For as socially lacking as auties supposedly are (and interestingly this seems to be one of their key press points -- don't hate us because you think we are a cold, unfeeling jerk, we're just socially awkward), they sure do seem to be in the cool kids' club of socially acceptable. Coming fresh off the heels of my last post, this amazing piece of
investigative journalism:
“One of the most devastating myths about children with autism is that they cannot show affection. While sensory stimulation is processed differently in some children, they can and do give affection. However, it may require patience on the parents' part to accept and give love in the child's terms,” Colston said.
A person who fully understands that they are harming others and simply does not care is called a “sociopath.” A sociopath is adept at reading social cues, is very aware of the feelings of others, and knows precisely how to respond in order to get what they want. They simply do not care whether or not their words or actions harm other people or often, society in general.
Autistic people have no intention of harming or upsetting others. They simply lack the ability to read and respond to social cues. For example, while most children learn that a smile from their friend means the other child is happy through everyday social interaction, an autistic child may have difficulty understanding facial expressions.
Thanks for the shout-out, auties. Next time, though, why don't you try to defend yourself without making us a scapegoat.
Oh really now, M.E., come on! The author has probably been asked to describe the differences between the two groups and is using a well known definition of Sociopathy. Nobody are making scape goats of anybody.
ReplyDeleteThe description of a person with Asperger's fits a friend of mine quite well, and believe me: The claimed "Social Acceptance" is over stated by far as it only applies to a few lucky individuals. The everyday reality hasn't changed and fact remains that Autistics suffer from a variety of issues that Sociopaths do not have.
There is no reason to envy these people!
She was talking about herself when she started talking about asperger syndrome. It's always the 'friend'! :P
DeleteOh, yes. Anders Breivik and Martin Bryant were just so full of love they didn't want to harm or upset anyone ~
ReplyDeleteAutistic people have no intention of harming or upsetting others.
ReplyDeleteneather do i if i tell ppl i'm a psychopath
1st thing they ask me if i'm violent i tell them no i rarely get mad and i have more options than other ppl to get what i want (manipulation etc)
i've known i have to be carefull not to end up in jail from b4 puberty
only came close twice to a criminal record
that line was a lie.
DeleteThey sometimes do. Stop believing these premature halos, child.
question to me if you can always be the "1ST" on this blog does that make it easyer or harder to resist?
ReplyDelete'Sociopaths' do not exist in the peer reviewed lit, primary/congenital psychopaths possess emotional empathy as do the autistic, autists do not lack the ability to read and respond to emotional stimuli, and also true psychopaths possess impairments in face reading.
ReplyDeletePrimary psychopaths would as children be recognised as having a pervasive developmental disorder ie. substandard autism, and will eventually be considered as such.
"Cool kids' club".
ReplyDeleteYou sound like Medusa. Please don't say this again.
There's a club?
DeleteDo you get a badge to go along with that?
'Cool kids Inc.'
Cool Kids, LLC
DeleteCool Kids, GMBH
Cool Kids, Anonymous
aspie! How are you today?
hi tnp
Deletevery good and yourself?
pretty good.
DeleteIts like some people are completely incapable of forming an opinion for themselves.
DeleteSo they need a badge of recognition so that some other sob will come along and approve of them.
'Yeah, my psychiatrist told me I've got ADD, I'm on such hard meds man, let's take Ritalin together and be friends.'
Sounds profitable.
I'm referring to labels in general, of course.
DeletePreconceived notions.
That's the problem we sit with today.
Do you realize that when you walk in at the psychiatrist, you're gonna walk out with a disorder?
Why? Cause he makes a living out of it.
Drugs aren't going to solve your problems either.
50cent even wrote a song about it
DeleteHow can sociopathy be maligned? Its definition and description reads like pure evil.
ReplyDeleteThat was funny. You go, aspie.
Delete:) Good Morning Sociopathworld!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteA person who fully understands that they are harming others and simply does not care is called a “sociopath.”
ReplyDeleteand a person who doesn't fully understand is clalled an aspie?
so the result is the same the sociopath just gets better at it (more harm lesser jailtime)
I have, always, wondered why sociopaths have such great senses of humor. Aspies seem like they have no sense of humor. BPD's seem to miss things, or cannot see humor in themselves.
ReplyDeletehumor and seduction are the most natural (and exceptable) forms of manipulationµand my 1st way to test if i i can charm someone
Deletethe game of tension and disarming
DeleteEasy question miss moo. Their sense of humor is great because it is yours. Everything you say, do, and wear is a clue to what makes you happy. With that baseline, it is simple to test and see what makes you smile then build on it.
DeleteWhat an answer, Anon. Even how you just said that, so seductive. You speak and write as if something beautiful is calling. The sociopath I knew. I still call out to him when I am upset. It seems as if he KNEW me like no one else. You are saying that it was all a mirror, I guess.
DeleteA gilded mirror that only shows your pretty side. Until you piss it off. Or make the biggest mistake of being boring :)
DeleteI never got boring, but I did see his ugly side when I would not be controlled the way he wanted.
DeleteHe probably did know you like no one else. The only difference is what that knowledge does for him. Like a new pair of underwear you excite him providing support and comfort. You wash them in your favorite detergent and fold them just right, but soon enough the new wears off and the same pair, even though not yet full of holes, starts to lose that supportive feeling. Maybe they just finally conformed to your shape and size and they start to feel like everything else. So you adjust and hike 'em up trying to get back what you bought but in the end they just go in the fucking trash can and you have to go shopping again.
DeleteYou little rebel, you.
DeleteDid you see your Theme, yesterday?
Yep. Much better than Skillet :P
DeleteIt may not seem like it, but when you refused to be controlled you made him feel alive. In today's society few people want to go against the grain. When you let someone control you, you are just proving that you are like all of the other dumb cattle. Resistance to what he establishes as the norm, now there is something worth attention. You are wrong though about sides. His ugly side is the face he shows the world when he is just trying to get by. The mean side is his real self in all of its beautiful brutal honesty.
DeleteAnd what about narcissists? I think they find it hard to exercise their sense of humor because:
Delete"The higher a monkey climbs, the more you see of his behind." Keep your sense of humor, anyway!
All these labels you poor asses throw around is a laughing matter in itself.
DeleteIt's also funny you poor asses throw people with personality disorders in the same trash bag. People will stay people. Everyone's different.
DeleteDiagnosing people over the internet.
Delete"I don't like what you're getting at, you must be a Narc\Aspie\Socio."
" BPD's seem to miss things, or cannot see humor in themselves."
DeleteIt's not that we miss things, it's that we see and feel ALL of the things all at once which can negate the humor in individual scenarios.
That said, I'm usually the first one to laugh at myself. And when I'm up everything makes me laugh. You seem to be forgetting that BPD isn't just dire and down, there's an upswing too.
Good post, Haven.
Delete;) I do try sometimes.
DeleteOf course lmfao anon is the genius of the bunch and is the only one who sees the humor in the name game. Certainly no one else here gets it, and absolitely no one throws labels around just because it is funny. Hats off for the fucking einstein everyone!
DeleteOh, so now we've got Socios, Aspies, Narcs, Vulcans, and me, 'Einstein' in here.
DeleteWhatever would you do without your petty labels?
The reason you need to use labels is because you lack understanding.
DeleteYou're like a child, you're the reason we need stop signs, tamper proof medicine bottles, and laws in general.
You're barking up the wrong tree hound dog. I'm one of the people that vehemently defends your right to be whatever label or lack thereof that you want to be. Only a child would assume that I share the inner workings of my mind with a bunch of anonymous web surfers. If you want to argue just for the sake of doing it let's go for it. If you really do think you are smarter than everyone here, feel free to go fuck yourself. I guarantee you will go farther with autoprocreation than you will trying to prove your wit.
Delete"Go fuck myself, huh?"
DeleteI wish I could - I wouldn't get out of bed all day.:}
Your words prove otherwise, and I'll not let my words go to waste on you.
DeleteI'm not arguing with you, if you want to share your insight, go ahead.
I doubt that you possess anything of value, as you only seek to contest yourself, which proves just how simplistic your mind is. Why would I need to prove anything to a complete stranger, and one such as yourself?
It profits me nothing, make of that what you will.
Haha you brought the whole thing up dumbass. Have fun sharpening your intellect you unlabelled hero of the people.
DeleteJust the very fact that you are glued to your phone screen waiting for my responses proves I am better than you in every way, conceivable or inconceivable. Ok your turn to type now. Jeez what a fucking tool. Is this the best 4chan has to offer?
DeleteMonica you went postal, today, and you wrote 97% of these Anon posts pretending to be someone else. I wrote 3 intelligent teasing posts. If others choose to believe that YOU didn't write these - then they are as sick as you!
DeleteI do a lol, once in awhile, but I force myself to write from my account 95% of the time, as it is good for my self development
DeleteSo, you are wrong, Good Buddy.
DeleteI do see you in a different light, now. (I mean darkness). And it is not powerful - it is "weakness."
What do you mean?
DeleteAnon 7:09
ReplyDeleteYou write beautifully.
Thanks for the ego stroke. Unfortunately no one can stroke it like i can ;)
Deleteare you a pickpocket monica?
DeleteThemes Series
DeleteTheme for Anon 8:24
Deletethat's not your ego that's your wallet
ReplyDeleteI need your advice. I know the situation is no big deal, externally, but it represents something to me.
ReplyDeleteOne woman whom I talked about before, insulted me, such that I decided I would not be her friend, but just be business.I started being cool, not rude, but just reserved and not personal. Well, I saw her today and things have changed and that is good, but I feel really guilty and like I want to hurt myself. Does anyone understand?
It sounds like you're feeling guilty for establishing and sticking to a personal boundary you decided to set. Coincidentally I've been posting about boundaries and what happens when they're ineffective. Guilt is actually pretty natural when you didn't grow up with a sense of appropriate boundaries. You're allowed to set them. You're allowed to say what is acceptable or not for you. You can't dictate her behavior but setting limits of what you will tolerate is perfect okay.
DeleteWow, great answer Haven, I dont think I could have said it any better myself.
Deletehen I was sating the second definate Narcissist/ Probable sociopath and I set boundaries she would then make me feel guilty for sticking to them or I would feel guilty because I thought I was being too harsh.....
It was always boundaries like, if I catch you lying to me, I dont want to be around you and sometimes after I caught her in a lie I would just walk out of her house and leave...... Sometimes I would just shake my head, say nothing, and walk out........
I was so down and felt so alone and damaged, but after I come here, I feel OK. I know you, guys, understand. A very special group of people seem to come to SW and stay. We are very different, in some ways, but in the heart, I think we are the same. I have never felt this, anyplace.
Delete:) Awww what a sweet thing of you to say :) Thank you Monica!!!!
DeleteIam glad you are feeling better, I think since I had a Malignant Narcissist for a father and you had one for a mother that we probably feel alike when trying to enforce our boundaries because we never had any before.
It is like our development of boundaries was arrested at an early age and never formed until we realised that we need and should have boundaries to keep us away from certain people that are unhealthy for us to be around.
You are doing good :)
Thanks, Rich. You are a warm fuzzy like hot chocolate on a cold day :D
Delete:) Awww Thank you Monica! You are a very sweet person and never fail to bring a smile to my face <3
DeleteNext time you have trouble or feel guilt or feel badly about setting and sticking to your personal boundaries, think of what we have all talked about today and that it is perfectly normal for you to have boundaries and enforce them, for your own safety, happiness, and wellbeing :)
A RL Friend of mine posted this the other day and it seems appropriate.
ReplyDelete“For those who are attempting to excuse creepy behaviour as being simple social awkwardness, I thought this post by Hershele Ostropoler here sums up that problem:
‘If you step on my foot, you need to get off my foot.
If you step on my foot without meaning to, you need to get off my foot.
If you step on my foot without realizing it, you need to get off my foot.
If everyone in your culture steps on feet, your culture is horrible, and you need to get off my foot.
If you have foot-stepping disease, and it makes you unaware you’re stepping on feet, you need to get off my foot. If an event has rules designed to keep people from stepping on feet, you need to follow them. If you think that even with the rules, you won’t be able to avoid stepping on people’s feet, absent yourself from the event until you work something out.
If you’re a serial foot-stepper, and you feel you’re entitled to step on people’s feet because you’re just that awesome and they’re not really people anyway, you’re a bad person and you don’t get to use any of those excuses, limited as they are. And moreover, you need to get off my foot.
See, that’s why I don’t get the focus on classifying harassers and figuring out their motives. The victims are just as harassed either way.’”
Let's say you have diarrhoea, and you've just shat yourself without realising. You've also got a sinus problem.
DeleteSomeone tells you; "you smell like shit."
Would you consider it offensive?
I guess so, until you realise that. you really do have a problem.
Not really =P Plus I would imagine they'd feel it.
DeleteReally? Apparently not.
DeleteEgads. You get the point.
DeleteBy the way, "you smell like shit."
DeleteOnly here lol
DeleteLMAO!!! Hilarious post with alot of truth to it! I enjoyed reading that one :)
DeleteHaven, this is a *great* analogy. I don't care what your problem is- GET OFF MY FOOT, lol!
DeleteOnce, a mentally handicapped guy made the mistake of grabbing my boob at a public swimming pool (I have nice breasts, what can I say? :) I don't tend to think in situations like that, just react. I saw red, slapped his hand off- HARD- and glared at him like I would eat him alive. The guy immediately started crying loudly. The monitor lady came running up to us and stared at me like I was filth for hurting a poor, obviously disabled guy. "Don't you see that he is mentally handicapped?!" she snapped angrily.
I informed her coldly that she needed to keep a more careful watch over her charges. I explained that his mental handicap was not my problem, and that he still needed to keep his hands off my breasts.
Maybe it is because I am empathy challenged, as the guy's mental handicap was pretty obvious by the time I cooled down and assessed the situation logically, but at the time, the only thing going through my mind was GET YOUR HAND OFF MY BREAST OR I'LL BREAK IT. It caused no small kerfuffle at the pool, and of course I looked like the big bad villain.
Too bad. My boobs. Back off.
Shut the fuck up.
DeleteI think I would have responded the same way. Empathy challenged or not, your body is your space, not the space of others you don't intend to share it with. I wouldn't have had much sympathy either (if any).
DeleteAlso, kerfuffle, is a great word.
No. You can't even snipe at me under your own identity, so you're the one who needs to shut the fuck up. Take ownership or don't bother, coward.
DeleteFuck you and fuck your boobs and fuck your feet.
DeleteShut the fuck up.
Mmmm. So much vitriol. Your hand will have to bear the brunt of your pent up frustration, anonymouse, because you'll never fuck me *or* my beautiful breasts. :)
DeleteHaven, I cannot write or say the word "kerfuffle" without giggling, just a bit. It always puts a smile on my face.
DeleteI've got too much spare time today. And you know what they say about idle hands...
Event Series
DeleteTheme for Alterego
DeleteNo I wouldn't unless I wanted AIDS, you sleazy ho'.
DeleteUgh. Is that really the best comeback you can think of? You do not manifest an iota of charm or wit, nor is there anything intelligent, vicious, or luscious about your aggression. What a disappointing sparring partner you are turning out to be.
DeleteYou remind me of a sleazy exhibitionist who opens his trenchcoat only to reveal a saggy old dick that he strokes frenetically, to no effect.
You're Space Balls, right? I seem to recall your calling someone else a sleazy ho in the not too distant past. Still butthurt, coward?
You're clearly the frustrated one, I don't go around advertising my 'beautiful breasts' all over the place.
DeleteIts cheap and sleazy, all was well until you had to come voice your intense sexual frustration in a completely unrelated thread.
Oh yeah, at least you mentioned your feet, right?
LOL @ Alterego's story! I think I would be cracking up if I had seen that go down in person!
DeleteMentally challenged or not, groping random strangers (even if they have beautiful breasts) is creepy, inappropriate, and illegal.
I wonder if he uses his "Mental Difficulties" as a way to grope random women often, because some of them may just feel like he dosent know what he is actually doing ;)
He is a sneaky one :)
Delete"You remind me of a sleazy exhibitionist who opens his trenchcoat only to reveal a saggy old dick that he strokes frenetically, to no effect."
That was PRICELESS!!!!!!!!
You're clearly some frustrated housewife looking to garner some attention, on a 'Sociopathworld' website of all places.
DeleteNo one gives a shit.
Get a divorce, get drunk, and die of syphilis in some dark alley.
That's me... just a lonely, frustrated housewife looking to garner attention from sociopaths. I even bake bread for my husband whilst scantily clad in only my frilly little apron and high heels, good girl that I am.
DeleteDoes that entice you, anon? Because my words will probably be the closest you'll ever get to fucking someone exciting, if your level of charm and wit are any indication of your attractiveness, beta boy.
You're clearly the frustrated one, I don't go around advertising my 'beautiful breasts' all over the place.
DeleteIts cheap and sleazy, all was well until you had to come voice your intense sexual frustration in a completely unrelated thread.
Damn, you're stupid. The discussion was about establishing healthy boundaries, and how we react when they are violated, but all you can focus on are my breasts. Who's frustrated, again? :)
Go to bed old woman.
DeleteI've nothing to prove, and I don't care about your situation either way.
I apologise for my use of profane language.
Why are you apologizing for your profanity, Space Cadet?
DeleteNobody asked you to care; I certainly don't give a shit what you think.
You're the one who started this, and now that you are clearly losing, you slink back into your anonyhole. Typical.
Retards try to get away with kissing/groping people all the time. A lot of the time they do know better, they just take advantage of their stigma.
DeleteLOL, TNP I was thinking the exact same thing!
DeleteI think they are a little more "in touch" with things than people give them credit for ;)
DeleteSince you love to give me advice, I will return the favor~
You are too reactive. Learn to ignore people.
DeleteI haven't said a word to you in almost a year. I realized long ago that you don't take advice from anyone. You chew up the things people say, claim to be profoundly "moved", then return to the old bones you have been gnawing on for decades.
If I enjoy calling people out on their bullshit here, what's it to you? You assume that I am reactive, but I couldn't be more deliberate. You and I are as different as apples and oranges. You cannot relate to my mindset at all, nor I to yours. So let's just leave it at that. Do your attention -seeking, bone-gnawing thing, and I'll snipe from the rafters as I see fit. :P
Oy vey :P
DeleteWas that harsh? If so, know that such was not my intention. Sometimes I am not sure if the things I say are callous. I don't mean to be insensitive; I'm just stating the facts as I perceive them.
DeleteI don't see myself as attention seeking and bone gnawing and you don't see yourself as reactive but we both serve the same God, so those small details don't mean much, in the larger picture <3
DeleteI can be very reactive, Monica. In general, I don't let anybody fuck with me. Just understand that confrontation is not always reactive; it is often deliberate. In this case, I knew it was space cadet's cowardly sniping, so I drew him out. I enjoy doing that very much. I like challenging people, and I adapt my methods to my environment.
DeleteYes, we do indeed serve the same God. That is truly more important than our personal differences. If such were not the case, I might have been a lot harsher with you, a great deal more frequently. <3
Yes, it is the setting of boundaries. I feel like I am "bad" when I want to make a choice that makes me solid. It is like I have to be amorphous jello to be "good". Amorphous jello never has an opinion and never makes anyone mad due to being different.
ReplyDeleteAnonymousDecember 19, 2012 11:10 AM
ReplyDeleteLet's say you have diarrhoea, and you've just shat yourself without realising. You've also got a sinus problem.
Someone tells you; "you smell like shit."
Would you consider it offensive?
I guess so, until you realise that. you really do have a problem.
I love this place so much!!
Thank you, Haven. It is very scary to set personal boundaries and I am scared, but I did it!
I am sitting and thinking about this woman. She didn't do anything really bad to me. She just was the magic one where I decided, " NO MORE".
ReplyDeleteWhen she was a child( before the devil came) she had a mind like a steel trap. She knew bullshit when she saw it.She knocked bullshit out of the park in home runs. That is how she stayed sane. People would tell her mother she was a lovely girl. That made her mother stop the abuse, for as long as it lasted. When it faded, she was the old girl, again. Praise had a magic power. It could stop monsters and witches.
ReplyDeleteShe was, still, a lovely girl, from all outward appearances( and refined, too) but the inside was beginning to rot like black mold. It populated under the surface, like behind baseboards. You didn't see it, until you started to wheeze or drop with fatigue. Then, an inspector would check your house. Sure enough, it would be there. Then, you needed a whole mold team and thousands of dollars to get it out. It was a persistent little bugger.
The mold started to grow the summer she waited for the boy, sitting by her window, all dressed up. He was her first kiss, a peck on her mouth. She did not go outside and invite him in for a drink or some food. That kind of logical thinking seemed to be on the decline.
ReplyDeleteHe was very popular with girls. Mars in Scorpio can be ugly as a sin and have a whole slew of chicks, vying for him. He was her first date, too. She didn't know boys put tongues in your mouth like she didn't know you needed a condom when she lost her virginity. When this boy took her outside the school dance and put his tongue in her mouth, she didn't say another word for the rest of the date. He never called her, again. Who told people things like this? No one told her anything. It was fuck up as you go.
Trying to hold it together in a strange and barren land will do things to you. She started having phobias. One phobia got worse and worse until it became a behemoth that she tried to ward off by touching things in groups of threes and asking God to save her from appendicitis, her period and throwing up. However, she was still a happy girl because the tumor had discrete boundaries. In other words, it had not spread and fucked her up, completely. She could still be a girl going to the pet store to buy fish or going to the five and ten to get a Venus Fly trap, that actually did eat meat. Those were beautiful days because as long as she touched things in groups of threes and prayed to God, she was OK.
ReplyDeleteYou talk about us like we're killers (which we all know is wrong) and idiots and then u expect us to sympathiz with you? I mean what the fuck?
ReplyDelete"Autistic people have no intention of harming or upsetting others."
ReplyDeleteWhite-washed lie. Trouble detecting when they cause pain is the technical problem.
That does not mean they have to hate causing them.
They just accidentally cause it to happen a lot more often.
It depends on the other person. If valuable, yes. If not valuable, no.
The original article is mere puffery. It does not question the wide-known action-demonstrated
ReplyDeletetruth of the matter:
"The psychopath a is worshiped as god, obeyed as king, and followed as priest, for he/she is always at the very top of a given social hierarchy."
"The autist, by choosing to be as IT is, demonstrates, that it is not merely NOT-HUMAN, but also a traitor to humanity ; therefore, such evils are both outside of society AND outside of life."
The owner of this 'public portal' is justifiably enraged at the temerity of some 'people. Do they not know they must not offend Deity? A curse upon them! Let them die for our pleasure! ( Or something like that)
I am new to this board. I am a diagnosed autistic since age 12. i am essentially with very limited speech. I am a visual thinker and language is like a second language to me. i have been struggling with dyspraxia since always.. I am told we are similar to you but if that is so how is it that you can move in the world so easily? So flawless that no one would know there is something different about sociopaths. Meanwhile we stick out no matter what we seem to do. I am told I am a very attractive girl in my 20's. Know that i have no real sense of beauty or ugliness. Generally people find me attractive until we engage socially.. How can i best figure out how to move amongst others more smoothly? HOW do you guys get so well at it??? I have taken tumbling and dance to alleviate the clumsiness i was born with. I can manage eye contact now. Took years of sensory integration to be able to tolerate touch... Speech well, that's one area i don't see getting better anytime soon. i need to keep things within three word sentences. I still sound very robotic. What is it do you guys feel? i only know of my own discomforts and have the hardest time with others. Now i understand going to a sociopath board isn't logically the best place to go for advice but the social skills classes available to me are very limited. I am so sick of autism getting in my way. Trying to be an empath seems way too far a feat for me. Pretending like you do seems easier. (Well except for the limited speech that i gotta deal with.) Being normal isn't ever gonna be a reachable goal for me but pretending as well as i possibly can so as to be more successful out there is my goal.