
Thursday, January 5, 2012


I was searching for a particular old email recently and stumbled across an interesting discussion between me and a friend.  To give you some insight into my friend's view of humanity, this friend had one time suggested that it was easy for me to be so happy-go-lucky about humanity because I had more "faith" in love than she did.  It is weird for me to read things like this because I don't feel this way anymore--I am not as enamored with humanity as I was even a few years ago.  Then I saw this email (again, from several years ago) to the same friend about how I had been helping out with the political cause of a mutual acquaintance--a political view that this particular friend abhorred.
I'm very impressionable it is true. And yes, I did pick a conclusion first and then come up with ways to justify it to myself. I didn't realize that I had done such a poor job that you could see through me so easily.  
Anyway, this is how I have always been. I don't really think things are morally abhorrent. I usually don't think about stuff that way. I really am pretty much a blank slate. I just like people, I don't mind adopting their values on things and fighting for those values. It's like the Naomi character in the bible saying, "where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. your people shall be my people, and your god my god." People are my beliefs and alliances, you included. If the other side had gotten to me first, maybe it would be a different story and a different set of justifications. I can understand people not respecting that or not thinking it is a legitimate way of living, but I don't know. It seems alright to me. But I am not entirely surprised that my justifications didn't make sense to you. Don't be sad, though. I'm ok. I'm not about to join a cult or anything.
It's weird for me to read something like this. It's odd to see certain very familiar things about myself (i.e. weak sense of self, impressionable, people pleasing), but I also realize that I used to like people much more than I do now. It's as if my love and interest in humanity was a passing phase--a bit of a personal fad, like the careers or other exploits that I have picked up and dropped just as suddenly over the years. I think I exhausted the potential upside with people and then it became (and still is) just maintenance. There's no longer the same thrill that I used to get in interacting with people.

My current relationships take so much more effort than my previous relationships did.  When I was younger, I would just burn through relationships.  I confessed to one that I was using him like a paper napkin, to be disposed after I was done with him.  After a while I got a little tired of the drama and upheaval that went along with these aborted relationships.

Now I have a general rule that I don't mess with my intimates, only with people to whom I do not have many ties.  It's basically a policy of not defecating where I intend to eat.  There are real benefits in living my life this way, but there are also definite costs.  Now if I am fed up with someone, I don't blow up or try to hurt them, I distance myself from them and spend some recovery time alone.  Sometimes I have to spend the equivalent of several hours alone in order to be one hour of my well-behaved, solicitous self around certain people. It's odd, but the nicer I have become to my intimates, the less goodwill I have for the rest of humanity.


  1. Some of what ME is saying may be able to be honed down to natural ennui about life, which comes with maturity, to anyone, perhaps.

    I have noticed similar things. I used to think it was important to be liked, when I went to a party for example. On my last social outing, for a Christmas dinner, everyone was so wrapped up in himself that no one spoke, virtually, or else talked about such inanities that it was the same thing. In prior times, I would have tried to be friendly and engage people. I just sat there. Why do I have to be the social committee for the world?

    It was the most peaceful time I have ever had with this group of people. No one noticed, either ~

  2. Hello peoples of Sociopath world!

  3. Oh, I can make a name for myself here too! Sweet <3

  4. How To Spot A SociopathJanuary 5, 2012 at 5:19 AM

    Browsing the internet I found an expert telling us how to spot a sociopath. Watch out for these signs:

    "The signs are an unkempt appearance or wild expressions, laughing for no apparent reason, laughing in a situation where a person was injured, outbursts of anger for no reason et cetera. This type of person is superficial and will often lead you to believe that he or she is a model for society, when behind closed doors the brute appears."

    The sociopaths are also angry people who take alcohol and drugs, even marijuana:

    "Often deep-seated jealousy also underlies the anger issues within these types of people. Many of these angry people take drugs, including cocaine, crack, marijuana and others. They often exceed the safety limit of alcohol consumption and this only increases the liklihood of them flying into a rage."

  5. So the homeless guy I saw today sitting on a sidewalk giggling to himself for know apparent reason was really a sociopath? And all this time I thought he was just crazy. Live and learn.

  6. "Sometimes I have to spend the equivalent of several hours alone in order to be one hour of my well-behaved, solicitous self around certain people. It's odd, but the nicer I have become to my intimates, the less goodwill I have for the rest of humanity. "

    I can relate to this. Growing up I was actually very much of a loner. Social situations, especially larger gatherings of people would drain me enormously. The energy I had to maintain the image I cultivated for certain groups was definitely limited. I would rarely stay places longer than I had to.

    Investing in people takes a lot of effort. When all you have is a handful of people that you can live without there's no draining of emotional/mental resources. When you constantly have to watch how to act and portray yourself around people it becomes work. It becomes necessary to ration that energy to focus on the 'important' things but that energy has to come from somewhere. Take from one place, give to another.

  7. Cannabis is not a drug. It is a herb. Rolls eyes

  8. Well that certainly fits, although I don't consider myself a brute. I am -in actuality- good for society. (Ironic, ain't it?)

    Speaking of brutes, there's a good-sized heffer waiting to be speared a post back, if anyone's bored. No need to rush, though- I'm sure she'll come charging through soon enough!

    Oh boy. I really should put away the socio-in-the-box, now :P

  9. I like the herb.

  10. I like the herb as well. Stick seed in ground, water, and watch grow.

  11. "Sometimes I have to spend the equivalent of several hours alone in order to be one hour of my well-behaved, solicitous self around certain people."

    I can relate to this as well, obviously. Nowadays I've stripped my investment into other people to bare minimum.

  12. Haven said: "Investing in people takes a lot of effort. When all you have is a handful of people that you can live without there's no draining of emotional/mental resources. When you constantly have to watch how to act and portray yourself around people it becomes work."

    @Haven: Very succinctly stated. I couldn't agree more.

    @Ken: Smoking marijuana on occasion curbs my anger, cures my boredom and actually helps me to feel my emotions more profoundly.

  13. I did not ask you anything fucko. Go rape an animal.

  14. Or get raped by a horse. he he

  15. What if one day you woke up and your nipples were completely gone?
    like no scars or anything, just flat skin and then once you leave your room you find out your dad died last night and then several days later, you find out that for your entire life your dad had been sneaking into your room while you slept and sucking on your chest to make to gigantic hickeys where your nipples should be because you were born without them not for any sexual reason, just so you would fit in.

    god bless you dad.

  16. luv me some mal pron. neigh!!!

  17. y es socio so horny

  18. @Zoe from yesterdays post about "Meat Computers"

    When I used to cover this in lectures the most interesting part of the debate, I used to think, was why do you think your brain is not you? The article correctly says that the decision is made 7 seconds before you are aware of it. So what? You have still made it. Your brain is still part of you. Indeed your brain is you.
    What if the difference was a billionth of a second instead of 7 seconds. Would that make a difference to how you think of the problem? How about 0.2 of a second? Half a second?

  19. If my brain did not need my body for transportation it would surly destroy it.

  20. We may be free to 'choose' what we want, but we're not free to 'want' what we 'want to want'. Or rather, we're not free to choose what we desire. We make 'choices' based on what we desire, at any given moment.

  21. Even stuck with the task of 'choosing' out of two chocolate bars, if my brain doesn't give me a sense of which I prefer at the time of 'choosing', then I may opt for some type of 'inny minny miny mo'; a so called 'random guess' by saying some rhyme in my head ('inny minny miny mo - it is not YOU) with a predetermined amount of syallbles and words, which means if I start the rhyme on the left choc bar, I end up with the left choc bar and saying 'it is not YOU' to the choc bar on the right.

  22. CMG you're really cracking me up.

  23. With regard to personality disorders in sexual murderers, the most frequently encountered opinion is that the latter are psychopathic, antisocial and narcissistic (Dietz, 1986; Dietz et al., 1990; Fox & Levin, 1999; Liebert, 1985; Myers, 2002; Vetter, 1990). During their crimes, sexual murderers feel no empathy for their victims, and subsequently feel neither remorse nor guilt. Finally, they have inflated self-esteem, as they are convinced that they are so intelligent that they will not be caught by the police. This psychological model adequately characterizes their criminal activities, but is it enough to qualify them as psychopaths? According to Brittain (1970), 'it is useless, though it is sometimes done, simply to label such a person a psychopath [...] it is also not accurate' (p. 198).

  24. Brittain (1970) concluded, on the basis of his clinical experience, that sadistic sexual murderers are anxiety-ridden, shy and reserved in their interpersonal relations. They also tend to shun human company in favour of an imaginary world in which they are omnipotent. Applying the diagnostic criteria of the DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994), one would probably classify these murderers as avoidant and schizoid. Sexual murderers, who behave psychopathically only towards their victims, therefore appear to be distinct from psychopaths, who are dominant, manipulative and hostile in every sphere of their lives. On this point, Brittain (1970) states that 'he may feel himself to be an inferior being except as regards his offences. The planning and contemplation of these acts can make him feel superior to the other men, someone special or even god-like. Others then become to him inferior creatures, without rights to be used in any way he wishes for his gratification' (p. 199).

  25. Themes fro SW Regulars "Event Series"January 5, 2012 at 7:45 AM

    Theme Song for the Event of Eden/Raven being her own individual

  26. That's a crap song. Got a better one? One that you don't have to be in your 50's to appreciate... :p

  27. @"Ken", a.k.a SpliffMeister, a.k.a PeePee:

    Oh Peter. Could you not have raised the bar just a *little* bit higher?

    Fun bantering requires a modicum of wit. :)

  28. @Raven You are such a non appreciative sun of a gun.

  29. Sometimes ME sounds more borderline than socio...

  30. I know that, Themes. Would you try again if I say Please?

  31. @Sarah - absolutely!

  32. @Raven Themes channels songs from the Universe--no joke. They come to him. He cannot try for them or they would not speak to the person. It is a supernatural gift <3

  33. ::laughs:: Raven how can you not like that song?!? It's so up.

  34. <3 Themes

    wv: melikee (hahahha)

  35. But none of those fucking bastard songs have spoken to me yet. Don't I get a say?

  36. @Raven Open yourself up to the Universe. Themes is a prophet with modern day music.

  37. Come on Raven, anyone with a modicum of rhythm would dig that tune! Pull that stick out of your ass for a minute and have fun. Its not all doom and gloom.

  38. Ugh. I'm not going to bother with your links then. Save them up for the needy.

  39. @Raven You are so push/pull.

  40. Sarah said...
    Sometimes ME sounds more borderline

    How do any of the other male socios feel/do when they say their self is impressionable.

    Do we all have the focus issue here?

    Haven do you feel narrow and wide focus very well?

  41. @Themes

    No I'm not. I just want to get my way.

  42. I was going to post a picture of my cock. But you ladies would rather chat about songs.

  43. Screaming Girls SalivatingJanuary 5, 2012 at 9:13 AM

    NOOOO Chosen One
    Songs are passe' We want YOU

  44. I don't have a space between the 'THE' and the 'CHOSEN'.

    And music chat would not deture me in anyway from posting a picture of my ...cock. However, this site doesn't have the space to upload something that huge.

  45. So how BIG is your COCK Chosen ??

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  46. Theme Songs for SW RegularsJanuary 5, 2012 at 9:17 AM

    Theme Song for The Chosen One

  47. @Sarah

    You're so perceptive, aren't you?
    Isn't she perceptive, Haven. She has me pegged to the tee.

    I'm always throwing fits and I prefer listening to The Cure all day long, while making cuts on my inner thigh. Please let me keep my gloomy outlook on life, and my stick up my ass. Thanks. :)

  48. @Bella...

    I know I'm impressionable when I'm in love or obsessing over someone. I tend to mirror those people subconsciously. With me this isn't always overt though. Sometimes I have to force myself to speak my mind and stick to my opinions instead of just going along with whatever I see will make them happy.

    If I'm not with someone(s) I'm highly attached to I don't give a shit and I stick to my own values and speak my mind easily.

    I'm not sure what you mean by narror or wide focus, or if i answered it?

  49. @Chosen

    I would actually love to see a picture of your cock right now. I'm horny as fuck, and could use some new material.

  50. Heehee Oh you have a smile or two hidden in there Raven. I bet I know where too ;)

  51. Today's word of the day is gasconade. :-)

  52. What are all you psycho's political beliefs here ?

  53. He promises something and then goes back. INDIAN GIVER

  54. Sound track for cock pics. Yeah... I giggled a bit ;)

  55. @Anon,

    Independent. I find political parties as dogmatic as religions, and I prefer to make up my own mind on *all* issues, not have a party tell me what to think.

    Generally, socially liberal and fiscally moderate. But those would be generalizations, not absolutes. I look at each issue and decide it rationally, on evidence and merits. Sometimes that lines up with "liberals," sometimes with "conservatives," most of the time with nobody.

  56. Nice. I like Anon's choice of tunes better.

  57. Chosen, my views are similar to yours. I come from a very liberal family and they sometimes get pissed when I dont buy into their emotional arguments.

  58. Lol Raven that is better??

  59. Mom was a Narc, and dad a psychopath.

    No emotional arguments here :)

  60. @Sarah

    Are you really so confused or is that your dumb act?

  61. @Chosen

    How did your Dad act :(

  62. No idea for the most part. Wasn't around much. Just long enough to do his...thang.

  63. i'm not a people lover. people are disposable. if i lose a friend, then i can get another one. it takes a special type of person to impress me, otherwise they bore me endlessly. when i was young, i was extremely social, became friends with everyone, but i had no clue how to form bonds with people, i was handicapped in that area. i thought about sex constantly, but unlike the other kids, i did not crave companionship. as i got older i would begin to daydream and slip into a fantasy world. i fantasized about becoming a giant that could tear buildings apart and crush people. this was about the age of twelve. my sexual deviancy was pretty bad at this age too.

  64. @Chosen I hear you x

  65. Chosen, did your daddy rape you in the ass ???

  66. Yes Nippleless, good thing I was unable to get pregnant ;)

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. i was overly spoiled when i was young and i learned how to manipulate my more empathic caregiver. guilt trips, threats, pity, you name it. i used it all to get what i wanted immediately.

    when i was refused money, i would threaten, or just take it. do i feel badly for the "horrible" things i've done to my parents? not in the slightest.

  69. @10:14

    You are are perfect for a management job.

  70. That is what happens david when your parents catch you wanking off into a gym sock.

  71. @davidsocio01

    pathetic, people are not as dumb as you think.

  72. lmao Frankfurt is a celebrity

  73. …………………...„„-~^^~„-„„_
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    | . . . . . . . . . . / .'/ . . .|
    | . . . . . . .| . . / ./ ./ . .|

    SHOW ME YOUR COCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ………………„-^*'' : : „'' : : : : *-„
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    ….../ . . . . . . . . . . . . . *-„„„„-*'
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    …/ . . . . . . . ./ . . . . . . .|
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    '/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'|
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    | .\ . . . . . . . . . \ .'' / . '|
    | . . . . . . . . . . / .'/ . . .|
    | . . . . . . .| . . / ./ ./ . .|

  74. @David are you serious? You have to say more than that.

  75. curt cobain was a socio

  76. Oh fuck off, David. How could anyone possibly know you wrote on this blog? You erase yourself only 30 minutes past post! lol

    Even I wasn't caught writing here till a couple of months ago, and I'm the smart ass who came on here with the actual name she uses on her FB, posted an entry from this site on her FB, and showed that she followed this blog on her own blog!

    Not to mention that even though my cousin chewed me out for 5 hours or more, for posting here... I still haven't erased my old shit! No one cares enough about YOU, to give a shit about where you write!

  77. Kurt wasnt a socio ya fucking retard. If anything, he was bpd.

    Now that bitch widow of his... she may be the socio. They like to goad people into suicide.

    And Christ, David, no one believes your silly stories. Give it up.

  78. idiot. he was def socio. hitler was bpd.

  79. Stranger things than that have happened.

  80. he selfishly and callously pwned himself, without accounting the effects it would have on his family and friends. this is a testament to his lack of empathy and grandiosity.

  81. "he selfishly and callously pwned himself, without accounting the effects it would have on his family and friends. this is a testament to his lack of empathy and grandiosity."

    Who, David? Or Kurt? If you're referring to David, then you are David.

  82. Who cares what Kurt was. He's dead now isn't he. Now he a pile of dirt. End of discussion.

  83. What is the avg age of posters here 12? Do you really think the BS drama, about being caught, or being found out a fake, actually happens ?

    If you buy that trash, I have some swamp land in Fla that is perfect for you!!

    Losers, get some meds and help.

  84. //UKan Pole said...
    This is a beat up topic extremity. If you went to all the links, saw his reaction, and still think he is a sociopath you are beyond a mark. You were duped by someone with asperbergers. That is something I have never seen in my life. It's definately something you and The Chosen One should be ashamed of, and anyone else who visited his site.//

    You got me UKan, I'm very ashamed to have visited a site you dislike. In the same breath.... you thinking I would care what you think, is laughable (ha ha ha)

  85. Did you seen my song Raven? haha

  86. @Haven

    Actually, I'm at work and the reception for my broadband sucks when I'm inside this building. It won't upload any youtube shit... lol busted, right?

    I haven't watched any of the songs posted here today. I just can't lie to you, my darling. I like you too much. :D

  87. His predator stare. Beware, soul rape ahead. Such a monstrous man.

  88. HOOOO! I've had only 2 shots of espresso and I'm ready for take off! Can't we get some more action on here? My fingers want a workout like mad.

  89. ::smiles:: Quite alright. It'll be there whenever you're ready. I wish I could give your fingers more of a workout ;) Too bad I'm buried under a ton of work myself.

  90. Soulless ? Our bodies run themselves. We know from cases of brain damage and the effects of psychoactive drugs, that our experiences are caused by physical chemistry acting on our physical neurones in our brains. Our innermost self is our biochemical self. Souls do not exist.

    Try to get some education, ok ?

  91. creepy fuck. those eyes just bore right into you.

  92. Anon 11:31

    Really ? are you some sort of pussy or something ? Obama ...creeps you out ? He's a pansy, wears make up, and talks like a fag.

    Ooooh creepy!

  93. @TCO You are so cool. If you and I morphed in to one person, we would be perfect :)

  94. @Caroline,

    Do you have any German in you ?

  95. @TCO Yes, one grandfather was German. Why do you ask?

  96. Aggy said...
    @Zoe from yesterdays post about "Meat Computers"

    When I used to cover this in lectures the most interesting part of the debate, I used to think, was why do you think your brain is not you? The article correctly says that the decision is made 7 seconds before you are aware of it. So what? You have still made it. Your brain is still part of you. Indeed your brain is you.
    What if the difference was a billionth of a second instead of 7 seconds. Would that make a difference to how you think of the problem? How about 0.2 of a second? Half a second?

    i would say the brain is not me, but the effect or illusion it produces is.

    actually it's more amazing to me that a mechanical universe can produce creatures that argue over the possibility that they are something more, than if we actually are something more. a mechanical universe populated by meat machines that make music and believe in free will is pretty wild.

  97. That was the dumbest thing I've heard all day, and Demon posted earlier.~

  98. It's evolution Zoe, don't you know ?

  99. Evolution doesnt apply much for humans anymore, they've made themselves the weakest animal on the planet by only trying to get paper, or money as everyone else calls it, which means instead if going out and working for their dinner, they go to the shops and exchange something worthless for something valuable.

    Evolution still applies for other animals because they still live with and respect mother, and dont make up stories to base their lives around.

  100. From being on this blog, I have gotten so much help in a practical real life way. Today, I heard two guys on a radio show I listen to, once in a while. I, always, thought one was just a jerk, but I saw that he was a true Narc. I saw that the person really cannot "help" it when he has a PD. It is the lens with which he views the world.

  101. @TCO I JUST got that LOL

  102. @TCO I just had a breath uptake. I am going to get off the computer for a while.

  103. Get off anyway you wish Caroline :) Just keep the camera recording :)

  104. This article reminded me of Ukan

    PHILADELPHIA — A wheelchair-bound woman crossing a city street in Wilmington, Delaware, was struck and killed by a series of three vehicles that all fled the scene.


    Police were hunting on Wednesday for three drivers wanted in the hit-and-run death of Edith McFarland, 58, of Wilmington.

    She was trying to get across South Market Street, a busy road near the Fairview Inn, where she had been living for the past three months, when she was struck at 6:35 p.m. on Tuesday, Delaware State Police said.

    "After the impact, McFarland was ejected from her wheelchair into the southbound lanes of South Market Street, where she was then struck by two additional vehicles," investigators said in a statement.

    Police said the disabled woman was hit first by a gold truck or SUV. All three drivers fled the scene without stopping.

    McFarland was pronounced dead at the scene in the state's first fatal accident of the year, police said.

    Hotel security officer William Cox said she will be missed.

    "She was nice, very particular about paying her rent," Cox told Reuters on Wednesday.

  105. Brainless said:

    Evolution still applies for other animals because they still live with and respect mother, and dont make up stories to base their lives around.

    ^^ That's *gotta* be DumDum.

    For a big bad scary sadist, she sure is a sucker for punishment.

  106. I have no idea who is who here. Who is Dum Dum Alterego?

  107. @ TCO: Check out the latest 10 or 11 posts in the previous thread, "Psycho Stapleton" :)

  108. That story reminds me of UKan as well. In a wheeled chair drooling and eating dinner from a straw. Explains his/her bitterness and anger at life.

  109. Post and Ukan annihilated her in the Forum. When I took a go at her in the comments section, she promptly changed her name to "Demon's Disciple", denied ever having posted under the moniker Demon, and accused Ukan of posting all her brainless, humourlss shite, LOL!

    Ahhhh. I am supposed to be learning to curb my antisocial tendencies, darnit!

    People like DumDum make it easier to indulge than shooting fish in a barrel.

  110. @Alterego Old habits die hard lol

  111. Anonymous said...
    It's evolution Zoe, don't you know ?

    you make that seem so un-special. :(

    explain to me then how musical ability contributes to the survival of meat machines?

  112. You just like stringing 'em along now don't ya TCO, haha.

  113. i went to the forum and felt my brain decomposing

  114. Actually, Demon was UKan. Then I think the Demon Disciple was actually her/it.

    I never said it was David btw. I said UKans Demon character was like a twisted version of David.

  115. @Missus I would like your input. I am so stressed with my new position. It is not the outside. That is wonderful. It is all the programming that I am not good enough without doing everything so overboard to prove my worth. I am challenging myself to learn that I don;t have to be like this, but the old feelings like I am only worthwhile for what I do, not as a person, on my own, are playing really strongly.

    Any advice?

  116. i told you. Do something unmartyrial.
    Start by not justifying what other people do... like I now understand this person isn't a jerk, he just has a narcissist lens... no. He is a jerk. And now he's a jerk with a label for you. Just because you understand it doesn't mean you have to like it. What do you like? Obviously not jerks who are narcissistic. But as I recall, you like chosen and VM... so maybe you do like narcs. Do you? Is that why you excuse it?

  117. Caroline, do something crazy. Find a deep desire you have and act on it. The best way to do tthat is think of something you resent, deeply. Then do it.

  118. Missus Kanney said...
    Just because you understand it doesn't mean you have to like it.


  119. Missus Thanks a lot. I will think about what you said and get back. x

  120. @Sarah

    Actually, Ukan only impersonated Demon a couple of times, but I can't remember if it was before or after he slammed you.

    However, you are indeed correct about your own comment: after reading it again, I see how I misinterpreted it the first time around. My mind was too busy conjuring up creative insults for DumDum, I suppose. My bad.

    I have no qualms with you, Sarah. But pseudo-devil worshiping BDSM posers are too juicy to pass up. What can I say? As a Christian, I have a hard spot for ex- satanists who brag about torturing insects, LOL

    Anyone have any interesting, on-topic posts to share? I feel like being a nice person again. There is this remote little voice where my conscience ought to be informing me that I should be setting a better example for y’all. ;)

  121. @ Alterego lol
    You are more approachable when you screw up, once in a while.

  122. Alterego is deluded don't listen to that bitch

  123. don't listen to that deluded bitch...she thinks she's better than everyone of ya'll

  124. ^^^ Heeeeeeere's DumDum! :)

  125. You mean when Demon/UKan said "she" fucked my bf in the ass? Yeah that really hurt my feelings lol

  126. "When you point one finger, there are three fingers pointing back to you."

  127. No, I was referring to when he said:

    ‘Sarah, you are disgusting. It's time you found your own arrogance and stopped looking for it in others. I bet your partners love giving you a hard slap, because that's what I would give you.”

    I didn't repeat it the first time in an attempt to show some tact. :)

  128. @DumDum: I know you are but what am I?


    Please stop. I'm trying to be good, but you're making it very hard.

  129. mistakes DumDum???

  130. a deluded whore??

  131. It's time you found your own arrogance and stopped looking for it in others.

  132. @Missus I was the Hero child. I had to be nice and well behaved. I pushed my passions down. By passions, I mean anger, assertion, selfishness etc
    I can't make anyone mad or I feel life will spin out of control.

  133. the deluded bitch shut herself up?

  134. @Alter

    Why are you a Christian instead of a Muslim? Why do you accept the Bible to be true(at least partially, or entirely? I don't know. I hope you can clarify this for me... the word of the creator of the universe but not the Quran?

    Muslims contend that the Quran is the perfect word of the creator of the universe.

    As an external party trying to assess which book is truly divine, what would you tell me? What reasons would you give me to show me that the Bible is divinely inspired while the Quran is not?

  135. "My mind was too busy conjuring up creative insults for DumDum, I suppose. My bad."

    Good on you. Trying to achieve the impossible is a goal everyone should strive for at least once in their life.
    Don't worry, Alterstupid, you could always do what UKan does and repeat the same boring insult over and over and over again. /yawn

  136. Because I believe I am a sheep, you see... I have the most awesome Shepherd LMAO what a self deceptive bitch you are..

  137. The Bible predicts events to come by specific geographical place and actual dates. No other book ever, has done this. That is the mark of God. If the Bible did NOT have an obvious mark of God, people would be stupid to believe in it.

  138. what kind of social deception is that? alter ego?

  139. @Anon,

    What "specific geographical place and actual dates"?

  140. couldn't the devil predict events too? how do you it's not the mark of the devil?

  141. Creationists do make me smile with their idiotic statements now and then, I must admit.

  142. @ TCO I will get back with one thing at a time, so I don't overwhelm people. I will write back to you, later tonight.
    I will be Bible Anon, so you will know :)

  143. Save yourself the embarrassment Bible Anon. That's been debunked. The bible said the Earth is flat.

  144. "so I don't overwhelm people"

    how does that happen?

  145. Alterstupid believes in a god that sits on his ass doing nothing while expecting to be worshipped by a bunch of easily manipulated morons. God's the biggest sadistic, narcissistic, psychopath there is. Not only has he fooled people into worshipping him for no reason, he has the dumbfucks like Alterstupid here actually believing in something they can't even prove exists.

  146. Thanks for clearing that up, Alterego. You are really beginning to grow on me. That means alot considering you are a Christian and a socio, neither of which I am incredibly fond of (usually). I thought that comment was anon. Oh well. I dont care enough to go check. It is quite amusing, because on the old hand, I am called an arrogant, narcissitic bitch, then I am told I am not arrogant enough.

    See Caroline, it is impossible to please everyone. It is why it is best to just please yourself. ;) forget about being a princess. By trying to please people you are trying to control them. Stop wasting that energy externally. Control what you can inside you. Let other people worry about whether they are happy or not. Its not your fucking problem. In fact, you are likely to receive ill will because people dont like being controlled (well some do, but I dont go for bitch boys) and will resent you. Plus no one likes eu de desperation.

    And back to Alterego, I was hotter than the other girls. I was the only 12 year old with perfect full c cups and an itty bitty waist and long blonde hair. Following my victimization, yes that is a good word, I actively tried to play down my looks. Ive swung back and forth most of my life between purposely making myself "ugly" and capitalizing on my beauty. Ive finally landed somewhere in the middle, but it is still fun, especially at my age now, to play my looks up. I just dont have my sense of self wrapped up in that shit anymore. Good thing, because even though my waist got a little bigger, my tits got a lot bigger. Lol and yes, I have a sweet, angel face, so all the predators still love me.

  147. well Demon Di, i can't prove you exist.

  148. but i have my faith :)

    wv: persown <-- hey look a sign!

  149. don't feed th troll

  150. I wonder whether he or she has actually read the Bible....

    Bible prophecies need to be read in the context of the times in which they were written. They generally take the form of warnings of catastrophe if the people to whom they are addressed don't change their ways - usually adopting the religion or culture of people they live among or neighbor.

    One way of claiming that a prophecy has been fulfilled is to pick on an event or set of events and read it or them back into ancient scripture, and twist that scripture to make it fit the events and mean something the original prophet or scribe could not have meant or conceptualized.

    Another is to accredit an ancient prophet with prophesying events that he could never have known about - if indeed he was real, and not a legend or a demi-god adopted by the Israelites but transformed to be consistent with their later monotheistic beliefs.

    This has happened in the gospels, which are littered with claims that something was done to fulfil a prophecy; an example is "Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us" (Matthew 1:22-23/Isaiah 7:14).

    And theologians often read back later scriptures, reflecting beliefs current at the time they were written, to earlier scriptures. For example, John identifies the great dragon in Revelation, that ancient serpent (from Sumerian myth, symbolizing the waters of chaos), with Satan and the Greek equivalent the Devil (from Diabolos that has similar meanings as Satan, such as Accuser); that has been read back into Genesis 3 to claim that the serpent in the garden of Eden was Satan - even though these were separate myths.

    As another example, the prophecies in Revelation were expected to happen within the lifetimes of those living at the time, the 1st or 2nd century CE, followed by 1,000 years. They just didn't happen, although believers push them further and further into the future to other times, when they continue not to happen.

    I know the truth can be overwhelming....

  151. Zoe lol

    Also anon is right. Dont feed the troll. She clearly wants attention and we are feeding her overblown ego.

  152. Caroline, I know exactly what you are. You have a hard time finding anger, passion or desire. That's why I said tto ssearch for what you resent. Its how you'll identify your desires. And you have to learn to open them so you can be yourself. No one likes martyrs, they just use them.

  153. "well Demon Di, i can't prove you exist."

    Nope, but I can prove I exist and so can everyone who has met me in real life. It's a lot different to being a god that nobody has ever touched or seen.

  154. Also Bible Anon,

    Your last statement is correct,

    "people are stupid to believe in it."

  155. Any other Christians here? I imagine almost all christians agree with the statement: "God is good". Yes ?

  156. "don't feed the troll"

    Feel free to let me know who the trolls are here, won't you. I don't mind 'feeding' them and watching them pathetically scramble for the bait.

  157. Agnostics are more manipulative than atheists. I find atheists are too wrapped up in logic and fail with deceit.

  158. @TCO ahh do you want to see one piece of evidence or do you want to drop it :)

  159. Pardon me Anon... but atheism is the lack of belief in claimed gods, and nothing else.

  160. @ Missus you are really helping me. It is a huge internal struggle against old ghosts.

  161. tco, the bible doesn't suggest the earth is flat in how far the east is from the west as a reference to God's never ending love... though the rest is defensible.
    The bible, and the queran are both inspired... I can't spell quaran. They're both an implimentation of people's subconscious and a greater deeper collective unconscious, so they're all true... that's why so many people believe and relate to them. Because the symbols aare all derived from the same human ffoundations. Like the mythologies. What's really amazing is seeing those religions transform from each other into each other and seeing peoples sociological and psychological needs from religion changing by the wway religion answer the varying needs. Ie the development from mythology to Christianity. Christianity from Judaism. Christ is the mediator people began to need and ask for from the bible, such as job as a cruel story exhibiting God's distance from man and their need of a liaison so that god could understand finite existance, and man could be forgiven and loved by a creator, or infinite existance. They're symbols of spiritual and material parallels.

    I get into this shit. :-)

  162. you know

  163. @TCO "God is good" is not really a workable statement. It is too one dimensional.

  164. Because I believe I am a sheep, you see... I have the most awesome Shepherd LMAO

  165. Which of the thousands of claim gods do you have proof of Anon, any why hasn't the rest of the world heard about it ? Are you sitting on it ?

  166. Haven said...

    "::smiles:: Quite alright. It'll be there whenever you're ready. I wish I could give your fingers more of a workout ;) Too bad I'm buried under a ton of work myself."

    Yeah. Too bad I just wasted my glorious coffee buz on making money today. What a fucking bummer. :P

  167. What would you do with my fingers?

  168. @TCO Did you ever read The Little Prince? There are some things that on e must see with spiritual eyes, such as the Little Prince said "Some things you must see with your heart"

    Bible Prophecy is one.

  169. Ok so not that you give a fuck what I think MK, but you have really impressed me today. First off, your advice to Caroline is spot on and actually seems helpful and not at all manipulative. Its actually quite right on. Caroline only thing I have to add is maybe smoke a j. Caroline, you seem spun way too tight. I know, I have spent half of my life like that. A little weed can help a lot.

    Also, MK you are right about the need of people to interpret experiences and enlightenments in some framework that is meaningful.

    Yeah so this is humility or whatever, I am still learning it. I actually agree with you. Sorry for being a bitch. Thats not to say it wont happen again.

    wv: dromma

  170. you are ruled by emotion, that's why you feel so passionate about atheism. i'm an atheist, but whenever asked of my religious views, i say christian every time, because it gets me by and i don't like to be seen as strange.

  171. //must see with spiritual eyes//

    Rolls eyes.

    You really should try to get an education. Good luck with that.

  172. @ Sarah I am super tight, but will have some white wine, instead. I would not know where to get weed and it is illegal and I don't want to deal with that.

  173. @ TCO Do you want me to produce the evidence or what?

    * taps foot*

  174. This is why socios dont get religious experiences. When your brain fills with neurochemicals when your "heart" is open for empathy. I cant explain what it feels like to see through spiritual eyes. Seeing other people as real people flawed and beautiful and struggling. No barriers. Real love for all. I dont think the socio brain can have such experience. Which is why I am so curious about Alterego.

  175. So that's why you're Raven, Raven! I thought you got bored with the routine and wanted to spice things up a bit. (because you seem a lot bitchier than before :P)

  176. @ Sarah I know about Alterego. She is an incredible person from whom to learn. I had another friend who was a sociopath and got Born Again. He got so obnoxious with the Bible that I couldn't stand him ha ha

  177. and the virgin mary was just the translation error mary wasnt a virgin at all

    and the beast from the book of revelations is the pope it has been proven

  178. The Catholic Church is a cult so, lets dispense with that he he

  179. @Demon,

    Since this is a lucid question about the Bible, I will attempt to answer it.

    I have read all of the Bible and most of the Qu'ran, in addition to other sacred texts, including the entire Bhagavad-Gita. The Qu’ran is an interesting book, but from a historical perspective, it is incomparable to the Bible. For the purposes of this post, I will focus on but one aspect of why I believe the Bible is trustworthy: the fulfillment of several prophecies in the Old Testament that we *know* pre-dated His birth by hundreds of years, by virtue of the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in Qumran in 1947.

    Here is a good example of one such prophecy:

    "Surely he took up our pain
    and bore our suffering,
    yet we considered him punished by God,
    stricken by him, and afflicted.
    5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
    he was crushed for our iniquities;
    the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
    and by his wounds we are healed.
    6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
    each of us has turned to our own way;
    and the LORD has laid on him
    the iniquity of us all. “ (Isaiah 53:4-6)

    Prior to the Discovery of the Great Isaiah scroll amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls, Jewish scholars believed that the above-cited verses represented a Christian interpolation (fraudulent insertion) within the Old Testament, because it points too overtly to Jesus as the Messiah. The discovery of this manuscript put that theory to rest when carbon-14 dating affirmed that this scroll pre-dated the birth of Christ by at least 125 years.

    We KNOW that the Scriptures have been transcribed accurately over many generations, because the oldest extant manuscript copies we have match today’s Bible, virtually word for word. Yes, there are grammatical differences and even some inconsequential copyist errors, but NONE of these variants significantly alter the meaning of any of the Bible's verses. The latter certainly holds true for the Great Isaiah Scroll.

    Scholars liberal and conservative alike agree that Jesus Christ really did PHYSICALLY walk the earth, because numerous SECULAR historians make reference to him (Josephus, Pliny, Tiberius, among others), as do the records of the Jewish Sanhedrin known as the Midrash!

    The Bible is a reliable historical document. Its events, peoples, cities, monuments and historical figures are well substantiated by the archaeological record. The scope of this document extends only to Bible prophecies fulfilled by Jesus Christ, but there are many other examples of Old Testament prophecies coming true, concerning political events. For example, the prophet Isaiah predicted the coming of Cyrus the Great, founder of the Persian Empire, *by name*, two centuries in advance! The archaeological record proving the accuracy of Bible is devastating to those who would seek to discredit it, as an honest appraisal of its true merits will reveal.

    With this in mind, do you think it is a coincidence that such an accurate, specific account of the Messiah’s coming was described hundreds of years before His birth? What do you think the statistical probability of this is? Bear in mind, the Bible contains *many* prophecies of this nature, so you would have to compound that coincidence by a hundredfold, at least.

    Then, there is the question of Jesus’ character. Mohammed consummated his wife to prepubescent bride Aisha, and received some of his “revelations” in her bed, whilst convulsing. The Qu’ran advocates beating a woman if she disobeyed her husband, and the public executions of criminal offenders. Jesus, on the other hand, healed the sick, gave the blind sight, and taught us that there are but two commandments that we must follow- love God and others.

    TCO: Nowhere does the Bible say the earth is flat. I have studied this Book inside out and know it very well.

  180. Weed is illegal is a copout. Besides, it is not illegal everywhere and where it is, the repercussions are small unless you are dealing in larger amounts. A joint isnt going to send you to jail. Get a little antisocial lol. Just a touch. I am sure someone you know can spare a joint. Get high and write in a journal and see what you write. MK is onto something about looking at your repulsions. What fears you most. Get it out. Cheap therapy.


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