
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Sociopath quote: indifference

“The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference.”

— Charles Darwin


  1. Why must we fake emotions in order to be accepted in society? Why must the game be played? People always look at me and ask whats wrong? Why do i have fake a smile just to avoid being asked that question. I feel like i deserve more but i know nobody owes me anything so how do i get it. Im stuck here cause of my medical meanwhile the whole world is flying by and i dont get a slice of the pie. It's not fair we didnt ask for this. The medical establishment has found a way to make us slaves to the system. Chained to my desk i feel i have no escape. I want to do so many things but cant. I can do so many things but dont. The things i do get questiond and the excellent things are forgoten. It's fun to be the anti-hero but when you have to be someones saivor its all business. In a lot of other country's i wouldnt have to worry about my wife's medical problems because the govenment takes care of it. But no. Its my responsibilty to make sure she's okay and im irrisponsible. There are lots of reason's a sociopath would have a wife. Power is the main one. Avoiding lonliness the other. Becarefull when building up the reality that everything is okay becaue wake up its not. Things suck and theres not a damn thing we can do about it except enjoy the moment. Because this moment is all we really have.

    1. Can a sociopath have a concept of "sucks"?

  2. Is it a question of faking emotions to manage in society or is it just that people need to know how to work their way around things in order to make certain things happen for them. It's your attitude. Be who you are but don't put it on someone else. People question other people's moods because it makes them uncomfortable. Just remember you're not alone with all that. Many people are in the same boat. Not that it helps you but don't think the grass is greener somewhere else because it's not. And if it is then make your move or just accept what you have. We all want relationships to avoid loneliness, not just you, and for whatever other reasons we have. Yes it is your responsibility to take care of your wife so step up and deal with it. Believe it or not you will feel better about it because you will more likely help yourself more than you help her. That's a good thing and it feels good even if she’s very ill. But you wouldn't believe that until you did it. You have more power than you realize….you just won’t get the recognition for it.

    "The things I do get questioned and the excellent things are forgotten"

    That is the nature of fear and manipulation. We all go through it. Even the person who questions you goes through it.

    Life isn't meaningless it just doesn't have the meaning people give it. It's not all wonderful but here we are and we breathe and live. Whatever purpose we serve by being here we have overlooked it.
    Enjoying the moment is the most spiritual thing we can do no matter sociopath or whatever. So hard to do when we are distracted by the idea that the tomorrow will be is tomorrow.

  3. Is it a question of faking emotions to manage in society or is it just that people need to know how to work their way around things in order to make certain things happen for them. It's your attitude. Be who you are but don't put it on someone else. People question other people's moods because it makes them uncomfortable. Just remember you're not alone with all that. Many people are in the same boat. Not that it helps you but don't think the grass is greener somewhere else because it's not. And if it is then make your move or just accept what you have. We all want relationships to avoid loneliness, not just you, and for whatever other reasons we have. Yes it is your responsibility to take care of your wife so step up and deal with it. Believe it or not you will feel better about it because you will more likely help yourself more than you help her. That's a good thing and it feels good even if she’s very ill. But you wouldn't believe that until you did it. You have more power than you realize….you just won’t get the recognition for it.

    "The things I do get questioned and the excellent things are forgotten"

    That is the nature of fear and manipulation. We all go through it. Even the person who questions you goes through it.

    Life isn't meaningless it just doesn't have the meaning people give it. It's not all wonderful but here we are and we breathe and live. Whatever purpose we serve by being here we have overlooked it.
    Enjoying the moment is the most spiritual thing we can do no matter sociopath or whatever. So hard to do when we are distracted by the idea that the tomorrow will be is tomorrow.

  4. 9-5 Path: The other question that's tickling, over and over, is "how are you?" When I was much more ignorant I always let people know they didn't have to ask me that lol. I thought they'd see convenience in it!

    Just out of curiosity, what type of personality disorder inside the medical establishment do you fathom found the way to make us slaves to it's system? What type of person would rise to the top and allow such a change?

    Hilarious, no?

  5. How about hearing 'you look tired today.' What the fuck?

  6. Stop complaining, 9-5. You don't sound like a path, you sound like a depressive bastard. Your not chained to your desk. If your wife is so much of a burden on you, then get the hell out of there and live your own life. If you want something, take it. you need to convince yourself that world owes you a living even if deep down you know it doesn't.

  7. 9-5... Hang in there. Tough times will pass soon. Your wife may not make it, you may figure out seeking some help from a church group or something. Find a support group familiar with her health problem. Talk to people around you about your problems in a way you believe some help will find its way to you. Don't think there is no help out there and you deserve suffering. You don't, believe that yourself first, and watch others believe later.

  8. When people say what's wrong, they don't necessarily expect you to smile. How about telling them calmly what is wrong. I mean you have enough wrong going on with your wife. Maybe someone will send a helping hand. read some stuff on receiving, it's ok to receive.

  9. maybe you could be fierce about your wife and think of the disease and the medical system as something that's attacking her. if someone attacked her, you would probably hurt them to stop it. you would probably do anything.

    keeping the job and playing the game are a part of that. you could be at war with her illness every time you step out the door and get in the car and go out and pretend to be something you're not. remember that you're pretending: the job doesn't define who you are.

    my experience: free time doesn't mean more time to achieve or accomplish or any of that--not with pd's (and i am one.) it's just more time to procrastinate.
    so you're probably losing out on a lot less than you think.

  10. You can use having a sick wife to get shit. Also, you can publicize that you are taking care of her. All kinds of sympathy points, hero points, real person points. Use it.

  11. i agree with Pythias. i would milk that cash cow for all its worth, when its gone you will probably have another girl wanting to marry you because of your big heart or whatever you have for taking care of her.

  12. big something else... how exciting,,,

  13. If you hate your job, then quit. Nine to five is for the birds. Frankly I hear just excuses from you on why your not siezing the day, like your sick wife. You say your slice of the pie is flying past you, well I don't know about you but I like pie. I want a piece of everyones pie. You would help your sick wife more if you were doing something that made you happier where you made more money. If my wife was sick I would hold up a few banks and get my medical bills paid off. You could use the extra money for savings so you have a backup plan. However, I can't see how you choose to work at a sucker job then complain about being a sucker.

  14. My fucking best employee quit today so I don't want to hear shit about how you hate your job. Fucking employees always complain no matter what you do for them. This is the age of entitlement. Everyone wants to get big quickly, get rich quickly, and get popular quickly. Nobody thinks you have to earn it. Your complaining makes me angry. Get up you fucking knob. Sieze your opportunity.

  15. I'm just going to ignore the pathetic sob story and stay on point.

    Indifference does seem to be something that I hold for most issues. Perhaps indifference is why I am able to see each side of the coin and not care to choose which one I like more, in general. Maybe it's not some notion of higher intellect or understanding. I, of course, would prefer that, but I'm just being realistic.

    UKan, is your ex employee moving on to a different piece of turf, starting up his own business, or leaving you for someone else?

  16. i'm with you UKan. but i also did quit my job recently. then i worked 24/7 to find a new one. i've had jobs that i hated more where i didn't quit. you have to think strategically, not self-indulgently.

    9-5 path, welcome to reality. i do hope your wife gets better and that you learn to appreciate what you have. if you want to escape the 9-5 life, figure out exactly what you want to do and form a plan that you can execute when your wife is better. without a plan, it's just pointless whining. so, what would make you happy?

    the up side of a 9-5 life is that you can do whatever you want the rest of the time, whether it is playing around with hobbies or just wasting time in front of the t.v.. if you have your own business, it's 24/7 until you make it a success. by the way, ideas are cheap. the hard part is applying them. :)

  17. "However, I can't see how you choose to work at a sucker job then complain about being a sucker."

    Exactly! I don't understand why people choose to work jobs that they hate, and then have the cheek to complain about them. I hate working all together, but from my experience, I've learnt that there's always an easier way to make, or if need be take your money.

  18. there are a lot more pay-offs to keeping the job (or finding something more interesting, as ukan said) then just up and quitting.

    1) as others said, you can milk this for all it's worth.

    2) having something to do ups the arousal level. you can actually accomplish more when your arousal level is up. nothing but free time means: low arousal level, sitting around. it's fun, but it's really not very exciting.

    3) your wife won't leave you.

    4) again: you can use this for all it's worth.

    good luck. :)

  19. This quote:

    “The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference.”

    is attributed to Richard Dawkins not Charles Darwin.

    1. That makes more sense. I follow Richard Dawkins on FB, not because I'm atheist, but because I love all the science breakthroughs he posts about. I do agree that religion needs to stay out of our schools and government though.


  20. Thanks, Red Shirt Kid.

  21. the 9-5 path- did you actually think you would get sympathy from a website used by mostly sociopaths? that is hilarious, but ya i would use your wife's sickness or whatever she has to further your ambitions at work, it would probably be bad to quit in this economy. people at work love to hear how other people have it worse and listen to how you are morally conquering adversity. makes me giggle just saying it. if that approach is to screwed up for you then well....i could care less

  22. This "9-5 path" is all over the place.

  23. If you want something, take it.

    Been taking tips from Jordan Chase, I see.

  24. I'm really enjoying this season of Dexter, no one. How about you?

    But seriously, take it. RAWR!

  25. First couple of episodes were slow at first, and I was skeptical of the inclusion of Lumen, but things are starting to develop. I'm curious how they're going to wrap things up in only 2 episodes, though. Perhaps another cliffhanger?

  26. Thats weird. I watch Dexter but I've only seen up to season 4. Is this the 5th season?

  27. Yes. Catch up, slacker.

    TAKE IT!

    It did start out pretty weak. The cult murders weren't very interesting, either. Just brutal and stupid.

    I'm thinking a cliff hanger as well, but it wouldn't be the first time Dex killed multiple people in one episode, and it probably won't be the last. I'm also thinking that Quinn well bloody his hands, but you never know. Depends how far the Narc guy goes with it.

  28. Life's a bitch, then you die.

  29. On a similar note - Just read that Charles Manson was caught with a cell phone under his mattress. He'd made numerous calls, but no one knows if they were crime related. Hmmmm.

  30. 'The higher a monkey climbs, the more you see of its behind.'

  31. "I'm thinking a cliff hanger as well, but it wouldn't be the first time Dex killed multiple people in one episode, and it probably won't be the last."

    This confuses me.

  32. Thanks for the vague comment, aspie. Enjoy your confusion.

  33. It did start out pretty weak. The cult murders weren't very interesting, either. Just brutal and stupid.

    I'm thinking a cliff hanger as well, but it wouldn't be the first time Dex killed multiple people in one episode, and it probably won't be the last. I'm also thinking that Quinn well bloody his hands, but you never know. Depends how far the Narc guy goes with it.

    I'm guessing one of the key characters is going to have to go; either Lumen, Quinn, or the detective. Also very curious to know Eugene's backstory, and how the writers interpret how he became the handsome upstanding citizen that he is today :) I wouldn't be at all surprised that he suffers from some sort of sexual dysfunction, hence his reluctance to participate.

  34. Did you notice that Eugene is Zero Cool from Hackers? I didn't realize it the first episode that I saw him.

    As for his sexuality, I can relate. I don't like sex very much, intercourse at least (though I adore being the one giving foreplay). I've never been lost in the moment, and when I see that they are, I can't help but look at them as lesser, like being slaves to their own body's desire, losing complete control in the hands of someone who will forever be a stranger to them, when they think otherwise. I can't understand being physically seduced. Such blatant manipulation angers me, almost as if they think I'm too weak or horny to resist. That only increases the loathing that I have for them.

    Control and power, those are things that I find, stimulating. I'm not sure the image of my friends raping and killing someone would hit the spot, but to each their own, I guess. He probably finds it at least entertaining, to know that he's enabling them to be what their animal urges crave, something, like me, finds silly and deprecating.

    I wonder what he finds more pleasurable, the rape, torture and murder of the women, or watching his friends do it under his supervision. My money is on the latter. The women are disposable. The men, he has kept around for decades.

    What's your analysis, no one?

  35. how is your health notablepath?

  36. Which health, and why, Anonymous?

  37. lol! that was not me.

    --another anon

  38. TheNotable'Path said...

    "Control and power, those are things that I find, stimulating."

    samantha sang

  39. notablepath you say what people say when they have erectile dysfunction..

  40. I believe Notable's HP is near fully restored, though he'll need to consume more juniper berries to restore his Mana. In good time.

    As for sex; never been a huge fan of it myself actually. I suppose I should credit the ritual beatings for dissociating such feelings of well-being/intimacy from physical contact, hence my suspicions of sexual dysfunction. Though, in Eugene's case, it may instead be sexual abuse, rather than the typical, more boring type I was subjected to :)

    Control and power, those are things that I find, stimulating.

    This, however, is one of the only things that I occasionally get a rise out of, but it also requires more effort than it's worth.

  41. so Notable, you love giving foreplay but you hate when someone loses themself in the moment?

    Lol, contradiction much?

    you want to control the person's level of desire but hate them when they submit?

    you hate people. :)

  42. who knew, no one? i would not have suspected you were a socio (or had tendencies in that direction.) it's good impression management.

  43. notablepath is a vascillator..

  44. notablepath you say what people say when they have erectile dysfunction..

    And most erectile problems are psycological.

  45. i'm the worst vascillator.

    maybe Notable is a beeper?~

  46. who knew, no one? i would not have suspected you were a socio (or had tendencies in that direction.) it's good impression management.

    I'm a person, same as you are, perhaps with a few abnormalities here and there. I wouldn't go as far as to label myself anything.

  47. erectile dysfunction is often times a secondary symptom of disease within the body..

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. yes. i meant no insult. and since i'm suspecting more and more that i'm socio, i would be the last to say you aren't a person.

    actually, i thought it more neutral, bordering on compliment.

  50. Yes to all counts, notme. I've never claimed to be less than contradictory, and I generally don't like people. Consistency is certainly not one of my virtues, as that would require me to be something I'm not even aware that is supposed to be me. I'm always in flux.

    But how can I hate you, darling. You make my heart soar.

    Anon, my health is fairly good.

    notme, what's it like, getting lost in the moment? What's actually going on upstairs, if anything? I've always wanted to know. Also, besides the orgasm, is there something else that happens physically? Or are you just overwhelmed?

  51. it's all a build up and release into full flight orgasm

  52. maybe the thing that bpd's and socio's (and maybe aspies too) have in common is that there's no set center around which to fix things. so everything is in flux with both.

    things just get defined in any particular moment: what's true now may not feel (or even be) true ten minutes from now.

  53. yes. i meant no insult. and since i'm suspecting more and more that i'm socio, i would be the last to say you aren't a person.

    actually, i thought it more neutral, bordering on compliment.

    Not insulted, just skeptical of categories. Not to mention, I consider myself a rather well-adjusted person despite the "issues" mentioned above, which I've managed to hide rather well. To most people I've met, I'm the reliable, empathetic, and understanding friend they often turn to for help/advice. Isn't that what really matters? :)

    I've only ever been called out on once by someone who claimed that they could easily imagine me killing someone in cold blood. I found him amusingly perceptive. Everyone else laughed at the "apparent" absurdity of his statement, though.

  54. only some women orgasm through sex. i'm not one of them.

    whenever i have sex i feel like it's the first time.
    it's almost like i don't really know how it makes me feel, besides the physical aftermath where you feel all nice and relaxed.

    i think 'getting lost in the moment' was an exaggeration, perhaps i don't get 'lost,' i just shut off to everything else.

    i'm bad at talking about sex, i just like doing it. but, it's really not all that at the end of the day. it's not always worth it.

    Anon 6.20, yes i agree.

  55. @no one: I was going to quote your post at 6:24, no one, but the entire goddamn thing applied to me.

    @aspie: how...disappointing. I've wanted to ask in the past, but knew that asking would have made it obvious that I wasn't feeling what they were, thus putting me in jeopardy.

    @Anon: things just get defined in any particular moment: what's true now may not feel (or even be) true ten minutes from now.


  56. @ no one: good for you, that they laughed. :D

    i'm skeptical of categories too--but only on alternate days.

  57. @notme

    you say you feel the "aftermath" of sex ... nice and relaxed?

    what is it based on if you are not orgasming?

  58. After sex, I'm usually anxious. The other person usually seems relaxed or worn out. I understand that people want to spend time together after the fact unless they have to go somewhere, but for me, I'd rather go out for a smoke/bite to eat than laze around in bed. Not to mention, if we were going at it for a while, all the damn sweat.

  59. Not to mention, if we were going at it for a while, all the damn sweat.

    Never was one for the post-cuddle. The sweat is most unpleasant--also why I hate holding hands.

  60. Holding hands provides almost zero physical stimulation, causes sweaty hands, and can be awkward depending on the other person's height.

    Sweaty beds disgust me, even if I'm laying on top of them with the comforter, I know that filth is below me.

  61. being repulsed by sweat and other bodily fluids exchanged during sexual relations is a signal that you are living too much in your head to enjoy sex or any other part of life, pretty much..

  62. Bunch of clean freaks, you are. Orifice penetration, fine, but god forbid you get a little salty water on you.~

  63. did you both hate being hugged as children? that's one reason why i'm not sure i'm fully socio, or may be bp with socio traits. i like holding hands and i craved hugs as a child. but otherwise, i don't care for vulnerability.
    it seems a waste of time and too dangerous besides.

    someone chided me for not having orgasms with him. i would not allow someone that close.

  64. notablepath, are you cognizant of the fact that your bed is filled with microscopic insects feeding on your dead flesh, as are your eyelids and all other parts of your body??

  65. You're just embarrassed at being the dirty little boy that you are, Postmodern.~

    I generally dislike being touched. The sensation, rather than being comforting, is instead abrasive. Also, hugs were frowned upon in my family.

  66. Lol, Yay! for sweat and other bodily fluids that momentarily wash away the microscopic critters!

  67. Dirty as you like, no one. ;)

    I don't think you'd mind my touch.

  68. i think i'll go do my laundry. (re: bugs, not you NP)

  69. Aspie: general tiredness. i can orgasm, i just forget quite quickly that i have.~

    boyfriends tend to complain to me that i don't want to cuddle afterwards. and sweat is a pain.

  70. You people are like old rich people. You must be a bore in bed.

  71. i love sex. it's the end of the world for me most times

  72. i often prefer a good massage to sex. i love being massaged and apparently give brilliant ones myself.

  73. Is that a challenge, Ukan?

    I don't think you'd mind my touch.

    How about a sociopathworld meet 'n greet mass orgy to test out your hypothesis?

    I'll bring the Lysol and Bleach :)

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. I actually find the idea of microscopic organisms living off feeding on my body to be entertaining, and "cool". The fact that my body is apparently a habitat for life, well, it puts things in perspective.

    I don't like being touched, usually. The only people I like hugging are people that I'm close to. Random people or acquaintances hugging me feels like personal violation. I don't understand the hug obsession, at least I can't relate to it.

    @notme: I like a good massage, giving and receiving.

    @UKan: That would be convenient if I was. Then they at least wouldn't come back for more, or would be hesitant. I get too invested when it comes to the act, almost like it's a game that I have to win, and bust my ass to do so. I'm not saying I don't enjoy it, just, it's different for me. You yourself have said in the past that you require some level of sadism in the bedroom. Maybe that's what I've been missing out on.

    CAPTCHA was fateme. Go figure.

  76. 'Sweaty beds disgust me, even if I'm laying on top of them with the comforter, I know that filth is below me.'

    you make me chuckle Notable. OCD?

    i expect you don't like the 'filth' since you can't forget your surroundings.

    the price of being a sex machine...~


    someone on youtube commented today,'WHAT THE FUCK DOES LMAO MEAN?' er, behind the times comes to mind.

  77. You don't find sweaty beds disgusting? Are you indifferent or like it? Because most of the women I've been with don't like sweaty beds, either. I doubt that's coincidence.

    My flat isn't very clean, actually. I only spruce things up when I have company.

  78. You yourself have said in the past that you require some level of sadism in the bedroom. Maybe that's what I've been missing out on.

    Something like this perhaps?

  79. eventually, but it totally depends on whose sweat it is. if it's someone i love, then lovely. otherwise, the sheets are in the washer pronto.

    i read about RAD (reactive...disorder - i forget the middle word). they have skewed boundaries, so they can go right up to strangers and be all tactile etc. that's me. i love being touched.~

    Notable, let's do the massage thing, but i don't do the oils. (too messy). just plain, caressing hands. mmm.

  80. I love kissing. When the kissing is going well, I just know whatever comes after is likely to be just as good.

    Not to give the impression that i do this often.

  81. agreed aspie. i was shocked to learn that some people truly suck at kissing. then i met my kissing doppelganger...

  82. Sheesh! Sweaty bodies and kissing doppelgangers! This is all bringing back too many memories and causing me too much sadness tonight. I have to go.

  83. I find kissing to be nice. Not typically something I partake in with strangers and acquaintances, though. Something about the tenderness, I dunno. I find it a lot more intimate than sex. I just don't like the fact that it often leads to sex if it isn't brief.

    I don't like the oils, either, notme.

    I just don't like sweat. On my clothes, other people, whatever. I was with someone for a while who apparently like my scent, and my sweat. It boggled my mind. Then again, people get turned on by feet, so I guess sweat isn't a far cry.

    @no one: Not one for spanking. That vid had be rolling though.

  84. i don't like my own sweat, but my ex loved my scent. if i love someone, i love their sweat and everything else. people call it unhealthy idolisation, i call it love. aww.

    the cat spanking is bizarre. i never did that with my cat. bless his heart. he died. :(

    Notable, how old are you out of interest? i can't place you.
    also, how old do you think i am? no peeking at past comments.

  85. Is it that time of the month for you, Medusa?

    Existential crisis time, I mean, of course.

  86. If there isn't a mess you were not busy enough, go try again. This time take off your trousers.

  87. Medusa, this might be of help.

  88. I was just testing.

    But that's the best website ever made.

  89. I find it odd that Medusa popped up when Nick Cave popped up in my play list. Sort of like what's his name always hearing hip hop when UKan rolls in.

    Do you have corn rows, UKan? A grill? Do you like the booty of fat white women?

    Bouncy bounce and wiggley woo.

    Maybe I should go buy those smokes now...

  90. ^
    I had to wipe the spittle off my screen from laughing.

    So easily entertained...

  91. That warms my heart, Post. Mission accomplished <3

  92. bunch of gaylord simpletons led by the 'path

  93. lol Aspie.

    Notable, you've evaded my question but that's ok darling.

  94. i have a feeling even "darling" won't bring an answer to that question.

  95. lol, is that too over-familiar?
    i always talk like that.
    it's all in the tone as opposed to the word itself. doesn't work online obviously.

  96. one of my favorite metallica songs:


  97. keep us guessing, NP. :) otherwise the mystery is lost.

  98. After spending an excessive amount of time in the American South, saying things like darlin', dear and hun don't mean lovey dovey imagery to me. I have to be careful where I am now, as some women find it suggestive.

    But that's rather poor context, as we are clearly lovers. <3

    My actual precise age is apparently an object of inquiry among multiple people. I think I'll keep it that way, my dear.

  99. what is it about mystery? it can make me all feverish.

  100. it's okay, aspie. i have a feeling they'd invite you in too. :)

  101. i'm constantly saying babe, darling, sweetie to everyone. can't help myself. i use it sincerely, indifferently, or sarcastically.

    but as you say, to you, it's always sincere.

    my guess is thirties. hehe. i don't know.
    that's another thing. i think some people might have an unconventional take on ageing. on the vanity level it matters to me, but i sort of feel outside of time too. seriously, i do. weird huh.

  102. You were born when you were born. Why does it matter?

  103. "outside of time." i think that about sums it up.

  104. I mean, when you were born is something that you can't be held personally accountable for.

  105. i know Aerianne. it's not about that. just more like, outside pressure and biological clock. in those senses.

  106. Yes, biological considerations I get. But, I don't understand the mystique of not telling your age. I don't understand the outside pressure either.

  107. oh, you were refering to Notable? sorry, i misunderstood.

    yes, you have a point. it doesn't matter. i just ask cos for some reason i like having some handle on things.
    he wants it to be a mystery, fine.

  108. i like your music choices aspie. do you play an instrument yourself?

  109. sorry about my earlier comment, aspie. usually when there's a jab on this site, it's about establishing territory. but that doesn't seem to be the case with you. it was rude.

    i think the mystery about people's age is fun sometimes. it's kind of the hard-to-pin-down quality that socio's have.

  110. oops. interrupted conversation. will go now. :D

  111. anon. it's for everyone.

    right. i'm off to bed. bye bye.

  112. thanks not me, i fool around

  113. Aerianne, a lot of people just want a baseline to measure you by. To help, round out their mental image of you, if you will.

    Mental Images are fun.

  114. Hmmm... All that piss, sweat, spittle, body odours and bodily fluids being splashed all over here.. Marking the sexual territory night? The Brits are definitely leading here!

  115. At least they're not giving away their special blankets.

  116. ...and the rest here are all prudes image of that..
    On a more serious note, doesn't the days of verbalizing almost anything sexual, particularly by the relevant that is now upon us, cloud things even more? Having to navigate through the expanding social minefield of fake or real sexual openness hasn't decreased the stigma but has instead internalized it.. making plausible deniability the valued and even essential survival skill for the lucky or unlucky individual in sexual interactions these days.

    lss; To quote SexSpear; Saying too much or too little ~ that is the question..

  117. ..the not everybody is charmed by a socio image of Ukan losing his best exployee. Just out of curiousity Ukan, what's your smart employee turnover rate not counting those you have personal relations with or those who have no other choice?

  118. Oh I missed a fun night! Oh well. I use "Darling" and the like all the time. It's part of my folksy charm.

    I guess I'm sort of with TNP here. For me sex is about making the other person feel a connection to me, but I do feel superior at not being caught up in the hormones of it all. I prefer other acts to intercourse as well, so I can appreciate his enjoyment better.

  119. The trait of not "getting" jokes or small talk is so goddamn spot on it leaves me reeling! My ex, the biggest sociopath the world has ever known, has that.

    When I first met him, the first night we spent together, I was a bit troubled by his NOT getting anything I said. Whatever little joke I made or little off the cuff statement I made, he just was reading it all wrong. Like way over seriously. I figured it was because he was not comfortable with me yet. But now I see it entirely in a whole new light!

  120. “The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference.” - This is indeed a great quote from Charles Darwin.

  121. Charles Darwin really made science a great controversy to mankind.

  122. This is my favorite quote from Charles Darwin.

  123. reruns really putting a damper on my 1st game

  124. Is that really so? Then why is it that if the Earth were a mere
    50miles closer to the Sun, or a mere 50 miles further from the
    Sun then no life could exist on it at all?
    If life is so common and evolved everywhere, where is the evidence?
    Where are the transitional fossils? Not a trace of evidence that one
    kind of animal can turn into another type of animal!
    So so called "proofs" of evolution have ALL been exposed as frauds!
    The transatory "animal" depictions of the human fetus have been
    exposed as fake. The black wings on the butterfly were glued on.
    Religious folk fanitical? The people who espouse evolution or JUST
    as fanitical!
    What are the calculated chances that life can come from death?
    !0 to the 415th billion power! The next time you throw a male
    cadaver on top of a female cadaver tell me what you end up with in 9
    mounths. Not even a baby cadaver!

  125. I was just wondering this morning how loving my sociopath is different than loving a computer simulation or an inanimate object. If course its completely different but not in every way compared to loving a NT who doesn't deconstruct every loving moment with some cold intention. I can love in a way that makes me feel not alone, not sure socio's get there anymore than blind people can appreciate a painting they are standing in front of. Maybe the helen keller treatment can bridge that separation and socios while believe that merging and connection is real even if they can't feel it. Perhaps flashes of feeling it too are possible? Am I getting this wrong?

    1. Maybe you should stick to using condoms until you get it figured out.


    2. All problems are just memories playing in the subconscious, and those can be erased. A memory is a PROBLEM. A problem is a MEMORY.

    3. Any one who uses the term "oh sweat" is not going to mean much to me.

    4. I'll eat this one MelissaR. I lied anyway, the reference to "my sociopath" was a lie so sociopaths reading this might take it more seriously. Actually I should have taken much more time to write what I meant to write. This is bullshit and I know it. The intended ideas wasn't really, sorry if this insulted anyone. I'll stick to trolling.

  126. On sweat....when women like the smell of a particular man's sweat, it's their endorphins that they are attracted to. This endorphin attraction is a signal (to women) they a potential mate has a compatible immune system. In order for mammals to produce the most healthy and strong offspring possible, both parents must have compatible immune systems...survival of the fittest.

    P.S. Despite how much I like the smell of a man, clean sheets are very important!


  127. Do you really want the kittens back?

  128. “If we can accept that we are the sum total of all past thoughts, emotions, words, deeds and actions and that our present lives and choices are colored or shaded by this memory bank of the past, then we begin to see how a process of correcting or setting aright can change our lives, our families and our society.”
    Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona


  130. I like you, Carlos.

  131. I will let someone come over to my house and poor out their emotions even though it makes no sense to me. I will give them food and drink. I pay attention as much as I can, asking myself what is going on in me that is creating this? But then after they leave I don't care anymore cuz I thought we were done.

    1. And maybe the best thing I can do is leave you alone.

  132. I AM BELA i want to give thanks and i will always give thanks to DR.utimate who brought back my love that has left me for 6years within 48hours, i have said about this last week but i promised to always tell people about this every week end so that those that did not read about it last week will read about it this week, i have been looking for how to get this boy back to my life because i love this boy with the whole of my heart, i could not replace him with any body,one day i was watching my television when i saw a lady giving thanks to DR.utimate and telling the world how he helped her i was so shocked i could not believe it because i never taught that there are powers that can bring back lost love, then that was how i decided to contact him too because i do really need my love back,when i contacted him i told him everything and he told me not to worry that my love will surely be back to my arms within 48hours at first i could not believe because i was thinking how could somebody that has gone for 6years come back within 48 hours,so then i decided to watch and see,unbelievable within the next 48hours i got a call from unknown number so i decided to pick the call the next thing i could hear was my loves voice he was pleading and begging me on the phone that i should forgive him that i should forget all that have happened that he did not know what came over him,he promised not to leave for any reason, that he was really sorry for what he did,i was so surprised because i never believed that this could happen,so that was how i accepted his apology and the next morning he came to my house and still pleading for me to forgive him i told him that everything is okay that i have forgiven him, that was how we started again and now we are married, i promised to say this testimony in radio station, commenting this testimony is still okay but before this month runs out i promise to say this in radio station and i will,sir thank you very much.World please am begging you people to try and thank this man for me,or if you need his help here is his email

    My mouth is short of words, i am so so happy because Dr.ohehe
    has healed me from HIV ailment which i have been suffering from the past 5years now, i have spend alot when getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy, i have tried all means in life to always i can become Hiv negative one day, but there was no answer until i found from Dr.ohehe the paris of african who provide me some healing spell that he uses to help me, now i am glad telling everyone that i am now HIV Negative, i am very very happy, thank you Dr.ohehe for helping my life comes back newly without anyform of crisis, may the good lord that i serve blessed you Dr.ohehe and equip you to the higher grade for healing my life. i am so amazed. so i will announced to everyone in this whole world that is HIV positive to please follow my advice and get healed on time, because we all knows that HIV disease is a deadly type,contact Dr.ohehe for your Hiv healing spell today at: He will be always happy to assist you online and ensure you get healed on time, contact Dr.ohehe today for your healing spell immediately, thank you sir:

    Love spells
    Sucess Spells
    Ex Back Spell
    Money spells
    Gambling spells
    Hex Removal spells
    Voodoo Spells
    Voodoo Dolls
    Charms And Emulets
    Divorce Spells
    Lost Love Spells
    Revenge Spells
    Protection Spells

    Dr Goodluck is the real spell caster. I tried all those people and I was really scammed until one day I came crying to my friend asking to help me with my confusion. She later told me about Dr Goodluck which my mind really urged me to give a try. She testified about how Dr Goodluck brought back her Ex-lover in less than 3 days and reversed the effect of her lost womb, and at the end of her story she gave me Dr Goodluck email address. I decided to give Dr Goodluck a try though with doubt. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 3 days, my Hubby came begging. We resolved our issues, and we are even happier than before, am pregnant now to God be the glory. Dr Goodluck is really a gifted man and I will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man... Come to think of it I didn't pay much and all I have to do is tell the world about this wonderful man. Even my pastor said that God works mysteriously, that some men are used by God to help others. If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems for you. Contact Dr Goodluck anytime, he is the answer to your problems. Here's his


  135. My name is CRYSTAL FOWL , am from dublin. i want to use this opportunity to
    thank my great doctor who really made my life a pleasurable one today. This
    great man DR.ORIOMON brought my husband back to me, i had 2 lovely kids for
    my husband, about 3 years ago i and my husband has been into one qaurrel or
    the other until he finally left me for one lady. i felt my life was over
    and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be
    stronge just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments
    my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really
    in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish
    he would come back to me, until one day i met a good friend of mine that
    was also in a situation like me but her problem was her ex-boyfriend who
    she had an unwanted pregnancy for and he refused to take responsibility and
    dumped her. she told me that mINE was a small case and that i shouldnt
    worry about it at all so i asked her what was the solution to my problems
    and she gave me this great man phone number and his email address. i was
    doubting if this man was the solution, so contacted this great man and he
    told me what to do and i deed them all, he told me to wait for just two day
    and that my husband will come crawlling on his kneels just for forgiveness
    so i faithfully deed what this great man asked me to do and for sure after
    two days i heard a knock on the door, in a great suprise i saw him on his
    kneels and i was speechless, when he saw me, all he did was crying and
    asking me for forgiveness, from that day, all the pains and sorrows in my
    heart flew away,since then i and my husband and our lovely kids are
    happy.thats why i want to say a big thank you to DR.ORIOMON GRATE TEMPLE.
    This great man made me to understand that theres no problem on earth that
    has no solution so please if you know that you have this same problem or
    any problem that is similar, i will advise you to come straight to this
    great man. you can email him

  136. My name is Jennifer and i want to testify of the good work done by a faithful DR PALOMA, a spell caster. in my life i never thought there is such thing as spiritual intercession. my problem started 5 months back when the father of my kids started putting up some strange behavior, i never knew he was having an affair outside our matrimonial home. it dawn on me on that faithful day 4th of April 21st 4:23pm when he came to the house to pick his things that was when i knew that situation has gotten out of hand and he then told me he was quitting the marriage which i have built for over 6 years, i was confused and dumbfounded i called on family and friends but to no avail. two months after i started having problem with my kids welfare rent-age and all of it, i really went through ***. until a day i was browsing on the internet and i happen to meet DR PALOMA Email i never believed on this but i needed my man back so i gave the spell caster my problem at first i never trusted him so i was just doing it but you know a problem shared is half solved after a 2das my husband called me telling me that he his coming back home and that was all. now we are living happily and i still do contact him on this email:


  137. I am mary from Brazil,i don't know how to say this to the husband who had left me for the past 2years is back to me.all this happened with the help of Dr. okoro a powerful spell caster.For that 2years my husband left me,i was not myself anymore i felt like this life has come to an end with my thoughts.all this happened to me because i loved him(my husband)so much and would do anything just to have him back.everything i did to bring him back wouldn't work it was like each time i try to have him back the farther he goes from me.i was hopeless and day i saw a testimony from Ruth says "how the great Dr. okoro brought back her ex lover". i didn't believe her at that time.but as time went on i kept on seeing more testimonies about Dr. okoro and i said to myself with faith,it will be of the past if i contact this man. I contacted the great Dr. okoro.on his email i explained myself to him,what said to me was so amazed to the extent i was very happy even when my ex hadn't come back,this was what he said to me"he doesn't collect fund,what he needs is giving testimonies like this and giving little to buy items for casting the spell,then i did accordingly to what he asked me to do behold everybody i can't believe now my ex is with me after all that happened between me and him because i thought he would call me his sweet names again,truly when he left me i had many things in my mind negatively that i will murder myself if the great Dr.okoro can not help me,which he did,why am i saying all this is because i thought he wasn't real and he can't bring my lover back to me.because then i didn't believe is true bringing one's love back on the internet.what surprises me to this time is,in not more than 3 days after casting the spell my husband who sweated with his life that he will never come back to me again,came back not only that,kneeling down begging me he shouldn't have left me at frost.And till now we've not had any miss-understanding again because we now other.even before my husband left,we had little coping in the family because no too much fund but,when dr okoro brought him back everything changed and now we are building our other house as am talking now,my two daughters are now in school that they weren't before.because we now live well.All i want to say is,a big thanks and if there's another word bigger than that i should have said it to his hearing but nevertheless,great thanks to "THE Dr.okoro! for the help he rendered me.If you need help in your Marriage,relationship and even he told me he solves any problem so here is,his email Address, so contact him and see
    Are you passing through any of these problems,


    My husband Left me and my two kids for a new woman 12 years after our marriage. Then i was totally devastated and cried all day and night for aid. My Love life completely turned out to be a mess, because i couldn't just carry on with it anymore.. I was at the point of doing whatever thing that will save my Marriage and make him mine again, because i knew he was my soul mate and i fell deeply in love with him. We were both head over heels and over the moon for one another, and his feelings for me was so strong and he promised me love eternal. Life and pressure got in the way about two weeks before our marriage anniversary, And was pressured by his found new love to divorce me, and forced me to sign the divorce papers after seeing the attorney.. For weeks after our divorce he still remained in contacts with me, and after some times he no longer (calls non texts) anymore. So i had no other choice than to cry out for help to Voodoo Doctor a spell caster i found online, so he assured me positive result after 24 hours.. For the first time in 12 months my ex husband did called me for apologies, and he felt so sorry and remorseful for ever leaving me, and he told me how much he love and miss me. And this spells made me so unique in the Sight of my husband, and did open his eyes and made him remember why and how we fell in love in the first place..Thank you for your help! From the depth of my heart of hearts I know we are meant to your spell really helped me. Contact Dr Arley Spell Home at { } or call him { +2347036123581 } he will help you end your worries.


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