
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sociopath quote: New eyes

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."

-- Marcel Proust


  1. M.E.
    Is that a sociopath quote simply in that the resident sociopath selected it, or do you think it has more relevance or appeal for or to sociopaths

    1. I think it's really a quote of personal growth. Whatever the problem or whoever you are you aren't going to get anywhere unless you change how you see somethng and/or your method.

      "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten"

  2. Have you ever tried walking while blindfolded, relying solely on a different sort of discovery, even if it is in a semi-familiar landscape?

    You discover a newer way of moving through the world. This quote, to me anyways, is similar to moving while being blindfolded, except you are blindfolded on a different level.

  3. I would have thought Proust was talking more about removing blindfolds, but I could be wrong.

    Daft -- do you think this quote is of special significance to sociopaths, as opposed to anyone else?

    -- lurker

  4. Not Really. ME might have picked it because it contains relevance for sociopaths on a journey towards self discovery and seeing how every now and then, he posts emails about people on a similar journey, it works nicely as a complimentary quote to his last few email posts.

    But as an over all, the quote is about the different forms of dicovery.


    Who's the resident sociopath? Is that like having a poet in residence?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. No sarcasm intended.
    -- lurker

  9. Lurker, the quote is about finding new ways to look at things, which is exactly what Daft was talking about. His comment seemed to be about removing one blindfold by wearing another. I rather liked it.

  10. I can that Peter isn’t confined by a single angle view point. He actually seems to look at things like I do.

  11. Replies
    1. On Topic: There are many different angles and lenses you can use to look at things. Try it out sometime.

  12. Replies
    1. It's that third eye that's riveting.

  13. :) Good Morning SW!!!!

    How are you all today?

  14. Medusa told Rich not to call them. They would call him.

    That meant that Rich had his walking papers, for the mo.

    He took one last look at the sumptuous surroundings and tried to commit them to memory.

    The foyer opened into a small hallway with an elevator. Opposite the elevator was a chinz covered high back chair, above which hung an elaborately detailed gold rococo mirror. There was the perfunctory oriental rug which seemed to populate on it's own in this crazy establishment.

    On the opposite wall was a winding wrought iron staircase that looked as if a hapless fellow( or lady with heels) could fall through.

    With Rich's panic disorder, he decided he would take the elevator, if he ever came back.

    "What is the phone number, Medusa?" he asked. "Our number is unlisted, Rich," she said with a robotic voice.

    Then, she sashayed to the door, using a subtle hip movement, which Rich tried to ignore. One could not think with hormones raging.

    Rich needed to think. He needed to gather information because when he got home, HE was going to do some detective work.

    First things first. What was the number on the building---- 666 Boca Raton Heights.

    1. Rich walked home. It had been quite an afternoon. He jonesed for his stashed, but he was not going back to that loser lifestyle.

      First things first.He would find out the nature of this establishment, even if it killed him. What a way to die, in the hands of 5 gorgeous woman.

      Once he got home, there was dinner to make. He used his creativity best in two arenas: cooking and lovemaking. His favorite food was Italian but he could do Greek and Thai.

      If he could not be a PI, he could be a cook. He could work at the hotel in which his mother was manager --The Boca Raton Country Club.

      However, until he cleaned up and get his wits back, he could take whatever job came along.

      His therapy was a blog called Sociopathworld. You scoff? It was working as Rich was out applying for jobs. So, just shut up and listen.

      I go on.

      His mother's family was wealthy. However, Rich's mother, Anna Lise, ran off with Rich Sr and was disinherited. That is a whole story, but for later.

      Rich was the sole heir, but he had to wait for Granny to die. God bless her soul.

    2. Up From the Sofa your story telling on the level of a barely educated Harlequin Romance writer. Basic and uninteresting. Please stop. Gracias.

    3. Does anyone want to keep this? I will take a head count ~

    4. :) I do!!! I do!!!! I do!!!!! "Up from the sofa" is GREAT! So many new twists and turns, mentions of my Panic disorder (even I had to laugh at that one LOL) and not picking up my stash and going back to that loser lifestyle!

      I LOVE IT!!!!!!

      Iam going to SAVE these ASAP!

    5. Back by popular consensus:

      Up From The Sofa
      Some men were made to be lovers. Other men try but can't get the mustard, so to speak.

      You have to be born a good lover.

      Rich was born with the nectar of the gods shining on him. Woman knew it and felt it.

      That made him unforgettable to the ladies of Establishment B. B for beautiful ladies.

      Rich waited for their call. Sure enough, it came a week later and he was offered a second interview, this time with Zoe.

      He spruced himself up, put on his Ralph Lauren cologne and headed for the walk to Establishment B.

      Medusa was at the front desk, not animated, as before. She told him to have a seat and grab a magazine. It may be awhile.

      In 15 minutes, a knock out lady walked in. On her lapel was a name--Zoe.

      She was polite and businesslike, as she asked Rich to follow her.

      This time, he was shown to the elevators and dutifully followed Zoe into the elevator. She pressed the button for the 4th floor.

      Now, Rich was excited. He was going to see more. Zoe led the way down corridors with marble flooring and the requisite oriental rugs.

      Rich tried to settle his nerves. He popped a Tums. He needed to be cool. He needed to be on top of his game.

      Zoe led him to the corner office and walked in.

      There on the wall was her diploma:

      Zoe Mc Manon
      Yale Medical School
      Diplomate in Psychiatry

      Rich blinked.

      *To be continued*

    6. "Rich, we are getting death threats. Can you help us? One of our patients is trying to kill us. Each of us specializes in a different area of health care. You will talk to each of us before you are hired, as each woman has to feel comfortable with you. You have passed the test with me. Would you like to meet the others?"

      "Sure" mumbled Rich. "By the way, who are the two men in the picture with the twin Jaguars?"

      "They are my father and his twin brother, Dr Frank F and Eric Fomentile"

      *To be continued*

  15. Bullshit, bullshit and bullshit.

    Oh, and the comments section... Yeah... still bullshit.

    Can we get tomorrow's post today please ME ?

  16. The perfect world has no rules. |-_-|

  17. hmmmmmmmmmm.....


    Who should I be today ? :-??????????

  18. Rembrandt it would make me laugh out loud if you were Up From The Sofa (who needs to go back to the sofa) but I know that's not you. It's that other multiple running around here. You be who you feel today but Anonymous seems to fit you fine too.

    ME that pic is awesome. Pulling an old post with an image like that worth it.

    1. :) I like that one :)

      Ok Lunar, I like you, you can stay :)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I haven't been here in a few days… what the fuck is wrong with this Rembrant?

    1. He can't even spell his name right.

    2. Hey Virus buddy!!!! How have you been? Good, I hope :)

    3. Hey Rich, how are the teeth?

      I'm doing fine, man. Thanks for asking.

    4. What the fuck is wrong with you shithead ? Who fucking cares you haven't been here in a few days. Get a fucking Android motherfucker !

    5. And get a fucking google account. You fucking stone age motherfucker.

      Virus. What's that supposed to mean ? That you live under toilet seats ?


    6. You're doing fine my ass! Tell us how you can't pay your mortgage motherfucker. Cause your wife left you and you're broke. We all know !

      Also, we know that you've been thinking about Rich's teeth these past 2 days you haven't been here. Why the fuck do you exist asshole ????

    7. Multiple Orgasm Theme Series because it Fits so good.

    8. Hang on… I have to pick myself up off the floor from the mortal blows you have dealt me you spastic fuck wad. I need not an android. You on the other hand are in need of both an attitude adjustment and an education. You might also wish to try different medications.

      YOU even inferring my insignificance is so monumental that… you are such a twat. Your opinion of me is almost as worthless as you opinion of the latest mall shooting.

      To summarize for your half brained adolescent ass, stay in school; check yourself before you get your fucking head cut off (figuratively of course~); and find a better doctor… short of that: DIE.

  21. Rembrandt I'm liking you more and more hahaha you're a calling it randy motherfucker now we just need tweak the spelling issues. X-)

    Rem and Lunar who knew? Hahaha yeah baby play it Real.

  22. Thank gawd the Sofa persona stopped her story. Man, my eyes couldnt take it anymore.

  23. Good evening all. I hope all is well with everyone tonight.

    1. Haven I sent you an email from my new address ages ago. Did you never receive it?

    2. Hey you, how's it going in your neck of the woods?

    3. Hello Dear Raven. I haven't actually. I've been too overwhelmed to even look at my e-mail this past week. I have so much in my inbox now I just feel guilty whenever I log on. Tomorrow or Monday I have to force myself. Meh. How've you been?

      @virus... Meh, it's going. Trying to take it easy.

    4. I didn't email you to email you. I did it so you would have my new account and add me to chat. That's all. No big thing that requires response. I'm cool with you getting around to it whenever you settle.

    5. Raven you not getting it that Haven has you so low on her To Do List that she can't be bothered with
      you? Whoa apparent here.... You getting it Chica?

    6. Wait visa versa you two too much alike to differentiate between with consonants.

    7. You seem to be taking this exchange between Haven and I very personal, Lunar. Why?

  24. Hi guys, new reader here as of this week. I suspect I might be a sociopath/antisocial/schizoid, and I almost certainly have ADHD. I'll try to keep it short:

    -I have scar tissue on my frontal lobe that resulted from being choked by the umbilical cord during birth. There were no detectable symptoms at the time, so that was that.
    -I got an EEG for an unrelated issue a few years ago, and it was abnormal (high theta and alpha, low beta).
    -However, this disorder doesn’t run in the family. Depression and bipolar disorder do.
    -I get bored easily, especially of things like school and work, and I have serious difficulty focusing on them. I got through high school with a decent GPA thanks to my intelligence. I would like tips on how to remain focused from those who have ADHD + sociopathy, if there are any. I’m not going to get through college at this rate, despite how easily I learn the things I can focus on.
    -I felt a normal range of emotions but it gradually started to fade at age 12, to the point where I barely feel now. I still refer to my memories of emotions and tell myself what to feel what the situation calls for, and I emulate the expression well enough that I've never been suspected.
    -Abnormally mild fear and anxiety responses. If I'm about to do something that actually makes me nervous, I sort of put my mind in this strange state where I feel zoned out and I just act despite any fear.
    -I don't have any emotional bond to my family. My bipolar single mother abused me emotionally for years, which is probably how I lost my emotions in the first place. I do, however, have some close friends who I care about and am loyal to. They know me fairly well and accepted me for what I am.
    -I had a fascination with killing and torture from a very young age, but I never did that to animals.
    -I am highly sadistic and really wish I could bring violence upon those who I don't like (such as my parents), but I keep it under control fairly easily. It's not worth it unless I have a reasonably good chance of covering my tracks completely. I train in MMA and play violent videogames to express that side of me. Still, nothing quite compares to breaking a person's mind, spirit, and body.
    -People who have authority over me often bug me because of that fact alone.
    -I am really good at reading emotions and understanding the way a person thinks and using that to extrapolate what he's going to say or do.
    -I have a knack for getting people to tell me their secrets. Several of my friends have told me their deepest secrets in just hours or days of meeting them.
    -I'm a very convincing liar. I figured out when I was a child that the way to make it really convincing is to make yourself believe it.
    -Not very social; conversation with most people is quite boring. I only play mindgames every now and then. At the same time, I want to form relationships and enjoy interaction with people around my intelligence. Fucking with people might become a pastime sometime further down the line, who knows.
    -No fixed morals. I know what others consider right and wrong, but frankly a good deal of it is arbitrary designations that were socialized into them. Even when I was an empath I disagreed with many of them. Unlike most children who trust adults to know everything right and are brainwashed into it, I understood from around age 3 that adults don’t know everything and as such I didn’t take in religious or cultural beliefs that didn’t make sense to me.
    -I'm highly suggestible. When I learn something, I voluntarily incorporate it into myself.
    -I looked many years older than I was. At age 14 people would see me and guess anywhere between 20-27. Now that I’m 20 I look my age. I wouldn’t mention this, but I saw that mentioned somewhere else on the site. I’ve also always been very mature for my age, even as a child.

    So what do you guys think? Socio, schizoid, or some other disorder?

    1. Did you say you were going to keep it brief? Goodness. Welcome anyways.

      You seem to have a decent handle on yourself. Why the interest in Personality Disorder diagnosis. You do seem ADHD, but socio advice isn't going to help with that. See a doc to manage it, or take breaks in your studies for intense activity when your attention begins to wane, then get back to it.

    2. lmao it came out three times longer than I thought it would.

      I'm going in to the psychologist to get tested for ADHD soon. I avoided it before because I didn't want to get diagnosed with ASPD, but I think I expect too much from them.

    3. Also, if I am schizoid treatment is a possibility. That's why I want to make the distinction. I realize it might be something else or no disorder at all, but that seems really unlikely to me now.

    4. Too damn Long Too Read and NO paragraphs breaks but you apparently came here same as myself but you slid in without any Brakes on... so hey don't be afraid to be crazy.

    5. It's oftentimes a bit frightening riding the Dragons we do "G" so find a nice pallet. Hit the mix and don't be shy. I read for a few weeks and then I dove in here too. I'm not sure what's wrong or right with me I just know I'm different.

    6. From what I know how schizoid you don't really sound it. They tend to prefer actually being anti-social, as in, little to no contact with people, and not ASPD "anti-social". They also tend to prefer anything of emotional depth, including it in others, which makes them not good at reading anyone, especially not themselves.

      Avoidant attachment sounds typical of you though.

      If you're going in to be treated for ADHD it should be quite easy to do so without letting on that you may be ASPD. Especially if you're as good at lying and manipulation as you claim.

    7. ugh... Of, not how**

      and... they also tend to prefer to avoid** anything of emotional depth

    8. Hmm...based on the common symptoms of avoidant attachment, I don't think I fit the bill at all. I suppose it could come off like that when I talk about my family.

      And about avoiding an ASPD diagnosis...I thought psychologists were much better at their job than you guys say (and you guys have more experience), which is why I'd avoided them. I tend to hesitate when it comes to manipulating people for the same reason - I keep thinking it'll be too obvious.

    9. That's a very inaccurate view of schizoids. As cited in an article on schizoid dynamics by N. McWilliam regarding "... the profession of psychoanalysis. Harold Davis (personal communication) reports that Harry Guntrip once joked to him that “psychoanalysis is a profession by schizoids for schizoids.” Empirical investigations into the personalities of psychotherapists now ongoing at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia (Judith Hyde, personal communication) are finding that although the modal personality type among female therapists is depressive, among male therapists, schizoid trends predominate."

    10. Psychopath schizoid?
      Scar tissue on frontal lobe
      Get bored easily

    11. Well...I don't have an aversion to close relationships or to emotional intimacy with others. I love finding out people's deep secrets because of the power it gives me over them. The only "issue" I would have with that is with revealing my true nature, for obvious reasons.

  25. I agree,


    Charles Albright


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