
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Young love (part 3)

Four months later, after she learned that I was going through a hard time, we began to speak again. She seemed more firm in her resolve that we would never be together again, and insisted that she was over me...while insisting that I move in with her, calling me sweetie, saying I love you all the time, sending me poems about how much she missed holding me, talking about raising kids together. Eventually we got into an argument because she would randomly be angry at me and never explain why. In the end, she told me that there wasn't even a good reason. She just felt that way. And she would lash out. Having pep talked myself into the idea that I was worth more, I gave her an ultimatum to treat me right, or leave. Later, I apologized, figuring our fight could be fixed that way. She blocked me on facebook and replied to my message and forwarded her response to my father, saying that she never wanted to see or hear from me ever again.

She also posted a facebook status that I was stalking her when I wasn't. She called me disturbing and pathetic, claiming that she didn't want to lose sleep at night worrying about what I might do to her friends.

We haven't spoken since.

I'm angry. I'm hurt that I got treated like his and that she didn't get what she deserved. Why wasn't she hurt? I'm still not over her. I can try to repress my feelings for long periods of time...and then I burst, like I can't keep it under control. I just miss her so much sometimes. I beg and plead with whatever I feel like I can with a god I don't even believe in to have her come back to me, or to at least let me fall out of love. I'm kind of nervous to even go back to college next year because of the fact that I see the Northeast as her "territory."

I'm trying to work on it in therapy and it's not as effective as I'd like. My therapist thinks she was borderline with a nice, thick and heavy coating of narcissism. I've never ever been attracted to a girl, which was something that made the relationship so weird. I wasn't even attracted to her at all, but she seemed to complement me so perfectly at times, that I dismissed this HUGE detail. I think that this just further suits the profile. In fact, I like guys-a lot. Given the fact I had PTSD, it seems like I was a prime candidate for further victimization.

My question is this: Do you think that she is a sociopath, or not? What do you think about her and the relationship?
M.E.: I actually think that there is a decent chance that she is a sociopath, although your therapist's theory is interesting as well. A lot of sociopaths have a parent who is a narcissist. She sounds very changeable, which is also associated with other personality disorders, but for whatever reason I am not getting a borderline vibe from her. She seems in control of what she does, but not really aware of what exactly she is doing (or at least all of the ramifications of what she is doing). I think that behavior is consistent with a young sociopath, but then again I am not familiar with young borderlines. If you imagine that she is just playing at love, experimenting with what love means to her and other people, reveling in the power and control and intense feelings she is having, that could be consistent with a young sociopath, or a lot of other things of course.


  1. I wasn't sold on her being a beeper. Definitely some strong traits, though.

    This last entry solidifies it for me that she isn't. When Borderlines end relationships, that's it, the flame, the comfort blanket and the obsession are over.

    Frankly, I'm putting my money on some kind of detachment disorder.

  2. Yeah Im not sold either on the borderline. I'm with M.E. on this one. She is very in control of her actions and not aware of how it impacts other people.

  3. You would rarely see her bad side if she was a sociopath, because you are empathic and empaths don't pay much attention to peoples actions. unless you watched the sociopath very closely, you won't see the dark side.

    A sociopath will tell you that you mean everything to them, while their actions speak otherwise. When you are sick the sociopath won't be there for you. A sociopath will kick your pets around, when you aren't there. Then feign concern and ask you why your pet is scared of him and you are oblivious to what he is doing. If this girl was a sociopath, she would be way more slick, not to mention ruthless.

  4. Are you a troll, or an idiot? Or both?

    You've been putting too much stock into UKan's cat kicking tales.

    Everyone knows the best way to spot a sociopath is the sixth finger. Most of us get it surgically removed, so subtly check for scars and old X Rays if possible.

  5. The whole story from beginning to end reads of sociopath, to me, based on my own experience. The beginning has the magical dream stage, finding your true soul mate, with all the starry eyes and hopes of a musical. Then, the next stage comes, which could be called the angst stage. The angst feels good. It is high drama, like a gothic novel. Then, after this gets old, the sociopath gets cruel.

    At the cruel stage, you try to bargain with your own guts being your bargaining chip. How much will you bleed for him. That is the theme of this stage. Here, your own guts start bleeding in the desperate attempt of a drowning man, to get back to the first stage.

    IF you stay on the amusement park ride, the sociopath will take you down to the bare bones of your everything you ever thought was human about yourself and SEE if he can push you down further.
    At this stage, you will either go against everything you ever believed or loved about being human or you will leave him.

    If you leave, at this stage, you will leave shell shocked, but intact enough to rebuild. If you stay, he will suck out your soul like a child trying to get every last drop of a fountain drink. After he does, he will leave you.

  6. Michael Martin PlunkettNovember 26, 2011 at 5:46 AM

    im still thinking the border line- doesnt know what she wants changes minds all the time

    maybe the original writer is coloring the stories as well or interpreting the truth differently ya never know maybe she did become the stalker a little bit we havent heard the other side of the stories

    she does sound more manipulative plays games more than the classic borderline but maybe the shrink got it right borderline with narcistic traits

  7. "You've been putting too much stock into UKan's cat kicking tales."

    Neither. Anyone that lacks empathy will be abusive to animals.

  8. If you want to hear a true account of what a relationship to a psychopath is like, I'd get -- A Dance With the Devil: A True Story of Marriage to a Psychopath. It's legit.

  9. TNP for once I am in disagreement with you.

    My first relationship with The One I fell for lasted from the time I was 16 until I was 21. The first time I ended that relationship 'permanently' I was 18. I had plenty of other relationships in between but I'd cut them off to go back to the intensity I felt with him even though I desperately did not want to be with him because I knew weren't right for each other. He would contact me, I'd refuse any feelings for him, until I saw him and then it all came flooding back.

    I do agree that more often then not once a Borderline's obsession is over, it's over. But just because we say something is over, and try to distance ourself from a person, does not actually indicate it is.

  10. Monica,

    That was a chilling description. I take it you left him, then?

    I wonder how your subsequent relationships were affected by that experience?

  11. What's more is I hear this all the time in e-mail that Readers send to me.

    idk, this chick sounds nothing like my narc ex, which I know obviously doesn't correlate to her being a sociopath, but there just does not seem to be the emotionless manipulation that is ever present.

  12. I'm actually a little offended by the people who just say "borderline" and leave it at that. (like I read in the comments previously) I have borderline /and/ manic depression. Borderline people won't say they don't love you. We'll cling like shit, yeah, and yo-yo is definitely there. She's gotta have something else to be that selfish of a bitch.

    Narcissism on top of it is likely, but honestly... I wouldn't even stop at two. There are plenty of people who have 3+ disorders (me being one of them) and she seems to have more than that.

    You see, I had a borderline and manic depressive friend. (unmedicated) It didn't last long, because she was entirely possessive and fucked things up with the only man I ever gave a fuck about. And she used me a lot.

    But there HAS to be more... from personal experience.

    Is it possible to be both a narcissist AND a sociopath? It sounds laughable when I say it. hahah But... disorders do tend to clump on top of each other. Disorders can cause more disorders if things go wrong. They often develop over time.

    I'm not certified, of course, I only study that which interests me. I speak from the books I've read and personal experience especially. It's just my guess, and I thought I'd throw my nonsense out there.

  13. I forgot to mention that said friend claimed to love me deeply, but I know she merely wanted me all to herself.

  14. Haven, a socio is way worse than a narcissist. I know from experience.

  15. Charlotte... I'm Borderline, Major Depressive, Dissociative, and about half a dozen other co-morbid disorders. Hence my input here. If I'm in an extreme dissociative phase I feel nothing for anyone. I am completely detached from myself and the world around me, including the people I love. Borderline + narcissism (which is not something I have) + a dissociative aspect does sound very viable.

    Socio + Narc is common as narcissism is often a symptom of sociopathy.

  16. @Anon ... i take it you have had expreience with both a narc and a socio then for the comparisson?

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I do. My father was very narcissistic (most likely npd) and a friend of mine was a genuine sociopath (had all the traits). A difference I noticed is that a sociopath will tell you, almost boastfully, how they destroyed someone.

    My father was abusive, but he never realized he was abusive. The sociopath friend was aware he was damaging others, but it didn't bother him.

  19. Anon 7:06

    I have not had any, so I don't know. There are so many things one can learn and must learn if they were in a relationship with a sociopath because that relationship is a reflection of one's sense of self or lack of it.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. A sociopath is far more depraved than a narcissist.

  22. 'A sociopath will tell you that you mean everything to them, while their actions speak otherwise".

    Why, what is behind this?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I was looking at the discussion last night between MK, UKan and Medusa. UKan was right about having to know yourself, first. That was a great point and one I will take to heart.

    I think the larger, underlying presumption, in the discussion was that there IS a right way to do things like relationships and life, in general. In a way that may be true, but we can never really do it right because we are human beings. That, right there, makes everything fail. I guess it is about degree of failure lol

  25. Psychopathy

  26. I just read the discussion on yesterday's post.

    Medusa is by far the coolest, most impressive person I have ever encountered on a blog or elsewhere online.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Medusa was very cool.

  29. .

    November 26, 2011 7:46 AM
    Blogger davidsocio01 said...

    For the women who come on a sociopathic site to complain about their previous relationship with a sociopath I sincerely hope their next boyfriend will be an even better skilled one.

    You bring bad things down on your own head with your shitty, negative thinking.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Their weakness will likely just make them walk blindly into the arms of another socio/narc.

    This is why YOU get bullied. I will explain, if you want me to.

  32. Michael Martin PlunkettNovember 26, 2011 at 8:17 AM

    caroline wuld ya help me out please i need your help

    i got the online diagnose here but like the responsible consumer i wuld like to have the second opinion of another professional too

    so the question is was ukan right am i the teen aged kid with attention deformity sits home all the time reads crap about serial killers watches gore splatter snuff violent porn movies collects japanese hentai manga has fantasies about rape murder torture mutilation?

    it is the curiosity that makes me hungry for online diagnoses from professionals lets get to the bottom of me

  33. "The basic difference is a sociopath is more self-aware and therefore will act more subtle."

    This point is also one of the reasons I don't believe these articles are about a young sociopath. There apears to be no self-awareness or subtlety.

  34. Anonymous Michael Martin Plunkett said...

    caroline wuld ya help me out please i need your help

    i got the online diagnose here but like the responsible consumer i wuld like to have the second opinion of another professional too

    so the question is was ukan right am i the teen aged kid with attention deformity sits home all the time reads crap about serial killers watches gore splatter snuff violent porn movies collects japanese hentai manga has fantasies about rape murder torture mutilation?

    it is the curiosity that makes me hungry for online diagnoses from professionals lets get to the bottom of me

    LOL I guess I can't get the psych nurse out of me, even when I am away from work.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Bunch of player haters David.

  37. I didn't recall pushing the 'I need help button', I'm absolutely fine. Maybe you're in desperate need of a patient.

    David, I have more than enough patients.

  38. David
    When I saw all of SW bullying you, it bothered me, even if it did not bother you.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Blogger davidsocio01 said...

    "When I saw all of SW bullying you, it bothered me, even if it did not bother you."

    I don't care, I just love the attention.

    OK LOL I am glad you told me!

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Where else could one observe an interaction like yesterday between Medusa and the couple? And, see first hand how a narcissist does not care which way as long as the attention is there as David just stated. So much learning here, very entertaining.

    A beautiful Saturday...

    I just wish this reader lady gave us a sense of what her PTSD is from. What made her take this much bullshit, this much chaos, her excuse based on her statements.

    If sociopath that girl is a really low functioning one. Especially in her need to involve the father. Unless there is more to the story. Why is this reader quiet so far, maybe she'll answer some questions today.

    David, I was thinking... Are you planning on marrying a rich woman and hiding your normal life any time soon? You could also marry a rich guy in the US, except a guy would keep you working too hard, whereas women seem to accept a lot of shit, such as global business travel lies. Just thinking what a sociopath would do to get out of the current dump and decide what mask to wear next.

  43. The guy has the right idea of sociopathy, but to say that you should treat a sociopath with pure love is naive to the extreme and downright stupid. He obviously has never encountered one.

  44. What part of without conscience does this pretentious douche-bag not understand?

    "you can't treat people like objects, like pieces of shit"

    Okay, good luck explaining to a sociopath, that that is a bad thing. The guy is blinded by his empathy. He can't comprehend the idea that there are truly bad people in the world.

  45. That guy in the video is 100% right.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. David, I don't know the guy, and I did not see him say anything Christian, I was laughing at 5:01 but the more I heard him the more I agreed with him. I even started to think that he is a sociopath, a very high functioning one. What can I say, I like the guy, I have a feeling he'll find the way to fame.

    So, here I post the link again in case you delete yours:
    WHile this guys is suggesting his thoughts are to be used in fighting against sociopaths I believe what he is saying is applicable to all live creatures. In short, spend your energy putting up a wall of self-protection when attacked without adding negative energy to the universe. Right up Soulful's alley.

  48. David, I was suggesting a hybrid of the two options. A steady long term front that does not take much energy but gives a sense of stability and good food, care when you are sick, etc., while you can do any of those short deals you want under 2. Like uklinski and several of the family men sociopaths, if not all men, lol.

  49. Sometimes I don't press hard enough, ate the guy's initial

  50. Oh, goodness. I noticed that MaryK did not get the point that she was saying 'I am frank' and Frank was joking on it assuming she was saying 'I am Frank." MaryK, he even repeated the paragraph, didn't he?

    MaryK, you being frank, frankly who cares but Frank?

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. All because of your assumptions. I know married couples where one lives on the east cost and the other west. Think out of the box.

  53. coast, not cost, ate up another letter.

    oh, a minor correction on your English David, not truely but truly.

  54. David darling.... popping a few viagra may work for your male clients, but it requires a little more than just getting it up and pumping away to be a good lover to a woman.

    Guys that /are/ interested in women aren't always all that great at getting it right.

    My advice would be to talk to a few lesbians that are aware of what they like, and how to please another woman.

  55. "When I am angry I am out of control-even though my tone may be level & my words precisely calibrated to inflict as much damage as possible" about 10 hours ago

    who wrote this tweet? how ca I see the thread?

  56. Are you kidding? Don't act like you even have a choice, david. Nobody WILL date you period that's why you are alone right now. That's why you have been alone for years. The only relationship you had was with the guy that sexually abused you since you were a teenager.

    As far as being a narcissist, you are the champion. Nobody else would give up their anonymity just to try and prove yourself. You are no con artist except when you con yourself into thinking you are something more than a prostitute.

  57. Scelli was the only one who commented on Frank psychology. WHERE are you people? Get with the program.


  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Haven, I was not suggesting that he could become an ideal husband. An average husband, who is clueless or couldn't care less about pleasing their wives. Don't we know many married gay men? You think they worry about pleasing their wives, they close their eyes and go into some hole.


  60. I'm sure and I doubt if I would ever be able to learn the tricks and successfully do the job.

    Try the botox first. At least you won't look like some hungry frog desperately looking for a fly for breakfast.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. If you are questioning how he could land a wife without pleasing her first? Again, something that has been done over and over and over. Poor women, honestly, most women are at the bottom of the food chain.

    By the way, my suggestion was for 'David' only, not a universal suggestion as I am sure some morons will soon start generalizing.

  63. Oh, here comes Shrek with no tolerance for new/pondering ideas but repetitive bullshit..

  64. Blogger davidsocio01 said...

    You wrote; "David darling.... popping a few viagra may work for your male clients, but it requires a little more than just getting it up and pumping away to be a good lover to a woman."

    I'm sure and I doubt if I would ever be able to learn the tricks and successfully do the job.

    It is not as easy as it looks. The first lesson. We have two holes, three, if you count the poo poo one.

  65. Can you make speculations about a person based solely on how they act in love relationships?

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Good david, are you ready for the rest of your life today? Or are you still churning out the same butter?

  68. Socios are so good in bed at the beginning, knowing they need to perform. They just can't sustain and slow down after the second round. That right there is a good enough info to get out. A woman should have one of those relentless guys who aim to please each and every time and not just once but many times before seeking pleasure himself. That woman could never fall for a sociopath for long.


  69. You could make money as a stand up comedian.

    I had an offer, but he said it took patience to make it.

  70. @Sceli.... the problem with gay guys in hetero relationships (or gay women for that matter) is they're really pretty miserable. There's a reason they don't work. When you're not happy, you can't make your spouse happy and ultimately it just won't work.

    @David... Go with your heart darlin. If you want more time to yourself set yourself up to find a sugar daddy ;)

  71. A socio is too rough in bed!!!!!

  72. ^ Some people like it rough in bed ;)

  73. 1034

    sceli you're a terrier aren't you?

    I couldn't agree to this more.

  74. Oh, that's how you can tell who's a sociopath. Thanks sceli. You are a genius.~

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Oh Sceli, you just described any selfish male.

  77. Honestly david your best bet is to wake up and do something radically different than yesterday. Anything. If you don't you will keep spinning around in circles like carousel. It feels like your moving but you are just going in circles.

  78. I wonder who would be better in bed a socio, a narc, or a borderline?

  79. Botox is not for pumping up lips. If you're gonna be repeitive with your insults, get 'em right.

  80. SW Regulars Theme SongsNovember 26, 2011 at 10:43 AM

    This is the theme song for David.

    UKan--Bad Boy--The Beatles
    MK--- Mockingbird---

  81. @Sweetcheeks.... Borderline, hands down... and that's not just because I'm biased, haha.

    We're fucking wild and insatiable. Plus we'll go out of our way to figure out exactly what makes you tick.

  82. My socio put me in a choke hold when we had sex! Afterward he said it was just a joke! :/


  83. Botox is not for pumping up lips. If you're gonna be repeitive with your insults, get 'em right.

    That's what I was talking about. If you are going to jump in, don't sound like a idiot.

  84. "I wonder who would be better in bed a socio, a narc, or a borderline?"

    Obv a borderline. The latter will do it for their gratification only.

  85. ThemeTheme Songs for SW RegularsNovember 26, 2011 at 10:49 AM

    Franks Theme Song

  86. Medusa is so obsessed with UKan.

  87. Nevermind, I just looked it up. I thought it was just for the rest of the face.

    What morons paralyze their lips?

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. Anon is so obsessed with Medusa being obsessed.

  90. You have no point, medusa. Go for broke, at least you are good at that.

  91. If you had david's lips you would risk it. Just think, you could finally sing again and formulate words. For once it won't look like you are gushing words out of a gash in the bottom of your face.

  92. I wonder if they make Shrek jack-in-the-boxes.

    Wind 'er up.

  93. Nice, using Ami's insults now medusa? How low can you crawl before you walk again?

  94. Theme Song for SW RegularsNovember 26, 2011 at 11:00 AM

    Daniel Birdicks Theme Song

  95. This is kinda gruesome. David, have you seen this one?

  96. Yes, I think it's funny to imagine you as Shrek.

  97. anyone who isn't medicated cannot be diagnosed. When I am manic I am a complete asshole. I won't torture your animals, but I might forget to feed them. You want to put an unmedicated bpd and bipolar together, you should probably get something similar to a sociopathic personality. The risk taking and narcissism of a manic is enough to destroy years of built trust in relationships and workplace. You want to put the nurture push pull and rage of the bpd with that, you get wacko.

  98. "We're fucking wild and insatiable. Plus we'll go out of our way to figure out exactly what makes you tick. "

    True Haven, except our lovers have to watch out for the octopus tentacles that appear after ;) Narcs can be good in bed when the sexually chemistry is right.

  99. Sweetcheeks theme song


  100. Yes, I think it's funny to imagine you as Shrek.

    It's funnier to imagine you as successful.

  101. I want a theme song haha.

    @Anon 1102... wtf? You can't get medicated until your problem has been diagnosed. Wack job.

    "You want to put an unmedicated bpd and bipolar together, you should probably get something similar to a sociopathic personality."

    Utterly false. I was unmedicated my entire life... my sister is bipolar and I have plenty of bipolar and bpd friends. The result is absolutely nothing like sociopathy.

    @Sweets... totally agree. Haha, my narc ex was great in bed, when we'd actually have sex. He had a really low sex drive though which I never understood.

  102. Theme Songs For SW RegularsNovember 26, 2011 at 11:08 AM

    I am working on YOU right now, but these things take time. I just don't throw them out. They must combine deep meaning and wit.

  103. Theme Songs for SW RegularsNovember 26, 2011 at 11:12 AM

    UKan Theme Song------ number 2

  104. I'm going to argue with you Haven because i know what I am. I am not right when I am manic. We can easily get seduced into going off medication.

    Plenty of manics are addicted to feeling better (like drug addicts and gamblers,)

    What you get with a person who is so deprived of good feelings they're willing to risk safety, is a pretty narcissistic and irresponsible fucker with the world dodging the chaos.

  105. Wow I get two theme songs? Does that mean I get two shows? I know on the first one I play shrek. The other I want to play a broke musician trying to make it big.

  106. Mania can be fun but it can be destructive.

  107. @Sweetcheeks theme song


  108. @Anon... I agree it's irresponsible and risky but I don't think it's narcissitic. Wanting to feel better isn't narc, it's natural.

    I really think it depends on the individual though. I know one bipolar who is probably the most self involved, self entitled bitch I've ever met in my life (high or low), abut when she's manic she's as bad as any narc I've known. So I don't think you're wrong per say, but I think it's highly dependent on the persons base personality.

  109. Furthermore

    A manic depressive who frequents the psych ward will tell you straight up that it happens fast.

    I've been confused and have gotten manic, WHILE enjoying delusional revenge on a lover for imagined betrayals.

  110. A friend of a friend of mine who was biplar and BPD offed herself a couple of months ago.

  111. In my experience narcissists don't witness manic phases, they are always in the same dull mood. Very boring people.

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. RAGE! I fucking hate being cancelled on. Seriously one of the most irritating things about Borderlines is how fucking inconsiderate they are. I would have left this hell hole yesterday, but NO, I was waiting to see her and she fucking cancels. You'd think i wouldn't be so surprised considering she's only been my best friend for years. Grrrrr. I hope she enjoys the guilt trip I just gave her.

  114. You wake up and you're like who was that.

    You go through a few of these rides and you start to question whether you liked yourself better that way cause for the moment you felt like your balls were bigger.

  115. Good in bed has to do with the dynamics of the two more than anything else. Two narcs if both in great shape could do wonders.

    I don't remember trying to figure out what ticks a man, looks like every move I make is acceptable (for the men I chose to take that far. The dominant types who showed any sign of aggression were eliminated immediately.

    I never understood when women bragged about the effort they put in to make a man tick, no offense, just saying. It is cool if you enjoy that, Haven, it really is, knowing how hot you look. Just why bother? THey'd be pleased no matter what as long as you move with passion towards them.

    What I saw in terms of working hard to please men are fat and ugly women. Otherwise, a good body and a sense of enjoying yourself is all you need in bed. That is one area guys don't mind doing most of the work.

    Bella, this one for you:

  116. Theme Songs for SW RegularsNovember 26, 2011 at 11:28 AM

    For SW's Female Beepers

  117. Haven how do you best control your rage fits?

  118. Medusa I'm surprised. Do you know why?

  119. yes it can be like who was that?

  120. "I cannot imagine I would be able to do this to a person unless I would have an extreme amount of hate against someone, and even then I guess I would prefer a less 'butchery' method."

    After the first few people you behead, it would get easier. The first time would be difficult for anyone, even a sociopath. I'd be able to do it, but I have a history of violence.

  121. @Sceli... The personal dynamic between two people is definitely important.

    idk, I like the idea of doing things better than other people. If you put in the effort to really rev a persons engine they're more likely to come back to you b/c they know they're getting something better than they can anywhere else.

    I'm sure you're right that they'd be pleased no matter what. Guys can be pretty easy.

    I'm also used to women too, and they take a fair bit more effort to really push their buttons properly. quality is important haha. Maybe that just carries through regardless with me.

    You don't like dominant types? That's practically a requirement for me. If you're not at least as dominant as I am in bed I'm bored in two seconds flat.

  122. I am into dominant types, to me what tat means is an eagerness to serve my needs thinking they are in full control

  123. Theme Songs For SW RegularsNovember 26, 2011 at 11:36 AM

    Wheatley's Theme Song

    Aspie Category

  124. @Sweets... usually I go for a run but I don't have my shoes here. Right now I'm bottling and fuming. I've already been snapping like mad today. I may just pack up and go back to NY. I sense some reckless driving in my near future.

  125. haven do you think socios are as crazy as beepers??

  126. Sceli, I am in to dominant types also.

    Haven, I hate that feeling, like a fucking bomb waiting to go off. Smoking weed helps me keep it under control for the most part, but I haven't had any in awhile. I am going to go shooting instead today, blow off some steam ;)

  127. Haven, I could never get tired of seeing a beautiful female body but I can't possibly bring myself to seeing them as sex objects that I could passionately make love to them.. If a dominant and a beautiful woman came out clear and told me that all she wanted was to please me as in going down on me I'd probably consider it out of curiosity. With no kisses, or getting anywhere near me above my belly.

    How did you start enjoying women? Did someone else approach you, or did yu just know you would?

  128. socios are crazy on inside but sane on outside?

  129. Theme Song For SW RegularsNovember 26, 2011 at 11:42 AM

    TNPs Theme Song

  130. Socios are a different kind of crazy than beepers.

    Slow Down = nice !

  131. please explain haven. cause can you call sociopath crazy? can you call the desire for power crazy?

  132. sceli lets any one touch her

  133. I hate people who cancel too, but I learned to have alternate plans ahead of time. I also change all our future contracts and eee them as 50-50 and would cancel in a beat in the slightest reason to do so for these people. Until one does that to me first, though, I would only cancel when I absolutely had to and for a very good and real reason. I have a lot of respect for people's time until they prove me that they don't deserve it.

  134. Why would someone give Frank a song like that?

    Hi Gary
    Hi Harv


  135. Nice Sweets!

    @Sceli... ::shrug:: I've always been in to women. It's an entirely different experience. Plus it's nice to have the option when you get as sick of men as I can get.

    You'd totally be missing out if you only let a woman stay bellow your belly though. There are so many erogenous zones that make for a fuller experience if you let a lady have full reign.

  136. anon 1146, you wanna come eat me? How hungry are you? no return of favor, though.

  137. nope you stank like retard hugs

  138. Theme Song For SW RegularsNovember 26, 2011 at 11:50 AM

    Harvs Theme Song

  139. @Anon... It depends on your definition of crazy. If you think sadistic cruelty and manipulation is crazy then the socio tops. If you think uncontrollable intensity and mood swings is crazy then the Borderline wins.
    They're two totally different animals.

  140. :) Haven, I will take your word for it. Not sure what it is. I think one just knows. I am not very experimental this way, I am so at home in bed with men. I like their strong hands and doggy desire. I love touching their muscles all around. Even when getting a massage I only go for men, and try to keep quiet. I heard in NYC some masseurs would please you if they sensed you'd like that. Never tried.

  141. @Sceli... I don't have the option for alternative plans. Ok, not strictly true, but all other plans aren't worth my time. She was the only reason I was staying here.

  142. I bet maryK is not getting much bed-time pleasing from shrek, she's been quiet, other than saying I let everyone touch me.

  143. Well, your rage is totally justified, especially if the woman knew that. I don't like her already.

  144. Sceli, haha, yeah you can find pretty much anything you want in NYC, but I'm not sure I'd try. That's a recipe for skeezy if you ask me.

    I like guys. I like that they're usually bigger than me and more aggressive. My problem with women is often not being aggressive enough. Definitley worth the oral efforts though ;)

  145. I am off for now to go play with weapons. I like my song anon :D

  146. haven, what kind of aggression? unconstrained aggression is not attractive. a man in control is best.

  147. Haven, from resourcefulness point I totally admire your ability and flexibility. WIth both comes complexity, of course, but all that is an added option not a limitation.

  148. this anon is totally maryK. so funny. must be hard to talk about these things when your husband is right there, and certainly would not come out and talk about how important it is to please her sexually when she knows the truth... lmao.

    But, i have to say, I hope all of this discussion has taught him something and that your bed time becomes a touch better maryK. if not, take the dogs in bed for some foreplay, think out of the box.

  149. This comment has been removed by the author.

  150. Is that personal experience Sceli. Because you claimed you were a sociopath and now you are claiming sociopaths are bad in bed. Don't blame a personality disorder for your lack of capabilities.

  151. @Anon... think forceful as opposed to gentle. Willing to get rough and play around.

    @Sceli... options are always good =)

  152. For David --

  153. haven do you think that people who like to argue just for the sake of arguing is infuriating to the bpd?

  154. david, why are you suggesting that you are possibly a no-show for two months?

    shrek, i never claimed to be a sociopath. i may have said slightly sociopathic, aspie maybe. i am an uber empath who is well-trained in rational thinking and accordingly can act sociopathic when in a fight. i can control my empathy in the sense that i could not care less if and when anything bad happened to likes of you.

  155. @Bella... depends on the subject I suppose. I like to argue just to argue. And our mood, haha. It really depends on my mood. If I'm pissy than I have zero tolerance for that kind of bullshit. If I'm in a decent mood though, I like to debate, especially if it's with intelligent people.

  156. sceli, why are you calling ukan shrek? i'm new :3

  157. I never said sociopaths are bad in bed. sociopaths can be the best when they want to perform in bed. however, they might revert to 'I don't give a shit' if that suits them better.

    I also did not say that men who are selfish in bed are all sociopaths, they just are not motivated enough towards the other party, especially if the other party is not demanding of her rights sufficiently strongly.

    This is the last time I am repeating myself. I know shrek likes and needs repetition, but I neither like nor need it.

  158. Yeah you did, when you first came here. Change of heart? Maybe the panic attacks during confrontations was the tell sign that you were not. Anyway congratulations on finding a new identity. Actually congratulations on creating a new identity: A uber empath with sociopath powers. Sounds like the makings of a good cartoon.


  159. Socios are so good in bed at the beginning, knowing they need to perform. They just can't sustain and slow down after the second round. That right there is a good enough info to get out. A woman should have one of those relentless guys who aim to please each and every time and not just once but many times before seeking pleasure himself. That woman could never fall for a sociopath for long.

    Here I will repeat yourself for you since you never can remember what you said, Sceli. This is my definition of bad in bed. Or is this a regualar occurence for you?

  160. A uber empath with sociopath powers. Sounds like the makings of a good cartoon.

    that's funny. My friend thinks she met a socio and called him on it. He said he was a socio for the good of the people. Wtf

  161. I should call her Fiona from now on for the sake of consistency. I call him Shrek because there is a perfect match in how I imagine his looks and how I believe the couple turned out to be the way they are based on all we heard so far, meaning the same form:

    'Shrek stars Mike Myers as a big, strong, solitude-loving, intimidating ogre, friends with a talkative Donkey.

    When Shrek finds Fiona, she is appalled at his lack of romanticism.

    At first, Fiona is thrilled to be rescued but quickly becomes disappointed when Shrek takes his helmet off and she realises that he is an ogre.

    Fiona explains she was cursed as a child and turns into an ogress every night, which is why she was locked away in the castle, and that only a kiss from her true love will return her to her "love's true form".

    Shrek kisses Fiona and Fiona turns into an ogress for good.

  162. Lmfao, Nah. I bet UKan looks like an Abercrombie model.

  163. I have the strangest imposter(s). One minute they're obvious and just having a go, the next, they're trying to sound like me.

    I'm guessing Ami is one, as the pseudo attacks were directed at David and UKan.

    Haven, I made a generalization, one which you agreed with, but disagreed with.

    A young sociopath who is obsessed with a partner but incapable of emotionally connecting or caring is perfectly possible. And the comment about beepers being best in bed js a load of crap. I've definitely had better lovers.

  164. you can be sure MK takes it up the butt on a daily basis in more ways than one.

    come git de bananana bread, bunny

  165. Lots of people get off on pleasing you for the power of doing so, not because 'you are so wonderful you deserve to feel good, baby... '

    Neither is good or bad. If someone wants to go out of their way to please me and their mo is to give themself an ego boost, I really don't care in the moment. I could give a shit why IN THE MOMENT.

    I don't want to think about your mo in the moment. I want to get off.

  166. Scelli, I'm not going to discus my sex life here anonymously or otherwise. That is one thing iI am uncomfortable talking about on a blog. I don't hide behind anonymity, ever.

    David, where are you running off to? We were just starting to make interesting discoveries about you? Are you doing something unexpected?

    Caroline, you've been making some surprising comments. I liked your perspective on yesterday and I've been thinking about it.

    I was thinking about identity as being attainable, and correct for each person. You can have strengths and the inverted weaknesses, to be balanced. And it doesn't matter who you are, as that's how you've chosen to function toward your goals. The success of your personality is measured on the success you meet in getting to where you want to go. I, for example, got the drug dealer I always wanted, the relatively lavish lifestyle, the job doing something creative, and am working in the direction of my further degrees. I'm not quite there yet, as i still have some issues with laziness I need to negotiate, but I am making progress towards where I want to go.
    I suppose when i comment toward people on here, I have that outlook regarding their traits. They're just facts that either hinder or help them.

  167. TNP
    I didn't see any attacks on David and UKan. What are you calling attacks? The songs?

  168. Bella when was he last time someone told you they loved you in bed, and how did you react, dear?

  169. I should call her Fiona from now on for the sake of consistency. I call him Shrek because there is a perfect match in how I imagine his looks and how I believe the couple turned out to be the way they are based on all we heard so far, meaning the same form:

    'Shrek stars Mike Myers as a big, strong, solitude-loving, intimidating ogre, friends with a talkative Donkey.

    When Shrek finds Fiona, she is appalled at his lack of romanticism.

    At first, Fiona is thrilled to be rescued but quickly becomes disappointed when Shrek takes his helmet off and she realises that he is an ogre.

    Fiona explains she was cursed as a child and turns into an ogress every night, which is why she was locked away in the castle, and that only a kiss from her true love will return her to her "love's true form".

    Shrek kisses Fiona and Fiona turns into an ogress for good.

    Fuck YES

  170. fake sceli at 12:45. I'm heading out, and expect a few fake sceli's when I am gone.

  171. before I leave, thanks, medusa.

  172. Get a god damn account Sceli. What's stopping ya? You got a negative attitude.

  173. Sorry 'boutcha luck, anon? I can't help you've missed a few the last couple of weeks.

  174. I bet Medusa. The same person who talks about repeating insults has repeated the same one from Ami everyday. Ran out of material? Well, I guess that would he consistent with the rest of your life.

  175. That movie is a terrible movie, but an interesting symbol of love being a discovery of peoples most intimate feears aand insecurities.


  177. Sometimes I think they are stupid. Sometimes they are. The ones that are not stupid I don't trust. I get tense. I could say i love you back, but I don't think it would be fair even if I felt it, because my mind could change and then I'd be responsible for the statement.

    Basically fear surges through me. Then I will go into my head and dissociate so I don't have to deal with all that. Then I feel sorry for myself for not knowing how to feel. then I feel needing of a hug from them, but I don't tell them what it is about. I am tempted to tell them all that is going on in my head but it is so needy and self involved, I think that if I were them, I'd feel like I wasn't in the room with me. Then I think fuck that i don't have to be in their head and I don't owe them an 'I love you' back. It is pressure to be a responsible person and to keep myself from crying in front of someone who just told me they love me when it is clear (I tell myself) they love only parts of me. They love the side of me that is my independence, they love that I am vibrant and confident (in certain areas)

    I fear this other side of me is so very unattractive that they will leave when I reveal it. I forget that people like vulnerabilities because I am used to people who exploit them. I don't want to be vulnerable and I don't like people who thrive on wanting to see my weaknesses. It's like they are getting off on it. I don't want to be seen. i want you to peak but not tell me about it.

    And yeah there is part of me that says 'hey if you like ugly and fake that's your fucking problem. Then you deserve someone as fucked up and self involved as I am.'

    There are too may things going on so I close my eyes and drift. But I want to stay even though I might think they may be lying to me and to themselves.

  178. You do see that they might as well be a robot, with no heart or soul don't you?

  179. O lord is this the most self-masturbatory blog ever.

  180. ugly boring people.

  181. Bella, that reminded me of David. Fear of vulnerability because of an inherent unloveability. Actually, in some ways it reminded me of Medusa. And sweetcheeks... come to think of it, that seems to be a theme among the lonely. You've put it almost poetically.

  182. Talk about self loathing nobodies. How the fuck old are you, anyway, Bella?

  183. David deleted his videos. How will I ever laugh again?~

    Also, holy shit, do comments only come in dissertation form now?

  184. Yeah there seems to be a theme here. Fear. People who don't know themselves live in fear, because fear comes from the unknown.


  185. Also, holy shit, do comments only come in dissertation form now?

    Impossible. That would require thinking about something before writing it down.

  186. people can know the shit out of themselves and still have fear. The fears morph into resignation or something. Can anyone explain what I'm saying?

  187. So, Medusa, I just read your comments about art. I missed them before. The aspect of appeal is obviously something you missed as being successful. The old spice ad is brilliant, the spice girls were a huge success, and what was the other you mentioned? Its famous. Advertising is a genius productive art that has managed to be valuable to society and corporations. Van Goth also has appeal, even after reading his Bio. You need appeal in order to sell a record. If it isn't about appeal, than why aren't you making it? If it were about artistic discovery and growth, than your doing that. But as you said you want to make you music into a business. So then somehow you'll have to learn to appeal to enough people that they find enough value in your uniqueness in order to give you stuff you want strictly by that talent.
    The artistic expression aspect is great, and convenient if you want to live in squats, or paint as a pastime. If you want to male it somewhere with your aart it has to be useful.


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