
Monday, January 9, 2012

Guest song: Turn that Heartbeat Over Again

It's doubtful a sociopath would care whether his victim lived or died; the victim's survival would mean only a reduced sentence.  It's also doubtful whether a sociopath could ever transform himself into an empathetic person, which fits perfectly with the concept of prayer for me since I believe God is imaginary.  Saying you'll change if God makes his presence known to you is like saying "when Hell freezes over" or "when pigs fly" or "tomorrow"--because it ain't gonna happen.

With stocking face I bought a gun
The plan was set the plan was done
Looked at my watch and started for the door
Now the food here ain't so good no more
And they closed the package store

Love your mama, love your brother
Love 'em till they run for cover
Turn the light off, keep your shirt on
Cry a jag on me

Oh Michael Oh Jesus you know I'm not to blame
You know my reputation for playing a good clean game
Oh Michael Oh Jesus I'll keep my promise when
You turn that heartbeat over again

My poison's named you know my brand
So please make mine a double, Sam
Stir it up nice I'll eat it right here
This highway runs from Paraguay
And I've just come all the way


We warned the corpse of William Wright
Not to cuss and drink all night
Ticket in hand *WE* saw him laid to rest
But zombie see and zombie do
He's here with me and you



  1. hello sociopath world :) i have been seeing a man for seven months. at the beginning this man was sweet and considerate, but over time (three months) he began to change into a monster. do you think my bf could be a sociopath?

    Glibness/superficial charm -
    yes! he is extremely articulate and convincing. he isn't very well educated, but he looks at others and copies big words and their presentation skills. can twist any conversation around.

    Grandiose sense of self-worth -
    refuses to work, because the jobs aren't prestigious enough for him. he never worked before, yet expects to be given a high paying job! just for being him. doesn't speak to unsuccessful, or ugly family members and deems them as below him. envies successful people, or good looking people. i could go on forever with this trait lol.

    3. Pathological lying -
    constantly! said he went to college on his facebook and that he works at an insurance company (lies) he is a master at tricking people and has zero regard for the truth. i found his old myspace and under the salary it had "45000 - higher" lmao. he never even worked!

    4. Cunning/manipulative -
    completely different person around those that don't know him. switches personality and attitudes like a chameleon. he's the most secretive person i've ever met. only speaks about the past if it portrays him in a superior position. uses guilt and threats to get money from me, when i refuse i get the "your about to die" stare, or silent treatment.

    5. Lack of remorse or guilt -
    never said sorry once for abusing me, kicking my cat. mocking my family, or any of the evil acts he has committed.

    6. Emotionally shallow -
    values others only by their status, or wealth. looks down on poor, unemployed or needy. despises children and has no respect for animals. the list is endless.

    7. Callous/lack of empathy
    takes, takes and takes, but never gives. believes his outlook is superior to that of everyone else. awful listener and doesn't "get" your outlook.

    8. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions -
    shifts blame, rationalizes, minimizes. plays the victim constantly. after speaking with him, a person would think of how badly he has been treated in life.

  2. God's currency is faith. Man's currency may be logic, reason and cogency of arguments. However, God's currency is faith. God could make Himself known to every man, right now, but that would take no faith on man's part. However, a person just needs a crack of faith. Many scholars and intellectual men have sought to disprove the Bible and ended up believing it had to be Divine. Even the faith of a skeptic to prove it WRONG would work, M.E.

  3. "When antisocial thought patterns are unmediated by internal contraints or external social constructs, they degenerate rapidly into abuse."

    Great Twitter. Was that Alterego?

  4. And of course by "God" you mean YOUR god because all of those other gods (especially all of those dirty brown people gods) are just made up nonsense. Right?

    Or maybe you mean Thor ? Aphrodite? Apollo?? or maybe Zeus? All of which have the same amount of evidence for their exsistance as the "god" you claim exists.

    You are sick and in need of help. You are in the clutches of a mind control cult !

  5. What if the devil is messing with your thoughts Bible Anon? and fooling you into believing a false religion or false doctrine? Maybe the Muslims have it right and after spending your whole life dedicated to the wrong god you're going to hell anyway. Have you tried praying to Allah for a change in your life? Maybe you should try Zeus or Odin. Maybe it's the Mormon church you should join, or Catholicism. These people feel the same way you do!! (Funny how that works huh?) they have the same spiritual feelings you do, and yet you can't all be right.

    From the outside though, you all look the same. That's why I'm an agnostic atheist. I don't know for sure that nothing spiritual exists, but based on my current options and the complete lack of evidence one way or another, the only reasonable one is atheism.

  6. By Jupiter's cock!

    Something something, relevant, right.

    Glad we got that sorted.

  7. Perhaps god wants us to only believe in things which are apparent NOT invisible therefore he only rewards atheists with external life.

    It's possible, and you can't disprove it (like all the other belief systems).

  8. People should ignore all contradictory evidence (about everything science has to offer) and come to their own conclusion (through years and years of indoctrination by other believers) there is a god.

  9. "Grandiose sense of self-worth -
    refuses to work, because the jobs aren't prestigious enough for him. he never worked before, yet expects to be given a high paying job! just for being him. doesn't speak to unsuccessful, or ugly family members and deems them as below him. envies successful people, or good looking people. i could go on forever with this trait lol."

    Sounds more like a narcissist to me. I can't speak for the others but I honestly don't give a shit about wheter a person's good looking or not when it comes to talk and manipulation, I just manipulate everyone I can. I don't envy good looking people either... But that's maybe because I'm really good looking.

  10. I don't discriminate... I hate everyone equally.

  11. @ Aggy
    YOU want to believe.

  12. I don't need faith to believe there will be a tomorrow. There have been "tomorrows" in terms of 24 hour clock time, for the past 13billion years. Even if I die, there will still be a tomorrow, even though I won't be able to partake.

    Past performance is a good indicator of future outcomes. Not one, single person has ever proven that a god exists.

    Let those who have eyes, read.

  13. @TNP

    what's with all the bible things?

  14. That is not TNP's cadence of keying. Clearly not him. I think it could be UKan or Zhawq.

  15. I don't think it is Zwhaq. He does not play low functioning socio games as does Ukan, SW's low functioning socio, in residence.
    We need to put up Ukans Theme Song he he

  16. Maybe Ukan is Zhawq fucking with people.

  17. UKans Theme song

    'Another one bites the dust'

  18. Very well could be. He never comes around much, and people here did fuck with him a lot. And saying he doesn't play low functioning socio games, is exactly why he would do it.

  19. i'm hoping that alterego bitch would show up

  20. YOU are Alterego you bitch! YOU ain't foolin noboby!

  21. Themes for SW RegularsJanuary 9, 2012 at 6:47 AM

    Ukans Theme Song.

  22. Wow someone likes to impersonate me.
    Your so cute, I think it's Aggy.
    But I really don't get what your saying.

  23. Make a blog account Tik, hard to fake it then.

  24. Make a blog account Tik, hard to fake it then.

  25. Maybe I should, but I've seen them be copied too.

    I think it's funny for the most part.

    I'm hung over today, hasn't happened in a long time. Slept on the bathroom floor last night.

  26. Today, I've decided that if I feel the need to comment here, I'll do so using only the sounds found in nature.

  27. @Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said lol @ Tik

  28. How are you today, The Chosen One?

  29. Mainly hungry, a bit horny too. Otherwise... still have a pulse.

  30. This is not to insult TNP. I have noticed this with several sociopaths I know and 3 Mal Narcs, which is my Mal Marc count, at present. They say the most intelligent, insightful things one minute. The next, they are flinging excrement at the wall like a monkey. It seems that they go from erudite scholar to caged monkey in a split second. What is behind this?

  31. @ TCO What are you going to eat?

  32. It is the lack of commitment to being insightful. It's fuck that, I'm an asshole, remember people? Do not have faith in me. That five seconds was five seconds ago.

  33. Caroline, I'd love to eat your pussy... but I'm sure we don't live in the same country. A true shame too, because... I am very hungry!!

    Where does everyone live here ?

    I'm in GA.

  34. Just like yesterday, Raven, when you only quoted songs? :p

  35. This is how some people can adore David one second--for the moment..
    And the next we think he is an asshole. This is how we get into ridiculous predicaments. No commitment.

  36. I want to stick to what's in front of me. But I can't. Cause I change every five seconds.

  37. @TCO I knew one couldn't ask a mundane question like "What are you having for lunch?" around here.

  38. But I have faith. I will say tomorrow is another day. Like Scarlett.

    Delusional. But does it get me through the night?
    How many times are you gonna wake up in the bathroom floor? Never again?

    When pigs fucking fly.

  39. @YOU are Alterego you bitch! YOU ain't foolin noboby!


  40. Interesting how it seems each morning we have a new story about a suspected socio a few comments in and they dont say anything afterward. Well anon 400 if you are real, your best course of action is to dump the lazy fucker. Why would you even date an unemployed loser to begin with?

  41. //Interesting how it seems each morning we have a new story about a suspected socio a few comments in and they dont say anything afterward.//

    Simple minds think alike.

    Or should I say "simple mind"

  42. Also does anyone think ME is deliberately trying to torture us by bringing up the religious topic? Like we havent had enough of it here lately lol

  43. "does anyone think M.E is deliberately trying to torture us"


  44. Thats what I was thinking, Chosen...

  45. It seems that ME has his* own opinions on the religious topic and since he* doesn't engage in the comment wars still wants to voice his* own opinion... on his* own blog.

    his* = gender whatever

  46. lol Anon, I don't think i'm cute at all. I ammm nauseating on occasion, that is true. But I already knew that, so, I win. I know my place. You'd better know YOUR place buddy!

    And i missed sherlock last night. What a plonker i am.

  47. "Just like yesterday, Raven, when you only quoted songs? :p"

    Swish. :D

  48. Haven that would be a good rational explanation. I was just thinking that maybe it was bait for yet another religious convo...

    How was your night, Haven?

  49. Death ends brain activity.
    Theism has a similar effect!

    All that really needs to be said about that topic.

  50. I wouldn't put it past ME to bait us. Or maybe it's reverse pschology. We have a tendency to get really off topic in terms of the blog post. Maybe he thinks if he posts about religion we'll get on another topic haha.

    My night wasn't great. How was yours?

  51. You know what got me keenly interested in religion?

    (a) people not being able to keep their private beliefs private
    (b) bigotry against homosexuals under the veil of religious beliefs
    (c) fostering of anti-intellectual sentiment and denial of scientific facts
    (d) Trying to pass (c) on to our kids in public school

    I think society could chug along just fine with or without religion, as long as everyone recognises the difference between private beliefs and shared public space.

  52. If the belief in God were natural, there would be no need to teach it. Children would possess it as well as adults, the layman as the priest, the heathen as much as the missionary. We don't have to teach the general elements of human nature--the five senses, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling. They are universal; so would religion be if it were natural, but it is not.

    On the contrary, it is an interesting and demonstrable fact, that all children are atheists, and were religion not inculcated into their minds they would remain so.

    Even as it is, they are great skeptics, until made sensible of the potent weapon by which religion has ever been propagated, namely, fear--fear of the lash of public opinion here, and of a jealous, vindictive God hereafter.
    No; there is no religion in human nature, nor human nature in religion.

    It is purely artificial, the result of education, while atheism is natural, and, were the human mind not perverted and bewildered by the mysteries and follies of superstition, would be universal.

  53. Haven, last night went pretty well. Was disappointed because my friend was too tired to play (he works all day on Sunday so he usually is). I had to fight my inner brat and not pout and be cool and was rewarded with a date tonight, which is good. I am proud of myself for not getting all bitchy/pouty and just going with the flow. Patience is a daily battle. Sometimes I really am a spoiled brat and I really have to be mindful of it. Especially since hes not the kind of guy who will indulge it at all. One of the reasons I adore him so.

  54. TCO: How do you function with such an unfortunate brain? Every time I read one of your comments, I cannot help but do so in the voice of a scrawny teen goth who claims Discordianism so he has an excuse to sound superior with phrases like "sky daddy" and "flying spaghetti monster." You disappoint me.

  55. @Post

    Don't feel special, you are not the only one disappointed in me.

  56. Aggy, I am not sure all children are atheists. I was indoctrinated christian, but even at a young age (before even knowing the word pagan) I was communing with nature. It was inherant, not taught at all. I think that it is natural to believe in something, especially nature based, but dogma is not natural at all. I would say that children are inherantly agnostic. Anyone who has been around kids would see that. Constant questions about why things are the way they are.

  57. Seeing as humans can't register more than 20% of their physical surroundings, any person who claims to know the "will of God" is completely full of shit as humans don't have the intellectual capacity to even perceive "god"

  58. Aggy: Cite sources. That's an interesting figure.

  59. And your last slave died of ?

    Google it for yourself you lazy asshole!

  60. Agnostic Sarah ?

    Can you prove there is not a china tea-pot in elliptical orbit around Pluto? What if I told you this tea-pot had it's own religious text explaining how it created all that was, is and will ever be? What if I told you that if you believe in my tea-pot you will never truly die? What if all children had the idea of my tea-pot implanted in their thinking before they even had the capacity to apply criticism or critical thought?

    Is it reasonable to have faith in my tea-pot??

    Is it reasonable to even be agnostic to my tea-pot?

    tea-pot theory, 100 year old debunk of agnostics.


  61. Aggy: All google tells me is that you copied verbatim from here. Gotta love atheists and their totally unsheeplike behavior, huh?~

  62. It is my opinion that an Agnostic is a fence sitter, they're "stand" is to never pick a side. There is now nor has there ever been any evidence that such things as gods are either required or in fact exist. There is however overwhelming evidence that such things cannot exist.

    Taoist/Atheist (the whole "wait and see thing" bothers me)

  63. Postmodern, I highly doubt that aggy poster is an atheist. I think the poster is a troll looking for an arguement.

    Don't feed the trolls!

  64. I don't fight children. It's not sporting.~

  65. "Gotta love atheists and their totally unsheeplike behavior, huh?~"


  66. Just think how boring this place would be if comments were moderated...

  67. I see agnosticism as kinda the base for humans. All it means is not sure.

    Kid is a clean slate or not sure until they are taught theism or logic (or both). Until then, they are a little sponge wondering, asking questions, interpreting things on their own. Its only fence sitting later on.

  68. Who really cares what label you are ? The label thing sucks. Psychopath, empath, normal, theist, atheist, abnormal, whatever.


  69. I wouldn't put it past ME to bait us. Or maybe it's reverse pschology. We have a tendency to get really off topic in terms of the blog post. Maybe he thinks if he posts about religion we'll get on another topic haha.

    M.E. believes in god. To this day I have not seen M.E. play any tricks on people here, so I don't know why a lot of you are guessing at what trick is being pulled here.

  70. I say keep your personal beliefs on how the world is, works, god no god to yourself. Once you leave your home and start telling people god this god that, you will end up with a broken nose, or an ear full (depending what street you are on)

    The only reason atheists I know speak up , is when a theist starts rambling about his private beliefs.

    Shut up and no one will care.

    For the theists here that don't want to let it go,

    "You may think you can condemn such people, but you are just as bad, and you have no excuse! When you say they are wicked and should be punished, you are condemning yourself, for you who judge others do these very same things." Romans 2:1


  71. Who really cares what label you are ? The label thing sucks. Psychopath, empath, normal, theist, atheist, abnormal, whatever.

    You lack understanding of how society works. Labels are useful. They give you a foot in the door for understanding the basic foundation of how someone functions. Teenagers don't like labels because they want to be different. In reality almost everyone here is similiar to someone in your everyday life. There's very few that stand out from the herd.

  72. I think we should burn the churches down and execute the pastors and those spreading religion. It's a quick solution to a widespread problem. The communists got cut short of doing good work.


  73. This is not to insult TNP. I have noticed this with several sociopaths I know and 3 Mal Narcs, which is my Mal Marc count, at present. They say the most intelligent, insightful things one minute. The next, they are flinging excrement at the wall like a monkey. It seems that they go from erudite scholar to caged monkey in a split second. What is behind this?

    Not Able trying to be like me. To the point of using the british slang that I use even though he is american. If you looked at his comments when he first came here and this act he is pulling now after he erased his blog and his account you have two seperate entities and the one he has now is feigned.

    Still I find imitation flattering and I don't mind having another UKan to battle the denizens of gothic wrist cutters in the forums. So cheers.

  74. Religion is natural, but it depends on a ffew tthings whether you're the type toto need it or not.
    In developmental stages people grow through a phase wwhere tthey ask questions about the way their world works. In this time, if tthe parents use colorful language and symbols such as ponies, monsters, trolls, demons, angels, etc, than those people have a natural inclination ttoward believing in magical thought or symbolic interpretations of concepts.
    Also, if one is injured to a point that they feel unforgiveably abhorred by society by something unique or abhor rant that happened to them, they find religion. This tends among alcoholics children. Otherwise, people who in ttheir developmental stages wwere told facts and truths about the world will have aan easier time finding scientific answers to bbe satisfactory.
    Religions are naturally a part of our bbrain, as you can see in man and his symbols with the indigenous justifications such as the north American tribesman who spend most of their life alone and aall hhave anan inner big man.

  75. How was your trip?

  76. @Aggy
    You are searching. You can ask me anything.

  77. At The Drive In has reunited. Pretty sweet.

  78. By the way monica you are as fake as he is you ditzy airhead. Several sociopaths and three malignant narcissists? I find it passing strange that a dumb cunt like you could find the identities of even one sociopath let alone several and three malignant narcissists.

    In my line of work I've only ran into a few in over a decade that I can maybe say could be socipaths. Where the fuck do you work a nut house?

  79. teenagers don't like labels because they hahave a hard time transitioning from their small world in which they are entirely unique and special into the larger world where they will soon lose most of their sense ofof uniqueness. until they find the right lables, teenagers tend to misunderstand tthemselves aand idealize their value. Like bluebird. But the reality is, people fit fairly neatly into categories, don't they Sarah? That's why society makes them.

  80. @Ukan Over a lifetime, it is not much. Why do you think I am a dumb cunt, Ukan?

  81. because you have no depth.

  82. It is in the top three best times of my life. Great way to start the year.

    I learned how to dirtbike a lot better now. I crashed a lot to get there though. We had a lot of fun.

    We drank over 200 beers and two bottles of the strong shite in three days. Before I got on the hard stuff Missus Kanney's brother said that he gets crazy and someone will probably have to knock him out. I seconded that so we agreed since we are both out of control that we would stick together and knock each other out.

    As it turned out he passed out before me, so I ended up trying to rush a bunch of off duty police with a knife and one of my friend's knocked me good. I tried to stab him instead so a bunch of our friends took me back to camp and they called Missus Kanney who talked me down while the other guy stayed away from camp till morning because I thought he was a traitor. The next morning he came back and we all laughed about it.

    We wrecked 3/4 of the bikes we had in the camp. We put them through hell but the rides were amazing. I saw drag races and all kinds of shite I have never seen in my life.

  83. Missus, I will bite. How do you come to that conclusion, from what you have seen of me on here?

  84. If you can't define the specific characteristics and how they function, the label you apply to aphenomenon is basically a tag indicating a zone of ignorance, you stupid judgemental cunt :)

  85. if you can tell someone is a sociopath in a short time, then they aren't a very bright one.


  86. Ukan Over a lifetime, it is not much. Why do you think I am a dumb cunt, Ukan?

    Kanney said it. You have no depth.

    Yeah in a lifetime it isn't much. The reason is that sociopaths don't go around with a neon sign with sociopath above it. Most are unaware and trying to hide their misdeeds and very good at pursuading you that they are not only normal, but one of the most amazing people you met.

  87. You and Caroline seem like the same person. Martyrial, obliging, understanding, open minded, amiable, agreeable... flat.
    You never have an opinion. You're a devoted follower of your sociopath girl, you agree with anything she does, and you have no traits, on one side or another... you're haven's perfect guy: undeveloped

  88. "The reason is that sociopaths don't go around with a neon sign with sociopath above it"

    Unless your demon, or Kyle Towns lol.

  89. Anon 11:51

    All it takes is one smarter than the other.

    Are you really that stupid ?

  90. I know you like that hard stuff Raven. I wonder how crazy you get.

  91. It is thechosenone. he is at least 8 posters here. Trust me, I know!


  92. All it takes is one smarter than the other.

    Are you really that stupid ?

    Why do you have some kind of sociovision glasses or something? Trained psychologists have been duped by criminal sociopaths with no education. It's not a matter of being smarter it's a matter of being more clever.

  93. that reminds me, i was getting food at a cafe a couple of days back and i listened in on a conversation between two men. the short nerdy looking one was explaining to his friend that he was a "high functioning sociopath" he was going on and on about what it meant and about his "different moral code" or something. i couldn't stop giggling to myself. these tv shows like sherlock and dexter have losers and goths deluded.

  94. Lol I am myself, Missus.

  95. Hare said it himself you dumb fuck! Try reading a book sometime, rather then wank off all day long online.


  96. Unless your demon, or Kyle Towns lol.

    Wuhahahahaha I tend to break my toys. I'm so evil wuhahahaha

  97. Listen here fuck ups!

    I have nothin to say to you.

  98. I have so many pets. Many many pets. So many I don't even know their names. My pets love me but I am non chalant about their existance. Wuhahahah

    I have nothing to gain from the crying victims here so I will help them. Thus says the code of Harry.

  99. No insect shall escape homicidal vengeance.


    She will end up in porn.

  101. Frank is in the house. Missus, get down, gurl.

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. If you still think--despite the overwhelming number of clues that suggest the opposite--that Monica and Caroline aren't the same person, consider the fact they've never exchanged a word with one another. Not ever.

  104. I have a low histrionic score or I would really love this attention.

  105. @Missus I have a question for you. Do you think Ukan is developed?

  106. "I know you like that hard stuff Raven. I wonder how crazy you get."

    Oh, I get pretty fucking crazy.

    Sounds like you're a blast to be around too. I know who I can drink like that around as well. You planning on racing eventually?

  107. Wow she really does look like Angelina. You're rght, dudes would pay to see her with cum on her face.

    And Monica, dont worry about MK's impression (or anyone else) of you. Especially since her online identity centers around her husband. Thats not very developed of her, either.

  108. Pay? That's going a bit far.


  109. You planning on racing eventually?

    I wasn't but now that you ask I think I should go for it. My wife's brother and his friends are going to coach me on it.

  110. "It is my opinion that an Agnostic is a fence sitter, they're "stand" is to never pick a side. There is now nor has there ever been any evidence that such things as gods are either required or in fact exist. There is however overwhelming evidence that such things cannot exist.

    Taoist/Atheist (the whole "wait and see thing" bothers me)"

    I have a lot of Taoist philosophy in my own belief system. Rather than say "wait and see" in terms of agnosticism, for me, it's "It simply does not matter. What Is, Is. I will live my life how I live it regardless."

  111. My online identity centers around my husband on a blog centered around my husband where people come on toto talk about people like my husband... lets consider identity contextually enough to see that for a moment.
    And i do have a strong attachment to my husband and he to me. You'd be surprised at how mmuch we become like each other from how much we each llearn from the polar aspects of our personalities.

    I would say he's developed. He's one of tthe most developed people I know for his age. He knows himself, his role, his temperament, and he embraces his faults and enjoys himself to almost an extreme. He is highly self actualized. He only has a few remaining issues in llieu oof violence and civilization, but he grows every day. And i am not so stupid as to make this up and not to be able to see when he pretends. I know him well. We llive together. And i know he is an impressive and incredible person. And he amuses me. His silly sides are refreshing. If you met hhim you'd instantly fall in llove with him, and hed discard you as worthless instantly.


  112. And Monica, dont worry about MK's impression (or anyone else) of you. Especially since her online identity centers around her husband. Thats not very developed of her, either.

    You don't understand Monica at all. She externalizes her self esteem. Telling her not to worry about someone else's opinion of her is like telling you to be mentally stable.


  113. Oh, I get pretty fucking crazy.

    Ok, proposal:

    Me and you one knife and a bottle of whiskey....well that's too much of a gamble for me. We can invite monica/caroline.

  114. David, as oour eeducation improves, I agree that tthe need for religion deviates. I used job as aan answer, as well aas the progression from Greek or roman gods to Christian gods. But currently, that need for religious purpose still consistantly arises in sociological and psychological manifestations, I think naturally. As science answers more questions, our psychological needs of religion will ccontinue to change, but they still exist, and will from an evolutionary standpoint for quite some time. Eventually, I agree ththat our need for it will be eliminated totally, but by then, I imagine we'll be the intelligent life travelling from planet tto planet spreading life and knowledge, and acquiring all the nnatural resources we find useful.

  115. I'd love to race a car. I haven't learned a motorbike yet. Dirt bikes sound a lot more fun than just driving a motorcycle. Maybe I should learn.

  116. Lol. Bunny, I love you.

  117. "Ok, proposal:

    Me and you one knife and a bottle of whiskey....well that's too much of a gamble for me. We can invite monica/caroline."

    Sounds like the camping trip of my dreams!

  118. I have Monica, sweet, and Caroline all in the same boat as the same person. Logically I figure they shouldn't be because they're all exactly the same, but conceptually I consider them to be the same person because they're all exactly the same.

    I mean, why would you make different personas if they're just going to be the same person? Are they that dumb, or are there that many people that flat. Either way it doesn't matter to me enough to differentiate them one way or another.

  119. And where am I in this camping trip?


  120. I'd love to race a car. I haven't learned a motorbike yet. Dirt bikes sound a lot more fun than just driving a motorcycle. Maybe I should learn.

    Yeah I took the dirtbike route because I know how far I like to take things and with a street bike death is almost a sure thing. From the time I've known you I think you are pretty much the same, and Kanney does too.

    I think you should try the dirtbike route. It's more forgiving and if you wear all the gear you will make it out of most crashes. I crashed into this dip and it flung me off the bike into the handlebars ribs first and then a somersault into the ground onto my face first. It knocked the wind out of me and made me see stars but after several minutes I got back on the bike and went back to camp to recover. If I wasn't wear the chest protection I would have broke my ribs. If I didn't have my helmet I would have scraped my face off and fractured my skull.

  121. OK Kanney says she wants to get some stabs in. Maybe three knives and one monica. We can put it on youtube.

  122. I wrecked a couple of cars pulling stupid stunts, when I was younger, and living out in the countryside.

    I felt my car turn slightly on it side like it was about to flip, as it spun 180. I was speeding a dirt road, and took a turn they call "dead man's curb"... way too fast and sharp.

    Older cars are the best. You can put them through far more hell than today's models. You might be limping them home... but they keep running.

  123. Kanney beats me car racing. I had to get something else to get my lost dignity back.

  124. Did you say knives? I am a expert knife fighter. I stole a knife from the set of Lord of the Rings and studied with all the major knife gurus. BTW, I break my toys too. Wuahahahahh

  125. If there's going to be three of us, there needs to be more than just Monica.

    How about David, Monica, and Demon?

  126. Done. We can make them dig the holes and set up camp during the day, and drink in the evening and see where it takes us.

  127. I've always wanted to kill someone.

  128. Fuck all society. Play this at my funeral.

    This world rejects me
    This world threw me away
    This world never gave me a chance
    This world gonna have to pay

    Well I don't believe in your institutions
    I did what you wanted me to
    And like the cancer in your system
    I've got a little surprise for you

    Something inside of me
    Has opened up its eyes
    Why did you put it there?
    Did you not realize?
    This thing inside of me
    It screams the loudest sound
    Sometimes I think I could


    I look down at where you're standing
    Flock of sheep all on display
    With all your lies piled up around you
    I can take it all away

  129. Ha! David doesn't like to get his nails dirty. We may need a whip, with barbs in it.

    Or just a gun. :D

  130. Lets do both, of course.
    Then after all tthe excitement we can figure out what to ddo with the rest oof our trip. ;-)

  131. The fake Demon is a comic genius, starkly different from the real one, an ornery cunt. I hope she likes whipping scrawny goths to KMFDM... upward mobility doesn't seem very likely, in her case.

  132. 8========================D NIGGER

  133. Kmfdm aren't that bad.

  134. Interesting. Are you being sarcastic MK?

  135. Kmfdm? Do I want to know?

    No, sarcasm would bbe condescending in tthat case. I was definitely being playful, silly.

  136. I like your playful side then.

  137. I like some of their songs, not the views behind the songs.

  138. Lol. I figured you would. I have to learn to let it out more. If I get too reserved il be square like monisweetoline.

  139. Monica/Triple the PleasureJanuary 9, 2012 at 2:30 PM

    @Missus My laugh for the day

  140. Themes for SW Regulars "Event Series"January 9, 2012 at 2:35 PM

    Is Monica, Caroline?

  141. Its ok, monica, I think its cute that you're flat. I'm sure you're much more useful that way.

    WV: unteyed. I just like that one.

  142. PMS THEME SONG --

  143. Themes for SW regularsJanuary 9, 2012 at 2:39 PM

    Theme Song for Missus Kanney

  144. demon theme song --

  145. @ Missus You can call me flat, just not flat chested he he

  146. Zhawq making that wage

  147. Frank's Secret Identity--True Detective MagazineJanuary 9, 2012 at 2:52 PM

    Frank is Hairy

  148. AHHHHHHH sfdjskjgjg giiiiiiirll me fjwkjtgjd AHHHHHHHHHHH wsjgjsgn AHHHHH

  149. Arthur Library Card is great!

  150. You are flat chested though, Monica. You weigh what: 90 lbs soaking wet, with no implants?

  151. Actually, I am large breasted :)

  152. I don't listen to KMFDM you fool. I listen to Dead Puppies and the Snot Rockets, while I run my motorcycle through pockets of gnats on the road just to see them splat. Wuhahaha.

    P.S. Breaking toys is a hobby of mine. I even break my daughters toys because I'm such a mean motherfucker. wuahahaha

  153. You know Raven, only using sounds from nature isn't impossible; you just have to be a bit clever (not meant as an insult). For example:

    You (Raven) would be "*caw*".

    David would be "*cock-a-doodle-doo*".

    And everything else would be a dolphin using "-- --- •-• ••• •".

    And no: that's not cheating. :p

  154. Anon 2:39 gets me.

    And why would dolphins know anyone called Morse?~

  155. Are you flirting with me, Wheat?

  156. Maybe Monica is well endowed. Growing up with huge tits does weird things to a girls self esteem. If she has a pretty face to go with it, that could explain why she's so hung up on external validation. If she's been objectified her whole life (how long is it anyway, Monica?) She might see herself as an object or worry that is all anyone sees. Yes, I am speaking from experience here.

  157. Whatever. I'm done talking about Monica, and I hate big cow titties.

  158. Is that a trick question? No, I'm not flirting with you.

  159. @Sarah It is not like I am a cow.

  160. Why are we talking about Monica's tits?

  161. Is that why you came out the way you did, Sarah?

  162. PLEASE GET OFF MY BREASTSJanuary 9, 2012 at 4:31 PM

    I do not want to discuss my breasts. :)

  163. Nice sarah. You flipped a conversation about monicas self esteem into a opportunity to talk about how pretty you are and how you have big breasts. Attention whore.

  164. I happen to have perfect breasts. We can talk about my chest al area, if you prefer.

  165. Perfect? Tell me more...

  166. Haven, Raven started it lol.

    MK there are plenty of reasons I am the fucked up gal I am today. What are your reasons?

  167. I didn't start it. Cow tits did.

  168. I bet you have loads of excuses. I have none.

  169. @ Raven, stop with the breasts motif lol

  170. You may be flat, but at least you've got boobs, as I remember it. To an extent I have to agree with Sarah. Is that what makes you a person? Obviously you're a man.

  171. Missus---perfect breasts
    Monica--big but not cow like
    Do we have any one else who would like to weigh in before we get off the topic?
    Wheatley, how about you he he

  172. Reasoning and excuses are not the same thing. I am happy with the fucked up gal I am. I wouldnt trade it to be a cookie cutter woman who feels she has to be a missus. And I am sure you are your pleasant independent self because of your perfect existance.

  173. I'm more of an ass and hips girl myself. I like a nice little curve.

  174. @Cow tits

    We never talk about tits in here. It's all cock and pussy. I need variety goddammit! Give us a show or get the fuck out of my party.

  175. I could use a show. I've had a stressful day.

  176. Lol. I have a moderately perfect existance, yes. It was fucked up enough. Now I'm pleasantly happy. Well rounded and amiable, though too intellectually oriented, for the most part.
    I wouldn't trade my healthy life for your insanity or instability at any point, I assure you. You can keep your insanity. I'm content with more than being a missus. Peace of mind every morning when i wake up is a pretty nice one. It may have had something to do with how I got married.

  177. I have high standards when it comes to women. I like balance, a flat stomach, and proportionate ass and tits. Shape is more important than size, but i don't have experience to back my claims. I think I'm pretty hot and i tend to prefer similar, I guess.

  178. @ Raven Cow tits lol Is that my new moniker?

  179. Ha. I like moniker. Is that how you thought of your pen name?

  180. moniker CT.
    Done. Now you have an identity.

  181. You dared me to come here, UKan. Here I am. You wanna play?
    I'm all up for fun and games, but the comment section of all places? lol. This place is a fucking joke.


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