
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Occupy Wall Street and Psychopaths

A reader sent me this video clip of an OWS crusader who specializes in spreading the good word against psychopaths:

I always feel a little badly for these people. For some reason, whenever people start preaching against the wicked sociopaths that have "probably been with us since humanity evolved," and is "probably where our idea of vampires come from," I feel like they have about the same credibility as the foil hat gang. He actually makes some interesting points about sociopaths taking an ideal and twisting it, whether a religious, economic, or other ideology, to "take in large groups of people," because most people are identified with some sort of ideology.  Interestingly, I don't know if he ever acknowledges that the OWS movement itself was susceptible to this sort of mass manipulation.


  1. I get it now. You're allowing the comments to beat the sociopath out of themselves. It's so simple a child could see it. Brilliant!

  2. You feel badly for them?

  3. He's fighting a losing battle. The people love us no matter what we do. People like him will always be marginalized. Even in a revolution. At the end of the day when change come psychopaths will adapt and stay on the top of the food chain.

  4. @TNP Jan 21 5.48pm
    Honest and dare i say heart warming words. " just keep an open mind when dealing with people like us" This is something i try to do, and has kept me "involved" with the supsected sociopath in my life.... even though i have been slated for it on here by yourself and UKan. (I forgive you)
    I wish you well on your latest journey with your health.

    Vague anon.

  5. do socios believe everyone is secretly attracted them, or is that the narc?

  6. Psychopaths adapt to everything, that's why they survive in prison. Why they're your boss, while you're still a stupid cashier. Why they're your presidents. They know how to play the game and empaths still didn't understand it after all these years. How can empaths still think they're superior to them?

  7. "She's not young enough or pretty enough to be the wife of the President. And besides, she has cancer." Gingrich

  8. What was it that Davidsocio said? Something about socios thriving by hiding among the sheep in a well ordered normative society.

    Is this a case where the degree of subversion, via wall street et al, has reached a point where the static "host" system has begun to stir and awaken in it's final throes because it has been bled so dry for too long? Maybe a more practical socio reaction should be more like in some of the ubiquitous vampire movie themes expounded where the host system (normative society) is nurtured and sustained rather than antagonized by pointless testosterone venting. In terms of custodianship, here is where I think women actually excel over socios with their socially correct externalized empathy for the ordinary but internalized preferential nurturing of the more voracious.

  9. Man, this non stop fireworks are actually quite annoying!

  10. Sheeple don't care who's in charge, they only want to get paid at the end of the day.

  11. My g/f was born without empathy. She was not abused. What is fascinating is how she seems to reverence my empathy. I am overly empathetic, not as a virtue, but as a maladaptive response. I had to be hyper alert, as a child. My overly empathetic nature was created by this, I am quite sure. It is a fear response. When I say that I wish I was not like this, she says, "Your emotions are beautiful. I never had the chance to have them"

  12. Wanting to get pay isn't despicable, I can relate to that. It's the folk who put others before themselves who are the true sheep.

  13. It's impossible to be born without empathy. It takes a shit ton of trauma and "bad" genes for a psychopathic personality to emerge.

  14. Genetics play a bigger role imo.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. so whats your example of extreme level of empathy?

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  18. Most people don't feel as bad as you think they do. Every people I've known, classmates, coworkers, family, they're all out for themselves and don't give a shit about the rest of the world. Or they pretend to and are hypocrites.

    It seems you all think everyone's extremely sensitive and care about people dying. But the truth is that nobody actually does, unless they were extremely close to the person that died. The only difference between me and them is that I could admit it to myself that I'm out for me and don't care about the rest.

  19. I'm interested in how so many aspects of instinctual human interaction is vested in some form of empathy first and foremost before anything else. From friendships, long term business dealings, sexual interest, competition in the workplace etc. So apart from material persuasion, how is it for someone lacking any natural form this behavior or appreciation of it's purpose to survive or secure the actions they want from others?

  20. Btw, I don't think that the workings of empathy is necessarily a reciprocal one. I am aware that in many cases it's a connection between empathy attractors and empathy givers though I don't fully understand why that works.

  21. david, i also have an overly empathic obsessive mother. i attacked her character recently. i said "do you know what vibes your personality gives off when you speak to others" she replied "no" i said "everything about your personality screams, take advantage of me. you think people will like you for being overly nice and caring, but people see those things as weak and disgusting"

  22. Anon. Isn't what you are trying to share with david also some kind of empathetic response seeking?

  23. Theme Songs for SW RegularsJanuary 22, 2012 at 7:23 AM

    Theme song for Alterego

  24. So why did you direct it at david in particlar?

  25. Theme Songs for Theme songs forJanuary 22, 2012 at 7:31 AM

    Theme song for Theme Songs for SW Regulars

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Themes for SW RegularsJanuary 22, 2012 at 7:55 AM

    @ Fake Themes you are berry bad.

  28. Extremity,

    I know how to play the game. It's a very simple and transparent one. I just choose not to. It feels like a lowering of myself, a reducing to something much smaller than what I am now, a regression to a nursery school level of humanity. You've conquered Candyland, congratulations. I'd have to switch gears and operate from a much lower order of nature, and I'm just not going to sully myself in that way. So, tell me now, which of us is the more superior. It's dialectical, not absolute.

  29. (you think people will like you for being overly nice and caring, but people see those things as weak and disgusting)

    Only if you're a smug narcissistic toolbox.

  30. Monica,
    Would you share some more about your relationship with your emotionally challenged girlfriend? What was it that attracted you to her in the first place for a start?

  31. I would be happy to, Gag.

    I am too empathetic, which developed as a result of having to survive by my wits, as a child. I had to become hyper alert to stay safe. I see it as a flaw as it is unbalanced, as I said last night, if you read. I was attracted to her coolness, her unflappable manner.

    She respected me, as a person. This was the main reason she decided to try to take her mask off with someone. She thought I had enough integrity that I would not betray her confidences.

    Beyond that, we, simply, like each other and have formed a "pact" where I can let out pain that "normal" people cannot take and she can show her real face to another person.

    Do you have more questions, Gag?

  32. Not at present. But keep going if you like to delve in deeper.

  33. @ Gag
    It is kind of opposites healing each other. My emotions are fascinating to her and she asks me questions about empathy etc.

    I have pledged to be honest in my answers, as she has done with me.

    My empathy is interesting to her, as a bug under a microscope, I suppose.

    For me, I have had such dark experiences that "normal" people cannot deal with them, even shrinks.

    I had no one to whom I could tell, especially what it did to me, inside, how it warped me.

  34. "For me, I have had such dark experiences that "normal" people cannot deal with them, even shrinks."

    You're such a bad liar. Why do you bother? Even shrinks can't deal with your issues? Please bitch. You must think you're playing to a bunch of 12 yr olds here.

  35. Hmm..I always thought that the usual "passive" survival mechanism or behavior to stay out of trouble in a rough environment is to appear more insensitive either to blend in or to numb the abuse. But ya, I can also see how being observant and aware of the sensitivities of hard cases can also help as well. I guess she was your protector. Were you ever called out or felt strongly compelled to dish out abuse?

  36. a bunch of 12 yr olds here..Ouch!!

  37. Who's your so-called socio gf? Maniazer? Is that who you've fabricated this entire story around?

    You think I don't remember? How you kept comparing her against the rest of us... this person who barely came here, and maybe uttered all of a paragraph in total, the whole time she was here. You kept suggesting she was better than the rest of us because you THOUGHT that she was probably born without empathy, rather than having none due to abuse. But she would never respond to your questions and assumptions, as I also recall.

    You're the most pathetic person I know besides my lunatic sister, and her 4 other personalities. How do people as weak as you live to see their 40's I wonder...

    Thank god your son took himself out of this world, so your weakling genes won't spread any further.

  38. @ Raven you crack me up for some reason

  39. Theme Songs for SW RegularsJanuary 22, 2012 at 10:11 AM

    Theme song for Raven

  40. My foreign sister in law turned 50 today. But I still don't think of her as that. Maybe coz I still can't forget how she was during her "extreme" phase. Now she's a pastor.

  41. "@ Raven you crack me up for some reason"

    I'll take that as your way of saying: I have no idea how to defend my bullshit against your truth.

    Why are you still pretending? You're still just as retarded spreading yourself between your Monica/Caroline characters, as you were being Erin. No one believes your gone, Ami. Gone in your head maybe... but not from sw.

  42. OMG it even has watermark.

  43. I love how every time I hit a nerve... I get a song dedicated to me.

  44. So it was the appearance of this Erin well wishing TNP that made MK say aha about Monica/Caroline? So Ami = Erin = Monica/Caroline? Which one had the son die?

  45. Oh and I checked out that Erin chick's blog. That one writes on a fifth grade level, tops.

  46. Ami is her real name... and her son killed himself. Supposedly because he was sexually abused by his father.

    I find that interesting because she claims to have been molested by her mother.

    What a funny coincidink! That a same sex molestation scenario, would twice link itself to the same person.

  47. That's why I told you that you were wasting your time, asking her questions about this fabricated gf.

    The only thing real about Ami/Erin/Caroline/Monica, is the fact that she's the saddest sack of shit here, next to David. Which is why she's his biggest fan.

    Birds of a feather...

  48. I do think it quite odd how she insists her friend was born that way. Even the leaders in neuropsychology believe its always a combination of nature and nurture.

    It would explain why shes never able to be anything but totally vague, even when pretending to be specific.

    Well if they are all the same person, she probably wins the award for nuttiest person here. Thanks for making the rest us feel even better about ourselves, Ami/Erin/Monica/Caroline.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Theme Songs for SW RegularsJanuary 22, 2012 at 10:50 AM

    Theme Song for Ami

  51. You don't know shit about my type David. You don't even know your own type. That's why everyone here spits on you. You know so little about who you really are (weakling), that you spend all of your time here, trying to prove how superior you are, and how UKan is a million other profiles at sw.

    Do you think I'm UKan too? You're an idiot and a fucking schizoid loon!

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. @ Raven I don't play these stupid identity games. You, obviously, have severe issues and I feel sorry for you. People should take you with a grain of salt and not respond to your when you are nasty, in my opinion, anyway.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. "You scream like some religious freak or moralist slave just from hearing the word prostitute."

    And when have you ever heard me scream about prostitution on here. It's your character I despise, David. Not your profession.

    Prostitutes are as necessary as public toilette. I just would never lower myself to being one.

  56. So for us it's an innate reaction of repulsion or rejection when someone decides to reinvent herself/himself. I see that more as a compulsive weakness of which even I'm susceptible. I mean if it were really more advantageous to be detached from emotions and be true mirrors, why impose such nostalgic notions of consistency upon insignificant others?

  57. Hmm... but I can see how taxing it can be if the other were a completely self indulgent loony and obstinate at that. So hence the use of force or threat...

  58. "Ofcourse you're ukan, raven, one doesn't have to be schizoid nor very intelligent to figure that out."

    Wow. You really are that crazy. lol that's fucking rich, David! You need to check yourself into a hospital. :D

  59. Okay Caroline. How about since this is a site for one type of PD, and you are a psyche nurse... you give us a detailed description of what your job entails, and the patients you look after?

    Let's hear it then.

    Cuz I've never once heard you contribute anything that would suggest you know jack shit about psychology, since you arrived.

  60. @David, walk away from trash. Why bother lol

  61. Superficiality is abhorrant to people instinctively because it draws self actualization from people.

  62. It's not even that you hide under these lame characters you made up, Ami. It's that you're not even good at it. You don't even have the imagination and the creativity to give them a real life quality.

    If you had come back as these 2 characters, and I was convinced they were someone different... I'd at least have some respect for that.

    But you can't pull it off. You're too retarded to.

  63. @ Raven I just said I feel sorry for you and people should not engage you when you act like a vituperative person. Why would I possibly engage you? At that, I will ignore you. Carry on with your silly little identity games lol

  64. So ami, im curious what youve learned about me since i came here. I k ow you used to think my relationship was doomed to fail by the birth of retarded children. What have you learned in hiding?

  65. Oh you won't "engage" me, Caroline?
    I've heard you say that 100 times before. As Erin. :D

  66. Good point. But is self actualization strictly a linear process or can it also be rather convoluted for some?

  67. Is anything mental linear?

  68. I mean ami, youve pretty much "come out" you might as well engage us now. That way we have a chance to really scare you away.

    Are you the troll, too?

  69. Why do you care, Raven? In fact, I find Ami/Monica/cookie monster, repulsive too. That's exactly why i don't talk to her. But you're always engaging with her. And you sound hysterically angry. Take a chill pill.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Argh, Themes, I hate Christina Aguilera! To clarify: my tendency is not to turn to God when I feel lost or scared, because I rarely experience these emotional states. If I am genuinely distraught, I just want to be left alone. When something goes wrong, my default reaction is to get angry and/or go numb. When I have been on the brink of disaster, I have prayed, but it is intellectual response, not an emotional one. I just go numb inside :(

    I just try operate according to what I believe is right, regardless of how I feel. Sometimes I manage, often I don't. It is very uncomplicated.

    I have been pondering the sociopathy spectrum thing. The more terrible the abuse, the more pronounced the dissociative defence mechanism. I was abused to a lesser extent than many full-blown socios, but I inherited genes that predispose me to callous/unemotional traits.

    I believe the time when I could have "swung either way" has elapsed: I am not a full blown socio, but I can act just like one under certain circumstances. It's like I have a foot in both doors, or a switch in my brain. Huh.

  72. I guess "extent of abuse" is relative, though. My father beat the crap out of me, but not everyday. And I was never sexually abused.

  73. I am interested in learning about these conditions, not playing immature games.
    I am flattered you think I am all these people lmao

  74. Imo, self actualization is an unresolved and awkward contention especially in attempting to resolve (subjective)individual self esteem and the(socialized)Characteristics of true self actualized people.

    How does one "intelligently" conclude that david or erin/ami/caroline/monica or even ukan, are any less actualized than either one if each claims absolute conviction in their personas and their relevancy?

  75. Alterego, im glad youre here. I was curious as to what you think empathy is. What do you see empathy as eing fro an outside perspective. Not the effects of empathy, but what it is in actuality... Fundamentally.

  76. "For me, I have had such dark experiences that "normal" people cannot deal with them, even shrinks."

    This is how that goes:

    Shrink: "That's terrible. I feel bad for you."

    And then at the end of the session they hold their arms out to you and ask you if you want a hug.

    Who here would like that? It's a serious question.

  77. Self actualization is knowing your persona. I dont know what my husband seems like on here but he knows himself well. And in many ways id say he is more actualized than most, but im not sure id say he is self actualized... David i know for a fact is not as he knows nothing about himself. Id say raven is as close as my husband. Id say ami is retarded and thereby self actualizatio her comes in the form of religion and will never genuinely happen otherwise. Id say alter ego is close but for her unresolved ego acceptances. Id say mis is in the boat with eden and my husband.
    I think socios have less issues with self actualization because their impulsivity reduces the power of their subconscious as being disregarded.

    Who am i missing?

    Anyway, you can tell when someone is ok with themselves and whe they know themselves. Its like a smell they give off. People like ami will never smell it... Or david. But then i guess theyre the type to think they do so i suppose i see your point. I just think from a psychological standpoint the signs of self actualization are clear.

  78. Absolutely subjective but confident nevertheless. So where to go from here?

    "I think socios have less issues with self actualization because their impulsivity reduces the power of their subconscious as being disregarded."

    maybe something about this though...

  79. alterego how do you know?

  80. Self actualization is the blending of your conscious and subconscious by making all of your actions deliberate. This comes from a self awareness, which includes discoveries about yourself of the things you do subconsciously. Sociopaths, in my limited experience, seem to have a much lower subconscious pull because they suppress so little by their natural impulsivity. I think that accounts for much of the draw to sociopaths initially. And ithink it accounts for their innate acceptance and love for themselves. This is why im almost certain thatalter isnt a sociopath.

  81. what is a "lower subconscious pull?" MK?

  82. I think socios have less issues with self actualization because their impulsivity reduces the power of their subconscious as being disregarded.

    Please explain this. Could you give an example?

  83. knock knock

    whose there?

    No one.

    You know nothing. You are a fraud. Go back to school and get your degree so you can fuck up a lot of people.

  84. Your subconscious is an inverse compensation for your conscious actions. The more you suppress the needs of your subconscious, the stronger the needs and actions of your subconscious. Like when people go postal, they suppress their subconscious or human needs too long, and their subconscious reaches a threshold. Sociopaths are the opposite where they tend to act quickly on subconscious desires. I think this also keeps them youthful. So they seem more easily blanced mentally because they're subconscious is so well accommodated. It gives their subconscious more moderate needs, and so less power over thesociopath than those who suppress their subconscious. Though i also believe that suppression is what leads to growth and self actualization, as eating the apple, in a way, but i wont go into that.

  85. Fraud? How do you figure?

  86. @ Missus I think you have a point about self actualization with sociopaths in that they accept their most basic nature. This is atypical among people. It is a great advantage. However, not having empathy is an equal disadvantage, so I do not think you can call sociopaths self actualized, by definition.

  87. Maybe socios are the only ones that can consistently fullfill the conditions of SA because as you have pointed out, factors such as contradictions or guilt are hardly a part of their process. This would be quite the irony as people with a fuller range of consciousness would actually be less effective in conveying such absolute assuredness as they invariably have to sift through more before arriving at conclusions. These could easily be misconstrued as chronic indecisiveness or self doubt. Even more so when there is a steady gazing even voiced juggernaut to compare with. The pitfall, if this were indeed the fundamental measures of worth in a person, would be the pressure to fake it till you make it as the norm for the rest to avoid being marginalized.

  88. I think sociopaths are less able to go through self actualization because they never experience feelings of repression. Its like being perpetually in a child state. They may know and accept themselves, but theyve never tried to beanyone else and so they dont have to figure out how to accommodate their subconscious in trying to build what they envision themselves to be. I think that is the underlying aspect of self actualization sociopaths will never realise. I think self actualization is dependant on that process, from child ego, to aspirations and self beliefs, to discovery of not meeting your own beliefs about yourself, to finding ways to circumnavigate your self. I think sociopaths in a way stay in the discovery phase. Though for them its a balanced place and they find out how to make that work for them... And theyll never know what theyre missing. They justhaveto figure out how not to destroy themselves.

    Caroline, thats the dumbest thing ive heard you say yet.

  89. @ Missus I don't know if you understand the concept of self actualization. It is to be fully human. If one can express one's base passions, that is not self actualization.

    Go back and read up on it lol

  90. No, caroline. It isnt. It is to be fully oneself. Incorporating your humanity after realizing you are human into yourself. Which is dependent on the idea that before you were under the impression you were already past human desires or needs that you later discover you have to incorporate. It is not to be fully human but to know oneself fully. If a sociopath were to be able to self actualize, self actualizing would not include empathy, as that is not part of who they are.


  91. Go back and read up on it.

  92. A sociopath who knows his base desires is not self actualized. That is preposterous.
    Tell that to a professional and he will laugh in your face lol

  93. Caroline, how are you this much of an idiot as a psych nurse.

  94. If I were you, David, I'd watch out. It turns out that giving blowjobs is just as likely to cause throat cancer as smoking, and cancer seems to be an SW epidemic...

    And how come that when I want to play "Sociopathworld-Cleudo" no-one wants to pway with me? :(

  95. Missus you are monkeying around with the concept of self actualization so you can stick a sociopath in to the equation. Go bring this to any professional and they will laugh in your face. If you are in a psych program, they will throw you out if you show them this kind of idiocy lol

  96. Maybe thats why i said sociopaths arent self actualized?
    Although they are less socially repressed and thereby more naturally act ontheir ego andsense of self, making them seemmore actualized, and maintaining a healthy balance in themselves. And i would speculate that that makes it easier for them to realize their own potential. Self actualisation is subjective and potential based, so saying it is dependent on empathy is ignorant, because people with no empathy have no potential empathy. Empathy then wouldnt be a part of their actualization process.

  97. So what is self actualization, caroline? enlighten me.

  98. Missus
    If you are in a Psych Program and you say my husband is a sociopath. He is self actualized because he knows his base impulses and acts on them, they will laugh you right out of the program. Good you talked to me, first lol

  99. what youre arguing is like saying a rock on the ground has the same potential energy as a rock 50 meters above the ground.

  100. I actually didnt say my husband was self actualized. Lol

  101. Missus you cannot twist a legitimate psych concept to fit your sociopath husband. That is ludicrous.

    Self actualization is rare, first of all. It is a person who has gone through all of Maslow's stages and has reached the stage where he can GIVE BACK TO THE WORLD IN AN ALTRUISTIC WAY. Is that UKan?

  102. So now you're taking Caroline seriously anyway? Why?

  103. Lol.good i have nurse caroline to help me with my psychology studies. Lol.


    Youre like alter. You become increasingly cute when threatened. Only with you i think its an unureness with confrontation.

  104. At first I thought the 'socio g/f' was me, the 'Mal N', then I thought it was MK. But then yeah, I realized it's probably Mania.

  105. Actually, monica, the funny thing about that is yes, it is ukan. And youre forgetting the inherent idea of self actualization and getting lost in the causes. Maslows needs need to be met in order to reach self actualization, which is the balanced acceptance of oneself, and thereby the realization of ones potential. It isnt just giving back in a loving way. Thats foolish. Not everyone is loving. Not everyone has empathy. So not everyone has the potential for altruism.

    And no, i definitely dont take her seriously.this is another one of those things i love to talk about.

  106. I went through the same process.

  107. Missus, if you want to be delusional, that is your business, but if you ever want to study Psych for real, keep it to yourself * dazed look*

  108. my husband realizes his potential relatively consistantly. He has employees he takes care of in so realizing his potential. But i wouldnt call him altruistic by any stretch. Id even say mis realizes his potential. And eden hers. Wouldnt you think?

  109. So it's only people who like you who are self actualized?

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. You're retarded. Look it up. Maslow isnt all it takes to understand self actualization. try reading man and his symbols. Theres a doctor in there that has a really good description of it inclusive of needs as well as symbols and conscious descriptions of ego and the concept of self.
    Just because you work with psych nurses doesnt mean you understand a damn thing.

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. No I don't. I'm just mocking you.

  114. I think sociopaths are less able to go through self actualization because they never experience feelings of repression. Its like being perpetually in a child state.

    I would like to posit, for discussion's sake, that sociopaths cannot be self-actualized precisely because they are stuck in a child-like state. There's nothing to actually 'actualize', and 'self-actualization' isn't a state of default, it's a process.

  115. @ Missus if you want to make up a psych concept where sociopath drug dealers who live to screw people over and sociopath like woman who connive someone out of a business have reached some delusional growth potential, you need to invent a NEW name for it. It is not Maslow's Self Actualization.

  116. im not even as close as my husband to self actualization. but i try to be on my way. Ive studied it, as my whole life its been one of my strongest motivations and interests.

  117. @ Missus I take it you are not in a psych program. If you are, don't let them see who you really are lol It is scary, quite frankly.

  118. My husbands potential is to be destructive. Thats his role.

    And thank you for wording that so well, medusa. Writing these thoughts has been making me start to deduce something similar. Id say i agree with that. Its like the gardenof eden. You have to eat the apple of knowlege first, in a sense. I think sociopaths have a variation on self actualization by skipping the process, they must have their own, in a sense, to grow up and into themselves. it's more of a discovery of how to live with themselves for sociopaths. Though i think in so doing they can reach their potential being naturally ambitious people.

  119. Monica, what is self actualization? where have you read up on it? What independent seeking have you done on the matter? Even the wikipedia definition includes reaching ones potential. Go ahead and describe the process to me if you know it so only argue because you know its something youll never reach, not being able to confront your human side. You have to be a martyr, so youll never grow,will you?

  120. Hey MK there's a documentary I think you would really enjoy if you haven't seen it already. It's called Century of the Self by BBC dude Adam Curtis. One of the best documentaries I've ever seen. It's on YouTube.

    It talks a lot about how Freud's nephew invented 'public relations' and was a huge part of our current consumerist/1984 culture. He also talks about how individualism and increased focus on the self in the later half of the 20th century (to the point of self-centeredness) popularized the idea of self-actualization.

    I came away from watching it with the idea that self-actualization is nothing more than a narcissistic goal and a way to keep the zombies zombified in a 'me me me' culture. Not sure I completely agree, but it's definitely worth checking out and thinking about.

  121. Missus I explained self actualization to you. You don't want to see it because you have delusion upon delusion about your own life. At your core, there is little. It is vapor.

  122. do you think eden's potential is altruistic? Or even mine? Self actualization isnt dependent on good deeds and altruism. Its potential based and balanced. Martyrs dont become people, monica. You have to accept your humanity before you can excel beyond it.

  123. Haha.

    Self actualization is altruism? How do the psychologists you work with feel about that?

    Where did you learn that, monica?

  124. It's funny, Caroline, because you sound a bit a like UKan when you say "delusion upon delusion".

  125. im actually excited to see it. That sounds amazing. I love the bbc!

  126. Missus the LAST stage is altruism, after all the others. You are not playing with a full deck, emotionally, with all due respect lol

  127. Caroline resorting to insults? Wow. Whos deluded?

  128. Or calling someone else out on not playing with a full deck. Ami... I bet if I were to crack your head open with an axe, confetti would fly out of it!

  129. Wiki says, regarding Maslow:

    -They embrace reality and facts rather than denying truth.
    -They are spontaneous.
    -They are "focused on problems outside themselves."[12]
    -They "can accept their own human nature in the stoic style, with all its shortcomings,"[13] are similarly acceptant of others, and generally lack prejudice.

    UKan possesses 1 and 2. 3 and and second half of 4, NO WAY.

    I do think that true self-actualization leads one to focus on others rather than oneself, and on the world outside of one's own. It requires an open mind and the ability to see the world as one whole, as oneself as merely a part (and a symbol) of a larger process. True self-actualization requires the ability to not be so attached to the self, to not have a myopic, solipsistic view of the world, to not have an 'I'm right, you're wrong' view of the world. It's to realize that all things of the world are parts of one body. So why would an arm despise a leg, when they are attached to the same torso?

    Also, this quote puts it quite well:

    "Abe Maslow was unhappy with what happened with many people when they read what he wrote about 'self-actualizing people'. What they did with it was very strange. I have received a fair number of letters saying 'I am a self-actualized person'. Maslow said that he must have left something out. Fritz (Perls) put it in. He saw that most people actualized a self-concept. This is not self-actualizing."

    Me me me me me.

  130. Lol. No it isnt. The last stage is realizing your full potential and thereby giving back to the world. It has nothing to do with selfless moral high ground and benevolence. Its self acceptance at the inclusion of negative traits and thereby excellence beyond those human traits. Realizing ones potential includes giving back, as thats what our skills are. And our talents. Its findingour value.

  131. Missus the LAST stage is altruism, after all the others.

    Lol. No it isnt. The last stage is realizing your full potential and thereby giving back to the world.

    You fools just said the same thing.

  132. The documentary is so fucking good, MK. Six hours long, I think, but worth it. Do watch it, I'd like to hear your response. I really think you'll enjoy it immensely.

  133. Medusa, thats a reasonable point. A step beyond independence into an infinite perspective because of an excellence beyond oneself. however, i cant consider that altruism, for some reason. It seems a sort of godliness. i guess i think of altruism as inherently externally motivated through a need to please people. Though i suppose when you are self actualized it isnt a need to please people so much as an amusement by people.

  134. however, i cant consider that altruism, for some reason.

    I suppose that is just a semantics issue.

    I do think that Caroline makes it sound like you have to act altruistic in order to be self-actualized, but I think it's more that being self-actualized will naturally lead one to acting altruistic.

    It's not like, "Oh yeah I have to act all altruistic now", but rather, it just happens as a natural consequence, and the desire to be altruistic, as something obvious to do rather than a 'duty', like taking care of your own broken arm, also comes with it.

  135. Thank you, Medusa *sweating with the effort*

  136. My husband, though it doesnt seem it, is generally accepting of faults in others. He just uses them for his amusement. As part of his potential is court jester. But he has areas and aspects of people he doesnt yet understand because of empathetic misunderstandings within himself. Empathy helps people understand themselves in emotional ways sociopaths have more difficulty with. I suppose we're both getting closer to self actualization.but were as yet too young to be there. And i have more accomplishments to make.

    We both giveback to our families more the closer we get, though.create jobs, tasks, networks, ties etc. So i suppose no i cansee the altruism aspect, thoughithink perhaps its misunderstood.

  137. -They embrace reality and facts rather than denying truth.

    A bit. I don't really know.

    -They are spontaneous.

    Only when I'm drunk.

    -They are "focused on problems outside themselves."


    -They "can accept their own human nature in the stoic style, with all its shortcomings"

    A bit.

    [and] are similarly acceptant of others, and generally lack prejudice.

    More than the first half, but not completely.

  138. Thank you medusa. It seemed so idealistic coming from monica, i couldnt listen to her.

  139. wheatley, you're pre discovery. You arent even close.

  140. Cockcockcockcockcockcockcockcockcockcockcockcockcockcockcockcockcockcockcockcockcockcockcockcockcockcock.

  141. Next person to speak gets a dildo up the ass.

  142. Pick me! I want to know what it FEELS like.

  143. I like to suck UC cock

  144. What are you silly bitches talking about?

  145. I'd even suck your cock cut or uc Anon..

  146. Shortbus riders are back. They act out when female types use big words, I've noticed. Its ok kids, you will understand someday.

  147. ......................... /´¯/)
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  148. You know when I was your age, MK I thought I knew it all, too. You will be surprised at how you will grow. I am sure UKan will teach you some humility in time. Once he shatters your sense of trust and smiles and reminds you that you knew he was a snake.

  149. We've been here longer than your cock, Sarah. So would you kindly not appease you dick, Sweetheart?

  150. "They act out when female types use big words, I've noticed"

    Which is why we never act out around you Sarah.

    (She set that one up, everyone)

  151. Brown stuff on Da mattressJanuary 22, 2012 at 4:08 PM


  152. Once MK has kids, she will ditch Ukan or eat the kids ha ha

  153. Trolling is sooo 2011

  154. Theme Songs for SW RegularsJanuary 22, 2012 at 4:16 PM

    Theme Song for Medusa

  155. I actually dont know everything. Sometimes it helps to act like you think so.

    Besides, what can the monica caroline teach anyone?

    Medusa, thank you for clarifying. it actually brought a lot of memories about that i think are valuable in rebalancing myself. I suppose sometimes it's a fun process.

  156. I don't understand why you'd be with someone like UKan even after knowing what he is. Dude bores the hell outta me with his stupid dog. And he's not reliable at all, you can never trust a sociopath. No matter what he says, no matter who you are. She's a stupid cunt.

  157. what can the monica caroline teach anyone?

    By responding to her, she helps you to articulate and analyse your own opinions and observations.

    You can't define the white without the black, and vice versa.

    I personally like the balance and contrast she brings, as somewhere in the middle is probably optimal. Grey soup. It would get too boring around here if everyone had similar world views.

  158. Looks like you've stirred up the bitterness for the evening, Mk. What's the next topic of discussion?

    Keep the fire burning through the night.

  159. Missus lest you are left with no allies but the light weight, Raven. Don't mess with Medusa, this time around he he

  160. Awe... I must really hurt your feelings :( You must be too empathic or something, A Friend...

  161. I agree with that to an extent. Balance is imperative, always. I've always been a firm believer in that. Contrasts are imperative for the world to function. But Caroline has worn out her usefulness, I think. She used to ask questions, and bring an almost youthfully ignorant perspective to the table, which she no longer embraces. I think her having lost this quality has a lot to do with what she's learned about us, and vice versa, so I no longer find her uses. Besides, I use the anonymi for that purpose when convenient. Teaching people is one of the strongest forms of learning for me. I love to do it. Though when the Monica Caroline stayed flat, I found little interest in teaching, as she no longer has potential. Especially now that she's an Ami, too.

    I think at a certain point, it's important to focus your interests, and exclude people from your understanding, as I think it's a helpful phase for learning specific things. Being the Martyr is great. The open minded understanding universal being... and then establishing a shrewdness of opinion is equally useful. Then, you find mediums. As you said, it's a process.

  162. If I wanted allies, I think I'd have tried to make them a bit more delicately. I kind of like the shit flinging monkey analogy. :D

  163. I thought everyone already knew that Caroline, Monica and Ami were the same person. I thought it was a given.

    Was she 'outed' recently, or something?

  164. I thought everyone knew too. But none of the new people know, and keep asking who Ami is.

    So she popped up last night wishing TNP well. Mk said something to the effect of: Caroline/Monica mystery solved, and Sarah wanted to know what she meant by that.

    So I decided to have a little fun with her today, since people insist on asking her serious questions, about a person entirely made up in her own mind.

  165. I guess, you all knew cause you were there. And I kind of knew because you all said so, but not having been there, I didn't have the conviction, I suppose. I believed she was there, but gave the caroline monica the benefit of the doubt.
    Than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.

  166. You'll never find some body, that'll love you half as much as MEeeeee!
    Sail away sweet sister!

  167. Ami is almost identical in her persona, as the lunatic sister I grew up with. Martyr types do a lot more damage in real life, than people credit them for.

    My sister moved back here from California a year ago. She causes so much drama, and is so caught up in her woe is me/delusions of special inferiority... that she totally ruined all 4 of her children's birthdays in 2011, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

    Her eldest 2 have attempted suicide, several times... and one of the younger 2, says she can hear God talking to her, from her bedroom closet.

    Just before Christmas... she pushed me so far to the edge with her martyr crap... I was actually thinking of ways to off her, and get away with it.

    It's funny that she should blame all her mental crap on our parents, yet she's the one who resembles them the most.

  168. Lol. They sound pretty similar. that must be why you so clearly recognize her. I only saw Monica/Caroline's non existance, but had no direct associations with ami to link the two. Admittedly, I was waiting for it to come out. Why doesnt she stay? And talk to us from her account, since we know it's her?

  169. Who knows. Maybe when she puts herself back in the skin of her Erin account, she feels the shame of being the laughing stalk of SW.

    Especially after M.E. said that she is the one person of every character who's come here, he didn't like.

    Maybe she feels since the new people accept to a degree, these 2 new retards she merged as... she can stay here safely.

    Who really knows. She'll always be the same damaged goods to me. I know her type to the core. They don't get better. They don't have the tools to. But while they live... they damage everything they touch in a way that can't even be properly described, because their children are programmed to think they have no right to blame them..... seeing as no one can measure up to their special damage.

  170. She is a lot better behaved and more self-composed as Caroline/Monica. At least there is that. And less commas.

  171. Haha. Unless she gets emotional. ten her commas have been known to surface. Is that why wheatley pointed that out?
    And that I'll for sure agree with, just from what I'd heard. So even though the monica/caroline is wearing out, I'm happy to have it over the ami, I suppose. But hey. She adds an element of interest.

  172. Diversity in her polarity of intelligence. :D

  173. I'll agree with you as well, Raven. The Martyr has the strongest justification for all of their weakness, and they wreak the most and worst pains in their actions. It relates so directly to the road to hell being paved with good intentions. No good can be done without the capability of standing strongly for what you believe is right. You have to choose a side, or the default side is to fail dismally and bring down everyone around you that you care about by your weakness.

    It really is a good thing her son killed himself. The biggest shame is that even that won't open her eyes. Even her son's death wont be enough for her to change a few silly small things that she does. How can people not see when the world crumbles around them how they really effect their pack? I guess people like David have no pack, especially now that he's trying to rid himself of the conviction his parents bear. And people like ami are so pathetic and selfish that she doesn't even care that she killed her son. She didn't even defend him to Ukan, she defended her own battered ego. That kind of selfishness is unimaginable and abhorrent. And I married a sociopath. How bad is it if I can say that?

  174. It did make me think when Caroline got a very high narcissistic score on the personality tests.

    Too much self-rumination can indeed make someone overly self-involved.

  175. It breaks our sanity. I think sanity is dependent on external references.

  176. You know, she actually is really great to have around, because now I'm thinking of the benefits of shame. The ami is a shining example of exactly who not to become in life. I wonder what dragged her here to spread this wisdom. The way the world functions is truly amazing. I hope to design mine half as well.

  177. Thats the histrionic type. It is how my mother is. Im thankful I had my narc dad to teach me some control of my emotions. She has a good heart, its just all twisted. It is why I believe in self actualizing. Being dependent upon others for happiness makes you a slave.

  178. The ami is a shining example of exactly who not to become in life.

    I just now had a very similar thought. Through people like her and my housemate, I can see more clearly the things in myself that might be holding me back, and it's invaluable to have that 3rd eye perspective.

  179. It's invaluable. I completely agree. And it seems if you ever stop trying not to be things like that that they're so easy to become. Like everyone is really a stone's throw from anyone else in the world, and it's so easy to fall into becoming something you disdain.

  180. Yep. Watching my sister drown herself, and all her children with her... has helped me see the kind of mother I don't want to be. Many an action I've taken in personal relationships, I've measured against her insanity... and cut it lose from my being.

    I may be the cold shoulder in my family... but I'm not sucking them into a vortex of molten anguish, like her.

    I look down on her kind, if no one else. And if I were a serial killer... her kind would be my mark. That's how much I loath my sister and her weak structure. She is a plague on this earth, and needs to destroy herself.

  181. Lol. I love the molten Vortex. I have amazing images in my head from that!

  182. Lol. And she says sociopaths with no empathy are the plague. Lol! Ah, hilarious!

  183. Ya know it's funny, the thing I really loved most about my husband is that everybody sucks in some way or another. But he's honest about it. There are no surprises, except in all the good things he does. I won't be taken aback one day by some disturbing surprising thought he lied to me about the whole time that he's deluding himself on. Ami is a curse, at best. At least my husband is open about the fact that he's destroying the world. People like her will have you believe they're a benefit to all man kind.

  184. The Freak Liberation Front condemns the video

  185. I'm out of documentaries to watch. Anyone have any recommendations?

  186. It's possible to be born with extremely limited empathy. To be honest, my parents played a big role in shaping me to not be a terrible person despite my subdued emotions and severely limited empathy.

    Sure, I went through some abuse at times. But I was empathy deficient long before that started to play any role in my life. You could argue I was that way since slightly before two years old, which goes back to my first memory. At that point in time I was not being abused at all.

  187. It's hilarious. Indoctrination of ignorance.

    Hmm. Not too many I can think of.


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