
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Going places

From a reader:
I just wanted to thank you for writing your blog. I've only read a handful of posts so far but it helps to know someone out there has ASPD and is willing to write about it. Not those guys who think they are badass and have no feelings. You really understand the disorder as do I, also your post on sociopaths loving helped me realize I'm not crazy and other sociopaths do love just like I have.

The briefest way to explain my story would be that ever since I can remember I never felt like everyone else did. I remember being a child and watching people in real life or tv shows always with real people trying to mimic the way they react to certain situations. I understand complex human emotion fairly well and can mimic it perfectly at times I just don't feel it. In fact i'm so good at it sometimes I stop and think to myself, wow do I really feel that and the answer is always a slight chuckle and a no. I'm only 20 so I'm young but I know if I don't start doing something with my life now I never will and it really doesn't bother me. I find I lack motivation I mean yeah it'd be great to have a job and go back to college and get a career and have a sucessful life but I don't really care. These things get people nowhere I think they just don't see that because they are driven by emotion. I do what I have to to survive beyond that why bother.

I just know that I will benefit from going somewhere in life.
I said:
I think it's harder for us in part because we see the pointlessness of certain typical endeavors like being an office drone for the rest of our lives. On the other hand, there are certain things that it actually does help for us to try to do or be better about, so I understand your desire to go somewhere in life. Did you see this post? It's what has worked for me. Other than that, I would say just try to use your skills of manipulation on yourself--incentivize yourself, trick yourself, make a game of life, that sort of thing.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm going to shit on this post, now.

    The briefest way to explain my story would be that ever since I can remember I never felt like everyone else did. I remember being a child and watching people in real life or tv shows always with real people trying to mimic the way they react to certain situations. I understand complex human emotion fairly well and can mimic it perfectly at times I just don't feel it.


    I've always done the same shit.

    Some people have a hard time 'round here distinguishing intelligence and/or existentialism from ASPD.

  3. Don't you feel bored living like that?

  4. Psycheforums needs a major clean out of wannabe sociopaths.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. He is trying to justify the reason why he is a bad situation financially.

    It's done all the time.

    "I'm a minority so people are holding me back."

    "I'm too stupid."

    "I'm (lame excuse)"

    The best solution is to stop looking for reasons not to better yourself. Even people with ASPD know they need to blend in with society with a job/college. Even if it's ill-gotten and temporary.

  7. My Awesome Name HereMarch 26, 2011 at 9:02 AM

    Sometimes I have like, role models and copy celebrities and stuff because I'm, like totally misunderstood. Life's like, oh my God, really boring because I'm not rich or famous ugh. So when I pretend I am it cracks me up because I'm, like, just so random hehe! But, yeah, basically I don't give a shit because, like, I'm ironic and not some mainstream sociopath sellout like you lame douchebags.

  8. This link is interesting to me because it almost looks like these "uber empaths" are actually more similar to sociopaths.

    The mirroring ,the intense, devouring accepting love..

    That sounds like my ex. I have a big time fault, if you ask me. I told him and then said, "Is this the last time we'll see each other?", and he said: "I'm a very patient man." Actually, it felt good, but I didn't trust him. Something felt off. I think he felt similarly, actually. Most people would go on to try to fix me, or ask stupid questions. He didn't. He said he'd been dating women "like" me his whole life. I said I ONLY date neurotic men! But eventually, there was little "patience." We got involved too soon, and there was a lot deception, self-deception, and ideation. My question to ME would be: What's the difference between an uber empath and a sociopath? This is confusing.

  9. I just love how everyone around here attacks and feeds off vulnerability like lions on a fresh zebra.

    What is the opposite polarity to power folks?

    Winner gets a trip for two along the Libyan coast.

    Just a thought . . . integrated leadership (power and powerlessness) understands the truth and purpose in extremes . . . and everything inbetween.

  10. I don't know what the fuck you are talking about, Souldeathtosw. Can you please answer this anon's question.

  11. What exactly is your description of "ideation" anon

  12. I liken it to putting someone on a pedestal.

  13. I am out to lunch. Call me when I am done. If I never get done, you, my anonymous friend, can go fuck yourself, as I rarely say the truth anyway.

    Ha ha ha aha hhhhhhhhaaaaaa!

  14. Wtf does going to Libya have to do with sociopathy, Soulpath?

  15. Don't you feel bored living like that?

    How can one be bored when it's so much work?

  16. I was addressing the post Khuntina, dearest. I did not see anon's question. That's a funny name. Souldeathtosw.

    Ok then, great question . . . What's the difference between an uber empath and a sociopath?

    How about answering the question with what is SIMILAR. Anon actually addressed it. "The mirroring , the intense, devouring accepting love . . . deception, self-deception, and ideation"

    I believe there is a mirroring which goes beyond the 5 senses between the two. Its frightening as much as intoxicating. And the most difficult thing to control and understand. Science aside, at some level its a mystery. That is why the arts can put its complexity into some expression. Yet that is not the point of the journey.

    Its the ride.

    My advise . . . have gratitude for the experience, pinch yourself that you have the privilege of the gift of life and have the courage to make some more mischief.

  17. Wtf does going to Libya have to do with sociopathy, Soulpath?

    I just thought it would make a wonderful vacation incentive for the winner who could answer my question.

  18. The opposite of Power?

    The obvious answer might be Helplessness.

    But I say Faith.

    Which is a power more powerful than power. It's what keeps most people alive.


  19. "wow do I really feel that and the answer is always a slight chuckle and a no."

    This made me smile. - It's not much more than a week ago that I published an article exactly about this phenomenon.

    I think that those of us who are really good at this - at mimicking emotions - probably all have had this experience at least to some degree and in some form.

    For me it's mostly in relation to music. I have to be actually performing (I sing, mostly... that's the only music form I'm good at) for it to happen. It's not enough to just sit and listen.

    Somehow mimicking/enacting these emotions can create that fleeting effect your reader describes.

    It was when I wrote about it that I realized I do in fact not feel these things. But I've actually been under the illusion that I did, and I used to be offended when psychologists told me it wasn't 'real'. lol

    To the Reader who wrote that mail:

    Welcome to a New Chapter of Self Understanding!

    You will hopefully find that it can be quite an interesting, and sometimes even exciting, journey. Personally I'm enjoying it, even as it sometimes presents issues that are less entertaining.

    Good luck!...

  20. "The obvious answer might be Helplessnes"s.

    "But I say Faith."

    BINGO! Medusa wins a trip for two. Bring Note!

    Faith is in fact an aspect of vulnerability as defined an an unwavering and flexible inner strength.

    Example: If I am beaten down by life and circumstances to I have the balls not to claim "victim" and see it all as a game and jump back in.
    That is why we adore UKan. He embodies this.

    Zhwag, yes, its fun to slice through illusions like a samurai troubadour!

  21. My most favoritest:

    Most people live dejectedly in worldly sorrow and joy; they are the ones who sit along the wall and do not join in the dance. The knights of infinity are dancers and possess elevation. They make the movements upward, and fall down again; and this too is no mean pastime, nor ungraceful to behold. But whenever they fall down they are not able at once to assume the posture, they vacillate an instant, and this vacillation shows that after all they are strangers in the world. This is more or less strikingly evident in proportion to the art they possess, but even the most artistic knights cannot altogether conceal this vacillation. One need not look at them when they are up in the air, but only the instant they touch or have touched the ground–then one recognizes them. But to be able to fall down in such a way that the same second it looks as if one were standing and walking, to transform the leap of life into a walk, absolutely to express the sublime in the pedestrian–that only the knight of faith can do–and this is the one and only prodigy.

    — Johannes de Silentio (aka Søren Kierkegaard)

  22. Stephen Roberts,

    I don't know you, so I also don't know if you are a Sociopath/Psychopath/have AsPD.

    The point I want to bring up here is that this young guy 'Reader' - he who wrote the mail to M.E. - he picked M.E. to confide in for a reason.

    He and M.E. has more in common than being male. To merely be male is not enough in order to advice every young male - you said it so well yourself. :)

    So since it seems that you obviously know this already, I will assume that you are in fact "one of us".

    You don't state this as a fact, of course, which is understandable.

    Hence let me just say it's good to see there're a more 'of us' out there who're willing to spend a little spare time giving advice to those whom the established belief says can not take advice (an obvious fallacy).

    Finally, when that is said, the rest is up to each individual advice seeker.

    Nobody can tell somebody else who to trust or to not trust (unless they have their confidentiality already).

    - But we all know how it is with people looking for easy prey - from various perspectives (sex, f.x.).

    So yeah, I guess that while giving you a word of appreciation - in the assumption that your intentions are genuine - I am also taking the opportunity to leave a few words of warning! ;)

    Be well!...

  23. Zhawq, sometimes I wonder if you are a high-functioning autistic. I'm not implying a snark or a judgement by that. Just making observations.

    Mr. Robert's comment was pure spam. He probably didn't even pay attention to what the blog is about let alone the current topic.

    He probably just did a keyword search (I'm guessing "testosterone") on Blogger and is posting the same shit wherever he can in order to sell stuff.

  24. ...and I'm quite sure he won't be back to read your reply.

  25. Agreed. There is something wrong with spock I mean zhawq.

  26. He misses a lot of cues, that's for sure.

  27. He finds the most boring shit interesting. Aw well at least he'll never get bored.

  28. Shhh, he's gonna do a note and change his whole style, to fit in.

  29. Oh, shut up guy(s). You've got some gall saying, "There is something wrong with ____" on SW of all places.

    Also, he's very different than Note, I don't see him being as lame as that.

  30. What does lack of empathy mean to you?

  31. Medusa:

    "Zhawq, sometimes I wonder if you are a high-functioning autistic. I'm not implying a snark or a judgement by that. Just making observations."

    Haha, I guess that had to happen sometime that someone would say this.

    I have an acquaintance who have Asperger's Syndrome and have looked a bit into that condition. I don't understand what Autism is. However, he doesn't have any doubt that I am not an Autistic, high or low or otherwise.

    I could tell you an amusing story about me and Autism, but I think I'll wait a bit and post it on my blog. ;)

    "Mr. Robert's comment was pure spam. He probably didn't even pay attention to what the blog is about let alone the current topic."

    Most likely. I don't care. I've seen what I mentioned taking place elsewhere and simply had the urge to make things a little harder for these guys since I know they're around and his post could represent a typical one.
    It's nothing personal, call it mischief. :)

    Anon 11:48:

    "He misses a lot of cues, that's for sure."

    If 'he' is 'me', then I'll tell you this:

    I don't miss your cues, I deliberately ignore them.

    My cues are what's in the blog post, not what some anonymous guy writes on the comment board.

    I don't invest any emotional attachment here, the 'tuff guy' competition I see daily is not enough to trigger excitement, or whatever it is you kids feel, in me.

    I'm not trying to put you down, I'm just telling you the truth.

    There're a few genuine people around (Medusa is one of them, be she a Sociopath or not, that's not the point), and on occasion I respond to those.

    Occasionally I make fun of some anon line if it takes my fancy.
    Frankly, I have nothing against you or the others, but you mean nothing to me.

    That's why I don't bother with your cues.

    If you want to know more about 'what is wrong with me', visit my blog. It's all there, I hide nothing in that respect.

    Anon 11:53:

    "Shhh, he's gonna do a note and change his whole style, to fit in."

    Haha, yeah exactly! And I'm going to force you to teach me to do everything EXACTLY the right antisocial sociopathic way, lol. Please, tell me how to be a REAL socio! :D

    I actually do change style frequently as it takes my fancy. ;)

  32. I love how how any kindness or warmth gets misinterpreted as weakness, you evil bastards.

  33. My cues? what are you talking about? I was talking about cues in general. half the time you do't realise when something is a joke. and i've seen you miss alot of other very obvious things as well. of course you have no way of knowing what you miss, so i wont torment you over it.

    and BTW nobody expects you to form deep emotional attachments to people that you've never met, or even seen. jesus get a a grip!

  34. Sociopaths are the opposite of aspies. Aspies value truth sociopaths are liars, aspies like animals, sociopaths are indifferent to animals or may even abuse them, aspies aren't malicious, sociopaths are extremely malicious.

  35. I am dating two men. One aspie, one sociopathic. I could write novels.

  36. The guy bellow is about to tell Zhawq that he's a faggotMarch 26, 2011 at 3:02 PM

    Zhawq, you're a faggot.

  37. I think all socios are bored faggot gays. It's a favorite word around here.

  38. Anon 2:38:

    "My cues? what are you talking about? I was talking about cues in general. half the time you do't realise when something is a joke. and i've seen you miss alot of other very obvious things as well."

    No, you have not seen me miss anything. Again, I am doing it deliberately. Do you understand what that word means?

    "of course you have no way of knowing what you miss, so i wont torment you over it."

    By all mean, go ahead!

    "and BTW nobody expects you to form deep emotional attachments to people that you've never met, or even seen. jesus get a a grip!"

    In order for you to bother and pick up on cues and show that you have you need a minimum of attachment. That is what attachment is. It doesn't mean you have to love people, but you must have SOME interest in them. Otherwise showing that you picked up their cues (in general or otherwise) is meaningless!

    YOU get a fucking grip!!


    "Sociopaths are the opposite of aspies. Aspies value truth sociopaths are liars"

    Exactly. Now tell me, how do you know that I am lying or being honest?

    You don't, for I am intellectually your superior. I would be able to play you to kingdom come if I wanted to. But I do not.

    Now start your flame war if you must. I see you're as much in the grip of your emotions as are normal, empathic people. One just has to find your weak spot, but you have shown it to me freely.

    Thanks, but I am still not interested!

    "I think all socios are bored faggot gays. It's a favorite word around here."

    Congratulations, you've learned something new.

  39.'re a faggot!

  40. What is the opposite polarity to power folks?

    seeing someone's weakness is a high compliment, and also the best way to manipulate to get what you want. When you can see another's point of view, you can accommodate them and yourself at the same time.

  41. Pwned by Zhawq, all of you. And me, I suppose.

  42. "Sociopaths are the opposite of aspies. Aspies value truth sociopaths are liars, aspies like animals, sociopaths are indifferent to animals or may even abuse them, aspies aren't malicious, sociopaths are extremely malicious."

    research to back this up, please?
    This sounds like a crock.

  43. ^If this is true then my ex was a socio AND an aspie. or autistic?

  44. We are all just a pile of sticks, misanthrope?

  45. Fuck off you cunt. Sociopaths don't shave.

  46. I say we all spam his shop.

    Click the "Contact Us" link.

  47. @ water cooler on thorazineMarch 26, 2011 at 9:20 PM

    When you do mischeif a lot, you are not ever lonely.

  48. No, sw needs shavers with logos, yo. Get this guy back!

  49. Branded straight razors.

    To his balls.

    He will never forget SociopathWorld.

  50. I sent my girlfriend to that faggot to get me a deal for my new legit operation. We got his stuff, she and I had sex in front of him so. He didn't charge us. So easy to manipulate these freakin fags

  51. to shave or not to shave testicles; That is the question

  52. LOL

    If only that was the real UKan he'd be in on this with me.

  53. I tried to shave his balls and ass. He wouldn't let me. There was a total lack of trust. Is he a socio?

  54. Yes, Brandy. You are on the right track, here.

    Email me at so we can discuss this further.

  55. ok. See yas later. Kesu you are hot.

  56. Love: If you can feel it, you will only feel it once. Everything else is: "manipulation on yourself, incentivizing yourself, tricking yourself."

  57. Love: if you can shave it, you will feel it once. Everything else is: "faith in yourself, glamorizing yourself, and doing mischeif so you are never lonely.

    Stephan Roberts b e w a r e!

    Ha! He deleted his first post! Tail between unshaven legs.

  58. He deleted it because he's a moron who fucked up his own spam link so he had to post again like a faggot.

  59. "unshaven legs."

    helps to self- manipulate into NOT having sex.

  60. I just finally saw the link to the
    Theroux show on the medicated kids.

    Holy crap.

    Seroquel? Really??????

    That kid is not even psychotic! It's fucking criminal!!!!!!

    I have to post something, because I am so fucking appalled.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. "Soulmating is having the faith to consciously learn the risky dance between closenesss and distance..."

    -Mark Perlman

    'swhy the joos break the glass instead of saying "Till death us do part"

  64. I don't think he is using it as an excuse. None of you even know an 1/18th of this kids story. All you know is "allegedly" he has ASPD and that he struggles with a desire to follow one path over the other in life. Look at it this was, he can be a carpenter, a writer, a painter, an orange grower or a pilot. However he does not yearn for one over the other. It makes no difference within him which one he chooses. Think about it everyone says do what you love, he loves nothing. the fire inside him does not burn for anything instead it just smolders waiting for something to come along, waiting to feel something, anything.


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