
Sunday, July 15, 2012

More on fear

We've sometimes talked about litmus tests for who is or is not a sociopath. I think I suggested once that you can present the suspected sociopath with a moral Gordian knot and watch how insensitively he responds to the situation. My recent experiences have led me to believe that low fear response can also be a very good way to determine whether someone is a sociopath or not.

Bungee jumping seems to be an adrenaline rush for a lot of people. It wasn't so for me. I guess you can credit my unnaturally low fear response for that. As people got up to jump before me, I was awed at how fearful they looked. I found myself studying the signs of their fear, like trembling hands or a catatonic gaze. I should have known that I was expected to act the same way and that there would be awkwardness if I didn't. There is apparently nothing creepier to a group of friends or strangers than for them to get absolutely panicked about jumping, only to have you look positively gleeful taking the plunge. Well, gleeful and at least a little anxious about the expected discomfort of being slung up and down by my ankles. But fear? Not so much. Word of advice to sociopaths: if you ever go bungee jumping, do not get the video recording. For some reason your lack of fear is more apparent in a video seen by disinterested parties than it is in real life. You don't want to have to answer awkward questions. And for the future, I am going to practice my fake fear reactions. I apparently need a lot of work.


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    1. First.
      If post 20_whatever counts, this counts
      (Which it doesn't.)

  2. Lower affect in comparison to the general population seems to be the point of both of your proposed “tests” (Moral Gordian knot question & fear arousal) M.E. I’ve never been bungee jumping so I can’t say for sure how I’d respond. I do know that heights make me dizzy. I haven’t been in any situations that were life threatening so I can’t say if I’d be overwhelmed with panic or not.

    The first time I noticed a marked difference between my instinctive emotional reactions and those around me was when my maternal grandmother was rushed to the hospital some years back. My mother and other family members were quaking with fear but I remained emotionless. I was completely calm on the inside as I soothed my mother. When the doctors announced that she was going to recover, my family was overcome with relief. Again, I felt virtually nothing. If you’d asked me at the time, I would have sworn up and down that I loved my grandmother and I would have been sincere. Since it was the first time I noticed the difference I found it curious, but at the time I didn’t bother examining it further.

    I’ve been faking emotional responses (like sorrow at funerals or excitement at someone else’s good fortune and so on) for a long time, although I wasn’t doing it on purpose. Rather, I should say that I faked the responses, knowing that’s what was expected, yet I didn’t bother asking myself why until the last few years. I certainly didn’t think to label it or try to fit into an official “diagnosis”. I knew it was different, but it didn’t occur to me to think of it as a “pathology” of any kind. I still don’t actually.

    I’ve also noticed that in my experience, people are so wrapped up in the throes of their own emotions in certain situations that they’ve never noticed how unemotional I am in comparison. Still, I do put on a face and say the appropriate words. To do otherwise would draw unwanted questions. I’ve only been called out about my emotional difference twice, and I was caught by surprise both times. The first time I was disturbed because I was in denial about it. The second time I was caught off guard because I am so unaccustomed to people making astute observations about me to my face.

    Fear though… Like I said, I can’t say for sure. I did have a phobia of dogs though. (I picked that one up as a kid. Don’t ask.) About 10 years ago, I decided to get over it. So I deliberately “reprogrammed” my fear responses right out of existence.

    1. I really identify with your first and third paragraphs. I think I'm a sociopath. But I also think I'm not because I don't know how a sociopath feels in the mind so really I'm just ME. But one of my earliest emotional memories should be evidence that I'm at least not all there.

      When I was 8 my family packed up and moved north across the country. I remember when we drove down the street out of out neighborhood for the last time. I thought of my friends at school and how I should be sad. So I thought of a sad song and conjured all the sad things I could and squeezed out a couple tears and even managed a genuine sniffle in the back seat of my mom's 1998 Saturn. I almost thought it was strange but I didn't suffer a crisis of identity at that time because I had managed to produce tears so I was able to "be sad." Or so I told myself.

      I'm still not convinced that there is anything wrong with this. Maybe if I had waited a bit longer my body would have produced a delayed grief response and I would have cried my eyes out. I like to imagine it would have hit me somewhere between there and where I was going that I would never be where I was again. As it turned out, moving is fascinating and too stimulating and I never thought of these old people again.

      Does that make me a narciccist or schizoid? I do manipulate people but mostly only as a casual hobby, like when I remember I have a deck of cards in my bag my whole world is suddenly finding a pretense to play a game.Sorry for the shitty syntax, it's 3am and I was about to go to bed.

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  4. Her response? "It creeped me out." It was then that I noticed this strange, disgusted or shocked look on her face.

    What a bitch. You should have knocked her out and shit on her face.

  5. Hi, I'm sure fear isnt the same for everyone. How do you know what is classed as fear isnt a fear of losing control of a situation. I don't like heights but put me in a car smashing into somthing and I come alive, Get me in a fight and I come alive. Why do sociopaths not feel fear per say, Im sure some do? There must be somthing that gets to you, maybe not bungee jumping but somthing.

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  7. Hi Pete,

    I'm interested because I have alot of the signs of being a sociopath but I do feel fear but only for my own wellbeing. I have no real guilt and can control what little emotion I have. Im not sure if my fear is that of control issues or general fear depening on a given situation. I have phobias but im able to control myself enough to deal with them so im not controlled by them.

  8. P.S.

    Is feeling fear the same as feeling slight nervousness?

    1. I think so. And also a voice saying 'Don't.'

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  10. Thunderball, “What a bitch. You should have knocked her out and shit on her face.”


    Anonymous asked, “There must be somthing that gets to you, maybe not bungee jumping but somthing.”

    Wait, I don’t like to be startled. Gun shots, backfiring cars, people sneaking up behind me and yelling BOO… I hate all of it. There you go. I’m easily startled. I guess that means this ‘grocery clerk’ isn’t a sociopath. Darn the luck. :(

  11. Peter Pan said, “Daniel, I was in denial about it for quite some time as well.”

    Interesting story Peter. Why were you in denial? I was because I hated being compared to my father. My ex-wife was the one who leveled the cold hearted/passionless thing at me the first time and I found myself feeling deeply unsettled by it at the time. It reminded me too much of my father, a man that I used to be completely certain I was nothing like. It wasn’t until this year that I finally stopped pretending that I wasn’t like my old man. That acceptance in turn made it easier for me to accept the other “characteristics”.

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  13. Hi Pete,

    Not to fond of heights, needles but have pretty much moved past that and the biggest is of letting go and people seeing me for me. I'm unsure when it comes to feelings and the differences between anxiety, nervousness, fear.
    Generally im pretty emotionless but hospitals make me unsure and no longer in control.

    My main concern is the jehkyll and hyde problem i have. I can only describe it as what it would feel like turning into the hulk. a complete letting go and liking it. can any of you help me understand it?

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  16. Anonymous said, “can any of you help me understand it?”

    Just to get it out of the way, Thunderball is this you?

  17. No, Im new here and trying to understand myself and trying to make sesne of my actions. what the hell am i. Im trying to understand if im a sociopath or not, given the limited amount of data on the subject I'd hoped that some of you may be able to help me. my name is mike.

    1. Does really matter what label is placed upon you? Mike, just come to term with the actions and tendencies that make you you. If those tendencies tend to be sociopathic or not, does it change the fact you still have the tendencies? What i would suggest is read more as to how some of these people on this site deal with their issues and if that experience can help you along, cool. I personally think most people here are just very narcissistic and there is something about the image of being a sociopath they find appealing and want to be that image. I just wonder if given a weapon, a person, and a situation to kill the person if most of these so called "self-diagnosed" sociopaths could take another life and not lose one second thinking about it afterwards. That to me seems to a very fine test to see if you have a psychopathic/sociopathic personality.

  18. I’ll take your word for it Mike. Did you read thru the posts entitled “Am I a sociopath?” from last month? You should peruse thru them along with some of the comments. It may be a lot of reading but you might find some interesting info there. I know for sure you’ll find some utterly useless info there also. I’ll say this though. Take it all with a grain of salt and don’t bother putting your entire sense of self on the line. We’re all bigger and more complex than any one misguided, stigmatizing label.

  19. Oh, and btw, no can tell you who you are in any event. You'll find people here (and everywhere else for that matter) who will be more than happy to do that for you, but in the end, it's always up to you to define yourself.

  20. Just to get it out of the way, Thunderball is this you?

    LMAO, no. But thanks for thinking of me.

    No, Im new here and trying to understand myself and trying to make sesne of my actions. what the hell am i. Im trying to understand if im a sociopath or not, given the limited amount of data on the subject I'd hoped that some of you may be able to help me. my name is mike.

    Mike, I will help you. Ask and I will answer. Also email M.E. because I actually do consider him a sociopath and he has very good insights. As with everything in life, don't take it too seriously, and don't trust Peter. He is going to kill us all in our sleep.

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  22. When i feel fear, i get seriously angry, for some stupid reason. Maybe thats an adrenaline rush? Or maybe its fear of lack of control? I have no idea. What scares me?.. after thinking long and hard?, probably mental people. What is really going on inside somebodys mind?. The fact that i can't see peoples "actual thoughts"...freaks me out! I can give my relative the nicest hug, but in my head i just want to smash her fucking fat head in. I wonder as she embraces me back if she is thinking the exact same? Theres like this "silent understanding" between us, its odd, but if we were to ever lose our temper with the other one of us would end up fearful of what i could do to her, and what she could do to me? If that makes sense? So im fearful of being set off, or setting her off.

    oh and decomposition, that is pure ugly!!! ewwww im not scared of death, but i do feel real fear that i will eventually rot. Which is completely stupid, because of course i will rot. When family members die, after a while i'l have a passing thought and think to myself, i wonder what they look like inside the coffin now?? I do get a bit pre occupied with that thought actually from time to time. Almost like i really want to look, just for curiosity's sake.

    I'd feel fear if i was to be suffocated too. But i have had the urge to do the suffocating. I guess everybody feels like that though when they are pissed off. lol

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  24. Hey Peter, i'v not been taking my medication recently, lmao. Instead im trying to control myself without the use of prescription drugs. I don't feel so stupid anymore (i miss that) lmao, i just feel calculating again, which i don't particularly like in myself. I think im turning into my mother! omfg!!! ha ha.

  25. I get not taking your medication, I am one of those rare cases where I was diagnosed anti-social personality at age 12. So naturally....the doctors at the mental hospital put me on 3 different drugs to take when I woke up, had lunch, then before I went to bed.

    I took them every day until I turned 17, when I found myself displaying the same characterisitcs I had before I was on drugs. So I stopped taking them and for the last 6 years I haven't killed anyone, commited a crime, or done any of the things those doctors said I was going to end up doing....instead, I'm turning into one hell of a "go to" guy for people with various mental problems. I might just become a psychiatrist in the future., take it from me, people don't always need meds bescause most times, they hide the disordr and not fix it.

  26. I can't even repeat some of the things that go around in my head, they are that twisted and unhealthy. Medication made those thoughts feel somewhat detached from me. Like i was living in a funny little bubble, safe in my own world with my own rules, laughing at how much others cared about "keeping up appearence's", whilst i rolled in, non apologetic like a hurricane.
    The drugs gave me cover, i had this "diagnosis", meaning i was "unwell", so i can behave how i really want to without explaination.
    Life without meds is scary!! Give it another month and i'l be high as a kite again. I don't want to excercise any willpower :)

  27. Lol: "Don't get video recording!".

    What you describe, it's exactly how I experienced this situation. Your description about how your fascination was mostly directed at the others and how frightened they were. It always inspires awe in me to see that.

    And even the way you describe:

    "Well, gleeful and at least a little anxious about the expected discomfort of being slung up and down by my ankles."

    It's the way it was to a 'T' (isn't that how the saying goes? A 'T'?)

  28. First!

    That was exciting.

  29. "Fear is a disease"

  30. That's one more proof that Mee is a sociopath. I found some pictures of myself then I was younger. I was standing calm, a little bit bored with a snake on my head. My expression changed then I was holding the snake myself. Then I looked like I was very interested in it.
    In adition I am not afraid of various jumpings with ropes and other 'scary' activities and I enjoy to see the fear in others.

    1. P.s. M.E., I really like how you changed the theme of your blog for mobile phones!!! :)

    2. LOL Anon 2:27

  31. Good Job on the Forum with Poan----Ell et al.It is good Nasty was not there or she would have ruined it, making it all about herself, and how badass nasty she is *Cough*
    Way to go, Ladies @@@@@

    1. Who's Nasty, Monica? And who are you saying "good job" to?

    2. Identity of "Nasty"July 15, 2012 at 10:44 AM

      Who do you think "Nasty" is? Three Guesses. First two don't count.

    3. Nasty is Kany, dingbat.

    4. Oo, oo, pop nasty! Fuckin' awesome!
      I am pop nasty.

  32. I'm not sure what I think about fear. I know there have been instances where I should have been running like a bald-ass ape and I chose to stand and watch. But, for instance, I really don't like insects on me (to include arachnoids and such) and when confronted with the possibility of these critters getting on me I do feel anticipation and slight anxiety; I don't nor ever have lost my shit just because a bug happen to get on me. Beyond the bugs, I can't think of anything that would even come close to a fear.

    1. Hi Gungy
      Nice to meet you. I am Monica.

    2. Likewise. i'm sure.

    3. Some of your books are my favorites, too, like "The Hot Zone" and Catcher in the Rye. I love King but I liked "The Stand" better than "It" :)

    4. I really couldn't choose. Those were some that hit me at the moment. The Stand was amazing and further adding to the amazement was his youth when he wrote it.

    5. Last night I was toying with a mouse on yesterday's post who happened to mention the name Monica. Would this be you?

    6. Yep, I am the one and only Monica( not counting the fake ones) but if a 'Monica' comes on who is off the wall, that is not me, as I am pretty cogent with a wild sense of humor, though.

      Yes, The Stand was magnificent. I read everything up to Misery. Then, King did not seem to care, as he had prior.
      I loved Insomnia, Thinner and the one that starred Christopher Walkin. The name escapes me. I loved "The Shining" in the book form. The movie seemed to have lost the beauty of the little boy and his relationship with the Black man.

    7. Agreed on all. Pet Cemetery was a great piece as well. I loved all the Bachman Books (Rage being one of my favorite novellas of all time). I'm sure you are familiar the stories in different seasons. Like you with The Shining; I find Rita Hayworth and The Shaw shank Prison Redemption much better in written form; as well as The Body over Stand By Me. Like you also, I think King begin to mellow a little as he neared the Dolores Claiborne era. I'm hoping he goes darker as he nears his own mortality.

    8. Ahh. It starts... you're inevitable downfall.

    9. Monica 11:22
      "As I am pretty cogent with a wild sense of humor"

      Improper use of "cogent". You need to take some
      grammar classes.

    10. Ignore Kany. She likes to talk people around in circles, but makes no sense. The end game is always the same. She is nasty. She looks like the Wicked Witch of the West and acts like her, too. She is married to the rat you dangled, last night lol

    11. REEALLLY? What say ye to the accusations here forth, Kany?

    12. What is the deal with cogent, Anon? I am always up for constructive criticism ( emphasis on the constructive part)

    13. And Anon; if all you can contribute is to act as the grammar please then please don't contribute.

    14. Are you really going to let her drag you in to her drama so easy? How disappointing.

    15. Not sure I see any drama at this point?

    16. And what is this about Monica that seems to have people certain I have committed to any sort of relationship that might infer some sort of destruction over the internet? Really not tracking.

    17. i think we've discussed books.

    18. I'm not going to say anything more on the matter. I'll just watch the same tired act unfold from the sidelines.

    19. Lol. It isn't Monica that's going to reveal your identity. Its talking to Monica that guarentees your narcissism and/or idiocy. Getting on with Monica is a nail in your coffin. It discredits you and everything you say by your inability to judge character. And the fact that she likes you is another guarentee the rest of us won't. But perhaps its too early to tell, although I see you thus far as trying and arrogant... no more.

    20. Is this the same Eden from last night on yesterdays post as well?

    21. To the accusations, I uphold them.

    22. Oh, please. Don't play coy. "Why, is this the same Monica? Or the same Eden? Or the same fellow I toyed? There are just so many... could this be the one?"

    23. "Is this the same Eden from last night on yesterdays post as well?"

      Why would it be another Eden? Please... spare me the clueless act. I'm not buying it for one second.

    24. Kany, you have me nearly pegged. I am narcissistic. I am arrogant. But I am not an idiot in any form. "Nails in coffins"? Who talks like this. Any ways: What say you to the accusations that were put forth? Was anything truth at all?

    25. I see your post to the accussations. thank you for your honesty. As to coy? Whatever are you talking about? I try to NEVER make assumptions. Remember that.

    26. And the same Eden. One Eden tag was white and one is yellow, I was just wondering.

    27. Or a yellow green I guess.

    28. Well then... it's good to know you're so easily confused. I'll make a not of that, and stick it in the memory box.

    29. Jeepers, never mind than. I'm impressed. Let's make out.

    30. Confusion is fine if your familiar enough how to handle it. One way is to be CERTAIN of what it is you are saying, what it is you are doing, and who you are dealing with. The last part usually takes some time.

    31. I think at some point in your life someone told you that asking questions was attractive or misleading... you were misinformed.
      I don't like you. I'll be glad to see your image crumble.

    32. Certainty can take time... then you get experience. And then it doesn't.

    33. It might take time for some people. You for example. It will probably more time for you to be CERTAIN of who you're dealing with.


    34. I ask questions because I want to be certain of things. I thought I was making that point all most impossible to miss. As to whether you like me or not; give yourself some time... I tend to grow on people. But as to whether I care as to you liking me or not; I'll let you guess.

      Also, to use trite quips like "let's make out" does make me ask if a would want to still converse with you at all.

    35. Yes. it will take time for me to assess each of you.

    36. I find sarcasm is most effective when its concise, albeit trite.

    37. And we've long since sized you up.

    38. You find it to be, because that's what matters; what you think. Now who's being a bit narcissistic?

    39. Really Dr. kany. Do tell. I'm dying to hear my size!

    40. Gungy
      Just don't give any personal info, such as an e mail address.

    41. Tell you what, Gungy, I'd like to warm up to you. So I'm just going to chit chat with you for now. I know that Monica already likes you. She's always wrapping her boney fingers around the same kinds of cock.

      But let's just see what happens. Surely she won't mind sharing her new piece of meat with lil ol' me...

    42. I'm sure you are.
      And I told you I upheld the accusations. Maybe it is all about what I think. Monica has me pegged.

    43. Anon: Thank you. And please try to take no offense to this, but I'm not an idiot.

      Eden: I promise you I have no loyalties to anyone other than myself at this moment. I truly can't imagine internet relationships evolving to these seemed heated emotions amongst each other, but I will be advised. Thank you.

    44. Kany, to some degree every single one of us are selfish... that's a fact. It's how we deal with it when things don't go our way that matters; that can leave a mark. Be the center of your universe, that's fine; but except it and be it.

    45. I wasn't advising you of anything. In fact... I wasn't really talking to you. :D

    46. I really don't like doing this but, you did open with: "Tell you what, Gungy" that sounds like you're talking to me I think. And I thought you were warming up, I think I'd like that warming up thing.

    47. I know right?! See how confusing some people can be?
      Yes, I used your name. But I was addressing someone else. Is that okay? I wasn't doing it with malicious intent. I promise.

    48. I think now a good time to note, those who warned me about this Monica quickly attacked me and Monica has yet to open her mouth since. Mrs. Kany seems to have left the building and, Eden, are we on decent terms?

    49. Who warned you about Monica?

    50. Kany 11:53AM and Eden 12:05PM both statements seem to issue some conveyance of warning.

    51. Oh... Mine was not a warning. I was making an observation. I don't warn people about anything. That's Monica's territory. She was the anon who was telling you not to give us any of your info.

    52. My mistake. i understand, but the Anon part. I thought the Anon was also warning me to not give my info to Monica; I didn't realize it was you guys I was being advised to be weary of.

    53. Gungy
      SW is a strange and wonderful place. You must walk through it to understand it. I would be the Good Witch of the East, you could say.

    54. I think Gungy can decide for himself what people are around here, Monica. He doesn't need a tour guide.

    55. I am sure it is, but I doubt it's OZ. Oz was way to predictable to be a representation at this point.

    56. Sorry to interrupt.
      Welcome to SW, Gungy. I have no doubts you'll be right at home here.

      I just couldn't resist once The Hot Zone was mentioned. It's one of my favourites too. There is something so beautiful about Ebola Reston. Such glorious potential. Possibly one little mutation away from changing the world as we know it, like in the beginning of The Stand. Makes me thing how grossly unprepared our public health infrastructure is to deal with a serious threat.

      Monica, you're really letting your inner bitch come out to play. Maybe you'll join us in the forum after all ;)

    57. Thank you for the welcome, green eyes. I had just returned home from some foreign shit-hole during the summer of 04' or 05' (I was returning home from Haiti one year and Iraq the other) can't remember which and sat for three days on the beach reading The Hot Zone. It made so much since at to which ease a highly lethal virus could circumnavigate the globe. The beauty of Ebola Reston and Ebola Zaire (I prefer Mars-burgh) is the efficiency at which they do their job. So little, so lethal, so lovable; I get it.

    58. Sounds like you do a fair bit of travelling, that's got to be pretty exciting. Even shit-holes have their wonders.

      I have a friend who was a public health worker during the Swine Flu outbreak in '09. They ran around like chickens with their heads cut off, double testing people, shuffling papers and holding lots of useless meetings whilst the public panicked. Couldn't do a damn thing to help anybody, really. She was fond of saying 'thank god it's nothing major or all we'd be able to do is count the bodies'.
      On the topic of fear, getting naughty in Kitum cave would probably get the adrenalin pumping.

    59. Hmmm, I like where your head is at. Interesting.

    60. Its accept... and I don't remember anything else you said being significant.
      But let's be friendly.
      What brings you here, gunge?

    61. I got it. Cogent refers to a body of knowledge as in " this work is cogent"
      SW is really good about helping one's grammar AND punctuation.

    62. Fair enough. As honest as possible. Enlightening moments, misfortunate events, and boredom; the greater being the boredom. Make no bones about it I'm here to either insight a hopefully meaningful banter or read such (I don't care which). You?

    63. Yer still using the word wrong, Monica.

      'Cogent' implies that something is compelling or convincing.

    64. LOL Medusa
      Oh well, one word fewer to use. I almost said one word "less". Then, I would have alerted the grammar police, once more. Anyway, I like correction on my errors ( grammatical) Thank you! xx

    65. One word less I think.
      So you're here to insight us? That was unclear?
      Welcome back medusa. Where have you been.

    66. To be shown insightful conversation or to spark such doesn't matter. Did you really miss the part about the boredom?

    67. No, I got stuck on the part where you felt you were what was going to insight meaning here.

    68. And so says the one who wants to be friendly; got it. I have my moments as I'm sure some here do as well. You seem to be pushing and attacking, much like the mouse I played with last night. I really hope he hasn't rubbed off on you, you lovely lady you.

    69. Looking like a fool and conceding to me is playing me like a mouse. Nice rewrite mate.

    70. That was easy.

    71. I really didn't think UKan would respond tonight, too too E Z!

    72. Reassuring yourself always is when you're delusional.

    73. I've been responding here for 3 years mate. Don't feel special. I've actually been waiting for you since Juan left.

    74. Oh. I already forgot.

    75. Juan must have meant a great deal to you, anon. :(

    76. Jose. We don't all look alike, you know :(

  33. Shit article, just bragging. Nothing of substance.

  34. This post makes no sense to me, M.E.
    I know plenty of adrenaline junkies, who aren't sociopaths, and no one seems to get creeped out that they lack fear. They envy it. What group of people are you hanging out with, that would be bothered by this? I also want to know where you went bungee jumping where "disinterested" people, would be studying your reaction so closely on a video.

    I've had people close to me make comments about my lack of emotions, and lack of fear.... lack of many things for that matter, but they don't seem creeped out by it. They just seem like they wish they could be the same way, to an extent. And I do emphasize, "to an extent".

    I guess what I'm trying to say, is that your post here seems a bit dramatic. No one is going to suspect you of being a sociopath because you don't show fear when you bungee jump. So it seems equally dramatic to say you need to start practicing fear responses for such an occasion.

  35. I'm curious if M.E. would have the same reaction from circumstances similar. As this was 3 years ago and I know
    he has changed to some degree.

  36. October 1, 2011 6:53 AM
    Sceli said...

    By the way his situation was not life threatening, it would have been if he chose to succumb to it. One can easily throw away the tank, blow the air in his chest off and come out safe and sound from 25 meters down without any problems, assuming he knew the way out of the ship. Also, wreck diving does not mean that he was in an enclosed section exactly.

    WHile a non-diver may not know the realities anyone with any past diving would know what I am talking about no matter how long it had been since his last dive.)

    This topic is of particular interest to me, so my questions will feel thesis, but here they are.

    The question would be why in a certain circumstance we would be tempted to choose to freeze (accept death) as opposed to fight or flee?

    Sceli if you're still around, I'll post my response here;
    Indeed, I knew I would have no problem surfacing. The issue is surfacing at the wrong location. ie. to locate me in the dark, in the middle of the choppy South China Sea, and me with no visible landmarks to attempt a swim. Anyway that moment lasted under 2 minutes.
    The lady dive master found me but decided to abide with what I thought was a casual remark from the boat owner/excursion leader, a rather cheeky older Aussie man. He said the last diver had to bring up the anchor. I was holding near the surface when I decided to go back down to help her. She had used up most of her air to inflate her BC to counter the current, yet the weight of the anchor and chain was still dragging her down. I had to do the same with my BC. We both ran out of air just a minute before we barely managed to haul the stupid anchor up to surface. She broke down in tears in the boat.
    Have you any thoughts on your last point? The question still remains with me till now and I am watching myself ever more closely...

  37. Replies
    1. If this is Oz, who do you see yourself as, Themes?

    2. Themes for SW RegularsJuly 15, 2012 at 2:21 PM

      I am no one, Green Eyes. I am honored to offer my commentary.

  38. I must admit I have seen the Theme more than once, but the actual ritual that seems to take place (if any at all) I'm afraid (funny this post was about fear, LOL) I have no idea what this really means; pardon my ignorance. Is there something that should be done now?

    1. Just sit back, relax and observe. Don't be arrogant or people will attack you.


  40. im confused as to why people who alledgedly dont know eachother come here to argue daily.

    1. It's fun and you might learn something. It's cute how easily riled you are. Why don't you contribute something meaningful then?
      Also, allegedly?

    2. i feel like you, eden and monica are one and the same.

    3. It is all pretty stupid, especially when you aren't involved.

    4. Interesting Theory Anon... very interesting.

    5. I'm standing here, on the ground;
      The sky above, won't come down.
      I'm standing here in your...

      Oh, sorry. I sing to myself when I get bored.

    6. Oh shucks, anon. You got me. I can't resist letting my multiple personalities out to play sometimes ;)

    7. If your singing to yourself why did you have to post it? It must be serving some sort of alterior motive...

    8. That's why I dabble in and out so much. Sometimes I get too busy and its so easy to lose interest're too disinvolved.

    9. Excuse me? You're one of the personalities I let out to play. Not the other way around. Now then... get to the back of the line, bitch. I have a few things to get off my chest.

    10. If I am Eden, we are one pretty fucked up individual.

    11. Lol, guilty as charged, Eden! My narcissistic side has some nice delusions, you have to admit.

    12. You're one fucked up individual all on your own, Monica. You don't need my help for that.

    13. I cop a guilty plea on that, Eden.

    14. Must be time consuming. You might need someone to waist time with.

    15. Is this your way of volunteering for the job, anon?

    16. indubitably ;)

    17. might it be available.

    18. So how to propose to occupy the time that it sufficiently entertains us both?

  41. I read a post from yesterday suggesting a multi-personality disorder "spider" of a person spinning this web and encapsulating random flies... This needs to be given some thought.

    1. Oh man... you really are, too easy. I bet you get tangled up in webs all the time.

  42. Know, dear. I am far too experienced a fly to get tangled. More like a Dragonfly I almost sense the web just before I touch it and back off... but I back off to study, admire, and try to see yet more more perspective that may become useful somewhere down the line. That's all i meant by giving this some thought.

    1. Why do you speak a though you're composing a dark nursery rhyme?

    2. Yeterday all you did was tangle yourself.

    3. UKan Talk In Circles

    4. UKan Live In Self Denial

    5. UKan Believe Your Own Deluded Self Image

    6. Oh? What am I denying to myself?

    7. UKan Can't CAPP thisJuly 15, 2012 at 5:09 PM

      I can tip my Cap(CAPP) or my burn Hair(Hare)--head, not pubes. Even with no hair, I could braid my fro.

    8. You're asking me questions about you? You, my man, should know you better anyone else.

    9. Know I'm asking you to elaborate what you just said.

    10. But he is clearly delusional he can't see or understand what he is or how things are outside of the world he created for himself.

    11. I am far too experienced a fly to get tangled. More like a Dragonfly

      I was kind of digging your arrogance at first, but this, this is just stupid.

    12. Anon: To whom are you referring?

      UKan: Every once in a while I throw a dog a bone to see if they can find it. Last night you did not do very well. What is it you are asking about the statement I made that has confused you and I will correct it... if you are correct (there is a mistake out there).

    13. UKan Elaborate not ConfabulateJuly 15, 2012 at 5:19 PM

      I do not confabulate but elaborate. You confabulate. That is why we cannot reach mental agreement. Will you disavow confabulating and instead vow to elaborate. Do I have your word on that?

    14. How so Medusa? Arrogance knows know boundaries. And I agree arrogance can be stupid at times, but here... on a blog site? I can't see where the disastrous outcome is. At worst I'm no smarter (actually a bit dumber, maybe) than you all and I leave to go off and play hell upon my local friends. At Best i teach some of you a thing or two and help you along what ever journey it is you might believe you are on.

    15. Last night you admitted you knew less about psychopathy, as a psychology student, to a criminal who never passed secondary school. That's you....looking like a fool.

    16. Au contraire, arrogance does indeed know boundaries. Unless you are a moron and don't mind falling into traps you didn't see because your ego gave you blinders. Funny how that works: declaring oneself infallible is the very thing that just may make that person fallible.

      but here... on a blog site? I can't see where the disastrous outcome is.

      Yet you compare yourself to a magical psychic Dragonfly with a capital D and this place to a web. You talk like you are playing some big game here... but, as you said, "it's just a blog".

    17. Um, no. I admitted that I knew less about a TV show called Dexter. I said it remained to be seen if you were more educated or experienced with Anti Social Personality Disorders such as Psychopath. You talked in circles throughout the night and it was quite comical. You kept me laugh most of the evening. So:

      For the record (and the record is all on last nights post for any who are THAT bored), I conceded to your vastly superior knowledge of Dexter... nothing else. If you want more you will have to earn it when I feel like giving you the time.

    18. Medusa; (Ssshh) It is a game.

    19. O-magod... did you just tell Medusa to shut up?

    20. I will fight to win. I will stay up all day and all night just to win a fight with some dumb cunt.

    21. Deflecting your questions, getting you to admit your wrong, and talking you in circles does not equal you manipulating me. You have a lot to learn if you are going to be a behavioural psychologist.

    22. Actually I just merely suggested she be quite and enjoy the game. But if it came off as shut up, oh well.

    23. "Be quiet" and "shut up", are in fact, the same thing.

    24. If you want more you will have to earn it

      Holy lol.

      You are such a fake. You can't come in somewhere with no reputation and then demand and actually expect that people will want to 'earn' things from you. You are no one here.

    25. UKan Call Me Cunt But What Will I Call You?July 15, 2012 at 5:39 PM

      UKan call me a monkey's uncle or your aunt's cunt. I am UKan and I am proud.

    26. Oh, Gunge is here to play games.

    27. So says Medusa. I don't care if any of you interact with me at all. I just want to see what you all have to throw down, even if it's with each other. I don't suggest anyone try and earn anything with me. The juice just isn't worth the squeeze.

    28. Anyone who is victimised lets it happen. I will not let a mother, a father, a friend or a fucking faggot priest touch me. I will beat them to death.

    29. Don't tell me what to do. Idiot, telling me to shut up is just going to make me talk more. (Oh but that was your plan all along...?)

      So I found this:

      "gungy: the thick, foul smelling fluid which tends to inhabit the vaginal regions of colored females"

      Tell me, what about yourself do you see as similar to a colored's yeast infection?

    30. You will lose this game. So saith Eden.

    31. perhaps you should have dug deeper. There are at least three other meanings to the worsd and you chose the most common google had to offer. Weak.

  43. This is how I was taught to write. This is just a mere homage to what the written English language used to look like. Go research and read letters from the Civil War or the Revolutionary War. Go read letters from Alexander Hamilton to Vice President Burr and the correspondence back. Please, please; I will never be one to be the grammatical police; I am constantly relearning things not used so often that I feel like a novice every day. Perhaps others should take more pride in the certainty to which they assert their words. Miscommunication would become a lot less rampant.

    1. That's not what I meant. But I'm glad to see you're so proud of your very rare interest in the written language from the past.

    2. Then could you please explain what you did mean then?

    3. I'm not sure that I can. I lack the poetry for it.

    4. It's because you make yourself sound like you sleep in a coffin at night.

    5. Wow! Not intentional. I guess i could try to curb some phrase and add a few more txt symbols... I really don';t get it. This is how I talk. I talk like I write.

    6. I've crossed oceans of time to find you.

  44. Replies
    1. Is it another one bites the dust?

    2. More like "Wish You Were Here" UKan.


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