
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A tale of seduction: Der Erlkönig

From a friend:
To my favorite sociopath-

Musings on the art of seduction and Schubert’s Der Erlkönig, poem by Goethe.

Goethe sets us up with a seduction that leads us slowly to the Erlkönig's lair. First we think we see him, but others (the father) assure us that it's just mist. Then we hear him, but others say it's just the wind. Finally, we see him, but others see only a tree.

Schubert’s music takes it all to another level- listen to the range of the Erlkönig. He pleads in a magnificent and tender high range. First he offers beautiful and expensive items, then he offers experiences, servants, dancing. In his final persuasive moment he says that he loves you -- then he says he will take you by force! All the while Schubert builds the tension of the boy and father to unbearable heights, while the voice of Erlkönig is our only relief. We slip with the boy into a sweet death. It is only in our final submission that others consider the awful reality that our senses were accurate and theirs dull, but it is too late.

And so is seduction.


  1. There's something seemingly dirty about, "Glorious flowers grow on my riverbanks."

    I'm probably over-analyzing.

  2. Translations are so free, but context is there.

    Delirium crescendo.

  3. Note-able, the word over-analyze was probably invented to discourage thought beyond a certain (set) point.

    You don't want to be discouraged do you?

  4. No, people often see connections that really aren't there. Sometimes known as psychosis.

  5. Shhh, I'm trying to work here.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This is concerning last night since the blog is filled and won't hols anymore posts.

    Medusa said; People so easily forget this is a sociopath blog.

    Theroy in practice.
    11-3, 7:01 pm

    Seems to have been forgotten by the ones that call themselves Psychopant's, who by the way are not S/P or have one in their life.
    Blathering shit-chat that would have worked better on or Facebook chat.

    I have to ask, what makes you feel the need to answer, comment or question after every post except to be constantly noticed? Under the semblance of something worth saying you control the blog with arrogant and personal trivia.

    Funny how you both have your own blogs. But then again if you kept the personal shit-chat on there no one would notice you.

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  11. No argument there but who's Theroy?

  12. Theroy! I thought I recognized that mastermind when I read their post. Well done socios, now even I cannot have fun on your blog...

  13. Anyone care to guess who the Erlkönig performance was for?

  14. No, people often see connections that really aren't there.

    Or that maybe you don't have the ability to see yourself.

    Sometimes known as psychosis.

    Also, sometimes called geniuses.

    Not saying TNP is a genius or anything, I don't know. But he's not dumb.

    Boy, I am not a morning person.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Besides, for all you know the Erlkönig is a socialist Freemason.

  17. I like TNP, vanity and all. He doesn't need to express himself by antagonising others. Sorry, was that an entirely predictable statement?

  18. I should tape this bible verse to my wall:

    Corinthians 11:19 — 4 u suffer foos gladly, seeing u ur selves r wize.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. The saints have finally arrived!

  21. This is concerning last night since the blog is filled and won't hols anymore posts.

    Medusa said; People so easily forget this is a sociopath blog.

    Theroy in practice.
    11-3, 7:01 pm

    Seems to have been forgotten by the ones that call themselves Psychopant's, who by the way are not S/P or have one in their life.
    Blathering shit-chat that would have worked better on or Facebook chat.

    I have to ask, what makes you feel the need to answer, comment or question after every post except to be constantly noticed? Under the semblance of something worth saying you control the blog with arrogant and personal trivia.

    Funny how you both have your own blogs. But then again if you kept the personal shit-chat on there no one would notice you.

    I agree with this dude.

  22. An anon agreeing with himself.

    Aww does someone feel left out?

  23. Some of us actally have a life that has some real concerns and questions. We're not just trying to impress oursleves.

    You remind me of the commercial with the Capitol One barbarians.

  24. Some of the conversations here remind me of this cartoon.

    Forget that it's about sexism, as it applies to morons in general.

  25. Just need to release some gas thats been in my butt the whole day;
    Fred's been really frying his brain out coming out with really brilliant stuff about what doesnt't add up about God and the ridiculous stuff that man makes up for himself to believe. So he's reached a point where he's just about had enough and decides that fools just ain't worth waiting for, and that the only way for a man to get out from this God "rut" is to be a Superman. Fred's brain is filling up fast and bursting with all this so he's writing all this down and publishing some. Now Fred has a sister. Thing is, to have complete freedom to think up all this without making mistakes, he's just got no time for normal shit like regular work and taking care of himself proper or having a family. So he's been bumming off sis, stayin at her house and eating up her food while going quite mad trying to make all this awesome stuff add up. So sis is beginning to think why doesn't he just get a proper paying job and have a regular life and was just about to put him out, when she notices that Big Al does dig some of the shit that her brother was writing. Lately people had been listening to Big Al quite a bit and boy was he good. In fact so good that you'd wanna be a hero for him just like that. Now sis was no illiterate bum herself so she begins to secretly read some of Fred's stuff. Poor Fred by then was getting loonier by the day saying stuff like he was God and that everyman can be godlike. But Big Al doesn't give a shit about Fred's condition and reckons that, thats exactly the kinda stuff he needs for the people to believe. So sis figures, since her douchebag of a loony brother owes her plenty, its time to take some liberties to add some touches to Fred's writings and be a hero at the same time, to suit Big Al. Yeah Big Man Al had Big ideas how to spin all this powerfull stuff into something so Big that the world would just have to pay some serious attention. ;-)

  26. Medusa you made me miss Ammy just now.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Gag, that story sounds like Tesla vs. Edison.

  29. And my point exactly !

  30. Ok ok ok I missed you too. <3

  31. My point was simply there is such thing as over-analysis. I wasn't making a statement about TNP, or denying the existence of connections which I cannot see. Are ya clear on that?

  32. So long as you're implying you were disturbed with the personalities on another blog and then decided to come here to complain to over-analyzers about... Oh wait...

    (Hi to you too Aerianne)

  33. 90% of the other site's population was like what most of the anons and sociopaths-wannabes on here are like.

    The ratio wasn't worth it.

  34. Now you are all pretending to be so nice. Notice I said pretending. I know how people try to be tricky.

  35. 90% of the other sites comments were yours and Aerianne's.

  36. Oh, that cursed, nimble, supple serpent and lurking-witch! Where art thou gone? But in my face do I feel through thy hand, two spots and red blotches itch!

  37. I'm not interested in trickery, unless someone thinks they are getting one over on me by trying to be tricky.

    It's not about being nice or not, it's about whether someone is being a moron or not.

    Now shut up as I actually have real-life stuff I need to do today!


  38. In other words, it's the content I care about, not who's mouth from which the content sprung.

    Quit making this blog all about me, people.

  39. She must have ment oxy-moran. Sums up her life !

  40. Was talking to the complaining Anon, Medusa. It always has to be one of those Russel Williams types that isn't going to make the cut.

  41. Ah, okay. It's hard to know who's talking to who when one doesn't specify.

  42. And that anon sounds just like Aerianne,

  43. trust me (I know is tricky but you can do it), is not Aerianne.

  44. "Quit making this blog all about me, people."

    I am trying, very, very hard. Everytime you post I rarely read it.

  45. You know, it's funny. I've often thought about the similarities between Aerianne and I, especially coffee.

    My apologies Medusa, it must be confusing with me posting incessantly while refusing to register. I confess I don't take time to consider that when I post.

  46. I love it, in her words touche...

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. does anyone know any other good blogs/sites that focus on sociopathy? (or personality variants in general)


  49. Facebook takes the cake currently.

  50. What a sad story. It's even sader that I can relate to it. Before the experiernce with my ex I would have never understood any of that. I feel as though I've lost some innocent part of myself and I'm not sure if I'm better off with this knowledge or if I would have been fine without it. I don't know if seeing more clearly is a good thing or not. Unless there is some grand reason for all this:)


  51. i think it's always better to see things more clearly than you did before as it's the best way to make you see what you need most. it's the way to move forward in your life and let go of the past, esp if the past hasn't been very productive.

  52. to Grace:

    "Unless there is some grand reason for all this:)"

    In Animal Behaviourism, some animals have a hierarchy basically ranked by dominant and subdominant. During favourable environmental conditions, the dominant individuals are the higher ranks. But if the group is exposed to stressfull environmental conditions (ex. lack of food) the subdominant will take the leadership.

    The subdominants are, usually, far more agressive then the dominants, the sociopaths of the other animals in the Animal Kingdom.

    The point here, you may be asking, is that we do all exist for a purpose, that is and only, survival of the species. Survival of the fittest to a given environment. Not the stronger or smarter, just the fittest to that particulat scenario that surrounds that nick of time.

    To survive is imperious, so the need for a great variety of behaviours and personalities in order to be able to give response to that sole demand.

  53. wtg Anon @ 5.14, someone has eyes.

  54. Damn, the inglourious flowers!

  55. Dominant canine behavior involves hiking a leg to urinate on what the animal considers to be it's territory and on that which it feels it owns.
    On this blog, the human behavior is confusing as it involves flinging bullshit all over everything in site.

  56. perhaps the cage is too small and there is insufficient stimulation?

  57. Dominant canine behavior involves hiking a leg to urinate on what the animal considers to be it's territory and on that which it feels it owns.
    On this blog, the human behavior is confusing as it involves flinging bullshit all over everything in site.

    Shit flinging monkeys.

  58. So dominant dogs has better behavior than humans. Point made and understood? Lets move on..

  59. The point here, you may be asking, is that we do all exist for a purpose, that is and only, survival of the species. Survival of the fittest to a given environment. Not the stronger or smarter, just the fittest to that particulat scenario that surrounds that nick of time.

    Some points here needs further thought/clarification. Its hardly unknown that we as a living species can, and have manipulated and made up our own scenarios for reasons beyond mere survival of the species. A scenario of basic survival would be much less muddled, philosophically conflicted and probably a lot less wasteful.

  60. @The naysayers of our resident empath-capable regulars: Drown in a puddle of AIDs.

    Now I feel better.

    If you can, try to avoid the binary view of empath/sociopath. There's plenty of strokes for plenty of different folks.

    I don't think sociopaths are supermen. I did at one point, but every archetype has its vulnerabilities.

    @Grace: Perspective is only valuable if it is able to adapt to change. Innocence decays from youth to adulthood into ignorance. You're better off in at least one way. Chin up, love.

  61. I prefer "supervillain" to "superman", any day. I find it difficult to avoid reveling in magnificent villainy... it's just so satisfying.

  62. I was more referring to something along the lines of Übermensch than some silly twat in a cape, but that works too.

  63. Capes are stylish and functional. Don't sass the cape.

    It doesn't take a sociopath to be the Übermensch, but it certainly couldn't hurt.

  64. After having a roommate that wore a cape, smelled like what I'd fancy a hobbit does, and played World of Warcraft more than anything in the realm of healthy, I've grown a distinct aversion to capes.

    Yet, I find myself having a soft spot for Batman. *shrug*

  65. There are only a select few arrangements of clothing which permit a cape, and none of them are known to anyone who's touched the WoW-beast. I've known crackheads with more class than those... things.

  66. Your emphasis on things nearly ripped my side. The fact that he was an intolerably hairy Italian does not help the matter, either.

    I agree though, about capes. There's a few instances where they are acceptable, and they seem to fall into two categories. Classy wear capes, and the goddamn Batman. I'm open to new perspectives on this issue, though.

  67. Just smiling at the thought if WoW could have kept the loonies away from him..

  68. By the way, I recently bought a pack of Medium Blend charcoal filter American Spirits. Have you tried them before? I think they're my new default smoke of choice. Regulars and Periques seem to have more flavor, but there's something... different about them that I can't quite explain.

  69. I have not. The idea of a medium offends me, though; unless I'm feeling particularly adventurous, I probably won't try them. What color's the pack?

  70. After having a roommate that wore a cape, smelled like what I'd fancy a hobbit does, and played World of Warcraft more than anything in the realm of healthy, I've grown a distinct aversion to capes.

    Sounds like Ukan.

  71. Hey guys watch me use HTML tags in a completely arbitrary way that doesn't really add any value to
    what I'm trying to say but it makes me look sort of

  72. Celedon green shade. Not to be mistaken with their Menthol Lights.

    Saw a coworker smoking periques today, and when I asked her if she liked them, her reply was quite colorful.

    Expletive expletive something, expletive expletive, something expletive, burns too slow, expletive expletive expletive.

    To hell with her. Mess with my mates, I might not care. Belittle my brand of choice and I'll cut you, sister.

  73. I used to like the blacks. Because they were... well black.

  74. Unless it was the innocent part of myself that I actually regained (or sublet?). It allowed me to experience, you know, feelings for the first time--all that stuff the neuro-typicals go on about, excitement and suspense and, well, love, or what I guess that feels like. I try and I try and I want to but I can't. Not to be bored! To be seduced! To be real! To be like the others. Exquisite pain. Submission is pain and rapture. As is being the manipulated rather than the manipulator. But that requires someone good enough to submit to. My ex was the only one and I learned alot. (But that's something I plan to keep to myself.) He won by convincing me he wasn't playing. Was I? I don't know. I really don't think so, for real.


  75. Aw Grace, I gotta say you are the least full of bullshit person here of everybody.

  76. An interesting perspective, Grace.

    I don't think I've ever been in the position of being truly submissive, part in due to my ego, and general stubbornness. The whole love issue, or whatever it is we feel, I can relate to, though. M.E.'s description of Sociopath Love was pretty spot-on for me, and when I showed it to a friend, she seemed horrified. I guess that means it might be different! Ha.

    Since becoming self-aware, I've been making a conscious effort to not use the people I form relationships with. I occasionally slip up, but it is important to keep your camouflage top-notch, especially when you're dating a anthropologist/psychologist... HA! Challenges...

    1. That sounds like too much "ologist" for one person! I've dated really intellectual guys and very blue collar guys. The intellectuals talked way too much and the blue collar guys made me laugh much more often. More laughing and less talking is the way to go!


  77. Would it be too cruel to take a vote on who's the worse candidate here to be the B.S. filter?

  78. I don't think anything here falls under the realm of too cruel.

  79. "worse"


    BTW, I include myself in the "everybody".

    Anon, the only time you ever comment is to attack me. Interesting.

    Are you in love?

  80. Yours as well, TNP.

    I don't think I had ever been put in the position of being submissive before the ex. Twice, perhaps, though I had been much younger, and looking back on both experiences--my only two previous experiences of love/"love"--I wondered how much of it was in the challenge. All three people had quite notable similarities, though the last ex was by far the most directed. I think it comes down to the comment on the right-hand side of the site. I think everyone wants the chance to be created, to be given an idealized image of self. That is the art of seduction. I have often wondered why that self held up by other men never did much for me. They idealized me, fell in love, felt pain, and I watched it all with indifference. Was I instictively holding up a beautiful mirror? Did I feel contempt because they fell so easily? What I do know is that I was bored by the image of me they reflected. I guess I wanted someone to see the ubermensch. Possibly it is the only way I can feel really connected to another human being. Unlike the other socios on this blog, I mourn this inability. I feel that I am missing out. And I was right--it is a kind of rapture, to be seen in your self-idealizing state (regardless of its accuracy), and maybe that is love. As is being challenged and impressed--uber- to uber-. Again, it comes back to not being bored. That's been the big change for me, recently--I no longer enjoy winning when the win is easy. (And a good challenge is hard to find.)


  81. in the type described by Grace? Let me see if I can find my matching ubernarcissist hat first

  82. It's not love (except a kind of searching for self-love maybe)... but it sure feels like it.

    Or at least that's how I see it right now.

    I'm always looking for that mirror.

  83. And when someone does manage to hold up that mirror in some way, I despise them.

    I believe my ex and I both despised each other for that very reason.

    I'm not sure exactly what I'm saying.

  84. I can relate to most of what you said. I don't know if respect is the right feeling to portray, but whatever it is, I lose it for those who are seduced too easily.

    I wanted a challenge, and I got one. She's no Cal Lightman but close enough to make it interesting.

    I've contemplated seeking out another 'path as a lover, but I think the mind-games and power plays would become exhausting, eventually, and I do enjoy spending time with emotionally adept individuals. I think coming here is enough stimulation for my sociopath interactions and dialogs (or monologues, as some would argue, ha).

    It would be nice to have someone who appreciates the real me, in a relationship, yet at the same time, I find the vulnerability detrimental. Weighing the scales can often be obfuscated with the blinders of passion.

  85. Much as I love that show, my familiarity with Dr. Ekman's work makes me wish they showed more of the science and less of the flash.

  86. ...and I'm not even sure if that's the real Grace right now.

  87. So the first of Grace's mask has come to light.

  88. to gagreflex, Anon1016:
    "Some points here needs further thought/clarification ... conflicted and probably a lot less wasteful."

    "On this blog, the human behavior is confusing ... all over everything in site."

    Over 60% of human language is body language, so naturally, expressing only by words is lacking, and may, an will, induce confusion. Of course this things should have been better studied years ago, but for some reason, some humans don't even like to think they are just like any animal, so the studies keep getting delayed.

    Try not to use an over simplist view of the subject of study, like using constant anologies to dogs, and even worse, a single dog. Dogs in the wild don't live alone, but in a pack (tribal organization?!). Plus in analysing dog behaviour one must set aside of dog-human interaction, and focus on dog-dog interaction. In the pack, not all dogs piss and shit on trees.

    As for me, though lacking in full expression, I appreaciate the Anonymity given by this means of communication.

  89. TNP: "@The naysayers of our resident empath-capable regulars: Drown in a puddle of AIDs."

    If it's to drown does it really matter what's in the pool?

  90. Jesus Christ, I'm not even a proper grammar Nazi and I cringed.

    I do agree with the point at hand, though. Over-simplification does not aid when it denigrates the point.

    @Postmodern Sociopath:
    I wholeheartedly agree. The first season did a decent job on the science end, but it seems to have flown out the window with this latest season, and partially in the previous season.

  91. As for me, though lacking in full expression, I appreaciate the Anonymity given by this means of communication.

    Everyone here is taking advantage of being anonymous. Brave new world, this self-eugenics.

  92. Vulnerability detrimental to what? I think part of my fantasy about the ex was as an extension of my solitary ubermensch. Having a witness made me feel more powerful. Maybe that goes back to the self-idealizing mirror. I don't think that was its main or only aspect. I believed I could see some part of my ex's "true" nature. Which might just mean I recognized many of my own behaviors in him, and I think, vice versa. I imagined it would be freedom from power plays, and the mind-games just made it interesting. I don't mean to manipulate (any longer), and now it bores me, because I'm so successful. When I was younger and getting my sea legs, I was astounded and impressed with myself each time. Lately I had become very interested in the idea of a false self/selves. And I made a great effort to "be myself"--only to say and do exactly what I feel like saying and doing. Strangely, people seem even more drawn to this self. It has increased my capacity to connect to people. They feel that something special and meaningful has happened between us. And I like them, I like them all--I do feel connected to people. But the indifference is still there, as is my ability to walk away and not look back. I found this a big disappointment. I still want to believe that this indifference is rooted in a fixable pathology and not in my "essential" nature, not in biology.

    I didn't despise my ex for holding up the mirror, but he despised me.


  93. Lie to Me: agreed. First season was useful, second one trite.


  94. Apologies to the group for my block of text. Some habits are hard to break.

    Anonymous Grace

  95. In the context of your relationship, I can see it as not being specifically detrimental. In the context of a 'normal' person being the partner, I think it would be, for showing your true colors.

    Nails in your coffin down the line, so to say if you will.

    I've also ventured into exploring and utilizing my 'self' recently. I've had similar results. Maybe it is the higher confidence and genuine demeanor that shines more than charm. I'm not sure.

  96. I don't really despise my ex either, far from it. I just despise that he despised that I "loved" him, or whatever the fuck it was. Because it means he despised himself? Himself, who is really me.

    Or some shit.

    Everything else you are saying I have been going through. And more, but I can't yet articulate.

    And I don't believe it's a pathology, at least not for me.

    My "real" love does not work in a human form outside of myself, and does not and will not manifest itself in the form of a child, the ultimate symbol of love as creation, but in something else altogether.

  97. Would you be willing to elaborate on that last part, Medusa?

  98. But the indifference is still there, as is my ability to walk away and not look back. I found this a big disappointment. I still want to believe that this indifference is rooted in a fixable pathology and not in my "essential" nature, not in biology.

    A case of neurotypical cognitive dissonance?

  99. No Medusa that wasn't me. You know I don't communicate like that. It must be another Grace, imposter or I woke up in the middle of the night in an altered state.

    My ex didn't despise me. He was jealous because I'm everything he isn't. REAL. He's just angry at himself. I'm angry at myself for different reasons. And I wasn't interested in mind games either. I have puzzles I can do if I want that experience.

    Everything we do and experience comes from our biological selves that includes our essence. There is nothing else.

  100. above from Grace:)

  101. Jealousy is a curse.

  102. Yes it is. There is no room for self acceptance or a genuine notion to change. What was that story about the sailor and the master of arms who hated him because he was innocent? Can't remember it or who wrote it..I think it was the same novelist who wrote Moby Dick.


  103. Mutiny on the Bounty?

  104. No..I looked it up..Billy Budd. But it's about mutiny too.


  105. i don't relate to jealousy in a big way. it's why i find malignant narc's the people most lacking in substance. i find their attacks on others repugnant.

    when i was a teen i felt jealousy, and occasionally let it show.
    but i really am too focused on myself, my own needs, to sit there comparing myself to others.

    of course i sometimes do, but to take people down because of my own sense of inadequacy is absolutely pointless, and i think it perpetuates further one's feeling of inadequacy.

  106. This comment has been removed by the author.

  107. human said...
    i don't relate to jealousy in a big way. it's why i find malignant narc's the people most lacking in substance. i find their attacks on others repugnant.

    i agree with you, human. repugnant and also pathetic, and predictable and tiresome, their need to always compare every single little thing in their lives to what others have or value or want, so they can get it too or better yet take it away. but mostly desperate, the constant striving to preserve an image that fools practically no one.

  108. I agree too Zoe. But he's not jealous of my lifestyle really, he's jealous because he can't have experiences that my feelings and spirit give me. He doesn't have that and he knows it and he can't generate those feelings without another person present…a women specifically. That's where his problem is…he hates himself and runs from himself as much as possible, it has even caused him health issues. I'm sure some of the sociopaths here can relate to that but some of them have gone through acceptance and carved out a place for themselves so they can be relatively happy, whatever that may be for them. That takes work..he would rather get it from someone else and just stay in denial. It’s sort of like a co dependant thing but he’s not co dependant…he’s a sociopath. I don't know if I'm explaining this right.


  109. i was referring to narcissists in general, and one former boss in particular. wandered off topic, sorry.

  110. On second thought, I don't know if what I said earlier is strictly true. I did run from myself in some ways. And I do have a big spirit.

    But underneath it all, a certain detachment persists. I want spectacle and rapture and intensity. I was expert in the take and the leave, but now find there is diminishing returns in both. So I look for new sources, unsuccessfully.

    Stealing lives has also become diminishing returns. But I understood my ex and his motivations. I may have used him as a canvas on which I tried to repaint myself. though I dislike pain (unless being dispensed Ha!) nor am I competitive in the typical ways. (I dislike attention.) which means I am not a sociopath?

  111. I think I just went lesbian.

  112. "I do not want to be the leader. I refuse to be the leader. I want to live darkly and richly in my femaleness. I want a man lying over me, always over me. His will, his pleasure, his desire, his life, his work, his sexuality the touchstone, the command, my pivot. I don’t mind working, holding my ground intellectually, a...rtistically; but as a woman, oh, God, as a woman I want to be dominated."
    Anais Nin

  113. "But underneath it all, a certain detachment persists. I want spectacle and rapture and intensity. I was expert in the take and the leave, but now find there is diminishing returns in both. So I look for new sources, unsuccessfully."

    From a position of "Power/Attraction", this could easily describe modern corporate attitudes and its envisioned rewards. "The Mumbai slum of Rafiq Nagar has no clean water for its shacks made of ripped tarp and bamboo. No garbage pickup along the rocky, pocked earth that serves as a road. No power except from haphazard cables strung overhead illegally.
    And not a single toilet or latrine for its 10,000 people.
    Yet nearly every destitute family in the slum has a cell phone. Some have three."
    AP, October 30 2010, 3:40pm

    No particular intention to moralise here. Just connecting some images that comes to mind with the words.

  114. Anais Nin is really a man.

  115. Gag, that reminds me of a guest Colbert had on his show last week.

    Nicholas Negroponte and his "One Laptop Per Child" campaign.

    Dude built a million $180 computers to send to impoverished nations so they can have 100 books per computer to read.

    No toilets, but they have laptops.

    Haven't decided how I feel about that.

  116. I'm sure some of those hundred million books are about plumbing. Technology wins again. :P

  117. Technology sure is getting cheaper than cost of labour these days

  118. ""We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." - Anaïs Nin

  119. All great spritual teachings tell us we must "die to the world.
    We must be willing to give up the old to make way for the new.
    It's been likened to emptying out a cup. The filled cup of
    misinformation, falsehood, deciet and SLEEP. You DIE to the old.
    You DIE to the state of "living death" that you are presently in, and
    awaken to eternal life. This is what Baptism symbolizes. Burial and
    resserection onto eternal life.
    But this is something you must WILLINGLY CHOOSE to do. No one
    can twist your arm and MAKE you do it! You have to give your
    ULTIMATE possesion which is your flawed "LIFE" That's all you
    ultimately have to give. Could you? That is the most vital question
    you must answer because you're not ACCQUIRING anything, you're
    giving up EVERYTHING and slamming the door on your former "life."
    For God's sake M.E., cut the intellectual crap, and become a brand new creation in Christ. Then you will NOT be baptised with mere
    water but with the Holy Spirit. You will feel God's love DIRECTLY, and
    have the love of people who won't desert you. (Except when they die
    of course. We all die. Nothing can be done about that.)

  120. If you're going to repost things from three years ago, at least make sure the video is still available. Ta.

  121. I love that song. However, it isn't so much about seduction. The Erlkonig tries to seduce the child but he remains afraid of him so the Erlkonig takes him by force. "Bist du nicht Willig, denn brach ich Gewalt."


    Hey little sister what have you done
    Hey little sister who's the only one
    Hey little sister who's your superman
    Hey little sister who's the one you want
    Hey little sister shot gun!
    It's a nice day to....

  123. peace on earth... goodwill towards sociopaths and empaths.
    here's to continued evolution!


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