
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tips on lying effectively

In a New York Times article on lying, scientists suggest that excessive detail and meandering narratives help liars avoid detection:
The new work focuses on what people say, not how they act. It has already changed police work in other countries, and some new techniques are making their way into interrogations in the United States.

In part, the work grows out of a frustration with other methods. Liars do not avert their eyes in an interview on average any more than people telling the truth do, researchers report; they do not fidget, sweat or slump in a chair any more often. They may produce distinct, fleeting changes in expression, experts say, but it is not clear yet how useful it is to analyze those.
* * *
Kevin Colwell, a psychologist at Southern Connecticut State University, has advised police departments, Pentagon officials and child protection workers, who need to check the veracity of conflicting accounts from parents and children. He says that people concocting a story prepare a script that is tight and lacking in detail.

“It’s like when your mom busted you as a kid, and you made really obvious mistakes,” Dr. Colwell said. “Well, now you’re working to avoid those.”

By contrast, people telling the truth have no script, and tend to recall more extraneous details and may even make mistakes. They are sloppier.
* * *
In several studies, Dr. Colwell and Dr. Hiscock-Anisman have reported one consistent difference: People telling the truth tend to add 20 to 30 percent more external detail than do those who are lying. “This is how memory works, by association,” Dr. Hiscock-Anisman said. “If you’re telling the truth, this mental reinstatement of contexts triggers more and more external details.”

Not so if you’ve got a concocted story and you’re sticking to it. “It’s the difference between a tree in full flower in the summer and a barren stick in winter,” said Dr. Charles Morgan, a psychiatrist at the National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, who has tested it for trauma claims and among special-operations soldiers.
They are also training police to gradually introduce known facts during interrogations, however, which makes it tricky because if you are purposefully trying to embellish to hide a lie, you need to be extra careful that the embellishment is not about something easily ascertainable. Embellishments should be about things no one could possibly know about, like your feelings, the underwear you wore, how you slept the night before, etc. The worst would be for people to say random things like "it was a full moon" when there was no moon at all, etc. Check yourselves, fellow sociopaths.


  1. I'm not sure why it is that covering up who I am is not all that big of a deal to me.

    On the Internet, I've told my close internet friends about it and speak about it quite a bit freely.

    Although, in real life, I don't really have much of a social life--which is odd--so I rarely have to really work to cover up who I am. I guess, in the end, as long as I am comfortable with saying something, I'll say it if asked.

    The only traits I have of a sociopath is (1) being apathetic, (2) having shallow emotions, (3) having high amounts of frustration, (4) being very "alluring", and (5) having good observing skills.

    There are probably some others that I have, but I'm not sure on them. It's all still a bit fuzzy.

    Oh, and definitely some narcissism. . . .

    1. Only disorder you have is you probably are a teenager!

  2. Why lie when you can twist the truth?....isn't that right "Life's Outcast Of Death"'s all still a bit fuzzy....yep! x

    1. When both are forms of deceit, merely, why limit your options to "twists?"

  3. Life's Outcast Of Death said... “I'm not sure why it is that covering up who I am is not all that big of a deal to me.”

    Because we all do it. Everybody wears a mask to one degree or the other. Those of us with “sociopathic tendencies” have more to mask, that’s all.

    Back to the post, what’s interesting is that many people are easily duped because they are very practiced at buying their own delusions. You still have to be careful of course, because once suspicions are aroused people's antennas go up, but otherwise lying isn't that difficult.

  4. "Because we all do it"....
    That hit the nail on the head!

    However as humans we all have different sides and aspects to our individual characters. I tend to show the polite side to me to complete strangers, for example i say thank you if someone opens the door for me etc....My reason being that they have infact helped me not hindered me. So a thank you in return doesn't cost me a thing does it.

    However for the cab driver who was obviously trying to rip me off by "pretending" he is lost whilst the meter is tick tick ticking, then yeah my mean side comes out...

    My advice to him was to quickly "remember the way, because for every minute ticking on that meter was money i was taking off his fare" (it wasn't said that politely of course), However low and behold in 10 minutes id reached my destination after the asshole "suddenly" had his memory return. He still didn't get full fare because for my hassle i believed he hadn't earn't my money, and after my grilling he wasn't about to argue with me over it.

    Therefore he was wearing a mask, he was the one lying...i however didn't have to, i simplely showed him another side to the delicate little being sat in the back.

    I never lie, i have no need to, there is more than one way to effectively skin a cat. All it take's is to think outside the box. That way if im not lying then i can't get caught out can i....

  5. I kinda already knew that complex information(with little errors or inconsistencies) is more believable than simple information. Lying is pretty easy, after all. What I find to be much more difficult is telling the truth, or telling when someone is telling the truth.

    Consider, the tactics used to convince someone of something are the same whether that something is the truth or a lie. As such the truth is no more likely to be believed than a good lie, perhaps less so because the truth is often unlikely and perhaps a little implausible sounding.

    On the other side, you can catch someone in a lie a number of ways, but the only way to be sure someone is telling the truth is by observing the relevant events yourself, which is usually impractical if not entirely impossible.

  6. Okay sociopaths please answer me this question. Why do you need to lie??? Why don't you just freaken tell everyone the truth and say "hey I'm a selfish person", "I'm a player", "I'll never love anyone". Don't you know that there are still people in this world who will respect that and still choose to do your bidding? There are even people in this world just like you who would love to hand or have a relationship or sex with someone just like them. I just don't get the need to decieve the innocent. You can have your cake and eat it too without hurting others and decieving. I would tell my ex this hundreds of times and in the end a close friend of his said to me that the problem is that he is lazy. He's not skilled enough to just be a player and have women still falling all over him despite the truth. He needs to use deception. Now if you need to use deception then your game is just lame in my opinion. Also if there are any sociopaths on here who would be willing to email me privately and help me figure out how to get this man out of my life and walk away with some dignity left please do! Thanks.

    1. :) Brilliant!

      As odd as it sounds, this is exactly what I have started doing when picking up girls for casual flings and sex. It's surprising how many of them love it! They love the fact that you're hot and cold with them, and often use the honesty as some kind of free ticket to try and change me. Obviously they don't at the end of the day, resulting in still getting hurt, but at least I've done my part in telling them the truth. - Besides, it's actually a lot more fun, they're playing a little game with you not realising it was all a part of your master plan to begin with... and at the end of the day - you're seen as their failure rather than an ass-hole when you fuck off and leave them in tatters.

      Seriously guys - you should try it.

    2. The hot/cold thing is so sexy. Is this just because I am sick?

    3. No Monica. It is because you enjoy the mental stimulation. I don't think that's sick. I have associates who like my hot/cold. I don't think they're sick. I even like the hot/cold.

      My sociopathic bf liked the hot/cold. Sure he was fucked up and a dick, but he isn't "sick" .

      People get very bored with consistent hot or consistent cold. If you want to keep people you must keep them on edge lol.

    4. 4:35 You consciously do that and I don't. I only realize it after the fact or when I see they are confused. I've always kind of had a problem with it. I think it's funny you want to do it. You think that's just a male/female thing ? Cuz I think men secretly like my PMS.

    5. Good point, Anon 5:46. That is why I come here. Brilliance and honesty that are not found elsewhere!

  7. Well, I recently told one person I was a sociopath and his reaction doesn't make me wanna do it again... But still, I'm pretty outgoing when it's telling destructive thruths

  8. J. we lie because we want to controll everybody. we dont end up with eachother because sociopaths are harder to break than any mortal. thats right, i said mortal. and do you know why? because i'm 14, have no money, no car, not even a decent house, yet i have around 400 unwitting slaves. and i have gained these slaves using deceit, and knowing which mask to wear.


  9. you're 14, of course you have slaves.

  10. Pseudo science used to say that you can develop an infallible technique to find out liars thanks to body language. Best sellers and TV series were written relating to that “knowledge”. Now we have some indication that it was just wishful thinking. Could it be that also the idea that something like born sociopaths exist will soon reveal itself as an equally delusional misconception? We should keep that possibility in mind.

    1. An easy way to find out lies is mistrusting any assertion that looks too good to be true.

  11. Lying to yourself is not so different from lying to others. Most liars I’ve met ended up believing their own lies. In fact, when you are a really good liar, differences between truth and your fabrications become blurred. If you are convinced that you are attractive you may convince others, although your actual looks may be that of a baboon’s rear.

    1. That's like faking it till you make it. It's confidence maybe in the face of not believing you are. It's putting yourself out there even if you don't believe you're great. There's nothing wrong with lying to yourself about how great you are. I've seen people who know they aren't talented lie to people/convince themselves they are simply wOnderful. They're the ones who are successful.

    2. True
      A woman who thinks she is attractive and acts as if she is will be more attractive than one who may actually be more physically beautiful, but has less confidence.

    3. Same for men. Holy shit I've been out with some ugly mutherfuckers.

    4. If you don’t believe your own lies you will be caught, but if you believe them you will lost sight of the real situation and if somebody desperately needs to keep an eye on reality is precisely the shameless liar. You might even lose everything you bargained for if you start believing you are REALLY handsome, for instance.

    5. Great words from the great book. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" he he

  12. I date ugly chicks all the time. Easy to fuck. They just can't say no to the cock of a looker like me ;)

  13. Given sufficient prep time, it's easy to convince yourself a lie is true whilst remembering it's not. It's...hard to explain, actually.

    Basically, try to create the personality and mentality of the person to whom the "fake" scenario happened, and then adopt that personality and mentality. Become the person, and tell their tale.

    Run the scenario through your head several times, invent and recall as many details as you can, and run it through until those all blur together. The line between fact and fiction blur in the way you want, towards your fiction instead of their facts.

    Then, when you need to, drop the "constructed" personality and adopt a new one.

  14. If you take seriously the need to embellish lies, you will have to record your inventions in an electronic device and listen to them again and again once you get home, to be able to recall faithfully every detail, I mean, “meandering narratives” and fullness of details require a very gifted memory to get you somewhere. If you don’t have it, you better give up.

  15. There are many lurking dangers any shameless liar should take into account. Here are some: Avoiding detection is a bit of a disappointment for many liars. They are so proud of their ability for lying that they would love the world to know about it. Lying has always a way of increasing the liar’s self esteem in unnatural proportions. An excess of confidence means a high probability of disaster; what’s more, the liar may actually feel a strong temptation to be found out. Many liars find it extremely thrilling to run big risks and tell unnecessary lies that bring chances of being caught to a red hot peak. They develop at the same time a sense of invulnerability like that of a powerful wizard, who can turn things around with a simple motion of his magic wand. Remember, dear liar: there’s no such things as magic wands.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I have a phd in lying, I'm absolutely fabulous, and I'm not kidding.

    My genius in making other people believe my lies is simple; the lie I tell is always mixed with facts that aren't lies.

    My lie never is made up in a 'script', because it's mixed with facts out of everyday life I can visualize the lie in my head, and temporary deplace myself to that other 'reality' while telling my lie.

    I'm so good at lying they should study me ;-)

    1. Your self esteem is really high. In some aspects, lying is a powerful stimulant. That's why some people become addicted to it.

  18. For me, lying is more effective when you stop trying to defend yourself and start trying to suck in the listener.

    Police withstanding, most people are just offended or curious that they think they've caught you doing something when you're put on the spot. If you have a convenient excuse for everything, you're going to make them angry, because you're essentially insulting their instincts/logic.

    Give their ego a pat on the back without compromising yourself, and you've won. It's that simple. People care more about being right than what the truth is.

    Some "advanced" lying methods can draw them in further, but you risk falling in love with your own fib or getting too excited from the fun of weaving your webs. I wish I could say I'm always practical about it, but I'm not.


    - Use a vacant or distracted off-person stare (1000 yard stare) when recalling a sensation, like smell, or sound, or taste. It cues the person into you remembering something, and helps them share the experience with you. They're not just listening to a lie anymore, they're feeling it.

    - Control the flow of the conversation. When you force the interrogation into a casual dialogue, they're less likely to be vigilant and you're less likely to seem on the defensive

    - Playing naive is only going to piss them off. Furrow your brows when confronted, shift your arm to your chin and lean (if you're sitting) and look more curious and agitated, if not outright offended that you're being accused of something so ludicrous.

    - Be aggressive and get to the point of their investigation right away. Force them to tell you the answer they're looking for. This helps you narrow down how much you have to fabricate.

    - If they've got you dead to rights, invent a lateral lie to "let" them catch you with, and look ashamed as hell. Classic examples are from something everyone's seen, the cheating husband in the Police procedural whose alibi is banging the mistress that he begs you not to tell anyone about. Obviously, that's not an ideal one as you'd need said mistress to corroborate, but you get the point.

    - Avoid melodramatic presentation. It's the oldest trick in the book, and that's why it's not very effective. Women can get away with this more by feigning hysteria, but if the lie is over something small, why bother?

    1. According to your own words, you advice to suck. Maybe that's because you have obtain your living from that activity?

    2. I'm not sure if I'm encountering a language barrier, or you're just an idiot.

    3. More than lying you should give advice on sucking.

    4. Oh, I see. You're too stupid to ridicule me so you're making oral sex jokes.

    5. You could make some extra income out of your sucking ability.

    6. Your desperation is getting more and more pathetic every time you man your keyboard.

  19. By definition, reality is just a lie that most people believe.

  20. Check your facts. Know the truth. Know your truth. Make sure you're not lying to yourself. Use as much of the actual truth as possible.

    Play to your strengths and make sure your body language matches what you're saying! Face, body, words.

    1. all good liars are adept at playing the role of victim. one should portray a non threatening posture, a sly sense of humor is always a bonus. being likable is something that cannot be learned, and psychopaths are often far more likable than the average joe. frequently the psycho's have better manners, are less moody and appear confident, hence "the mask"

    2. Sometimes playing victim isn't conducive to the necessary lie. That being said, and it's no surprise, playing the victim to get out of something or get away with something is something that comes naturally. So I do agree that this is a valuable tool. Likeability is important, but I think relatability is important too. If you can make someone identify with you, it'll kick an element of self-preservation into gear and they'll want to help you instead of hinder you.

  21. The best liar lies no more because his reality is fancy enough: the slick result of a whole life of weaving lies.

  22. Were you created in a fortune cookie factory, josé javier?

    Somewhere, a Chinese village is missing its idiot.

    1. The best jerk is the gratuitous jerk. He is a jerk because he can’t be anything else.

    2. I'm anything I want to be.

      You should try it sometime, when you're not too busy trying to be Confucius.

    3. Well, if you are a willing jerk then you must be happy.

    4. TNP You fucking kill me.

    5. Captain Obvious, your failboat is sinking.

    6. I would hate to dash your hopes, but no institution awards medals to honour the imbecile of the month, as far as I know.

    7. Is this guy serious? How long has he been here?

    8. Couldn't tell you TNP. I have only been reading the interesting parts.

    9. but no institution awards medals to honour the imbecile of the month, as far as I know.

      Au contraire, jose. You have won the SociopathWorld imbecile of the month award, hands down. Congratulations!

    10. Someday, he might even be eligible for a Darwin Award!

      Dream big, josé javier!

    11. He's been here for a few weeks. He's insane and really stupid. He dismisses history, psychology and science as worthless. Because he isn't able to understand them, of course.

  23. Lying is not something I have to ..think about doing. Nor is it something I have to pratice. That's what childhood was for.

  24. I have always felt really deeply for those people who invent an empty identity for themselves; they have to defend it against imaginary enemies all the time. The first step to acquire that kind of identity is convincing yourself. Once this is done, you have already damaged, maybe irreversibly, your own sense of reality; it’s like digging a hole, it takes a lot of strain, it tires you out, and in the end, it is always gloomier and narrower than any home.

    1. Because you know what it's like to have a vagina as a male, or cock as a chick. Right Jose ?

    2. I was thinking of you, as a matter of fact.

    3. You have no facts Jose, I've read your tripe.

      Move along now.

    4. You spend your time pitying liars?

      Fucking hysterical.

    5. No facts! I love this scientific spirit. You can't tell your face from your ass but you still think you know what a fact is.

    6. This must be the Internet capital of self-delusion.

    7. And today, you're the star of the show!

      You must feel so special.

    8. Well, I'm always at the center, but it's just the lack of any real debate, of any brain substance what makes it so.

    9. This, coming from the person whose contributions thus far today have been pseudo-intellectual ramblings, and blowjob jokes.

      Your mother must be so proud.

    10. You started talking about sucking. In fact you adviced your readers to try it, don't shift blame on others.

    11. This, coming from the person taking what I said out of context to make a blowjob joke? You're telling me to not shift?


    12. I have always felt really deeply for those people who invent an empty identity for themselves

      That's healthy for you, Jose. You need to accept and forgive yourself for your low IQ and lack of education. This trying to fake it till you make it just isn't working for you. You're a laughing stock.


  25. Confucius say, pick your battles wisely when in tank full of sharks... jose

    1. Sharks? Let's say clown fishes better.

    2. Yes Jose, you have nothing to worry about, trust me :D

    3. You are more of an african lungfish, really

    4. internet capital of self delusion lol

  26. Dr Eric F Fomentile PhDJune 5, 2012 at 10:49 AM

    Why are you on a Sociopath Blog telling sociopaths who they are? They should be telling you, if you are not one.

    1. I'm here enjoying myself. I am really happy that the chickens here seem to be so ruffled; a little movement is always good for the ventilation of the coop.

    2. Dr Eric F Fomentile PhDJune 5, 2012 at 10:52 AM

      I see, Jose.

    3. So by your own admission, your acting like an idiot to cause a stir.

      A likely excuse.

    4. You have a point there, I admit it, but only if you apply your words to yourself.

    5. You're defending your excuse with another excuse?

      I need some popcorn for this show.

    6. You defend your stupidity with more stupidity, which doesn't surprise me very much.

    7. josé javier, you don't get to make statements like that after writing paragraphs on the virtue of being honest with yourself.

      Enter more coins to continue.

  27. Welcome to the corner you have backed yourself into Jose.

    1. In real life you can be cornered, in virtual space it's quite different. I don't need pats on my back, for your information.

    2. Who says this has remained "virtual" ?

    3. He's right. Just look at all the corners he's put himself into.

      Isn't technology great?

    4. You shouldn't lie to yourselves when everybody can see that you are doing it.

    5. *Golf Clap*

      speaking for everybody today Jav ?

    6. Not only speaking for everyone, but changing the conversation.

      In B4 spontaneously appearing anons.

    7. You would be suprised Jav at how many people have this site at the ready on their blackberries. But that wouldn't fit with your delusional theory now would it.

    8. You form a collection of jerks as I haven't seen in all my life. At first I thought this place was like any other but now I see that the level of idiocy goes over the roof.

    9. collection of jerks lmao

    10. To be fair, we do have a few mentally challenged people around here, like TCO for instance who has the intelligence of a brick. He is an exception though.

  28. The most funny thing about the opinions that you can read in this place is the pretension to be scientific. The sociopath label you apply to yourselves is as scientific as the lyrics of a song by Britney Spears. I don’t think people around here can tell the difference between an opinion and a hypothesis, but even so they surely know they call themselves sociopaths for the same reason that they imagined they were dinosaurs when they were kids.

    1. Assumptions.... blah blah....Spears has nice tits....more assumptions....blah filler...blah

    2. The opinion of the man that chose himself (after long meditation, I suppose)couldn't mean less to me. You must have laughed a lot when you finally had your candidate, didn't you, "the chosen one"?

    3. Awww muffin ? On the defensive now ?

    4. I mean, you are a walking joke, and you think you can afford giving opinions...

    5. There is nothing new here to give opinions on Jav, the verdict is already out on you days ago.

    6. I gave that bitch a re-trial.

      Bitches love re-trials.

    7. I don’t think people around here can tell the difference between an opinion and a hypothesis

      I think this may be what is referred to as projection, Jose. It is what you do every day you are on this blog. You spout bullshit that you just make up as you go along then get your man-knickers in a bunch when someone points out that you are wrong. At that point you usually begin to babble even more deranged gibberish. You're a joke.

  29. ASPD problem could be easily solved with education. If people had a more accurate idea of their place in the world they wouldn’t spend so long time pondering if they are or they aren’t sociopaths, what that means or how should they behave after deciding they are.

    1. Your problem could be easily solved with education. If you had a more accurate idea of your place in the world you wouldn’t spend so long a time pondering if you are or you aren’t a human paraquat.

    2. Jav, did you ever get around to sending Postmodern those "facts" you were going to ?

    3. Wait, what "facts", TCO?


    4. Sorry TNP, once again... I only read the interesting parts. But I recall 'Post asking Jav for fact to back up his statements etc... and then Jav just sort of vanished.

      Jav ?

    5. I think this is what you are looking for TNP.

    6. Friday, June 1, 2012

      Can sociopaths be religious?

      Check there. And Watcher, your linking sucks...

  30. Just saw Eden may be leaving. Don't let the door hit you, where the Good Lord split you he he

    1. Goodness. I just said that I might need to take a break like, 2 seconds ago, and you're already announcing it? You must be chasing after my tail. Can't get enough of me eh?

      Addiction is a disease. :)

    2. Leaving? I missed that! What will we do without the resident hairdresser of the blog...~

  31. Where did that fucking pussy Josie go ? I was just starting to enjoy her bullshit. Hey cunt !!! Come back!

  32. Funny Bit is gonna have a feast today.

  33. So I finished watching House MD. Ending was a little bit disapointing, I was hoping for a happy dying (Gregory could be shown dead because of being very old, well the death in the building would be ok too).

    And I decided to give Dexter a chance to shine. This show seems to be very interesting.
    It's funny how this Dexter character is probably based on a psychopath and I can relate to many things, well I look like that actor too, lol
    I haven't finished the first episode yet, but this Dexter looks afraid of something for some reason :/
    And his obsesion with blood is weird (but interesting).

    I noticed that sociopaths can look a litle bit slow to people around, it's because they are wearing masks?

    1. Yes, I think so.

    2. awww You're even using a pic of Dexter for your avatar now. I'm dying of curiosity to know what the many things you can relate to are, Mee.

    3. I can relate to your curiosity :)
      No, there aren't many, just the things that are similar to me, it's all about me :/

    4. Yes, that's what I meant. What are the things that you find similar to you? I'm curious to hear all about those.

    5. Actually there is no such thing that could be my avatar (yet), because there's nothing that could completely represent me (or it could give way too much input).
      But enough about me, what about you? :)

    6. To your 1:20, I don't really want to reveal those things (I am not able to tell actually), right now I don't have much to reveal... Well, I could lie about stuff :)

    7. What about me? I'm politely showing an interest because the sudden appearance of a colorful av pic prompted me to read a omment by you for the very first time. It seems you're just some weird little aspie with no charm though.

    8. What do you mean you're 'not able to tell'?

    9. Aww... Elicious. You made him go back in his widdle shell. Why you got to be so scary like that?

    10. But he's a psychopath. He couldn't be scared by sweet as sweet can be little me.

    11. You are just the sweetest lil thing. They make baby dolls in your image. Are psychopaths afraid of baby dolls?

    12. Should I get defensive and start writing relations now?
      There's a difference between scared and not interested :)
      Elicious, I asked to what you can relate to.

    13. Oh, Eden. Having you say things like that makes me feel a bit pink and girlish.

    14. They can't hurt you, unless you are dumb enough to give an e mail like Plumbo. Then, they raided her Fb and her other accounts and made her almost suicidal. That is their fun. Raven is a mother, too. Lucky daughters~

    15. I have never raided anyone's fb, or account. Not once. Stop lying about me, Monica. It's getting old already.

    16. I wasn't around for the Plumbo affair. I missed all the fun :(

    17. If you didn't raid it, you exposed her e mail on here, that she gave you, privately. She was begging you to take it down and you were laughing. She was begging in the name of her kids. You are a fucking disgrace, Eden.

    18. Don't change the subject, Monica. You know very well what really happened. And anyway, it wouldn't matter to you. The truth doesn't matter to you because you want to keep blaming me for everything.

    19. Ukan can be an ass, but you are not really like that. When we were friends, I knew you had another side. I don't like to see you and Medusa try to imitate UKan. He is a low type of person. WHY follow the lowest person?

    20. It's so much fun when people beg. I would have laughed too.

    21. Is this really about how I behave, Monica? Or is this about you wanting me to be your friend? Because I see how you are. As soon as Medusa started being nice to you, everything changed.

      Has Medusa changed the way she behaves? No. It's all about who's nice to you, and who isn't.

    22. You may be like that Elicious, but Eden and Medusa really are not imo. People follow that idiot UKan and his wanna be wife and start going after people.

    23. Eden
      I am the type who wants to be kind to people and have people be kind to me. It is just how I am.

    24. Stop fighting, all of you are pretty;)
      It actually is fun, let me guess, plumbo wasn't a psychopath.
      What's up with UKan, we had a great conversation few days ago :/
      Monica, so you consider me dumb and try to clarify obvious things, well thank you. There were so many things that could be done to avoid the problem, like changing email or deleting fb account, so the only person to blame here is plumbo herself. I use a different email for everything, so there's not much of a lead here :)

    25. Ukan has hardly been around for months now. I don't think I've ever seen Eden or Medusa go after people in the aggressive way he does. They're more demure and polite about it.

    26. Well, Ukan is a pig with his pig wife. I don't like to see people follow that shit.

    27. No, Monica... you are kind to people so that they will be kind to you. There's a difference there that you're not seeing.

      You are no more empathic than I am. You care about you, and how people treat you. You don't give two shits about Plumbo. If you did, you would have pulled your head out of you ass, and jumped in to defend her. You never even mentioned what was happening to her down here, till long after it was over.

      You only care that what happened to Plumbo, happened to you, and since I'm not nice to you, you saw me as being the only one who exposed her. This is the first time you've even mentioned Medusa in the equation of what happened.

      This is about you, Monica. Not Plumbo, and certainly not about how I act. It's always about you.

    28. I like to have good relationships with everyone, if I can. Sometimes, I can't. So, if you can't with me, so be it. I don't think a good person like you or Medusa should do act like Ukan. Ukan is filth with his filth wife.

    29. You would give SW a makeover if it were up to you then? Would you prefer it if this were not a sociopath friendly site?

    30. No, I just don't think the purpose of the site is to track people down and expose them. This girl was suicidal. She had a husband and kids. She was having an affair with a sociopath, which was not "right", per se. However, I don't think people should try to expose her and maybe ruin her life. I don't think that was the purpose of this site, from what I read of ME's articles. He wants to talk about what it means to be a sociopath etc.

      People will get into fights like with Jose, but to track people down who come on here and are too stupid to watch out, seems like something Eden and Medusa are better than.

      Ukan isn't, but why follow the lowest common denominator on here?

    31. I don't know how on earth you can compare Eden to Medusa, Monica. Medusa is interesting and intelligent. Eden is just disgusting. The mere fact that she treats her kids like she does has put her on a whole different level of filth in my view.

    32. I suppose that sort of thing is just seems like sport and entertainment.

    33. That was in reply to Monica 3:10

      How do you even know how Eden treats her kids, anon?

    34. Are you kidding? her daughter's cat died and she was taking pictures of its dead body and saying on this blog how she was going to exume its bones... And then she fucking asks her daughter to join this blog. Great mothering there, on a par with Rose West.

    35. I have had my problems with Medusa and Eden. They have had their problems with me. I like to make peace, when I can. Sometimes, you can't make it happen. Medusa and I have, imo. It is up to Eden if she wants to do so, with me. I am willing, if she is.

    36. Seems one of my comments in between there got caught up in the elusive spam filter. I highly doubt she asked her kid to join here, anon, and I've never seen any reference to it. Seems like you're the one dragging peoples kids into it here. That's pretty low even for this place.

    37. Does it really surprise you that people respond better to people that are civil and polite to them? I know it doesn't.

      Empaths especially won't respond as well to anything less than civil even if it's the truth or purely for their benefit because all those pesky feelings get in the way.

    38. Well, Plumbo had kids, too.

    39. Does it really surprise you that people respond better to people that are civil and polite to them? I know it doesn't.

      Empaths especially won't respond as well to anything less than civil even if it's the truth or purely for their benefit because all those pesky feelings get in the way.

    40. Haven, common civility was not the point of what I was explaining to Monica. The point was... she only cares about how I treat other people, when I'm also not being nice to her. If I'm nice to her... you won't hear a peep out of her about how I treat other people.

    41. Eden, I would like to be on good terms with you, but I CAN'T be if you are a predator to other people as I feel revolted when I see it.

    42. Monica, you say you desire peace with me, but you mean only if it's on your terms. You want me to play friends with you.

      I have opted for another kind of peace. I have tried to walk away from you, and leave you the fuck alone. But every time I do that.... you do everything in your power to provoke me, or regain my attention. Which tells me that bad or good, you can't stand for me to turn my attention away from you.

      Peace between two people doesn't have to be about me becoming your friend. It could be, just you and I agreeing to stop getting in each others hair. I don't want a relationship with you, Monica. I'm not your friend. I don't agree with who you are as a person, and you obviously don't agree with how I am.

      I'm not going to pretend to be something I'm not. Keep making friends with the narcs, and you'll be just fine.

    43. Ah yes, I see. Monica does seem incapable of accepting the fact that other people function in a way that is foreign to her if it doesn't appeal to her at the same time. She goes on and on about her socio gf but then can't accept how others differ from what she needs.

      My apologies. Half drunk and with a very busy brain tonight.

    44. Eden
      I don't really care about "friends", per se. I have tons of friends, not to brag. However, I am revolted when I see a mother do what you do, on here. I can't help being revolted. I tried to extend an olive branch to you because I like peace with people, but that is fine that you don't accept it. However, when I see you be a predator on someone, and I can stop it( as I could not with Plumbo) I will say something.

      If you want to link yourself with filthy pigs like Ukan and his wife, that is your business.

    45. Eden@428:
      "I have opted for another kind of peace. I have tried to walk away from you, and leave you the fuck alone. But every time I do that.... you do everything in your power to provoke me, or regain my attention. Which tells me that bad or good, you can't stand for me to turn my attention away from you."

      lol Where is Funny Bit when you need him...

    46. You know what's funny about you, Monica? Is how very accepting you are of sociopaths. You know what makes that funny? You only accept the lies.

    47. She accepts what she wants to accept = the pieces that fit into what justify her current needs.

    48. Eden
      My mother was a sexual sadist. When I see you act as a predator on people, such as Plumbo, I have a visceral revulsion. I can't help saying something, as I have the strength to do so.

    49. Not everyone who finds you revolting is Monica, you retarded idiot.

    50. Monica, you are not alone in your visceral revulsion. Plumbo's humiliation was disgusting.

    51. Monica, I was never sexual towards Plumbo. What does sexual sadism have to do with what I do here, anyway? You don't know shit about it obviously.

    52. Thank you Anon. Once they exposed Plumbo, it was too late to do anything. Ukan was too much of a pig to stop, so what would be the point of trying to go up there?

    53. Well, sadism was what you guys did to Plumbo. UKan is sadistic. When you join in with him, Eden, you are the same as he is.

    54. hahaha! Glad you wiped your conscience there, Monica. Nothing you could have done to save her.

    55. So what happened to Plumbo? I haven't been around as much lately?

    56. I didn't join in with him. He had nothing to do with Plumbo emailing me. You always do this Monica. You always assign one "real" bad guy, and everyone else is what? Secretly a sheep? Like you?

      Everyone is secretly like you save UKan... is that what you believe? And would you say that's your narcissism talking, or just your natural virtue shining into the dark corners of the universe?

    57. Monica, I'm a sexual sadist and go after people here. I posted Stav's picture and name in the forum too. But you don't go after me at all. So it's not those things that bother you about Eden, is it?

    58. I may appear weak because I am emotional, but I stand up for what I believe. One thing I hate is predatory behavior. THAT is true weakness, Eden.

    59. I had not been following the Forum prior to Plumbo. I don't know what happened with the Stav thing.

    60. If what you hate is predatory behavior, Monica.. then you hate sociopaths.

    61. I guess that my way of rectifying my past is standing up when I see someone being a predator on a person. I am strong, in that way. I guess that is the end of it. Anyway, I have to go, now.

    62. Thank you, Elicious. You obviously get the point I'm making.

    63. You are not weak, Monica. UKan is a sociopath, Eden is just an asshole. Plumbo's torture was unprovoked. She was begging not to expose her and you made her beg and humiliate herself in public until you were satisfied. You fucking vulture.

    64. lol Elicious doesn't even have a clue what we're talking about

    65. Why are you not standing up to anyone else then, like Elicius says? You never say anything to her about her predatory behavior.

      So now you're going to run away, right? Like you always do when you see your hand is the losing one?

    66. Didn't mean to half-ass spell your name, Elicious! Trying to carry this thread and text on my phone at the same time.

    67. But you didn't stand up for her, Monica. You hid util it was all over. That's not strong at all.

    68. lol, don't tell me you are feeling singled out Eden... I'm touched. What a load of bullshit. Nobody made Stav beg for mercy. You did that to Plumbo. You forced her to humiliate herself in public and beg you, you fucking bully.

  34. Obviously, Mee. Don't tell them anything personal about yourself.

  35. Because you and Raven are predators.

    1. You judge me harshly, but you did it under your own name at least. :-)

    2. She forgot to change to anonymous :)

    3. No, I didn't forget. I do both.

  36. So who lured this fag jose to SW ?


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