
Friday, March 25, 2011


Conversation with a friend:
Friend: Is he trying to manipulate me? In some sociopathic way?

M.E.: I don't think he's socio, if it's true what he said about feeling jealous during group sex with his ex-girlfriend.

Friend: Really? Are all socios not jealous? That can't be true, can it? Because jealousy can be about ego, largely, no?

M.E.: Ego, maybe, if a favorite of the sociopath seemed to prefer someone else, a sociopath might see that as a personal affront, but there's no real jealousy sexually -- no hang ups about seeing someone you like having sex with someone else if you know they like you better. It's just sex.

Friend: Well, he was specifically upset that she seemed to like giving oral sex to his friend. I can see how it's very different than just sex because she's actively doing something.

M.E.: Eh, I still don't think he's socio, and a lot because of the sex thing.

Friend: Do all socios hate sex?

M.E.: No, they don't hate sex, they just don't love the things about it that most people love. It's like golf.

Friend: Heh

M.E.: A lot of waiting for other people to finish . . .


  1. That last line was great, ME. Kudos.

    I wasn't jealous during my first threesome, if anything I found it all a bit ridiculous.

    I wonder if a Narc would be jealous. I'd imagine that if this person who has apparently sociopath traits got in a rage over sharing a partner, there's the distinct possibility that he's either fine (just a jerk) or Narc.

    Adam, you're our self-proclaimed poster boy of NPD. What say you?

  2. Weird. I've never met a guy who treats sex as sport. Sociopaths are such freaks.

  3. always waiting for people to finish.

  4. I wait and wait, and wait, and fucking wait.

    Then i take it out on the whore later. It's like she's cheating on me with herself. Selfish.

    But what am I supposed to do if i wanner around to do stuff for me.

    Somethings you have to sacrifice. Tis pity she's a whore

  5. "Tis pity she's a whore" ??

    Ha ha ha

    Adam's Aunt is teaching literature to you...

    Kharma, Adam.

    Just sayin'

  6. What's to be jealous of in group sex? The whole point is you go into it knowing both you and your partner will be involved with other people? Getting jealous seems counterintuitive.

    Sounds like someone didn't wanna sound like a pussy, (because aren't all guys supposed to fantasize about a threesome?)so he got himself involved in a situation that made him feel insecure.

  7. Who the fuck has casual conversations about being a sociopath? LAME!

  8. i like beepers but prefer saucepots

  9. The illusion of jealousy:

    Once upon a time the last available move in the game was giving a person a tattoo on their face with a knife.

    Well ok, perhaps that's just a bit of preference talking. Should I have gone through with it, would you consider me a jealous person?

    I believe jealousy does exist because I've seen it and I've inadvertently produced the feeling in others as well as when required by strategy, but I am firmly confident the game of labels is an adult version of pin the tail on the donkey.

    Why does this game always end up as the blind leading the blind?

  10. Of course I'm here you slut

  11. Australia has the hottest girls on the planet. Case closed.

  12. Jealousy in a narc is a result of the suggestion that he may not be good enough, that he is far from the idealized image in his mind.

    Imagine an 80 year old narc asking a 30 year old to fondle his crippled little softie and a few minutes after this disgusting feeling in her hands asking her again if she likes 'it.' Narcs are that clueless. True story.

  13. I dare you.


    Two weeks later Mandusa joined SW.


  16. Havens Teenage YearsMarch 25, 2011 at 8:21 AM

  17. Hey guys, did you know that ME is a woman?

  18. 'Of course I'm here you slut'

    Hey, deranged arsehole, why not grow up for five minutes? Just a thought.

  19. in a perfect world we will have mass brain scans for you animals, we will be able to kill you once we do that.

  20. slut and and hello carry the same value

  21. @notme ... Expectations of maturity, especially from anons that are to cowardly to identify themselves, is probably too much to hope for. But you're here so it's all good.

  22. no mercy for the weak

  23. did you watch my video at 8:11 notme?

  24. lol, yeah Haven. My pleasure. :)

    Anon, no i did not watch any of those videos, since i'm pretty confident it's not gonna be something i wanna see. But thanks for the concern... ;)

  25. Yes, jealously exists.

    Can be used as a tool. When the "in love-heart/loin pull" chemicals are at their height, everyone, I don't care where you are on the spectrum, wants to possess.

    I get the lack of general interest in sex and the depth it can bring to those in the spectrum. I am either hot or cold myself.

    I do like people. I like to be well connected. And I savor my time alone.

    I have taken aspies to swing clubs. I have watched a socio friend create a master web with it. I have been played. ;-)

    All work on the impulse or the possible withdrawal of pleasure. Get a target addicted to this and you have the upper hand.

    Yet sex is just sex. Who you trust and want to spend time with or who you want to control because they serve some need is different.

  26. I find the science behind love and sex and the games very playful. Kinda lights up the brain in me.

  27. haven show me your tits and ill leave you alone.

  28. @Soulful ... "I find the science behind love and sex and the games very playful. Kinda lights up the brain in me."

    Couldn't agree more.

    "Wants to possess" I'd add...or be possessed to that.

    Jealousy, sex, the interaction and manipulation of it, it can certainly be tool, or a weapon, depending on how it's weilded.

  29. as soon as the videos started my heart was pounding very heavily, and I was feeling a huge shame in the name of humanity. While I have quite a fascination with high-functioning socios who want to play mind games for winning and possibly letting some others win in the process this pure wild animal low functioning sociopaths are giving me back pain and stress.

    In one of the videos two bullies take on a group of more than five initially. If the others decided to jump on the bullies immediately the bullies would have no chance, but nonbullies really do act like sheep. I am ready to attack shit as soon as I see it coming, and I feel I will be erring at times and perceive an attack when there isn't any but that beats being bullied in my mind.

    in another video a girl is bullied by having her cut and the whole time she is trying to remain calm and cool, having her water, no sign of resisting, nothing... huge denial.. I'd grab the scissors and act like losing my mind and wanting to stab someone. that'd shove those older girls away.

    but, of course, this I say only after watching the video. good to be exposed to shit to recognize when it hits your way later.

  30. did you notice how men blame you wanting to control when all you are doing is preventing them from controlling you? I guess technically they do feel controlled because they are not able to do what shit they had in mind. But, to me controlling someone is not preventing what they want to do to me, that to me is controlling my environment, not him. Controlling him would mean I want him to do something that I want. Am I off on the definitions here?

  31. I watched the first vid. It's just some kid getting his tonsils ripped out.

    Sometimes I feel like other people have something that belongs to me and I have to think of ways to get even, take it back or just take it away from them. I especially felt like this when I was a kid. I can make an enemy out of anyone and turn any situation into fight, sometimes without others even realising. I don't care if you know you've pissed me of or not. Once you've made the list you're staying there. My view of the world is that anything I want I also deserve. It's the kind of attitude that every right minded person should have. Getting jealous doesn't really come into it. It's more about just getting, and getting back. I love revenge even when I don't get much out of it.

  32. The bully one is hilarious, it's like something I would do, the tonsil video will be disturbing for a newb.

  33. Ambivalent sociopathic loverMarch 25, 2011 at 12:23 PM

    Golf . . . alot of waiting for other people to finish.HA! How profound ME . . .

  34. Yes, I thought golf analogy was great too. Reminded me how I enjoyed early ejaculation because intercourse after five minutes is where I start yawning. Cut it off a few times in the middle, unwilling to wait. Guys who thought lasting longer was what I wanted were way off.

  35. Excellent documentary about a serial murderer with a suspected IQ of 160, most likely a pathological lie.

  36. Have you heard of Daniel Johnston?

  37. Are there actually people like that walking around? Scary

  38. "It's just some kid getting his tonsils ripped out."

    lol. like thats just a regular everyday thing. lolz

  39. Daniel Johnston is bipolar.

    I tell you about a sociopath.

    Dov Charney of American Apparel, Terry Richardson's doppleganger. I knew him vaguely at one point several years ago. He just had a few more claims filed against him (including sex slavery), and I believe them all, despite his claims of extortion and people trying to 'ruin' him.

    A friend of mine inadvertently was in attendance at one of those 'bedroom meetings' and left highly disturbed, not only for his sex addiction, but also for his lame-ass way of running business.

    That's saying something, considering the fact that my 'friend' is quite a bit fucked up himself, and is not a stranger to the porn industry.

  40. scary right away that they were tying his legs, arms, covering his eyes. no anesthesia. that's not normal.

  41. charney.. .

    canadian-jewish entrepreneur fascinated with americans.. says wiki.

    so, tell us more, what specifically disturbed your friend out in the bedroom about the canadian?

  42. anyone who watched that clip without feeling for that boy is a fucking ice cube. even a normal socio would probably be all like yeh that's some fucked up shit. its not just some kid getting his tonsils ripped out its down right evil. and then the woman at the end is all like yeh my heart breaks when i have to do this. yeh right you nasty bitch fuck you. they could have knocked him out some other way! fuck! that shit is wrong.

  43. I think Alcala is a narcissit.

  44. The dude had style for a maniac.

  45. My friend had a business meeting with Dov at his house one time. Dov kept disappearing to go have sex on the stairs and other places around the house. Some kind of crazy impulsive shit. Friend was annoyed for having to sit around for hours during these many sex breaks. Dov gave friend tour of house and showed him with pride his 'sex rooms', which were dedicated to just that.

    And this wasn't even his main house, just the one he had when he was in LA.

  46. The quotes around "friend" would be correct. As he is a total douchebag as well.

  47. The real sex lives of the most twisted and or creative people are most experimental. Add an abundance of money and all the rules go out the window. Add a socio and there will be slaves involved.

  48. where is this party?

  49. @I got your number

    Not at all. You imply that all socios want sex slaves.

  50. i think what is weird is to take a sex break, like a cigarette break. how much experiment can you really get out of one stick, four holes, two tongues, twenty fingers, and twenty toes?

  51. sorry, make that five holes

  52. What a wonderful friend there, M.E., haha!...

    "A lot of waiting for other people to finish . . ."

    Oh you're so polite, M.E.! :D

    M.E.: "We like sex, but in a different way than normal people do!"

    Friend: "I see, you hate sex. Why do you hate sex?"


    "I wonder if a Narc would be jealous."

    One of the most prevalent emotions that Narcissists experience on a daily basis is exactly that: Jealousy! And you bet it's fierce too!


    I can tell that you lack purpose in your life. You almost certainly also lack self esteem. I know you're emotionally hurting. But even though I'm generally very sympathetic towards most people, I can't be so with someone such as you.

    You are a very sad example of the animal we call The Human Species, and I believe that somewhere inside that hateful heart of yours you know it. If sometime you should have the guts to look at yourself you'll see I'm right!

    Sad, sad, sad!...

    And by the way: Good luck, you can start with yourself! For you display the traits of the most despicable type of Sociopaths there are.

    You're funny, because you can't see you're hating something you represent the worst kind of - in other words: Yourself. HA!

    And guess what: They (that's you) are often our favorite prey and first choice when we feel the urge to rid the world of some not needed harmful scum.

    Ps. That was your 10 sec. of fame in the Sociopath Community. Bye bye!

  53. A wolf? Seriously? How banal.. put a picture of a cut up corpse while your at it.

  54. Look! How! Exciting! My! Posts! Are!

  55. seriously, zhawq, you need to learn to write shorter, particularly because you don't say much. tiring my eyes, man

  56. I! Also! Like! To! Make! My! Writing! Style! As! Camp! As! Possible!! Now bye bye boys! Please continue with being HOT HOT HOT *blows kisses*!!!

  57. Anon 8:11:

    "I dare you".

    Thanks for the link, I actually didn't have that website bookmarked. But I don't have time to find interesting videos for you. You know how to look for videos, so please be content with a thanks. :)

    And yes, that goes for all of you guys for providing a virtual fountain of links this day!? ;)

  58. "Thanks for the link, I actually didn't have that website bookmarked. But I don't have time to find interesting videos for you. You know how to look for videos, so please be content with a thanks. :)"

    HAHAHA that is how zhawk argues, you can't be THAT fearful of conflict?

  59. "Ps. That was your 10 sec. of fame in the Sociopath Community. Bye bye!"

    LOL, you could be digging a ditch somewhere, Zhawq. the bigger personalities on this blog sweep you under the carpet.

  60. I didn't think i could get PTSD from going online!

  61. The fake version of you stood up for me all the time.

    I actually wanted to believe he/she were real.

  62. No, that was me.

    I generally only sign into my blogger account for one of two reasons:

    1. I want to post something I may want to delete at a later date, or

    2. Someone starts using my name, which is pretty rare.

    I'll stay signed in until the log-in expires. After that I just type Medusa into the name field.

  63. I didn't know I could get Bella from going on line!

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. I don't click those links. I can smell its intent. Predatory instincts come in handy.

  66. I read Bella's comment as a statement about SW in general.

  67. There is good stress (excitement) and bad stress (fucked up).

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. ...good.

    Anon, say something interesting while i'm gone. Entertain the people. :D

  70. "I don't care if you know you've pissed me of or not. Once you've made the list you're staying there."

    I can't relate to this at all. Grudges. I don't understand them. I understand getting even, and paying with interest so they don't forget, but grudges? No. It makes no sense to me.

    I don't have a Shit List. I have a To Do List.

  71. I've never been one to hold grudges.

    Now, though, as it become clearer to me that most people really just do not change, it's much easier for me to hold them.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. I attract best friends who hold longtime grudges. I must be the balancing act on that one, since I do not hold them for long. I see the amount of energy they put in their revenge speech and its perplexing. I am a great audience. I dread watching their anger turn to self-destruction.

  74. To clarify, by 'grudge' I don't mean anger... I mean loss of respect.

  75. Where does respect go when it is lost?

    Danger Will Robinson . . . danger!

  76. Typically, down the shitter.

  77. "I see the amount of energy they put in their revenge speech and its perplexing. I am a great audience. I dread watching their anger turn to self-destruction."

    I say one should either be angry, but stay 100% polite, or be angry and be open about it (either with a mature conversation or an honest, open attack).

    I just can't stand passive aggressiveness. It's idiotic.

  78. wohhh, backup im a complete match to everything sociopathic that i have read but i disagree, if one of my favorites is doing anything with anyone else its not about jealousy i dont want them back, it just angers me beyond belief, cause i know i have to get away or i will probably physically hurt someone. lol that includes her, you cross a socio, and your in trouble. I love to have three ways or group sex with random people but never with a favorite... maybe im the only one to feel that way, or maybe im just convinced i feel that way. Wouldnt be the first time.


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