
Monday, May 10, 2010

Sociopath quotes

"When freedom is outlawed, only outlaws will be free. The outlaw lives as if that day were here, and I love that most of all."

— Tom Robbins [Still Life with Woodpecker]


  1. Psychophant i was offended by that song. You are just a fat bitch. The fact that you seem to know lots of things is nothing. All the fat bitches your age seek refuge in knowledge because they have nothing else to put up.

    The fact that you consider yourself a sycophant is normal, because how else are you going to get what you want? No one likes you or even looks at you in a room with people. So you have to act like a great person so that you would get accepted.

    The self-worth that you are feeling is nothing but you deceiving yourself.

    If i was your friend i would convince you to kill yourself.

  2. "Psychophant i was offended by that song."

    Aaaaaawwwww, you gonna cry?

    "All the fat bitches your age seek refuge in knowledge because they have nothing else to put up."

    Have you seen her blog? It's just a series of dictionary definitions. She doesn't know anything. I guess she has absolutely nothing to offer.

  3. Shut the fuck up Misanthrope. I was just stating it so that she wouldn't think that i said that for nothing.

    And she said that she is all into knowledge and self-worth yesterday.

    Stupid fuck, what's your part in this play? Are you her fucking superman or something ?

  4. "Are you her fucking superman or something ?"

    No, I'm Misanthrope.

  5. To quote me correctly, Mike, one would report that I said I have an "unfaltering knowledge of self-worth", which is something you might aspire to for yourself one day.

    As for my "blog", Misanthrope, it's tongue-in-cheek, if you understand that concept.

  6. As for my screen name, Psychopant, it's a throwback to a running joke among the regulars here at sociopathworld. If you care to troll the archives, Mike, you will find it referenced several times. It's really a shame that you've had no basis to relate to it's humor.

    Do you have a sense of humor, Mike, or an understanding of sarcasim? I know some people don't have either, as has been attested to here several times before.

    The song I posted, So Many Mike, is written from that perspective. In fact, the whole premise of Peelander-Z's lyrics are humor, as is their stage show. There's no reason to be offended. The song just humorously points up what a common name Mike is in some parts of the world.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. *is humor (Grammar Nazi's don't get me, please!)

    It's difficult to say a fun thing around here, sometimes, with so many stern personalities sitting in keen judgement.~

  9. I'm so tired of the fat bitch's song.

    We know you aren't even slightly offended by anything, that's how you chose to live your life, ignoring offences. Saying "they don't know no better".

    As for the pathetic attempts to direct this at your charm, save it, that's what all fat bitches do.

  10. Mike finds me charming! That's awesome! Maybe his view isn't as skewed as I first thought. :D

  11. wow...that's what I can't stand about this blog sometimes. There's an influx of bullshit. I guess that's the nature of it though. People calling other people brilliant.

  12. None of it bothers me, Grace. I just consider the source.

  13. Actually, this "Mike" has all the earmarks of being a female hiding behind a male screen name.

  14. Mike said...
    "I'm so tired of the fat bitch's song."

    Really, I assumed it must be on your favorites list since you are the one who keeps cueing it up.

    La la la la la la
    la la la la la!

  15. Maybe he/she is young and doesn't know how to communicate yet. So to say things like..your fat or what did he say yesterday..a just a sign of imaturity. I have to remember this isn't a blog about nice people either. So that's on me.

  16. Good morning Psychophant, it's good to see you back even if under a new guise.

  17. But even the sociopaths, the ones I know around here, don't communicate like that, not usually. Sometimes UKan and Post can get down and dirty but there's a certain sophistication with them..I dare say. With Daniel too. omg.

    They don't zone in on fat...they go for the jugular with a sling blade. Yet they can be respectful as well. I like them. I'v learned a lot from them.

    Now I have to watch Sling Blade again.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Yes, Grace, there are some things about those guys and their reserve vs. reflex that makes them likable. I think that comes with emotional maturity.

    Of course, I may just say that because I'm just a Psychophant.~

  20. Tell me, if you want, what does Pschophant mean? I don't get it.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I'm fat too but I'm a guy and it looks good.I never felt the same about fat woman though, its never acceptable.If my wife looked like you I'd send her on a marathon.You said that you had an unfaltering self image , which has nothing got to do with being thick skinned.Picture Hugo Chavez exploding with anger to his underlings.Sociopaths are notoriously thin skinned young or old, they see themselves as godlike if they are a true sociopath.Everyone knows you are an easy target on here now, so I suggest you leave.We know what you look like and you did not fight back.The best medicine to counter a bully is to
    mirror him, if he shouts you shout,
    otherwise you are easy meat.

  23. Sure. Some months ago, someone posted a comment saying there was some sycophantic behavior here.

    A sycophant is someone who attempts to win favor by flattering influential people.

    I'm sure you've seen the references to there being groupies here; so I coined the term Psychophant, as a joke, to describe the psychopath groupie.

  24. I flatter influentail people too. But they flatter me as
    If they turn on me though forget it.

    Ok I get it now. Thanks.

    My therapist just suggested I look for some blogs on borderline personality disorder to help me deal with my mother. We are pretty sure she has it and I'm ready to break away from her altogether unless I get some help on how to handle myself around her. Can you suggest any? I can't even bother searching for one..I'm so feed up with her.

  25. Anonymous, are you deluded enough to presume that everyone takes you as seriously as you do yourself?

    Thanks for the laugh.

  26. That is why the unknown left, he bullied some of the weaker posters and got a taste of his own medicine.

  27. I believe that to you psychophant is more likely derived from elephant, if you catch my drift, lady.

  28. I think you meant thanks for the advice, you don't have natural survival skills, i can tell.

  29. "I'm fat too but I'm a guy and it looks good"

    You're wrong. Think that if want though...fool.

  30. Mike, it's understandable that you would believe that. When a person has little reference for intellectual concepts they are often forced to resort to attempting to understand the world on just the physical plane.

  31. Fat women typically give better blowjobs and know where all the good places to eat in town are. Why the hate?

  32. I bet she is so fat that she shits in the bathtub.

  33. love chubby women.

    I used to be chubby myself but I started jogging, for mental reasons, and lost it.

  34. what are you guys in third grade? fuck off with this.

  35. It's interesting how transfixed everyone has become because someone posted their photograph.

    I wonder why others seem so attached to anonymity.

    I've never, not even for a day, been ashamed of anything about who I am and I never will be.

    Mike and Anon can spend all the time they want posting away here and it will never affect my self-worth.

    However, I do think their time would be better spent in self-evaluation, or some psycho-therapy, to delve into the perplexing question of why they are fixated on someone else's on-line persona.

  36. It's interesting how transfixed everyone has become because someone posted their photograph.

    No it isn't. Wanting to look good, and wanting to only be around other people that look good is natural and normal.

    I know this isn't quite the same, but I guess some people take this a step furthur and avoid/dislike unattractive (fat) people even on blogs.

  37. 8=========D :) <<<< ur mom

  38. Grace what do you think treating her like your her mother would do.
    If that doesn't sound like it would help, break away it doesn't mean forever.

    Someone sounds like they need a spanking then a nap~ Two words come to mind, Parental Control.

  39. She might be off self harming lol.

  40. Anon, are you sure everyone here meets your aesthetic criteria? Maybe you should run along to a physical fitness blog where your interests will be better served.

    This blog is for the discussion of a personality disorder. It may be a bit too intellectually focused for you.

  41. Test show that good looking people get more opportunities than uglies. :3

  42. Live free or die. Really you only get one chance at this world. All there is, is to make the most of it. Be selfish, aim for the things that will make you happiest. The only temper need be that it doesn't lead to actions that will take away your ability to obtain the things you desire (ex. prison).

  43. Haven stfu and send me a nude.

  44. Anon, remember what happened the last time an unfunny troll came around? Troll better, or get the fuck off my internet. Srsly.

  45. Yes, HavenNyx, and there is a similar saying, Live and Let Live, which means you should be more concerned with pursuing your own happiness than wasting your time concerned with how someone else lives.

    Who cares what other people do if it doesn't have a direct impact on your life? I've never understood taking time away from your own life for that sort of thing.

  46. @Psychophant ... I couldn't agree more.

  47. To Post, danm Baby your good !

  48. "Anon, remember what happened the last time an unfunny troll came around? Troll better, or get the fuck off my internet. Srsly."

    The Sunlight Sociopath.

    Has a nice ring to it.

  49. or

    "Anon, remember what happened the last time an unfunny troll came around? Troll better, or get the fuck off my internet. Srsly."

    Internet Police Department


    Grom - The Defender


    Shinghai Samurai

  50. @PoMoSo
    was glenn careless and leave his name in a photo he used on his blogger account? went back to see but he'd already deleted all his posts...
    personally i'd prefer 'personality type' to 'personality disorder' ;)

    i think socios and BPDs are usually good looking. anyone agree / disagree? if true i wonder if it is only the nurtured ones or if perhaps the genes for it are associated with genes for physical attributes... prob the former but i'm sure there's no evidence. sorry rambling a bit now :)

  51. @Res: No, but he happens to use the name GRK on a site which had enough personal information to allow me to delve into his life. :D

    He shouldn't have posted an actual photo of himself on his Blogger profile, either.

  52. you mean you aren't actually the spit of jaques derrida?~

    actually i've been thinking about godel's incompleteness theorem - and wondered if you're familiar with it?

  53. The only place public to look would be mug shots ResC and their not my type.

    We should find away to post a childhood pic I'm sure there's one of each of us that we'd be proud to show.

  54. From what i remember from reading Martha Stout's Sociopath next door, i think she said that sociopaths are usually average looking but some of them may be blessed with good-looks, artistic tendencies and all sorts of other random characteristics but i don't remember anything bad except laziness and unwillingness to develop the innate gifts towards something constructive. :-??

  55. Post don't give out your secrets, I'm sure they'll be needed again.

  56. doesn't godel rely on the no middle ground axiom?
    but consider the statement pair:
    1. I am always right.
    2. statements 1 and 2 are both false.
    if all statements have to be either true or false and a logical framework must be consistent then statement 1 MUST be true (and statement 2 false). arrogant though i am, i know i'm not always right ;)

    also - i'm not sure godel's self referential statements that can't be proved actually have any information content. it's like they punch infinitely small holes in the landscape of knowledge.

  57. A logical framework need not be consistent. In fact, by the theorem, a logical system can only be consistent or complete, but not both.

    Falsehood does not enter here, instead coming to an issue of unprovability.

  58. Question: Do you guys practice any religion? Did you believe what you were told about God when you were a kid?

  59. Interesting Res.

    If we consider that socio males supposedly have higher testosterone levels then that would include having certain features that many would find attractive. (jaw line, body shape etc).

    Also, HPD is a sub-type of BPD and is uniquely distinguished by the quality of attractiveness. (think about 'extreme' femininity).

    I'm sure there are ugly ones but i like socios usually. It just depends on your taste. I think Narcs are often good looking too. no? i guess the only ones I notice are the good looking ones. They are the only socios/narcs that put themselves in my direction anyhow.

  60. Also, Res, you may want to look into Tarski's Undefinability Theorem. It might help complete the picture for you. In essence, in standard models of formal systems, truth cannot be defined within the system.

  61. well yes, his theorem states that the framework cannot be both consistent and complete. and he assumed the no middle ground axiom to thus show russell and whitehead their new prop calc wasn't complete (and couldn't be).
    i guess that part of my musings was purely about the no middle ground axiom rather than godel's theorem...

    perhaps this isn't the time or place for this... i'll read a bit more.
    was sparked by reading 'godel escher bach' - you read?

  62. I wouldn't know of any place else to see what most S/P look like.

    Cute pic though. ;P

  63. My dad says i am the devil becaus i killd the cat and i was wondering why? it is just a cat. my brothers sed im a sociopath. by the way im 9.

  64. I assume you mean the Law of Excluded Middle, but I see your point. It should be noted that this law only holds in traditional formal systems. In fuzzy logic, "truth" has any value between 0 and 1, inclusive.

    That said, you may be confusing the Law of Excluded Middle and the so-called "fallacy of excluded middle", also called the false dichotomy fallacy.

  65. @anon 1.10
    nope. never occurred to me i was meant to take it seriously. my parents stopped forcing me to go to sunday-school when it became apparent i didn't take someone's word for something supernaturally fantastic and that there is good evidence against e.g. jesus ever existing. ironically my parents gave me 'myths of ancient greece and rome' to read when i was young and they couldn't see the link...
    as someone (pz myers?) pointed out, if Dubbya had said that Zeus told him to go to war with iraq there would have been uproar.

    @pomo - yes tarski came up in GEB, and church's theorem.

  66. In short, in formal logic, "truth" is not really in use.

    (P v ¬P) reads as "P or P's negation" rather than "P is true or P is false". Elementary mathematical logic textbooks and informal logic books of all levels tend to use T/F on truth tables for convenience, but it's truthfully more of an ON/OFF situation than one of True/False.

  67. My dad always used to tell me that religious people were "fucking spastics"(his words), so I was never taught to believe in God. Even if my parents did try to instill a believe in God in me, I don't think that I would Have fallen for it. I never believed in Santa claus or the easter bunny.

    I don't know if attractive physical features are connected to sociopathy, but I consider myself very attractive, and everyone else tells me as much. I also look as though I'm in pretty good shape, even though I'm not(I don't do much excercise, and I smoke and drink to excess).

  68. Sociopaths come in all shapes and sizes, some are ugly obviously.

  69. Anon 1:10: I'm a nihilist, so no. :D

    Res: Re Church... I do so love λ-calculus. Lisp programmers for life. :D

  70. Who here has the courage to rape someone?

  71. "Who here has the courage to rape someone?"

    I don't think that courage is required.

  72. Damn it. Work is shit today. Manning the phones instead of attending the department party was the better choice but it's slow day. I hate being bored.

  73. It takes balls guys.

  74. Anon 1:37

    Not Facebook. :P

    Anon 1:38


  75. Ha Ha! Postmodern Sociopath I do not work for Facebook.

  76. and of course most importantly ((P ^ ~P) -> Q)
    yes - i know mathematicians are keen to just say propositional calculus shouldn't be 'written in english' as real life is full of fuzzy logic and not just true or false. english is a tangle of definitions and what we cannot talk about we must pass over in silence...

    the survey ME did was interesting, but would have been much better if he'd asked for question suggestions - though i'm not sure you should trust an anonymous answer to the question "are you very attractive" lol. a question i'd have asked would be about reaction to cocaine - which would may be an indicator of APD due to the relationship with dopamine.
    your dad was right. spastics, retards, etc. children of fundies should be taken into care.

  77. I vote for a new survey!!!

  78. The children of all fundies maybe shouldn't be taken in to care due to expense on the state, but they should be evaluated periodically and made to attend courses in reality training.

  79. i wish my dad had told me that religious people were spastic. instead, he was the spastic. and yes, Res, children of fundies should be taken into care. :)
    (won't happen).

    There should have been an attractiveness scale, 1-10. you can't really ask a borderline that question though. lol.

  80. 'Why notme?'

    what are you refering to?

  81. I want to tell you all how attractive I am first and then you all can tell us how attractive you are. That will work right?

  82. @Res: Technically equivalent to what you said, I know. :D

    I just enjoy the logical fact that "I am a dog implies (whatever I like)".

  83. what really bugs me about religious types is when they accuse my position (definitely no god, as defined by any religion) as being arrogant.
    they will admit there are a multitude of other religions that contain mutually exclusive tenets, and admit that in all those religions there are people who are equally intelligent, equally educated, and equally strong in their faith. i then point out that their position is one of standing in a room full of equals, each shouting "i'm right and you are all wrong". that, my friends, is the height of deluded arrogance and is the crux of religious people's imperiousness to logic.

  84. I am very, very attractive. I am a 10.

  85. anon, were you refering to my point on borderlines?

    if so, it's cos they usually have an inconstant self-image. They may think they are beautiful one moment, then five minutes later change their minds.

  86. Physicists do bear the brunt, don't they? Unfortunate, really. Then again, I've known physicists who thought my place arrogant, so perhaps it just works up the line until a point of maximal abstraction. :D

    "Fucking arrogant category theorists! ~shakes fist~"

  87. The trolls have been trying to drag someone into a religious debate all week. There have been questions about religion and holiday recognition all throughout the week.

  88. @everyone
    let's see your childhood photos and we can have a beauty pageant ;)

    also - all anonymouses, it's just as easy to comment with a name, which helps references. do it.

  89. Res, I won't post any photos here, plus i don't have access to any where I am.

    I did win a beauty contest when I was nine. I was my town's princess. That will stand as my photo, and I automatically win. Where's my fucking crown people?!

    btw, your pic is cute, you can be my prince.

  90. This is the only picture I could find featuring a young Derrida.

  91. lol if i gave birth to that...

  92. Hey, notme, be careful who you choose to mate with, lol.

  93. thanks, i'll stay away from satan.

    Post, derrida was a cute little kiddie.

  94. lol thanks notme, do you mean your Machiavellian prince?~

    arianne it does look a bit like you!

    po does that mean you were an ugly child?

  95. "po does that mean you were an ugly child?"

    Fuck you, you look like an Olsen twin. :P

    No, I don't think I was an ugly child, I just don't have any baby pictures at hand.

  96. haha years ago i liked the t-shirt that said "i fucked the olsen twins before they were famous" maybe i subconsciously wanted to fuck myself :p

  97. 'do you mean your Machiavellian prince?~'

    hehe. if you must. *eye roll*~

  98. Res, it's my handmade demon-doll. It's fun to take out because it's pretty realistic looking.

  99. Res, i see my ex in your face and that's not a good thing. Its always the ex i don't want to remember that i chronically see in other people. arrgh.

  100. she looked better when she was anorexic...

  101. demon-doll... does it serve any particular service? voodoo?

    ITS FUCKING SNOWING! going out to build a snowman. laters.

  102. Res, no. I got it because I thought it was adorable.

  103. I am, however, good with Poppets.

  104. There's the typical borderline, always remembering the abuser.

  105. Where are you Res?

    I was planning to go out this evening, but some selfish drivers decided to skid off the road and cause a six vehicle pile up.

    Interesting to watch, but irritating when I'm stranded at home, with nothing to drink but glühwein.

  106. ResCogitans,

    Is that really your occupation?

  107. I really hope so. I love a man of science. Or a woman thereof, Grace and Pythias. ;)

  108. Res, how did you find out you were a batshit insane sociopath?

  109. back. briefly.
    phaos + grace. uk and physicist, as per profile info.
    anon. that's not how i would describe myself. i've always known i didn't have a conscience (but the proto-scientist shone through quite early and i experimented by doing the most beloved APD pastime of torturing and killing a few animals).

    BTW another good question for any new survey : anyone else not get hangovers except in truly exceptional circumstances?

  110. "Grace what do you think treating her like your her mother would do.
    If that doesn't sound like it would help, break away it doesn't mean forever"

    It's beyond that already. She's so smart and quick with her mouth that no matter what I do or say I can't win. And I don't need to win anything even. I just wish things were ok with her. She hates me because I'm not a smartass like her. I'm not a manipulator to the extent she is. I don't crush other people to get my needs met. She told me that to her I died..can you imagine a mother telling her daughter that...and for no good reason. So I told her I'm not sending my son over to visit her anymore and she threatened me with grandparent rights. What really got me angry was that she told my son Santa wouldn't be bringing me any gifts. He told me she said this and I'm sure she tells him other bullshit. She does this in other relationships.

    This is called splitting and I can't have it. He's going to get nervous because he believes I'm his protector and I am. If anything challenges that he will get frightened. This is how my therapist explained it to me and it makes sense.

  111. I don't get hangovers because I find drinking to be exceedingly boring.

  112. I believe i am a psychopath, i tortured animals when i was really young but i never had trouble with bed wetting.I lie more than i tell the truth and i have stolen money on my parents a couple of times.Res, what does that have to do with sociopathy? I mean not having hangovers?

  113. I rarely dream though, and when i do they are horrible nightmares, last one i had was of me being eaten alive by a shark, it was distressing to say the least.

  114. ResCogitans, I've never had a hangover, despite drinking to excess many times.

  115. Does it have to do with your state of mind when you were drinking?

  116. I have terrible hangovers, mainly because every time i drink i get the shit kicked out of me.

  117. lol...that would cause a bad hangover. Sorry to hear that Anon.

  118. anon 4.27
    the blog writer did a survey and i was thinking about questions i'd have liked to be in there, things 'abnormal' about me that i wondered if they were related to sociopathic tendencies.

    medusa i also never get drunk and find drunk people boring. it's like there's a supervisor circuit in my conscious that can always kick in when needed. never had memory blackout or done anything regretted. believe me i've tried to get drunk. phaos - are you the same? only people more boring than drunks are teetotalers.

    anon 4.30
    i dreamed i was eaten by a snake once. think my duvet was a wrapped around too tight ;) it wasn't a nightmare though - i just thought 'oh well, i didn't expect to go like this'. i've died in dreams a couple of times, one of those times i was a soldier and i was shot in the neck and asked my comrade to finish me off...

  119. and BTW 'anon' please do put a space between sentences ;) hahaha

  120. I'm not sure Grace, what state of mind do you think would prevent a hangover?

  121. Excuse me res , i guess i never paid much attention while learning grammar hah.

    Imo i don't think enough emphasis was given on other traits, such as migraine headaches with auras or rapid/thick hair growth :)

  122. ResCognitans, only a few times have I been severely drunk, but I was fairly young, so I'll blame my young organs and their low alcohol tolerance.

    Since then I still drink, but I never get paralytic, or ever close. It's more of a mild, irritating fuzz preventing normal though processes, making me wonder why I decided to drink in the first place.

  123. it seems like quite a few people here have died in their dreams. I dream A LOT (i mean i remember them a lot) but have never died. I've been held by a knife and chased by things to within an inch of my life but have always escaped or woken up just in time.

    I think it's interesting you've been killed. What happens after, does your dream just end or does it continue after that point?

    I think it's a sign of how likely you are to dice with death in real life. perhaps.

  124. I normally have incredibly boring dreams. I actually wake up surprised my subconscious wasn't more creative.

    In the last dream I remember I was driving an automatic car, but it had a clutch pedal, and I couldn't work out why.

    That was it.


  125. Usually while i am having a nightmare, i am totally oblivious to the fact that i am actually in one.

    I find it exceptionally hard to remember my nightmares (Ill say nightmares because i don't dream) i can only remember fragments , when i finally die or get killed in my nightmare's i wake up in a cold sweat, and relief washes over me in an awesome wave.

  126. I believe that my nightmares are a testament to my mind itself - violent & sadistic.

  127. anon - there is a regular poster here who delights in posting as different people, even arguing with himself. but always posts with the same 'tells'. one of these tells is not putting a space between sentences. i ensure that if i post as someone else i use a different style and use caps at the start of sentences etc ;)

    notme - i've discussed dreams with lots of NTs (neurotypicals) and none have died in their dream. it would be another good survey question, i'll add it to the list. when i die that dream ends and i either wake up or start another dream

  128. "I normally have incredibly boring dreams."

    Yeah, me too. In them, I'm usually just walking down the street, or eating or painting a wall, shit like that. I've never even had a nightmare(that I can remember).

  129. yeah some NTs i've asked only dream stuff that's possible in real life. i.e. they never fly etc.
    what a shame.

  130. I have vivid dreams but I've never dreamed that I died.

  131. 'Yeah, me too. In them, I'm usually just walking down the street, or eating or painting a wall, shit like that.'

    lol, yeah, you shouldn't really burden people with your dream stories then Misanthrope. ;)

    Mine are typically filled with people from my past or famous people in totally bizarre scenarios with me.
    I'd say my dreams are really interesting actually. I love my dreams. I wake up and go, 'i had another bloody weird dream.' actually, it gets tedious, sometimes i just don't want any new shit in my head.

    I dream of standing naked in front of people sometimes. It's very reflective of personality. Freud wasn't wrong.

    Res, you've dreamt of flying?

  132. Lucky , i die in almost every dream, suppose i have to be a victim somewhere. :/

  133. Phaos, my ex bf is a sociopath. He didn't drink much or get hangovers but one time he was pissed off and drank the same amount as the other times, half a bottle of wine. He had a horrible hangover the next day. That's what made me think that.

  134. Ah I see. Well I've not got drunk while being pissed off so I don't know.

    I've always thought that my body just processes alcohol differently, but perhaps it's to do with my state of mind.

  135. yep. when i was younger and still figuring out who i was i struggled to fly - i'd take off and fly for a bit quite low then land and need another runup. now if i fly there's no problem, though for some reason i more often jump really high and then float back down to earth. i dreamed i was a vampire once flying quietly stalking a SWF then i swooped... good times :)
    i dream i'm naked quite a lot, but as noone in the dream seems to mind i just get on with it. but then again i'm a but of a naturist anyway...

  136. I'm craving a beer and a joint!! OJ will have to do and I'll grub a cigg from my son's father.

  137. I sometimes dread going to sleep as my nightmares are that bad, walking into rooms to see people hung or perhaps their entrails sprawled all over the room, it is unsettling to say the least.

  138. anon 5.22
    i take it you don't identify with socio traits?

    grace the snow stopped my getting out to my dealer today... don't start talking about joints!

  139. I had night terrors when I was little.

  140. i don't think the typical 'path would be unsettled to see people hanged or gory things. there was a bit in '3guys, 1 hammer' when i laughed.

  141. i don't really know what a hangover is cos i only drink vodka. I'm usually high-spirited the next day - i can stay drunk/happy 12 hours after not drinking.

    But i can get aggressive the next day after drinking too.

    I have a love/hate relationship with drinking, and it's not related to hangovers. More cos i'm a control freak and i end up embaressing myself sometimes.

    Res, that sounds very cool. I wonder why i can't have those dreams.
    'but of a naturist' hehe.


    that sounds horrid. I've never had a dream like that.


    this strikes me as crazy.

    hey aspie :)

  143. I was unsettled because in this nightmare there was a killer or perhaps something else nearby, and i was next.I enjoy gore and various execution videos, for the most i am indifferent to the pain inflicted, but yea i am very much afraid to die.

  144. ResCogitans

    Have you ever experienced Deja vu?

  145. aspie, did you used to wake up from them and see scary things in your room?

  146. Aspie, I have sleep paralysis from time to time and a night terror or two.

  147. notme
    maybe you should try lucid dreaming

    yesterday involved 12pm - 3am beer vodka rum alcopops and goldschlager. no hangover and i did sporty stuff for a couple of hours (but felt low energy, well below par).

  148. Medusa, are you serious? I have that too! What's the basis/cause of it? I remember lying on my face not being able to move , and screaming for someone to come help me, i was smothering!

  149. I've had this one dream a few times, and it's the only intresting one that I can rember. In it, I'm sitting on a throne in a great hall, and I'm overseeing an orgy. After a while, all of the people at the orgy start tearing eachother to pieces. After everybody's killed eachother, a boy collects pieces of flesh from the ground, puts them on a plate, brings them to me, and then I start eating them. After I've finished, they boy calls me "king", and I start laughing and crying at the same time, and then I wake up.

    Does anyone have any idea what this means?

  150. I've had different experiences with them. Once, I got up and left my home while in the terror, walked about 10 blocks into a bad neighborhood in the middle of the night alone. I came to and was so relieved even though I had attracted a bunch of drug dealer hoodlums. I just left.

  151. Sorry, on a serious note Grace your not doing your son or yourself any good by allowing her to manipulate your lives, nothing will change if you don't. Cut her out. See what it's like to not have that neg. Influence.

    My sex dreams are extreme.

    No hangovers, but I'm not a socio.

  152. anon 5.34 yes and perhaps related i do sometimes mix up reality and dreams. i'll dream e.g. a conversation with someone and then a few days later i'll be like "and as you said to me recently..."

    aspie shit man is there any way you could lock yourself in in a way that you could only get out if you are fully awake?
    i find it interesting you come to this site... as a physicist that scores >30 in the autism spectrum test there's a lot of aspie traits i can identify with. do you have a conscience?

  153. Sometimes the characters in my dreams will have demonic or disfigured faces, it's the creepiest thing.In one of these dreams, i found myself in an old medieval style village, the sky was gray and there was an all round gloomy atmosphere.I walked into an old haunted looking house that had vines growing from it, at a table there was something/or someone reading a newspaper that was covering it's face.I had asked a question to the person, i can't remember what it was , all of a sudden the paper dropped ,it was by far the most frightening face i had ever seen, it had no eyes and it's mouth was sewn shut, it caught me off guard.I woke up in a cold sweat and i stayed up that night.

  154. @ medusa

    I occasionally get sleep paralysis. Those can be a hell of a struggle to break out of. Like sleep quicksand. Night terrors are horrible though. In my experience they are not just some physiological state of terror that one is in.. but there is a feeling and thinking/realizing that i have done something very awful and unforgivable and something i did not want to do. Like everything is upside down and I have killed everything good. Something that cannot be fixed.

  155. I've seen two different kids have night terrors. The striking thing about them is how they cannot be awakened no matter how you try. One of the children fled the house, ran across a parking lot and street, down into the woods in only his undershorts. He still did not awaken when brought back into the house. He sat in front of the t.v. for about 30 minutes but it was clear he wasn't seeing it.

    The little girl who had one never left the bed but she was fighting and clearly believed she was in pain and being physically attacked.

    Those are really weird to watch.

  156. Misanthrope, it means you like orgies and the destruction of everyone. but you regret that you have to eat people, even though you can't help yourself. lol, i dunno. but i'm sure it's a pretty accurate assessment, no?

    that's another thing, i don't think i cry in dreams either, maybe just feel sad.

    i have de ja vu a lot. so weird.

  157. I witnessed extreme cruelty to animals while growing up, and i seen someone get stabbed to death, maybe this has something to do with these night terrors.

  158. I cry real tears and laugh aloud in dreams; I've awakened myself doing both.

  159. were you part of those incidences anon?

  160. Yes, i tortured animals as a youth.Could these night terrors be a glimpse into my future? Hm.

  161. hell with it's grotesque creatures? possibly.~ ;)

  162. Even from an early age i knew i was different from my peers ,even today funerals and such don't phase me.I have been called all sorts of things for not caring about close friend who had died.If i am at someone's funeral i will often crack dark jokes about the deceased.

  163. @ Rescogitans

    I don't have night terrors anymore. Been a very long time. The one where I walked into the bad neighborhood was the last one.

    Conscience... Yes. It feels like something hardwired. Not kept in check by guilt so much but more a rigid sense of "right and wrong".

  164. Jokes at funerals can be another form of releasing tension. Those aren't unusual. Whether they are "dark" or "light" depends on the audience often times.

  165. Joking about a person and straight up mocking them are two different things.

  166. I agree, anon, but the dead don't become sanctified and it doesn't hurt a thing to mock them if that's what you feel they deserve.

  167. I am the only person i know, who would openly mock someone at their own funeral.

  168. I've seen mocking and worse at funerals.

  169. Hah, i bet you those people cried themselves to sleep.

  170. lol anon i was at a funeral of a girl who died from anorexia. as the pallbearers walked past i murmured to a (non-close) friend "at least the coffin is light"

    aspie i do think there's an area of overlap... the definition of a 'path is based on behaviour, not thought process. it's also based on studies of violent criminals. so what do you call someone with the same thought process and lack of emotion as those criminals but more self control and knowledge that if you stick to 'right' you will fit in better and stay out of jail?

  171. You bet what people cried themselves to sleep, anon?

  172. Haha, a "friend" of mine lost a mother when we were kids, i told him all sorts of horrible things, like there was no such thing as heaven and they were going to pull his moms eyes out and cut her up, come to think of it i was actually telling him the truth.

  173. @ ResCogitans

    I guess maybe a "high functioning" sociopath? Do all their actions stick to right?

  174. I'm saying that some people, if not most say bad things that they regret, and they may feel guilty after it or apologize.

  175. Anonymous said...
    Haha, a "friend" of mine lost a mother when we were kids, i told him all sorts of horrible things, like there was no such thing as heaven and they were going to pull his moms eyes out and cut her up, come to think of it i was actually telling him the truth.

    How did that make you feel?

  176. Anon, are you saying that if someone acted out at a funeral then they might feel regret and cry themselves to sleep?

  177. My drummer's wife has night terrors every single night. He has to deal with her sudden screaming in the middle of the night. Every night.

    My sleep paralysis tends to happen more often if I take a nap during the day. My body is probably like 'wtf you are supposed to be awake'.

    Haven't had many night terrors. Last one was about a year ago. I woke up suddenly, thought my cat sitting at the foot of my bed was some kind of succubus and I screamed and swiped him pretty hard and he went flying.

    Poor kitty :(

  178. I never look back or to the future, i stay in now.I rationalize the hurt and abuse i do to people by thinking of it as some sort of legacy, every argument,con or lie is sharpening the craft.

  179. Nikita i didn't feel anything, at most a shallow bit of shame but it would pass in a couple of minutes :)

  180. You're in a band Medusa?
    Do you sing?

  181. I love cats, too. They like me as well. I'm a cat whisperer. A general animal whisperer, really.

  182. @aspie
    yeah i guess that's the closest 2-word definition for me... but no of course not all my actions stick to right

  183. I am indifferent to animals and their pain but i despise children.

  184. Yes I have a band, and yes I sing, amongst other things.

  185. 'i love cats'

    best comment ever. :)

  186. I am indifferent to people and their pain. I actually have empathy for animals, though.

  187. I went to my friends mothers funeral a few months back. He owed me some money, and I reminded him of it at the wake. I wasn't even trying to be offensive, but he must have taken it the wrong way because he shoved me up against a wall and threatened to punch me. I wanted to kick the shit out of him but we were pulled apart. I ended up getting really drunk and I knocked one of the candles over and it set the table cloth on fire, so I poured my drink all over it to put it out. I was asked to leave after that.

    well i'm pretty drunk right now. I'm going to bed.

  188. I couldn't call myself a cat lover or even an animal lover at that.Ive shot cats off my wall with a BB gun.

  189. i think i'm the only one here who cares about animals AND people.



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