
Friday, April 26, 2013

Diagnose me: socio or victim?

From a reader:

Recently, with my lifestyle this past year living with complete fuck ups, alcoholics, drama driven bastards, I've come to notice that I easily start putting myself above them. I'm very intelligent. Graduated cum laude, have awesome friends and an absolute spontaneous lucrative lifestyle. Although, with the roommate situation (considering these 2 are the only ones I tend to attack) idk if I'm picking up sociopathic traits or I'm just coming out of my shell and saying fuck it I'm just being honest! I've done my research on sociopathic traits and I fit a LOT of them but I am also honest to myself in every way and feel completely justified in my actions and control. I've even had outside opinions and a consensus on how I've expressed my opinion towards these people as a strong validated one! But the further I look into it. I see that other characteristics of a sociopath fit me. I HAVE moved around a lot. I had a problem keeping close friends due to me putting myself above them at every chance I could because most of the time they were liars or posers putting off this front when I've worked so hard to get where I am! So I began looking at them as the weaker species if u may. Then finding weaknesses and attacking them for it because I was so pissed about their denial of who they are! I WAS financially irresponsible big time. I wasted probably 35 grand last year on bikes, a car, stupid clothes, drinks, passes, tickets, dining out, picking up tabs and just literally giving money away and also helping my girlfriend. I do have a hard time feeling true hurting emotion but then I jump back to my justifications of having been in jail before, I know that NO feeling in the world can be as bad as that so nothing on the outside world really hurts me much because its better than jail, I'm alive and free and everything has always been okay in my life and I know where I'm going and it's better than most people I've encountered and I feel superior to them not only because of my suspected sociopathy but because I've been through so much shit in my life and came out on top being smarter, with an amazing girlfriend and a lucrative career now. Another trait of sociopathy is talking in circles lol which I do a lot only because my mind moves so fast I just can't stop. It's like the avg human can speak 600 wpm, can listen to up to 1500 wpm and THINK at like 3000 wpm due to shortening of words, grouping and imaging. ME? I'm above that in every way and it's a fucking curse.

Anyway, I was considering to go see a doctor and idk if I would be DIAGNOSED with sociopathy or what lol. I have a lot of the TRAITS but my reasonings are justified! Am I a sociopath or a person who doesn't put up with shit and likes to feel better than others who were worse off than me but can't admit that they're just fuck ups and DO something about it.!? Ill be the first to admit my wrong doings, I do not lie and in fact I'm one of the most honest people my friends have ever known and my friends come to me all the time about advice, suggestions and guidance. I've never lied TO ANYONE about my life and where I'm going, what i think etc etc but if I'm in a rough spot I WILL lie to myself to pull myself through it and I have this saying to myself, well 2 actually. "Fake it 'til you make it!" And "Let Go, Let God"

I'm only writing u due to a question I typed into bing "what's the best comeback if someone calls you a sociopath" .. I was never considered a sociopath until the other night when my roommate, who I've just been being BRUTALLY honest with because I'm tired of his shit, said that a bartender thinks I could be a sociopath. So I looked it up and was thinking .. You know what's cool about being a sociopath? WE KNOW WE ARE AND QUITE FRANKLY DONT GIVE A FUCK!

Guess I've just been through a lot in my life from a pretty hectic arrest record for being caught doing things that any normal person has done like fighting but hurting the other guys so much they called the cops, or a DUI which I did jail for to get it dropped, and the rest of the stuff is traffic violations. Been to jail, but stuck it out and battled back to graduate even tho it took my 6 years and an extra $80,000, and have even been attacked by personal demons and seen both spectrums of the spiritual world if u believe in all that shit like I do now only because I've felt and seen some things in my life. (Talking in circles again) anyway.

I'm assuming you're a sociopath? Fuk idk. Can I get an opinion based on my rambling here? Or am I about to be victim of a sociopath? Lol I haven't a clue..


  1. - Sociopaths can be financially irresponsible, but in a selfish way, not to help a girlfriend in the need.
    - Your roommate said you're a sociopath, but most people use.
    - If you're as honest as you say, you clearly don't fit sociopathy.

    But you don't need to care about it, you share some traits with adapted sociopaths (including higher intelligence) and seem to have a successful life, that enough to be proud of if you ask me.

    1. *most people use it all the time without knowing what it means.

  2. "Lol I haven't a clue.."

    But you know this and are asking questions. Many never even get that far.

    Google just sent me an email and told me the name "T UA" is not legit and it will be suspended in two days... HA HA!! Pricks!

  3. I keep thinking it's pronounced like "trois" ^

  4. Oh and reader, have you considered the possibility of bipolar disorder, specifically type I? You said you spent too much money last year, but not this year. You also seem to have, at least in this post, a giggly, hyper-ness about you. You come across as younger than I presume you are, given your experience.

    I am not a sociopath either, but I know what you mean about waking up one day immune to the bs of others. People are sheep as well as flakes, so I think it's perfectly healthy for you to practice some hedonism. Because they certainly aren't above doing them same, and at the end of the day you're the only one you have, so I don't think you are in the wrong for living for yourself and doing so with candor.

    1. "Oh and reader, have you considered the possibility of bipolar disorder, specifically type I? You said you spent too much money last year, but not this year. You also seem to have, at least in this post, a giggly, hyper-ness about you. You come across as younger than I presume you are, given your experience."

      Astute... very possible. Would need more than the book they wrote though.

  5. This reader is a legend in his own mind. Not a high functioning sociopath as he wants to believe.
    And when someone calls him a sociopath they are peeing on him and find him repulsive.

    1. "And when someone calls him a sociopath they are peeing on him and find him repulsive. "

      This is true of most everyone calling anyone a sociopath... you know this right?

    2. tua
      Do you have ANY original thoughts or do you just hang out in replies?

    3. Nope... not a one. I'm a fucking idiot.

    4. How's that working out for you?

    5. Pretty fucking good. Thank you for asking. How is the clever smart-ass thing working for you? Great I hope.

    6. Well, I guess I'm on top...........just a clever smart ass opposed to a self pronounced idiot, smart ass.

      I think I'll relish the moment and have a nice glass of Giani.

    7. You do that...

      I'm gonna go juggle chain saws and drink gasoline. Turns out I'm not just an idiot, I'm indestructible!

    8. Redneck, huh? hahahahahahahahahaha

    9. lol from 758 on

    10. Thank you for your response, Anonymous 7:58. ;-)
      Did no one else catch that the guy wrote that he graduated "cum laude" in the same intro while he's talking about how ridiculously "intelligent" he is! Well, which is it Magna or Summa? HAHA Actually, that's a joke. Obviously you're neither. Find a therapist if you're really interested in wanting to figure out your problems. -DR

  6. If you (reader) ever feel like throwing away 35 grand again, I have Paypal account...

    1. That would be "throwing away", i don't think he threw it away last year.

  7. True. Was a joke. Sort of.

  8. Don't we all feel justified in our actions? Otherwise we wouldn't do them...

    1. It's one thing to feel justified and another thing to need it.

    2. Justification is a form of guilt

    3. Or self awareness + rational thinking.

    4. Justification= guilt? Uhm no.

    5. Of course. Yes-- its that simple. People overthink. -DR

  9. If somebody is smarter, more able, more skilled, it is normal that that person sees others as inferior in many levels, because they ARE. Being a sociopath is about lacking empathy and being delusional not about being better than the rest and having to cope with others flaws, which can be vary frustrating. To be honest is definitely not a sociopath trait. To be hard worker and not fond of manipulation to reach his goals neither. Helping the girlfriend neither. He should just get better friends or roommates... He is not a sociopath.

    1. I agree: "having to cope with others' flaws CAN be very frustrating." But you are wrong-- Sociopaths are NOT delusional. -DR

  10. Don't most people's roommates dislike them? And vice versa?

  11. To me, the writer seems more like a Narcissist than a sociopath.

  12. Cohabitation is pretty revealing. You love them or you hate them.

  13. I like all the people I live with.

    I'm the weirdo that disappears for weeks. I have found that hippies don't like that. I'm glad I live with a gang instead.

  14. I can eat people under the table when it comes to hot. I eat ghost pepper until I turn red and am gasping.

    It might be because I am cold inside, as in dead. I need a wake -up call like a Ferrari going from zero to 100

    1. Can you not eat people on the table?

    2. I suppose I could eat people on the table, if the occasion called for it.

    3. capsaicin raises endorphin levels (the body's response to pain), and in turn it's also a mood elevator. so then a sense of being dead inside isn't as likely. capsaicin is really helpful during withdrawal, depression and emotional numbness.

    4. what about cayenne?

    5. cayenne is also high in capsaicin.

  15. seems too anxious

  16. Narc with bad tastes in friends.
    Possibly Bipolar.

    I been there, done that, during mania. Also, go on bipolar spending sprees. This could also contribute to the grandiose feeling of being better than assholes.

    If you are smart and achieve more than the assholes, you ARE better then them in the eyes of society.

  17. Also, I would imagine that general life experiences and the experience of having been in jail would give someone a sort of confidence to not be bothered by trivial things. As you more or less said yourself. However I do find it funny that the other option you gave is that you're a "victim".

    1. Probably because he is one.

    2. we're all victims.

    3. No--- none of us are victims. Just volunteers. -DR

    4. Victims of themselves is what I mean.

  18. People with Narcissist Personality Disorder often think things are someone else's fault. They rarely take the blame for their own shortcomings.

    1. People with personality disorders in general rarely take the blame for their own things

    2. Actually, even people with presumably no personality disorders don't take the blame neither and hide it bellow the carpet when possible. Few are the brave who take responsibility for their actions.

  19. I have one constructive thought to the reader; if you were living up to your potential, would you be rambling?


  21. To L.A who gave me the beautiful advice and my other friend on here

    The lady brought my dog over. She was dressed in a little dress with a bow. She looked so happy and so well taken care of. She will visit me once a week and sleep over, too.

    I am so happy.

    1. you are lucky, Monica! Happy for you xx

    2. Thank you Anon xxxo

  22. Your a legend in your own mind. A sociopath has no empathy or insight in their illness because they don't believe they have a problem. You would seek a psychiatrist only to try to prove how intelligent and charming you appear. Any seasoned therapist will see through you game. So go to a therapist a waste your money trying to dazzle and entertain. But first, get spell check before you write anything else because you don't appear to be the smartest guy in the room!


    2. I love this post. It's riddled with your own spelling and grammar errors while you're belittling another.

    3. I love yours too, as it's pointing the obvious so much

    4. Anon 8:16
      You are a fucking retard

    5. HAHAHA- finally. Thank you, A1Patriot & Anonymous 7:08pm. I thought this site was for sociopaths/psychopaths and/or people diagnosed with APD. It seems for every 10 blogs of wanna-be-therapists and high-on-who-knows-what-drug and self-indulgents, there's an authentic blog. -DR

  23. Well, the story seems like a made up lie...


  24. oh and by the by, Chet Covington sounds like a soap opera name, but gayer.


    1. That was the idea, Maria!

    2. I know :0


    3. lol how did you know?

    4. Cuz you gay it up from time to time and you have a fun sense of humour.


    5. This is an awesome compliment

  25. Dear Writer,

    You have nothing to worry about. You are not a Sociopath, you do not have Anti-social Behavior Disorder. I live every day with a Sociopath and there isn't much I can do about it, he is my husband's son. The only thing that cushons our interactions is that he is 27 and is married and lives someone else. We were a very happy family, I knew since the day I met him he wasn't right in the head, his mother was also a Sociopath, but despite this, my husband and I managed to live with some happiness. He, his son, figured out what made us happy and attacked full blast, guns blazing, to take it away. He has succeeded so far, and we are left hoping that the family we had will wake up and come back to us.

    Anyway these are the reasons you are NOT a sociopath:
    1. You don't lie. Sociopaths lie to themselves and to others. When we lie we feel bad about it, we don't actually believe what we are saying when we do lie. Sociopaths do believe what they are saying. You can't tell them what they are saying is untrue, you can't even prove it to them, because they believe what they said with every fiber of their being and they live into their lies.
    2. Sociopaths do feel superior, however it is a double edged sword for them. They give off the persona of being superior but realty is they are NOT superior and they know they are not. They are mostly mediocre. They know they do not have the drive or ambition to be powerful and rich on their own, which is why they target our weaknesses. They feel superior because they do not have emotions and we do, they look at our emotions as weaknesses and use them to exploit us to get what they want, power or money.
    3. You care about your girlfriend. You think highly of her. A sociopath doesn't care about anyone and will never think highly of their girlfriend or wife. They will never write a check or pay a bill for a loved one. They do not have loved ones, they cannot love. A Sociopath would have his girlfriend/wife and family writing checks and paying their bills not the other way around.
    4. A Sociopath will get in trouble with the law as a child and learn how to get away with it. You didn't get away with it. You ended up in jail, a Sociopath will most likely never end up there. They manipulate the people involved in the criminal case, pretending to show remorse, goading the victim into a situation that puts the spotlight on the victim. Example: raping your girlfriend who subsequently goes home and tells her parents. Because they live in another state her parents decided to do a civil lawsuit and files against the son and family. The son calls the girl and convinces her that it was a misunderstanding, he thought she wanted to have sex, she writes the son a letter later and explains how she is confused. The son takes the letter to his parents and tells them that she wrote him a letter, he never tells his parents or his attorney that he spoke to the girl. The girl undergoes a polygraph, and it proves he raped her, so his parents pay the family. He never saw jail, he never had to pay out any financial responsibility, his parents paid his financial obligation. Another example: The Sociopath steals UPS packages off the properties of people in his neighborhood. Finally someone calls the police. The police investigate and find that he is the culprit. He gets off with fines, which his parents pay because he is a minor. His parents tell him he has to mow the neighbors yards to pay them back. He probably mows 3 or 4 yards that summer and the debt is forgotten about. When asked why he did it his response: "Because I could. It wasn't my fault they were stupid enough to leave the packages unattended on their steps." So see, you got into trouble, you faced your consequences and you learned a lesson. The Sociopath doesn't learn the same lesson, in these examples he actually learned a great deal about our weaknesses, he learned that he could manipulate people that love him and they would never press charges against him because they "love" him.

    1. It wouldn't let me post my entire reply, here is the rest:

      Now, as far as why you may feel superior at times. It sounds like you had a pretty bad childhood, and perhaps even a hard adult life, at least in the beginning of your adulthood. So have I. And I can honestly say that there are times where I find myself feeling superior too. I believe it is because we have had life experiences that most people haven't and it is these experiences that give us a knowledge that we have today that most people don't. Does this make us superior, no, it makes us wise. However, it is up to you to humble yourself by remembering that most people haven't lived the kind of life you have.

      Bipolar? I don't think so. I think you spent the money because you had it tough and maybe that was the point in your life where all your hard work started paying off and you were enjoying yourself. (Now, the last two paragraphs about you are just assumptions based on what you wrote above.)

      I hope this helps.

    2. Hey. You are smart, thoughtful, generous, and nice about it. Which anonymous are you?

  26. I thought this was a site for sociopaths, psychopaths and APD. What a bore! Why are bipolars, narcissists, and lost people writing? Its not a self-help forum, is it? Maybe it is. Not the impression I got. If you want therapy--go to a therapist. Unless someone replying is a licensed therapist or another person with S/P/APD, DO NOT LISTEN. The writer doesn't want "smart, thoughtful, generous, and nice" comments. He wants a real answer, which YOU cannot give. Its okay. Just don't answer. You are not in a position to diagnose, even if you are correct. Refer to a therapist or a real APD. And sociopaths end up in jail allllll the time. Where are you getting your information?! Glamour magazine? -DR

  27. I wish Ishtar was in the conversation. At least I could find humor in this if he were engaged instead of getting annoyed and angry. Idiocy.

  28. Well the reader suspected he is a sociopath and everyone who commented is disagreeing, with some suggesting other things. And actually, I have bipolar disorder(they say)so according to you my suggestion that the reader CONSIDER that his spending last year could be related to an elevated period is an assertion of reasonable merit.


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