
Sunday, November 27, 2011

The six fingered man

Society requires conformity. It enforces this conformity from early childhood. Anyone who falls outside the norm is snuffed out and beat down. Thus humans are trained to be able to sniff out weakness, imperfections, and harmful elements from society and eliminate them. But how do we distinguish between harmful imperfections and beneficial evolutionary mutations?

Society seems certain that particular differences are bad, e.g. autism and personality disorders. As the autistics and aspies argue effectively, wouldn't a world filled with auties function just as well if not better than a world of neurotypicals? People argue whether "special accomodations" are warranted for certain disabilities, but "special" is defined based on individual perspective. As one autie argued, if you were blind you might think that street lamps are an unnecessarily expensive "special accomodation" for the sighted.

When confronted with difference, the neurotypical automatically thinks flaw and/or threat. While double jointed, webbed flipper feet might be fine on Michael Phelps, as a general rule parents want "normal" children. But what is so good about "normal" anyway? Take for instance their precious empathy. As Adam Smith pointed out in The Theory of Moral Sentiments, humans can "feel for each other," but those feelings may be inaccurate or incomplete, and in any case emotions shouldn't be relied on to make decisions. As summarized by wikipedia:
If we sympathize with the feelings of another we judge that their feelings are just, and if we do not sympathize we judge that their feelings are unjust.

[Smith acknowledges that] it is not possible to sympathize with bodily states or "appetites which take their origin in the body."

Passions which "take their origins from a particular turn or habit of the imagination" are "little sympathized with". These include love.

In response to expressions of anger, hatred, or resentment, it is likely that the impartial spectator will not feel anger in sympathy with the offended but instead anger toward the offended for expressing such an aversive.

Of grief and joy, Smith notes that small joys and great grief are assured to be returned with sympathy from the impartial spectator, but not other degrees of these emotions. Great joy is likely to be met with envy, so modesty is prudent for someone who has come upon great fortune or else suffer the consequences of envy and disapprobation.

Smith makes clear that we should take very good care to not act on the passions of anger, hatred, resentment, for purely social reasons, and instead imagine what the impartial spectator would deem appropriate, and base our action solely on a cold calculation.
And Smith's observations regarding conformity:
Each "class" of things has a "peculiar conformation which is approved of" and the beauty of each member of a class is determined by the extent to which it has the most "usual" manifestation of that "conformation": "Thus, in the human form, the beauty of each feature lies in a certain middle, equally removed from a variety of other forms that are ugly."
If being social means to hate difference and to hate the different, then I am proud to be antisocial.


  1. Chicago papers have called Baglojevich a "sociopath", as well as suggesting he has bi-polar disorder, etc.

    Any comment?

  2. Take that Anonymous from the previous blog. See? I told you that sociopathic views are a much more effcient way of decision making.

    New Anonymous,
    As for Blagojevich, I don't necessarily feel that hes a sociopath but rather just an oppurtunistic person, maybe even a closest narscissist for thinking he'd actually be able to get away with his crimes. Or maybe he's just an idiot.
    I'd have to study him more than what I've gotten just from the news in order to be sure but from what I know, he is small time and will be forgotten as quickly as these scandals surfaced.

  3. Being social means avoiding habitually abusing, injuring and parasiting off others. My bank account wasn't cleared out by someone with webbed feet and six fingers. It was cleansed by an indolent sociopathic parasite. Your post annoys me considerably.

  4. Hey. I am a born basically super-empath, if you would call it that. I can read anybody's emotions like an open book, discern their most telling secrets by the way they behave, pick apart their manner of speech and tone and gesticulations and responses to put together the shape of somebody's inner psychology.

    What I wanted to say was this ability of mine does not make me a judgemental person, quite the opposite. I hold back my judgement by all means. Putting a biased subjective opinion in an emotional evaluation of another person makes that emotional evaluation typically invalid. Reading people is a matter of separating Yourself from Yourself and matching human nature with the mantle of a new subjective "inner self".

  5. oh wow what a piece of information, keep up the great work.

  6. Very good points you bring up here, and points I've been bringing up for years myself (so we're not alone, at least).


    if you were blind you might think that street lamps are an unnecessarily expensive "special accomodation" for the sighted.

    The issue here is that just as we can't 'see' Empathy, they cannot 'see' anything in us that they don't encompass themselves. They see only what is not in us, AND they see the negative outcomes of our strengths.

    That's the problem: They can easily see when we have a negative impact, but not the underlying necessities we also represent. If the 'norm' gets its way, it'll end up exterminating everything 'different' until there's nothing left.

    Life itself is an exercise in exceptions! -Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek - The Next Generation)


    In response to expressions of anger, hatred, or resentment, it is likely that the impartial spectator will not feel anger in sympathy with the offended but instead anger toward the offended for expressing such an aversive.

    I have seen this on a daily basis as I grew up. In the area where I lived conformity is so strong that this is indeed the reaction towards anybody who attempts to speak up against abuse from the government or others in power.

    And I must admit I have used this knowledge to my advantage too. - They won't support me when I speak up on their behalf? Okay, why then they'll have to support me when I use it against them instead.

    That's consequence! ...A dirty word in the mouth of a psychopath, who is supposed to be the only one being forced to face such. But I'm an individual too - another fact that a few individual empathic people seems to have missed.

    It is good that you write about these things! And I hope to help a little bit of the same idea get through via my own blog - even if I used to be criminal and all.

    Yes, indeed, well done!... '^L^,

  7. The yellow brick Path of the Soul is the correct avenue if you want to find the Lizard of Oz.

    Watch out for the delusional trees on your left and the people-eating trash cans on your right.

    And the flying monkeys overhead.

  8. "If being social means to hate difference and to hate the different, then I am proud to be antisocial."

    What? I thought being antisocial was the opposite? The most powerful guys in the world are intolerant of anyone different, or deviant. Does that make them social?

  9. It's obvious to me, that an intolerance of anything different is a testament of arrogance.

    Anti gay, racism and the oppression of women. All these sentiments are lacking in empathy and downright psychopathic.

  10. I think M.E. is a lib?

  11. dont they teach that as a fact? That dramatic intolerence is envious or suppressive emotions attached to that disdain. Ie, repression turns to resentment?
    Anyway, this is an interesting topic.

  12. Do you think antisocials should have disability rights and affirmative action, too? I mean they're socially inept, they have a disadvantage, and it's BIOLOGICAL ffs!

    Hey, maybe if they were given a job the rest of the world didn't want to do(like combat, say) we could fund their education and they could get off my couch and kill some muslims, the real enemy.

  13. All sociopaths are open minded and tolerant of other views LMFAOOO

  14. holy shit there was too much to read last night. And Holy shit, 7, 9 hour drive Haven? Good god America is big. I consider a 45 minute drive my limit. LOL.

  15. Seriously, why hate on Medusa Ukan. You used to be so chummy before. Before Medusa even made that long comment to your 'wife' I was gonna say the same thing. Missus has no identity, she is pretty tedious, and anyone who prods and prods at people the way she does are clearly lacking something emotional within them. Sorry, but that's the truth. She has been truly abrasive to people for no reason. She is not likeable at all, to my mind. That is my analysis. So, are you gonna go back to being freindly with medusa or is this now an all-out war of egos?

    As much as Medusa can be abrasive sometimes, she is no where near the level of your so-called wife on that front. And is far more interesting. Just saying. Have a nice day. I need to clean my flat. ;)


  17. Sooooo true!!

  18. Theme Songs for SW REgularsNovember 27, 2011 at 4:23 AM

    Post Moderns Theme Song


  20. Theme Songs for SW RegularsNovember 27, 2011 at 4:47 AM

    Soulful's Theme Song

  21. Michael Martin PlunkettNovember 27, 2011 at 5:11 AM

    i am very tolerant towards every 1 except the wops kikes niggers and faggits those are the exceptions to make the rule

  22. Michael Martin PlunkettNovember 27, 2011 at 5:24 AM

    i forgot the gooks from the list i especially hate the gooks

  23. Theme Songs for SW RegularsNovember 27, 2011 at 5:27 AM

    Zhawq's Theme Song

  24. Theme Songs for SW RegularsNovember 27, 2011 at 5:28 AM

    Zoe.............. to be coming.

  25. what about the A-rabs?

  26. theme songs needed for Daniel and Mis


  27. holy shit there was too much to read last night. And Holy shit, 7, 9 hour drive Haven? Good god America is big. I consider a 45 minute drive my limit. LOL.

    November 27, 2011 3:02 AM
    Anonymous notme said...

    Seriously, why hate on Medusa Ukan. You used to be so chummy before. Before Medusa even made that long comment to your 'wife' I was gonna say the same thing. Missus has no identity, she is pretty tedious, and anyone who prods and prods at people the way she does are clearly lacking something emotional within them. Sorry, but that's the truth. She has been truly abrasive to people for no reason. She is not likeable at all, to my mind. That is my analysis. So, are you gonna go back to being freindly with medusa or is this now an all-out war of egos?

    As much as Medusa can be abrasive sometimes, she is no where near the level of your so-called wife on that front. And is far more interesting. Just saying. Have a nice day. I need to clean my flat. ;)

    YES @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

  28. Theme Songs For SW RegularsNovember 27, 2011 at 5:33 AM

    Get with the program Anon. Daniel had the best theme song of all.

    However, I will repeat it for your oblivious self.

    Daniels Theme Song

  29. As ever, M.E., you attempt to portrait sociopaths as a minority being discriminated against. Their predatory, conniving and sadistic nature is somehow missed in your post. And your sociopathic ‘pride’ (shall we plan a festival?) is endearing, but hardly convincing.

    Sociopaths are neither victims, nor misunderstood, trailblazing rebels. The reality is that if society at large could grasp what sociopathy is (rather than have the naïve notion that it is a sickness inflicted by bad parenting which can be ‘healed’ by love, understanding and a hot cup of tea) sociopaths would find themselves having a genuinely hard time.

    Pulling the intolerance card is like a piranha throwing a tantrum for not being allowed to play in the goldfish pond… Nice try, but as old as Little Red Riding Hood.

  30. Theme Song for SW RegularsNovember 27, 2011 at 5:40 AM

    Mis Theme Song

  31. Theme Song for SW RegularsNovember 27, 2011 at 5:44 AM

    UKan Theme Song

  32. Michael Martin PlunkettNovember 27, 2011 at 5:47 AM

    yellow ur wrong sosiopaths just want to be loved why wuld ya take that away from them dont ya have a heart?

    ur very intolerant person yellow i dispice ya

  33. Michael Martin PlunkettNovember 27, 2011 at 5:59 AM

    i am a strong supporter of the death penalty except that the current system of electric chair shuld be replaced with a system where the convicts battle to the death in the arena the loser wuld die and the winner gets the price of million dollars and full pardon be set free in the society

    the matches wuld be aired in the tv the companies and joe rogan wuld make a lot of money people wuld be entertained everyone wuld be happy

  34. In the age of super-boredom
    Hype and mediocrity
    Celebrate relentlessness
    Menace to society

    Razor-sharp tongue-in-cheek
    Poking in your open sores

    A wolf in sheep's clothing
    The ultimate disgrace
    Wrapped up as a gift of god
    Exploding in your face

  35. Theme Songs for SW RegularsNovember 27, 2011 at 6:05 AM

    Bluebirds Theme Song

  36. THE SOCIO ANTHEM!!!!!11

  37. Michael Martin PlunkettNovember 27, 2011 at 6:23 AM

    what i find funny is that everyone thinks of them selves the exceptional individual everyone else is the grey mass

    nobody is of the mediocrity they wuld rather starve to death than face the reality that they are the mediocrity the grey mass nothing special about them

  38. Theme Songs for SW RegularsNovember 27, 2011 at 6:25 AM

    Scelli's Theme Song

  39. "I paraphrase Erving Goffman, when I say: being a good ill person, a good patient, is conforming to the expectations of the healthy, not to be offended or polluted by your illness. When you have begun to get praise for your behaviour, then you know you have achieved the status of a conformist. A sick conformist. An ill conformist conforming to the demands of the healthy majority who can not, will not, wills not to see the fate that awaits us all".

  40. Theme Songs for SW RegularsNovember 27, 2011 at 6:39 AM

    Zoe's Theme Song

  41. DatedafemalesociopathNovember 27, 2011 at 6:44 AM

    This is an awesome website! The reason I found it is because I dated a female sociopath and I was curious about them. She was diagnosed as Antisocial and everything! I tried to help her and love her and be her friend but she was always really mean after the initial stage of the relationship. Thankfully we didnt date for long.

    I have a question for the sociopaths, Whenever you pick out your victim do you usually try to antagonize them? It seemed almost like she wanted to see how far she could go before I struck back! But Iam proud of myself because I ALWAYS stood up to her and she even ADMITTED that she had lied to me once when I didnt know she did!

    Do you guys get "plesure" from being antagonistic and pushing peoples buttons?

    It's just weird because I read alot about socio's using the covert agression but hers seemed more like overt agression, is that common? I thought they didnt like people knowing that they were sociopathic so why would she act that way?

    I DID tell her I knew she was a sociopath and she was kinda shocked! She looked at me like " What the fuck? How in the hell did he know that? And after that I still wanted to be her friend only but she did the common sociopathic disappearing act.

    Is there anybody who can help me? Iam an "uber-empath" and I want to be more knowledgable about this condition.

    Have any of you ever told anybody you were a sociopath? What was their reaction?

    Also, have you ever been identified as a sociopath when you were trying your best not to?

    I wanted to come here and make some friends but somebody told me that people dont really like making friends here.

    Thank you to anybody who can help me! Also, if you have ANY questions (seriously anything) that you would like to ask an empath I will answer honestly and candidly. Thank you.

  42. Datedafemalesociopath = Zahwq

  43. Abrasive is telling people the truth, notme? You catty little cunts. I don't give a fuck if all of you are crying because my wife insulted you. I'm glad. Especially on you medusa. You always argued with me and called her weak. Apples to apples and you are the one who is looking pathetic. You have sunk so fucking low that you are siding up with the same victim brigade that witch hunted after you for being abrasive. How quaint. I'm happy that SW is shaken up by my wife's arrival it makes me proud. Look at all of you who are crying. A bunch of single women who sit around in your own bitterness. When's the last time any of you even got laid? Maybe that's your issue Truth, Medusa, Notme, and Ami. Maybe all of you just need a good fucking. The other day you were arguing about deserving to get raped. I think you want to get raped. At least you would have a more active sex life than the one you have right now.

  44. At least switch up your writing style Zhawq.

  45. lol, Themes, the Barbara Streisand choice cracked me up. Is this aspie sense of humour?

    wv: faspie

  46. ukan is losing his touch.

  47. Theme Song for SW RegularsNovember 27, 2011 at 7:12 AM

    I am not an aspie lol

  48. Ukan

    We are woman see us roar
    In numbers too big to ignore

    laughing our fucking asses off



  50. Well good morning, Moby Dick.

    Indeed I'm crying, your desperation is hilarious. You're not even making any sense anymore.

  51. "ukan is losing his touch."


    Now let's have more poetry!

  52. Zwhaq Disguise your spacing lol


  54. Medusa how is your vajajay?

    Did you have to replace all of your guitar strings?

    And more importantly , did you take a nice cool zsitz bath?

  55. You mean there isn't a (part4) to Young love? How disappointing.


    You're last statement to me, was equally as interesting. You nailed it in a way I wouldn't have thought to.

  56. As a matter of fact anon, I had a bidet installed last night and my "vajajay" is fine.

  57. Why are u all so stupid?

  58. I am going to go get some Taco Bell...

  59. Is that your way of saying you're hungover, Sweets?

  60. Anonymous Anonymous said...



  61. Hello idafs. What was your experience with this girl?

  62. 747
    because life makes you feel too tired to try harder to be smart here.

  63. Oh I see, anon 753. And yet you insist upon commenting. You're boring the rest of us, you know. How does it make you feel knowing that?

  64. Yes Eden and my arms fucking hurt from shooting yesterday. Want me to pick you up anything ;)

  65. It's ok. I should know it's time to stop by now. I think I have to get a life like everyone else here. Thanks Sceli. I'll try harder not to do it.

  66. Ha ha ha UKan
    You have a life, now, when everyone hates your wife. You think we are stupid.

  67. UKan = Hitler of SW.

  68. C=Contagious

    My outrageous, contagious, creative and kingly cock will have it's day.

  69. My wife can take care of herself. Not everyone hates her. Only people who can't stand the fact that she loves me. My wife makes the most of her life and succeeds in everything she does. Her insights into human behavior surpass most people here. If she offends you, tough.

  70. agree, Moby Dick was more suited

  71. Why? When you feed his ego, it guarantees entertainment.


  73. You sound deflated ukan.

  74. Anonymous Ukan said...

    My wife can take care of herself. Not everyone hates her. Only people who can't stand the fact that she loves me. My wife makes the most of her life and succeeds in everything she does. Her insights into human behavior surpass most people here. If she offends you, tough.


  75. everybody hated luke, is that because he made people cry and got under their skin? nope, it was because he was a condescending asswipe. there's no difference with mk.

  76. "condescending asswipe"

    did you misread the name of this blog?

  77. UKAN WISDOM SPOKE ...November 27, 2011 at 8:16 AM


  78. Deflated. Ha ha ha. In your mind. I have 3 business meetings today after the lake. I'm conserving my energy. My wife was up all night massaging me so I'm mellow. You people and your jealousies are pathetic.

  79. UKAN WISDOM SPOKE ...November 27, 2011 at 8:21 AM


  80. I really don't get what the problem is. I like MK.

    Bring your Taco Bell this way. I've got another hangover remedy for you.

  81. who is Luke, up your asss? the one who hated his fiance? Did he have a child with her and was too weak to tell her he wanted out, so he complained here?

  82. Theme Songs for SW RegularsNovember 27, 2011 at 8:23 AM

    Edens Theme Song

  83. Deflated. Ha ha ha. In your mind. I have 3 drug deals today after the lake. My bitch was up all night massaging for free me so I'm mellow. I'm stealing her energy. You people and your jealousies are pathetic.

    wv: crato

  84. I kind of like her, too. She just grates on some people, I guess. Some people have that effect.

  85. "my arms fucking hurt from shooting yesterday."

    Shooting what? Heroin? Bears?

  86. Anonymous up your ass said...

    everybody hated luke, is that because he made people cry and got under their skin? nope, it was because he was a condescending asswipe. there's no difference with mk.

    Fucking YES

  87. Don't flatter yourself UKan, nobody hates your wife. It's a simple matter of being able to take what you dish out. It's called having a backbone, which neither of you do. Too much massaging perhaps...

  88. Themes for SW RegularsNovember 27, 2011 at 8:29 AM

    MK's Theme Song With Lyrics THIS time

  89. I was still a virgin at 15, Themes. You pick a lot of old school artists. Are we showing our age?

  90. Eden

    sounds way better than what i am doing right now

  91. I am watching cartoons curled up with a blanket on the couch :D

  92. lmho at eden's theme.

  93. DatedafemalesociopathNovember 27, 2011 at 8:43 AM

    Why does everybody think Iam somebody else? lol

  94. that Maury's story is an example of selling out for a few bucks. Big bucks. Do you think he wallows and misses his past straight approach to journalism. Not on your life. He has a family and a fancy wife to maintain. What happened to her anyway?

  95. Eden's REAL Theme songNovember 27, 2011 at 8:47 AM

  96. "Shooting what? Heroin? Bears?"

    shotguns do make you sore anon

  97. I asked you what your story is, did'nt I? Now go ahead, idafs

  98. 'Abrasive is telling people the truth, notme? You catty little cunts. I don't give a fuck if all of you are crying because my wife insulted you. I'm glad. Especially on you medusa. You always argued with me and called her weak. Apples to apples and you are the one who is looking pathetic. You have sunk so fucking low that you are siding up with the same victim brigade that witch hunted after you for being abrasive. How quaint. I'm happy that SW is shaken up by my wife's arrival it makes me proud. Look at all of you who are crying. A bunch of single women who sit around in your own bitterness. When's the last time any of you even got laid? Maybe that's your issue Truth, Medusa, Notme, and Ami. Maybe all of you just need a good fucking. The other day you were arguing about deserving to get raped. I think you want to get raped. At least you would have a more active sex life than the one you have right now'

    lol Ukan, or U really Kan't, classic, predictable reposte. It was your wife who came here and started waving around that chip on her shoulder, and it showed, and that's what made her unlikeable. You honestly think she's made me cry? Me? Do you know the last time I cried and the reason for it? No, you don't, and it certainly wasn't because of her. LOLS. I ignore most her posts cos they just don't interest me. Maybe if she'd not been so presumptious and set in stone about the things in her head, she'd be more liked. It's as simple as that. And why bring my sex life into this? You also want to know the last time I got laid? Lol. Like I said, play school Ukan. Play school.

  99. Ukan if your wife acts this abrasively in real life, there is NO way she could be successful. That makes me think that this is an act.

  100. Theme Songs for SW Regulars said...
    Zoe's Theme Song


  101. 'You mean there isn't a (part4) to Young love? How disappointing'

    Lolssss. :D

  102. The ex-Psych thought that men who were kind, considerate to women (especially pregnant ones) were weaklings. He was afraid of being perceived as effeminate. Yet he had a HUGE lisp and ogled men. He also had a crush on then-governor Gary Johnson.

    He liked being considered a beast. After the final D&D, when I told him that my friends HATED him, he smiled and relished it. He didn't mind that raging at me to the point of tears publicly made HIM look bad. He didn't mind being considered a bully. Some Ns/Ps take great care in cultivating their public image, make themselves look GOOD in front of strangers... while being monsters behind closed doors.

    I was baffled when I listed his positive qualities during the final D&D, and he angrily said I was channeling MY positive qualities onto him due to my low self-worth. He'd say he wasn't worth my tears, and that he talked about his family in order to look human. He once said in class "You're the Beauty, I'm the Beast."

    He didn't mind being deemed monstrous. He liked it.

  103. No theme song for me? Am I too boring lol

  104. Caroline, you can take my theme song "Why Don't We Do It In The Road"


  105. Too boring or too insignificant Caroline.

  106. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

  107. I have arrived to share my dickish insight.

    Cock is a great supplement for a headache.

  108. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

  109. Now, before the beloved Cockmaster leaves, who wants to beg for it?

  110. UKan Klassic said...
    Abrasive is telling people the truth, notme? You catty little cunts. I don't give a fuck if all of you are crying because my wife insulted you. I'm glad. Especially on you medusa. You always argued with me and called her weak. Apples to apples and you are the one who is looking pathetic. You have sunk so fucking low that you are siding up with the same victim brigade that witch hunted after you for being abrasive...

    you reduce MK's position with every word you type. Medusa's wit is the machete to MK's scouring pad.

  111. Christ sucks cock.
    Jesus sucks dicks.
    God sucks penis.
    Mary sucks all of the above.
    Shaft kicks ass.


  113. Ukan's inner misogynist is shining through...I bet he tells his wife how to dress when they have male visitors over and tells her that make up makes her look tarty lol :P

  114. Zoe (listening to sounds of SW)November 27, 2011 at 9:47 AM


  115. @ 9:46

    As long as the make-up covers the bruises, lol!

  116. Fat kid screaming

  117. I just beat the crap out of my dog with a water bottle. No lie.

  118. Anon 9:49

    That's it, ahah! :P

    He probably demands that she refers to him as king and cook him steaks.

  119. Where's Cockmasters theme?
    Or Zoes?
    Or Kaos?

  120. "He probably demands that she refers to him as king and cook him steaks."

    As he should.

  121. Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”
    Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.

    “Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. As he began the settlement, a man who owed him ten thousand bags of gold was brought to him. Since he was not able to pay, the master ordered that he and his wife and his children and all that he had be sold to repay the debt.

    “At this the servant fell on his knees before him. ‘Be patient with me,’ he begged, ‘and I will pay back everything.’ The servant’s master took pity on him, canceled the debt and let him go.

    “But when that servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred silver coins. He grabbed him and began to choke him. ‘Pay back what you owe me!’ he demanded.

    “His fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay it back.’

    “But he refused. Instead, he went off and had the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt. When the other servants saw what had happened, they were outraged and went and told their master everything that had happened.

    “Then the master called the servant in. ‘You wicked servant,’ he said, ‘I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?’ In anger his master handed him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed.

    “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart.”

  122. Sounds of SW: MisanthropeNovember 27, 2011 at 10:01 AM

    MR2 5S-FE unsettling sound 9-15-11

  123. I'm sexually repressed.November 27, 2011 at 10:02 AM

    I'm sexually repressed.I'm sexually repressed.I'm sexually repressed.I'm sexually repressed.I'm sexually repressed.

    I'm sexually repressed.I'm sexually repressed.I'm sexually repressed.I'm sexually repressed.

    I'm sexually repressed.I'm sexually repressed.I'm sexually repressed.I'm sexually repressed.

  124. I love Jesus good story forgiveness is always better! Anger is a heavy burdon on the heart if someone has one.

  125. The one above is Missus.

  126. @ 9:55

    Yep, steaks on a small hibachi. "On your knees bitch. King wants some steak."

  127. Anonymous Piles the Beaver said...

    Too boring or too insignificant Caroline.

    That hurts, Piles lol

  128. @Sexually repressed.

    Don't worry Missus. We understand. You need cock.

  129. Sounds of SW: EveryoneNovember 27, 2011 at 10:04 AM

    The Most Disturbing Sound In The World

  130. haha suck it missus a little vomit never stopped you before

  131. Ukan Have Some Great Ideas Blah BlahNovember 27, 2011 at 10:06 AM

    I think Missus should do what a lot of women do to controlling men....Cut of his dick, cook it into a stew and feed it to the dog...Works like a charm! :) Have fun..

  132. All the king comments are coming from Xbox geeks who couldn't get a gf in high school so they now bitterly feel women 'owe' them something for 'neglecting' them in high school.

  133. ThemeTheme Songs for SW RegularsNovember 27, 2011 at 10:09 AM

    Piles Theme Song

  134. Anonymous Ukan Have Some Great Ideas Blah Blah said...

    I think Missus should do what a lot of women do to controlling men....Cut of his dick, cook it into a stew and feed it to the dog...Works like a charm! :) Have fun..

    Fuck yes lmfao

  135. Michael Martin PlunkettNovember 27, 2011 at 10:11 AM

    i got bored of waiting for my theme song so i made my own

    listen to the words it is a good 1!

  136. Medusa LOL these are classic! haha

  137. Damn, I don't have a theme song, either. I guess I am on my best behavior, here. You should see Gary, unmasked.

  138. Missus must remember that when Missus refuses to expect more of myself, Missus is just avoiding inevitable disappointment.

  139. Right ZERO

  140. LOL

  141. Gary, you can have may theme song "Why Don't We Do It In The Road?"


  142. "LOL"

    That's pretty accurate.


  144. Anonymous Anonymous said...



  145. Theme Songs for SW RegularsNovember 27, 2011 at 10:32 AM

    A Moral Bing's Theme Song

  146. Missus is the sort of person who loves the smell of her own shit and insists that it's much too grand to have a foul stench, rather it's perfumed.

  147. i love smelling my farts!

  148. lol, no. Missus is the sort of person who shits everywhere but refuses to clean it up because we should just feel honoured in her shits presence.

  149. Missus is too deluded to recognize when she should get out of shit.

  150. Theme Songs For SW RegularsNovember 27, 2011 at 10:38 AM

    Theme song for Hitler Youth

  151. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    lol, no. Missus is the sort of person who shits everywhere but refuses to clean it up because we should just feel honoured in her shits presence.


  152. Ladies don't fart, they fluff air biscuits.

  153. She's not deluded. She knows exactly where the shit is. She just lies that it's not there by scuffing it under the carpet with her foot in an attempt to hide it.

  154. It is not a problem if one shits rainbows like Nyan Cat.

  155. I stand to differ. It's not SW it is Ukan who's shaken up by the wife's arrival. Ukito, shake it off, sweetie pie, shake it off.

    "I'm happy that SW is shaken up by my wife's arrival it makes me proud."

  156. UKanfuck, fuck her sometimes, she is trying to take her taking her fristration on SW. Ask David to send some viagra your way and don't forget to drink a lot of water while on it.

  157. I think other people are judgeing me, the way I am always judgeing them. If I weren't so judgemental, I probably wouldn't worry so much about what other people think. But judgeing other people is one of the few ways in which I can feel superior. So I really am quite stuck.

  158. UKanfuck, fuck her sometimes, she is trying to take her taking her fristration on SW. Ask David to send some viagra your way and don't forget to drink a lot of water while on it.

    November 27, 2011 10:48 AM
    Anonymous missus said...

    I think other people are judgeing me, the way I am always judgeing them. If I weren't so judgemental, I probably wouldn't worry so much about what other people think. But judgeing other people is one of the few ways in which I can feel superior. So I really am quite stuck.

    You are in a pickle lol

  159. Ukannotpreach thought SW is his church. Church of drugs. That's how he gets rich, making a difference in the society, by hurting the innocent, motherfucker, speaking of which tell us about your mom?

    Your wet dreams of your mommy, Ukanwetdown, tell us about those.

  160. Ukan said...
    My wife can take care of herself. Not everyone hates her. Only people who can't stand the fact that she loves me.
    November 27, 2011 8:11 AM

  161. far too funny bit, lmaoNovember 27, 2011 at 10:57 AM

    Ukan said...
    My wife was up all night massaging me so I'm mellow.

    November 27, 2011 8:18 AM


    dah dah dahhhhhhh. This should cause some debate.

  163. now its getting hot with mommy wet dreams

  164. Since I don't like myself, it doesn't make sense for me to present my true self to others. If people knew the real me and liked me, I would think they were idiots. If people got to know the real me and didn't like me, it might damage my ego. This is another reason why I should try to remember to never be myself.

  165. all this projection is making my wanka soft

  166. This is my opinion of Missus, not that anyone is asking. I think she has good things to say but THINKS she has to act like a sociopath because she is on a sociopath blog. Even most of the sociopaths are not nasty and in your face, as you have been, with all due respect. Missus, you just have to be you, not some fake bad ass imo.

  167. Gary, go ahead unmask your inner assassin. Give us the theme song you would choose.

  168. Take it to Cockmaster 11:06

  169. I love when I wake up and my fingers still smell like sushi

  170. notme that video... yes, curious what you think, also what haven/eden/medusa/sweet would think. Save mk (you just shut the fuck up, mk, you've proven to be not trustworthy and simply codependent and narcissistic, not bpd)

  171. Why is everyone hating on me? Jealousy is a green eye monster.

  172. I think we should let go of the missus bashing now. I think she's got the point. I'm sure she's decent enough really. The internet turns us all into bitches sometimes. :P I'm hardly a saint. :)

    See ya laters navigators.

  173. Grandiosity --

  174. Blue fur is such a pain too keep up with :(

  175. I think people should learn to do hyperlinks. That what I think. Now if you'll excuse me; I need to go cut myself so I remember what it is to feel.

  176. Muppet, you are perfect just the way you are, for this Puppet.

  177. @ Nikita

    No, I don't think I rate a theme song. Someone stole my identity and turned me in to a fool lol

  178. Can I exchange my theme song? It grates on me. Can anyone get Franklin a new song?


  179. Frank needs a massage

  180. Anon 11:43

    How would YOU like your song to be "Why Don't We Do It In The Road?"
    It makes me look bad, frankly.

  181. I think mk learned nothing, just like ukan, these are very simple forms of beings who can come out here and brag about getting rich over selling drugs. how can you teach anything to people like that? they'll keep doing what they've been doing in their true socio and its money-hungry bitch wife form. hopefully, when ukan goes in jail there will be enough on mk to follow him to jail.

  182. Theme Songs for SW RegularsNovember 27, 2011 at 11:51 AM

    @ Frank, we can have an exchange like a gift exchange. Whose song do you want? They have to take yours, though.

  183. Gary, fucked excuse. I don't buy it. (Just a cop out-lol) Pick your song or you are truly a fool.

  184. 11:43 likes Frank, agrees with Frank, suggests "Relax" by Frankie Goes to Hollywood, but does not think that Frank will like this song either.

  185. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I think mk learned nothing, just like ukan, these are very simple forms of beings who can come out here and brag about getting rich over selling drugs. how can you teach anything to people like that? they'll keep doing what they've been doing in their true socio and its money-hungry bitch wife form. hopefully, when ukan goes in jail there will be enough on mk to follow him to jail.

    They are stupid idiots.

  186. a six fingered man would make some pianist

  187. goddamn i just did a long response to u anon about the video i posted. Fuck, it's gone. :(

    basically imo, it's a personality extreme, not a disorder, but the symptoms that it creates sometimes need to be treated. Depression, bipolar 2, anxiety etc. Pills and therapy can help people in difficult times. But i'm not in therapy anymore (only went to about six sessions my whole life, four of those after diagnosis) and i'm coming off my meds now. Believe me, these things can help, and mental illness is real. But I'm an extreme personality that just happens to be disordered a lot of the time. So, he is talking crap basically. And he even contradicts himself. Whether it's a personality 'type' or 'disorder' is irrelevant when someone is having a mental breakdown.


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