective eye may not be what is present in the subjective, internal world of the patient. Second, one should not mistake introversion for indifference. Third, one should not miss identifying the schizoid patient because one cannot see the forest of the patient’s withdrawnness through the trees of the patient’s defensive, compensatory, engaging interaction with external reality."

    M.E. really does comes across as schizoid. Or maybe he doesn't and I'm trying to stir shit up?

    1. Nose army. You have NO clue what schioid means, do you? Schizoids can not pass for bcmnvx normal at all, for one. They are also not antisocial in the same sense cluster B types are, they are more asocial individuals. They are eccentric/odd types, not dramatic anti social types. Watch "Schizopolis" that movie makes perfect sense and will let you know what a schizoid is like. There are some interesting similarities with schiz/socio but they are very different. Example: socios will practice mimicking emotions in front the mirror, schizoids will make faces and act crazy in front of the mirror, this is shown in schizopolis, its a great example too because he almost gets caught being weird and a schizoid will have this happen a great many times in their life, behaving very oddly and either almost getting caught or getting caught. A sociopath will seem odd for reasons that are unknown to the conscious mind and more subtle, a schizoid will seem odd because they are running around with their tongue hanging out their mouth and making weird noises, most likely because it entertains them and they think its hilarious.

      ME is SOOOO not a schizoid, if they were they would be way more entertaining and have a way more abstract writing style, they would also be far more insightful, schizoids spend their life in perpetual introspection.

      Aesop rock is also a good example of a potential schizoid. Schizoids CAN be antisocial but in very different and less malignant ways than socios. Schizoids are wayy more entertaining than socios, they are not empty at all, they do not have identity issues, they have very vivid inner worlds and usually withdraw because the external world is so completely empty and vapid in contrast.

      You should really watch schizopolis if you want to understand the schizo at all. Its clear that you have no clue what schizo is, I only say that as a truth and not an insult, your application of the term is very severely off, you should study up, its a super cool "disorder" and really is probably the sane man playing insanity for fun.

    2. Don't respond to thunder all. He's the equivalent of tnp... or even mee. David, maybe, though probably not that bad.

  15. The fingerprint story seems analogous to the sad story of how society sees sociopaths. Interesting!

    1. God, anonymous 6:01, you're retarded.

    2. You're even more, look at the date.

    3. Yeah, I just noticed that -- the date, that is. I feel rather foolish now for "talking" to someone 3 years ago. Oh well.

  16. This is laughably ridiculous. Laughably. It's so dumb and naive it's seriously funny. It's like saying people with guns kill people. Or people who own knives stab people. Or smart people kill people. It's basically saying people equipped to do evil will do it. And so people do, but we weigh our options. We're all always equipped for evil. That doesn't mean we all choose the life o crime. Not everyone wants to be in the game.

    1. It's ironic satire. It's supposed to be funny.

    2. What's with the sudden influx of idiots?

    3. Look at the fucking date.

  17. I think if I didn't have fingerprints I'd use it to my advantage. Not to kill... more for theft purposes. I still think to be good at crime though; you must think like a criminal. To be the best; you must have skills. You can't just simply have one method of getting away with it. Forensic Science has come way too far, for fingerprints to be the only method of identity. There are other prints one leaves behind; science can detect.

  18. Hey... It's pregnant Eden! :) Look how adorable I am.

  19. Thunderball and peter pan. What a flash back

  20. Tinkerbelle, I remember how much of a dumb bitch she was.

  21. I was jonesing when ME didn't do the new entry.

  22. I was more into the idea of not having fingerprints, and what that would mean for a criminal, than with the analogy of believing all sociopaths will inevitably become evil doers.

    1. If fact, looking at my 2009 reply... I'd say I didn't even pay attention to the analogy, I to busy thinking up ways I would use being fingerprint-less to my advantage! haha

    2. I hate fingerprints. The other day I was thinking someone should patent a glove that sticks to only the palm of your hand to cover your prints but still be discreet enough to not spook the person you are having a meeting with in their car. There's nothing that makes someone more paranoid than jumping in their car with gloves on even though it's summer and you never wear gloves.

    3. "There's nothing that makes someone more paranoid than jumping in their car with gloves on even though it's summer and you never wear gloves."


    4. Hey, I just noticed that most of the responses are dated from 2009. (Yeah, not very observant today.) How does that work? Did ME reprint an entry from 2009 or ...?

      BTW, UKan, ha ha.

    5. Obviously you need to wear gloves more often.

  23. I want to say thank you to SW. I came here believing I hadnt had an abusive childhood. I realise differently now. Over the last couple of days I have come to understand my mother and her fuckedupness more than I ever thought would be possible. It would have been impossible without SW. And I also realised today, that as I have been thing about my mother and her shit, I haven't been feeling the homicidal rage that has always accompanied it before. And that is really something.

    1. I am so happy for you, Ell. SW is more honest that any therapist I ever went to. It is more upfront than any group I have been in. Most people will knife you from behind. Here, you get knifed in the chest. There is something to be said for that.

    2. "I haven't been feeling the homicidal rage that has always accompanied it before. And that is really something."

      Yes. It's says a lot. Can you tell us how it has changed your perspective about your mother, and about yourself?

    3. Monica talks about M. Scott Peck's People of the Lie a lot. I've read it and didn't recognise her. I do now. She is like the people described in that book. So is Monica. Those people are lost, like you said.

      As I was copying those quotes yesterday to Monica, I was thinking this explains my sadism and violence too. The only difference is I don't have to envy someone to feel good by destroying them. I do know what a vicious, fucked up bitch I am. So maybe, unlike my mother and Monica, there is some hope for me.

    4. I've never read that book. So is it about narcissism? Funny how she would contently mention a book that describes her, and not be able to see that. Is that a good example of irony?

      I think you and I share many similarities. We see what we are, for the most part. You once said on my blog that you and I share the same taste in sadism. I think you're right. Narcissists, and control freaks.

      As I told you in the forum, I didn't really come here searching for anything either, and ended up finding out more about my family dynamic than I ever thought possible. Zoe talking about her narc family made everything clear, and you posting that inverted narcissist stuff, made me realize that is my mother.

      So I come from two narc parents.

    5. It's a very long time since I read it. He doesn't talk about pd's (if I recall correctly), but it is narcissists he is describing. We have even more in common than I've mentioned on this blog. I haven't begun to think about my father yet, other than to see that I take after him. He endured my mother too. He was a soldier. I know that is true. He claimed to have been special forces haha. I think maybe I'm going to end up loving my dad, in hindsight.

    6. I think I take after my father in a lot of ways. The differences are of course, a lot more note worthy. But I have always been able to see the similarities just the same.

    7. that inverted narcissist stuff, made me realize that is my mother.

      I recognized the description as soon as MrsK mentioned it because I'd already identified mine as that flavor.

      I've got even more ironic and twisted parallels between you and me, Monica and me. I might bring them up sometime down the track. For now I'm going with a new account and the green autoportrait as an homage to envy.

    8. Looking forward to hearing all about it.

      I said something in the forum about the Erin psychic thing, which always reminds me of my mother and the one sister I grew up with. I think I'll just start calling her, Jessica. My mother and Jessica, both believe they have dreams about the future. I've yet to see one of their so-called visions come true.

      They also believe they have healing powers in their hands. Jessica has her one daughter convinced that she (her daughter) can see demons on people.

      Both my mother, and Jessica are almost fanatical about God, angels, demons, and their special gifts. Though I've noticed that now that my mother is on her death bed, she seems too worn down to express her usual delusions of special abilities.

      Does your mother believe that she has unusual gifts at all?

    9. Fucking hell. She does psychic drawings and has the healing hands too. My grandmother was an Edgar Cayce devotee with some weird Atlantis fixation. My sister sort of drifts in and out of believing in the hoodoo and embracing rational thinking. Too much. Your mother's not a ginger too, is she?

    10. No. But her mother was, and was into Wicca. My great aunt was into voodoo. She had my mother convinced that she put a hex on her before she was born.

  24. "Everyone including yourself thinks you're worthless. Your parents were onto something when they devalued you."

    Look Monica... M.E. put this up on Twitter to show how much he values your contribution to this blog. :)
    Sweet dreams!

  25. Does M.E. ever post as anonymous? I was curious if the article "Mask of Insanity," June 26, 2012 was his; where he
    somewhat diagnosed Ukan and Monica?

    1. ^No one challenged the poster in disagreement.

    2. What a suspicious question, anonymous.

    3. Why is it suspicious? The question stuck with me and
      I have no hidden motives for that question.

    4. It was "The Mask of Sanity," a book by Hervey Cleckly. It was, I believe, the first clinical description of psychopathy. You can get a PDF of the book here:

    5. Johnny Boy
      Thanks, for the info

    6. M.E. Did a Q&A last year, and expressed that he has no interest in participating on the blog in such a way. He was very open about his self-centered-ness, saying he is mostly into whatever focuses on him.

      Furthermore that poster described an emotional "aura".. . That's fucking hippie talk. Who ever it was probably considers themselves a mystic of some sort. So far as I've seen, no certified expert has shown up here to diagnose anyone. And any here who believes they are experts, are impressionable twats.

    7. "Its clear that ME is a weaker wannabe, sociopath is not a "professionally" recognized or accredited term, it seems like sociopaths are something of covert malignant narcissists. "

      I guess you missed this part of that anonymous' rant, huh? Must not have paid it too much attention till the very end, because this quote is from the beginning of the rant.

      You're welcome.

  26. Eden
    Yes, I did miss that on my first read but there are many ME's in this room.

    But, no, my interest was on his remark of the active and
    inactive gene factors and the book he was promoting.

    That's it!

    1. Well, now you know. Pleasure doing business witcha.

    2. Consider it our last transaction.

  27. from a review of M. Scott Peck's people of the Lie:

    1. The evil hide their motives with lies.

    2. Evil people want to appear to be good.

    3. When confronted by evil, the wisest and most secure adult will usually experience confusion.

    4. Evil seeks to discourage others to think for themselves (fosters dependency).

    5. To oppose evil we must have an ongoing dedication to reality at all cost.

    I agree that to be mentally healthy we must believe what is true and only what is true.

    1. 2. Evil people want to appear to be good.

      This is not true. Charlene (his teaching case) did not
      want to appear good.

      In his book he states that it is rare that we can pass judgement on a person as being evil after observing a single act; instead, our judgment must be made on the basis of a whole pattern of acts as well as their manner and style.

    2. Dr's Franklin F and Eric Fomentile PhDJuly 2, 2012 at 9:13 AM

      We are sitting at a light, in our Jag, on our Tablet.

      Good info Anon 8:45
      One must face reality with courage and a willingness to see all of it--the good, the bad and the ugly. The ugly is the hardest, of course.

    3. Those that have the appearance of "good" from the
      book People of the Lie.

      The words "image," "appearance," and "outwardly" are crucial to understanding the morality of the evil. While they seem to lack any motivation to be good, they intensely desire to appear good. Their "goodness" is all on a level of pretense. It is, in effect, a lie.

      Actually, the lie is designed not so much to deceive others as to deceive themselves. They cannot or will not tolerate the pain of self-reproach.

  28. And as for Eric and Frank - 9:13 they need to do something
    productive and go out and paint their trailer.

    1. Eric and Frank have Jags. You must be thinking of Eden when you talk about trailers.

    2. No, monica, your eric and frank and your the one with
      the trailer. Happy painting!

    3. "... they destroy the ‘object’ that elicits these emotions.

      * A damaged object diminishes envy since the object no longer has qualities worth possessing. .."

  29. Ukan B Trailer TrashJuly 2, 2012 at 1:48 PM

    If he lives in a trailer, I will get him hooked. I will take all his money and his trailer, too. Then, I will send him begging on the street for his drugs. This is hilarious.

  30. ...Im here for the midnight gangbang and salad bar

  31. When I was 14 years old my school took everyone's fingerprints and sent each student home with their newly made records. I had found this fascinating, so I started to take a black stamp pad and paper with me wherever I went and I would ask people to share their fingerprint so that I could see the different types of patterns. My fingerprint patterns looked very similar to most of the patterns I collected. All of them had loops or whorls, on different fingers. Everyone seemed to have a variation of the same or similar type of pattern. This includes my own relatives, including grandmother, mother and sibling.... except for my father. His fingerprints reminded me of television shows where a person on life support will suddenly flat line. Every single one of his fingerprints was this flat lining type of arch, that no one else I had collected samples from had. This bothered me a lot, because I knew my father was not normal, that he lied about everything, lived a parasitic lifestyle, stole from our family, caused financial chaos and humiliation often, and he never felt guilty; he was not empathetic and was guaranteed to betray. I remember how disturbing it was to me to see, at the age of 14 that everyone of his fingerprints was this bland, nondescript flatline arch... and I was positive at that time, that this was somehow connected to the way he had no conscience. That his feelings were "flat lines" just like his fingerprints. I'm not saying that I was correct about the fingerprint connection . I was 14 after all.


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