
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lady Gaga again

I was talking to one of my musician friends about what makes someone a very interesting artist, and she mentioned how Tony Bennett's most recent duet album is of note because even though his voice is shot, he collaborates with such interesting people that they're still worth listening to.  She told me that she was watching an interview with Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga about the album and is now convinced that she is in fact a sociopath.  According to her:
  • "Sociopaths are like a narcissist in so many ways, but they still manage to make you feel good too.  That's how I can tell someone's a sociopath."
  • "Lady Gaga was swooning over Tony Bennett and Tony Bennett was eating it up, yet everything remained about Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett seemed fine about it."
  • "She was kissing his cheek and talking about him, yet somehow it was all about her."  
I tried to find the interview, but could not manage to get a full clip.  This is the best I could do:

Even in this short clip there is a reference to how she is spontaneous (impulsive) and how she changes from day to day, more than anyone he has ever met in the entertainment industry.  I'm not saying that these small things make a sociopath.  I'm just saying that she is a good example of someone famous who could be a sociopath that you wouldn't necessarily think of as being a sociopath.

(Completely off topic for you music lovers) I have a new theory that Beethoven 7 is the orchestral version of a woman's little black dress -- it is universally flattering and appropriate for any occasion.  Feel free to quote me liberally at your next cocktail party.


  1. That is so sexy

    Name Withheld

  2. God I could write two books about Gaga and what she represents.

    I don't think she is a sociopath, though. I think she is just a massive narcissist with some self-awareness.

    A couple of telling things about her:

    1. She says what she's the master of is fame. The art of fame. Not music. Fame.

    2. She has said that given the choice between reality and bullshit she will choose bullshit every time. I doubt a sociopath would say that out loud in an interview. A narcissist would, though, because she knows it makes her seem so post post post post post modern. Also, watch the first few minutes of that Fuck the Night video (or whatever it's called, the one where she takes a bath in Cheerios) for more on this. For that matter, watch the whole video, it's extremely self-indulgent. It's about her having PSTD or some shit when she was dropped from her first record label. OOOoohhh what a tragedy that was, I'm sure.

    I have so much more to say about her, but not right now.

    1. LOL you are so cute when you go gaga over Gaga! She is definitely a big fat narcy. Anyone can see that. I would hope. Besides Madonna, I don't think I've ever heard someone sound so badly scripted we they interview. She may be an expert in fame(!) but she certainly is no expert in mimicking a natural, and honest-seeming speech method. She is plastic to her marrow.

    2. erm, YOU PPL really are acting very ignorant. Ive been aware of what is going on in Hollyweird and the world for a long time now, and I think intelligent people like YOU GUYS who are watching the pop culture should KNOW also wtf is going down. Mkultra mind control is going down. And the video Marry the Night and also, You and I, the concept and strategies of creating a totally mind controlled slave via torture is clearly shown. Gaga isnt a narcissist, well she probably is, actually, but her tv interview persona is a cleverly created one - probalby created by her PROGRAMMER workign for whoever owns her, who is she signed to? follow the money - she is workng not just as a musician, fame monster and celebrity - her work includes spreading satanic symbolism and outlooks, and basically the message that we should all get as drug fcked as possible and just dance. Her purpose is to distract us from what really matters by looking hot and making everyone want to mimic or be as big a fucktard as she is. She has multiple personalitites, and i believe she also played the role of Amy Winehouse. As a victim of mkultra style mind splitting, to create the multiple personalities, seh has been through immense torture and i believe she has been TRAINED to be the perfect disgusting fame monster that she is. a juggernaut. So if she appears to be narcissistic, or sociopathic, id say it is a persona that has been foist on her by her bosses, and there is nothing that she can do about it but follow the rules or have her programming break down. and once that happens it means she must cut her wrists or some other suicide program will kick in. So he cant afford to put a foot wrong. she is also probably used as a sex slave for the upper members of the illuminati, or she is actually auctioned off, as she is in Bad Romance. So when you witness the video you discussed, Marry the night, and you can see a gaga in a tank with water over her head, that is what is most likly actually happening to her. in that video she is shocked and tortured and drugged by a handler. a toughening up indeedy. So, do you understand waht is happening to gaga? same thing that happened to Britney and Xtina, really, but more spectacular if you ask me. I feel for the girl stephanie Germanotta, i believe she still lives inside gaga but as gaga says, she is ALWAYS GAGA. or, always incoherent? mkultra sex slaves are very hard people they have ahd to be to survive. Pray for the poor bitch.

  3. Even in this short clip there is a reference to how she is spontaneous (impulsive) and how she changes from day to day, more than anyone he has ever met in the entertainment industry.

    Eh, I think this is much more about needing attention than anything, and her lack of being comfortable as Stephani Germonatta, in her own skin. Also, she is known for her changes in image. A sociopath generally doesn't flaunt that fact, for to do so would be counter-conducive to the reason a sociopath does that in the first place.

  4. Also, she would probably totally love it if someone called her a sociopath, because it would justify her belief that she is powerful and unique and special and 'apart' from mundane human life, and would also justify her God complex.

    It's the whole Born This Way thing. What that really means, is that she believes that she was born 'special' and the clothes are just accessories to her inherent 'specialness', and it's also a convenient way to look like she's all about social justice and self-acceptance and shit like that.

  5. And then there is the fact of the gossip going around right now that her new boyfriend is getting annoyed by her because she keeps up the persona pretense 24 hours a day, even when they are alone together. He just wants to hang out with Stephani, not some made-up person.

    Eh, just read this short interview and I think it'll be pretty clear whether she is a sociopath or a narcissist.

  6. An ugly sociopath can date an extremely attractive woman and make her feel like she's the ugliest person on earth.

  7. I thought she was a sociopath from her cookie throwing and egg bearing slaves.

  8. This new format is growing on me.

  9. Histrionic. She's nowhere near as pathological as a sociopath.

  10. This is a sociopath. Notice the smug arrogance. Many of his songs promote rape. Standing across from a group of his friends, Tyler casually tells an interviewer, "If I could kill all them, I would. When I get big I'm forgetting about all of them. When I get lots of money and I'm famous, I'm gonna act like I don't know them."

  11. A sociopath is kind of a high bar lol

  12. Gaga is like, the ultimate shaman.

  13. Gaga never came off as arrogant. She has tons of compassion and it can't be fake, because arrogant people do not like to be seen as compassionate or nice, they see it as weakness.

    1. You must be the same guy who had no idea what narcissism was yesterday, because once again, you are completely, utterly, incorrect.

  14. Hahah I just found the best thing.

    "Recently Jonah Peretti – the cofounder of The Huffington Post – gave a talk on viral marketing and internet buzz. Fortunately, for those, who were not there to hear Mr Peretti, Business Insider posted the whole PowerPoint presentation online. Mr Peretti says that the key to success of your viral campaign is to address it to bored corporate workers, or people with personality disorder."

    The personality disorder stuff starts at frame 26.

  15. You're the incorrect one. I know some genuinely arrogant people and all of them would hate to be seen as compassionate or caring. These people are all about projecting an image of smugness and elitism.

    1. Simple arrogance is not the same as NPD. And the anecdotes and observations of one person (you) means shit against the words of actual people who know what they are talking about (i.e. psychiatrists, cultural critics, researchers, scholars, DSM, etc).

      Don't spout shit you think you understand without first doing a little research and self-education. Just because you think something is true, doesn't mean you are right.

      How about going to the people who actually defined and coined and researched NPD before relying on whatever it is that you and your friends think that narcissism is. It seems you are going by the popular, uneducated, flippant version of what a lot of people think narcissism is, but it is inaccurate.

      Or are you just a troll?

    2. I'm starting to think it's a troll myself.

  16. Truly arrogant narcissistic people can't put their ego aside in any decision, that's why gaga isn't a sociopath.

    1. ...and she never does put her ego aside. Even her humanitarian efforts are for appearance's sake. This is extremely common for narcissists.

      You are deluded by the fantasy she portrays. She is a human, not a god.

  17. Example.

    "Ted Bundy is not crazy, or anywhere near it. I have done some things I’m not proud of. Some of these things I may talk about; others I never can. But, just like I’ve told every lawyer I’ve ever talked to, forget any insanity defense for me. I’m not insane, by anybody’s stretch of the imagination. Think about it a minute. I’m not crazy. Everybody knows that" - Bundy

    1. Dude, I think you need to put your ego aside.

      And this is an example of what, exactly?

      For the record, a personality disorder is not insanity. People with personality disorders are considered to be generally sane. It's a disorder, not a disease.

      Besides, everything Bundy said at the end was him bullshitting 100%.

      Good christ, why am I wasting my time trying to educate you? Just fucking google it already.

  18. "You are deluded by the fantasy she portrays. She is a human, not a god."

    This must be projection, as it has nothing to do with the topic. Narcissists don't like to even CREATE an image of being humanitarian. Narcs prefer to be seen as cold blooded and unfeeling, (which is opposite of what GAGA portrays) because they are terrified of others viewing them as soft or meek. You have no idea what you are talking about.

    1. ...and here comes the random ALL CAPS. Of course. Can't wait for the all caps to not all caps ratio to creep up on you.

    2. Dude stop making absolute statements, it makes you sound like a retarded asshole. Medusa is being awfully kind trying to reform your dumb ass.

      One of the narcs I used to be involved with liked to think himself a good Christian. It wasnt because he was putting his ego aside or being humanitarian. It was because he thought being saved made him special and he could look his nose down on those whose morals were lacking. Even though he was my friend because we were fucking around behind his wife's back.

      Narcs like to look good in the eyes of others. If their social group is criminals, they project more bad boy. If they are white collar, they project being a captain of industry. If they hang with new agers, they project being a shaman. Whatever it takes to prop up that ego. Getting appreciation from humanitarianism is the goal, not the act of the altruism. These are people who would never do something kind without an audience to praise them for it. But they do like to be seen as "good guys" much of the time.

    3. Sarah and Medusa: You guys are wonderful. I'm very late to this, but your words truly speaks of what I always thought about this Narcisstic lady gaga who never have enough of attentions and to look like she is a god. Your explanations of a narc is spot-on. my experiences with many of them truly parallel with what Sarah described. What a narc like to do is look good in the definition of good depending on society they are in. Thanks for speaking it out.

      Anyway, the world won't accept the truth. Lady gaga have a troupe of her lady gaga armies who are exactly like hers. At least, we know where the truth lies.

  19. Replies
    1. Congratulations! You are one of the most ineffective trolls to have ever arrived here in Troll City. And that's sayin' something.

  20. Ugh this format sucks even worse on a phone. Can't even edit my typing without leaving the text box and going back to it. ME, seriously, I predict a big drop in commentary by people who use phones and tablets (UKan, Missus, Wheat)

  21. You mean, we can get rid of UKan. Please ME, make it worse.

    1. Lol. Maybe this is ME's version of a spring cleaning.

    2. Really * hope arising from a deep well*

  22. @Medusa

    Since you were asking for specifics on TNP:

    He has Hodgkin's Lymphoma. He says it's the 2nd best cancer you can get, and is just in his tumor/lymph node. He is considered to be in the early stages, so all that considered, he should do very well hopefully.

    Hope you don't mind me telling on you, Note. I just figured since people were so curious, and concerned... you wouldn't mind me sharing.

  23. Well, as much as I feign to admit it, I'm glad it's not too serious.

  24. i have to go door to door in my geek orthodox robes on my bicycle.

    1. May the farce be with you.

    2. Could being a sociopath be described as when drinking? You're not thinking of the next day, or the consequences, no matter how much you drink. Every day is a blank slate with no connection to the past, because you live at present.

  25. No, not in my opinion

  26. I said I would leave many times but this time it could actually happen involuntary because of this new format.

  27. Even her humanitarian efforts are for appearance's sake. This is extremely common for narcissists.

    Her entire persona is based on the assumption that her every move will be scrutinized. If she were not expecting to be put under a microscope, would she be such an obvious "humanitarian"? Um, do you think it would be in her best interest to demonstrate antisocial tendencies? Of course not. She simply has made a choice to treat her "self" as a product.

    If you ask me, this is the ultimate form of dissociation. -I wouldn't be surprised if she was a borderline.

    I saw her being interviewed before a performance where she was so swept away thinking about pleasing her fans (who knows what was actually going on with her...she was crying. I didn't think the tears were fake, however, I do think she was pleased they came at a convenient time -on camera!)

    Whatever that was, it was fucking dramatic. She is exploiting herself. It's genius. She knows exactly what she's doing.

  28. Themes for SW RegularsJanuary 29, 2012 at 10:59 AM

    David's Theme Song no 3

  29. At a live show, to audience, whilst writhing on the floor: "I'm like Tinkerbell. You know how Tinkerbell dies if you don't clap for her? Do you want me to die?! Scream for me!! I can't live without you! I need you to scream make me so happy, I could die!"


    1. Oy god, i hadn't seen that. That is preTTy, PreTTy, preTTy gross, Medusa.

    2. true. sociopaths don't give a shit about pleasing people. it's rather the opposite, they want people to be repulsed by them.

    3. I think that is why they are very suspect when someone wants to stay.

  30. C'mon, don't you think she goes home after doing that and says to herself that people are stupid for cheering for her?
    Don't you think she is silently saying to herself that her fans are idiots? How deluded can she be?

    1. I go back and forth on that one, but after reading a few interviews (especially this one, yes, I do think she is deluded. And completely power-drunk.

      And she totally has the Common People complex down pat.

      I do love studying her, though, obviously, so I guess she has successfully grabbed my attention, anyway. Studying her is like a crash course in cultural deconstructionism.


  32. Strange. I thought it was antisocial, Machiavellian AND narcissistic traits that come together to create a psychopath, rather than being separate entities. The interviewee has a flawed definition of psychopathy and it's because people like him that there are twenty different versions of psychopathy. Psychopaths are the strong gang member, and the narcissist is a charmer? So psychopaths can't be charming either? These generalizations are dumb.

  33. And Ken lay is no different than Bernie Maddoff, he's a psychopath. What are we going to call Lay, Machiavellian personality disordered? Good lord, narcissism, Machiavellian and antisocial traits = psychopathy.

  34. I don't care who you are in what business, you need to be charming unless you are a silent partner.

  35. Yes, agree. Well said.

  36. it looks like you're the one who sees gaga as a god, medusa. it's not the first time you've mentioned her either. are you obsessed? you are the type to get suckered in by peoples delusions.

    1. Yeah, I am kind of obsessed (even though I've only heard like 2-3 songs of hers no more than a couple of times, completely not interested in hearing more), but not for the reasons you seem to think.

      How about you post under your regular name? Are you scared?

  37. Look at her life and work before and compare it to after. She abandoned music for fame, and fame is far more varied and interesting anyway.

    1. How do you know? Are you famous?

    2. Nope. No desire to be. I've never understood the obsession with fame. The famous people I have encountered I've treated like anyone else. Being Lady Gaga would offer some leeway in how you can present yourself, and that's what my post was based on.

      I have found some of her songs catchy, but it's kind of impossible not to.

    3. It's very possible.

  38. Holy fuck... I got some shit done today!!! I think this new format might be a very good thing. Especially if it forces David to quit coming. Change is good... Fucking adapt already!

    1. yes, you are better than everybody.

    2. I got bunches done today too. Wheeeeeeeeeee!

    3. Hello there Haven. Did I read you say that you're inebriated?

  39. if spaths looked like spaths.

  40. Themes for SW RegularsJanuary 29, 2012 at 12:27 PM

    Theme Song for Monica

  41. Say... do you think flying into a tree bark can kill you? Just the bark; not the whole tree. I just looked at yesterday's blog thread, and someone told me to fly into a tree bark, and die already! lol I had no idea the bark was so lethal. I guess I was wrong to call them a retard.

    1. Maybe they forgot the comma, because someone already stole them all.

      As in, "Fly into a tree, bark, and die already!" Three separate commands.

      Still totally stupid, but at least it has more of a narrative.

  42. You might have something there. It's even funnier with the added comma. Maybe it was meant to be, "Fly into a tree, barf, and die already!" The visual would make more sense to me.

  43. They want you to act like a flying dog, not a bird.

    1. Weak people just stand there like morons and get picked on all day without reacting.

      No not necessarily so. There is a time and place for punching someone out and not everyone needs to do it in public.

  44. Is possible for borderline pd and sadistic pd to be co morbid?

    1. Sadism is not sociopathy. If anything it is a dramatic personality, as it seeks fulfillment through outside means, like a borderline or a narcissist might.

    2. Yes. It is possible to have comorbidities with all pds. Thats why they are changing the pds in the dsm 5 to a more ala cart system.

    3. "Here is where some get stuck, because many people secretly and not so secretly hope they live long enough to see the sociopath finally suffer. Well, if you can enjoy another’s suffering what makes you different from the sociopath?

      If we examine the reasons why we would take pleasure in a sociopath’s suffering, we see there are two basic reasons. One is revenge and the other is our ability to consider the sociopath as “inhuman.” If a sociopath is not really human, then it is OK to enjoy that private moment of our imagined revenge.

      There are therefore two basic routes to sadism. The first is through the power motive. Revenge is about reasserting power over someone who has robbed us of power. The power motive is also called the social dominance drive.

      I am grateful to Caesar Milan the dog whisperer, for educating the public about dominance. We all know that a dominant dog has no problem inflicting pain on underlings to assert his dominance.

      The second route to sadism is called “compartmentalization” by psychologists. A person who compartmentalizes has a motive (drive) to inflict pain on someone and so rationalizes it by saying that the other person is inhuman or “deserves it.”

      Interestingly, both routes to sadism operate in sociopaths. Jack Levin and others have written a great deal about compartmentalization in sociopaths. Sociopaths are also ruled by the power motive and so enjoy hurting because it is confirmation they are achieving power.

      That gets me to warped empathy. Many, including Jack Levin, have pointed to the faulty logic behind the idea that sociopaths lack empathy. If sociopaths lack empathy then how can they enjoy another’s suffering? If they can’t identify other’s emotions how can they know they are inflicting pain and so get enjoyment? Is there any question that the sociopath that hurt you knew you were suffering?

      Most of us have seen clearly the sadism of sociopaths, so we know they must have some kind of warped empathy. Empathy should lead to sympathy with another’s suffering not pleasure in another’s suffering.

      In 1982, while reporting the results of a very well done study in which he found that violent sociopaths of normal to high intelligence actually have increased empathy, Heilburn* made the following statement:

      “One way to interpret these results would be in terms of a sadistic, effective-processing psychopathic model of violence in which inflicting pain or distress upon another is arousing and reinforcing (pleasurable). Such a model would assume that acts inflicting pain are more intentional than impulsive and that empathic skills promote arousal and sadistic reinforcement (pleasure) by enhancing the psychopath’s awareness of the pain and distress being experienced by the victim.”

      Now in 2008 researchers have obtained results that confirm Heilburn’s theory.

      Researcher Jean Decety from the University of Chicago found that young sociopath’s brains light up with pleasure when they experience another’s suffering. In this study, the pleasure was especially present when the suffering was being inflicted by another person. How did the researchers demonstrate this? They showed violent movie clips to sociopaths and non-sociopaths then used fMRI to scan their brains.

      Most importantly, the study showed no abnormality of the brain pathways involved in empathy. Sociopath’s empathy centers appeared to function just fine."

    4. Sociopaths DO have emotions for other people, but bad ones.

    5. Anon 143, great work on the cut & paste job! You must have done really well in kindergarten!

      You kinda missed the point, though. The anon was asking about a sadistic bpd.

      Yes, it is possible. If someone is sadistic and masochistic, they are called a switch ;)

    6. anything is possible, but of course sadistic pd is far more common in psychopaths and a recipe for disaster, add narcissism, then think serial killer, or mass murderer. borderline co morbid with sadistic pd would be highly rare.


    8. First of all, there's no such thing as sadistic personality disorder. It doesn't exist as currently defined in psychology. Way to make things up.

      A Borderline can be sadistic like any other person in the world could be sadistic. It's not part of the personality disorder, but an individual could have the proclivity for it.


  46. *Dismissing Lady Gaga as pop bullshit.*

  47. Hello and good evening SW!!! I am drunk. Give me reasons to celebrate and justify this. =) How is everyone?


    Sadistic personality disorder is:

    A) A pervasive pattern of cruel, demeaning, and aggressive behavior, beginning by early adulthood, as indicated by the repeated occurrence of at least four of the following:

    1. Has used physical cruelty or violence for the purpose of establishing dominance in a relationship (not merely to achieve some non-interpersonal goal, such as striking someone in order to rob him/her).
    2. Humiliates or demeans people in the presence of others.
    3. Has treated or disciplined someone under his/her control unusually harshly.
    4. Is amused by, or takes pleasure in, the psychological or physical suffering of others (including animals).
    5. Has lied for the purpose of harming or inflicting pain on others (not merely to achieve some other goal).
    6. Gets other people to do what he/she wants by frightening them (through intimidation or even terror).
    7. Restricts the autonomy of people with whom he or she has a close relationship, e.g., will not let spouse leave the house unaccompanied.
    8. Is fascinated by violence, weapons, injury, or torture.

    1. You know what else I've found on the internet that people claim in true?....

    2. Who me? True. You do realize that Wikipedia is a publicaly editable medium. People can add whatever entries and information they want. If you want any kind of intellectual respect at all, try going for a reviewed published source.

    3. It's a controversial disorder, but many sources believe it exists and so do I. A highly cruel person has sadistic pd traits, just as the overly selfish person has narcissistic traits. It's common sense stuff.

    4. Having "traits" does not qualify you for a disorder. It becomes a "disorder" when it interrupts the normal functioning of your life. If you have the traits of a sadist and it disrupts your life enough to qualify you for a disorder... then you probably have ASPD.

      It's not controversial, it's common sense, that you're not very bright.

    5. This just solidifies your stupidity. I gave you facts you vile stupid cunt.

    6. ::laughs:: So, because you apparently lack the intellectual reading capability of an 8 year old. Wikipedia isn't a citable source. I'm more intelligent than you could ever hope to be, hence why I know that your arguments are retarded.

    7. You harm yourself for fun. It can't get dumber than that.

    8. Um, false. You're still retarded. Please keep talking. You continue to amuse me.

  49. I am on the sidelines watching a girlfriend's relationship with a sociopath. I can observe, with an air of more detachment than if it were I. This is one person's opinion. You think you are falling in love with a person, but you are really falling in love with yourself. However, since you cannot see yourself, you need him to show you. As he has a flexible self, he is, essentially, a mirror. You fall in love with your face in the mirror.

    However, it is not because you are a Narcissist. It is because you are an Echo.

    1. Gee Monica. You seem to have an unusual proclivity for find people with sociopaths in their lives. It couldn't be that you're seeing whatever the FUCK you want in things. Fuck you're an idiot.

    2. Haven, I am not sure I could adore you anymore than I do right now! :D

  50. So everyone who is charismatic and likable is a sociopath these days? Interesting. And very telling about the motivations of some of the posters here.

    1. Who said that? Most charismatic people aren't sociopaths.. Plus, a sociopath couldn't be described as charismatic, because it's fake.

    2. It's the special snowflake syndrome that's really going on with Gaga and 95 percent of the posters here...

    3. "Special snowflake" that term is lame as fuck and you aspies can't get enough of it.

    4. "Sociopath" by definition is a person who is very defiant against the norms of the society and thus gets in trouble with the law a lot. Lady Gaga is on the narcissistic or histrionic spectrum but probably won't even qualify for a PD.

  51. Take care of yourself, Haven.

    1. I love that you just got burned by one of the "leaders" you look up to here. Have a lovely evening. :)

    2. I find it funny that people think I'm a leader. In the alpha/beta wolf pack mentality, i'm more of a loner. I've had this debate with Friend many times. Usually alphas need a pack. He thinks because I don't need one or want one, it's the same thing, maybe more. Personally idk, or care.

    3. No Haven. You have it all wrong. You are what Monica says you are. She can feel things in her psychic cold spot. I am your humble follower. What think you of that?

    4. Yes. yes i see what you say is true. She IS right. I think by the power that is my leadership you should present yourself... naked, in my bed. now.

    5. As you wish my master. I'm knocking on your door in 3... 2... 1...

    6. Goodnight SW. I have much more important things to, take care of, this evening.

    7. By which I mean, Raven, you are hot.

    8. Answer your door then! :p

  52. Notice how Haven acts aggressive and hostile from mingling with the sociopaths. Their ideas and outlook are influencing her, because she has zero sense of identity. Quite sad.

    1. Or it could be that I've always had anger issues and, as previously mentioned, very drunk. Which makes naturally hostile. I haven't been mingling with the sociopaths as the only ones I've been talking to are beepers, anons, and idiots. So,please, continue with your lack of intellectual arguments.

    2. But the beepers act more psychopathic in here and that influences your identities as a whole. We all know you have a big heart.

    3. I do have a big heart when I'm attached to someone or relate to them in some way. Just because I have a flexible identity doesn't mean that just anyone can influence it though. The flexible sense of self comes into play when I am attached to someone and afraid of losing them. WHich doesn't apply to anyone here.

      Anonymous on the internet I can act out however the hell I feel like acting at the time. Which is actually, part of who I am.

  53. On Haven's blog she's all nicey nice to her readers, crying over beaten up protesters and feeding starving children, then morphs into badass sociopath once she's here. No wonder you are predator bait.

    1. Aw gee... someone reads my blog. And all the comments. And is trying to be tough here.

      Surprise moron, I'm not a static personality. There are many facets to me. I've often raged on my own blog. And my readers aren't making retarded statements about things that may or may not be true. They relate to what I write and contribute their own actual experiences. This is different than rampant psychological speculation. Way to not understand the difference between what goes on here and what I appreciate in people that relate to what I write.

    2. Stop acting like something you are not, Haven. Embrace me.

    3. I'll embrace you when you show me something I value, or that turns me on.

    4. I know you better than you know yourself, Haven. Those sly remarks won't push me away. I know that you aren't as big as you think you are. I'm the only friend you have, Haven. Love your weakness.

    5. Amusingly I've never used razors. I'm sure I"m not as big as I think, haha, but for me that's a BDD joke.

      My strength is in being able to see myself more objectively than most, embracing what I appreciate, and working to change what I don't.

    6. Haven, it's sad to think of how insignificant we all are in the grand scheme of things, isn't it? When we value that knowledge, then other peoples dislike of ourselves begins to vanish. Don't feel guilty if you need to release.

    7. It's sad? No, it's not. It's just life. As individuals, as a race, as a species, as a planet, as a solar system, we are completely insignificant in the universe. It's not sad, it's just life. I've happy to have mine, which is why I'm trying to heal myself and live better, but I have no delusions about the existence of people in general. It doesn't bother me at all. The meaning of life is what we define it to be.

    8. Interesting fan you got there, Haven.

    9. I know, right? I'm totally into knife play but he doesn't quite have it right ;)

    10. What did you do to this new friend of yours, that they should desire you to cut yourself?

    11. I have no idea. Apparently just being my usual charming self inspires all kinds of naughty fantasies ;) hahha. I'd totally be into knife and blood play but they have no sense of eroticism at all.

  54. Theme Songs for SW RegularsJanuary 29, 2012 at 4:44 PM

    Theme Song for Haven no 6

  55. Theme Songs for SW RegularsJanuary 29, 2012 at 4:59 PM

    Aw you made my night, Haven <3

  56. something all sociopaths are good at is spotting fakes. seeing nerds act like blacks and kids smoking just to fit in, it really gave me a feeling of superiority. i wanted to kill these people for being that pathetic and what made it worse was i wasn't popular, but i'm chosen.

    1. It doesn't take a sociopath to figure that out, retard. You weren't popular, because you're a loser, just like all these retarded wannabe smokers

    2. Oh look, it's one of the illiterate wannabe niggers I used to slap.

  57. BretEastonEllis Bret Easton Ellis -
    The weak-ass anti-bullying approach: YouTube video with Sia wailing Breathe? I want the kid who growls: "I am gonna break your fucking arm.

  58. How do you know other people experience genuine emotions if you have never been them?

  59. I've never found insignificance and humanity's inevitable demise to be sad at all. It's kind of humorous.

  60. the most self centered fucks are those who say that victims of bullying deserve the abuse for not being strong enough to fight back, rather than empathize with the sufferer. what's funny is the victim hating narcissists and psychopaths claim the victims are the selfish ones, which is typical of people without empathy. it's part of the kill or be killed mentality they have.

    1. Of course they're weak. Someone slaps you in the face, you punch them harder. If they mock you, you punch the leader in the face and the others will run away and respect you. Weak people just stand there like morons and get picked on all day without reacting. How can people blame the bullies after that? I never understood why people have balls enough to end their lives instead of punching some idiot in the face. And don't tell me it isn't true. I've never seen anyone that stood up for themselves getting bullied.

    2. i'm not going to call you a badass, if that's what you're looking for.

    3. Yes. yes you will. Do it. Call him a bad ass. Now. Do IT!

  61. my dad thought i was joking when i said i was part of a team to find a missing person. he couldn't understand why i'd want to be part of it. this is part of his sociopathic emotional shallowness. he'd call me a pussy when i expressed warm emotions.

    1. Did you inherit any of his traits, or work to rid yourself of any?

    2. It's more of a societal expectation for a certain part of a certain generation. He might just be doing what he thinks is best.

  62. Of course I inherited his traits. Why do you think the person was missing to begin with.

    1. Would have been funnier if you copied the writing style of the other anonymous.

  63. "His one mission with women: to show them to themselves by denying them their need to own him.

    This is pretty profound. I missed it the first time around.

    1. It was from the story I wrote, and posted yesterday. Still think it's profound?

    2. So was this:
      " I just started mirroring him so he would become drunk on his own reflection, and become therefor, addicted to me."
      20 hours ago

      And this:
      "Only after they started to challenge his belief system, or neglect, did they begin to fall short."

    3. Yep A Plus in Profundity :)

  64. so it was to make use of his power and make them feel empowered. It is a lovely thought.

    When I broke up with someone incredibly selfless I told him: "I'm setting you free" *rolls eyes* I was, but it was for my benefit.

  65. I think your stories are profoud. Everything that comes out of you is profoud, Raven. You can't help it. You ooze profundity. You do it without thinking which is the beauty. Even if it's bullshit, you have a way of drawing people in. I wouldn't trust you around anyone I cared for lol.

    1. I'm not sure what to think of your comment, Bella. It's hard for me to believe anyone would think of me as being profound to the degree you speak of.

  66. Themes for SW RegularsJanuary 29, 2012 at 7:26 PM

    From Themes to all of us who struggle with the self.

  67. Raven, your writing is powerful when you mirror people.

    I am trying to respond to you but I am going off in all directions.
    I do some projecting with you, but I have humour about myself. I am bipolar, I have been called profound and witchy and I see some stuff in you that looks familiar. I don't want to voice it when I see myself in others here anymore, because I think it's a trap for everyone. But that's where my comment comes from.

  68. If Lady Gaga is going around saying she's a sociopath, she's just doing it to be controversial/for attention.

    You don't need to be pathological to have a good PR team, but I have a feeling she has a few screws loose. Which ones though, it's hard to tell.

  69. Change is not good.. :-( I'm sorry I missed a of that conversation. Ihave sharp opinions formulated on lady Gaga for no reason and I would have loved to discuss them with the educated on theater med. I guess I can see the benefits though. My comments will go down significantly., and I assume for most that's a good thing. Monica must be thrilled.

    My hus and and I went to a comedy club last night where three of the comics pointed out how in love we were. We had so much fun! And today I cleaned my house. Yay! I and I think tomorrow ill finish up my homework.

    1. Thou doth protest too much about the being in love thing. Hmmmmmm

    2. Really. lol Please tell me you didn't just say that 3 of the comedians pointed out how in love you guys are! Really? That sounds, um.... interesting. :/

  70. I love that the people around me now have no idea whats really going on inside but still loves me.

    Last night was weird. Strangers and some of the regulars at the bar that I usually hang out were coming up to me asking to buy some. Seems like the wanna be dealer kid told them to, coz I bought all his stock for the night. What a chump. Now I know all his clients.


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