
Monday, January 23, 2012

Sociopaths in the news: Megaupload

From a reader:

I was wondering if you followed the arrest of the crew in New Zealand. Kim Schmitz also known as Kim Dotcom, the founder had some pretty interesting reactions, and I think he might be sociopath as well. In addition to having a history of scamming and shady deals of which he was also convicted of in Europe, I personally have dealt with him and was almost scammed by the guy. I dealt with him once many years ago when he tried to organize an exotic car rally, the entry was supposed to be 50,000$ and the pot 1 million. Of course the race never happened and all those who paid didn't get their money back. He managed to collect quite a few deposits and made off with them. The very first time I spoke to him I had my spidey sense tingling me and decided against any further dealings with him. He does exhibit a lot of ASPD traits as observed by myself and as you can probably deduce from the following article, if you please to read it.

So first after the police descended on his mansion with helicopters he hid behind electronic defenses installed in his house, after those were breached by the police he hid inside a "panic room" and the police had to cut through it to get to him. Sounds almost like a caricature.  After that debacle, he goes on to say he has nothing to hide, and was happy to pose for pictures to the press. All of his past dealings and convictions related to him  are scams, accusations of insider trading, stock manipulation, and more scams.

What cemented my opinion about him having ASPD was also the fact that in between him trying to convince me to sign up for his rally, the next subject of conversation was how awesome and rich he was, and every few phrases or so he made a reference to his wealth. He talked about how much money he was making to the point I felt that he was either a very very insecure man, or a complete fool. Now I know better, and I'm pretty sure he is a bona fide sociopath. I've met a lot of people with fragile egos that need to boast and such but this guy... Nothing like him. He was definitely wealthy back then too, no doubt about it, but he was acting like we should be grateful to him for giving us the "amazing opportunity" to participate in his event.

One more thing to note, in spite of his flaws and quirks, he struck me as a very very intelligent man.

Editor's note: I was also persuaded by the aforementioned article's reference to his ties to two germans and one dutchie, who apparently were also leaders.  Central Europeans do not have a good track record for morality, and if they were attracted to Kim Dotcom (also German) enough to want to work under him, that is further proof to me that Dotcom was a charismatic and amoral leader.  Or it could be the shared language and culture.  Also from the article:

Possessions taken from Dotcom's Coatesville mansion provided a hint of the accused men's extravagant lifestyles. Eighteen luxury cars worth a combined $6m were taken from the site, including a 2008 Rolls-Royce Phantom Drop Head Coupe, with the licence plate GOD, and a 1959 pink Cadillac. Others including Mercedes Benz, a Maserati and a Harley Davidson motorbike with licence plates including POLICE, STONED, GUILTY and MAFIA.
Dotcom maintained an extraordinary public profile, funding a huge New Year's Eve fireworks display over Waitemata Harbour in 2010 and commenting publicly on his charitable giving, including to the victims of the Christchurch earthquake and the Starship Foundation in Auckland.

In a recent online missive Dotcom wrote about his life in New Zealand, saying how he heard local singer Gin Wigmore on the radio and wanted her to record the "Mega Song".

With a casual mention of how he was "chilling in the studio" with the Black Eyed Peas, he said Wigmore took the offer, came to the studio in Auckland, and nailed the song in three takes.
Other material found uploaded [on]
included child pornography and terrorism propaganda videos, according to the indictment. 


  1. Sounds like a well adapted narcissist to me.

    Narcissistic sociopaths who do this well are always fascinating, I wonder if Sam Vaknin would be envious.

  2. Does anybody posting around here actually have a BRAIN?

  3. I think most people LIVING have a brain. Even if the brain is DEAD they still have one.Why would you not know this ?

  4. Megaupload brings me months of daily free shows. This calls for action!!

  5. The sociopath has a level of chuzpah the narc doesn't.

  6. Ok I’m a post behind.

    Kanney, you asked me how I define empathy. Very loosely, I imagine it means to feel what someone else feels. This capacity is rather blunted in me, although it exists, to be sure. I have to be self-aware and mindful of a person’s feelings when in conversation with them to respond “empathetically”, because the emotional feedback loop I have tends to get jammed. This takes an effort.

    When someone relates a struggle or trial to me, I will listen attentively and mirror all of the correct responses. Until recently, I thought everyone did this without necessarily feeling much of anything inside. I still cling to the belief that many people do, at the very least, exaggerate their emotional capacity to relate to others.

    Intensely emotional situations make me feel awkward. For instance, when the husband of a person who is purportedly close to me had a heart attack last summer, I did not visit the hospital. I didn’t even call her until her man was out of the woods. I wrote an e-mail expressing my condolences and support, and I prayed for her family, but I could not go to the hospital and face all of my friends and colleagues and somehow try to deal with that hairy-scary emotional mess. I was afraid of reacting abnormally.

    In retrospect, this may be why I always hung out with the guys in high school. The girls either baffled and repulsed me or made me want to get down their pants. I used a core group of silly little girls to secure popularity and wield influence, but emotional intimacy makes me uncomfortable, because in some ways, I just don't get it.

    I think I have confused empathy and sympathy in the past. I’ll use a recent example with someone on this board. After writing a nasty response to TNP, I initially felt glib and self-satisfied. But about an hour later, after smoking a little joint (pot really helps me to feel stuff) I was overcome with a very powerful tug of… sympathy for him. Now this happens rarely to me- even wherein people close to me are concerned- so I initially mischaracterized the emotion as empathy. (The identification of altruistic emotional states is not my forte, lol!) It came out of the blue and it was very strong. So I repented of my hurtful words. But I still gave in to the antisocial urge to verbally spar with him later, because I felt he needed to be shown something too. (Come on. The guy's a sociopath. He has thick skin, hehe.)

    Now this connection was not entirely fleeting. Over the next few days, the Lord kept pressing him on my heart. Whenever this happened, I would pray for him. Mind you, I did not *feel* anything other than a little nag to pray for him- it was nothing like that first time.

    Now that he has revealed that he has cancer, I understand why it happened. Moreover, I know *how* to pray for him.

    (This is what I meant when I said that the Holy Spirit is my conscience. Left to my own devices, I’m a pretty big shit most of the time, lol!)

    I am trying to cultivate being mindful of the need to demonstrate empathy.

    Fake it till ya make it, I say :)

  7. "and I prayed for her family"

    Bet that was useful.

  8. Meditating, praying, hoping, wishing, and telepathically sending good vibes to the unfortunate, may make you feel better, but they don’t change circumstances. But since you don't have these feelings Alterego, what is the point ??

    Double blind studies on patients show no prayer effect -- except for that fact if you tell patients that you are praying for them, they do marginally worse.

  9. I'll bet it was, too.

    But what do you care?

  10. Per the self actualization discussion, if I had to say anyone who came close on SW, it would be ME and Alterego. ME provides a blog, at his own expense, in order for others to get help. Alterego considers the welfare of others beyond the small boundaries of her own ego. They, both, has a concern that is higher than themselves, as is the CRUX of self actualization. In reality, few people achieve self actualization.It can be approximated, at times, only. It is not a loose term given to an ape in the zoo which scratches his testicles, as apes do lol

  11. Why do you care.....that I care ?

    Mr Emotionless ?

  12. ... And other studies have shown the opposite to be true.

    Attempting to "scientifically" study something like prayer is patently ridiculous, imo. Faith and science are separate domains.

    And I do have feelings. I never said that it doesn't make me feel good to pray for someone.

    I have made my beliefs clear and I don't give a rat's ass what anyone thinks of them. They are personal and part of my world view. If you don't like 'em, don't read my posts. Or argue until you get bored. If I am, I just may respond. But don't hold your breath. :)

  13. It does make me feel good- at least temporarily. But it is shallow. I just cannot seem to hold on to any emotional state for very long.

  14. The problem with delusional people (Alterego) is that they need others to feed their delusions.

    "They are personal and part of my world view"

    Exactly, and keep your personal belief in a superdaddy in the sky at home where it belongs. We don't need to hear about your "praying" as just like you said, "it is a part of my personal world view" and that is ALL it is.

  15. Anyone ever seen or bought a snuff movie?

  16. If religion were a hoax, we would have a world filled with followers of thousands of different reeligions, all fighting over which one was right, all willing to lie, or kill, or indoctrinate thier children at a young age so as not to reveal the hoax, all of them delusional and crazy and ....oh wait....

  17. @Kyle
    Think of this for a moment. People like you get enraged when someone brings up something prayer, in a Christian context. Where does that anger/passion come from? This level of hatred is reserved for Christians, alone. People know the power of the TRUE God. That is what fuels their hatred.

  18. Arguments from ignorance and incredulity are always fallacies. That includes yours. That somebody imagines something does not mean it actually exists, it just means they're capable of imagining things. To show existence you need evidence of existence, not evidence that humans are capable of imagining things.

    Seek help, and meds.

  19. HEY! that is NOT the real Kyle Towns! I am. And I don't care about religion of god. As much as I don't care that Bible Anon is Alterego.

  20. Ooh here we go. I've seen that one copied and pasted here before.

    Shut up and go back to your cave, KTroll. I've already debated that point ad nauseum: I am not under the impression that I can provide "evidence" for God; I can only relate my subjective, personal experiences, which I do not presume will convince anyone! My post was not addressed to you.

    I'll talk about whatever I want here, including skydaddies, if it suits me. If you don't like it, you can shove your head right back up your ass, where it has clearly been held hostage a long, long time. I'd offer you kleenex to wipe the shit from out of your ears, but I wouldn't want to unnecessarily sacrifice any trees. So just ignore my posts. :)

    I have stuff to do now. Later SW!

    But for the last time... Bible Anon is NOT Alterego! LOL

    I'm really not Bible Anon. Believe what you want, but we are different people. I think she comes out to play when I do because she sees it as an opportunity to minister to you, or something. :)

  21. Spoken like a true cristian Alter.

  22. PsychopathicWritings.comJanuary 23, 2012 at 6:14 AM

    And they call me delusional!

  23. Alterego's voice and mine are entirely different. I just get a thrill running up my leg when I see her.

  24. Yeah, you are not Bible Anon Alterego. HE just appears only when YOU do. And you are NOT a she. You don't even type like one.

    Nice try, but fail

  25. Also- Bible Anon is into making love, as opposed to kinky sex. :) She also appears to be a lot nicer than me in general.

    I often do not speak in a very Christian manner, especially on this board. I struggle with impulse control, dontcha know. But I am only fooling around- and I think that most of you understand that, just as I assume that most of the people here on Sociopaths-R-Us have pretty thick skin, Kyle included. Sorry if I *actually* insulted you, though. I just like that I can give full vent to my thoughts here. :)


  26. ░█▀▀░░█▀█░░█░░█

  27. New Ep of House tonight.

    I bet House is a socio

  28. If any Christian wants to go where the roaring lion walks, he can just come on SW he he

  29. @UKan

    I don't know that for sure. Last week was spent trying to get things in order, to see if I qualify for a special health care program they offer, so I can get on a sliding scale payment set up. Tomorrow, I go in for another ultrasound with a clinic within that network. The tumors may very well be benign, but they are causing serious issues regardless, and will probably have to be removed.

    We shall see.

    I'm not going to make a big deal out of it, till I know for sure what's going on. And even then...

  30. what are your bad habits, raven?

  31. "Anonymous said...
    Pitull attack. Why was he not given a knife? I would have stabbed the throat from that dog, without hesitation.

    January 22, 2012 9:06 PM"

    The dog would likely target your hand holding the knife, you would be better to grab both front legs and pull them apart hard. The dog will die.

  32. This isn't a health care forum, anon.
    I'd really rather people stop bringing it up. I would have kept my mouth shut about it, had I known people would be going on and on about it. TNP is the one who's sick. Not me.

  33. I was sick, but just dropped the kids off at the pool. All better now.

  34. You have cancer Raven. The doctors can tell when they make comments like that. I hope it works out for you and your kids.

  35. My deepest condolences Raven. Keep in mind that death isn't the end.

  36. Everyone will get a cancer of some type before they die. It's in the air and foods we eat. We cause all the problems.

  37. Dudes, you're useless, everything you do is useless. This blog is useless. The whole world is useless. Fucking crap. This world could just as well get destroyed. Why the fuck do people keep on living? I don't get that. It's all useless.

  38. I'd like the world to end as we know it, so I could be alone like Will Smith in 'I am Legend' ...

  39. GTF back up into your ego before you kill yourself. and you better stay in that ego.

  40. He wasn't alone, tco.

  41. i want to be the only man in the world. raip fest.

  42. No, you are right... he was always with someone during the entire film. Silly me, my bad. Totally forgot about the entire film crew!

  43. Death is not the end. There are many lives to be led in the reincarnation wheel.

  44. Anon 720 here @ anon's dad : lol

  45. I'd like to be reincarnated as Angelina Jolie's bicycle seat.

  46. It happens often to me to slip out of "my" ego. If there is such a thing. I am always slipping into ego like dropping into someone's home uninvited. They keep trying to get me out but I keep coming back.

    I don't even know if my ego is trying to kick me out or if it's me who doesn't like my ego.

  47. @Dr.Anon: Please. Benign fibroid tumors are very common in women in their mid-thirties, and that is probably all Raven has. Leave the diagnoses to those who are actually qualified to make them.

    Now leave her alone. She has made clear that doesn't want to talk about it.

    So I'll shut up about it now too. :P

  48. "Alterego said...
    Ooh here we go. I've seen that one copied and pasted here before."

    And it was correct last time, and this time.

    But how hypocritical does one have to be to make such a statement, and go on to repeat "gods" word from the manual on how to live your life.

    Again fail.

  49. "I've seen that one copied and pasted here before"

    Because nothing is ever repeated in Christianity right Alter? The entire world is a repetition of knowledge. Duh

  50. Theme Songs for SW RegularsJanuary 23, 2012 at 7:56 AM

    Theme Song for Bible Anon

  51. Blah blah blah. Since I am not attempting to *prove* anything, and you erroneously believe that I am both Bible Anon and a man, (lol!) I can confidently and correctly posit that *you're* the big fat fail, troll.

    But hey! Whatever works for you.

  52. This is like a stupid chatroom where people that nobody really likes come. Fuck, all of you guys would be better off on some social anxiety forum. xd

  53. "I have stuff to do now. Later SW!"

    Oh, let me guess Bible Anon, all done are you ?

    "Blah blah blah"

    Yes, what is the effectiveness of prayer. Spot on!

    I don't THINK you are, I know you are.

    "But hey! Whatever works for you."

    It's not a matter of what "works" for me. But that simple mind numbing "Works for me" suits you perfectly.

  54. @Joker: knowledge must always be repeated in some form, but it becomes far more valuable if you enhance it with original insights.

    I was once falsely accused of being a copy-paste Christian. When I see fit to defend the Bible in a debate with someone I deem a *worthy* opponent, I resort primarily to material I have written myself. (And I do enjoy writing and researching.)

    Naturally, I glean *information* from my studies. But you have regurgitated a shallow, easily de-bunked, opinion based post... again.

    It is tiresome, and unworthy of my defense.

  55. P.S

    When did I say I wasn't a Troll ? I think to everyone reading this blog, it is VERY apparent, I am a Troll.

    Stop trying to seem smart. Stating the obvious is just that. Nothing more.

  56. @Kyle: And *you* are unworthy of my attention. So I will cease awarding it to you, effective immediately. :)

  57. //When I see fit to defend the Bible in a debate//


  58. who's watching gummo? :D

  59. Praying is like taking a placebo and telling yourself it's the real drug.
    The results are in ur mind, man.

  60. Defend the bible ? Ego ? The contradictions are on purpose and serve a multitude of purposes.

    By being vague they can easily mean anything, and you don't need me to tell you how people have negatively "interpreted" these things to mean whatever they wanted them to.

    Now did you also know that there is a deeper purpose for these contradictions, absurdities and ambiguities?

    1. The believer can never truly understand the "word of God". This is an important concept, I can't stress that enough. Because never understanding fully the "word of God" is exactly what makes faith possible in the first place. They can only have faith because as odd, contradictory or even false as what they just read was, they HAVE to believe it because-

    a. Not having faith in God they believe dooms them either to hellfire or to cease to exist upon death (again, depending on how you choose to translate it).

    b. Satan is said to be the tempter. Every person who points out these flaws must be under the control of Satan, or at least mislead by him.

    Because the believer cannot understand the Bible, this is assumed because God is beyond our understanding. While most believe that the contradictions are mistakes, they are in fact done on purpose to create an unquestioning credulity in the true believer.

    This sounds like-


    "Why does God order the deaths of so many people when he clearly states that 'Thou shalt not kill'?"


    "Well humans can't possibly understand the word of God!"

    When you point out the flaws-the responses you get will be-

    1. "There are no contradictions in the Bible-it is perfect." This can be disprove in about three minutes by someone of a basic reading level.

    2. "Well we can't understand the workings of God!" ...then how do you know what he really wants?

    3. "It's taken out of context!" can quote the entire bible and it would still be out of context to them because at the end they will go back to "Well we can't understand the workings of God!"

    Do not trust your eyes, do not trust your ears! That is the message of the Bible.

    Religion is designed to control the masses. It does this by convincing them they are stupid, weak and powerless, and the only way to have any comfort or security is to admit this and give all their loyalty (even above their families) to the doctrine. Because they are stupid they cannot fathom the words of God, they rely on clergy to do so. Clergy serve to preach and interpret the doctrine according to what the government at the time wishes.

    "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."

    Do they still preach that today in Sunday School?

    What all of this does is create a mindset that is gullible, fearful and weak.

    And it does a damn good job of it too.

    This is an extremely deep subject that I could go on and on about, but at the moment I need to get some rest.

  61. I meant back legs

  62. @ Jokerman
    I know who you are and you are a true seeker. You can ask me, anything.

  63. Ramming your fist down the dogs throat is the easiest way to stop an attack if you have no weapons handy. Obviously not without it's own drawbacks, but easier than grabbing the legs.

  64. indecisive K9 handlerJanuary 23, 2012 at 8:36 AM

    No I meant front.

    But now I realize I couldn't grab both front legs when he's got one of my forearms in his jaws.

    I would have punched it in the nose and throat with the other hand kicked it in the testicles and prayed.

  65. Most people however will not have the mental strengh, and will usually just get killed by the attacking dog while praying to their personal god.

    The difference between rational thought and delusion. Actions work, prayer does not.

  66. @Aspercujo: lmao! Thanks for the persistent canine attack tips. I've actually been reading and noting them. I hope you're not full of shite, in case I should ever have to apply them!

  67. you can't grab any legs anyway when he has one of your arms in his jaws, lol!

  68. Maybe you can't Anon 838am

  69. I'd have bitten the dogs muzzle and spit his nose out at him like the tongue in 'midnight express'

  70. I don't think I could, Cujo That dog's upper body weighs more than mine.

  71. one, or two deep slashes to the throat would instantly stop it.

  72. Indecisive K9 & Anon: ^^lol! That is both hilarious and true :)

    Anyone who would take the time to stop and pray - or play with testicles of any variety, for that matter - whilst being attacked by a vicious predator, deserves his fate. Both reactions would likely engender the same disastrous outcome. :)

    Even Sampson and David knew better than to do that, lol!

    @DebatingAnon: I will respond to that later if I get the chance. Those are reasonable objections.

  73. You're turning me on. I need to learn how to butcher properly.

  74. Religion pass, dog stuff pass, Knives! Being one with the Ginsu, now there is a worth while topic.

  75. That guy in '147 hrs' should have had a Ginsu.

  76. @TCO: I'm all for discussing sharp, pretty things. :)

    WV: idiattic, lol

  77. Sheldon said : I'd like to be reincarnated as Angelina Jolie's bicycle seat.

    Is this because you'd slip right in without a problem?

  78. Ang Jolie would look fucking awesome in the doggy position!

  79. what good is she without those lips and face? You'd have to maker her turn her head in between her legs upside down so you could fuck her while you could see her face.

    I guess you could crank her head around too. A little snap that neck play

  80. Screw Angelina. What about those knives? :)

  81. ::Screw Angelina

    Yes! that is the point ;)

  82. I know! How about screwing Angelina *with* knives?

  83. But it would hurt the next day.

  84. Anon 906 yeah it takes a real man to beat on a spaniel.

    Thats fucking stupid.

  85. I would have done the same to that pos animal.

  86. fuck of with the dog shit already. It's boring the crap out of everyone. what is the point of killing something helpless/weaker anyway? It's trite.

  87. @anon: come now, surely you can be more creative than "a knife to the vag". Ugh.

    I guess I'd better shut up now, lest DumDum magically appear and seek impress us all with her knife-handling prowess.

  88. Haven, your cats next.

  89. I want to see the knife handling *eyes gleaming*

  90. But I will say this: a cold knife pressed against the jugular of a helpless, bound woman is much more delicious, he he

  91. Tight leather straps and a gleaming blade against shivering skin, sharp and cold. Damn.

  92. ..yes, ..yes, ..and? *licking lips*

  93. And just a lick of blood... Hehe

    Time to take a cold shower, since there can be no sublimation for me today. :p

  94. hardwear on sharp nipples. fuck

  95. Calm down, they ate the dog after it died. It's allowed. After the kids were sentenced, one of the killers muttered "we wanted to eat it" suddenly the boys were unshackled and the killing was history.

  96. get back here alter and finish what you started, you teasing hussy.

  97. You adorable little feminist, Alterego~

  98. Who seen the dog video? That's some evil shit !

  99. I saw the one where the chink domme cut the paws off. *yawn*

  100. No this one's much better... *cough* shit..worse, I mean it's much worse.

  101. is that necessary, calling the people in the countries who eat the dogs for survival "chinks?"

  102. Anon 939 you are asking someone on sociopathworld who enjoys watching a dog tortured to not use a derogatory name for an ethnic group? Really?

  103. There are both pro's and con's to being a "chink" or any other visible minority. But those people regardless of their skin color, are equally as useless to me as the next. Their race means little...


  104. Screw Angelina. What about those knives? :)

    Angelina is nothing compared to me. I can slice sushi while it's still in the air and then fling it on your plate while firing the drizzle from the other hand.

  105. Caroline your opinion on self actualization or any other topic to do with psychology is null considering you still think Kanney is a sociopath. You are a retarded women. It is no wonder that you are still stuck as a wet nurse to mental patients. Better that you clean up a bunch of muppet's shite than ever sit in a therapist's chair.

  106. LOL!!! Wow Double D, that is some serious talent! Why be depressed and on welfare when you have such skills?!

  107. My exboyfriend was a sushi chef and I am already a knife expert. I was trained in knives by the top knife artists in the world. I'm not on welfare I conned the government into giving me checks for disability, idiot. I'm not depressed either. I just hate life.

  108. The weak believe in the bible, because they haven't the fortitude to face life on their own. They pray to god because they themselves have no hope. In return for hope they give their unconditional servitude and self loathing.

  109. @ Ukan
    Kanney ran away when I asked some simple questions about her life, the most basic of questions. She is afraid of someone like me who knows the subject which she only pretends to know lol

  110. On topic: I was actually following that Megaupload case. I had no idea about Dotcom. I would say he sounds like a sociopath alright. Everything from the con games, the boasting, and the license plate that says god.

  111. She didn't run away from Raven when she asked invasive questions.

    Hmmm. I wonder what that means caroline. Maybe it means that she has no respect for you.

  112. With an MOS of 0311, I have had a little blade time myself.

    Who trained you Demon ?

  113. @Ukan It means I am the real deal in Psych and she is a poseur lol

  114. You're a psych nurse Caroline. My father was a psych nurse and he is nothing close to the real deal. He has no clue how people function at all. Either do you. You spend most of your time here being ignored or kicked around. Point blank. Nobody here has opened up to you. In fact, nobody even answers your question on basic things.

    In contrast, so far Kanney has even impressed me with the information she has gotten out of people. I had no idea she would be not only be able to acquire the information, but process it so well.

  115. "The weak believe in the bible, because they haven't the fortitude to face life on their own. They pray to god because they themselves have no hope. In return for hope they give their unconditional servitude and self loathing."

    Sez you. It would be *a lot* easier for me to get through life discounting the Bible. I wouldn't have to try nearly as hard as I do to reform my character and develop traits that do not come naturally to me at all! Applying the Bible's teachings in my life has bred true strength in my character, which you call self-loathing, for reasons I cannot fathom at present. I don't hate myself at all, Ukan: the Bible has taught me to love myself in the way that I should. But you are free to disagree and apply your own methods.

    I think it takes a lot more strength to resist base impulses than to indulge them consistently. But then, I am under the impression that our respective definitions of "strength" diverge vastly.

    Perhaps you do not need the Bible to help you do this, but it sure helps me. You call that weakness if you want to, but I prefer to call it applied wisdom.

  116. Ukan you are delusional, as she is. For her to take Maslow's Theory on Self Actualization and make a mockery of it, shows she knows nothing.

  117. Bahahaaaaa Double D showed up after all! :-)

  118. I have to laugh that I am ten people lmfao

  119. i didnt get very far yet, but iread carolines bullocks opinion on whos close to self actualization. So now were defining self actualization as altruism and skipping everything in between? Than in that case, caroline, id say youre self actualized... And i used to be but im not anymore. Monica for sure would be. Lets call ami self actualized. Anyone im missing by these new standards allegedly from maslows definition?


  120. I think it takes a lot more strength to resist base impulses than to indulge them consistently. But then, I am under the impression that our respective definitions of "strength" diverge vastly.

    Wrong. Most people resist their base impulses with the help of their religion, which is why there is a larger percentage of believers in the world than there is atheists.

    You are self loathing because you excuse a book which is anti-woman in it's entirety. On a individual level it is also self loathing in the fact that you are less of a person outright without some fake god propping you up. It requires submisssion. Fucking slave. I don't require anything at all to live my life and that makes me stronger than you. I stand on my own feet and make my own decisions. I don't believe in some rubbish that tells me to be silent and come up with excuses for it's behaviour that you call interpretations.

  121. tnp and ravens cancerJanuary 23, 2012 at 11:12 AM

    were coming to get all yall socios yo!!!! God haters get cancer!!!!!

  122. *Kanney Ace Psychologist*
    Maslow's theory ENCOMPASSES the levels you go through. Capiche? lol


  123. Ukan you are delusional, as she is. For her to take Maslow's Theory on Self Actualization and make a mockery of it, shows she knows nothing.

    You think giving your shite away and becoming a martyr is self actualization, Caroline. Wrong. The majority is altruistic. That is not the crux of it at all.

    You all of a sudden want to play psychologist in here. Funny. All you do in here is spend time getting punted from one end to the other. Nobody in here has respect for you, cunt. Let alone your theories. You basically eliminated the rest of self actualization except the part you like. That's not psychology at all Caroline. No wonder you wipe arses and give out pills for a living.

  124. Kanney should peddle her stupidities when no one knows anything about it ROLFL

  125. ....trying to remember when I became self aware.

    Fuck! I can't

  126. Good Day SW.

    Another dull post today. I think ME is running out of viable material.

    Seems a little depressing in here today.

    Also, The Collector ::bite me::

  127. Ukan: I don't have a problem with the Bible telling me to respect my own husband and to refrain from interrupting him when he is teaching in church. This does not mean I loathe myself. I have no doubt read the Bible far more extensively than you, and I do not glean from it anything that is profoundly misogynistic. For you to dismiss the entire book on the basis of a few passages you dislike is akin to throwing the baby out with the bathwater. But you are free to do so.

    I will engage you, because I respect your opinions, but I don't give a shite what you think about the Bible.

    In my view, submission and weakness are not synonymous, unless one's submission is blind, uninformed, or involuntary.

  128. I've never been called depressing...before.

    Thanks Haven ;)

    One more to the long list of names :)

  129. Here is the thing you and Kanney are missing. You cannot understand human nature without a scintilla of humility LOL

  130. Anytime TCO! I do try to contribute to new experiences haha.

  131. Alterego,

    Do as the bible commands

    Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness. I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent." 1 Timothy 2:11-12

    As a woman, you need to shut the fuck up and know your place.

  132. Don't forget the Koran Anon,

    "Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other... Good women are obedient. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them, forsake them in beds apart; and beat them" Q 4:34

  133. Anon 1127

    As the village idiot you need to submit yourself at the townsquare for a thorough stoning. k, thxs.

  134. Alter, thats not DD. Thats UKans fake DD.

  135. I am much *more* of a person with God propping me up, because He has helped me to live a fulfilling life that is characterized by stable relationships, a happy home, and a legitimate way in which to support my family, as opposed to resorting to various cons, which is what I suppose I would have done had God not intervened in my life at an early age. The Bible has also taught me to value humility, a trait I do not possess in abundance and one that I would not have chosen to cultivate on my own, hehe.

    The proof is in the pudding. :)

  136. Caroline said
    Ukan Kanney ran away when I asked some simple questions about her life, the most basic of questions. She is afraid of someone like me who knows the subject which she only pretends to know lol

    You just asked stupid pointless questions. Im an open book to almost anyone. Eden didnt even need the flattery when she asked me questions about myself that i asked...and she knew the questions to ask, didnt she? I dont have anything to hide about myself. Especially not here. Its not my fault youre just too stupid to notice, caroline.

  137. "Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness. I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent." 1 Timothy 2:11-12

    In church, LOL! Last I checked, this forum is very far from being a place of worship.

    @Anon: Awk, just as I was ready to start having fun. ;)

  138. @ Kanney You are a fool LOLOL

  139. Maslow's theory ENCOMPASSES the levels you go through. Capiche? lol

    I know what maslows theory does. Yours doesnt. You dont understand what youre talking about because all you can see s the goodness and benevolence in the end. Youre idealistic. And foolish. The "altruism" of self actualization is derived from accomplishing your potentialas being usefulfor others. The altruism you speak of is an understanding of people at a base level because of your own personal excellence beyond yourself. Symbolically its potrayed in dreams by godly symbols such as dreams of light becoming worlds and dreams of creation that present larger problems to your subconscious than the before problems of the immediate, such as symbols of family, relationships, flying, etc. Youre goals become so large that the aspects people bring no longer present issues you interest in. Youre ignorant caroline, and simple minded, so everyone here discards you. People find you too insignificant to even afront or discus.

  140. Lay down
    Lay down
    Lay your sweet lovely on the ground
    Lay your love on the track
    We're gonna break the monster's back
    Yes we are...
    Lay down your treasure
    Lay it down now brother
    You don't have time
    For a jealous lover

    As you enter this life
    I pray you depart
    With a wrinkled face
    And a brand new heart

    I don't know if I can take it
    I'm not easy on my knees
    Here's my heart I'll let you break it

    I need some release, release, release

    We need
    Love and peace

    (Love and Peace or Else, U2)

  141. I'm going to go ahead and jump into this fray even though I have no interest in reading the build up. But...

    What does self actualization have to do with altruism at all? Self-actualization is recognition and achievement of your personal potential. I don't see why altruism or humility have to fall into this.

  142. Oh ok Alter so I guess your book tells you where you can and can not speak as a woman. That's pretty liberating. Well at least it allows you to speak in here. For that we can be greatful. From genesis to revelations one thing is certain in the bible: Women are dirty and disgraced. You believing in such a book is the definition of self loathing.

    Imagine someone saying: My husband says I'm not allowed to teach in church or speak at all. But he loves me. He has his reasons. Close to a thousand years ago women gossiped in church. They don't want that happening again.

    The above is considered a weak idiot. Which is exactly what I consider you.

    Caroline no seperate comment for you. You just keep repeating: Your delusional!!! Your a fool! Your delusional he he!! You're stupid!! You're a fool!! Wow you sure sound like you know what you are talking about~

  143. Kanney You are the definition of a fool, a true fool. God forbid you produce a child with another delusional fool, Ukan.

  144. We are coming for your cat, Haven.

  145. The region of the brain which activates during periods of religious fervor is the same region which activates when someone is having a dissociative episode.

    Funny, that.

  146. If God had a name what would it be?
    And would you call it to his face?
    If you were faced with him in all his glory
    what would you ask if you had just one question?

    Yeah, Yeah, God is great
    Yeah, Yeah, God is good
    Yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah

    What if God was one of us?
    Just a slob like one of us
    Just a stranger on the bus
    Trying to make his way home

    If God had a face
    What would it look like?
    And would you want to see
    If seeing meant that you would have to believe
    In things like heaven and Jesus and the saints
    and all the Prophets

    Yeah Yeah God is great
    Yeah Yeah God is good
    Yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah

  147. Here is the thing you and Kanney are missing. You cannot understand human nature without a scintilla of humility LOL

    That's why i was dramatically humble the entirety of the developmental stages of my life. Self actualization requires you to step past humility to discover and expound your own ideas to develop your potential separately from your subconscious. It requires people to act decidedly to balance their personality. It requires that people move beyond the social requirements people set on them and into their own values and uses. Its beyond good and bad but functional until you realize that aspect of yourself and desire to teach and perpetuate yourself into the world. It isnt altruism, its godliness.

  148. Alterego. I know nothing of the bible. I read the whole thing when I was in the fourth grade and tried to make sense of who it was that I was following. I sat there every sunday and wednesday and tried to figure out why I was praying to someone who doesn't owe me shit. Not only that, but there was no proof at all that this mystical being existed.

    So I am ignorant to this whole thing. I don't understand the need to even go to church, and pray, and preach, and follow. Bringing up all that hub bub of the bible won't work with me the way.

    I can say this, and it's based on life experience. No one needs to follow anyone or anything other than their own instinct. There is nothing wrong with getting someone's $0.02, but at the end of the day your choice is the only one that matters. I think people follow religion to give themselves and excuse when something does not turn out there way. It's almost like a constant state of denial. "Johnny died though I was praying for him to live, oh well, God decided it was time for him to go". That's bullshit. Not only that, but even if you make a bad decision, part of the excellence of living is to have had the experience in the first place. You take what that experience gave you, and roll with it. Nothing we do on this planet has anything to do with a god. It has everything to do with your own decision. God didn't help you get better, common sense and some self discipline did. You're an idiot to think otherwise.

    The only god I will ever believe in is Myself. That's the only way it makes sense to me.

  149. God show me the way because the devil trying to break me down
    (Jesus Walks)
    The only thing that that I pray is that my feet don't fail me now
    (Jesus Walks)
    And I don't thing there's nothing I can do now to right my wrongs
    (Jesus walks with me... fades)
    I want to talk to God but I'm afraid because we ain't spoke in so long

  150. You fucking people... :D

  151. Crap, it's Raven (Don't mention cancer)


  153. Hi Raven. How're you doin today?

  154. Haven, did you hear me bitch. Your cat is dead.

  155. raven is so fucking gross. cancer would be a beauty treatment

  156. Ukanned said: "Imagine someone saying: My husband says I'm not allowed to teach in church or speak at all. But he loves me. He has his reasons. Close to a thousand years ago women gossiped in church. They don't want that happening again."

    I DON'T pretend to understand everything the Bible teaches, but it does not teach that I shouldn't speak in church at all. If this were the case, Priscilla would have been shunned for teaching "the way" to others more accurately along with her husband. She wasn't. That passage was written to address a very specific issue within the Corinthian Church. Your saying that it applies universally does not make it so.

    I really don't give a shite what you do or do not consider me, Kannit. This weak fool is bound for Heaven, and a better life in the here and now, because of what you deem to be worthless garbage. :)

    "Your everlasting summer, you can see it fadin' fast
    So you grab a piece of somethin' that you think is gonna last
    Well, you wouldn't even know a diamond if you held it in your hand
    The things you think are precious I can't understand." (Steely Dan, Reelin' In the Years")

  157. Cherry picking are we Alter ?

  158. Alterego, please be good and off yourself. You boring pos.

  159. Kanney
    You have a lot to learn. Before you go spouting off on a known Psych theory, study it a bit. That is called humility LOL

  160. The problem is that for every sociopath kept in line by religion there is a sociopath who justifies his atrocities through religion.

  161. get me out of this disgusting person

  162. someone else debate this self actualization concept with me. Caroline's resorted to foolishness and idocy, and to argue with a fool is folly.

  163. Also, the Alteregoes @ 11:48 and 11:51 AM. I only ever quoted Bono and Steely Dan, hehe.

    Piles said: "God didn't help you get better, common sense and some self discipline did. You're an idiot to think otherwise."

    Oh, but He did. I am not basing my faith merely upon what I read in the Bible. If I had *only* allowed the Bible to engage my intellect, I might have dismissed it a long time ago, and thus missed out on all of those profound teachings which have helped me so much.

    I would share some of my personal, subjective experiences, but I don't think anyone here would appreciate or learn from them, so I can't be bothered.

  164. i asked you what youve studied on it, besides wikipedia, which more emphasizes potential realization, too. Why dont you tell me?

  165. alterego
    the cochrane organisation is an independent non-profit organisation dedicated to impartially meta-analyis of evidence.
    here is their review.

    where's your evidence supporting your belief in prayer which you declared earlier?

  166. *are fake. Whoops, typing too fast again.

  167. alright, i have a better idea.
    Caroline, what is individuation?

  168. anyone ever raped an animal?

  169. I have advanced degrees Kanney. However, my advanced degrees take me just so far. There is more to psych than just books, Kanney. You are a fool, at present. That is what will impede you ever understanding psych.

  170. @RapeApe: I don't have evidence other than what is personal and subjective to me! And that is sufficient, as far as I'm concerned.

    Just be an atheist, and let me be a deluded, theistic fool. If you don't like my posts, don't read em! :)

  171. Individuation is becoming oneself. That is important. However, you cannot take that theory as an ape in a china shop and lose sight of everything else and most importantly what it means to be a human being.

    Psych is the study of humans, after all lol

  172. The problem Alterego, is your personal beliefs make their way into the public mainstream, schools, law, government etc.

    We don't want your views anywhere near us.

  173. Can't we just talk about knives?


  174. You do not understand that religion and this stupid tired argument have wasted the time and effort of the entire human race. The horrors done in Jesus's name have been appalling and are on par with anything Hitler or Stalin ever accomplished.

    The Crusades burned out hundreds of thousands of books that had amazing mathematically information because it was heresy.

    The Aztecs had their entire civilization wiped out in the name of god and Jesus along with all their books and thousands of years of star charts. Heresy again.
    I could go on and on about the physical death toll but.

    F U C K Jesus and all that has ever been done in his name. Waste of time and effort on the part of the entire human race.

  175. @Anon: Whatever. I believe in the separation of church and state. A lot of Christians do. We are not all Bible thumping fundamentalists, you know.

  176. i will rape alterego's soulJanuary 23, 2012 at 12:15 PM

    Also the point is that you are willfully ignoring evidence that you suspect will disagree with your belief. That means you are CHOOSING to be deluded, which makes you a special kind of asshole and someone who's opinion is worth fuck all because you not only lie to other people but you knowingly lie to yourself. you are the sort of scum i delight in conning or fucking over in some way just for fun, not even to get something off you.

  177. HUMANS RULE! FUCK ALL ANIMALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!eFJWERYGDTRHYN

  178. Caroline, i would tell you the exact same advice. So why dont you tell me what you studied for your degrees?

  179. @FrackinIdiot: Ooh would you just stop with all the copying and pasting and come up with an original thought form, already? That one has already been thrown about here. Boring!

  180. "We are not all Bible thumping fundamentalists, you know."

    No I know, moderates are worse.

    And I don't expect you to have the intellect to understand why.

  181. //Ooh would you just stop with all the copying and pasting and come up with an original thought form, already? That one has already been thrown about here. Boring!//

    We are still waiting for you to handle the cut& paste posts Alterego, and you want more ?? How about debate what is on the table you pussy.

    lol moron

  182. "willfully ignoring evidence that you suspect will disagree with your belief."

    Bullshit. I have researched Biblical history *extensively* and I will not trot out in the comment section of a blog called "sociopathworld" all of the evidence that I have painstakingly perused and assimilated, once again. If you are truly interested, do the legwork yourself.

    Go con a gnat, or pray to yourself, or something.

  183. UKAN Vs AlterskidzoidJanuary 23, 2012 at 12:23 PM

    Alterego bails everytime.

    UKan -23

    Random Anon's -11

    Alter -0

  184. Seriously, im over the narrow minded caroline. She cant argue any of her points by her paralysis that occurs as a natural reaction to confrontation. Does anyone else think self actualization is merely altruism?

  185. //Bullshit. I have researched Biblical history *extensively* and I will not trot out in the comment section of a blog called "sociopathworld" all of the evidence that I have painstakingly perused and assimilated, once again. If you are truly interested, do the legwork yourself.//

    *Taps Dinosaur bone on his thick head*

    Others have researched more, longer, and have written about it.... in books..... that cost A LOT of money to write.

    Sorry, who the fuck are you again ??

  186. Shes a narcissist. Thats just how she thinks.

  187. alterego you are a muppet and continue to lie to yourself - you have not objectively researched the bible.
    either a muppet or a troll.


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