
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Game theory

A reader writes about game theory:

I find that I approach life through classic game theory (even before I learned what game theory was). Everything in life is a series of pro's and con's; a constant evaluation of the better outcome. "Love" is the same way, regardless of limerence. I see the pro's and con's of being with a particular person over another person, or over being alone and choose accordingly; approaching marriage in the same fashion, of course. I am engaged, actually; she loves me, and I see no outright "con's" to being with her, I know her (by the same measure of being able to "peer into her soul" as from the blog), and I am generally happy with her presence. While I am not aware that she knows of my sociopathy (although, she is quite familiar with with my agitation towards people, preference to solitude, quiet and observant nature, etc.), I am also sure that should she label me as such, she would not cause me undue stress. That, finally, is one of the major things (a keystone "pro," if you will), is that whatever event I am weighing, I will most always choose the event likely to cause me less hassle and stress.

For me, not only is Game Theory one fashion of handling life, but the concept of compartmentalization.  As many people have commented, trying to keep everything in order (in regards to the lies, half-truths, manipulations, "games," etc.) would be exceedingly difficult.  And it would be, if the sociopath's mind operated as a normal person's.  Everything in my mind is organized sort of like folders and folder groups that you might find in, say, Windows Explorer; everything has its place.  When a situation presents itself, or I am with a certain friend(s), I simply "open" up that folder and behave accordingly.  When one's mind is organized in such a way that no thought co-mingles with others, you don't have the problem of "remembering all of the lies," because you have everything you need neatly stored away, waiting to be accessed at the right time.  This same concept of compartmentalization applies in all walks of life, whether it be love, friendships, work, etc.  Another quality of this is enabling oneself to keep track of friend circles and ensuring that none of these circles cross in any way; this can allow for you to more easily adapt to any number of given situations per friend circle: a different personality, find another lover (in addition to, or instead of, one you may already have).  I find that I am in many different circles, but almost as a ghost; I can walk in and out of these circles almost unnoticed and not missed.  I was once described by a teacher as, "a loner who is never alone." 


  1. I'm a pretty practical guy most of the time, but even I can't apply logic to everything I do. Maybe I could, but I don't want to. I just want to be, sometimes, you know? Carefree, autopilot, doesn't give a fuck and goes with the flow. That's my default unless I know I need to put my game face on. Even then, sometimes I get too cocky for my own good.

    If you don't want to be "outed" don't write to sociopathy blogs on an account/computer your partner has access to. Just saying. Even if you were, how much damage could it possibly cause that you couldn't help stem? Just say it's one of several psych blogs you read, voila.

  2. "she is quite familiar with with my agitation towards people, preference to solitude, quiet and observant nature"

    this sounds schizoid, or avoidant. sociopaths are extroverted and gain energy from social situations. why do you think your a sociopath?

  3. "sociopaths are extroverted and gain energy from social situations."

    Says you the non sociopath ? It's stupid fucking people like you that drain me daily. I only become more social when I need things. Not because I love hanging with idiots like you.

  4. answer my question -- why are you sure your a sociopath? have you been diagnosed.

  5. i was described by my teacher as a sneaky evil bastard, not a loner.

  6. "answer my question -- why are you sure your a sociopath? have you been diagnosed. "

    Who made you the boss of me ? lol

    And its you're not "your"


  7. teacher calls me loner.

    became sociopath.

  8. @Anon 3:56

    Is it the diagnosis that makes a person a sociopath ?

  9. Theme Songs for SW RegularsJanuary 10, 2012 at 4:47 AM

    Theme Song for Aggy

  10. Theme Songs for SW RegularsJanuary 10, 2012 at 4:59 AM

    Theme Song for Alter Ego no 5

  11. Is Aggy a regular now ? I can't view youtube here. Is it 80's porn music ?

  12. @ TCO It is "Up There" from South Park
    Have you heard yours, TCO?

  13. Theme Songs for SW RegularsJanuary 10, 2012 at 5:10 AM

    Theme Song for The Chosen One

    Smooth by Santana

  14. No, what is it ?

    I'm more of a Neil Young type, or America. Solo acoustic. But that might be a suprise since some here seem to think I'm a 20 something emo or goth lol. Success! ;)

  15. "When one's mind is organized in such a way that no thought co-mingles with others, you don't have the problem of "remembering all of the lies," because you have everything you need neatly stored away, waiting to be accessed at the right time."

    Good for you! God forbid an original or creative thought popping up in your head, giving you a fucking seizure!


    If you equate 'sociopath' to be the same as 'computer', you're probably closer to 'piece of cardboard with holes in it'. Just sayin'.

  16. hahaha Themes the South Park song choice is hilarious :)

  17. When I am cruel to her, I say terrible things to her. I attack her with her insecurities and try to say anything that will damage her the most. I have tried to stop because I realized that what I say sticks with her forever. (Emphasis mine.)

    To the person who wrote this:

    F Y fucking I
    This wouldn't bother me. Not in the least. I'd devalue this shit in a fucking heartbeat and you'd never know it. Because I'd be getting something from you. I don't know what that would be, because I don't know what smug deluded jack off wrote this. I'll smile to your face and devalue you right back while using your dick to make me cum or using your cash for a downpayment on something for my retirement. Then I would dump your abusive ass. You wouldn't know what hit you.

  18. The truth is I wouldn't involve myself with you. I'm way better than that to waste my time. I'd rather fuck a dildo and make my own money. I just felt like writing that out for fun cause it's the first time I saw it, and because I actually contemplated this lifestyle. I did. It lasted a few hours. I tried it on in my head. Yucky poopoo.

  19. "peer into her soul"

    And so the delusion continues.

  20. No one comes to your rescue in life. You are really alone. No matter what.

  21. why would anyone peer into that soul. Gimmee a fucking break.

  22. The person doesn't come to the rescue, their money does.

  23. No one cares about you and no one listens to your shite here.

    You just want attention from a bunch of people you don't know?

    What do you want here, Bella?

  24. what is money, Bob's ur Uncle?

  25. I'm going to leave soon though. At least I hope to. I'd like to anyway.

  26. You're an odd one, Monica.

  27. "You just want attention from a bunch of people you don't know?"

    Pot meet Kettle.

  28. Find comfort in Jesus, he died for your sins. I know this because I am a Christian and have read the bible. That makes me an expert on how the world works. Trust me because God does.

  29. Alterego's delusion runs deeper, more convincing.


  30. What would Jesus have done for me, Alterego?

  31. He would have given you company.

  32. Are you emotional cutting here?

  33. Could we please have a day without sad sacks?

  34. I think that is called "wishful thinking" Raven.

  35. A wish all too easy to fulfill. I'm sick of the bleeding hearts diaries.

  36. Anyone get anything cool for xmas ?

  37. i had a conversation yesterday with my older brother. during this i told him that i lacked empathy and he meant nothing to me. i didn't say it in a malicious way, rather, in a soft matter of fact tone. he said "don't worry. i was exactly the same when i was your age. it's a stage" i laughed at his ignorance and told him that when he was my age, he had no idea what he was doing. he manipulated people impulsively.

    also, i noted he wasn't grandiose, he didn't put his needs before the family. he visited our mother when she was dying, i didn't. there was no possessions to be acquired from her. i assured him that it's not a "stage" and i've been this way my entire life. then i said "honestly, think of one time when i've shown compassion towards another person" he leaned back and thought hard, then said "well, you have a point there"

  38. Speaking of points, what is the point in tell us your stupid story ? If you don't care about your brother, what makes you think anyone here will give a flying fuck about your sad life ?

  39. Now your brother thinks your the next Hitler, idiot.

  40. Everything this guy says applies to me, and I am very much empathic. Life is much easier the way he describes, much simpler, because you are operating in either or type of systems, not tied with 'and' statements from one group to the other. When tied with 'and' statements it is easy to lose system integrity.

    Plus what gives me pleasure is intellectual pursuits and activities, not needing companionships unless it is geared towards some jointly enjoyed activity.

    A few will follow what I am saying, suspecting Post will be one of them.

  41. @heathen

    just sharing :) i'd imagine the other sociopaths here play around with their family like that. as "family" doesn't mean anything to sociopaths. we don't have that sort of loyalty.

  42. So you don't care for your brother, but care enough to explain yourself.

    "i'd imagine the other sociopaths here play around with their family like that."

    Oh yeah. Because all socio's are cut from the same cloth.

    I think your lack of Dexter the past few weks has you seeking your "dark passenger"

    Do yourself a favour, play dexter somewhere else. No one wants to see pathetic ozing from your posts.

  43. Raven's Dark PassengerJanuary 10, 2012 at 8:42 AM

    I'm sick of the bleeding hearts diaries !!!

  44. dexter? never even seen the show. i'm bragging about what i did to my brother, you imbecile. i'd reduce you to a mumbling idiot also and just as quickly as i did it to my brother. what's a dark passenger? i'm sorry, not a nerd.

  45. "Oh yeah. Because all socio's are cut from the same cloth."

    find me a sociopath that cares about his/her family and i'll find you a pot of gold at a rainbow~

  46. Chosen I got a Nook for Christmas, pretty cool.

    Last year I got a automatic car starter. it's great when it's cold out.

  47. I get movie tickets every year.

    I'm not a sad sac. I'm certainly not a bleeding heart.

    You barely know anything about me, Raven. But I know about you.

    Why are you here?

  48. @Chosen; I got a book. Except, it's more like a potential weapon than a book. The damn thing is 900 and something pages and hardcover.
    I wanted an iPod.
    Apparently I need to get better at hinting.

    Also, I love how there's always people in the comments asking for sociopath love advice on here. Like you guys are spath love gurus or something. Cracks me up.

  49. Everyone wants love advice.. Notable wrote a whole section on the different types of love.

  50. Bella, I got movie tickets too, went to see Devil Within In, it sucked.

  51. Fucking Birdshit and partner write a whole section on men and women loving.

  52. I downloaded the book, Let The Right One In. It's pretty good.

  53. Tik I haven't seen as much as I'd like yet. I plan on it. I saw Higher Ground and loved it. Young Adult is pretty darn good too.

  54. It's a self help book?

  55. @Tik
    Jesus christ, you actually spent your tickets on THAT movie? I mean, even the preview sucked ass, I'm surprised you didn't see that coming.

  56. I saw that stupid movie My Idiot Brother with Paul Rudd. It was stupid, but I like him.

  57. I'll look the previews up, thanks.

  58. Clocky, it wasn't my choice.

    What can I say I'm easy.

    Bella, no not a self help, it was here on the blog that I saw the book. It's about a vampire child.

    I like fantasy.

  59. Oh. Did anyone see Orphan? I'll see anything with saaarsgard and vera farmiga. I liked that little girl/woman/demon too.

  60. I'll look up Orphan too.

    Gotta run, lunch date.

  61. I have to go too. bye.

  62. "Everyone wants love advice"

    Not everyone.

    I got a $100 tip from one of my clients in a Christmas card. That was pretty sweet! It was gone in like, 2 seconds.

  63. I didn't get any lame gifts per se, but I gave one of my friends a sample of my cats shit with remnants of kitty litter in it. We played a game called white elephant where we all play betting games and win the christmas gifts. Some are legit, some are, well, shit. My really good friend who is dating a cousin got a gift that was supposed to be mine but my bleeding hearts pussy of a step father gave it to her cuz she asked for it, so I wrapped the gift for her and placed the cat shit sampler with a letter inside the box stating:

    Fuck you for taking my gift. Enjoy, even though your ass doesn't even know how to use it, let alone cook.

    Yeah I know, over cooking supplies. I'm a chef dammit, I coulda used that fancy grater/food processor!

    My step pops gag gift was the best. He recently broke up with his girlfriend, the first one he's had in years, so I bought him an asian blow up doll to resemble her.

  64. "so I bought him an asian blow up doll to resemble her."



  65. I'll smile to your face and devalue you right back while using your dick to make me cum or using your cash for a downpayment on something for my retirement. Then I would dump your abusive ass. You wouldn't know what hit you.

    Funny, because TNP verbally abused you on here for days, devalued you, and called you a whore. You just stood there and begged him to stop and now you are still a regular at his blog.

    You barely know anything about me, Raven. But I know about you.

    Why are you here?

    I found this pretty funny. You contradict yourself almost everytime you open your mouth Bella. You are a dumb bitch.

  66. Clocky Keff

    UKan bored again?

  67. i spent $150 on gifts for christmas and the total of my gifts received, added up to roughly $800. 650 profit isn't too shabby.

  68. What is the point of bragging to ones family member about lack of empathy? Isnt the intelligent thing to hide that? Coming out as a socio will make future machinations a tad more difficult, I would think.

  69. you really have no idea, do you? it doesn't matter what i say to my brother. people like him do mental gymnastics to justify any malicious behavior committed by a family member. i could say anything to my brother and he would continue to justify it in his idiotic mind. it's the only reason why i said that to him. do you think i'd say it to a person with even a remote amount of sense? you don't understand, because you can't get away with the things i do. we are a different species.


  70. UKan bored again?

    Yeah my wife got me sick.

  71. Lol! Drama anon ninefive8!!! What species are you then? Cuz if you ain't human but can type and form sentences (kinda) you need to contact some agents and make bank offa your talents, for real!

  72. Speaking of jokes: DD yesterday has got to be taking the piss. I refuse to believe she was being serious, if it even was her.


  73. I refuse to believe she was being serious, if it even was her.

    Read the forums. That's how she always is. A real muppet that one.

  74. I think she was for real Wheat. She's a flaming narcissist with a vendetta against the whole world. She has something to prove (who knows what, no one cares), and she will not back down for no one.

    Muppet? For some reason I imagined the always raging Miss Piggy....

  75. I just ordered an e cigarette last night for my Christmas present.

  76. who made some profit at christmas?

  77. I think a few profits in the middle east should get blown up


  78. I find that I am in many different circles, but almost as a ghost; I can walk in and out of these circles almost unnoticed and not missed. I was once described by a teacher as, "a loner who is never alone."

    I don't relate to this at all. If I walk into a circle of friends it's like a grenade being rolled right into the middle of the room. The spotlight goes on and I kick into action. I might be good in small doses, but I can definately say that I am not unnoticed or unmissed.

    My life is not a series of pros and cons either. It's a series of impulsive actions that I try to control. The last year has been really good to me as far as that is conscerned. I can honestly say I took more steps last year to change aspects of myself positively than probably all the years of my life combined. I quit smoking, I cut back on drinking, I moved way up in my business, I gained another earner, I completed training my protege, I took steps I needed to secure and cushion myself from arrest or danger, I got a new house next to the lake, got married to the women of my dreams, and went to Tahiti, bought a new car, and a dirtbike. Great year all and all (No more sad sacks Raven I agree).

    I think one of the reasons I decided to do all this is because I have always thought that I would die young. Everything sure pointed to it. I decided when I was a teenager that I would think like this so I would not hesitate to act on things that I knew were risky. A lot of friends I had died or ended up locked up for life at a young age. Thirty is the age that people considered really making it out of the shite.

    This year I have decided to start taking steps to secure my financial future. Last year I lived in excess. I bought all the things I wished for all my life. This year I want to fulfill my dream of transforming my assets into something clean and even more profitable. I got all these audio books by people like Peter Lynch and Tony Robbins and started setting goals for myself and life plans. This year I am going to take my life from amazing to extraordinary.

  79. Frank from FranktownJanuary 10, 2012 at 10:50 AM

    Hello from Franklin.


  80. I just ordered an e cigarette last night for my Christmas present.

    Speaking of postive changes. Cheers. They really work.

  81. That is inspiring UKan. I hope to do the same minus dangerous action he he

  82. You psychopaths get "bored" and decide to destroy things just for pleasure. There are plenty of pleasures both legal and illegal that are available that don't require a victim. Its the stupid, counter-productive sadism provoked by a mere boredom that is really frustrating about you types. You are willing to sacrifice many many things just for a tiny taste of "gratification" which is seemingly never enough for you.

    You folk claim to be logical, but are severely lacking in that department. Does it make sense that you should end a human life; which has had many MANY resources put into it, is capable of many different things, and is generally valuable in this logical sense, simply so you can experience a little fleeting excitement and control? Is that a balanced equation? No, not at all. If anything, it seems almost like psychopaths are driven by primitive emotion and not logic, at all.

    The logic I have seen psychopaths use has always been fallacious, literally logical fallacies to an unbelievable degree, I'm not even sure M.E. for that matter have ever used truly legitimate logic.

    There's far too many misconceptions about you types, and you guys promote most of them.

  83. psychopathy and logic aren't related. psychopaths are egomaniacs, nothing logical in that.

  84. Well, it could be about religion...

  85. autistic people have a high value for logic. sociopaths are all about deceit.

  86. "Read the forums. That's how she always is."

    That's just it. Almost everything she said was an almost literal rehash of what she'd already said on the forums. And everything that wasn't was either one of those laughably vague "I might've killed people rofl rofl lol /wink"-s and spleen-rupturing completely over-the-top hypocrisy, mostly about the government.

    Not to mention the fact that all these bloody victims go through all the same bloody stages of death threats, denial, deflection and de-... something. I forgot. It's both a psychological term and some kind of heart condition. Anyway, it's like they're all in it together.

    I'm actually expecting someone to burst in through the door, holding a microphone and giving me a cheque because SociopathWorld is apparently an online gameshow/sociology experiment, as soon as I post this.

  87. Psychopaths are all about the logic, it's how they see things. Duh!

  88. Psychopath­s lack emotional brains. Psychopaths just don't care about consequenc­es, or don't conceive of them as being harmful to them in their reality. They don't feel social emotions, so they have zero perspectiv­e on the things that keep us tied to the normal social world (e.g. who would I harm by doing these actions? who would I miss if I were in prison? who would miss me if I were in prison or executed?)­, so nothing matters to them as long as they get their "fix". They can not weigh options that they don't feel or understand­.

    Their aptitude at straight logic is adequate (to succeed profession­ally), but like psychopath­s, do poorly when involving social matters.


  89. The logic I have seen psychopaths use has always been fallacious, literally logical fallacies to an unbelievable degree, I'm not even sure M.E. for that matter have ever used truly legitimate logic.

    It doesn't matter if it's logical. It only matters that you can convince people that it is.

  90. "Psychopaths are all about the logic, it's how they see things. Duh!"

    where did you come up with this? i haven't seen any co relation between psychopathy and logic. psychopaths don't do equality, freedom of speech, equal rights. these are views of the empathic. psychopaths are about oppression and spin. if you try to argue "logically" with a sociopath, you'll lose.

  91. Are equality, freedom of speech, and equal rights products of logic, now?

  92. On topic, this guy doesn't really get game theory. I used to think I did, too, but I kept reading; I was really off base, but I was closer than this. All I hear when I read this is "bleep blorp, I am Psychobot 9000, open directory 'fake empathy' and run".


  93. They don't feel social emotions, so they have zero perspectiv­e on the things that keep us tied to the normal social world (e.g. who would I harm by doing these actions? who would I miss if I were in prison? who would miss me if I were in prison or executed?)­

    It sounds like the things tying you to the normal social world are consequences. So basically you make decisions out of fear.

  94. And Anon, you would't lose so much if you had a basic grasp of argumentation.

  95. oreo, if you value logic and reason, then i suggest you find a forum about atheism, or go to wrong planet.

  96. Anon, I value people correcting me when I am wrong about something. But you have no idea what you are even talking about. I see your post (as if you knew what you were saying) andthen I see two more posters enter the room, both of which I can see use logic right away and destroy your post. That is what Ihad hoped would happen.

    My point was made.

  97. logic doesn't matter out in the real world. does the most logical president get elected? nope. the people who are so called "self deceived" are the ones who get ahead. would it be right to call it self deceit? of course it wouldn't, because most of the time these grandiose plans become a reality. winners don't see faults in themselves.

  98. On an unrelated note, I watched that Fishead movie, finally. Not as compelling as the reviews suggested, or maybe other people are just excitable.

  99. These winners conquer Eden, yet avoid the Tree of Knowledge, never knowing their own nakedness. The earth may be theirs, but only the earth.

  100. "does the most logical president get elected?"

    We are not talking about presidents and how to get more votes.

    Boy are you even paying attention to the topic here ? And you really should answer Postmoderns reply about products of logic.


  101. The earth may be theirs, but only the earth.

    I hate to tell you, but that's all their is idiot.

  102. And wouldn't avoiding the Tree of Life and never knowing our own nakedness... leave us in the Garden? I'm not seeing the bad part.

  103. *Knowledge, not life, though I wouldn't mind eating from that one.

  104. Thinking in pros and cons is technically game theory, just like a piece of cardboard with holes in it is technically a Turing machine.

  105. @ Post
    The tree was just a symbol for Man's choice to put God as his ruler or for man to be his own ruler.

    God demanded a superior position, as He WAS superior. God made the world and He made man.

  106. Bible Anon, empirical evidence for the existence of a deity? Have any ? If not you really should stop talking like you do.

  107. "Speaking of jokes: DD yesterday has got to be taking the piss. I refuse to believe she was being serious, if it even was her."

    My comments were serious replies. I have no need to lie here.

  108. The problem with sociopaths is never discussed within the US military because it is not understood. Sociopaths have a mental condition in which death and destruction excites them rather than causing depression. It is a common mental illness and most all sociopaths live normal lives keeping their violent impulses under control; others become serial killers. Many seek occupations that allow a socially acceptable chance to vent their rage. This is why police departments keep an eye on rookie cops who seem enthusiastic about "kicking some butt." Many rookie cops are fired for bad temperament, often after using excessive force like shooting someone for no reason. Police departments do not try to retrain them, knowing that sociopathic behavior is difficult to control.

  109. And you're telling us this because...?

  110. What's a Turing Machine?


  111. "there," (comma) idiot

    Wow, correcting typos. The last refuge for someone who has nothing to say.


  112. My comments were serious replies. I have no need to lie here

    Nobody cares about you lieing, which you admitted to yesterday reguardless. People just thought that you were so much of a joke that you couldn't be a real person. Don't worry Demon. I believe that you are real.

  113. @Post: touché!

    I was reluctant to comment, lest someone think I'm Bible Anon(I've said it once and I'll say it again: I'll never post under another moniker), but that was just so clever I had to pat you on the back.

    - the Real Alterego :)

  114. I didn't lie, but you can believe what you want. I don't give a shit either way.
    So UKan, how old are you anyway? I'm curious

  115. Tell me about this wife of yours, UKan. I want to know what kind of woman would fuck something like you.

  116. Why not made an account then Alterego ? No way of knowing either way with a typed in name each time. But logging out and back in after each comment is too much work right ? 4 accounts is enough right ?

  117. Back to work. Have a nice day my pretties.

  118. "So UKan, how old are you anyway? I'm curious"

    I'll just bet you are. Curious in every way about him to be sure. Obsessed already, are you?

  119. "Obsessed already, are you?"

    Not even fucking close.

  120. It's sort of adorable what a little puppy Demon turned into. When UKan says jump, she says "I am skilled in many martial arts and enjoy knife play."~

  121. Yes. SO adorable and important.

  122. Amusing that you think I've turned into a puppy. UKan is someone to fuck with. Nothing more. He tried to challenge me. I'm just taking him up on the offer. There's no challenge though unfortunately.

  123. Blogger Demon Disciple said...

    Tell me about this wife of yours, UKan. I want to know what kind of woman would fuck something like you.

    ha ha ha ha ha ha

  124. Just like you fuck with everyone on 4degreez? Or on PsychForums? I can't imagine what it must be like in your funny little head.

  125. If it's no challenge, and that's what you were looking for; why ask him questions like you're trying to get to know him?

    Curious about something that doesn't matter... How very antisocial of you.

  126. The only way I can 'play' here is by asking questions and throwing around insults where necessary. It's rather limiting to say the least. But what can you do...

  127. @ Oren
    I have a TON of empirical evidence, Baby.

  128. Trying to get to know him? lol. Is that what you call it.
    Okay, yes, I'm trying to get to know him. /grin
    It's so much more fun when you really get to know someone.

  129. Well, I mean... you could go back to your sad little forum games, I suppose. Or back to WoW. Or back to writing incoherent gorefic.

    The world is your oyster.~


  130. The only way I can 'play' here is by asking questions and throwing around insults where necessary. It's rather limiting to say the least. But what can you do...

    And in that reguard you have failed, because I know everything about you and you know nothing. You are a joke you fat gothic wierdo. I can just keep putting your myspace up and walk away. You are ruined every time because you look like such a tool. That's why you changed your name on psych forums. They did the same thing to you over there.

    Demon's Myspace

    I can't get enough of it. Everytime I see it I die laughing. I can tell you one thing at 33 I would shoot myself if I looked like this.

  131. It is indeed and it just so happens this forum is now apart of it. Well, on occasion anyway.

  132. Demon is cute, Ukan.

  133. "Read the forums. That's how she always is."

    That's just it. She was exactly like she is on the forums. Almost everything she said was a word for word rehash. And the things that weren't were either those laughably vague "I may have killed people rofl rofl lol lol /wink"-s or just spleen-rupturing stupid mind-boggling hypocrisy, mostly towards various authorities.

    But it's not just her. It's all these bloody victims, going through all of the same bloody stages of death threats, denial, deflection and finally decompensation (and maybe some derailment or defecation, keeping with the theme).


    They're all in this together, aren't they?

    Turing Machine

  134. You just don't really get any better, do you UKan. Pity really. You claim to want to play and this is all you give me?
    I must say, I'm disappointed. Surely it won't hurt to answer my questions, Ukan... unless you have something to hide.

  135. Oh look, UKan, it looks like you have someone to hold your hand now. How nice of you to join us, Wheatley. Please, feel free to bend over and kiss UKan's ass while you're at it.

  136. I love it when the kiddies come out to play. What fun we'll have today.

  137. "I love it when the kiddies come out to play. What fun we'll have today."


  138. /sigh

    God I hate being bored shitless. Where did all the kiddies go.

  139. Where's David? Usually he turns up the moment there's a commotion, that is nothing to do with him.

  140. Wheatley/Abigail has no mind, but to suck up to UKan, the lowest functioning sociopath on here he he

  141. David's "The Watcher", Raven. Although maybe it's a little too obvious...

  142. Hi Raven. I see the we have a guest today. Having fun?

  143. "Also, what a joke of a knife. I am disappoint."

    It's a good thing it's my knife and not yours then, isn't it. /sigh


  144. Wheatley/Abigail has no mind, but to suck up to UKan, the lowest functioning sociopath on here he he

    Right there

  145. UKan, a sociopath? I think I just got my sense of humor back.
    More like victim.

  146. What knives do you have, Demon?


  147. UKan, a sociopath? I think I just got my sense of humor back.
    More like victim

    Ha ha ha ha

  148. ssǝssǝɹd :ʌʍ

    ¿ǝʇɐɯ 'dןǝɥ sıɥʇ sǝop ˙sʇuǝɯɯoɔ ʎɯ ƃuıpɐǝɹ ɥʇıʍ ǝןqnoɹʇ ǝɯos ƃuıʌɐɥ ʎןqɐqoɹd ǝɹ,noʎ 'uɐʞn oʇ dn ʞɔns oʇ ƃuıʎɹʇ ɯ,ı ʞuıɥʇ noʎ ɟı :ʎɐʍ ǝɥʇ ʎq

  149. "UKan, a sociopath? I think I just got my sense of humor back.
    More like victim"

    Not the UKan needs my defense. But you really just look ignorant when you say stuff like this. People are what they are, regardless of your personal opinion.

  150. It was david Wheat. He probably think you are UKan

  151. True indeed. Yet, strangely enough, people still like to express their opinions, regardless. Look at all the ignorant fools here who've done the same thing towards me. So, you're right. I couldn't agree more.
    Ignorance is bliss apparently.

  152. @Haven

    It's fun... but it was so much more fun when UKan was her. She's not very funny. And you know how I do so love a good laugh.

  153. Besides cutting yourself I don't think you have used a knife on anyone Demon. You are just a over dramatic goth kid looking for attention and a sychophant obsessed with psychopaths. That's why you want to impress me so much.

  154. "Not the UKan needs my defense."

    The dear boy needs as much defense as he can get. Feel free to kiss his other ass cheek while you're down there, won't you, babe. /wink

  155. Ha, you toys are so easy to play with /wink

  156. Is David 'The Watcher" ? Interesting.

  157. All these toys and nothing to play with /sigh

  158. "She's not very funny. And you know how I do so love a good laugh."

    Well, what can I say, the clown suit in this circus never was meant for me. Here, you put it on instead. I have a very limited sense of humor, but I'm sure if you try real hard I may just find you amusing at the very least.

  159. I take people like david and....well I'm sure you know the rest

  160. Wonderful, I'm being impersonated now.


  161. Not the UKan needs my defense. But you really just look ignorant when you say stuff like this. People are what they are, regardless of your personal opinion.

    /Yawn Is that all you have to say? UKan is what he is: A pawn on my chessboard. So are you, Haven

  162. "Ha, you toys are so easy to play with /wink"

    Bored now.


  163. Awwww, crumbs!

    Ha, I got you on the ropes now Kanney. /torture

  164. Feel free to go back to ignoring me UKan.

  165. You sure do a lot of winking, Demon. You're such a flirt. But not a charming one. How on earth have you survived this long on planet Earth?

  166. Nothing makes me want to pluck out a woman's eyes so much as excessive winking.

  167. That's the worst about these forums, you don't know who's who half the time. It has to be UKan impersonating me. That little fuckwit must have nothing better to do with his time. So much for him having a wife. If he does, then she must be one fucking ugly bitch considering he spends more time on here than with her.

  168. What are your thoughts on game theory, Demon? ME posted a wiki link, so I'm sure by now you're an expert in the field.


  169. You sure do a lot of winking, Demon. You're such a flirt. But not a charming one. How on earth have you survived this long on planet Earth

    Ha! You are already walking into my trap. Every wink is another step into my dungeon of terror /smirk

  170. "Nothing makes me want to pluck out a woman's eyes so much as excessive winking."


  171. So, demon, noticed you're really open about a lot, but you seem afraid of talking about your childhood in relation to your parents.

  172. "How on earth have you survived this long on planet Earth?"

    She's from Australia; she has probably never seen another human being. Just sheep. And spiders.

  173. "Ha! You are already walking into my trap. Every wink is another step into my dungeon of terror /smirk"

    You're the best demon by far! :D


  174. What are your thoughts on game theory, Demon? ME posted a wiki link, so I'm sure by now you're an expert in the field.

    I don't waste my time with theories /sigh

    I have real games. Games that will make you cringe. Once you are my toy, it begins. Knives, forks, pancakes, pans, everything goes. Syrup maybe, but not blueberries /wink

  175. @Rosie O'Dumdum: in the past day and a half, the regulars in the comment section have coaxed you to reveal where you live, that you illegally collect disability payments- a crime for which you could be imprisoned-and you have admitted to several crimes, including murder. And now, you have posted a photo archive featuring a picture of your apartment building. All of this, on a blog called "sociopath world". Do you have any idea how much trouble you could be in?

    It is ill-advised for guppies to swim among sharks. Quit while you still can, dumdum.

  176. "So, demon, noticed you're really open about a lot, but you seem afraid of talking about your childhood in relation to your parents."

    lol, sure babe, I'm afraid to talk about my childhood. Read some of my posts on Psychforums. All the info you could want on me is there under two usernames Demon and Iniquity.

  177. guys
    is it better to get sad or angry??


  178. So, demon, noticed you're really open about a lot, but you seem afraid of talking about your childhood in relation to your parents.

    What's there to say. I fiddled with my brother till he was old enough to be whipped. I used to torture dragon flies....Then I moved up to beetles.....Then well...I'm sure you can guess /raised eyebrow

  179. I don't follow links. Give me a synopsis, will you? What are your parents like?

  180. @ Alterstupid. I never confessed to murder nor do I live in any apartment building and any info I've shared here was voluntarily given by me. None of which you can even prove is honest. I was being honest, but that's beside the point. I have no fear here. I was asked questions and I simply answered them. I made that choice. People can say what they want about me. I don't give a shit. I have nothing to hide and I certainly have no fear of these so-called 'sharks' you claim are swimming in these waters. All I see are penguins. What can I say, I came here to feed. You have to give a little, to get a lot sometimes.


  181. @Rosie O'Dumdum: in the past day and a half, the regulars in the comment section have coaxed you to reveal where you live, that you illegally collect disability payments- a crime for which you could be imprisoned-and you have admitted to several crimes, including murder.

    /sigh You poor fool. That's what I wanted all along. The minute you find out everything about me....well....Let's just say I break my toys

    It is ill-advised for guppies to swim among sharks. Quit while you still can, dumdum.

    Yes, so what are you doing here puppy. I have you right where I want you: Eating out of my hand. /Cartwheel

  182. Where do you live? Do you have any roommates?


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