
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sociopath song: The thrill is gone


  1. That's real good stuff.

    Thanks, M. E.

  2. What you guys think of borderlines? I had a friend once who had BPD fucker was pathetic! They are hypersensitive to everything.I said to him once that i respected stalin and he got all touchy with me and start crying like a fucking baby LOL they are pathetic.

  3. My sister has BPD and so did my grandmother. I hate/hated spending any time around them. It's hard to work out what Borderlines are thinking, and yeah, if you say the wrong thing to them, they might start balling their eyes out or they might go off on you. I prefer people with predictable moods and personalities because it's so much easier to figure them out and know your way around them.

  4. what's so bad about being unpredictable? You socios are never happy, either people are too boring or too unpredictable. Make up your minds what you like. Seems that borderlines aren't the only unpredictable/inconsistent ones.

  5. I think there is one or two around here that are BPD.

  6. i have some of the traits, yes.

  7. I didn't mean you Notme, but why don't you tell us about what it's like maybe it will give us an idea how to relate. And by the way, I'm not a minipulator.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. How does that make one a 'sick little fuck'?

  10. Speaking of sick little fucks, what are some of the qualities that you would find sick?
    I can't imagine, this is interesting.

  11. The traits i value in myself are arrogance,dominance and vanity etc i discard the sick ones like being dependent on another person.

  12. me too, any parasitic form is disgusting, a lot of bpd's are. Socios who are parasitic as opposed to in charge are also sicklings

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. a wo/man who can't live independently yet gets offended every little shit by her/his provider... yep, parasitic, yikes

  15. bpd's would kill all else till no money left before killing themselves

  16. Good traits to have if they really lead anywhere but prison.
    Once your there your whole existance will revolve around what other people tell you to do.

  17. This I Know

    I have five of the traits, which is the minimum required, (not full-blown BPD). But i'm Histrionic too, they are related of course.

    'sick little fucks' - cheers GRK.

    I do have my limits as to what I take. I've never been in an abusive relationship, I care too much about myself. I wish I cared less actually.

    I don't deny i am attracted to a certain type of male, yes. So?
    Without people like me, you wouldn't be getting much.

    dependency? you are dependent on others whether you admit it or not. the style of dependency is neither here nor there.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Incompetence disgusts me.

  21. no, notme, people are not as dependent on others as say someone who lives with her parents and takes a walk home drunk. that's how dependency is created. unable to stay out of shit on your own and leave it all to luck

  22. Enjoying being told what to do does not make you 'dependent'. Yes, one tends to come with the other but not always and they are seperate things.

    GRK, you are an utter twat.

  23. Narcissist disgust me.
    Stupis irratates me.

  24. your writing is very impressive, hilarious, so in conflict with what you are saying or major self-irritation

  25. Living a parasitic life style isn't disgusting, it's smart, it's advancement. Taking and then giving in return, is like 1 step forward 2 steps back.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Anon

    Are you saying I live with my parents. I don't, so I don't know where you got that from. I'd rather jump off a balcony than live with them. (they have many balconies too, so the temptation would be dangerous).

    unwarranted, irrational arrogance is pretty silly too. talking of sick fucks GRK.

    Oh look, I'm being reduced to insults, how mature of me.

    this is know.

    I'm with you on narcissists. Though they're all bark and no bite. I find them amusing to watch. If only my dad wasn't one then I'd find them even more entertaining.

  28. LOL, making a point abou taking ones self to seriously only causes failure in one way or another.

  29. 'your writing is very impressive, hilarious, so in conflict with what you are saying or major self-irritation'

    Anon, for the love of god, make sure you include the name of the person you are addressing. Failing that, at least write a sentence that makes full sense. I don't mean to be rude, but it helps the flow of the thread.

    'major self-irritation' huh?

  30. oh, you were talking to GRK. I apologise.

  31. They are amusing in small doses.
    They always have to be bigger, better, stronger, sicker, weaker so on. Look what I can do.
    I work with one and it's past amusing it's very tiring.

  32. GRK

    Were you Fatcock as well?

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. I worked with one two. We fought like school kids. I tolerated him cos I'm drawn to drama, but others left him well alone. He did disgust me, and made me aggressive.
    But i never took his insults to heart, weirdly enough for me.
    I just couldn't believe humans like him existed. He'd call me crazy and i'd say 'so what are you?' He lowered the tone of the whole place.

  35. you are really cute notme. it really is hard not to like you. son of a gun.

  36. BPD song of the day -

  37. The one I work with is first in command, I'm second and the drama is what gets to me. Strangly it makes me calmer for the most part. I've been working with her for almost eight years.
    She is a big joke to all the workers and they ignore her when she talks to them, so she trys to make more drama and she's laughed at behind her back.
    I can't imagine what it was like to have a father or mother who think they are the only ones that matter.

    The bigger they are the harder they fall.

  38. that sounds like histrionic

  39. Oh thanks 36 :)

    that video's got Dennis fucking Pennis in it!!! :)

  40. I looked up histrionic and it gave a short explanation, seems very sexually related. She surrounds herself with gay males and talks about them like they all think she's the cutest thing, she's not even close to cute.

    Whats the difference between histrionic and narciccisim?

  41. I think the fox news journalist bill o reilly is a sociopath.

  42. GRK I was going to talk someone into suicide on the internet, but I found out that it's considered serial killing. I try to keep myself from falling down that rabbit hole.
    When I was 18 I told my friends how awesome it would be to make someone kill themself. We were painting the inside of a new shop we rented. One of them turned and looked at me horrified and his girlfriend said, "you are fucking sick. That is a sick thing to think about." I tried to defend myself and she kept going on, so I said I was kidding. She still went on about ot saying "You weren't kidding, you were excited. I saw it on your face." I hate when people get horrified and call me sick. Later when I got arrested for something big the newspaper interviewed her and she called me "Crazy". She later denied it. She slept with me after I got out. Now who's crazy?

  43. you're both crazy. did you have a super-crazy baby too?

  44. LOL notme.
    If the person being manipulated knows they are and plays back can you tell that they are/
    And is it still fun or the games over?

  45. If sombody wants to die, they don't deserve to live. There's nothing sick about it.

  46. I can't watch that link you posted with Dennis Pennis, apparently. What's the artist/song of it?

    Beepers (bpd) are simultaneously the best and worst people to be around, in my book. They are incredibly passionate and lively at times, tend to put a lot of emphasis on charm and pleasure, and usually speak their mind. Other times they are incredibly malevolent, depressive, withdrawn, and infuriatingly stubborn. It's almost impossible to reason with them once they've formed an opinion of some thing or person, and it's usually either utter praise, or demonization.

    My only gripe was the one I dated wasn't very good in bed. I doubt that's a beeper trait, though. Regardless of all the shit we went through, out of all my exs, she's the only one I would consider rekindling with. There's just so much ... god, I can't think of the word, but they have a lot of it. It's almost intoxicating, and they're basically the antithesis of what I am. I think it was Medusa who said the Beeper and Antisocial were like North and South ends of magnets.

  47. the narc at work was never promoted to superviser, even though he'd been around longer than others and was one of the best at sales. I found it odd. I figured he was seen as a loose canon or something. He was a funny one. bless.

    This is know, I don't know the difference, but apparently they are quite similar and one pertains to females and the other to males. It's more about gender role differences and less about the fundamental difference in the two disorders. Both are about intimacy issues and deriving self-worth from the opposite sex.

  48. reflekt - need to feel loved.

  49. My girlfriend is well aware she is being manipulated 80 percent of the time. She doesn't care. Its not that I try to or that its fun. I can't help but manipulate everyone around me. She's helped me see that almost everything I do is a power move. I try not to sometimes, but I guess its me.

  50. Do you sociopaths ever have black moods? Socially withdraw depression?

  51. histrionic vs narcissts.. the key difference is that histrionic is needy, clingy and dramatic, often providing to remain the center of attention. narcissist typically deserves and gets a lot of attention, can be abusive in an aggressive way. histrionic is more like bpd than narcissist, whereas narcissist is more like aspd.

    histrionics ar huge drama queens. They exaggarate the degree of intimacy in relationships. They may buy very expensive gifts and imagine being in a relationship when the other party may only think of them some weirdo fan.

  52. That's the way I look at it Misanthrope. I really don't want to end up in the papers with the public screaming for my blood. I know sociopaths are susceptible (spell checker?) to serial killing and its my biggest fear. It seems this suicide thing would be a gateway drug. I would start talking people into suicide all over the place. I already am addicted to crash dummying people.

  53. Do you sociopaths ever have black moods? Socially withdraw depression?

    That's a good question. I don't think I've been sad a day in my life, or what that's even like, but I definitely become socially withdrawn at times.

    I don't enjoy going to large social events, or interacting with a lot of people that I don't know on a very intimate level. I get "peopled out" by crowds, and I think some level of it may be anxiety of not knowing who they are, or what impression I'm giving them. This of course is detached speculation, after the fact, not what's consciously going on in my head. That's usually, "I want to get the fuck out of here."

    It might be part paranoia, on an irrational level. I can't tell.

    Strangely enough, I don't like being with just one person either. My preferred crowd is either zero, or two or more people. I find it disparaging spending exorbitant amounts of time with just one person, and I'm not sure why that is.

  54. i've never been anything other than what i am, and if i ever was, I don't remember it. lol, make sense of that.

    what i mean, is that you people talk about 'beepers' like they are a rare breed, when it's all i've ever known. It's like when people say to me, 'are you a romantic?' I can barely muster the patience to say, 'yes, obviously, why, isn't everyone!?!'

    It's annoying to realise that others don't deal with the same intensity of feelings as I do.

  55. I can relate i never get anxious when i talk to people and even job interviews are easy for me but i have a fear of being publicly humiliated.I think it's more so the anticipation of it though cause when someone ever tries to make little of me in front of people i handle the situation extremely well.It's as if when i argue with someone time slows down and i can plan every move out carefully or else just try to fuck with the person.

  56. Er, what exactly was your direction for that post? General frustration, or frustration directed at one or more of us?

    If you think it's frustrating to realize that people aren't feeling nearly what you are, imagine what it's like to feel virtually nothing but anger on occasion while they rest of the world is spinning their emotional settings to whatever dial they fancy at the time... Sometimes it's a relief, other times, you get tired of the same damn channel, day in and day out, broadcasting the same effin' reruns.

  57. "It seems this suicide thing would be a gateway drug. I would start talking people into suicide all over the place."

    I think that it would be even more addictive then actual serial killing. Holding someone's life in you're hands, deciding wether they live or die, all by uttering a few of the right words. It would probably make you feel like God.

  58. general frustration.

    I love you Noti. ;)

  59. are there any here who identify as socios who have fallen in love?

    also: what is crash dummying?

  60. @Anon: Yes, there are.

    ME talks about it here.

    I talk about it here.

  61. crash dummying, i assume, is when you use somone else to take the bullet while you get off scot free.

    i dunno...

  62. i've eaten nothing all day and it's almost midnight here. too late.

  63. First of all don't listen to Not Able. He's a tool.
    Crash dummying is where you manipulate people to do violent acts for you thinking they will gain your approval. Sometimes people send them on suicide missions so we call them crash dummies.

  64. "imagine what it's like to feel virtually nothing but anger on occasion while they rest of the world is spinning their emotional settings to whatever dial they fancy at the time... Sometimes it's a relief, other times, you get tired of the same damn channel, day in and day out, broadcasting the same effin' reruns."

    Thats a great way to describe it, Notable.

    I've never fallen in love. I'm not saying that I'm definitely incapable of it, it's just never happened and probably never will. I have been very possessive over a few girls in the past though. I imagine that love is same as possessiveness, only amplified.

  65. go eat something sweetie.

  66. Like when Not Ables friends talked him into beating up a kid cuz he was black. Or when I talked mike into attacking his ex friend.

  67. there's nothing at home. i might check to see any late night places that are open. or i'll just waste away... hmm, options.

  68. I'm an empath and this really spoke to me:
    "imagine what it's like to feel virtually nothing but anger on occasion while the rest of the world is spinning their emotional settings to whatever dial they fancy at the time... Sometimes it's a relief, other times, you get tired of the same damn channel, day in and day out, broadcasting the same effin' reruns."
    Wow... This does make sense. Hilarious, this is. Because next to an HPD this is exactly how I feel. All this shit is relevant.

  69. notme... see, if you were independent you'd not get caught in this situation. duhhh

  70. boil some pasta... that you don't have either?

  71. @ notable--thanks for the links.

    @ ukan--thanks for the explanation.

  72. Ukan, did you think Mike could get killed? that's a shitty thing to do.

  73. 'notme... see, if you were independent you'd not get caught in this situation. duhhh'

    true. i'm no better than a baby sometimes. note, 'sometimes.' :)

  74. You mean like the time that you said I attacked someone who was black with a fake anonymous ID or when I reinforced the idea you stated that using glass would be more personal than a knife?

    Talked me into beating someone up... you all of people should know we don't need to be talked into it. Just a convenient excuse.

    What's it like being a black drug dealer in the UK, anyway? Is it everything I dreamed of? How much do grills go for nowadays? Or are those passé/more American? You mentioned your girlfriend losing a substantial amount of weight due to you killing her sense or morals and what's right and wrong. Was she a fat honky bitch with a bangin' ass? You must have been so disappointed.

  75. "Ukan, did you think Mike could get killed? that's a shitty thing to do."

    heh, are you being sarcastic?

  76. I am in love. It's possession. It's obsession. We are pretty happy though. I like having her around.
    I was destroying her so much I started getting worried. She stopped eating. She got depressed. Sociopaths love is twisted. I didn't realize all the shit I was putting her through. I didn't know she felt I controlled even how she thought.
    She tells me I'm the devil. She is a angel. She's nice and goes out of her way for people. She's unfortunately studying psychology so I'm going to be in for it soon.

  77. no Misanthrope, not sarcastic.
    god forbid anyone should express some semblance of goodness in this hell-hole of a place.

  78. Not Able you can't use my tactics on me because everything you said is wrong. I'm not black, I don't live in the UK and my girlfriend is rail thin. As I always have said, you have the intuition of a victim.

  79. No I didn't know what would happen to him. How would I know I'm not psychic. Don't you want to be entertained?

  80. Sounds like me and my ex, Ukan. I lost a ton a weight and stopped eating, and he noticed. Not sure how much he got the connection between him and my appetite.

    Only difference is I refuse to be like your girlfriend, so it didn't work out. I don't mind being a little submissive, but not like that. I don't want to be like her.

    I wonder what goes through her head about you.

  81. Love is the opposite of possession, by the way.

  82. 'Don't you want to be entertained?'

    not quite like that, although i like entertainment, i can make compromises.

  83. Not Able you can't use my tactics on me because everything you said is wrong. I'm not black, I don't live in the UK and my girlfriend is rail thin. As I always have said, you have the intuition of a victim.

    You just fell for one of your own tactics, dumbass.

  84. Love is subjective. People can't describe it because its different for everyone. You can't tell me how I feel love.
    Its about balance for her Medusa. She calls me a 'destructive force'. The way she sees it is that the world needs creative and destructive forces to balance the world out.

  85. I get information Not Able. You get nothing but crumbs. You can hardly make a sandwich by knowing what I am not. Do something amazing or stop playing the role. You are not me.

  86. The way she sees it is that the world needs creative and destructive forces to balance the world out.

    There's a difference between being a destructive being in general and being destructive towards the one you 'love'.

    Nothing wrong with her philosophy when taken a face value, but it sounds like a justification in terms of a relationship?

    Though, yes, it's true, a person can't really judge another's relationships. If everyone is happy and content, then whatever.

  87. is anyone out to his/her boyfriend or girlfriend about being socio? if so, do you think it makes a difference (for better or worse?)

    if too personal, please disregard.

  88. And you're too arrogant to realize you're not the only person like you. What do you think you are around here, the diamond in the rough? The end all, be all of sociopaths? You're not the special case, you're common.

    You don't know where I live, my ethnicity, my age, what type of work I do or my past "criminal" experiences. All you know are the two times I was excessively violent. You know less about me than I know about you. I've seen your posts in the archives. You don't play your cards nearly as close to the table as you'd like to think.

    The fact that you think I'd even want to be like you is hilarious. Why you think anyone would want to be like you is beyond me.

    But do keep on the drivel and the tough guy act. You're my daily entertainment. I'm going to become pudgy from all the popcorn.

  89. I keep thinking that Ukan's nightclub is called "Bada Bing".

  90. Relationships are about knowing and accepting each other for who you are. The good and the bad. When we met she slowly was pulled into my world, and she was naive. I had to give her some reality about how people really are or she would mess things up for me. I went a little to far because I was trying to force her to think like me. It was destructive, but unintentional.
    Now I'm making a mask of her goodness. I mimic her. She tells me everyday how I'm becoming more human. I gave a kid money at the market the other day after working. He was selling misletoe. I asked him what his cause was and was thinkin of recruiting him. This is what my girl expected. He told me his cause was a new xbox. I laughed and gavem half of what he needed. He was happy. Instead of manipulating him I walked away. She asked me why I did it and I said I wanted him to stay doing legitimate things and not ruin his life. She was so thrilled. I think people need to hear lies and see you a certain way. This is the contradiction, because if you have to accept people for who they are what is a sociopath? A glass shattered into a thousand different shards. Each reflecting on someone else.

  91. My girlfriend is well aware she is being manipulated 80 percent of the time. She doesn't care. Its not that I try to or that its fun. I can't help but manipulate everyone around me. ... We are pretty happy though. I like having her around.

    I'm with you. My husband is completely aware that I have some manipulative traits and that I'm not particularly feeling. I told him the first week we were dating that I'm highly manipulative and told him to be aware of that. It's just me, and he gets that. In fact, at this point he craves it.

  92. Not Able please to go eat your popcorn. Fucking with you in here has become boring to me. Even GRK is smarter than you.
    Bada bing, that's funny. Its not a strip club though. I thought of expanding into strip clubs, but vice is all over that.

  93. But doesn't she see through your bullshit? Does she, and stays with you anyway, or does she prefer to turn a blind eye?

    If she does see through it, what's the point of putting up a front? And if not, are you ever frightened that she will grow tired of turning a blind eye?

    Relationships are about knowing and accepting each other for who you are.

    Right, but you just said you put up a front for her: a mimicry, a 'mask of goodness'?

    You were who you were at the beginning for her, but that didn't work out. So you now you are what you are not?

  94. Not Able I just got started smoking this weed. You are in trouble. You better go put some butter on that popcorn

  95. Give him a break Medusa, he's just trying. Sooner or later he'll get tired of being the good guy, the legit guy, and be the loathsome, terrible bastard he always is, 24/7. She'll resent him, cry, and think about putting her fading, worn out ring into the toilet and flushing it away with everything else, but be too scared to leave for her own safety. She'll probably commit suicide or cheat on him obsessively to fill the void he can never give her while he counts his money and watches his back.

  96. Ukan,
    Does your girlfriend know that you post on here and if so does she read it?

  97. Well the fantasy is that the right love can make someone 'want to be a better man'.

    Maybe it's true in some cases.

  98. Exactly medusa. Your last sentance. I tried the empathetic way of having a successful realtionship. I was open and honest. How do you tell someone your a monster? I told her in a way that I embraced it. She can't take the truth though. I think it would be better if she sees hope in me. Wouldn't you prefer a better version of the truth? I think I would if I couldn't do anything about it. Its not quite a lie I guess it would be more like changing the paint on your house.

  99. Notably Pathetic why are you so obsessed with UKan's life? What does it mean to you and why do you think he cares what you, or anyone else, thinks of how he conducts it? Why does anyone here think they need to commentate and judge the actions of another? None of us are in a position to judge anyone else. That is not what these discussions should be about.

  100. Obsessed? Hardly. Bored? Very.

    You can't use "us" with an anonymous ID and be taken remotely serious.

  101. Pythias: She took me here. I didn't even know there was such thing as blogs till she showed me this site. She doesn't read it anymore. When she was here it was before UKan existed. It was boring intellectual masterbation. The commentors were really boring and all the same. I used to read the comments, but not say anything. I learned about them for weeks. Then I came in here one day as UKan and caused a bunch of chaos so we can get a more entertaining crowd. Now you guys are here and we can talk about fun stuff.

  102. You can't have a name like Notable Path and get taken seriously. Just saying. I saw the name and I knew you were my next mark.

  103. Notably Pathetic - The word that you are struggling to reach for is "seriously", not "serious".

  104. A anonimous gramerr nazi no les. im shakin in ma bootz.

  105. just had some food.

    then i went to the bathroom.

    now i'm sitting down on the couch.

    with a cigarette.

    so Ukan, you admit you like Notable. kissy-kissy

  106. Thanks Ukan. Interesting. I lurked a bit for a few months before posting and I agree that the discussions are currently better than older ones.

  107. I'm his mark. It's adorable. His object of attention. I can't say anything without him commenting on it. You're like one of those young boys who needs to pick on the girls he likes. Awww, what a cutie.

    But I belong to notme, sorry Charlie. You'll have to find your knight in shining armor elsewhere. Feel free to vomit and spew your normal garbage at your pleasure. It adds to the scenery and leaves a smell to remember. One of... note.

  108. I remember that you popped in already up on game. I figured you used anons first.

  109. Hurray for fake blog relationships.

    Apparently works as a great defense.

  110. Hello, Medusa :) How have you been?

  111. I remember when medusa came in here, ha ha. She's got a lot of fire. I like her.

  112. don't dismiss it Medusa.
    go on, pick someone.
    but not Notable, he's mine.

  113. notme, UKan earlier said That is not me. I thought that was cute. I also thought that's how I feel about Notable and that you two are in this virtual love, it all is so fitting. Notable is 'not me' for most and you are 'notme' for Notable.... Happy happy love story.

    So, what did you eat? Frozen dinner?

  114. what the fuck? Its a muppet!

  115. i'll admit I didn't understand that.

    Yeah, I had some crappy chicken burger from a late night place. I was in there with some druggies and had eyes in the back of my head. Didn't know what they'd do to me. Plus I had to navigate through a pitch-black route to get there and back. Fun times.

  116. Yep, that's me, UKan: Kinky Aerianne.

  117. I think half of these bitches belong at lovefraud they have that uptight attitude about them

  118. Ha ha ha its brilliant! Just mention anything to do with bondage and aerianne pops in. I love this town

  119. 'I think half of these bitches belong at lovefraud they have that uptight attitude about them'

    yeah, whatever...

    calling them bitches isn't uptight at all.~

  120. That's because you like weak women, because your weak. Strong people enjoy each others company.

  121. Everything you say never makes sense.

  122. Hi, Aerianne. I've been busy getting shit done. I hope you've been well.

  123. I do enjoy the company of strong people. If I were going to divide the population into halves, that would be the determination; strong/weak.

  124. hehe, Ukan's on a roll. :)

    nothing I say makes sense Anon?
    ooh dear. sawwie.

  125. Strong/weak put a bullet through their mush and they drop.

  126. Medusa, yes, I've been well. Thank You.

  127. Would you like to here a story about my first encounter with a dominatrix, arie?

  128. To clarify, I was talking about strength of character vs. weakness of character.

  129. Im trolling some borderlines on you-tube kills boredom :)

  130. haha GRK, maybe you were trolling me there you rascal.

    What were you doing, telling them that suicide is always an option?

  131. A long time ago I was at a underground party tha went into the morning. I was making money but I got bored so I decided to start fucking with people. I was doing silly things like telling girls to get guys to buy them drinks, and giving to me. I did this three times and I found a girl who had three guys that she had going on at once in three different rooms all buying her drinks. I told her, ha a fellow parasite. So we went off together and started manipulating everybody and fucking with them. After a while I had to get back to work. A hour later I see this old man, a high paying client, getting beaten up by this same girl. I was shocked. She was punching him and kicking him against the fence. I was thinking wow this bitch is colder than I am. I walked over to her and told her this was my client, so she should calm down. She told me he liked getting beaten up....I looked at him and he says, " yeah man I love it." After that I think I decided I had seen everything. She proceeded to give him a black eye and a bloody nose. Then she told him to giver her some money and he handed to her and she spat on him. She treated everyon like shit except me which I thought was honorable. My associate got caught by security and I had to help him. I had her hold on to something for me and I went over to help. I watched her go out the gate and stop. She changed her mind and came back in. She gave it back to me after the commotion. She asked me why I trusted her and I told her that I knew how she thought because she was like me. Money doesn't matter because we can get it anywhere. People like us are rare and I knew she wouldn't ruin the opportunity to remember it like that. I never saw her after that but I heard she became a addict unfortunatly.

  132. UKan, I wonder how she'd classify out in the strength vs. weakness division.

  133. notme your borderline? Ha I didn't notice i wasn't reading the comments.

    Nah i don't tell the vulnerable minded too kill themselves at any chance for obvious reasons but i don't blame the paths who do.It could be a hell of a rush.

    People say that 4% of the populace are psychopathic but i am sure were i live it's a far more rare occurrence for the reason being that i myself am the most ruthless person i know.

  134. lol GRK, if you weren't reading the comments then what were you doing? maybe there's a lesson in there somewhere...

    Aerianne, what happened to the toast day? just wondering.

  135. She was weak. A weak sociopath is not by any means weak minded. They are weaker in impulse control, but the manipulation and cleverness is still high. She had picked up a guitar at the after party and played a random tune and started singing in this amazing voice. There were no lyrics but even I was moved. The whole crowd came over and sat around. This guy and his girlfriend were even arguing about it because she wanted to go home and he wanted to hear her sing. She suddenly stopped and laughed at everyone. She told them they were all sheep and left.

  136. That was my thought, UKan. She exhibited some strengths but the fact that she became an addict showed her weakness. Pity.

  137. There were no votes except yours and Notes, so I took down the poll, notme.

  138. You know what if any sociopaths here go off the deep end make a new name and clear your internet historry and stop going to this site. For your protection and ours it would be smart.

  139. that's cos no one else heard about it. perhaps we should just do it more improptu, since i don't think many people here stick to plans much. :)

  140. She was self destructive. The only thing I can see that mattered about her was the music.
    What a waste .
    She could have made a reputation with that but I guess it didn't matter to her.
    Thats haed for me to understand.

  141. Yes, notme. I propose that you propose a toast at random times as you will, lol.

  142. Can aspies be misdiagnosed as sociopaths?

  143. I'll drink to that, Aerianne.

    this i know, what style of personality do you have, by the way? Anything not classified as neuro-typical, or on the fringes? I've wondered.

    I can hypothesize why she didn't bother.

    When it comes to artistic or creative endeavors, lots of us (and I'm speaking for 'us' as the feedback of several other sociopathic individuals here) get bored very easily. We love to create and have fun, but eventually become bored. It's very rare to stick with one obsession or passion for the long haul. Usually we pick something up, have fun, excel at a fast rate, and then drop it for another time when we feel like it. I'm not sure if this is universally sociopathic, or just myself and a few other individuals here.

  144. me too Notable. I wanted to be a songwriter, learnt guitar for two years, hours of practise a day, then ditched it. My aunt is an artist, and she says i'm good enough to be one, but i average a sketch once every two years and i just shrug my shoulders when she tells me to go to art school etc.

    I write poetry, but i don't want to or care about becoming professional.

    I think people with PDs often have natural talents, but for me, everyday life gets in the way.
    I have a lot of dreams, not unrealistic, but i just don't follow through with them.

    i lack long-term focus i guess.

  145. anon 5:52: i've heard that aspies can be misdiagnosed with personality disorders. schizoid tends to be the highest misdiagnosis, but apparently some have been diagnosed with aspd.

    it probably works the reverse too--some socios have neuro-issues (over and undersensitive to pain, sound, light; hidden learning disabilities; difficulty reading facial expressions, etc.)

  146. I would think that a psychologist would in general be more comfortable diagnosing a sociopath with Aspergers or SPD than the other way around, if they weren't absolutely certain.

    Schizoid is an interesting PD, and the fact that they are axing it from the DSM is pissing off a lot of people in the psychology community. They are definitely off-beat in their own ways, and I can see someone who is sociopathic being misdiagnosed as Schizoid relatively easily. Emotional flatness and a general disinterest for others, and being naturally anti-social.

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  148. Why do normals love, get addicted to socio's? Answer's a no brainer. Just check out the dynamics here. It's their stories. Who needs Bukowski?

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  150. It's very rare for me to approach anything remotely close to being sorry. I think the closest thing it comes to is being disappointed or mad that I fucked up my image or expectations that someone has for me. What they fell doesn't pull any heart strings, just so long as I can mend it as quick as possible and get on with life.

    People tend to take things very personal when they aren't. That's sort of a consequence of being the main character in your own story of life. If someone isn't being obviously malevolent, I try to figure out what their perspective is for their actions. I also look but at things I've said or done and try to analyze if it possibly negatively affected them or my image to them, and approach them later to apologize if necessary. You can see it in their eyes, you know? Like wow, this person actually cares about me. It catches them off guard and makes them appreciate you more.

    Apologizing is a great tool if utilized properly. Taking ownership of your actions, if you will?

    @GRK: I don't have a high sex drive. It's not low either, just, selective if you will? It's sort of hard to explain. Sociopaths are known as promiscuous but there are a number who are somewhat asexual, due to being unable to derive an acceptable level of pleasure from intimacy.

  151. @ gagreflex---bukowski. thanks! that's who i've been trying to think of. there's a tense stream of consciousness to the stories here, and they're much more layered and intricate than the stories most people tell.

  152. “Boring damned people. All over the earth. Propagating more boring damned people. What a horror show. The earth swarmed with them.”

    'Some people never go crazy, What truly horrible lives they must live”


  153. There is a coldness in the air.

  154. What you all got planned for the holiday season? I might just sit in my room being antisocial n all.

  155. my family don't celebrate christmas and they're away. so i'll be at my friend's for a bit.

    what is so stream of consciousness about it here? point to specifics. like, Ukan's story?

    is it cos we change topics a lot?

  156. Very few socio's on here seem to have any family of their own but the ones who do tend to have a better disposition.

    Sitting in your room being antisocial will be your own choice and sounds very boring.

  157. GRK and Notable. I think you two are NPDs.

  158. NPD...

  159. Fa la la la, la la la laaaaDecember 12, 2010 at 7:04 PM

    Don we now our gay apparel.

    (Whats up with that?)

    Oh the weather outside is frieghtful, but warm sex is so delightful, but if theres no one to blow,
    tex a hoe, tex a hoe, tex a hoe!

  160. @ notme: yes, in part ukan's story. it's very vivid, it could have happened yesterday. but i notice that most people seem very in-the-moment when they talk about things.

    it could be the change of topics. i don't know. it seems less linear here than average. i like it.

  161. I've looked into NPD. I don't meet the origin criteria for becoming one, nor some of the key traits and variants.

    I'm narcissistic, as is pretty much any sociopath, but not of the NPD vein. Thanks for the link, though,

  162. Can't ASPD and NPD be co-morbid? Sure they can be.

  163. welcome to my non-linear mind. it's pretty chronic. :)

    when i first got here, i had to adjust, since i'm usually less linear than this even.

    but yes, maybe that's why it's fun being here, i never thought about that.

    it's related to people's mindsets here, most certainly. If we are types who are easily bored, we change it up a lot.

  164. I'm sure they can be, Anon, but "The narcissist is described as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity.," doesn't fit me.

    I have a realistic self-image about most facets of my life.

  165. Fa la la la la la la la laDecember 12, 2010 at 7:20 PM

    Jingle Bell time is the Hell Time to rock the night away...

  166. People are puzzles. They consist of thousands of details that create them as a person. Its easy to get bitter about the monotony of peoples emotions and predictability, but you would miss the truly amazing moments when someone does something unexpected. Biologically peoples minds work similiar to others with the same brain chemistry, however its the inevitable chaos of life that prints their mind forever.

  167. i forgot Anon, add in a large dollop of belated responses to previous comments too - that doesn't help with linearity. lol.

  168. Nope... Brain chemistry is now one of the biggest factors influencing behavior. And, quite different from one to another.

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  170. she told me i was special and i was much better than other children.

    No one would have ever guessed.~

  171. my mum tried to pull that one on me. i had the sense to say, 'mum, but i'm not better than anyone else.' yay me, cookie pwease.

    Actually, it's pretty sweet to have someone love you that much, but it's not necessarily helpful.

    When I become a mum, I'll see what nonsense I get up to...

  172. I saw the pictures and I could see how you developed. Pain into anger. Bottom right to the top left one. I thought the album was a piece of art.

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  174. GRK, is she trying to throttle you in that picture?

    you were a cute kid. serious, but cute.

  175. i want an mp3 of those christmas carols.

  176. Hello HavenNyx.

    Nice to see a fellow Borderline here. I've been the token one here for a while. hehe.

    Yes, sociopathic leanings, i understand that. Except I'm also highly sensitive/empathic. So, mixed bag.


  177. oh no, has she dissapeared?

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  180. I’m BPD but hypersensitive or emotional are the last things anyone would think to call me. I actually thought I had sociopathic leanings until my psych told me I was BPD with a Dissociative Disorder. The dissociative disorder means I don’t feel feelings properly so whatever that means. I only know one other BPD and while, yes, she is rather sensitive her creativity and intelligence are striking.

  181. ::smiles:: Thanks. I've been following this blog for a while now and I'm utterly intrigues. I'm an odd mix. I'm not sensitive, VERY empathic, but generally I just don't care for whatever reason. It's def a mixed bag, I'll give you that for sure. Cheers.

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  183. Sociopaths and BDPs go together quite well, actually.

    From what I've heard anecdotally, neither get along very well with each other in a physical relationship longterm (meaning socio & socio, beeper & beeper).

  184. Dissociative disorder - that is very interesting that you mention that. (if i understand it correctly).
    Since i was a child, i felt a bit dissociated from the world. (i described it as feeling a coldness from the world). I think it meant that it would have taken just a nudge to give at the very least, an impression of sociopathy about my feelings or lack thereof.

    I'm glad you came. Could you define dissociation for me, just so i'm clear?

  185. The wiki articles on beepers talk about dissociation and many other parts fairly in depth. Does it match your personality/experiences? And to HavenNyx, do those articles differ from your experiences or what your psychologist explained to you?


    For you Notable

    (soz, don't do proper links)

  187. That brings back some good memories :)

  188. i know.

    dissociation is a weird one. I think that when you're in it, you may not realise it. i don't even want to think about it tbh. sucks too much. i wonder if it ever goes away too. ah, who cares.

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  190. This is what I wrote of dissociation before I knew it was a diagnosable thing I could 'have'...
    I feel like I’m waiting for something, but I’m not sure what. It feels like I’m watching someone else performing my actions from a body that I recognize should be mine. There are feelings or emotions, but they are felt two feet to the left and not directly by the consciousness I recognize as my own.
    Sometimes I feel like I'm in the wrong body. Like I'm watching myself, my body, do things from someone else's perspective. Cognitively I know it's my body but the person that feels what's going on is somewhere else. My feelings are gone. Here, but part of me is left somewhere else, on the outside, not inside me where it belongs. Going through the motions of what I know I would normally do but without any connection to the motivating forces that would drive me to do these things.

    Sleep walking through my own consciousness.

  191. 'And that's not pointed at notme you seem to have adapted well enough.'

    and what is that supposed to mean exactly GRK?

  192. The wiki has it pretty spot on. There are days I feel like everything is too bright, to close, to in focus... those are the 'living in a movie' kinds of feelings. Mostly I feel removed, like I"m watching the interactions of my life through a pain of glass.

    @notme... I have to disagree about not knowing when you experience it. I always know. With depersonalization/derealization you can 'check in', know you're functioning in the world, you just don't have a connection to the things going on.

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  194. that's very interesting and a good desciption. I don't think I have that. (but then, i can't be 100% of what's going on in me).

    Does it go away HavenNyx?
    How long have you felt like that?

  195. GRK, about self harm. To 'do it properly' isn't generally about killing yourself. It rarely ever is, in fact. I am a self-injurer and I love it. It freaks people the hell out, but I love my scars. It reminds me I'm alive to see the blood run down my limbs. My scars are beautiful, battlewounds that remind me I am alive and can still affect change within my world.


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