
Monday, July 16, 2012


I'm obsessed with it. I have poor impulse control and no moral compass. After I got sick of making crap decisions and dealing with the fallout, I started making decision-making a personal religion.

I have talked before about how economic efficiency is a serviceable prosthetic moral compass. I have also suggested that sociopaths study aspects of decision-making, particularly game theory, to learn how to better harness their sociopathic skills for their benefit.

Of course, decision-making is only as good as the information on which it is based. Luckily sociopaths can display amazing amounts of insight into how the world works.Llike the color blindness of many predators, our inability to see the distractions of the full emotional spectrum and subtleties of social norms can actually improve our ability to stalk our prey at night, or flaws or patterns in the social construct. I have such an uncannily accurate ability to gauge probabilities, to discover patterns in everything (including human behavior), that I sometimes appear psychic. I empathize with people like Cassandra, actually, because although my predictions are frequently accurate, I mostly end up keeping them to myself -- No one even wants to believe them. Sigh.


  1. i have such an uncannily accurate ability to gauge probabilities, to discover patterns in everything (including human behavior), that i sometimes appear psychic

    I thought you hated narcissists? On one hand you admit to making bad decisions and on the other you have superhuman perceptive abilities. If decision making is only as good as the information which it is based aka. perception, what explains your bad decision making if you being a sociopath paints everything in such a clear light? I would say your view is more skewed then the normals around you. As you said to Thunderball, the symptoms of your illness are fucking with the way you view yourself and the world around you. Just like stupid people think they are smarter then everyone around them, you think you are more perceptive because you are more stunted.

  2. My own series of “bad” decisions began when I started seeing my personality differences as flaws that needed to be corrected, if only I could find the right religion/philosophy/marriage partner/career and so on. So I kept jumping into and out of groups and relationships with this bit of maladaptive programming running in the background. Needless to say, I failed to become something I wasn’t. Clarity resurfaced when I stopped trying to see the world and other people thru the normiopath’s eyes and started using my own instead. And with clarity comes improved (defined in this instance as more adaptive) decision making.

  3. Clarity resurfaced when I stopped trying to see the world and other people thru the normiopath’s

    You guys talk about clarity but never about the improvement it supposedly brings. Did your quality of life improve? You said to Thunderball that you were bored. That doesn't sound like you are satisfied. Boredom is a result of depression.

  4. You guys talk about clarity but never about the improvement it supposedly brings. Did your quality of life improve? You said to Thunderball that you were bored. That doesn't sound like you are satisfied. Boredom is a result of depression.

    Good question. Actually I’m working on stabilizing that clarity now. I’ve been chasing my own tail for so long that stopping hasn’t been easy. It’s become an unfortunate habit. I’m still in the process of ‘deprogramming’ myself as it were. The periods of clarity are lasting longer as a result of said process.

    In the meantime, a confused, ‘dog chasing its own tail mindset’ created the life I’m living now. I am indeed bored with it, yet I haven’t quite settled on how I want to leave it behind. But one major improvement is that the options I might have considered once upon a time are no longer on the table because I now see them to be the dead ends that they are. That’s one of the improvements I’ve experienced from the increase in clarity. And depression… well I’ve done suicidal ideation and despair and that’s no longer an issue. I frequented despair for years as a matter of fact, until I stopped. That was my first successful effort at ‘deprogramming’ myself. It was hard as hell, doing it without the benefit of medication, therapy or any other kind of external support, but I did it. I’m equally confident that I’ll successfully ‘deprogram’ this other gunk as well.

    And I don’t know that I’d equate boredom with depression. I don’t think boredom is a result of depression, at least not in all cases.

  5. I’ve done suicidal ideation and despair

    What stopped you? Did you feel anxiety associated with your depression? Do you get anxiety over things like going to the dentist or surgery? It is good you are pushing through fixing the things you consider effecting the quality of your life. Sorry for asking these questions. You seem to give more honest answers then everyone here. Do you really consider yourself to have sociopath traits? I know sociopaths do have a decent rate of suicide, but the juxtaposition that of sociopaths ME gives and the medical community gives is hard to wrap my head around.

  6. What stopped you?

    I did.

    Did you feel anxiety associated with your depression?

    A couple of years ago the depression got so bad that suicide became a serious option. And by serious I mean I bought a gun and bullets. I knew I had to stop the thoughts which lead to the feelings. I went to war with myself, so to speak, until the those thoughts stopped being associated with depressive emotions. And it worked. I haven’t felt that way in over 2 ½ years.

    Do you get anxiety over things like going to the dentist or surgery? =

    No. I have commented before here that I had a phobia of dogs that I picked up as a child. That stayed with me until I became an adult. I stopped it pretty much the same I stopped the depression. I have noticed that frustration and rage are far easier for me to feel since I stopped feeling depressed.

    Do you really consider yourself to have sociopath traits?

    Yes. I’ve been reluctant to actually say I AM A SOCIOPATH. It’s clear to me that I don’t fit the stereotype for one. Two, despite my ‘debate’ with Peter Pan, I understand full well that no label will describe all of an individual’s character traits. Three, as I’ve also mentioned before here, there is no clear and commonly agreed upon definition of what a sociopath is and is not. If you see the defining trait as a lack of guilt the way Robert Saltzman does from, then you’d say that I am a full fledged sociopath. If you see sociopaths as essentially the same as psychopaths and therefore use Robert Hare’s criteria, then you might ‘diagnose’ me a sub-clinical psychopath. If you’re familiar with the dark triad theory, you’d locate me along that spectrum as a Machiavellian. If you think I’m full of shit about this altogether, you’d tell me I was a schizoid. Or, you might just tell me to have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up. Fortunately, my opinion of myself is by far the most important one to me.

    I know sociopaths do have a decent rate of suicide...

    Hmm. I wasn’t aware of that.

    but the juxtaposition that of sociopaths ME gives and the medical community gives is hard to wrap my head around

    That's because the medical community, along with the larger community they represent, has a vested interest in seeing people who differ markedly from the norm as pathological, especially sociopaths. And there’s also the fact that they are viewing those they label as sociopaths from the outside while M.E. on the other hand is presenting an inside view. There would necessarily be a big difference between how an outsider views a sociopath verses how a sociopath views him/herself.

  7. Do you feel anxiety over anything anymore? I have read sociopaths can mistake excitement closer to an adrenalin rush as anxiety. Have you ever felt this way?

    If you’re familiar with the dark triad theory

    I'm not familiar with this. I'll google it, but do you have any links that might be of help?

    Sorry for all the questions. This is the last bunch. :)

  8. I think everyone here is confusing the difference between primary and secondary psychopaths. Primary's would more then likely not be here, show no anxiety and no interest in learning about themselves. Everyone who claims to be a sociopath here is more then likely a secondary psychopath. They exhibit the same amount of anxiety or more and have issues with boredom. Secondary sociopaths are more reactive, thus explaining the impulsivity or bad decisions ME is describing in his blog post. They are just a likely to be thrill seeking but their lifestyles lead to depression and suicide.

    Primary psychopaths are biological. They are the ones with no inhibitive nature. They will steal from those close to them and take what they want no matter the consequence. They completely lack introspective capability and are more likely to land in prison.

    Secondary psychopaths are a mix of environment and genetic factors. They will consider the consequences in situations where they can take pause. If they are confronted with a situation that causes frustration or anxiety they are more reactive and will interestingly enough react more violently. Where as a primary will react much as if he had time to mull over the situation, with cold calculation and only self interest in mind. Secondary's are more likely to bring everyone down with them if presented with a situation with no options.

    I hope this clears up your questions anonymous. Feel free to add or disagree Daniel. I always find you enlightening.

  9. This book explained it pretty well for me. I've linked directly to the page that describes it all. I feel lots of anxiety over thing from dating to the dentist.

    Handbook of Psychopathy By Christopher J. Patrick

  10. I said, "They exhibit the same amount of anxiety or more and have issues with boredom." I need to correct this. I meant to say, secondary psychopaths show as much or more anxiety as normal people. They may even show hyper anxiety. Something thunder seems to show through his writing.

  11. Something thunder seems to show through his writing.

    I wouldn't say I have hyper anxiety. I do feel anxiety, but can calm myself pretty easily. That was one of the main reasons I wasn't sure if I was a sociopath. I don't feel any anxiety when I'm in a bad situation, just before. The anticipation is the worst, after, not so bad. How the fuck do I show it in my writing, by the way?

  12. Do you feel anxiety over anything anymore?

    Well no, actually I don’t experience much anxiety in my day to day life, if by anxiety you mean experiencing a sense of general unease, worry and/or nervousness without an identifiable cause. If by anxiety you mean do I ever feel anything at all approximating fear than yes. I am easily startled for instance and heights make me dizzy and I get nervous before singing in front of an audience. Those feelings are never overwhelming and they’re pretty easy to turn down. But I think that’s probably true for most people or else nothing would ever get done.

    Do you suffer with anxiety?

    I have read sociopaths can mistake excitement closer to an adrenalin rush as anxiety. Have you ever felt this way?

    I can kinda see this. Sometimes fear and anger and excitement feel the same to me physically. I don't know what, if anything, that might mean though.

    I'm not familiar with this. I'll google it, but do you have any links that might be of help?

    Try this one:

    Sorry for all the questions. This is the last bunch. :)

    If you apologize one more time I’m going to track you down, cut you into pieces and have your heart for dinner with a nice red wine.

    KIDDING! Seriously, no apologies necessary.

  13. To anonymous at 3.39:
    I don't think many of us knew about this, but certainly the fact that the word "sociopath" is used at least makes it clear we are talking about something different from criminal psychopaths. Although it's not completely acknowledged, "sociopath" is usualy a milder term than "psychopath", which one could guess that is used to describe secondary psychopaths.

  14. "I wouldn't say I have hyper anxiety. I do feel anxiety, but can calm myself pretty easily..."

    You say a sentence about thunder he'll write a paragraph back defending himself. This guy is hilariously fun to play with.

  15. You say a sentence about thunder he'll write a paragraph back defending himself. This guy is hilariously fun to play with.

    I guess I'm a chatty mother fucker.

  16. hi not sure why my post from earlier vanished. I was asking whether a sociopath believes the crap they dish a victim during the devalue and discard phase or whether they're consciously aware it's crap as they dish it.

    Also what is gained by the S from devalue and discard since it ultimately destroys the parasitic connection.

    If you delete, please kindly let me know what I've said wrong so I don't waste time posting again :)


  17. Dude, I saw your post under a different thread. Doesn't hurt to have a healthy dose of paranoia on a sociopath site, though, does it.

  18. A S believes the crap they feed to others and themselves. They think they are being master manipulators. In reality, short term lies sometimes fit together into something more and sometimes don't. Their great wins are a crap shoot.

    A S gains nothing from the devalue and discard except for small feeling of power. Like hurting someone is a exclusive ability that should be reveled in.

    You have to remember that sociopaths are stopped developing emotions very young. So they have the same emotional maturity a toddler has.

  19. So when my ex calls me "pedo", "adulterer" and "pervert" (all these true of her not me) she genuinely believes it.

    I think she convinced herself but only because it is so easy for her to do so. She doesn't care about the negative consequences of falsehood because they don't affect her. She benefits so much from falsehood (by playing the victim and distracting observers from her thieving and duplicity), therefore accepts falsehood readily as truth.

    In terms of the poor outlook for devalue and discard I see what you mean. The emotional maturity is so limited they cannot look ahead and continue to seek instant power gratification. They cannot see the destructive long run. Like a parasite sucking too greedily and killing the host instead of regulating supply. They don't care because they latch onto the next host as the body slumps to the floor.

  20. "I have such an uncannily accurate ability to gauge probabilities, to discover patterns in everything (including human behavior), that I sometimes appear psychic"

    For some reason this just made me think was Columbo a sociopath?

  21. I see ME's point. Our egos get in the way of perceiving things well. I developed a part of me, in my pre teens. I lost it when I went numb, but am getting it back. It is a way that I can flip into someone else( or out of myself, and then flip back)
    It is a mechanism that makes my own needs, how I look, what people think of me, etc---all that noise--go silent. I am noticing it, more and more, as I learn to sing. I get into that space and throw myself out there. I don't care if I look stupid or sound stupid.

    Mine does not last long and I have to keep doing it. Sometimes, I get overwhelmed with my own ego and can't.
    However, when I can, I have that precise kind of clear sight that the article talks about, I think.

  22. For Kany
    Back to what we were talking about yesterday. A person has to have access to all the tools in the toolbox. If not, they are emotionally stunted and/or have a PD. The tools include tenderness and strength. There is a time to slap someone's face. There is a time to walk away. There is a time to open your pockets to someone. There is a time to refuse to do so.
    For me, I needed strength to fight back. I suppose retribution is the right word. However, once I sharpen this tool, I will probably not use it very much, but having it to use is essential.

    If you understand all of this, you understand me.

    1. So what if I told you I'm doing the same thing? Sharpening the same tools? Am I still nasty and you're not?

    2. Well, explain, in more detail, what you are doing, so I can answer? I have opened up my purposes, on here, because I want to heal. If you want to change/heal, you will be open, in the same way imo

      OTOH, if you don't want to be open, I see this as more evidence that you want to mess with me, rather than have a viable discussion.

    3. I've been open. More open than you've been. Raven knows my faults better than yours. From my own text. Just be caused you missed it doesn't mean its not in the archives. And my motives are to be honest and open with people. To help them, as I stated. Medusa called me insulting, remember? So why do you get to be nice when I get to be nasty?

    4. "Get to be nasty" You CHOOSE to be nasty. I will get retribution when someone attacks me as Eden, UKan or you did.
      I won't be nasty/get retribution to someone who comes on here to ask questions etc. I won't go after someone who does not attack me, first, is my point.
      One is defensive. I can't attack people like you do, as I could not live with myself to be nasty like you are.
      I think it is repulsive. Even your question, above, makes no sense. The fact you have to ask something like that makes me feel you have no connection to yourself.

    5. You can't imagine it because you're reactionary and defensive, and everything you do is in response. You aren't smart or strong enough to make a preemptive move, and you hate that you think that's what I do, even though it isn't. I just say whatever I think when I think it, and you could never do that so you call it nasty because you hate yourself and the garbage you measure up to. That's why you're the abuser, not me. And you can't comprehend it.

    6. Our motives are the same Monica, so what demon fairy determines mine are wrong and yours are right, besides your own judgement?

    7. Man, you are convoluted. You can't follow a thought, a concept or an idea in any logical way. Your understanding of Psych is virtually nil. It is a waste of time to talk to you. Adios

    8. Lol. You always discard what I say when I get close to what you are. And you just tell me I'm confused. Well, think about it Monica. Everyone is a stones throw away from anyone else.

    9. Monica,

      Don't run. kany has a ligit question. What determines someones motivation to actions as right or wrong?

    10. Kany
      You are so fucking confused that it defies logic. I mean I will take one simple thing you have said. "You wanted to marry a drug dealer"
      Who wants that?

      You say you are proud that your husband is a drug dealer. He says he would sell to school children and not care and you are proud of him

      How does this all fit? I am trying to understand you, although you are one of the most off putting people I have ever spoken to.

    11. What kind of drugs are we talking here and is this the only means by which you all make a living, Mrs. Kany?

    12. To me, Gungy, I believe in the Bible, so that would be my standard to aspire to follow( but a man could never do it, perfectly) I know Kany will take that and try to twist it, so I beat her to it.

    13. I see... how long have you been visiting this site Monica?

    14. Monica, I've learned more from my husband and his environmental education brought into our relationship than I have learned from anyone in my life, ever. So whatever was wrong with my five year old brain gave me what I look for in life: information and knowledge. You can't understand that because you make moral conditions for information that narrows your education to people you agree with. I'm open minded to a fault. To the loss of my identity and morality perhaps.

      So who are you to tell me that my happiness is wrong? That my place in the world's balance is worse than yours. Destruction is as necessary to the world order as death is to life. So why is one more significant? Does god not teach us we are sinners and a part of that spiritual battle? That will rage on for eternity.

    15. My mother is a Malignant Narc. I have been coming for a while. I tried running from the subject i.e someone with low empathy, but I could not get on with my life. So, I decided to try to understand empathy and PD's, not that I have the greatest emotional health, as I don't.

    16. I'm not twisting, I'm saying that that balance, if god exists, was made by god, and we were mad to fit into it, and to never be able to surpass the evil within us, or the good.

    17. Kany
      You are so convoluted. I don't say this to be a jerk, but I need a break from talking to you. Maybe, later, I could try, again.

    18. You run from yourself, Monica, not me. And you call it distancing yourself from negative influences, but really, you only run from ever growing up.

    19. You're an addictive sort of challenge Monica. If I can make you see what you will not, I can save the world.

    20. Monica, a while doesn't give me exactly what I want... but regardless, you need to leave this site for your own sanity. You are not a savior. You can't "cure" or "help" anyone here. People have to have a need to be saved to have a savior; they need to be sick to be cured; and there needs to be a problem for help... all the self proclaimed sociopath's here either are or aren't, but either way none will see a problem, a sickness, or a peril to be saved from.

      So, I stand corrected: Run Monica, run as fast and as far as you can for your own sanity.

    21. If I can make you see what you will not, I can save the world.

      Is that part of the appeal with your husband as well?

    22. Gungy
      I don't come to save people.
      I come to save myself.

    23. Sister, this ain't the joint. You truly have put a mouse (yourself) in with a bunch of cats; or at least a few kittens trying to be cats.

    24. Damn Kany
      I will save you the trouble. I want to think clearly, not in a convoluted way, as you do.

    25. That is brilliant Ell. I think we all do that. We want to make what didn't work out in our childhood, work out in our adulthood.

    26. Kany
      You know what is so gross about you. You think there is some redeeming value to saying whatever is on your mind. I am sure you do not do that in real life, or you would have a fist in your face. It is not charming. I know you think you are charming, but it is the opposite of being charming, actually, as people with true charm have a sense of other people, and do not act like an insensitive clod.

    27. Kany
      Your convoluted thinking is so distorted. Why? You have to be trying to defend something. That is how convoluted thinking comes about. There is some root inside the person that is all messed up. It is from the sense of self.
      Your sense of self, true sense of self, must be puny. It has to be. Your true sense of your own value must be like a vapor, a gust of wind.

      I bet if anyone says one little insult, you melt like the Wicked Witch, into a puddle.
      In fact, I know you do, but you would never admit it.
      You go and hide from SW, if anyone insults you. For all your bluster, you have self esteem the size of a pea.

    28. Monica is right.

    29. Anon 4:21 is

      How sick is that! Cow shit and horse shit - all together.......

    30. Wow, struck a nerve. Actually, don't be so sure. I have few acquaintances and friends who value and appreciate my honesty. I take honesty well and with debate.

      Ell, no. I cat save my husband, and I meant it for my goals toward psychology. If I can make Monica "see" I could fucking fly. My husband sees well enough and I'm not fixing my father with him. I have my father for that if I want a challenge, which I chip away at occasionally like Monica.

    31. Kany
      You are totally convoluted. God Forbid, you ever get a Psych degree and get near a patient.
      As for me, I don't want anything you are selling. Your value to me is to see a totally fucked up person trying to defend herself.
      I do learn by that. That is why I am here, in part.

    32. Wow. That's the most fucked up thing you've ever said.
      My value, and others at sociopath world, is to see us defend ourselves? You know, ukans way of putting it is that he likes to see people writhe, but I can see you're going for subtlety by replacing writhe and like with learn and defense.

  23. I can see how this works both ways. I can kind of illustrate the idea with games. For example, I have no patients for chess. That would be the 'poor decision making.' I can't see how it's worth my time so I through everything out there to capture the few pieces that I can with no regard for those I may lose.
    On the other hand, when playing card games (or really most anything that doesn't waste as much time or thought as chess) I find that powers of observation are extreemly helpful. I payed my way through uni with gambling money. ..but, as they say, it's not gambling if you never loose..
    ME has already discussed how the average empath is so easy to read; being perceptive of them and those around you is just an extension of that.
    I think that most socios can be both fantastic and horrible decision makers, it just depends on how much work they want to put into getting the decision right. If it doesn't matter to them, or at least not at the time, they can totally blow it. In the same way, if they're not willing to put thought into it it's going to be hard to get it right. But with all, or even HALF, the effort any given socio can put to a task involved, they're sure to make the right choice.

    1. I didn't realize you needed patients to play chess, what are you a chess doctor?

    2. Ah, yes I am. You've managed to find my true profession.


  24. Interesting. I would also agree my critical thinking ability seems to be just a little quicker than most and usually a bit more intuitive. This has allowed me to make few mistakes, even fewer twice, and cover for most the mistakes I've made. Birdick back at 10:44am, I believe, mentioned his "bad" decisions have something to do with him seeing his personality differences as flaws and then trying to fit to a mold; I can relate. My worst decisions have come from me trying to fit somewhere far longer than I should.

    1. I am surprised you came back, Gungy lol

    2. Although it was rather boring last night, why wouldn't I come back?

    3. Most people don't

    4. Gungy,
      Gee, M.E.'s articles on his thoughts are never quite
      as arrogant as your posts - he/she appears to be a
      kinder and more gentle human being. See, M.E. your
      hard work is working for you........

    5. Anon: I come here; I throw lines; I get bites.

    6. Gungy
      As opposed to M.E. - he shares his flaws and makes us thinks.......

    7. I don't want to make you do anything. I want you to want to do things. Think if you'd like (you should); play with me if you will.

    8. Ah, we're trolling with chop for what kind of sea monster?

    9. I'll know it when I see it.

    10. You wouldn't know a monster if it bit you.

    11. Again, I thought you said you wanted to be friendly... or is this like playful punches with the guys in the back yard playing ball?

    12. I'm just being honest. That is friendly. I'm polite with people I don't like.

  25. I am fairly certain I fall into a category that could refereed to as not "Most people". he he.

    1. Well, your anal exam is not over, probably.

    2. Childish, also

    3. I didn't realize it had begun. Fair questions about my past and legitimate inquiry into why my opinions are what they are is hardly an anal exam. And you do know that as an examiner is doing the exam, the examiner is being examined as well.

    4. Anon;

      I take anonymous posts for what they are. When they become pointed jibes I assume they are attempts to illicit a prescribed response, I begin to think the Anon a coward. Just saying.

    5. Gungy
      It's rather sad that your mind can not grasp the fact
      that you made jibes in a previous day, perhaps? Stick around if you think I am a coward.

    6. Since you are an Anon, who is going to know who you are lol?

    7. Monica,

      May we return our conversation to books?

    8. Sure, I just ordered 50 shades of Grey.

    9. You said you enjoyed Catcher In the Rye; why? What about it do you find appealing?

    10. I know you can fall into a category of most people, quite comfortably. As all people do. And rejecting that you do makes you ignorant, not special. Everyone is special here and we all have our own labels. So you're going to have to prove yourself. We aren't playing your game of cat and mouse. Like you said, your fishing, but you don't know you're doing it in a small boat with the wrong bait to bring I what you expect.

    11. I'm a big fan of "of Mice and Men"
      Haven't done catcher in the rye. Is it worthwhile? I'm questing a new classic.

    12. As I said Mrs. Kany: Throw a line, get a bite

      Thanks for the nibbler, but I just might throw you back... perhaps just not a big enough catch for my personal standards.

    13. Monica: We might get to discuss books one day.

    14. I will be back, in a bit Gungy.
      Kany, think about this. UKan would call Lenny a retard and make fun of him? How do you reconcile things like that?

    15. Lenny?
      Right. You're in control, I forgot. So seriously, I'm open to book recommendations. And since you consider your opinion invaluable I'm askig you if you have any favorite classics.

    16. I am trying to figure you out, Kany. I don't understand certain things. How can you be sensitive to a book like Mice and Men and laugh at retarded people or support a husband who does?

      I am not trying to be a jerk. I will gain nothing from that. I would like to understand, so I can figure out people in my own life( and myself, as well)

    17. American, English, or Western world literature all together?

    18. I don't laugh at retarded people. I Value the individuality of mental disabilities, of all kinds, including sociopathy as a psychological issue that lends to individuality.

    19. I prefer English, though I'm on a current Fitzgerald kick. And all together would be grand.

    20. OK Kany
      Well UKan laughs at retarded people. Does that bother you? What do you do with that and still respect him? Again, I am not trying to be a jerk. I am trying to understand you, as I said.

    21. I did not enjoy Catcher In The Rye. Kid has a fucking attitude problem.

    22. Fitzgerald's only real contribution was Gatsby, IMO. American: Faulkner's "Absalom Absalom", Steinbeck's "Canary Row" ("Of Mice and Men" was excellent as well; and Lee's "To Kill a Mocking Bird" are all top personal favorites of mine. English: I am a Dickens fanatic; Shelley's "Frankenstein: or The Modern Prometheus" and Orwell's "Animal Farm". As for the rest of western classic author's: Alan Paton's "Cry the Beloved Country" is fantastic and I have a thing for Dochevsky when I'm feeling a little masochistic.

    23. I was wondering if I might be fortunate to Ellicit a response.

    24. I don't laugh at retarded people. I value the individuality the mental disabilities provide. You cannot have good without evil. I value balance and uniqueness Monica, like the uniqueness of a personality disorder, say.

    25. I hated Frankenstein. So cliche. And I love Fitzgerald's shorts. Their light and insightful into an underground aspect of society and people. Animal farm is amazing, and I've read to kill a mocking bird, and I remember liking it, but I don't remember it. The others I'll have to look into.

    26. In light of recent accusations and revelations, I think I may just have to change my opinion of you Mrs. Kany. You may prove interesting after all.

    27. Gungy
      Your anxious to talk of books with Monica, aka. V,
      How to Help PD, Themes, Eric and Frank, anon's and
      many, many more under disguised names but you better
      hurry as she is 50 yrs old.......

    28. Dochevsky?

      Ha ha, you're such a fake. There is no writer named "Dochevsky" and your other choices are from high school English class.

      And I really really doubt you've read Absalom Absalom all the way through.

    29. My apologies. I was spelling as it sounded out in my head. I am still a little confused that you the ALL MIGHTY MEDUSA could not make the slight jump in translating my Russian (can you believe I have never had a class?): Dostoevsky is the correct spelling of the name.

      And yes. I did read Faulkner's book all the way through... it too was a High School Read as you put it. I'm not sure where you are from nor your age so I will leave it at this. Went I went through school you HAD to read the classics. I was asked what was my take on classics of certain periods in literature and I did just that; gave my opinion.

      As to what you believe in, have faith in, or have doubt in; well... fuck off. Who really gives a crap what you think but you anyway? I mean isn't that what makes all the "special" people here keep coming back? Our basic need to feed the narcissist within by believing the words we type onto a computer screen and MIGHT get read by about 0.001% of the population EVER!?! these words mean shit? Come on, Medusa old girl, do you really think what you think matters?

      But please, I want to hear what you have to say....

    30. Mɵᴅʊsa said...

      Ha ha, you're such a fake. There is no writer named "Dochevsky" ...

      ummm the Brothers Kalamazoo?

    31. "The cleverest of all, in my opinion, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month."

    32. I hate the Russian. I just could never get into that book when we had to read it.

    33. Hence needing to be in a masochistic mood.

    34. You sure do use a lot of caps and a lot of defending yourself for someone who has convinced themselves that nothing matters. And so emphatically. You keep trying to convince everybody how much you don't care. Over and over. That right there is the definition of insanity and cognitive dissonance.

      Our basic need to feed the narcissist within by believing the words we type onto a computer screen and MIGHT get read by about 0.001% of the population EVER!?!

      I presume by 'our' you mean 'my'.

      I have a thing for Dochevsky when I'm feeling a little masochistic

      This implies you've read Dostoyevsky more than once. Yet you still have even just the phonetics wrong? I think it's pretty transparent that you tried to name-drop hoping it would impress someone. What a fail.

      And what's so masochistic about Dostoyevsky anyway? Tell me.

    35. Dostoevsky (only one y; wikipedia uses two) is a laborious read but the story lines and plots are so intricate it's sometimes worth it. As far as the spelling, I'll admit also I live and die by spell check (I suck at spelling). If CAPS bother you then this is going to be too easy. Name dropping is an art all in it's own and if I'm doing it, since the advent of google, you'll never know. By using the word our, given it's very definition, I very much imply "my"; our meaning other's as well as mine right? And lastly, what am I defending? That part I just don't get.

    36. I knew a meth addict that said his 12 step leader said we is a way to relieve responsibility, and to change yourself you have to acknowledge responsibility and use claiming words like I my me mine etc.

  26. Oh, I have thrown jibes... just never anonymously. That's the cowardly thing I'm talking about. Who are you? Give a name and leave a history.

    And the only time I leave is when I'm not having fun. So far, SW is better than reruns of Roseanne.

    1. That's your choice of programs - Roseanne? No wonder
      you find 50 year old Monica appealing. lol lol

    2. I thought you were going to leave, Eden. We could only wish ~

    3. ^Monica
      Your so stupid and evil. Do you really think you only offended Eden?

    4. Monica
      You conned people - - -

    5. Big tough Anons LOL

    6. Anon 1:31, I am not sure what your hang up is with the number 50 or any other number for that matter. And who are you, an Anon, to assume anything about what I might think, feel, or be attracted to. And what really grinds my gears about you is you didn't even get the friggin point! I am down to Roseanne or this. (Hate it when they go over their heads!)

    7. Gungy
      "Hate it when they go over their heads!)

      Like Ukan? hehe

    8. He He; but, speaking of UKan... Mrs. Kany, he's a dealer? You guys living strictly off the grid dealing or is this like a side job thing?

    9. Anon 1:46
      aka Monica
      "Big tough Anons LOL"

      Really, why coming from a 50 year old evil covert
      narcissist like yourself - means nothing!

    10. Eden/Sybil/Three faces of Eve

    11. Monica 2:31

      Haven't you heard - "Sybil" was a hoax made up by some psychiatrists and author? I know you don't stay up on current events you poor pathetic liar.

    12. Monica, I think you are hot. I can tell from your posts that you are a very orgasmic woman- My guess is multiple nightly orgasms are the rule- 50 or not

    13. And we all know that ^ is Monica propping herself up.

    14. Nope, that is Eden trying to come at me from another direction LMAO

  27. "I want a nice and caring guy" those words are only true when it comes from a sociopathic girl.

    1. because nice girls really love jerks?

      and "smart" girls know they can get more from a nice and caring guy... :)

    2. Zoe's got a brain. screw you anon.

    3. Seriously. You can't respect the nice guy.

    4. What is ther not to respect?

    5. that's seriously messed up.

    6. kany has been treated like shit by a lot of guys before and she stayed

    7. Im sure the right guy is right under her nose waiting for her to let him in.

    8. The nice guy is the guy who's never been in a fight in his entire life, and when someone gets in his business they say nothing until later, when they tell you what they almost had to do or would have done. All men dream of being tough, strong, forward and sharp. Business men are shrewd. Nice guys are not. Nice guys smoke weed on friends couches, and go with girls to court or something, and never make a first move. The nice guy is a bitch.

    9. I always overran my nice guys, unintentionally, even when I tried to give them the reigns. Nice guys just won't take them.

    10. my father is a business man and never fought in his entire life

    11. watcha saying now kany? and hes succesfull

    12. Absolutely true.
      Nice guys are unbearably annoying to me too. I can't respect a man who acts needy and weak and get an overwhelming urge to fuck with him (not in any good way). They are no fun at all and much more work than they are worth.
      Any man who takes shit and does nothing but whine about it, is not a real man.

      That's why I like alpha males. They don't take any crap, don't need to discuss their feelings ad nauseum and will not start pouting when you don't pander to them.

    13. For sure! Women are sensitive. Men are not. The world is as it should be.

    14. It isn't necessarily about physical violence. Its about power, presence and strength.

    15. Definitely. A man does not have to be a fighter to command respect. An alpha male can dominate a situation or person simply with his bearing. Violence is not necessary. Men who radiate strength are immensely appealing to me.

    16. No kidding. And they're never the nice guy. It isn't the nice guy getting laid.

  28. Ok. Stupid question time. Please answer anyway.

    Do women Sociopaths get PMS?

  29. There is no amount of not giving a shit in the world that can stop PMS.

    1. AHAHAHA! Thank you for that.

    2. One a positive note- if there was no such thing as PMS Tori amos would have been out of a career

    3. At least she saw "The Big Picture"

  30. The Trial by Franz Kafka.

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