
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

An escort's unbiased perspective of the spectrums (part 2)

Thoughts from an escort (cont.):

The positives are that aspies and sociopaths are often less prone to xenophobia, prejudice, home-blind self-righteousness, hatemongering drives and such. For aspies, this is due to their inability to perform the first step of socially appropriate perceptive attention. For sociopaths, this is due to their inability to perform the second step of socially appropriate emotional attention.

And the borderline/bipolar/narcissists are like wild cards that can be extremely tolerant and compassionate in some issues, and extremely intolerant and hatemongering in other issues, depending on how their perceptive and emotional attention randomly work, or from how chaotic and interfering their wound-up emotions are with regard to both their perceptive and emotional attention.

Anyway, an input I have on your blog, based on my theory, is that your focus of inquiry, that of “empathy” could changed to “ability to intuitively trigger and experience socially appropriate emotions in oneself” (the “displaying” part is more relevant for aspies, I believe). Whereas “empathy” merely would be one emotion of many.

Because as I see it, the empathy issue is just what so called empaths kind of react on, from their subjective and practical view (which really is not very empathically done by these so called empaths). But the issue goes much deeper than that, and even though the empathy issue might be the manifested symptom that is most noticeable in human interaction, it is not the root to the problem, nor the cause of the problem, or even what the problem “is about” as such.

As said, I believe that aspies, borderline/bipolar/narcissists and sociopaths all have different causes to their problems, - and yet I find that they often seem to share the same kind of problems in their personal lives.

Their family, co-workers and friends often accuse them of being insensitive, egoistic, uncaring or even emotionally abusive. They often end up with being excluded or discarded by people that have been close to them. (And usually compensate with working hard in their professional lives, thus making money, and striving for power positions – the latter, I believe, not so much because of an actual hunger for power as such, but as a protective strategy for the kind of personal and relational exclusion they fear to experience again.)

As an escort (with certain aspie traits myself) I’ve learned good ways to communicate with these various types of persons. (Although, my selection methods as an escort narrow my clientele down to individuals that are both intellectual and apt at displaying a cooperative attitude to me, or I don’t accept them initially, nor do I accept to go through a full date with them if they aren’t trying to be cooperative).

But approached with the right communication, these persons are not so difficult in regard of being insensitive, egoistic, emotionally abusive and so on. – I just need to verbalize a lot of things and bluntly tell them about my experience of specific things said or done, and how they appear from my point of view, rather than expect them to just know it (as an objective fact) or know the relevance of it (as an emotional fact).

- Again, I would like to say that the distinction in the last sentence is important: Discerning between “objective state of facts” and “emotional facts”, as “knowing something” versus “knowing the relevance” of it.


  1. Do her clients get advice from her. She sounds like a pd whisperer call girl. Opening a brothel opposite outpt clinic and make me a fortune.

  2. As a bipolar, I do not like being thrown in with Narcs and borderlines.
    We are nothing alike except when manic.

    1. I dont think its a big deal. Think of the pluses. You can think faster than they can in times you are manic. I mean sure ur iudgment is off, but atleast you are aware now, and that means you can handle manias better. Its not as if amyone really gives a shit but a whore. Not that theres anyth7ng wrong with heing a whore. . Plus, when in contact with the population of pds you may attract, you can recognize stuff in them you remember from the last time you were manic. And not be a victim to them.

      Plus u are never bored. You have built in excitement, can throw urself into projects, get lots done, instead of sitting around complaining.

      As for when u r depressed, that sucks. But then you ca n go ask ur socio friends to jolt you into panic and get entertained, some other nice perks. ;
      .bingo instant high :)

    2. I deal with manic and mixed states, with psychosis. I know if there is ONE TIME that I can scare the hell out of narcissists or borderlines without a peep from them, it is when I am manic. However, those 2 PDs are the war and peace of revenge when you establish boundaries and when I get manic, I terrorize and harass the shit out of people and don't sleep at all but usually they did something to me prior. I am only violent or mean when someone else is and the tend to be either Narcissistic and/or Borderline ironically. The moment I look them in the face and give them that cold manic look I get often and threaten them, usually to end up in a ditch or lake, they back off. Borderlines will make you out to be Hitler though. That method has backlash with them. I have been accused of beating, raping and stalking borderline chicks and I am a homo but even then, people believe it when they make shit up.

    3. I am also like you. Whenn I am manic I look dangerous.
      When you look dangerous peoples defenses go up. I am a hetero female and if im pissed off and manic I can alienate a nice man.

      I understand why bpdd "make shit up". Its paranoia. It is a bitch. If you have ever been full blown manic, then maybe you have had some paranoid delusions.

      You seem to be in lots of contact with borderline chicks. Is that in your real life, or just your on line experience, like in a place like this, where these borderlines are simply running amuck?

  3. I just don't "get it." Not that I've ever had it.


  4. "But approached with the right communication, these persons are not so difficult in regard of being insensitive, egoistic, emotionally abusive and so on. – I just need to verbalize a lot of things and bluntly tell them about my experience of specific things said or done, and how they appear from my point of view, rather than expect them to just know it (as an objective fact) or know the relevance of it (as an emotional fact)."

    Up until this point, you had me. I think that you are less in control of these individuals than you might perceive yourself to be. While I agree that the mutually agreed upon transactional nature of these relationships is helpful in maintaining good boundaries that eliminate many potential areas of conflict these sorts of individuals experience with other people, don't kid yourself that you are in control.

    As far as aspies and mood disordered clients, you are probably safe. But if one of your truly disordered (Malignant narcissist, borderline, and psychopathic) clients develops an unhealthy attachment to you then he (or she perhaps) will resent the fact you have the ability to just walk away from them if they violate your boundaries.

    There's a reason that those who are prostitutes as a profession are by far the most likely to wind up in a dumpster. They dance with so many devils they forget that there is very real danger involved with intimate relationships with those who feed off of others. You may believe that you are detached, but if one of these individuals becomes obsessed with you, they feel no need to "obey" your rules of contact. They will stop at nothing to destroy all freedom you have and then when they are done with you they will dispose of you- and not in a "it's not you, it's me" cordial break up over coffee.

    You have been ok so far because you have not triggered an obsession. But it's a numbers game. My advice as a non judgmental woman (we all do what we must to make a satisfying life) is to never let anything emotional develop with one of these types. Don't let them get to the place of seeing you as uniquely desirable because then your rejection (or even just your unwillingness to see only them) will trigger a rage you don't want to be on the receiving end of.

    1. Very good advice.

    2. Well said Mach. As a biploar/or bpd myself many can go through an unhealthy attachment, and will value you for a season, and then split on you in the next season. You will be portrayed as the enemy/evil trash. and if they have the right type of status, you loose some of yr friends {if you have some of the same friends in your circle} cuz yr made to feel like your the one to blame for their suffering. I've seen it done. It's horrible and shameful. And when you finally stand yr ground... fight back, they deflect blame back on you. It's called bullying and manipulation. You are literally walking on eggshells with them.They can dish it out, but have a hard time accepting it back on their in plate. So they split on you and go into all or nothing thinking. Some will threaten death or even avenge to kill you oneday. It's bpd at its worst. Don't mean to offend. Sure someone will get offended. But they are the nicest human beings one day and split anytime they perceive your attacking them. But they can be bullies themselves. I've been on both sides of it as a bpd now. I can't deny it. I've seen it done. And finally done to me. But the bpd can be so good at covering it up and deflecting blame. Personal responsibility will take them out of the cycle, but hard to attain I guess. Apologies if I've offended in advance.

    3. So you have seen it super, but have you done it?
      I am bipolar and I don't split people.

    4. We all split people (just momentarily if we are self aware) so don't hold that against her. You may protest that you never have, 432, (anonymous posters can be so self righteous)- but my response is- were you ever a toddler? Then you have done your ow share of splitting. It's a primitive defense mechanism we ALL must avoid. Borderlines have had more trauma, typically, so they may hang onto it longer. But we are ALL guilty of it sometimes.

      The real question is: do you ACT OUT your impulse to split someone. That's where the problems usually come from.

    5. Thanks Mach. Very true.

      Yes. Anonymous I have split. I did not mean to come across more superior in sounding like i'm targeting the borderlines. I am one (bpd). I am also bi-polar. I believe so. Different diagnoses by two different doctors approx 3.5 ago. splitting is a defense mechanism. its difficult for individuals with bpd to recognize that people sometimes do things 'imperfectly' or make 'mistakes.' So they are categorized and spit individuals into all bad or all good. The experience of splitting is confusing and frustrating for people with bpd and their loved ones. it can interfere with interpersonal relationships, and can lead to intense anger and self-destructive behaviors. how did i come to the realization that I have done this myself? DBT, one on one therapy - joining a non-bpd support group online and listening to their hurts, their views, their angles. and listening to an awesome life coach AJ mahari. shes a recovered borderline that works with the nons and bpds together. i listened to alot of material for the NONS. because I wanted to take personal responsibility and start opening the doors of healing. bpd is a continuum. what affects one bpd, might not affect another. so YES I AM GUILTY OF THE SPILT. ;)

    6. Thanks Mach. Very true.

      Yes. Anonymous I have split. I did not mean to come across more superior in sounding like i'm targeting the borderlines. I am one (bpd). I am also bi-polar. I believe so. Different diagnoses by two different doctors approx 3.5 ago. splitting is a defense mechanism. its difficult for individuals with bpd to recognize that people sometimes do things 'imperfectly' or make 'mistakes.' So they are categorized and spit individuals into all bad or all good. The experience of splitting is confusing and frustrating for people with bpd and their loved ones. it can interfere with interpersonal relationships, and can lead to intense anger and self-destructive behaviors. how did i come to the realization that I have done this myself? DBT, one on one therapy - joining a non-bpd support group online and listening to their hurts, their views, their angles. and listening to an awesome life coach AJ mahari. shes a recovered borderline that works with the nons and bpds together. i listened to alot of material for the NONS. because I wanted to take personal responsibility and start opening the doors of healing. bpd is a continuum. what affects one bpd, might not affect another. validation is a must. SO YES I AM GUILTY OF THE SPILT. ;)

    7. Do you think that when you decide not to split that you feel like you do not know how to feel?

    8. Sadly yes. but it's usually with the individuals I have been subjected to abuse, and maybe my perception has become clouded or skewed. I have to watch because I can under validate myself where justice should be applied in a situation. Then I can over react where I was just triggered in my brain. I think it's a normal reaction and reflex for many even without bpd. recovery is a lifetime journey.

    9. To answer yr question. Yes, how do I feel when I choose not to split with them. Wow, that can be a tough. My brain wants to split them in a category of love/hate. The inbetween feeling is fricken uncomfortable. But I have managed to have a controlled and boundary relationship with two of my abusers. They are in my family. I am always trying to cast off shame though. The shame does not belong to me. I'm going to work on that though. Good question you brought up.

    10. Thank you . I have an uncomfortable feeling when I decide not going to split especially when I decide to forgive people. When you talked about justice thats what I thought about.

      When I decid3 not to split, I can put myself in a position to get trampled. Nobody gets to do activities with me and then start fresh. I will always remember. I will maybe forgive, but forgetting is not exactly possible.

      But bec I do not like to lose people, I really need to embrace some healthy splitting... iow, I take out my splitting shears when I damn well feel like it. (I pretty sure I just described putting personal boundaries up. I am very passionnate about that because I have trouble both ways)

      Did you ever read "the four agreements"? One thing I always remember is that when I partake in anything, I am making an agreement with myself to feel blah blah blah, when i allow dynamics to continue.

      What do you mean trying to cast off shame?

    11. Yes. They say bpd is like camelion like to other sufferers. I'm left vulnerable when i choose not to split and look at a things grey minded. You explained it good. I forgive, but I always remember. It feels fresh for me, like time has not gone by for healing. Maybe that's why we split because where just uncomfortable with the vulnerability and feelings it gives off. Mindfullness will help keep you centered. Sounds weird but I try to do it 3 times a week. Are brains are wired differently, but the brain is full of plasticity. We can create new ways of thinking. New neuropathways to rewire our thinking. As quickly as we're triggered, we bounce back. We fight and we have a feisty spirit about us to not give up i never read the four agreements, will look into it though. I really want to look into the study of this proffesor in psychiatry. His name is Harold Koenig berg. He did actual mri imaging and found that the areas of the anterior Cingular cortex and in the intraparetical sulci are healthy in people without bpd. With bpd it remains inactive. So that's the area that helps people regulate their emotions. We are wired differently.
      I mean cast off shame. Sexual abuse as a child leaves you feeling shameful.

    12. Thank you, superchick. You are very generous
      I am sorry yours was sexual abuse..terrible. When you say cast off, you mean to pretend that you are NOT full of shame? Or do you mean sthg different?

      I will contact the gingerman for keywords and get him to explain and not bother you so. He will pay the rent for his lemonade stand here.

    13. Yes, pretend I'm not full of shame. Exactly.
      As long as my gingerbread man and his stand is up and running and well. I'm content. He can go rent free. ;) He's a good gingerbread man. He really is. I miss him. I wander if he'll ever let me see behind his gingerbread mask. His management style drives me 'you know' ;) ;). Who he is. Keep giving me clues. Thanks for recommending that book, I checked into it. I'm going to read it. That's a must read.

    14. Hi superchick. I can see other people pretending they dont have shame. Can you? Can you easily recognize it when you see someone in person who is having a short- lived insecure moment and then they puff up to cover?

      I went on a date with a man sort of full of himself, who wanted to continue on a 3rd venue/activity on this first date.
      I realize I should not assume, but i think he was a misogynist bec he would talk about women in categories..,for example, saying: " oh yes yes, these ones are the "dinner whores" (women who only make dates for the free food)Then he told a story of how he made a blind date with a woman cruel enough to scope out the meeting place, and upon seeing him from a distance, call him to cancel. I guess he was always feeling rejected.

      Anyway, at the end of this first and last date, which was very nice, I was saying goodnight and I went to give a short hug and thank you. He pulled his face away from mine quickly, and jut his jaw out and upwards, and with a smugness turned and walked away as if to say "I dont get affected by women" and "if I never see you again, I wont even notice" .

      ^^This felt similar to how I might be covering at a job interview when I knew it would not be prudent to look desperate to them upon realizing I wasnt going to cut it for them. I think i was burying the shameful feeling of not being/feeling good enough.

      I do not think I came across as smug. I think ashamed to be feeling shame though. It is a horrible feeling.

      I can see others in this mode because I can recognize it in myself. Are you good at that?

      I have been accussed of mindreading by projection. One of my friemds always tells me "stop it, you dont know that" Have you been accussed of that? Mindreading?

      That is why I like one of the agreements in that book "dont make assumptions" I only started to look at it after I had a really fucked up experience. I had gone off the deep end, but it was the first time I realized my bpd tendencies.

      As far as the gingerbread man goes, I just take his cups of lemonade and I dont even speak to him. He just grunts anyway, you know? You must have a hold on him if he even smiles at you or anything.

      Have a nice Sunday, Superchick!

    15. Yes, I can see peoples shame more, and when they do try to cover it up - I can see the defence mechanisms that go up. Men are likely more to get agitated when they have shame. Ex. Put up a front, the macho ego.. It can be an indicator that the man does have misogynist tendencies - specially when they have categorized women just like you mentioned on your date. A huge indicator, and my atenas would have alarmed me after that hug and kiss you tried to give him - (as to how he reacted and pushed you away like a shovanistic to put it blunt. Good for you for noticing that and being aware of it. Some women would put that aside.
      i was attracted to my SO because he never trashed his ex-girlfriend who worked in the sex industry. i knew her, she'd loved to raid the clothes in my closet, lol. she did end up leaving him for her boss though. but my SO never trashed her for it.  i also worked with another ex of his along time ago. Again, he never trashed her, but admitted to his faults in the relationship. Anyway to make a long story short, i knew four of his ex's. 3/4 he had good things to say. and was always respectable towards them when we would occasionally bring them up in convo. All of them are quite nice girls.  
      the one he warned me about, i got quite hurt myself from, lol. shoulda listened. 

      As BPD's were good at picking up facial expressions, i can recoginze when someone is feeling shame, and if someone is having a hard time about it, i have to somehow intervene. sometimes i make myself look like more of an asshole, as the other person is good and elevated. I think, "hey as long as their ok, mission accomplish." But then i do feel like i made myself feel lower and my character has been trampled. It's a catch 22 for me.
      Yes, I have done mind reading; i thinks its because we can pick up quickly on peoples facial expressions, body language and social interactions. It's a double edged sword. Can be a good thing or not so good thing
      Mr Gingerbread man does grunt. lol. true. but we do accept him. ;) he makes the good lemonade and iced cookies. but unfortunately i've managed to make it onto his naughty list now cause I grunted back, lol. Have a great day!

    16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    17. F,en phone. The above comment is me. My Google I'd account wouldn't open up on my phone for some reason up above. I erased the typo dam slip ups of auto correct in the middle comment. Lol

  5. It seems the key is the INSTINCTIVE aspect-its this that seems out of kilter with those of the spectrum. For whatever reason, biology or trauma the brain circuit that allows for instinctive emotional response is out of sync. This amounts to a block between the spectrum folks and the neurotypicals.

  6. (something to do when you are bored)
    i sometimes think about joining AA or sex-o-holics anonymous
    and having some fun

    1. and i don't even need to be payed for it

  7. I liked how she (Swedish escort lady) described all these personalities: very unbiased, objective, to the point. No mind reading, self – projecting, guessing/interpreting./junk info.

    It was very helpful to me.

    1. Oh really.
      What makes you so sure?

    2. Really, really….Don’t doubt me. Start believing in me! I know.

    3. No thanks.

      I'm not just going to take a self-admitted autistic, sex worker's word for it.

    4. Wow, So hateful! Take a chill pill right now, please.
      You sound dangerously stupid!

    5. Those are the facts, since you clearly haven't been following the recent blog posts.

    6. Oops, No, I just typed something today morning. I wasn’t following anything!

    7. @anon 1:19, Thanks for alarming me.
      Generally, people seem to sell a lot of balonies around here. I try to stick to my lemonade…So, irrelevancies are inevitable. I'm leaving for today. I will post something relevant tomorrow.

    8. how's my special lemonade stand doing this evening. hope doing well.:-)

    9. Hi Super chick, I was only a touch leery about some people. Now, I am really really leery. Whole lot of nonsense stuff. Glad you stop by!

    10. Then again, it could be my own fault. I assume everyone else is as intention-less as I am. Oh well…Take care.

    11. awwS well Im glad your here. You take care, and love the cuteness pic. id offer you some lemonade and homemade chocolate chips if i can get it through virtual world. :)

  8. I don't experience much emotion, I have lots of how-to information... that I offer in conversation only when asked for. Sometimes it comes to a point where it feels like the 'other person' is looking for some kind of emotion from me, and so then I just give them what I can, but I can't say that any of it is real, its just what comes to mind that I figure will keep them from looking to me.

    1. Sounds like yr logical and reasoned minded.
      Great asset to have also. :)

  9. I asked a Chaldean numerologist for a character analysis of M.E.
    Her name is Heather Lagan, arthor of "Chaldean Numerology For
    Beginners." Her very extensive response is contained in the
    2013 Newsletter section of
    Even she can't arrive at a difinative conclusion about whether M.E.
    is truly a sociopath, but I think she is spot on with many of her

  10. "As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border." --Sarah Palin, explaining why Alaska's proximity to Russia gives her foreign policy experience.


  11. Hello everyone, I'm a very young sociopath, not as young as you may think, old enought to be self sufficient by all means of the terminology. But more importantly I've never held a conversation with another sociopath who knew they were a sociopath. I think it would be interesting to say the least. Please reply if your interested. " :) "

    1. Welcome to the fray, another cosmic vandal for the ranks...


  12. How To Stop A Divorce And Save Your Marriage?(Dr.Brave).

    Hello to every one out here, am here to share the unexpected miracle that happened to me three days ago, My name is Jeffrey Dowling,i live in TEXAS,USA.and I`m happily married to a lovely and caring wife,with two kids A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my wife so terrible that she took the case to court for a divorce she said that she never wanted to stay with me again,and that she did not love me anymore So she packed out of my house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get her back,after much begging,but all to no avail and she confirmed it that she has made her decision,and she never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my wife So i explained every thing to her,so she told me that the only way i can get my wife back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for her too So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow her advice. Then she gave me the email address of the spell caster whom she visited.(}, So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address she gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my wife back the next day what an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my wife who did not call me for the past seven {7}months,gave me a call to inform me that she was coming back So Amazing!! So that was how she came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and she apologized for her mistake,and for the pain she caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster . So, i will advice you out there to kindly email this wonderful man {},i f you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to "bringing your ex back. So thanks to Dr Brave for bringing back my wife,and brought great joy to my family once again.{}, Thanks..

  13. đồng tâm
    game mu
    cho thuê nhà trọ
    cho thuê phòng trọ
    nhac san cuc manh
    số điện thoại tư vấn pháp luật miễn phí
    văn phòng luật
    tổng đài tư vấn pháp luật
    dịch vụ thành lập công ty trọn gói

    Bên trong này, có quá nhiều dược vật, là chính minh dùng để... sử dụng bí mật.Hơn nữa, tính toán qua không bao lâu nữa, có thể dùng được rồi.

    Lại ở cửa quan khẩn yếu bậc này toàn bộ biến thành phế phẩm!

    Cái này đả kích đối với Đệ Ngũ Khinh Nhu, thậm chí vượt qua Đại Triệu mất nước! Bởi vì bên trong này, có một giấc mơ trong lòng Đệ Ngũ Khinh Nhu! Hơn nữa, còn quan hệ đến việc lớn của một thế lực siêu cấp!

    Mà sự kiện kia, mới là mục tiêu cố gắng suốt đời của Đệ Ngũ Khinh Nhu!

    Nay, mộng tan rồi! Việc lớn kia thiếu toàn bộ ròng thuốc nơi này... Cũng cần phải chậm trễ ít nhất hơn mười năm!

    Cũng may mà định lực của Đệ Ngũ Khinh Nhu đã vượt qua phạm trù người thường, nếu không nói, chính là đả kích một lần này, liền có thể điên rồi!

    Một lần này, Đệ Ngũ Khinh Nhu ngược lại thật ra không có nửa điếm hoài nghi Sở Diêm Vương. Cảnh Mộng Hồn nói rất rõ ràng, vị ‘Dạ công tử’ này, rõ ràng cùng vị ác ma của Trung Tam Thiên ‘úy công tử’ kia, quen biết. Hơn nữa, cùng Úy công tử thế lực ngang nhau lực lượng ngang nhau, thậm chí, còn muốn so với Úy công tử hơi cao một bậc.

    Sở Diêm Vương sao có thế có thực lực như vậy?

    Hơn nữa, dược liệu bên trong này đều là bị lấy ra sạch sẽ, cũng không phải đánh cắp! Loại hiện tượng kỳ quái này, lấy kiến thức của Đệ Ngũ Khinh Nhu, cũng sờ không tới nửa điếm ý nghĩ; Chỉ là trong lòng loáng thoáng có chút ấn tượng: Tựa như Tam Tinh thánh tộc có một loại ‘Hấp Linh Đại Pháp’, có thế có cùng loại hiệu quả loại này...

    Nhưng Tam Tinh thánh tộc lại cũng là biến mất mấy vạn năm vừa mới xuất hiện, ghi chép có liên quan với bọn họ, cũng là ít ỏi không có mấy... Đệ Ngũ Khinh Nhu tự nhiên càng thêm không biết.

  14. I’m very excited sharing this amazing testimony about a powerful and genuine spell caster that helped me to bring back my husband from the hands of another woman, My husband and i have been divorced now for two years. He remarried one year ago. Last year him and I were still talking, he was engaged at the time and I didn't know. We were meeting eachother at the park, talking, emailing, and went out to dinner one time. The entire time he told me I was the love of his life and that he didn't love this woman he is now married to. Of course my response to him was that he was also the love of my life as well. I was the one that asked for the divorce, and it was the biggest mistake of my life. This man is the only man I've ever truly loved and I am unable to love another man. When his fiance found out we were talking she broke all communication..Changed his phone number, deleted his email account etc. I've had no way of contacting him and I also have changed my number so he doesn't have anyway of contacting me either. I feel desperate, I feel like a crazy person because I can't stop these racing thoughts that control my life every single day. I just need to know how he feels. The very last time we talked he told me he could never love another woman again, and now he's married. What do I do? I cry myself to sleep every night. I can't listen to music, I'm afraid to go places for fear I'll see him with her. And when I do go to various places I think of him...Everything reminds me of us. I just want him back, he's my everything!! I love him so much!!!, i never wanted to check the internet for spell casters because i believed that they are all scam, but a child hood friend of mine told me to give it a try and contact a spell caster which i did, i contacted Chief Nwaluta and was doubting his powers, because he assured me not to worry about anything that all will be well, he did the spell for me and now my ex husband is back in my life and our marriage is saved with the help of chief nwaluta, here is his email if you are going through cases like this { } you can also contact him on his website . Thank you chief, i really appreciate i will always be testifying about your good work.


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