
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Psycho Stapleton

I stumbled upon this today and didn't know what to think.  From The BBC News:
Kiaran Stapleton, 20, of Salford, was remanded in custody by Manchester magistrates over the death of the 23-year-old in Ordsall Lane, Salford.
Mr Bidve, from India, was studying at Lancaster University and was visiting Greater Manchester over Christmas.
He was shot in the head at close range at 01:30 GMT. 
When asked his name in court, Mr Stapleton replied: "Psycho. Psycho Stapleton."
On the one hand, it's possible that he means "psycho" as in "psychotic." On the other hand, if he means "psycho" as in "psychopath," then I wonder, is this some wannabe kid? It's another reason why I think it's dangerous to insist that psychopaths are blood thirsty murderers. To the extent that it is true (as some have suggested here) that psychopaths are somehow considered "cool" to young people nowadays, the last thing we want is for them to think that all it takes is to kill someone in cold blood to belong to the cool crowd. I thought we got away from that with the seeming cessation in school shootings.  But apart from his odd James Bond recitation of his adopted name and the crime he was accused of, I have no idea whether or not he is a psychopath or a wannabe psychopath (or psychotic or wannabe psychotic).


  1. The racial angle is plausible, I guess, but I look forward to any details of his psych profile that come out.

    Maybe he's on the ASPD section of psychforums. Posturing like this would be right up that circlejerk's street. He just took the jerk a little too far, as it were.~

  2. It's got to be Jason. Finally going to the extreme to impress us.


    'Psycho' ^



  5. This place is so boring these days. It's as if the retards on here actually have lives. Oh wait, I forgot it's quiet when UKan isn't here with it's 7 accounts.

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  7. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▄▀▄░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░

  8. Noticed Zhawq in here yesterday. I thought he was a faker ? At least that is what most in here are usually chatting about. Where is the proof ? Anyone have it to share ?

  9. Evidence that sexual murderers may not be psychopaths comes from Myers and Blashfield's (1997) study of 14 adolescent sexual murderers. In that study, the murderers' mean score on Hare's psychopathy scale was 22.4 (range: 7.1-30.6), less than the threshold of 30 for a diagnosis of psychopathy. Further evidence that adult sexual murderers are not psychopaths comes from Langevin et al.'s (1988) study, in which the scores of six adult...

  10. So, are you saying that a PCLR score of under 30 makes a person non psychopathic ? So one could score a 29, or a 25, and not be a psychopath ?

  11. ... than on the criteria of the most recent versions of the DSM. According to them, sexual murderers have an inner world dominated by anxiety, rage and hopelessness, and alternate between periods of intimacy and emotional detachment. Finally, in order to cope with these affects, they resort to defence mechanisms such as projection, denial and projective identification. Other authors (Liebert, 1985; Schlesinger, 2000) also believe that at least some sexual murderers exhibit a borderline personality organisation.

  12. He isn't referring to psychopath, or psychotic. People brand crazy, or out of control people as "psycho's" as most have no grasp of what a psychopath really means.

    My guess is his buddies nicknamed him "psycho" due to his lunatic behavior and he embraced the name.

  13. The serial sexual murderers studied by Stone (1994) exhibited both schizoid personality disorders (40%) and psychopathic traits, and were emotionally detached and socially withdrawn, with neither empathy for their victims nor remorse for their crimes. These results are consistent with those of Myers and Monaco (2000), and suggest that the emotional detachment of sexual murderers could profitably be conceptualized as a form of schizoid, rather than psychopathic, disorder.

  14. "than on the criteria of the most recent versions of the DSM. According to them, sexual murderers have an inner world dominated by anxiety, rage and hopelessness, and alternate between periods of intimacy and emotional detachment. Finally, in order to cope with these affects, they resort to defence mechanisms such as projection, denial and projective identification. Other authors (Liebert, 1985; Schlesinger, 2000) also believe that at least some sexual murderers exhibit a borderline personality organisation"

    A SINGLE STUDY SAYS IT? It must be true.~

  15. Really fcuking random in here today....

  16. On the other hand, the situation with regard to personality disorders is unclear (see Table 3.1). Despite the fact that psychopathy (antisocial and narcissistic behaviour) is the most common diagnosis associated with sexual murderers, clinical opinion, as well as research data, indicates that some sexual murderers have schizoid or borderline personality disorders.

  17. On the other hand...there are 4 fingers.

  18. I doubt this guy is a psychopath. A psychopath wouldn't kill somebody unless they were sure they'd get away with it. This type of impulsive idiocy is clear behavior of antisocial pd. Also, if a psychopath was going to fuck up their entire life, like this guy, they'd be sure to take out as many people as possible, because they'd want to become infamous.

  19. The MCMI results indicate that the most common personality disorders (base-rate score > 85) among sexual murderers were dependent, avoidant, passive-aggressive and schizoid disorders. These results are consistent with Brittain's (1970) model of the sadistic sexual murderer, in which sexual murderers are described as timid, anxiety-ridden, reserved men who feel inferior to others in their day-to-day relationships. Because of this relational malaise, they prefer to take refuge in an imaginary world, in which they are vengeful heroes who dominate and humiliate the women who are, in reality, inaccessible to them.

  20. // doubt this guy is a psychopath. A psychopath wouldn't kill somebody unless they were sure they'd get away with it.//

    How can a psychopath be sure ? Should we asked the ones in prison ? But.... they don't get caught ? :)

    Do you know any psychopaths yourself Anon ?

  21. Name one serial murderer who was anxiety ridden and dependent? That's the dumbest study I've seen. Serial killers are typically NPD.

  22. "Should we asked the ones in prison ? But.... they don't get caught"

    They sometimes do get caught, but their crimes are meticulously planned out. I'll use a serial killer as an example. Typically serial killers will gather as much information on forensics, law etc as they can. They will study were the others went wrong. Psychopaths aren't fearless, they will try to avoid detection at all costs. However there is a dilemma, because the murderer wants the credit for his kills.

  23. While the scores obtained with psychometric instruments indicate a predominance of avoidant, dependent and schizoid personality disorders among sexual murderers, clinical diagnoses indicate a predominance of antisocial and narcissistic disorders. This contradiction may be a reflection of the fact that psychometric instruments evaluate the sexual murderer, while clinicians evaluate the crime itself. In fact, during forensic clinical assessment, the emphasis is on understanding the personality traits that may have contributed to the commission of the sexual murder. This leads to overemphasis of antisocial and narcissistic features of the sexual murderer, and underemphasis of avoidant, dependent and schizoid features. In contrast, psychometric instruments evaluate the criminal's usual, day-to-day, mode of functioning, independently of the crime in question. Consequently, in forensic contexts, these tests probably provide a more accurate portrait of sexual aggressors' personality disorders than do clinical evaluations.

  24. I am learing so much about psychopaths today =D Please post more info about psychopaths. I hear they are the masters of cold reading. Is this true?

  25. Sylvain's MCMI profile revealed evidence of schizoid (96), avoidant (115), dependent (104), passive-aggressive (107) and schizotypal (89) personality disorders. Consistent with his profile, Sylvain reported low self-esteem and difficulty making friends. He believed that people judged him, rejected him and took pleasure in mocking him. As a result, Sylvain developed feelings, albeit unexpressed, of rage and humiliation. He became withdrawn in his interpersonal relations and took refuge in a world of coercive sexual fantasies centred on the rape, torture and murder of women. In addition, he watched horror films in which women were tortured and killed. He was particular fascinated by the blood of the victims. Finally, he masturbated compulsively (three times per day), fed by deviant fantasies and...

  26. What is vital to understand is that empathy
    cannot defeat the psychopath. You cannot change them, you
    cannot reform them, you cannot find the goodness inside them,
    you cannot show them the way to god, and you cannot teach
    them about love. All these approaches are doomed to failure
    since psychopaths can never understand nor can they care
    about these concepts. While they may lead you to believe that
    you are getting through to them, in reality, your empathy
    infuriates them and far from admiring your compassion, they
    despise you even more. While you try to ‘understand’ the psychopath, they are secretly calculating how best to cause you
    the most suffering. One must develop a cold exterior to them
    and view them from a distance. Do not pity them, feel sorry for
    them, or sympathize with them.

  27. Psychopaths are experts at Cold Reading. First
    used by psychologists to describe what phony fortune tellers
    do ‘Cold Reading’, is the ability to guess a person’s
    personality type quickly through verbal and non-verbal
    communication. The technique is simple, ask questions and
    watch the responses. Psychopaths will Cold Read you as part
    of what is called the interview stage. The whole purpose of the
    interview is for the psychopath to size you up as a potential
    victim. They make mental notes of different ways they could
    possibly manipulate you.

  28. Anon you loser, copy&paste means you are a douchebag. Leave my forum now!!

  29. So yeah. Check this out at some point. And then just download it here. It's awesome.

  30. "When asked his name in court, Mr Stapleton replied: "Psycho. Psycho Stapleton.""


  31. Secondary Psychopaths: While the classic genetic psychopath
    is one who is born with whatever genetic trait that causes this
    pathology, there is another group of people that behave just
    like the classic psychopath who were not born that way but
    were created. Secondary psychopaths are created in two ways,
    through trauma and through groups.
    Trauma from an accident, drug addiction, or severe physical
    and psychological abuse can destroy that part of the frontal
    cortex of the brain where empathy and conscience is
    processed. vi While such individuals are a tragic reality in our
    society, they are in most cases just as incurable as their genetic
    counterparts are. The exception is in drug induced
    Psychopathy. Most drug addicts will behave like psychopaths
    since the criminality of their addiction forces them to adopt
    Psychopathy as a psychological survival mechanism. With
    drug rehabilitation, they may regain their conscience, provided
    the drug use did not severely damage the brain itself.
    The second way in which psychopaths are created is through
    groups. There are certain groups that will attract psychopaths
    because of the opportunities of power and influence
    membership provides. Usually such groups will quickly
    become led and dominated by psychopaths. Other nonpsychopathic
    members of these groups would have to become
    psychopaths in order to survive.
    For example, in a street gang, sociopaths make the best leaders
    and therefore most gangs have a sociopath at its head. Other
    psychopaths are also attracted to the violence and power of a
    street gang and so together they create a psychopathic value
    system. The gang becomes a psychopathic entity. The nonpsychopathic
    youth who must live within the territory of such
    a gang is given two choices -become a victim of the gang or
    join them. By joining the gang, the new recruit must also adopt
    S. Verstappen
    the group’s twisted value system and behave accordingly thus
    becoming a secondary psychopath.
    Conversely, at the other end of the scale we can see the same
    principle at work in corporations. The money and power of a
    corporation attracts the cerebral and narcissistic psychopaths.
    In a corporate environment they have many advantages over
    their non-psychopathic competitors for promotion. Not
    surprisingly most corporations end up being run by
    psychopaths. As with a criminal gang, a corporation’s culture
    adopts the twisted values of its leaders. Those who would seek
    employment must likewise adopt or at least appear to adopt the
    corporation’s essentially psychopathic mindset.
    What is important to understand is that a mob has no
    conscience. Individual members may or may not have a
    conscience but when they are part of a mob, they will have
    none. Most organizations from street gangs to corporations are
    mobs. It would be a mistake to place your trust in them since
    they can turn predatory in a moment and deprive you of time,
    money, sanity and livelihood.

  32. Narc? No way. A narcissist is far too skilled at impression management and thinks to highly of himself to be seen as a mentally unstable "psycho" A narcissist would display an image of strong mental stability and charm, which is the opposite of what this young man here has done. I don't think he has ANY personality disorder. He's just a vicious hooligan.

  33. What does it matter what anyone here "thinks" ?

  34. The Aspie voice is diametrically opposed to the sociopath voice, to me. The Aspie voice feels choppy and fragmented. It feels like chopped ice as opposed to the smooth ice of the sociopath voice. The Aspie voice feels raucous and discordant, as music with too many cymbals. It does not have a relaxing feel, but an unsettling one.

  35. we shouldn't even consider if he has a pd, unless it's a huge case such as some sort of massacre. then we can consider some sort of pd. i mean look how many murders there are every day. do all of these murderers have a pd? of course not. it's very possible for humans to dehumanize others and to make the killing of another human justified. in this case the victim was indian and in the killers racist mind, the indian guy was some sort of defected entity. a sociopath doesn't need that dehumanization factor to kill.

  36. Why do you guys make such a big deal about this worthless little fuck? Whoever shoots a guy in the face for no reason and calls himself "psycho stapleton" is a worthless douchebag and ends up in the asylum or in prison for life.

  37. i think he would feel remorse if he had done this to a person of his nationality. it's no different than a soldier who dehumanizes the opposition. a socio take advantage of anyone, friends, family, even partners.

  38. @Extremity

    Almost like the big deal you are making of others making a big deal.

  39. @TheChosenOne

    Well yes, it kind of bores me that these people put a guy like that on a pedestal.

  40. Extremity Did you take the Personality Disorder Test? I hated mine, but it was accurate. I would be curious what yours was.

  41. Nobody has put him on a pedestal. Except for maybe Haven who poorly diagnosed him as a narcissist.

  42. @Caroline

    Keep dreaming, hon.

  43. I just don't see the pedestal of which you speak. Just another bag of bones with 15min of "fame".

  44. "15min of "fame"."

    that's fifteen longer than what we get :/

  45. My cat..on the other hand, killed a centipede today. Stalked it, ambushed it.

    Puting him on the pedestal for the time being.

  46. @tco

    are you one of those victimized lunatics who puts cats before humans?

  47. @Anon, that would be one of those earth peace loving hippys.

    I'm the psychopath that puts me, myself and I before you.

  48. hah. me too. i'm one of those lunatics that puts myself before everything else.

  49. What makes you label yourself a Lunatic Anon ?

  50. the second time it was sarcasm tco.

  51. @Extremity

    LOL For me, I want to get to the core of my issues. if a little embarrassment comes my way, so be it, like they wanted to put me in the middle of the circle jerk.

  52. Hey Anon, have you been surfing SW for long ?

  53. a month, or something. this is my first time commenting. you? i'm not familiar with everyone.

  54. "Nobody has put him on a pedestal. Except for maybe Haven who poorly diagnosed him as a narcissist."

    Excuse me? How exactly does that translate into putting him on a pedastal? When do I ever put people on a pedastal? Anyone emulating Bond has a huge narc streak... which many S/Ps have; grandiose sense of self. This guy is just a douchey little fuck for all I know.

  55. There are actually 6 differant IP's being used today.

  56. *Facepalm* Haven, you can't equate one arrogant utterance to a pd trait. You'd literally have to know him all your life and even then it's questionable.

  57. It's only when UKan is here that the number of posters goes up, but IP's remain the same.

  58. ::wink:: Hi there TCO.

    Anon... what this guys label is or isn't doesn't matter. I thought the Bond bravado was amusing, thought 'narc', and who the fuck gives a shit from there? I'm not diagnosing anyone. And I don't feel a need to overthink some little racist piece of shits personality, when he may not have a disorder at all. Ignorance isn't a disorder, it's just unfortunate.

  59. This guy may not be bright, or 'high functioning' like you lot, but if he had no remorse or conscience and knew what he was doing then I'm pretty sure he was a psycopath. Otherwise we might as well spend all of our blog time arguing semantics...oh wait a minute.

  60. Also, there seems to be a misconception around these parts that psycopaths aren't physically violent. I find this really, really odd considering that our prisons are full of criminals who have been diagnosed ASPD. Or is it just the 'high functioning' manipulator/bully that's allowed to wear the psycopath hat these days...

  61. The sociopath voice I can see in several posters. TNP, UKan, Alterego, Daniel and The Chosen One. There are others, but those are a few I can think of, at the moment. It is a very soothing feeling to the listener/reader.

  62. Narcissists must be superior to others in every single way. So when someone else has something they don't have that they want: admiration, status, skills, objects, etc.--the narcissist sees it as a major threat. Like so much else in the narcissistic mind, it is unconscious, discounted and denied, which makes it more treacherous for the object of his envy. Sandy Hotchkiss, author of Why Is It Always About You, says, "To admit to envy would be to acknowledge inferiority, which no good narcissist would ever do."

  63. Narcissist: My pathological spite drives me to extremes of behavior: I plot and provoke and collude and spread malicious gossip and strive to damage my opponent and reduce him. I imagine his downfall in great detail and revel in his forthcoming misery and humiliation. I spend inordinate amounts of time, resources, and mental energy on nurturing my envy and mollifying it.

  64. "Also, there seems to be a misconception around these parts that psycopaths aren't physically violent. "

    Are you new here?

  65. A vulnerable narcissist says:

    When I see a plain-looking man with an attractive woman, I am instantly jealous. What the hell does he have that I don't that he gets that and I get nothing? When I am really down, looking at couples--not even attractive couples--makes me feel hurt. It's like for all that I have seen and understand about how people work and use it to manipulate them, I can't do the very most basic thing and just find someone who likes me for me. People do it all the time! Everywhere! Anyone! Looks, background, personality (or lack of), job aside, people find mates. I swear if I wasn't a narcissist I would be totally invisible.

    Partners of narcissists say:

    When an article about me was published in the local newspaper, he remarked that it was only in the community section that "only old people read." He will also remark negatively about people at his work who he thinks are unjustly in higher positions than he is, as he is 'much more intelligent' than them.
    When I would go out with my coworkers, who didn't put him on a pedestal, he would constantly text me and want my attention. It was my perception he would do this because he envied me having coworkers who were respected by others.
    All of the people he hung around with were younger than him and looked up to him. He never clicked with people his own age because they didn't think he was better than them.
    To avoid being envious, he was always the first one to purchase a new gadget that came out, and he bought more than one so he could look like a big shot when he gave them away.
    He has told me he is envious of my faith. I can have peace inside and a good attitude even if the world around me is a mess. I know he turns up the charm and brags to make women interested/envious of him and his lifestyle.

  66. @Caroline

    Do you find Dexter (Michael C hall) attractive? Or just plain looking?

  67. Haven - yes i am new here...

  68. Daddies Daddy is not new, his/her IP shows up on these blogs before several times.

  69. I have never been so happy to be me.

    Hey, anyone see Young Adult ?

    I want some one here to help me pick apart her personality

  70. @Bella

    Do you find Dexter (Michael C hall) attractive? Or just plain looking?

  71. Its only soothing to people like you, Monica.

  72. I don't watch Dexter. So I still associate him with sweet,gay undertaker from Six Feet Under. He's not my type physically -a bit pretty.

  73. @Bella

    Alright, thanks.

  74. @Monica

    what about the narcissist voice?

  75. @Extremity I am kind of embarrassed to say that I have never seen Dexter, but I have seen Micheal C. Hall in "Six Feet Under". I found him very unattractive in that, sexually, although I liked him, personally.

  76. @Anon,

    //Its only soothing to people like you, Monica.//

    You are incorrect. But I am sure you know that.

  77. @Caroline

    Thanks! But they totally changed his looks for Dexter and he worked out. But I guess it's the character he plays that makes him look hot. I watched "Six Feet Under" too but I really disliked him there.

  78. Hi Watcher - i haven't posted here before. And even if i had you wouldn't be able to see my IP as it's shared with everyone else who works in my company - there's about 6,000 of us. Thanks for the concern anyway.

  79. @Extremity Well, he was gay in "Six Feet Under" and I am hetero, so that was part of it, I am sure. I did like Nate, a lot, though. Did you?

  80. "Hall in "Six Feet Under". I found him very unattractive in that, sexually,"

    You're not supposed to find him sexually attractive in 6 feet under, you daft hetero bitch. He plays a gay guy for fuck sake. But I bet if he talked to you like TNP, you'd be biting your lip till it bled, while gripping the bed post hard, and screaming "DEXTER!" till you're voice goes horse.

    But yeah... I don't find him attractive no matter what he plays.

  81. Daddies Daddy, ever hear of a fishing expedition? lol

  82. ChosenOne's biggest FanJanuary 4, 2012 at 9:39 AM

    Hahaha! The psychopath is already working the room.

  83. @The Chosen One, you are the worst( dare I say the best) for the smooth voice.

    @Zoe The voices have to come to me. I can't stretch to try to figure them out. For the Narc, I don't have a sense of it. For the BPD, I may be getting a sense of it, but I don't, clearly, now.

  84. Upon first glance, If someone reminds you of a person you had positive feelings for in your past you will find them attractive.

    that's why some people get jobs interviews, dates what have you, and others don't.

  85. HAHA!

    TCO As a smooth talker! In what universe?

  86. @Caroline

    I didn't really pay any attention to him, sorry. But he was alright.

  87. @Raven TNP is not my sexiest guy, here. I am not givin' up that info, so don't try.

  88. But Monica.... how do you really know ? I could have one of those voice boxes... from a life time of smoking. I guess that can still be.... charming =D

  89. At a glace, physically.

  90. Please bitch. I don't care what info you do or don't give up. You're character gives it all away without the truth in your words.

  91. @Raven TCO IS smooth talk. If I saw him coming, I would barricade myself in my room with a mattress at the door.

  92. Hey say someone read all your ex's love letters and decided to copy their writing style, then send you some. you think you could fall in love with them in text?

  93. I forgot to add ME in the smooth voice group.

  94. @Monica

    The mattress works MUCH better on the floor hunny :)

  95. Yeah. He's about as smooth as any guy who can fart what he wants to say to you, instead of using his mouth.

  96. Themes for SW RegularsJanuary 4, 2012 at 9:49 AM

    Theme song for The Chosen One

  97. Anon - haha. Yes hook, line and sinker on that one. I should be smarter around here ;-)

    I actually came on here for an honest discussion about psycopaths and their relationship to mindless violence, which i thought was quite on topic. But it seems like i can't get anyone to take the bait. I do like Dexter though. Maybe i can talk about that. LOL

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. What made you interested in psychopathy Daddies Daddy ? Life experiance perhaps ?

  100. Their psychopathic penis.

  101. He's, His.... when did I claim to be a male ? ;)

  102. why don't you ask a borderline about mindless violence, Daddy? You think a psycho's violence is mindless? Kuklinski's psych interview showed he had something mindful going on when he felt like popping the psychiatrist.

  103. But that was narc violence because he felt criticized. That doesn't count as psycho violence, I guess.

  104. Hi Chosen One - are you nibbling, or am I... ;-)

    I don't have any 'life experience' of psychopaths, although i do know a few people who were locked up for being mental. No, i've just always been interested in the darker side of humanity i suppose. What about you? You seem like a regular around here. Very popular as well i see...

  105. What is your source for mindless psychopathic violence ?

    Please provide a source so we are on the same page.

  106. Themes for SW RegularsJanuary 4, 2012 at 10:00 AM

    Theme Song for The Chosen One

  107. Hi Bella - i didn't actually say that i thought there was a definitive link to psychopaths and mindless violence (at least i don't think i did), was just up for exploring the topic a bit as it all seems to be about manipulation, mind control and mental bullying around here. Which is all good and sociopathic, but doesn't really cover the more 'low-functioning' side of things. I did date a BPD once, it didn't last long and i soon got bored.

  108. Themes for SW RegularsJanuary 4, 2012 at 10:14 AM

    Theme Song For the Chosen One

    *tried to post this 3 times. Is anyone else having trouble?

  109. The Chosen One - funnily enough i was talking about the opening piece, the one about the self-confessed psycho who shot someone in the face. People seemed to immediately dismiss him as some how not worthy of being psychopathic BECAUSE of the nature of his violence. Whereas in reality the prisons are full of violent criminals who have been diagnosed ASPD with psychopathic tendencies. I guess it all comes back down to the whole 'low-functioning' vs 'high functioning' thing which im sure you've all done to death.

  110. Most ASPD's that are in prison for having killed someone are low-functioning and idiots.

  111. I think it is funny how people seem to think there are these neat little boxes. Oh no, a sociopath wouldnt do that, a narcissist would.

    Um hello? If someone can kill over stupid shit without remorse they are a sociopath. Remember that narcissism and grandiosity are components in sociopathy. If you bruise the ego of a sociopath, you might get killed. Anyone else might act like a jackass or ignore it, but the socio doesnt have the desire or impulse control to let it go. Since you're not really a human with your own set of rights, it is easy to justify. The coldness in the act and the lack of remorse is what sets them apart. Whether it is a small act of theft or serial murders doesnt matter. Its what is going on inside that matters. That lack of conscience and impulse control.

    Also, currently, psycho/sociopath are basically meaningless terms. Neither are in DSM. They are still used by people to sell books and sway juries.

  112. Extremity - I agree, but does that mean that they are NOT 'psychopaths'?
    If not, what are they? Or are they just less-inteligent psychopaths. Seems like a few on here wear the 'high functioning sociopath' tag like a badge of honour.

  113. Daddy, dont go expecting confessions of misdeeds from our residents here. Even low functioning socios like UKan are smart enough to not admit to crimes, even semianonymously.

  114. Anonymous 10.27 - spot on. I think the important thing is that the DSM created the catch-all ASPD label because the psychopath/sociopath terms are too difficult to define and put in neat little boxes. As someone from outside the US i am always intrigued about how and why americans feel the need to self-diagnose themselves with a personality disorder. This in itself seems like a strange collective narcissm, or something

  115. Someones mask just slipped

  116. Well my pd isnt self diagnosis. My sibling and I were diagnosed bpd. Its clear that our mom is bpd as well and daddy is a narcissist. Doesnt matter. Still call em mom and dad.

    Keep in mind that people with pds are basically children. We might be really bright (some of us anyway) but we're still immature. You're not going to get a lot of cohesive dialogue with folks like us unless we have our big girl panties on that moment.

  117. True psychopaths are really rare, even in prison. Most aspd's are the ones you see in gangs, the thiefs, muggers, etc. They're usually stupid. Leaders of all those aspd's are usually (if not always) sociopaths/psychopaths and are way smarter. Although, there are a few psychopaths/sociopaths that end up in prison for having beat their wives to death, for having raped, etc. They can be smarter than average or not, it really depends on the way they've been treated at home, etc. But they're usually not smarter than average.

  118. Theme Songs for SW RegularsJanuary 4, 2012 at 10:44 AM

    Theme song for The Chosen One

  119. I guess i'll have to go elsewhere for my fix of mindless physical brutality then. I hear the shit eating scene in Salo is a scream. Still really interested in the whole US / pd self-diagnosise thing though. May come back for a chat when i've got fuck all else to do.

  120. I'm with UKan. I hope Psycho Stapleton is an SW ghost trying to show us how cool he is.

  121. low functioning and high functioning is rubbish. You are right. Americans do have this obsession with having a personality disorder. It's insanity. Every comment is, "Oh it must be my ." It's like you have to be disordered just to have a personality. Ridiculous.

    This young kid in the forum asked me if he was a sociopath, and for various reasons (Like the fact that he had a conscience and he could not manipulate a five year old) I told him I doubted it. He actually asked me if he wasn't a sociopath, what persoanlity disorder did he have. When I told him he should self reflect outside of personality disorders this other guy comes in saying WHAT! NORMAL! YOU CALLED HIM NORMAL! THAT IS THE WORSE DIAGNOSIS EVER!

    To these wanna be sociopaths the low functioning / high functioning is important. They want to be a sociopath for some reason. Like the title of it I guess. However they don't want the things with it that people don't like. only the things people cheer on. So they are a bunch of little sociopath TV show heroes like sherlock and dexter. Running around causing mayhem supposedly, but only to the bad guys. They don't understand that in real life the vigilante is rare, and when they are out there they are not sociopaths they are religous zealots who are overemotional.

  122. So, Gary Dobson and David Norris then. Psychopaths or 'low functioning idiots'...


  123. So, Gary Dobson and David Norris then. Psychopaths or 'low functioning idiots'...

    Tell me. While your at it tell me your stories of mindless violence.

  124. I've got to leave work now but it's been good talking. I will come back because this place is strangly addictive.

  125. "However they don't want the things with it that people don't like. only the things people cheer on. So they are a bunch of little sociopath TV show heroes like sherlock and dexter."


  126. I'm getting kicked out of the office so i'll tell you all tomorrow UKan

  127. I am not sure the term mindless violence is apt. That would be best used to describe someone committing violence while in a psychotic, fugue or drug/alcohol induced state. The psychopath has a reason for doing what they do, it just may not make sense to anyone else. Senseless violence. Although, again, to the perpetrator, there is some sense to it.

    Best to call it remorseless violence. That is a more apt description.

  128. We should make "Dare to be normal" the forum's tagline.

  129. I am normal. I was born this way. That is normal for me.

  130. "low functioning and high functioning is rubbish"

    Says you ?

  131. Seems obvious that anyone seeking a diagnosis from self described psychopaths is mentally damaged in some way. That is not to say they have a pd... maybe we should create a new diagnosis. "Pervasive stupidity/gullibility".

  132. Addendum: If people would just learn to use the word "normative" we wouldn't have so many circle jerk conversations about "being normal."

  133. Pervasive stupidity/gullibilty = the human condition

  134. People seem quite attached to the word "normal" like it exists in some objective reality.

  135. circle jerk he he

  136. @Word of the Day: It's becoming a sadly useful word, lately.~

  137. People are attached to words, period. Perhaps we should ban them all. Cut out all this confusion, and start communicating with only our bodies. But then... how on earth would we be able to lie, make up false realities on the internet, and help Monica/Caroline orgasm every day?

    Maybe we should keep the words after all, and enjoy the entertainment they provide.

  138. I have a copyright on "Circle Jerk" $$$$

  139. @Post,

    I can't see that link. What is it ?

  140. @Raven:

    1. Body language is an integral part of lying.

    2. The forum is a false reality on the internet, and I don't think I'd qualify most of what goes on there as "words."

    3. I won't even touch that one. Zing.~

  141. TCO: Lady Gaga - Born This Way on YouTube.

  142. @Anonymous said...
    People seem quite attached to the word "normal" like it exists in some objective reality.

    Normal = Average. The average of people have empathy, a conscience, etc. So yeah, there's an objective definition of normal.

  143. @Extremity:

    Can you graph the empathy distribution? I'll bet it's nothing like a normal distribution.~

  144. Interesting about the empathy distribution. Most traits fall on a Bell curve. Does empathy?


  146. Michael Martin PlunkettJanuary 4, 2012 at 12:25 PM

    no it does not caroline heres how it goes-

    about 99% of people dont have empathy but there is a very small minority of sick fucks who has it we call these weirdos empaths because its a disease they shuld be killed in birth

  147. Could you imagine a world without empathy? The air and water would be poison, we'd deplete our resources, eat too much food while others starve, be more concerned with people's outward appearances than their authentic selves... oh wait.

  148. What would you do without those sick fucks MMP?

    And what is so perverse and harmful about them? Since their in the minority according to you, it must be the low to none that are causing all the crap that gets in your way.

  149. How could you possibly have taken what he posted seriously? Are you?

  150. Was it Caroline or Monica that had a thing for tco?

  151. Michael Martin PlunkettJanuary 4, 2012 at 1:04 PM

    tik because they are weird and smell funny and because they are the minority we culd get rid of them no problem

    i believe that wuld solve all the problems of the world just get rid of the emphats

  152. They are one and the same. Just that TNP made it clear he wasn't falling for the attempt to suck his cock, and TCO seems easy to her maybe.

    For someone with so much moral character, she's a real fucking whore. Ya know?

  153. Are Monica and Caroline the same person?

  154. I'm really starting to enjoy the forum these days. MK, you should just break with your principle, and take a peak. You're missing out!

  155. Why are moral character and promiscuity mutually exclusive? Isnt monogamy a societal construct rather than an inherant "good"? Isnt it just drinking the conservative koolaid to see people who are not tied to outmoded sexual mores as a whore?

  156. MMP you forgot to mention, their hairy and runny eyes.

    But all the fun you would miss out on if they weren't around.

  157. Apparently empathy does fall on a bell curve. So says Simon Baron-Cohen or whatever the fuck his name is.

    The forum makes me sneeze.

  158. And srsly Caroline.... of all the info you give up, you're holding that back?

  159. Sure, raven, let me jump on your advice andrun over ththere and see what could possibly be interesting.... but then I remembered the only thing that would interest you would be the drama, and realised that's why I have a principle against the whole thing.

  160. I am super attracted to one guy on here and medium attracted to another, Haven.

  161. Michael Martin PlunkettJanuary 4, 2012 at 1:21 PM

    sure thing tik i just kid i wuldnt kill any 1 that wuld be unethical

  162. Michael Martin PlunkettJanuary 4, 2012 at 1:27 PM

    every chick here is super attracted to me most are just too bashful to admit it

  163. MMP how do you handle or respond when you make them cry?

    How do you respond when you can't make them cry?

  164. "Why are moral character and promiscuity mutually exclusive? Isnt monogamy a societal construct rather than an inherant "good"? Isnt it just drinking the conservative koolaid to see people who are not tied to outmoded sexual mores as a whore?"

    Just trying to insult her in a language she'll understand, my love. Obviously it didn't work. I don't know how to speak Elvish...

  165. Baron-Cohen's also a bit of a nutbar to a lot of the psych community, so take that as you will.

  166. @Caroline

    Am I one of the two guys?

  167. Michael Martin PlunkettJanuary 4, 2012 at 1:57 PM

    I get hard. I can always make them cry.

  168. Michael Martin PlunkettJanuary 4, 2012 at 2:07 PM

    tik i give them sweet lovin make all their problems disappear

  169. @Extremity You are Eden lol

  170. No she's not, she's Deamon from the Forum.

  171. Lol, I read some of Demon's posts and don't compare me to her you little bitch. Who's Eden?

  172. MMP do you like to get them emotional?

    Is it like a gauge for what you can make them do?

  173. How retarded are you Extremity, you posted it in the Forum.

  174. @Tik Is Extremity, Eden?

  175. Michael Martin PlunkettJanuary 4, 2012 at 2:25 PM

    every chick gets emotional in my presence i am the heart braker

    is caroline tik extremity or eden- maybe they are all the same person

  176. Demon is the name I use on every forum except PsychForums. I use to use the Demon name there as well. I left the forum for awhile, then when I came back I decided I liked the name Iniquity better, so I started using it instead. It's just a username, but if you want to tie it to anything, I used to be a Satanist and that's when I started using the name Demon online. I'm not a Satanist anymore, but I just kept using this name anyway.
    I hardly think it matters what a username represents. It's just a username. In all honesty, when I first registered, I was considering using the name Iniquity. Not that it would make any difference to the Demon one. Iniquity means wicked

  177. Shouldn't have left it there if you didn't want it used.

  178. Tik are you the fat goth chick with the myspace and the bad stories about murder?

  179. Michael Martin PlunkettJanuary 4, 2012 at 2:29 PM

    or is it caroline? or eden?

  180. Michael Martin PlunkettJanuary 4, 2012 at 2:31 PM

    the demon chick in the forum said she is 39 and so did caroline too earlier they might very well be 1 and the same

  181. I am that 39 year old Demon chick.

  182. I am that 39 year old Demon chick.

  183. Michael Martin PlunkettJanuary 4, 2012 at 2:35 PM

    i dont believe ya extremity if ya were ya wuld claim to be some 1 else

  184. Ive been pretty busy lately, but I see I havent missed much. Some low functioning jackass calls himself Psycho and that warrants a blog entry? I am most interested in the part where ME seems to show concern that someone would do something like that to "be cool". Why would that bother a socio?


  185. this is just creepy. but would end the SW sociopath pissing war for sure.

    brain scans


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