
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Famous sociopaths: Viktor Bout

Legendary arms dealer Viktor Bout may not be famous in the same way that A-list Hollywood actors are famous (although the Nicholas Cage film "Lord of War" is basically based on him).  If anything, Bout is most famous to Interpol or other government organizations.  It's not surprising.  I bet most sociopaths are more likely to be infamous than famous.  Here are the selections from a New Yorker profile on Bout that make me think he is a sociopath:
  • Although he had arrived in the Emirates not knowing much about Arab culture, he had a cosmopolitan ability to adapt to new circumstances. 
  • Bout, who had the brash confidence of the autodidact, didn’t have a source of weapons, but he knew that he could find one. 
  • “Viktor is a fast learner and he is very easy with the contacts,” Mirchev told me. “He could reach the right people at any time.” 
  • Schneidman, who once termed Bout “the personification of evil,” told me that Bout was “directly undermining our efforts to bring peace.” At the same time that Bout was delivering weapons to Savimbi’s forces, Schneidman said, he was also flying arms to the Angolan government. I asked Bout whether Savimbi knew about his mixed allegiance. Of course, Bout said. Didn’t Savimbi mind? “If I didn’t do it, someone else would,” Bout said. 
  • Officials in Washington began to see Bout as the quintessential figure of transnational crime. He was distinguished not by cruelty or ruthlessness but by cunning amorality. “If he wasn’t doing arms and all the vile stuff, he would be a damn good businessman,” Andreas Morgner, a sanctions expert at the Treasury Department, said. 
  • Bout told me, “My job was to bring shipments from Bulgaria to Zaire, and then to Togo. . . . I did it. I understood my limits.” He added, “How, after that, someone else wants to squeeze it? That’s not my business.” In this view, he and Mirchev were not doing anything wrong; they were simply filling gaps in the global economy.
  • “Why should I be afraid?” he said. “In my life, I did not do anything that I should be concerned about.” Bout began leaving a trail of inconsistent statements. He either refused to address difficult matters—“It’s not a question to discuss what we transported”—or lied outright. 
There are plenty of other small indications.  It's a pretty interesting article, particularly reading people's reactions about how Bout would both ship in weapons to revolutionaries and peacekeepers, for instance:
  • Soon after the raid, [U.S.] Department of Defense officials entered the names of the companies under sanctions into their databases. They made a surprising discovery: some of Bout’s companies were now delivering tents and frozen food to troops in Iraq. His planes had flown dozens of times in and out of Baghdad, according to flight records, and Bout was profiting from it. The Pentagon eventually voided the relevant contracts, but, by then, the war in Iraq had helped Viktor Bout get back on his feet.
I guess not everyone fits into nice, neat bad/good boxes.  


  1. Replies
    1. Fine but I got first insult so fuck you.

  2. Shame they prosecute this successful entrepreneur for running guns when the united states does no different.

    1. Oh, stfu Ukan. Go suck a monkey cock.

    2. monkey cock lol

  3. Do an article on Kurt Cobain, famous sociopath. I'm convinced that he was. Just listen to [Lithium]( That scream has calculation written all over it.

  4. Your mother betrayed mankind by having you.

    1. Your mother is a stupid cunt.

    2. What - ever dude.

    3. Ukan theme song "The offspring - Pretty fly for a white guy"

      It says: And everything he lacks, well, he makes up in denial.

  5. Someone's moody today!

    Ukanjibob - wassup?

  6. So before when i first came here, everyone insisted that I was Eden - and informed me that she was a stupid cunt lol! It was slightly annoying at the time - but now she's actually back on the scene, and I've seen her posts I'm not that fussed, she seems adorable :3

    Hi Eden :)

  7. Eden is one of the most winning of any of the SW people. She has my vote.

    1. I just came back, too. I have always thought Eden had the best personality of the bunch.

    2. I'm in. Eden is brilliant.

    3. You know, Snake... if you're going to lie about your feelings for me; at least make it convincing.

  8. She is adorable, at that :D

    1. Yes, she is. Eden surpasses the rest of these idiots.

    2. I second that, Tiger!

    3. Is Eden manic again?

    4. Is Monica projecting again?

    5. Good, we can't have Eden going manic again *cough*

    6. Evidently, it works for Eden, she's certainly favored

    7. Why are you asking if I'm manic, Monica? I haven't been here all day, till now. Why do you always do that? When are you going to figure out that these anons are just trying to.... heh, never mind. I won't ruin their fun just because you can't see what's really going on here.

  9. There is no concept of a good or bad person, according to the Bible, not in the way that we use it.
    Every person is bad. That goes for Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Ghandi, the Pope,Buddha etc
    The only "good" any person can have is to have his spirit exchanged with Jesus' spirit. Then, his spirit, alone, is "good". The rest of him is not, and will never be, while he is on the earth.

    1. The fucking arrogance of you Christians. No one can be good unless they accept your god. Other religions judge a person on their actions. Believing in your god doesn't transform someone into a good person. The entire history of Christianity is filled with horrors perpetrated in the name of your god or under the shelter of the Christian church.

    2. Couldn't agree more.

    3. I second that opinion.

    4. And me too :)

    5. Yes, there is one way. I know people don't like. It takes humility to accept it, which people don't like either lol

    6. There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it.


    7. Can I have a little more lo mein?

    8. Nah, I'm gluten sensitive

  10. OMG your on the wrong fucking site! Seriously, go find the bible thumpers forum to spread your bible shit.

  11. Which way is it to the Bible Thumpers Forum? Point me there.

    1. Hmmm wonder we he takes you?

    2. Thanks. Will send you a postcard from there.

  12. I wish more theists would wear crosses en such in public. That way I'd know who to slap harder.

  13. Question of the dayJune 6, 2012 at 8:45 AM

    What do Bible Anon/Alterego and Jose have in common ?

  14. Replies
    1. I juan-dered that too but I javiern't any idea if he will return. (joke blatantly stolen from the forum comedians. Yes, I have no morales)

  15. This is my forum. I don't need another place just to read the same fucking crap

  16. Evil is like water, it abounds, is cheap, soon fouls, but runs itself clear of taint.

    Samuel Butler

  17. Dear so called sociopaths: I have to admit I envy you: you are so cunning at self-invention; you can so deftly convince yourselves of your belonging nowhere and at the same time of your belonging in the magic realm of anti social personality disorder… I couldn’t do half as much if I trained for years. The owner of this loony blog is a little bit like Peter Pan and you are no doubt his lost boys, always in search of a mother that will never appear, and least of all inside this hollow tree where you so gladly meet and insult each other. I must be great living in fantasyland, singing nice songs about your strength and your beauty and your courage so as to keep the hope that you have the right to those virtues if only partially, if only sometimes. You can boast, besides, the great privilege that some girls have joined your ranks. That’s an advantage over Peter Pan’s lost boys, who were alone because “girls are much too clever to fall out of their prams”. I’m sure many of you fell out of your prams and were never claimed; that’s why you have ended up here, in barren lunar Disneyland, pretending you are Captain Hook, but behaving like Tootles instead. My best wishes for you, and the best luck. You may grow up some day to become boring adults but that wouldn’t be fair, so I hope it never happens.

    1. You'll never make me a man ...

      Now I'm stuck on Rocky Horror.

    2. And I'm never coming back! Fuck you all bitches !!!

      Take that!

    3. I so sorry I was such a monkey cocksucker here. I know I am a stupid uneducated fool, but the lost boys of Madrid forced me to move to Barcelona. I loved Freddie and Montserrat. *sob*. You are all good men and ladies of Peter Pan. I love to use a dog model. She barks in pleasure when I do so. Maybe you can understand. I cannot. Forgive me.

    4. fuck you sociopaths ##@#@#$#@@@

    5. Fuck you very much, sir, and have a shitty day! :)

    6. I wish that it would be the real Jose...
      Josie, Josie, Josie, don't be a dumbass, don't believe what you see here;)

    7. Girls joined our ranks? There's more women here than men you dumb cunt. I guess that kills your Lost Boys theory. Add that to your graveyard of ideas on the way out the door. I know you wanted to come in here and impress all the women with your excessive verbiage, stance against abuse, and your blind rebellion against 'society', but we all went through that phase already in secondary school. A lot of us own our own business and live in the real world. You are an idealist and like most idealists you lack in experience when it comes to reality. Like most idealists you run your mouth on things you barely understand.

    8. Yeah, man, that was totally sexist. I don't join no ranks but me own, gringo.

    9. How come all the idealist hippy types always turn out to be chauvinists despite all their pro woman talk? Its almost like all their ideals are a cover for the cunt they really are, because as soon as a woman disagrees with them all the misogyny comes pouring out and they make a line in the sand between them and the rest of mankind. Either the woman can agree with them or another man. No woman can have independent thoughts.

  18. I think the parameter of the sociopath model mirrors the relationship between empathy and the criminal model, in all primate cultures. If non primates are considered, there is an added schism.

  19. Let’s suppose, or if you will let’s take for granted that you love to tell yourself: I’m so attractive that I spit in the face of someone and they instantly fall in love with me; if you repeat that a few times you may finally be convinced this is the absolute truth, but (believe me) you will find it difficult to convince anybody else. It is the kind of sentence you could tell to yourself to gather momentum in a given circumstance, but you better don’t share it with others... unless you are in SW, and it’s just here where the actual sense of this place as the Mecca of the self-liars comes distinct and clear to the naked eye. There’s nothing that joins people so closely as lying to each other without feeling remorse or receiving objections; it works as a secret deal: I’ll sell you the most unbelievable fabrications and you’ll pay me with your most portentous fakes: this virtual, intangible commerce runs so smoothly and so satisfactorily for all parts involved that they can’t help but coming back for more, and that’s what keeps SW alive, like many other places in internet, where regulars meet to share their favourite private lies. Fibbing in group is the alpha and the omega of Internet; in that light I think we should pay homage to those who saw the possibilities first and scurried to take advantage of them in the great old pioneer style.

    1. Yes, people never call other people on lies here jose~

      What's ironic is that you make a statement like that when you are the only one here who refuses to back up anything you say with research, empirical data, science, history, studies, or facts. Instead you avoid the question and start another baseless thread. You believe yourself to be infallible:

      Ha, you psychologists know nothing despite your 30 years of research. Good thing I'm here to show everyone the true way of psychology.

      Ha, you women know nothing about your oppression. Good thing I'm here to show you the true path to liberation.

      You talk of self deception, well, isn't that what its called when everybody is telling you the same thing about yourself and you are the only one who thinks otherwise?

    2. Are you saying Jose is a psychologist? I thought he
      was just your typical malignant narcissist. Oh, well

    3. Bullshit, I don't think like that, you moron:) , but that's just me.

    4. I come here to learn about worldviews different or similar to mine. I get knowledge and reassurance: that kind of reassurance humans, socios or not, get from communication. However, I'm not getting any of these from you. I don´t love to tell myself bullshit, in fact I'm keen on the truth (whatever this means) and you seem quite detached from it. Inner truth, general truth, any kind of wisdom about anything.

    5. Ask me if I care

  20. Is it just my imagination, or is he making even less sense than usual?

    1. that's fake jose. all of today's jose's are fake so far.

    2. Monica, stop trying to save Jose.

  21. UKan I need to speak to you, now.

  22. UKan
    You are the spammer. What the fuck, you stupid shit.

  23. @Spamgasm

    Don't you feel the love from spamonica?

  24. Let’s suppose, or if you will let’s take for granted that you love to tell yourself: I’m so attractive that I spit in the face of someone and they instantly fall in love with me; if you repeat that a few times you may finally be convinced this is the absolute truth, but (believe me) you will find it difficult to convince anybody else.

    And yet someone, somewhere did convince you, otherwise you wouldn't be here, and you wouldn't have so much anger and stuff to prove. You wouldn't have been trying to be both an empath and a sociopath like you were before people starting calling you out on your own self-bullshitting.

    When someone says "believe me" or "trust me" it's a pretty clear sign to me that that person isn't quite convinced themselves, whilst at the same time conveying a pretense of authority.

    This virtual, intangible commerce runs so smoothly and so satisfactorily for all parts involved that they can’t help but coming back for more

    Just like you! How many more eulogies are you going to write for yourself before you actually die, Jose?

    I hope somewhere in that stubborn head of yours you do to some extent understand that everything you write here is not to convince us, but yourself. And clearly you love it, despite your assertions to the contrary.

    I gotta say you are really not a bad writer at all. I recommend you stick with fiction, though (as if you haven't been). You are not suited for non-fiction or facts.

    1. medusa, wake up, that wasn't jose

    2. No, you wake up.

      The comment I was responding to was the real Jose.

      Or should I say Raul Jose.

    3. Please, don't chase him down, Medusa.

  25. AnonymousJune 5, 2012 12:17 PM
    Funny Bit is gonna have a feast today.


    Funny BitJune 6, 2012 7:30 PM
    TNP June 5, 2012 10:48 AM
    Is this guy serious? How long has he been here?

  26. Mee June 5, 2012 1:28 PM
    ... I don't really want to reveal those things (I am not able to tell actually), right now I don't have much to reveal... Well, I could lie about stuff :)

  27. Blasts from the Past

    Multiple Orgasm Series because it fits so good

    Theme for UKan

  28. Monica June 5, 2012 3:00 PM
    (addressing Eden)

    I like to have good relationships with everyone, if I can. Sometimes, I can't.

    So, if you can't with me, so be it.

    I don't think a good person like you (referring to Eden) or Medusa should do act like Ukan.

  29. Monica June 5, 2012 3:33 PM

    I have had my problems with Medusa and Eden. They have had their problems with me.

    I like to make peace, when I can. Sometimes, you can't make it happen. Medusa and I have, imo.

    It is up to Eden if she wants to do so, with me. I am willing, if she is.

  30. Eden June 5, 2012 4:28 PM
    ... I don't want a relationship with you, Monica.


    josé javier June 4, 2012 11:33 AM
    I don't think you are a match,

    not only for me,

    but for the most of the regulars.

  32. AnonymousJune 4, 2012 9:05 AM
    josé's real name is not really josé, is it?


    josé javierJune 4, 2012 9:24 AM
    No one has a real name. We should all have different names according to circumstances,


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