
Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Pardon the interruption to your daily programming, I'll probably take this down in a bit so don't start chatting here. I am making a "Can you spot the sociopath" quiz for the book promotion. I wanted to give short examples of something and have someone guess whether it's a sociopath, or something else, the something else probably being either: autism spectrum, borderline personality disorder, schizoid, narcissist, asshole, machiavellian, etc.


Here's a sociopath example:
Q. Pat's co-worker confesses that she has been on the kidney donor transplant list for the past three years and undergoes weekly dialysis. Pay immediately offers his own kidney. Her doctors don't even consider him because obvious differences in race and size make him not a suitable candidate. 
A. This could be altruism (for obvious reasons) or it could be a sociopathic. According to the sociopath "I’m not 100% sure why I made that offer. I was ready to be tested if it came to that, but of course I assumed it wouldn't -- I assumed correctly. But just making the gesture sealed her to me. I’d be lying if I said I planned it all that way. I knew there would be some advantage of course, but not the extent of it or how useful she would actually end up being to me years later."   
I'd really like examples from all of the socio related characterizations as well (as well as additional socio stories). Hopefully this example illustrates what I am looking for -- very short (1-3 sentences) explanation of the situation followed by another short explanation of why you might have done it (if you were normal, or a sociopath), but why you actually did it. The examples can either be very obvious, quintessential traits of who you are, or surprising traits like the example above. Strong preference for personal stories by people who have either been diagnosed or self-identify as the particular disorder. Please follow the format above.


  1. I told this totally made up story to one of my coworkers about how I told my very religious parents that I'm an atheist and they hate me now and disown me. I was bored and wanted some entertainment. I made my eyes tear up and everything. He even took me out for dinner and paid because he felt so bad for me. I was laughing inside the whole time it was so great.

    A: sociopathy. Telling false stories and manipulating people just for kicks and your own entertainment

    1. Sounds more attention-whorey than sociopathy

    2. Think about what you're doing, that's attention whoring.

    3. Was dinner all you were after? Was it the thrill of affecting someone? IOW, did you think, in advance, what you were after. Do you have a long term play in plan?

    4. "for kicks and entertainment"

      is that just sating being bored ?

      I had my mal narc ex try to impress me with having a camera crew come over to him, so he could call me over to watch him talk about being in a war on an important patriotic holiday in the patriotic town we were visiting. It was a complete fabrication.

      He couldn't help himself. He told me: "how do you like that? Now **I** am a good actor !" Oh, and he was. But to what end? He wanted claps for it from me, and he wasn't thinking long term ramifications for him. He liked the spotlight on him.

      It was for attention . I asked why he did that lying. He could not answer.
      After contemplating later on, he said that it was a foolish and impulsive thing to do. He has a reputation to keep, and that shit was being shot and broadcast, and he gave his real name. People far and wide will see he's a lying buffoon (not that he doesn't have that reputation anyway)

      Later, he told me I was right, and that he had been stupid and impulsive.

      So what is that? that is the narc being impulsive ?

  2. Spot the psychopath: he's the guy who always wants anal. Or failing that, only wants to do it doggy style.

    1. so he dont have to look at you. You just a hole. You His hole with no body attached. that's why theys all necros, too.

      ^The above is an example of a person making fun of legitimate psychos in their FACE, also talking dumb jive like an a-hole, foolishly, spontaneously, and at the risk of getting their ass kicked. For fun!

      a)random ass

      b)random narc


      d)borderline masochist

      e)evil aspie

      f)all of the above

  3. No idea why. Anal fixation, one asshole drawn to another.. who knows.

    1. most ppl don't like it that's why i like to convince them to let me in there asshole
      just another game

    2. most ppl don't like butt grease
      i suc it out and they return
      over an over then i hold in
      my moth and spitin theres

  4. I was traveling with the train a few days ago. I had a few different and illegal drugs with me, and was high on a few of them. As i was going to buy a ticket at the ticket mashine inside the train, i had to notice that the mashine didn't work. So i asked the inspector if he could sell me a ticket.
    In the whole time, i didn't "knew" that i have drugs with me. Well, i knew it, but it didn't come to my mind for one second, neither the fact that i was high.

    A: Sociopath. Being able to ignore certain things through a reckless focuss, and being able to act normal in even "extreme" situations.

  5. Q: Halp?!

    A: Go fuck yourself.

  6. I thought my bf was cheating for good reason. I checked his inbox and deleted a message he hadn't opened yet. It was matches from a dating site, nothing major, but still.... he's a fuckin' liar and i know it. Saving this piece of info for the file when I dump his ass. When? Have no clue. I really like the cheaters.

    I was mad, jealous and too careless to delete the deleted item from trash. WHat if he sees it? Fuck it, it's too late now. whatever will be will be.. spilled milk is spilled milk. I'll confess if I have to, but I don't think I'll need to. He knows he'd have to admit to getting the email in the first place and also risk me telling him i haven't a clue what he's talking about ( now This would make me a gaslighter, and really that's just fucked up and I really like him.... i didn't mean for it to get so out of hand.) I guess I may have to confess I snooped. oh well, he was bound to find out sooner or later I have boundary issues. It's a good thing he's already attached. Aside from that lil cheating thing.

    a)borderline being self destructive in some probable narc/borderline, masochistic road to nowhere relationship.

    1. ^Impulsive act.

    2. Hope he gives you a nice STD surprise.

    3. and 9 moths later...

    4. more cute cashmere sweater :(

  7. Q. Tearfully "confessed" to a gossipy coworker that I was struggling and conflicted because I'm having trouble covering up the fuck ups of another coworker. She wasn't actually bad at all, but I manipulated him and several others into thinking she's a lazy, hypocritical bitch and gaslit her into thinking she was fucking up. It reached the boss, who gave me a speech about how he appreciated my loyalty to my friend, but nonetheless cannot allow me to cover up her mistakes any longer. The coworker ended up miserable and leaving. I got her shifts.

    A. Sociopathic. Gaslight, lie or manipulate to get what I want. Funny thing is that she was convinced I was her only real friend there. You might think I didn't like her or wanted the extra work, but I didn't have anything much against her. Just thought it would be fun. And the shifts were an added bonus :)

    1. You have failed everyone, you have failed yourself, your co-worker, your boss, and you have failed at life.

      It's up to you as to how you will proceed from here.

      I have concluded beforehand that you will continue in the path of fail.

      Go forth, and fail on.

    2. That was funny 601 :)

      I had fun, my coworkers love me, got all the work I want. I'm happy and I don't regret a thing.

      Yes, I think I shall continue on my merry path.

    3. She must have been really stupid to die to something that dumb.

  8. I need to hear from the aspie's, borderlines, schizoids, narcissists, and others related to or often mistake for sociopaths.

    1. i sometimes get mistaken for an aspie
      (but that's just to the ppl i don't show me having fun)

  9. i cannot trust myself but beïng in trouble is better than being bored

  10. I don’t think this will be relevant for your book, but I am intrigued by your post today, and I want to share this with you. I am not sure why.

    I am having a lovely conversation with someone about a person who is very important to them. I listen carefully to their needs, assess their strengths and weaknesses, and go about setting them to work in a manner that best suits the needs of my organization. In doing so, I empower folks to discover ways in which they might serve a greater good. But make no mistake about it. Behind the mask, I’m thinking of the success of my project, the influence I am accumulating, and the rewards I am reaping, both temporal and spiritual.

    I consider what I do to be a service I provide. It could be altruism. It could be narcissism. It could even be a mite sociopathic; I am not even sure which it is myself. But I do know that I am in my element when I am in control, overcoming obstacles, directing, and coaxing things out of people. This fulfills and energizes me in a way that nothing else can.

    1. I was listening to a lecture and the guy said that you have to "want" things in life. You can want influence etc. These kinds of wants are good and I think this is what you are talking about, Alterego.

    2. It sounds like you are a naturally good business person, Alterego.

  11. "just figure I might as well use what I've got to my advantage."
    11h M.E. @sociopathworld
    "That the rules are relative and not obvious choices does not change the fact that a society or group works better when most follow rules

    I could have written these and put them together, and I agree. I've done this kind of thing, not even being aware i'd be able to do anything. I made myself cry and I didn't know why I was even crying. I got praise, and all I thought was "ok"

    You can you be powerful and not realize it?

  12. Q: Started working as a live-in nanny for a woman going through a messy divorce. Took over the responsibilities of the father and quickly bonded to the child. Cited the divorce and ensuing complications as a reason for being unhappy with the position. Suggested that I might leave for a position with higher pay, better benefits and fewer complications (leaving the child without her new best friend). Demanded higher pay and fewer duties. Now slowly turning the child against her mother so that she is completely uncooperative when not in my care, making myself irreplaceable.

    A: Sociopathic. Manipulation of people for one's own personal gain without any regard for their well being via social means, lack of empathy towards (even) children, parasitic lifestyle.

    1. The hand that rocks the cradle...

    2. Fiction - if not, Karma is on its way.........

    3. I get the feeling she watched the movie one too many times. So fiction.
      Even if not, sorry to break it to you, but if karma was real, there would be a hell of a lot less assholes in the world.

    4. I certainly hope the kid's a sociopath.

      Reminds me of a joint parenthood where the kid goes back and forth, and one parent thinks the other is cooperating on every joint decision made. And it aint true...One parent is the good guy giving candy, enforcing no curfew /bedtime, yanno?

      Nanny's just a third person the kid gets to manipulate the shit out of.

    5. Oh, Karma is real. I don't need your assurance .....

    6. You seem so convinced. Surely you must have some stories to back it up.
      Extra kudos for something believable ;)

    7. Sorry, I don't cater to assholes

    8. You're no fun, Grumpy.
      Want a hug? I could throw in a free grope ;)

  13. I'm living a double life. I'm a regular church goer, going to school with a fulltime job, living a life any parent would be proud of, except its all a lie, secretly I'm all sex, drugs and rock and roll. One of my fuckbuddies is one of my "friends" Ex-boyfriend and she doesn't even know it, another fuckbuddy of mine is a sociopath. None of my co-workers or family can see what a good liar I am and how easy it is for me to use them to my advantage.

  14. How about when someone purposely seduces a married person, gets them to fall in love, and has sex with them knowing all along that you planned to end the affair as soon as you were sure you had their love and your only goal was to ruin someone else's relationship plus the added bonus of the ego trip from convincing a married person to cheat on their spouse with you. What do you call that?


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