
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sociopath quote of the day: onlookers

“Conscience is the inner voice that warns us somebody may be looking.”

-- Henry Louis Mencken


  1. Hm according to this quote I have a concience. LOL

    1. Yeap. Here is another quote from an individual who could not comprehend beyond his senses.

      “All credibility, all good conscience, all evidence of truth come only from the senses.”― Friedrich Nietzsche

  2. When I read this I immediately thought...."mmmm...No..Not a good way to define what it feels like to have a conscience.."

  3. Define it in your own terms then.

    1. The human voice can never reach the distance that is covered by the still small voice of conscience.
      Mahatma Gandhi

  4. Does this make me normal yet?

  5. that describes someone faking it...someone at a minimum who cares what others think and allows it to dictate their behavior

  6. a conscience, in terms of what it feels like to me, is simply an echo of what feels to me like an intellectual truth... that it makes sense to treat others fairly, and to not do so feels like a wrong answer on a math test, conscience just adds extra ouch.... its the sting and burn of the hot water that we know will scald the flesh

  7. There is no concience for me, only that little feeling you get right before you do something wrong. It's a good feeling.

    1. Good feeling = Good sociopath. Is that what you wanted to hear?

  8. Disagreed with Menchen actually, one's conscience regulates behavior whether or not anyone is looking.

  9. Defined in my own terms...

    Conscience- the reaction of the mind to inner thoughts or actions that we use to base the judgement of right or wrong of said thoughts and actions.

  10. "There is no concience for me, only that little feeling you get right before you do something wrong. It's a good feeling."

    That's just anticipation of something nice going to happen soon. It has nothing to do with conscience.

    You could also add "It's a bad feeling." and then it would be anticipation of something bad going to happen... Same thing.


    I would agree with Aspie, but that's a choice based on a preference for logic.

    Like it or not, the quote does in fact describe how "conscience" usually works, even if it's "fake". That just means most people probably doesn't have a true sense of conscience when all is said and done.

    ... I wonder if "true conscience" was ever really the norm in any culture or society? ... I don't doubt there has been times where it was the norm among the leaders (what today is called 'politicians'), or aristocracy. But that's a different matter.

    1. What! True conscience the norm with politicians/the aristocracy. What planet do you hail from?

  11. I knew it, M.E. is totally a born-again.

  12. Need a soul to understand true conscience. Much from the spiritual realm, which the soulless or incomplete humans just do not get.

    1. Tell me about humans with no souls please.

    2. Read it and weep.

  13. Through pride we are ever deceiving ourselves. But deep down below the surface of the 'average' conscience a still, small voice says to us, something is out of tune.
    Carl Jung

  14. Here we go.

    1. sounds like someone got fucked over by os sociopath
      i almost feel sorry

    2. You wish. Wrong on both counts. You can not feel for starters.

    3. One does not need to get fucked over to understand the base individual`s world of fucking and getting fucked.

      That world is not complicated. On the other hand....

  15. sociopaths hurt a lot of people. What seems to hurt most is the idea that the sociopath is breezing happily through life having a blast while a trail of wounded victims struggle to put their shattered lives back together.

    No sociopath breezes through life. They just know how to make it look like they do. It's part of the sick game they play because they can't do much of anything else, as they are.


    2. Sociopaths do not age gracefully. The destruction, of their own making, eventually does catch up to them.

    3. It is true. We do not breeze through life. Most of our effort goes into making it look like we do. It builds a foundation though with others. It's a necessary and worthy investment.

  16. According to Bible, the conscience was given after the Fall( man's disobedience). Prior to that, man did not know he was a separate entity from God. There was a symbiosis to such an extent that they were united and man had no knowledge that he was a separate entity.

    After the Fall, the conscience got put in man. It is in every man, but it can be dulled by ignoring and going against it. God reaches out to every man, but there is a time that God stops. This is very scary because is this happens, you can never find God.

    1. What a crock! This shows you don't know God and his word.

      Man always knew that God was God and they were the lesser form. That is why they could be tempted. Shame then occurred. This should be a sign for any man that when you ignore the shame - your heart hardens.

      God never ignores a repentant heart but he knows a lie.

    2. This should be a sign for any man that when you ignore the shame - your heart hardens.

      Yes, your heart hardens when you ignore God but there is a time when God gives up on a man, too. God turns you over to your reprobate heart. That is what this Bible verse means.

    3. I am appalled at your continued statements of:

      "There is a time that God stops."
      "You can never find God."
      "But there is a time when God gives up on a man."

      What are you trying drive home as if you KNOW the mind of God? Many verses would counter your statements.

    4. And you never addressed my 9:49 statements.


    5. Man always knew that God was God and they were the lesser form. That is why they could be tempted. Shame then occurred. This should be a sign for any man that when you ignore the shame - your heart hardens.

      God never ignores a repentant heart but he knows a lie

      I agree with the first statement. As to the second, God never ignores a "repentant" heart, but if the heart hardens, it is not repentant. When it hardens to a certain point, it may become reprobate, which means that God has allowed the person to walk away and God won't chase him, anymore.

    6. "God never ignores a repentant heart but he knows a lie."

      That means when the heart is truly repentant then God will know and resume the relationship, etc.

      I believe you were able to grasp my statement but unable to believe that a repentant individual will always have that capability. Right?

      God never chases an individual.

    7. if god made a person capable of having free will, then god doesn't really have any choice but to allow his creature the freewill to say fuck you god, i don't forgive you, i don't like you, good riddance, get out and stay out.

      God doesn't give a shit whether or not his creation opens his/her door to let him/her back in. If you aint gonna work for him or kiss his ass, what the fuck does he care? He'll just ignore you, like the badass sociopath he is.

    8. Anon 7:36

      Yeah, you're first paragraph is right.

      And on your second paragraph, maybe, God just listens to your melody and not the words. :)

    9. *your - was framing a different thought.

    10. I was not being clear, perhaps. We were talking about two different things. One is the person who calls out to God or reaches out to God in the smallest, tiniest way. God is there to scoop that person up, always!

      Then, there is the person whom God tries to reach, again and again and again. That person turns his back on God, again and again. That person may put himself so far away from God and harden his heart so much that God may give up on him but it was the person's choice. This is what is called being turned over to a reprobate mind. HOWEVER, if this person ever came back, God would be right there, but the person is taking himself away from God, not vice- versa.

    11. Bible Anon March 13, 2013 5:13 AM

      You posted:
      "This is very scary because if this happens, you can never find God."


      It appeared you were building a case on "reprobate," as you used it in every post.

    12. I was trying to explain the difference between a repentant heart and a reprobate mind.

    13. And on your second paragraph, maybe, God just listens to your melody and not the words. :)

      "God just listens to your melody and not the words. :)"

      I don't understand this. Can you give me an example, please? Are you referring to what you ask for (or what you want) or whether or not God sees that your mind informs your behaviour? Or does this have to do with your relationship to God?

    14. Anon 7:12

      I meant to say "Maybe, God just listens to the melody and not the words."

      Anon March 13, 7:36 had some harsh words for God and I like to think God listens to the "vibe" and never hears the ugly words. O.K?

    15. Monica came in many forms to save face:

      Bible Anon
      Up from the Bible
      Anonymous 7:12

  17. One does not need to get fucked over to understand the base individual`s world of fucking and getting fucked.

    That world is not complicated. On the other hand....

  18. That is not conscience... You always have to consider the fact that someone may be looking. To not do so is really fucking careless.

  19. Anon 11:28
    I could not reply under your comment. I agree with you 100% that a repetant heart will never, ever be turned away by God.

  20. I think this means that the idea of getting caught is the only real 'conscience' a socio has. I know that the only time I will refrain from doing something that is morally wrong is when I feel that I am being watched. Either by camera or person, but if I feel that I cannot be seen I will do exactly as I please.

    1. Absolutely.

      True conscience can be seen as a handicap, also an opportunity for exploitation.

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