
Thursday, July 12, 2012


In which I get interviewed for a Romanian website, which, as I note in the interview, represents an unusually large percentage of the readership of this site.


  1. fuck yeah, first.

  2. I hope the link will attract more female readers to this place :)

    1. I wear my hair about shoulder length and parted in the middle, Ted.

    2. But you like boys...

  3. *sees article and faints*

  4. Now I know why people bitch about google translate, could barely understand it, but still interesting. Good for you, M.E.

    1. This blog fills a need, unlike any other, I would think. It is just a matter of people finding it imo

    2. Starting to sound like ego.
      "This blog fills a void in me so all people have to do to fill the void in themselves is go to the same blog and their void will be filled as well."
      Not everyone has your void Monica. Actually, I'd go as far as to say no one in here has your void, or the gaping hole you call a personality that brings them here for nothing but abuse. You're alone in that, and everything else in your life.

    3. Green eyes, I think she's starting to like you.

    4. Kany
      You married a low functioning sociopath who is a drug dealer. Your void is filled up with chaos.

    5. My void is filled by a certain content, peacefulness, dullness, and my family. My husband doesn't fill any voids. He's just amazing to me. I marvel at him. His drug dealing is impressive to me.
      But what was green eyes saying about not throwing the first stone, Monica? Or was it ellicit? Not important.

    6. Way to be a bitch, miss holier than thou.

    7. YEEAS
      Finding my inner bitch @@@@@

    8. You stupid bitch, you just threw the first stone by insulting my personality. Are you a dumb fuck on top of being nasty?

    9. Monica, you really need to chill. Have a smoke, get laid, have some fucking fun already.

    10. I didn't insult you. I said you were being presumptuous by thinking everyone has your malfunction. You went straight after who I am, and what my life and relationship are to me. I was responding to you directly, while you pulled in unrelated material to try to make me feel bad.
      I can only assume you did that because what I said made you feel bad. So is your determining factor for an insult anything that makes you feel bad, in which case you can retaliate by trying to do the same to the other?
      So we're living in an eye for an eye justice blog system. Monica can insult anyone she doesn't agree with and her conscience is clear?

    11. Kany
      If you fuck with me, I fuck with you back. If you don't, I don't. You can call that eye for an eye. I suppose it is.

    12. I don't fuck with you, Monica. I don't have the mind for strategy for it.

    13. His drug dealing is impressive to me.


  5. "Is being a good person ever anything other than the sum of morally considered choices?"

    Great quote. It says it all, in one sentence.

    1. Monica
      Then why not study with a wise Rabbi?

    2. What does a rabbi have to do with anything?

    3. What can I help you with, daughter?

  6. Is being a good person ... just another way to manipulate and charm

  7. People do seem to be charmed with goodness.

  8. How does ME know how many readers are actually from those places? Many readers are using proxys.

  9. ME does not check IPs. He said that, in his talk with us.

  10. So how does ME know then? Just from emails or what? Not very accurate then...

    1. You got a point. Maybe, the e mails he gets.

  11. to all the ppl not using there brains get a shotgun and paint the walls

  12. Darkweaver seems really interesting. I hope he comes to the Comment Section.

    1. Why don't you come over to the forum instead?
      You can support him through the inevitable implosion. It'll be fun.

    2. No, the Forum holds nothing for me. I don't like to chase down people. I don't like gratuitous fighting. That is 90% of what goes on there, but thank you, anyway, for the offer.

    3. What better fun is there on here than watching some Stav like wanker implode?
      Besides, you seem to thrive on fighting.
      Come over to the dark side, Monica. You might get some of that rage out of your system ;)

    4. You know, Green Eyes. I can only attack someone who goes after me, first. I can't go after someone coming on here, looking for help.

    5. How does it feel, Monica? To know that your popularity, has only to do with the fact that most people here want to crack your skull open?

      It must eat you up that the one person who goes against all your righteous claims, is more favored than you, and all your lame attempts to portray goodness, and depth.

    6. Actually, Eden, my singular loss from my abuse was the ability to DEFEND myself. I will never be an aggressor, as I have no respect for it. I am all about getting my own self respect, not yours or people that act like you do. Why should I care?

      I have to discern the important from the unimportant, which you are.

    7. Eden
      A big part of what the Fomentiles told you was true. You are splitting off parts of yourself and seeing them in other people. You have split off your weak, vulnerable side. You see that in me. You have probably split off your innocent childlike side. You see that in me. You have probably split off your "good" side. You see that in me.

      In actuality, my sickness was that I could never be anything different from these sides. I was frozen in these, as you are frozen in yours. We are mirror images.
      At any rate, do with that what you will. Throw it out like a candy wrapper, if you want, but I think that is what is happening.

    8. Oh really Monica? Is that what you think is happening with me?
      You just referred to "the Fomentiles" as if they are real people. YOU are the Fomentiles, Monica.

      Stupid cunt.

      And look.... still doing such a good job of ignoring me!

    9. No, I don't ignore you, all the time Eden. I truly feel for you, even though you won't accept that.

    10. You're right Monica. I won't accept that you "feel for me", because everything you say to me, and about me, are lies.

  13. You know, this post really got me thinking... How does ME monitor traffic around here? It's pretty obvious s/he has acces to our IPs or something, since s/he can make statements about percentages and stuff... Perhaps this blog isn`t as safe as we think it is.

    1. "How does ME monitor traffic around here?

      What do you mean "traffic?"

    2. In the interview, ME says: I've noticed an unusual amount of traffic coming from your country.

      It means people coming to visit the blog. Not very sharp, are you?

    3. I wonder how much of this applies to the forum as well. Can the blog owner monitor the IPs of people posting there? I think these things are important enough to be cleared up.

    4. just don't piss off M.E. and you will be OK.

    5. Shut up Monica, I put forth a legitimate problem/question.

    6. i am not Monica. Has she split into 4 equal parts?

    7. First of all, you will never know if M.E looks at IPs or does not, so stop bitching.

    8. I hope her head splits into 4 parts under an axe.

    9. What you wish for others comes back on you, so you better be careful.

    10. Well, that's the thing. Can a blog owner even look up IPs? Do they have to do a specific search or something, for a particular comment? Can this be applied to the forum? Any computer savvy pple around here?

    11. Anon 2:21 aka Monica, because I don't think anyone else give a fuck about that bitch: I wished a sports car for a friend and I didn't get it. So your theory is crap.

    12. Yes, blogs can have access to IPs, if desired.

    13. Anon 2:25
      Don't be too sure about that, as an ax may fall from a window and cut you into fourths

    14. Anon 2:25
      George Harrison even wrote a song about it--Instant Karma--so shut the fuck up before you are too smart for your own good, Buddy.

    15. Yeah well I read a graffiti once that said people who don't believe in karma are out of karma's control. So, in your face!

      I think there are blog traffic stats that monitor the overall activity or something. I wonder how they work though, are they per click/visit or per IP? Anyway, there are many readers using proxies. I used several proxies from Eastern Europe, for example.

    16. If people are out of karma's control, isn't that suggestive that karma doesn't exist? Like if you said people who don't believe in god are out of god's control. Isn't that indicative that god isn't all powerful and thereby a lie?

    17. Jeez Kany don't take it so serious. I said graffiti for fuck's sake. Of course karma is crap. Damn, some people here are slow today.

    18. Kany is guilty because in Hell, she will have hundreds of nasty bitches whispering insults to her.

    19. Lol, anon 317. She already has that here. Except that most are in fact Monica's alter egos :)

    20. I tried to come across as kinda stoner pseudo-analyst, but I guess I missed nd the humor was lost.

    21. I'm pretty buzzed and even I could see you were joking. This anon's just touchy.

    22. Ooo. Buzzed. :-)

    23. Anon 1:50
      I had just woke up, yes, should have looked at the
      blogs.....but I'm very sharp you stupid fucker and
      if Monica wrote that post hmmm.....

    24. Anon 2;21 aka Monica
      Ask yourself "how's that working out for you?" Karma
      that is........

  14. I already miss Eden. She's the most beautiful woman I've seen on here, she's just the best. M.E. isn't bad herself, but Eden... Oh god. ♥

    1. I'm not gone... Why do you miss me, my love? Answer my email.

  15. Are the same people really still fighting in comments?

    1. Ya, this place never changes.

  16. For the people asking about IP tracking:

    The blog itself uses StatCounter, a free analytics tool (and also Google Analytics, but duh~). If you read the features page, you see that it offers a number of IP and ISP related data. Obviously these things can't be tied directly to particular comments, but comparing timestamps can give pretty significant accuracy.

    The forum uses the Nabble platform, which currently does not support IP logging (or at least not in such a way that an administrator or even creator can look at them). I think it's in the list of future features, but it hasn't emerged, yet.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Additionally, though I've never used Blogger, it's fairly likely that it makes IPs available to the owner. I know Wordpress does it, so it's not out of the question. Though maybe Google wants to keep all that sweet, sweet data to itself.~

    3. Thank you. Genuine information instead of Monica related wankery. WOW.

  17. Could someone explain who Monica is, and what she's done. I'm curious.


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