
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Frauds in Love

Today we are going on a field trip. A field trip to the opposite side of the spectrum. A lot of times when I need a good laugh I will visit In case you don't know about this site, it's dedicated to victims of sociopaths. Broken, self-loathing, and bitterness fills the pages. It's like a sociopath's trash dump. My personal opinion is that these people set themselves up to be victims, then want to point the finger at the person who took advantage. Nobody put a gun to their head and told them to stay in a relationship they admit was so terrible. If you read the posts and comments (from people with weak names like 'justabouthealed'), you can see how they've already started off with defeat in their minds. It's not hard for ready made victims to become victims. The following post is the perfect example of how they set themselves up for the fall. Victory is not fighting, it's persevering. The old turn the other cheek. Lying to themselves, they believe that licking your wounds after getting victimized is a 'viable' victory. In reality it's failure. Here is the article:

My wonderful stepfather was a young basketball coach when he got his first real job coaching for a very small rural school which had not had a winning game in over a decade. The team was dispirited and had no real expectation of ever winning a game.

One of the local coaches bragged that he would beat them “by a hundred points!” at the next game. The team thought there was a good possibility that that coach’s team could do just that. However, it is “good sportsmanship” for a coach playing a much weaker team to let their second, third, and fourth strings get a chance to play, and to win over the weaker team, but not “tromp” them.

Daddy thought this other coach’s brag to stomp and tromp his team was poor sportsmanship so he made a plan. When the fourth quarter started and Daddy’s team had the ball, they “froze” it (which was legal in the game then) and wouldn’t either shoot the ball or take a chance on losing it, so passed the ball from one of Daddy’s team members to another the entire quarter. They didn’t make any points, but they kept the other team from even getting their hands on the ball the entire quarter, and thus making points against them. Daddy’s team didn’t win, but the other coach didn’t win by his “hundred points” either. That little team went on the next year to win their division championship because of the confidence that Daddy inspired in them.
Sometimes “winning” or “victory” can be interpreted in different ways. I’m also reminded of the old Country and Western song, the “Winner” where an older man and a younger man are in a bar talking. The younger man wants to be a “winner” in bar fight brawls, and the older man is educating him on what is “winning” and what isn’t.

Sure, you can get into a fight and you may inflict more damage on your opponent than he inflicts on you in the fight, but like the old man said, “He gouged out my eye, but I won.” Sometimes it is better to walk away from a fight and not lose more than you have already lost, or allow your opponent to take another “pound of flesh” in your attempts to “get justice.”

It isn’t always about getting what you deserve, or victory over them, or even seeing that they get “what they so richly deserve,” sometimes, I think, “winning” simply means keeping them from taking more out of you and, like Daddy’s team, “freezing the ball.” Sometimes, it is like the would-be barroom brawler, walking away (intact) with the other guy yelling curses in your direction.

It is emotionally tough to watch a cheater “get away with it” when they have ripped us off, and go “waltzing away” unscathed and apparently the victor. It eats at our sense of fairness to let them “succeed” and not pay a price for their bad behavior.

Yet, sometimes, “discretion is the better part of valor” to use an old phrase, or to “be a live dog, rather than a dead lion,” and “retreat and live to fight another day.”

Those victims who are not able to fight for a “victory” of any sort, I don’t think need to feel that they have “failed” because they chose not to fight the sociopath.

Too many times fighting the psychopaths are like “fighting a circular saw,” as my grandmother would have said. It “just isn’t worth it,” because the damage to yourself will be worse than you can possibly inflict on the psychopath. They stack the odds so in their own favor, that even if you “win,” you end up like the old brawler sitting in the barroom, broken and so gravely injured yourself in your effort to gain a “victory, of sorts” that in retrospect the price was too high.

Sometimes, it is better to walk away a “loser” but still intact, and with your head held high, using the energy and resources you have left to focus on healing yourself, on recovering what you have lost in terms of finances and strength, and take care of yourself. To me that is also a “viable victory.”


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  3. To anyone reading M.E. and feeling disempowered with impotent rage, just remember this: most people like him meet a nasty end, because of the numbers game of hurting other people. Sooner or later they - the psychopaths - misjudge and hurt the wrong person.

  4. wow.

    mr.insane, after reading everything people said about you, you got some balls!

    i hope that lime guy doesnt find you cuz you pissed him off. hahahaha

  5. I do enjoy these posts but you know what I realized that if you think or claim you are a sociopath than you probably are not. Most of the people I have encountered on this forum are angry people who are not approachable enough to carry on the kind lifestyle that a sociopath would be capable of. A sociopath can be anything to anyone at anytime and they are usually the last person you would suspect ... this ... this forum and other forums ... it isn't typically behavior because if you were a sociopath you would never be aware of it yourself and certainly not enough to make website about it or ever even find a forum like this. My brother is a sociopath ... so was my father my grandfather... my uncle ... my aunt who is son.. they tried to diagnose me with ASPD but I was able to shake it.... I am not a sociopath... I am a narcissist but have been around enough CLINICALLY diagnosed sociopaths to know the difference in behavior. Not all are violent... my brother isn't but my father was and so was my grandfather. My uncle was more paranoid than anything ... and my aunt was a crude meanass bitch. The one thing all of them have in common is that they would never ever admit they were a sociopath!

    "Am I a psychopath?.... Certainly not!"

    I am still clinically labeled antisocial though that will be gone here in the next week or so.... and I have question for everyone on this forum.

    1.) How many of you have been clinically diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder?

    2.) If the answer to the top question was NO than what inspired you to go searching for "sociopath forums"? Don't say feeling different either ... because that is again is opposite of how a sociopath would describe their thoughts and reasonings. Its not that complex for a sociopath. Believe me I have a son with Conduct Disorder. Furthermore they would never actually go doing things that really don't benefit them at all in such a public way.

    If you don't answer ... then I would think about it on your own seriously.... because coming from a person that almost had her life and reputation ruined by this diagnosis .... it is not what you want to be claiming about yourself! You can be logical and highly intelligent with out being a sociopath.

  6. I know, it’s too much to ask anyone to read previous posts on this very subject before leaving comments like the one above. I know, it’s too much to hope for to get an answer to the question of why correcting the poor deluded souls who comment here would matter to the random Crusader of the Month to begin with. I started to give this a serious reply, but then I thought, why bother? I’ll just be giving the same answer to next’s month’s random Crusader, and of course, he/she won’t buy anything I’ve said because ~fill in the blank.~ So, I’ll just move on with this last bit: I’m not answering your questions because one, you aren’t actually interested in anything anyone here has to say and two, I already have, ad infinitum, in previous threads. I’m just not in the mood to repeat myself, ya dig?

  7. I like to "get even" with the sloppy type of sociopath when he/she breaks the law. There's nothing better than turning them over to the system. It's the easiest, fastest, funnest way to watch a stone-cold socio turn all white and sweaty!

    Basically, the law is a great trump card.

    You have to be sly enough to be privy to their criminal activity, of course. The average ones aren't very hard to catch if you're patient and quiet. And, play dumb.

  8. I don't really get the point of this. People who she calls empaths lie to themselves because it makes them feel good. That's bad. When people she calls sociopaths lie to themselves to feel better, that's good. She claims that the difference is that the "sociopath" has emotional manipulation on his mind.

    Although the idea that this poster is also a manipulative little bitch seems to be in the author's blind spot. She's getting the things that give her brain dopamine (hugs, emoticons, and words of support) from people by eliciting the emotional response that she wants.

    From an immoralist's perspective, the sociopath is better. However, if you're an amoralist, they're both the same.

    Also, good job formatting your paragraphs. My eyes are about to explode.

  9. I tend to agree with both Daniel and anonymous 2 (the woman who has family on the spectrum).
    I have read a sufficient number of the back posts to conclude that M.E., whether or not he is actually a sociopath (something i doubt), is certainly a fantasist around the glamour of vampires and this is how he likes to imagine himself. I would also suggest he is homosexual...this comes from a number of comments he makes. For all I know he admits this on some other posts that I didn't bother reading.
    However, some of the people making comments do seem very likely psychopathic. These invidivudals will of course support M.E. because M.E. makes them feel glamourous and powerful...which is what they crave. I would suggest Harry Lime as a definite fuck up psycho...well done Harry you win the authenticity prize!

  10. Judge Judy,
    If you notice, M.E. talks up sociopathy very methodically. For the most part, he doesn't run his mouth like a Christian trying to spread the gospel. The few posts he's made that sound shockingly delusional have been clearly identified as the work of a reader. Do you think that's an accident? He's building an image, and though he certainly seems to believe much of the hype, he's typically quite careful about what he says, how he says it, and in what context. His aim clearly isn't to revel in his own greatness, rather to cast the sociopath in a positive light, and perhaps convince a few people that they're sociopaths.

    What does he gain out of it? Fuck if I know. Amusement? A good laugh? A sense of power? Beats the hell out of me.

    If you speak with him via email, he's even more careful about what he says, and he's always eager to tell you what you want to hear--in between probing you for information.

    But by all means, go on believing whatever you want to believe.

  11. LOL Pan @ Judge Judy...dude you are undermining the hardman image I am trying to project here.

    Obama addresses Sociopath Rights Society (SRS) with pledge on equality

  12. "I would suggest Harry Lime as a definite fuck up psycho...well done Harry you win the authenticity prize!"

    Wow, I probably should feel flattered, but I'm always confused by feelings of authenticity.

    Maybe I'm just a lonely fan of classic crime cinema who enjoys trolling a sociopath board.

    Though you are wrong about why I come here. I don't need M.E. to make me feel glamorous (I'm pretty cool all around and devastatingly handsome). I'm even critical of M.E. much of the time.

    Some of the stuff M.E. finds is helpful. Like anyone else, I just want to improve myself.

  13. Ok, I didn’t bother reading the post at first because as soon as I saw “love fraud”, I figured there was a better than even chance that it was just more moralistic and maudlin malarkey. (That one was for you Sarah.) Then I got to work and figured I’d be bored either way, so why not read it. I agree with ME’s take on it. I think it’s a bit silly to call yourself a winner by losing, unless we redefine winning as walking away bloody, broken and defeated. This kinda goes back to the point I made in another thread about defining intelligence. How we define things to ourselves is very important. What we believe matters.

    That’s not to say that I don’t believe in the value of strategic surrender. History shows that sometimes it does make sense to appear to concede defeat, even as you still plan your eventual victory. Your larger aim will determine which battles you chose to fight and why. And then there are the battles you forego because you aren’t interested in playing a particular game or in the other players. (The verbal sparring matches that happen here are an example of that. Except for the occasional lapse, I don’t do commentary wars. I just don’t give enough of a damn to bother.) Still, the above love ‘fraid’ post isn’t about strategic surrender or the “I’m not interested” option. It’s about being a victim and deciding that victory is merely determined by one’s ability to walk away. Who knows. If you aren’t strong enough, smart enough and ruthless enough to fight and defeat your enemy, then walking away probably is your best option.

    And one more thing and it’s a bit of a rant. Judge Dredd brings up this thing of glamorizing sociopaths. As I’ve said before, I won’t get into trying to figure ME out. His motives are neither here nor there as far as I’m concerned since nothing I care about hinges on knowing them. What I’m still curious about is the idea that being a sociopath is somehow glamorous or a fantasy lifestyle choice or is ‘way cool’. One of the many anons called me a grumpy old man for not ‘getting it’. I admitted she was right. I still don’t get it. Why would anyone claim to have what is ostensibly thought of as a disorder if they don’t have it? Why would you want to think of yourself as being what people call pathological if you aren’t? Games that are designed just to gain someone else’s approval have never held any value or interest to me. That’s what claiming to be something you’re not seems to be, a game designed to manipulate someone else into thinking you’re cool or hip or mysterious or whatever. What a sad waste of time. Manipulating a reader or a commenter on this or any other blog or forum into thinking anything about me does not add one dollar to bank account nor does it move me one step closer to getting any of the things I might really want. So why would I bother? Yes, I know it’s narcissistic of me. I admit it. But I wonder why anyone else would bother.

  14. You may not actively participate, but the fact that you can't stop talking about them is sweeter than a catholic schoolgirl having her first orgasm.

  15. I think the Fraud in Love is a stupid cunt. How are you going to fight and lose, but call yourself a winner? Talk about delusional. That anonymous at 9:03pm is a coward. You think getting revenge is calling the police? That's because you're a weak coward and a snitch.

  16. moralistic and maudlin malarkey.

    What's better than grumpy old man lingo?

    Grumpy old man alliteration. Thank you, from the bottom of my cold dead heart.

    But seriously, I know I've said it before but love fraud is made up of people who just had the typical a-hole encounter. The theme over there is:

    WARNING: 'they pray on the kind and generous'

    No, that's a-holes. Sociopaths generally follow the mantra "You can't con an honest man". If you got taken by a sociopath, it because you were trying to take something that didn't belong to you...and found yourself out of your own league. Like every famous con-man has said at one time or another: I never took anyone who didn't think that were taking me.

    Sometimes I want to ask them - so, you talk a lot about the sociopath's end game, but what were you playing at?

  17. Lying to themselves, they believe that licking your wounds after getting victimized is a 'viable' victory. In reality it's failure.

    The words used are incorrect in the post, but behind it all is a good strategy. Trying to get revenge on a sociopath is not the smartest move. We're better at it. And often, at least in my experience, provoke for that very reason. I don't know if it's winning or losing...but she's talking about the difference between what's right vs. what's going to prove 'effective'. She's just trying to push the obvious: winning on moral grounds to a sociopath is a metaphoric oxymoron. They'll give you the moral ground to stand on and with no feeling of 'loss'. What sort of revenge is a moral victory to a sociopath?

  18. "WARNING: 'they pray on the kind and generous'

    No, that's a-holes. Sociopaths generally follow the mantra "You can't con an honest man". If you got taken by a sociopath, it because you were trying to take something that didn't belong to you...and found yourself out of your own league. Like every famous con-man has said at one time or another: I never took anyone who didn't think that were taking me."

    This is very true. The only people I ever have found to be susceptible to my dubious charms were always themselves liars, delusional or in some way worthy of contemptible.

  19. What is this the sociopath moral majority? When did sociopaths start adopting the same mantra? When did con men start becoming vigilantes? Where did you discover this? Are you just making up sociopathic mantras and con men's ethics or is this some kind of studied fact?
    I know your immediate response is going to be to lash out in a flame of multiple posts, and I'm telling you that because now you won't do it, because that would make me right. I've worked with a lot of sociopaths in the criminal justice system. Not just criminals, but on the laws side too. I've never seen any standard ethics among sociopaths. They make up their own principles based on achieving whatever it is they want. They generally don't care what it takes or who gets destroyed or used when people are in their way.
    As for con men, what about those CEOs who ripped off elderly people. Are you saying the elderly people are foul? Did you interview them to find out something like that? Have you interviewed many people victim of con men and came up with the same conclusion?
    It just seems like some strange statements to make. Especially for someone still in school.

  20. Dear Amomamiss,

    A. Happy, well adjusted 'good and honest' people are simply hard to take. They often either lack the imagination to believe in lies or are too savvy to play the fool. I'm not even attracted to 'good' women.

    B. Most people are somewhat venal and contemptible. It's a safe assumption that the average person is desperate, hopeful creature. Only a handful out of every hundred or so persons I meet seems nice and normal upon close inspection.

    And who are these CEO's robbing the elderly? This sounds like the work of an over-active imagination, perhaps you have the 'brain fever' or some other nervous condition? I should take your temperature :)

  21. Conman Mantra=Irony

    You're probably right. We don't sit and meditate upon spiritual platitudes to elevate our 'self', in a journey toward some supernatural enlightenment. I'm so terribly sorry to have confused you by introducing an 8th grade literary devices into my reply. In the future, I'll try to bring it down a notch. You let me know when you feel comfortable to go back up to full speed junior high-brow. (Damn my punning!)

    So, yes, it is a common 'rule of thumb' or 'strategy' or what have you.

    And yes, the cliche "you can't con an honest man" has been around for over hundred years, so just copy and past into google and see what you come up with. Another one is "A mark must have larceny in his hearts" Google/Wiki/whatever it. It's the science of the easy target.

    Here's a thought. If you don't believe I'm correct about something, how 'bout you be the responsible person to cry bullshit AND the person to provide substance to whatever contrary opinion is floating around your head.

    This is how it should go: point/counter point.

    point/"you're wrong, prove it"

    It just seems like some strange statements to make. Especially for someone still in school.

    Are these hypothetical? 'Cause I didn't make a personal statement. It was quote. And a reference. And I'm not so sure why someone who did state the above, would make the statement 'stranger' by still being in school? (Do you think I'm in school? Or is this random hypothetical conjecture...again.)

  22. Weak coward? Nope.

    Lemme guess, UKan. You're a sociopath thug flinging mud? Or maybe worse, a narcissist, or an empath suggesting fighting fair with socios?

    Fantastic. Next you'll be calling me immoral, right?

    Always hit where it hurts. Always. Gather your evidence. And make sure you completely destroy your sociopath enemy. Always do it discreetly or known, but from a great distance.

    Their currency is money and freedom. So, take it away and laugh all the way home!

    Only a f*cking moron would fight "fair" with a sociopath. Hahahaa.


  23. Sarah, you're dumb. Sayings or proverbs don't add factual support to your argument. Let's start with generalizations than. That seems to be a language you understand.

    Liars and con artists are untrusting and therefore more challenging as a con. Victims, or victim personalities are easy to con because they are trusting, or otherwise searching for pain. Con artists attack the naive public, not other con artists, or other such foul people if they are searching for an easy target. The people who attack foul people are those with a sense of justice, such as police, the general population, and the hero type. The copn artist has not the goal of vengeance, by that theory, but personal gain.

    For example, victim relatioinships are between one with a victim personality, and one with a bully personality. Or an otherwise selfish personality looking for some kind of an easy up.

    Another example,
    Madolf (SP?) conned tons of people who were investing in his company for retirement, unsuspecting, and hopeful naive people.

    What about in the movies? Con artists are seen conning naive or gullible people, perhaps faulted as far as human, but otherwise unmalicious or lacking sociopathic tendancies. These are the easy targets. For example, Matchstick men shows the conartist at work. And it shows the conman swindling anyone with money. Another fascinating concept. That conmen would try to hit people with something to offer. What about The Thomas Crown Affair? A museum is obviously a foul target.
    Then comes another generalization, that people with something are not naive and can have gotten there by foul means, IE stomping on people and being sociopathic.

    What you're assuming by trusting aged proverbs is that the goal of a con artist is not just to get ahead, but to get ahead in a fair, or just way. Con artists do not draw lines but to protect themselves. If there ius a risk in stealing legit money, there is none in stealing illegitimate money, for example. Who'll report it. So while you're up there shunning those who don't do research try supporting your eight grade concepts with intelligence, instead of just your ill use of your education.

    Really, you're making the school system look bad, and we like to have as much faith in that as we can, so feel free to stop.

  24. Our currency is money?

    No wonder I couldn't negotiate at the car dealership yesterday. I'm still using magic beans!

    Gosh. You miss one Convention and you're totally out of the fold.

    I see your point, though. Sociopaths value money and freedom. Which - er - um - is -well also something that most everyone values.

    Huh. Have you thought of going into fortune telling? You have a gift to conjure specific BS valuations from vague mixed metaphors, generalities and platitudes.

    "To anyone reading M.E. and feeling disempowered with impotent rage...."

    This would have been an excellent time to work in the word comeuppance. I've very disappointed. Also, impotent rage? Viagra came out with a new pill to cure that as well. Cocainagra.

    Sooner or later they - the psychopaths - misjudge and hurt the wrong person.

    Interesting thought. I'm unclear who the 'right' person is to hurt. -- Is this a racial reference? Are you saying we should only hurt black people?!? SHOCK. There is no room in the Inn for bigots OR virgins-that's taken straight from a bible (just not the Holy Bible). Jeremiah 11-6987

    I've got my eyes on you, you dirty Jewish bastard.

    the law is a great trump card

    That effects you too. And if your close enough to see illegal activity then you're close enough to have it pinned on you as well.

  25. Anonymous, your theory contradicts itself.

    If a sociopath would never admit to being a sociopath, and woul;d blend in in society etc, than the goal would be not to be discovered. Therefore, unless we're unintelligent, most of us will not have been diagnosed sociopaths.

    So than, the motivation for coming to sociopathworld... hmm. To take off the mask. Anonymity, as you must know, removes an element of revealing oneself. Like Dexter when he reveals himself to his victims. He both knows he's a sociopath and enjoys being himself. So then, as you can imagine to be able to remove a mask and make fun of people openly instead of to oneself is quite refreshing.

  26. Jasnowfuck- do you have some kind of inferiority complex?

  27. Sarah,

    I think you're mixing up anon posts. I said the thing about currency being money... I'm tired.

    I should've worded it:

    The only thing you can take away from a sociopath (that really, really matters) is money and freedom. Everything else is dispensable.

    The thing you said about the law applying to people in close proximity is a good point, but hasn't applied to me, because I haven't been that close. And, I haven't broken the law. Got a clean record too, unlike a lot of moderately functioning sociopaths.

    Hilarious response, though. Magic beans! Hah!

  28. Sarah, you're dumb. Sayings or proverbs don't add factual support to your argument.

    Okay, I admit I'm not going to read past that sentence. And platitudes is the word I used, not proverbs. And what blog are you reading? In what world does illustrating a mainstream common knowledge of an idea by including the many cliches, media usages, songs, cheers, mottos that has been derived from a long standing 'rule of thumb' Your taking my little anecdote way too far. And it's very very boring now. I site about 50% of the time, for reference and fair play. (More than most) The other 50% is silliness, filler, shooting the shit.

    It's a goddamn Love Fraud blog topic, chill. Your boredom bogart is major-ly infringing on my 'make fun of love frauders time.' How. dare. you.

    If you want to argue about accepted idioms and be contrary to all common knowledge and sarcastic bites, I suggest you go to tediousworld Blogger.

  29. This coming from the cunt who correct's peoples words, like she got something up her arse. That wasn't accepted idioms, that was accepted idiocy. Where's your sarcasm? Your dumb comments on here that try to sound educated? Don't come on here trying to act like you have any concept of anything. You don't. Period and point blank.

    Sarah=Dumb Cunt

  30. "The only thing you can take away from a sociopath (that really, really matters) is money and freedom. Everything else is dispensable."

    This is true, but it's still a bad idea. Do you really think it's smart to try to ruin the life of person with no boundaries?

    If you fail, you're the one who looks crazy. If you're successful, now the only thing that person has left is you.

    Your bravado is a sure sign that you're not really up to it. But I can see why it would be a nice anonymous daydream to take down those bastards.

  31. Harry Lime you are a fuckin fool too. I read your stupid comment that made me laugh. Honest people don't get conned? Give me a break. I con honest people like you all the time. People that think the wheel turns around in a circle of good and bad karma are suckers waiting for my silver tongue. I hate to tell you, but everyone gets it at some given time.
    You find liars susceptable to lies? Shutup you bloody idiot. That's a lie. Guess how I know. BECAUSE IM A LIAR YOU STUPID FOOL. How bout that? You can't bullshit a bullshitter, how bout that for a generalization Sarah you dumb cunt. You can't lie to honest people, because you don't know how to lie or manipulate. Stop agreeing with this cunt just to get in her knickers you loser. Go out and get some pussy from the bar if your such a slickster.

  32. He' s got a mouth on him, but I've gotta say I find UKam to be right on this issue. Other people here are just rationalising themselves to buggery fuckery, trying to justify and mitigate the hell they rain down on the vulnerable.
    However, that 'snitching' stuff is can you start moralising about what ways a revengeful 'empath' should and should not get back at the friendly neighbourhood psycho. Anon, police snitcher guy, YOU ARE A FREAKIN' VAMPIRE SLAYER DUDE! Have fun....I love the mental imagery of chasing down that evil fuck and making him eat it baby yeah oh yeah!
    Sorry about that, got a bit carried away. But you people are sick sick sick! But actually I had a serious thought just then..what was it again? Oh yeah, about this rationalising thing. Does the fact psychos have to rationalise/justify mean that they have some kind of a 'feeling' akin to conscious....but maybe it's too weak, and they are too dishonest (or call it 'flexible' if you like) to allow it constrain they 'rationalise'.
    Hey you psychos....can you help answer that one?
    Peace and Love!

  33. By even posting on the LoveFraud site, these people are admitting defeat. They are calling themselves VICTIMS. If you are a victim, you have surrendered control and you will never find any victory in that. Only cheerleaders and hippies would believe that crap. It's just another product of a generation that was raised believing that everyone deserves a trophy for just showing up.

  34. Cheers Alpha. Finally a voice of reason in here.
    Judge Dead get over your vampires. This isn't transalvania. Are you saying that people who don't like snitches are not sociopaths? Another uneducated general statement. Are you a sociopath speaking from experience?
    Would it be far fetched for stupid snitches to get their heads sawed off by a sociopath? Sounds more realistic to me.
    You Love Fraud sympathizers need to quit it. You wish you called the cops, but you didn't till you were already beatin, in the hospital, and bank account emptied. I read that shite. One cunt was so pathetic she let her little girl die. She still ran off with him till the cops caught up to him, no thanks to her. Losers. You have nothing to boast about. You can't even snitch right. That's like failing to be a coward.

    "Hey you psychos....can you help answer that one?"

    Half these phonies are not rationalizing what they do; they are pretending to be sociopaths. You can tell people who are phonies when they try to pin morals onto sociopathy like this is some church. The only thing they don't get is that this isn't hollywood where a bunch of Dexters run around serial killing bad people for the good side. This is reality. Where sociopaths do whatever the fuck they want to. If Sarah or Lime think that sociopaths follow their narrow principles slightly bent to seem rebellious they will have quite a surprise when they actually run into someone who doesn't care about 'Honest' people like them.
    If you think that 'Honest' people don't get conned you haven't fucked anyone. Stop dreaming about being some vigilante you filthy tampons.

  35. Dude you need to take your Sarah obsession down a notch. This isn't an audience here to support you as you work through your ... issues.

    Get a diary.

  36. Awesome comments UKan! But Harry Lime wasn't moralising, or at least he also gave away the real motivation for him...which is simply that he gets turned on by women who are both vulnerable and 'damaged' in some way. I remember reading this during the exchange a few posts ago where he appeared to be homing in on some little girl that was hanging around in here.
    I'm not sure about you UKan, where you stand on the psycho scale. You come across as a common garden variety criminal. I've met loads of people like you, watched people like you grow up, grew up with people like you. Mostly, they originally learn the callousness, foul mouth aggressiveness and meanheaded thinking as a way to stop the older crew using them for a gofer all the time :o) Then before long they've got their own gofers and so the wheel turns.

  37. UKan dude I thought of another piece of irony you will love or hate. Has it occured to you, that by you being here telling the real truth about yourself and the truth about the way it is out a way you are the one doing people a favour here, both wannabe psychos and also victims trying to understand. M.E. glamourises everything and tries to make psychos look invincible and he isn't helping anyone except his own weird fucking homoerotic fantasies!

  38. Harry Lime,

    "This is true, but it's still a bad idea. Do you really think it's smart to try to ruin the life of person with no boundaries."

    Yes! I did, because I realized that nothing else would ever due - except getting "revenge" and making sure the rotten f*ck got what he deserved.

    "If you fail, you're the one who looks crazy. If you're successful, now the only thing that person has left is you."

    I know, and it makes me extremely happy. Because, I was successful.

    "Your bravado is a sure sign that you're not really up to it."

    I'm disappointed, Harry. You're wrong. I've been up to it.

    I exposed the worthless parasite to his worst nightmare - a system he couldn't thrive in - one with rules and consequences.

  39. I think this conversation has left the same idea as the post's subject matter for the most part.

    It has now turned into a bigger dick swinging arguement with commenters squaring off with other commenters...ME must be cracking up.

    I am...

    NOTAnon1 or 2

  40. I think the theory is that it should be harder to fool/manipulate a person who is honest with himself because said person is less likely to want to or need to believe lies. A person who is trying as hard as he can to be honest with himself won’t need to look for lies to prop up any little mythologies because he has so few running in his brain to begin with. He won’t easily fall for techniques like compliments, mirroring, well placed insults targeted at weak spots in his ego and so on because he tries not to hide things from himself, or repress uncomfortable truths or believe in flattering fairy tales about himself and so on. That’s the theory anyway. It has nothing to do with being moral or having a “code” or what have you. Noticing this theory is merely pragmatism.

    Having said that, in my own experience, very few people are honest with themselves. They believe the lies mommy and daddy told them about god, government, gender roles, tradition, morality, society and so on. And even the so called counter cultural folks, societies official rebels, haven’t gone nearly as far as they think they have in terms of questioning what is and isn’t true and why. This is why most people can be manipulated. In one way or the other, most people appear to be eager to believe in some kind of deception, usually ones that revolve around their sense of self, and that’s where the ease of manipulation comes into play. It may take a while to find the entry point on the smarter ones, but more often than not, it’s there.

    And as far the folk who are as honest with themselves as possible, who are fully aware of their own penchant to believe self flattering bullshit and are on constant guard as a result… well yeah, you might find it harder to handle them. Not impossible mind you, just more difficult.

  41. birdeck said "...He won’t easily fall for techniques like compliments, mirroring,"

    bah! salesman techniques.

    but what is interesting is extent to which such techniques are invented by a sociopath original to himself. In which case, what part is logical and what part is innate in human mental structure as consequence of evolution

  42. Anonymous said, “bah! salesman techniques”

    What else do you think manipulative tactics are? If you don’t use the particular techniques I used as examples, ALL OF THEM are, in the final analysis, salesman techniques. In the end, it doesn’t matter what name you give them; the only thing that matters is whether they work or not.

  43. "You find liars susceptable to lies?"

    UKan please try to calm down before you become incontinent.

    It's pretty easy to tell from all this that you're not too subtle. Let's make it easy for you:


    By 'good people' I never meant the people who go to church, love Barrak Obama, think their cat is a person, believe driving a Prius will save the earth, etc. I meant people of quality.

    They are rare, so I can appreciate how confused you've become . . . but I suspect you're often confused.

  44. "I'm disappointed, Harry. You're wrong. I've been up to it.

    I exposed the worthless parasite to his worst nightmare - a system he couldn't thrive in - one with rules and consequences."

    You go girl!

    But I'm not sure I understand. If this person is still alive, then he's probably out there somewhere thinking about you.

    Even if he's in prison, it's likely not forever. It does not seem impossible that this will come back to you in some way.

  45. I think what he meant was that people who are rational enough to see through their own bullshit will probably see through yours. They'll think the shit through and realize whatever you're offering isn't in their best interest. On top of that, they're not playing by some kind of risky game plan trying to extract money or sex out of people, so you can't figure it out and exploit it. By contrast, a conman would be a much easier target, because once you identify him, you know exactly what he wants, what role to play to build up his confidence, and are pretty much free to turn his shit against him as long as you remain incognito.


  46. Harry Lime wrote "Even if he's in prison, it's likely not forever. It does not seem impossible that this will come back to you in some way."

    Anon, don't listen to Harry Lime acting out on his fear. What you did was brave and effective and you won't hear from the parasite again...they crawl away to where they can get vulnerable unexpecting victims. You got the response you did from these guys because being dobbed in terrifies them, particularly ones like Lime who have managed to abuse and destroy innocent lives from below the radar screen, and who probably has a whole trail of badly covered up crimes in his wake.

  47. Harry,

    "But I'm not sure I understand. If this person is still alive, then he's probably out there somewhere thinking about you."

    I hope he is thinking about me, everyday - externalizing his anger towards me (it's all my fault, right?)... which is hilarious, because you socios on the site blame empaths for brooding over their "victimization".

    Just wait until the table is turned. All of you will act the same way. Reduced psychologically to what you really are inside - angry children.

    Remember Ted Bundy before he was executed? They stuffed his a** with cotton and put him in a diaper as he squealed and cried - appealing to anyone's sense of humanity to free him from the electric chair.


    "Even if he's in prison, it's likely not forever. It does not seem impossible that this will come back to you in some way."

    Of course, I realized that before turning him in, but the only alternative was knowing that he was out on the street, standing to commit the same crimes. Living a comfortable life like the average law-abiding joe.

    I couldn't live knowing that. So, I chose to take the gamble and stand up to the sociopath.

    If the day comes where he, or any one of his goons come harassing me or my family, I will be happily prepared to fight for my life.

    I'm lucky that the state that I live in has a "make my day" law.

    It's the cherry on the top.

  48. Anonymous said to Harry, “Just wait until the table is turned. All of you will act the same way. Reduced psychologically to what you really are inside - angry children.”

    Ok, I just had to chime in on this one. I literally laughed when I read this sentence. This is the kind of delusion I often refer to. It’s the notion that empathy and compassion and other so called normal emotions makes one an “adult”. Really? Does it? I guess it depends on how we define adulthood. In my mind, being an adult means facing reality, as it is. Moral sentiments and righteous angry, as lovely and as average as those emotions may be, are signs of a childish way of thinking in my opinion precisely because they reveal an attachment to views that are not reality based. Or, at least they are not as reality based as they could be. You might as well believe in Santa, the Tooth Fairy or god if you’re going to believe in morality and the so called justice of the law. The “I’m too tough to mess with because I’m an upstanding, law abiding citizen” routine masks the deep existential fear that drives the attachment to such concepts. Not facing one’s fear, hiding behind moral noise making is the essence of what childhood is all about. And just because almost everyone else you know is doing the same doesn’t make them real, valid or true; it just means that delusional misery loves company.

    “Of course, I realized that before turning him in, but the only alternative was knowing that he was out on the street, standing to commit the same crimes. Living a comfortable life like the average law-abiding joe.

    I couldn't live knowing that. So, I chose to take the gamble and stand up to the sociopath.

    If the day comes where he, or any one of his goons come harassing me or my family, I will be happily prepared to fight for my life.

    I'm lucky that the state that I live in has a "make my day" law.”

    And here’s an example of the needless limitations that come with being enslaved to one’s conscience. I don’t know the details of your particular case anon, but I can guess that these two were not the only options you had. I could be wrong of course and I freely admit it, but I think you presented yourself with a false dilemma if you honestly believed these were your only options. You could just as easily have ‘neutralized’ him in other ways that would not have left him as a lingering threat to you or your family. But you decided to play by rules that may or may not be there for you when the time comes.

  49. Anon #2,

    "...they crawl away to where they can get vulnerable unexpecting victims. You got the response you did from these guys because being dobbed in terrifies them, particularly ones like Lime who have managed to abuse and destroy innocent lives from below the radar screen, and who probably has a whole trail of badly covered up crimes in his wake"

    Thank you. I agree with you, and you are completely right about the fear. It's so thick here, I can taste it.

    I just hope there are more people, who, when unfortunate enough to become involved with a sociopath, will stay around long enough to gather evidence, finish the job and really "take care" of them.

  50. Harry,

    "In my mind, being an adult means facing reality, as it is. Moral sentiments and righteous angry, as lovely and as average as those emotions may be, are signs of a childish way of thinking in my opinion precisely because they reveal an attachment to views that are not reality based. Or, at least they are not as reality based as they could be."

    You are also a sociopath. You represent maybe 3% of the population, outnumbered, and stand to argue that the other 97% of people are not formulating their thoughts correctly.


    "You might as well believe in Santa, the Tooth Fairy or god if you’re going to believe in morality and the so called justice of the law. The “I’m too tough to mess with because I’m an upstanding, law abiding citizen” routine masks the deep existential fear that drives the attachment to such concepts."

    What if I told you that the reason I turned him in was because I enjoyed it? I enjoyed "getting even". It felt much better than being a "victim". Do I really have an existential crisis going on?

    "Not facing one’s fear, hiding behind moral noise making is the essence of what childhood is all about. And just because almost everyone else you know is doing the same doesn’t make them real, valid or true; it just means that delusional misery loves company."

    Whatever invalidating logic suits your twisted desires... I guess.

    "And here’s an example of the needless limitations that come with being enslaved to one’s conscience. I don’t know the details of your particular case anon, but I can guess that these two were not the only options you had. I could be wrong of course and I freely admit it, but I think you presented yourself with a false dilemma if you honestly believed these were your only options. You could just as easily have ‘neutralized’ him in other ways that would not have left him as a lingering threat to you or your family. But you decided to play by rules that may or may not be there for you when the time comes."

    Yeah. Because I play by rules and boundaries that govern the country of which I'm a part of.

    This is your (the socios) greatest weakness, really. Is that you are so arrogant to forget (or deny and ignore) what's ruling over you.

    You're so adversed to and disgusted by the law; it's so opposed to your way of life, that you will only sloppily learn the parameters, and quickly redirect yourselves towards your impulsive, sadistic behavior, taking great risks.

    The "guiding rules and principles" may not save me when the time comes, but I respect them and realize their worth for a healthy, peaceful society.

    And, again. I'm not planning on calling the cops if he comes around.

  51. Sorry - Daniel Birdick - the above comment was meant for you.

  52. Daniel wrote "But you decided to play by rules that may or may not be there for you when the time comes."

    Previously to this Daniel pretty much implies he is capable of doing wetwork and that other people don't just because they know how to love their families and dependents, and make a positive contribution overall. Is this like in the Batman moview when Batman decides he's not like the baddy?
    Stop fantasising Danny, you're playing a numbers game, and your number will come up sooner or later.

  53. Anonymous Dirty Harry Wannabe said, “You are also a sociopath. You represent maybe 3% of the population, outnumbered, and stand to argue that the other 97% of people are not formulating their thoughts correctly.


    Sanity is a numbers game. If enough people decide a certain behavior is sane, then by golly it is. But facts, on the other hand, are not decided by popular vote. To believe otherwise is, well, delusional.

    What if I told you that the reason I turned him in was because I enjoyed it? I enjoyed ‘getting even’.

    I’d say that I find your candor refreshing. Honesty, justice, fair play had nothing to do with it. You wanted revenge, which makes you no better or worse than your would be criminal.

    Do I really have an existential crisis going on?

    If you continue to believe you are something that you are not (morally superior), despite the evidence to the contrary (your desire for revenge) then yes, an existential crisis might be in the offing for you some time in the future, when your denial starts to wear thin.

    Whatever invalidating logic suits your twisted desires... I guess.

    That was quite a powerful rejoinder. You certainly showed me.

    This is your (the socios) greatest weakness, really. Is that you are so arrogant to forget (or deny and ignore) what's ruling over you.

    What ‘rules’ over me exactly? The law you say? How so?

    You're so adversed to and disgusted by the law…

    Actually, I am not ‘disgusted’ by the law. It’s like architecture or differing musical genres or the weather. It’s part of the backdrop sure, it can be bothersome or amusing or useful by turns. What I do find annoying is blind adherence to the law.

    The ‘guiding rules and principles’ may not save me when the time comes, but I respect them and realize their worth for a healthy, peaceful society.

    Good for you.

    And, again. I'm not planning on calling the cops if he comes around.

    That’s what I’m talking ‘bout Dirty Harriet. (I don’t know why, but for some reason I’m assuming you’re a woman. I could be wrong…) You didn’t have to do that the first time around! And btw, thank you for remembering my name. It was sweet of you.

  54. Rosie O’Donnell said, “Stop fantasising Danny, you're playing a numbers game, and your number will come up sooner or later.”

    LOL! Lovely. But do be a dear Rosie and remind me when I said or even implied all of the things you’ve said I did. As you may know, I’m a grumpy old man who speaks in useless alliteration and uses big words that nobody has any use for, like splendiferous. I just can’t imagine when I’d find the time to do wetwork. Although being Batman does sound kinda cool… Nah, I’d rather be Joker if I just had to choose.

  55. Daniel,

    "Sanity is a numbers game. If enough people decide a certain behavior is sane, then by golly it is. But facts, on the other hand, are not decided by popular vote. To believe otherwise is, well, delusional."

    This blind adherence to whatever facts you use to justify your sociopathic behavior is exactly the reason why you're sick.

    You have used fact to turn against your own species, and want to candy coat it for the public, for some reason.

    Maybe you're facing an existential crisis in the near future?

    "I’d say that I find your candor refreshing. Honesty, justice, fair play had nothing to do with it. You wanted revenge, which makes you no better or worse than your would be criminal."

    I never claimed to be better or worse. I just said I enjoyed, and am fairly good at, taking out the trash.

    "If you continue to believe you are something that you are not (morally superior), despite the evidence to the contrary (your desire for revenge) then yes, an existential crisis might be in the offing for you some time in the future, when your denial starts to wear thin."

    Never, ever, ever believed myself to be morally superior. I am just protecting myself, and the society that houses my friends and family from predators - all the while getting off on it.

    "What ‘rules’ over me exactly? The law you say? How so?"

    Daniel. Step away from your computer, go to the local law enforcement office, and randomly pick a skeleton out of your closet. Reveal it. See what happens. Then, let's chat.

    "Actually, I am not ‘disgusted’ by the law. It’s like architecture or differing musical genres or the weather. It’s part of the backdrop sure, it can be bothersome or amusing or useful by turns. What I do find annoying is blind adherence to the law."

    You're so cerebral.

    "That’s what I’m talking ‘bout Dirty Harriet. (I don’t know why, but for some reason I’m assuming you’re a woman. I could be wrong…) You didn’t have to do that the first time around!"

    Don't be daft, Daniel. Of course, I realized this all to begin with. But, why get my hands so dirty, bypassing due process, when the justice system was happy to take over?

    I do have other obligations to take care of, like participating in society.

    "And btw, thank you for remembering my name. It was sweet of you.


    Yours truly,
    Dirty Harriett

  56. Let me address this first to you heros flying in to save that dumb bitch Sarah:
    She didn't say people lying to themselves so stop drumming up arguments bout what you think she meant to say. If the cunt wants to say something stupid, don't try to turn it around. You look just as dumb. Birdick you claim you don't get involved in disputes. Now you jump in because you are a lonely old fart and finally got a compliment from some fat gothic college student who's drumming up a ethics class on sociopathy. Let me give you what was said:

    ((Sociopaths generally follow the mantra "You can't con an honest man".)) --Sarah
    ((Like every famous con-man has said at one time or another: I never took anyone who didn't think that were taking me.)) --Sarah Dumb Cunt
    If you think that sociopaths are following mantras about conning honest people you are a fool. If you think every famnous con person has said the above sentence coincidently you are a idiot.

    Onto the issue with you stupid cunt snitches is the fact that no matter what your countrie's rules are and laws the age old rule of not tattle taling prevails. Your mum told you that I'm sure. Even in the police force they hate snitches. Because you are a stupid women you think that the prison system and your make my day law will save you. Well, if that was the case he'd already had been dead wouldn't he. You couldn't do it then, and you can't do it now. You're weak that's why you needed him. That's why it took the police to take him away. From your story on LF I saw that you weren't even the one who called them. Why didn't you just leave him? Why are you still dwelling on him? He's still controlling your life. He controls the fact that you still dwell on him enough to find sites with his mental disorder on it. You're making up being a hero in your own mind and changing the story up so you seem strong is just another example of you lying to yourself about WHO YOU ARE. I can sense a victim like you. You walk around broken. You're in the angry stage right now, but as soon as the pot simmers down maybe you'd like to take a trip over here to Britian. You don't change, because something happened to you at a early age leaving you forever broken to be tormented for the rest of your life till you face yourself. Your site is a crutch not a strength. Nothing will fix you. Not the police, Love Fraud, Dirty Harry, or these idiots on here that are fraudulent sociopaths with ethics. You don't need that man to get out to be victimized again. You'll do it to yourself. Your the problem not him.

  57. Daniel- even though you are an ass, you are pretty funny. If you could only put that energy into something meaningful that would be great!

  58. " . . . particularly ones like Lime who have managed to abuse and destroy innocent lives from below the radar screen, and who probably has a whole trail of badly covered up crimes in his wake"

    It's flattering that you guys have these fantasies about me, but you really sound quite crazy . . . you're not hunting witches here.

    I'm a normal, law-abiding citizen with slightly different sensibilities. No need to stock up on silver bullets or anoint yourself with holy water.

  59. UKan,

    "Onto the issue with you stupid cunt snitches is the fact that no matter what your countrie's rules are and laws the age old rule of not tattle taling prevails. Your mum told you that I'm sure. Even in the police force they hate snitches. Because you are a stupid women you think that the prison system and your make my day law will save you. Well, if that was the case he'd already had been dead wouldn't he."

    Must be, cuz you said so!

    "You couldn't do it then, and you can't do it now. You're weak that's why you needed him. That's why it took the police to take him away. From your story on LF I saw that you weren't even the one who called them."

    You are wrong. I CALLED THE COPS. Let's be clear. I also got away from him on my own.

    "Why didn't you just leave him?"

    I did.

    "Why are you still dwelling on him?"

    Because I enjoyed the experience, and hope to encounter it again.

    "He's still controlling your life."

    Anymore than your anger controlling you?

    "He controls the fact that you still dwell on him enough to find sites with his mental disorder on it. You're making up being a hero in your own mind and changing the story up so you seem strong is just another example of you lying to yourself about WHO YOU ARE."

    Wow. You are really stupid and inaccurate. Does it matter if you're right or wrong, or is this tirade a sort of masturbation?

    I am not lying to myself about who I am. I ENJOY f*cking with sociopaths that happen to come my way. What's wrong with that?

    I like this site, because it's mostly honest and good food for thought. For me, it's like reading a cook book. Seriously, UKan.

    Don't believe me? I'll be your "victim", if you want.

    "I can sense a victim like you. You walk around broken. You're in the angry stage right now, but as soon as the pot simmers down maybe you'd like to take a trip over here to Britian."


    "You don't change, because something happened to you at a early age leaving you forever broken to be tormented for the rest of your life till you face yourself. Your site is a crutch not a strength. Nothing will fix you. Not the police, Love Fraud, Dirty Harry, or these idiots on here that are fraudulent sociopaths with ethics. You don't need that man to get out to be victimized again. You'll do it to yourself. Your the problem not him."

    Thanks for the therapy session. Reductio ad Absurdum by a social retard.

    I live a good life, UKan.

    But, one must waste time, somehow.

    Don't be a tyrant.

  60. Oh, and UKan ----> My story isn't on LOVE FRAUD!

    My story is no where. I am a lurker here, and have been for a few weeks.


  61. First of all Dirty Harriett, I don’t do ‘blind adherence’ to anything or anyone. That’s the kind of thing I find both stupid and annoying. I try to get my facts straight because in the end, that’s all you actually have to work with. Secondly, in my mind every man and woman is in the end, out for him or herself. We all do what we think we must to accomplish whatever we think we need to accomplish. Some of us go through the tiresome task of dressing that up and calling it morality, some of us don’t. That isn’t candy coating or justifying, at least as far as I’m concerned. That’s just plain ole explanation. (I know, it isn’t this simple, but let’s leave it that way for the purposes of this discussion.)

    “Maybe you're facing an existential crisis in the near future?”

    If I were in denial about some huge truth about myself and the world I live in, you’d be right. Fortunately, I’ve done the work necessary to remove as much internal gunk as possible, making existential crises unnecessary. Have you dear Harriett?

    “I never claimed to be better or worse. I just said I enjoyed, and am fairly good at, taking out the trash.”

    By calling someone else trash, you are in effect claiming to be better. You are not better of course. Merely saying you don’t think you’re morally superior to the person you’ve just called trash doesn’t make it so. Surely you can see the contradiction, no?

    “I am just protecting myself, and the society that houses my friends and family from predators - all the while getting off on it.”

    Again, I’ve got no problems with that. The only thing I object to is the moral superior tone. Why not just leave it at, ‘I’ll do what I must to get what I want and to protect those whom I choose to protect, using whatever means I deem necessary?’ Why add concepts about being a law abiding citizen and what not? What purpose does that serve other than to flatter yourself?

    “Daniel. Step away from your computer, go to the local law enforcement office, and randomly pick a skeleton out of your closet. Reveal it. See what happens. Then, let's chat.”

    That’s what I thought you meant, but I figured I’d go ahead and ask anyway. When I think of the word ‘rule’, I think of dominance, governance, some external power that dictates my actions so that I must obey or an authority that I must bow before in one way or the other. I recognize no such authority. I am free to do precisely what I want, when I want, where I want, and for reasons that only have to make sense to myself. I don’t have to obey the any law anywhere, and I can potentially remain free so long as I am not caught. Disobeying the law is not the same thing as, say, not eating or breathing. If I am to live, I must eat and breathe. The consequences of not eating or breathing are literally a part of our nature and axiomatic. They are based in reality. I however, continue to live quite comfortably after having broken the law several times. All one has to do is be careful and smart. The law, in this sense, does not ‘rule’ over me in the way that air and food do.

    “You're so cerebral.”

    Why thank you sweetums. I do try.

    “Don't be daft, Daniel. Of course, I realized this all to begin with. But, why get my hands so dirty, bypassing due process, when the justice system was happy to take over?”

    Because as you’ve already stated, the justice system still leaves you vulnerable to this person in the future. You could have just as easily nipped this in the bud permanently by taking care of it yourself.

    If you know that ultimately the only person you can depend on to take care of yourself is you, then why all this fuss about defending the rightful place of the law and of due process? Surely you’re smarter than that.

  62. ...stand to argue that the other 97% of people are not formulating their thoughts correctly.


    Can we all just stop and google "The Bell Curve" for just a second? And then read about what it means to be that big chunk in the middle. Because I'm getting rather tired of hearing the same argument over and over that postures 'normalized' behavior as also being of exceptional quality. You can't be normal and exceptional. So, if you find yourself in that big chunk in the middle (granted in good company) it's NOT an appropriate response to set yourself above any other simply because you belong to the majority. This is actually contrary to the point you are trying to make. Your point may be valid, but I insist you propose it without logical least not in the same sentence.

    As far as the conman con thing goes, that's common knowledge and should be common sense. If you don't know it, you've never heard of it before, well now you have a wonderful opportunity to do a little research and learn something. I'm not teaching psych 101 here. I don't give a shit if you live in the dark. I might even prefer it.

  63. For the Anon who put that person in jail

    Sociopaths don't generally have an agenda they collectively push, so I think the push back you have experienced here is true concern. Not in the touchy feely way...but in the 'hey, are you've thought this threw way". I don't actually know if Harry is a sociopath, but I do know that he makes the distinction between violent and non-violent sociopaths. I don't think he was trying to discourage you or was showing any fear, just weighing the risk/benefit. If it's a violent sociopath and you're not directly involved, my advice would have been stay the effe out of it. If you were directly involved, I'm not sure what else you COULD do, but to call the police.(?!?) Without specifics, it sounds as if you inserted yourself into a situation you weren't personally vested in and manipulated it into a source of de facto revenge. That sounds awesome. But, if he's violent, and parole comes around...maybe you could move? Hmm? Change your name? Get a blond wig, perhaps?

    Also, as far as Bundy goes. Socipathy can only be assessed forensically so it's hard to get reliable methods- but so far no one has ever speculated that sociopathy is linked to killing women and raping the dead bodies repeatedly. It's accepted that this a different pathology. Trolling for victims fits the pattern, but all that disturbed necro stuff is a different monster all together and doesn't even rely on the comorbidity of sociopathy to manifest. It's an important distinction to make if you have to deal with it. Sexually disturbed individuals will not follow the same pattern as generic sociopaths and if you anticipate otherwise, you could put yourself in a very dangerous position of underestimating everything. Bundy escaped prison at least once, maybe twice. Calling Bundy a sociopath underestimates the capabilities and desires of those of the same ilk.

  64. She won't take care of him herself, because she's a coward. That's why she left him first then called the cops. So she can have a safe place to hide so she can snitch. That's the most cowardly thing I've ever heard.
    I have news for this bird. People get taken while they're armed and have actually killed someone in cold blood. You think that because you got Make My Day that you have the guts to pull the trigger. Not likely. I've seen women like you. So tough when they talk and all shakes when they grab that wood grain handle. If you had the guts to get rid of him you would have done it. Don't tell me you didn't have the chance. He slept didn't he. Your not even cowardly enough to kill him in his sleep? Pathetic. Now you left your family in danger. You in danger. Maybe you have a kid that's alive (With your competance that would be a miracle) and you left him/her in danger. They are in danger because of your weakness. If they get hurt it's your fault. Just like before. YOUR FAULT.

  65. Don't believe me? I'll be your "victim", if you want.

    Yeah. Maybe you're a sociopath yourself. I think you found your niche right in the blind spot of the Narcissist Predator. It's what we do best. That's why when I'm on love fraud and the men are all bitching about their sociopathic women, I can't help but think either he's a narcissist and had it coming or she's not a sociopath...just a bitch.

    If you find yourself in a pattern of exploiting the exploiters maybe you should sit yourself right down here with the rest of us, cause you might just be home.

  66. I forgot to respond to this.

    someone said, “Daniel- even though you are an ass, you are pretty funny.”

    Awww! I love terms of endearment. They’re so… endearing.

    “If you could only put that energy into something meaningful that would be great!”

    I know, right? If only I could do the whole meaning thing… Ah well, I blame my addled brain. And my mom, like every grown-up American does.

  67. UKan,

    "She won't take care of him herself, because she's a coward. That's why she left him first then called the cops. So she can have a safe place to hide so she can snitch. That's the most cowardly thing I've ever heard."

    You keep giving me credit for another's story.

    Whoever you keep comparing me to has a story different set of cicumstances than my own.

    The only details of my story have been shared here, for the first time, anywhere.

    So, pay attention. Otherwise, I'm just gonna assume this "trolling" is really your weak attempt at distracting people from your stupidity.

    "I have news for this bird. People get taken while they're armed and have actually killed someone in cold blood. You think that because you got Make My Day that you have the guts to pull the trigger. Not likely. I've seen women like you."

    No, you haven't, UKan. You haven't yet distinguished me from some delusion, victim woman, on another board, that you have it out for.

    "So tough when they talk and all."

    I bet ya $100 dollars this is what you're doing, right now.

    "If you had the guts to get rid of him you would have done it. Don't tell me you didn't have the chance. He slept didn't he."

    That's funny you say this, because I did actually joke to him, about him having to sleep, sometime.

    "Your not even cowardly enough to kill him in his sleep? Pathetic."

    You are a complete maniac. Really. Belligerent and worthless to listen to.

    "Now you left your family in danger. You in danger. Maybe you have a kid that's alive (With your competance that would be a miracle) and you left him/her in danger. They are in danger because of your weakness. If they get hurt it's your fault. Just like before. YOUR FAULT."

    Blah, blah, blah, blah.

    I bet you're really boring in bed.

  68. Sarah if you believe that snitches story about revenge and snitchin you need to go back and read the rest of these comments on this site. Paticularly the ones in May and June when they came here last time. The people from LF routinely (Ironically) come on this site and change their stories to a fantasy they have in their brain of what they wish had happened. However, when you get to their site it's all sobs and tears. A big pitty party for the helpless victims.

  69. WTF you just explained what you are: All talk. You joked about killing him in his sleep, but what did you do? You ran and called the cops. You can't stomach killing someone who is a threat to you or your family. That's why you rely on the cops to run to the aid of someone weak and helpess like yourself. I have news for you. The same sociopathic trait rampant in criminals is also rampant in the police force. That's what helps them catch the criminals. I speak from experience, not a bunch of book smart nonsense or Googled knowledge like some of these knobs on here. This is the real world, not some fantasy where we can all be who we want to be. Once you start getting some reality in your head you might avoid being a victim. Lying to this comment board, some foul brit, or yourself won't make you better.

  70. Daniel,

    "(I know, it isn’t this simple, but let’s leave it that way for the purposes of this discussion.)"


    "If I were in denial about some huge truth about myself and the world I live in, you’d be right. Fortunately, I’ve done the work necessary to remove as much internal gunk as possible, making existential crises unnecessary. Have you dear Harriett?"


    "By calling someone else trash, you are in effect claiming to be better."

    No. I reserve the right to call anyone who tries to f*ck with me, any derogatory term I like, without having a lengthy debate about moral superiority.

    "The only thing I object to is the moral superior tone."

    What you're sensing is my disgust. That disgust is more complicated than simply having a sense of moral superiority.

    "Why not just leave it at, ‘I’ll do what I must to get what I want and to protect those whom I choose to protect, using whatever means I deem necessary?’ Why add concepts about being a law abiding citizen and what not? What purpose does that serve other than to flatter yourself?"

    Because I think it's actually a great talent to be capable of coloring inside the lines of the law.

    "I recognize no such authority. I am free to do precisely what I want, when I want, where I want, and for reasons that only have to make sense to myself. I don’t have to obey the any law anywhere, and I can potentially remain free so long as I am not caught."

    Exactly. Why. You're. Sorta. Vulnerable.

    "Disobeying the law is not the same thing as, say, not eating or breathing. If I am to live, I must eat and breathe. The consequences of not eating or breathing are literally a part of our nature and axiomatic. They are based in reality. I however, continue to live quite comfortably after having broken the law several times. All one has to do is be careful and smart."

    ...and make sure you don't try to take advantage of someone smarter and more careful than yourself.

    "The law, in this sense, does not ‘rule’ over me in the way that air and food do."

    I understand your reasoning. BUT, if you were to commit crime as publically as you eat and breathe, you would most certainly feel the law rule over you.

    You've just bypassed the system, because you're clever.

    If your mind could exist alone, somehow, without being governed by food and air, you wouldn't be above human law, you'd just be a freak.

    Just food for thought.

    "Because as you’ve already stated, the justice system still leaves you vulnerable to this person in the future. You could have just as easily nipped this in the bud permanently by taking care of it yourself."

    I understand that, but I can play by the rules, and get what I want, with less effort. He's no more a danger to me now, than he's ever been.

    "If you know that ultimately the only person you can depend on to take care of yourself is you, then why all this fuss about defending the rightful place of the law and of due process? Surely you’re smarter than that."

    We'll have a philosophical conversation about law later. I'm not in the mood.


  71. UKan,

    It's ok. You don't have to believe I exist. I know it's hard.

    It goes against everything you've been taught and learned about the world.

    What can I say?

    I developed in this way, over time. Only just realizing what I thought was "love" was really just a demented, sexualized enjoyment of fucking with sociopaths, and punishing them.

    My mother is a sociopath.

    It probably started there.

    Anyways, I can't get off in normal relationships, because I can't "get" them the way I want to - probably because they won't eff with me, the way a sociopath will.

    It's complicated.

    So, go on and judge me. I really don't care what you think, and partially because you're such a vulgar brit. No excuses for that.

    Still, you're no better than anyone else here on the board, even though you try so damn hard to present yourself to be.

    So, shut up with all yer white noise, already.

  72. I'm one of the only one's here not reading out of a book and throwing it on a board. I got life experience you dumb cunt snitch. I've learned in life snitches get theirs eventually. You don't have a bobby walking around with you 24 hours a day, and America's funding for witness protection is almost non-existent anymore. I know the mentallity of a snitch. Cowardice. Can't face the time they have to do so they point other people out to authorites. In your case you were in so much fear you called the police. Typical abused little bird. He shouldn't have abused you, and instead kept you close. Birds chirp as the saying goes.
    I don't know if anyone has talked to someone in Protective Custody Cells before, but I have. Believe me none of them are cowards according to them. They just wanted to change their life. A look at their jacket will reveal that they were facing time, or that their gang turned on them for disobeying certain perameters. That's why you're called rats. You run and squeak like little rodents.

  73. UKan,

    I guess you're really desperately wanting to know my story.

    But, no.

    I'm just going to ignore you, now ;)

  74. I don't want to know your story. I want you to stop fronting and acting like being a rat is something to be proud of. Calling the police on someone is not tough. It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

  75. I understand your reasoning. BUT, if you were to commit crime as publically as you eat and breathe, you would most certainly feel the law rule over you.

    Daniel you dirty bastard! Breathing and Eating in public, shame! This cracked me up...I immediately had a mental image of you sucking in a big chunk of air, walking out your front door and holding it whilst you run a few errands.

    Daniel this is an excellent counter point to your assertion that an innate unconditioned mechanism is only a byproduct of it's public disclosure. You haven't exactly made that point yet, however when you do...boy does this chic have a trump card for you.

  76. Okay I admit I don't always read all the comments and miss a lot

    ...but Ukan, have you even heard what this snitching thing is about? There ARE times when you have to call the police. Paperwork, really. Car gets stolen, insurance, cancel credit card etc etc.

    I haven't heard anything specific that could be qualified as brave, cowardly, gross, illicit, shocking - nothing. It all seems very vague and blah. For all I know she got her purse snatched and had a report taken out so she wouldn't have to pay to replace her license. But it's gotten a strong reaction from you. Do you know this girl?

  77. You stupid dunce didn't you read any of these before you hit the comment button or are you just firing off your erratic random pieves of Google knowledge again and correcting grammar?

    "I like to "get even" with the sloppy type of sociopath when he/she breaks the law. There's nothing better than turning them over to the system."


    Always hit where it hurts. Always. Gather your evidence. And make sure you completely destroy your sociopath enemy. Always do it discreetly or known, but from a great distance.


    "You are wrong. I CALLED THE COPS. Let's be clear. I also got away from him on my own."

    Need it be any clearer you dumb fucking cunt. You just said something semi-intelligent on the last post and reached the level just above ignorant. Now you had to come back and destroy your only shred of evidence that you are smarter than a brain dead vegatable. You and Mr.NoBrAin must be related. I just Googled you and my computer spat out a piece of shite. What does that mean?

  78. Dirty Harriett:

    Since you gave me some food for thought, why don’t I return the favor? You want to have your cake and eat it too. Or, to continue with the foodisms, you want to have your humble pie (‘I never claim to be morally superior, never, ever, ever’) while also serving your sociopath what you consider to be his just desserts. Your thoughts on this are contradictory and hypocritical. Proclaiming a new species of moral emotion called “complicated disgust” doesn’t change that. It’s creative, I’ll grant you that. But in the end, it’s still contradictory hypocrisy. Which, as I like to say often, is fine. It’s all good girl. It’s hypocrisy at its most in your face, which to me means it’s hypocrisy in its most amusing form. Hell, it is the kind of hypocrisy I can almost respect. But you aren’t fooling anyone here. I doubt you’re even fooling yourself much, which is always the real point of exercises like this.

    “Because I think it's actually a great talent to be capable of coloring inside the lines of the law.”

    Really? Why? I think it would take much more creativity to color outside the lines of the law.

    “Exactly. Why. You're. Sorta. Vulnerable.”

    We’re all vulnerable, in one way or the other. I don’t depend any law, justice system or government to create a sense of pseudo-safety within myself.

    “I understand your reasoning. BUT, if you were to commit crime as publically as you eat and breathe, you would most certainly feel the law rule over you.”

    I think I wasn’t clear enough on this point. Or rather, perhaps I was making the wrong point. I’m talking about an inner disposition. It doesn’t make sense to me to internalize an attitude of respect or reverence for society’s laws, rules or traditions. So I don’t. That’s what I mean. Of course I’m pragmatic enough not to break big laws unnecessarily. It’s been a long while since I’ve committed any felonies. That’s not because of my high esteem for our legal system or because I have a desire to see myself as a fine, upstanding citizen. It isn’t even because I’m deeply afraid of prison. I just haven’t really had a strong enough reason to commit felonies in recent years. Society doesn’t have an internal authority representing its interests inside my brain, dictating what I should do and why and punishing me with painful emotions like guilt and remorse when I disobey. My internal landscape is like an independent nation state in that sense, where others are more like colonies of the crown. That’s what I mean when I say the law has no ‘rule’ over me.

    “If your mind could exist alone, somehow, without being governed by food and air, you wouldn't be above human law, you'd just be a freak.

    Just food for thought.”

    Slow Daniel has to humbly ask what you mean by this. It sounds like an interesting question, but I just don’t get it.

    Well Harriett my dear, you have provided me with much amusement today. For that I say thank you.

  79. You stupid dunce didn't you read any of these before you hit the comment button or are you just firing off your erratic random pieves of Google knowledge again and correcting grammar?

    I can do both. i can't imagine anyone reads these comments all the way through. Thanks for the executive summery, tho.

    I've only heard the words 'snitch' used to describe someone who gets out of trouble with the law by offering to be a witness to a larger fish. Sounds to me like she might be the less exotic species known as the 'tattle tale'. Your giving her too much credit.

  80. Lol. Sarah, you're the best! Never one to be outshined! I lovvvved the less exotic species of "tattle tale" comment. Very clever indeed.

  81. “If your mind could exist alone, somehow, without being governed by food and air, you wouldn't be above human law, you'd just be a freak.

    Just food for thought.”

    If my aunt had a dick she'd be my uncle. How bout that food for thought you dumb bitch.

  82. Grammar correction sarah: you're is the correct version for you are and summery is summary.

  83. Harriet--You said that you are in no more danger now than you were before but that seems illogical and naive to me. Do you really think he can't get to you from prison? It seems to me that would only give him more access to dumb criminals he could charm into doing his bidding for him...thus allowing him the added safety of keeping his hands clean while getting even.

    If you really wanted to disarm him, why did you turn this evidence over to the police? That just seems silly to me. All you succeeded in doing was playing your only hand. Why not make copies/pictures of said evidence, put the originals in a safe deposit box/dead drop and then show him the copies of what you have on him? You tell him that it will remain locked away and he will remain free as long as he doesn't darken the doorstep of you or those you love. However, if he crosses a line or if something suspect were to happen to you or someone close to you, a key to said lock box has been given to three people who upon your untimely death will open it and take it to the cops and/or media.

    I mean the only reason to put him in jail is to keep him from harming anyone else and that doesn't seem to be a motivating factor if one is to believe your little, "I just like f*cking with sociopaths" persona. Otherwise, you hold more power by keeping him free. The threat of prison gives you power. Not sending him to prison does. Threatening someone with their worst fear is always scarier to a person than being forced to live it.

    But UKan was correct. If you were capable of killing him, you would have done so rather than sending him to prison.

    And if you get off on f*cking with people (sociopaths or not) eventually that is going to bite you in the ass because you don't seem to be able to keep your emotions out of it.

  84. Daniel,

    "You want to have your cake and eat it too. Or, to continue with the foodisms, you want to have your humble pie (‘I never claim to be morally superior, never, ever, ever’) while also serving your sociopath what you consider to be his just desserts. Your thoughts on this are contradictory and hypocritical. Proclaiming a new species of moral emotion called “complicated disgust” doesn’t change that...

    ...But in the end, it’s still contradictory hypocrisy. Which, as I like to say often, is fine."

    I was having a conversation with my ex (who is a socio) about this tonight.

    I've always justified myself with "they deserved it" type of thought, because they came to ME.

    Tried to f*ck with ME, first.

    I can't control myself, especially if I'm dealing with a very attractive sociopath.

    I want to gain the upper hand.

    See how far their crimes reach.

    Always looking for an opportunity to punish.

    Especially to punish.

    Looking for more evidence, or another way to dominate.

    Baiting them.

    "I doubt you’re even fooling yourself much, which is always the real point of exercises like this."

    I think what you're picking up on is my inability to give you straight answers, because I just don't know.

    I've only recently understood how bad my temptation is within the last 2 years.

    Prior to that, I wasn't willing to admit how bloodthirsty I am.

    "Really? Why? I think it would take much more creativity to color outside the lines of the law."

    It angers me for things to fall outside the law. I see "good" people following laws, and "bad" people as breaking them. I've found a nice way to victimize a sociopath, without getting my hands dirty. So,

    I guess this is where my logic is flawed, and serves just to justify what I really want to do.

    You got me.

    "I don’t depend any law, justice system or government to create a sense of pseudo-safety within myself."

    Good for you.

    "Slow Daniel has to humbly ask what you mean by this. It sounds like an interesting question, but I just don’t get it."

    That you're a freak of nature.

    "Well Harriett my dear, you have provided me with much amusement today. For that I say thank you."

    No problem. Anytime.

  85. I hate to agree with someone, but Alpha Belle is right. You're a complete liar and your story contradicts itself all over the place. People who are sadists (like you are describing yourself) don't do their deeds by calling the cops on a constant basis. Plus, your other sociopathic boyfriend and you are in communication? So you didn't destroy his life?
    Cut the bullocks you dumb cunt. You are a victim trying to play out a fantasy. We get people like you all the time. Just this month we had 2. The funny thing about lies is that the same theme seems to be played over and over unless you are a good liar. You are not, so your only repeating what some other women have come on here and said. You want to save time go back through this blog and cut and paste what Stealthy Ninja said. My suggestion is for you to euthanize at least 9 of your 16 cats and to stop watching so many Jodie Foster movies. Unlike what you think their aren't a bunch of vigilante sociopath hunters out here taking us out. No Dexters, Dirty Harrys, or Charles Bronsons.

  86. Alpha,

    "You said that you are in no more danger now than you were before but that seems illogical and naive to me."

    Because you don't know the details of my situation.

    "It seems to me that would only give him more access to dumb criminals he could charm into doing his bidding for him...thus allowing him the added safety of keeping his hands clean while getting even."

    Maybe. Maybe not.

    "If you really wanted to disarm him, why did you turn this evidence over to the police?"

    I didn't want to "disarm" him. I wanted to destroy him.

    "All you succeeded in doing was playing your only hand."

    And it was a royal flush!

    "Why not make copies/pictures of said evidence, put the originals in a safe deposit box/dead drop and then show him the copies of what you have on him? You tell him that it will remain locked away and he will remain free as long as he doesn't darken the doorstep of you or those you love."

    Because I wanted to keep him around for the great sex, until I didn't want him anymore, and I was not willing to incorporate him in my future activities.

    "I mean the only reason to put him in jail is to keep him from harming anyone else and that doesn't seem to be a motivating factor if one is to believe your little, "I just like f*cking with sociopaths" persona."

    You're right. I mean. Honestly, I probably just did it because I could. I enjoyed it. And, I've had many, many, many laughs over it.

    I'm sick.

    "But UKan was correct. If you were capable of killing him, you would have done so rather than sending him to prison."

    Maybe I'll consider that next time another sociopath wants to make friends with me.

    "And if you get off on f*cking with people (sociopaths or not) eventually that is going to bite you in the ass because you don't seem to be able to keep your emotions out of it."

    I realize this isn't exactly the healthiest habit. But, I wanted it. So, I did it. And, was ultimately rewarded for it.


  87. UKan,

    Ok. I'm breaking my rules here, just to clarify...

    I did fuck with one of my socio ex's for a LONG time. I got his balls in a vice grip, too. And he settled down, quite a lot.

    Guess it was finding out about some of his criminal activities, too... haha.

    We're friends, now.

    But, again. Don't believe me. It's cool.

    Maybe, honestly, appealing to justice and virtue and good morals of some readers was just an attempt at making myself seem more human, and better than you.

    Because I like to feel that way, when I'm ruining your type of life.

    You raunchy dirtbag.

  88. You date idiots. I guess birds of feather flock together don't they. What sociopath would start being friends with you after. I thought you were waiting for him with the pistol and make my day law. Every time you come on here more in detail your story falls apart. Just like the other dumb cunts.
    The last one I read said she lured a sociopath in by dating him, having a baby with him, and getting her mum to sign a lease. Only she never moved in with him. Somehow the baby was almost harmed, but it was his fault. However she is now ordered into therapy. Sound like it makes sense? Either does yours you stupid cunt now go take your stupid story to Love Fraud they will believe you the suckers they are.
    You made a rule for yourself not to talk to me, and already broke it because it got to you that we don't believe your story. Plug a tampon in your hole you stupid dyke bitch. You're too weak to be on here.

  89. Sarah,

    "Sounds to me like she might be the less exotic species known as the 'tattle tale'. Your giving her too much credit."

    UKan or your "credit" is pretty much worthless.

    I'm glad that you want to totally underestimate the reality - to downplay my place in the whole matter.

    Again, you won't know details. I would never give you the upper hand in knowing how - so, you can just educate yourselves, and maybe prevent it happenning to you.

    But, there are others, probably a lot like me, who are waiting for you vocal types of sociopaths to come around. Heck, even the non-vocal ones.

    Give us access to your lives, and be so arrogant and stupid to believe we won't use it all against you!

    You people do realize that there are sociopaths in jail? Or, is that a fiction to you, as well?

  90. UKan,

    I think I know what your problem is! Other than being a really thuggish sociopath, you have EXTREMELY poor reading comprehension.

    I guess you have been plugging away at me for a long time, now.

    So, maybe you should give your eyes a little break, and talk to yourself in the mirror while yanking it.

    You might feel better.

  91. I already did. It was better than reading your bullshit story.


    For those empaths out there reading this thread...

    For anyone who has been a target of a social parasite...

    Do you research on sociopaths!

    (this site works well, because the sociopath who writes this blog is providing great information!).

    Defend yourselves.

    And, in the case that they target you -

    Gather your evidence and take 'em down, if you can.

    You'll be doing yourself, your friends, and family an invaluable service!!!

    You'll feel great.

    And, you'll sleep better at night, knowing that another stupid sociopath, with poor self-control, is off the street!

    Goodnight, lovers!


  93. Yes please do target sociopaths. It's a guaranteed win. I promise. Just ask Ninja and this cunt hair. They'll tell you.

  94. Stop using cunt!!! Get some creativity in your insults, at a minimum.

  95. If a person is such an expert at "taking down sociopaths" why would she need to gather information from this site? And why would she "want to appear to be good" with her original little rant only to change ponies later and hop on the "I'm damaged and just want to f*ck sociopaths" thing?

    Sounds like a f*cked up little girl who got diddled by her sociopathic mommy's boyfriend in the dark while mean mommy sat in the corner and laughed. She is awfully desperate for the attention (c*cks) of sociopaths...

    As an empath, I gotta say, I pity the girl...a little. But I am also a firm believer in the idea that you should be very careful what you wish for because fate has a strange sense of humor when giving it to you.

  96. Wow. Not even I can top that. Cheers to you mate.

  97. Once I visited the nice ladies at, personally. I offered them the following advice:

    Don’t get mad, get even.

    I was immediately accosted with numerous tearful shrieks, poopoo naysayings, dire warnings of the dangers, and one “Ooooh, The Evil Emperor needs a hug
    ((((The Evil Emperor))))”.

    I said “What the fuck!? You’re not trying to do a Rambo here, just get some satisfaction and maybe teach a lesson with turnabout deviousness by using the method which best suits your capabilities while minimizing risk to yourselves.”

    After observing the confused scratching of heads, I gave up and left them to their own devices. Hence the subsequent broken, self-loathing, and bitterness filling the pages we now witness.

  98. Don't forget the subsequent fake stories posted at sociopathworld about their so-called plot for revenge. These people are worthless. No wonder they are treated like trash.

  99. I think that she was just a bit confused. She feels like she's accomplished something diabolical so she runs over here to play 'my dick is bigger than your dick'.

    But she wanted to keep it covered up at the same time. So now all we know is she certainly lacks balls.

    And I'm not sure she gets what "deficient empathy" means. She was just on and on about how she ruined this poor sucker's life and assuming that we would identify with him and be intimidated/impressed. But just because we don't give a shit about her, doesn't mean we give a shit about whoever she sees herself in this dark epic drama with. Sociopath, empath, dumb,'s all one big sweeping equal opportunity 'don't give a shit' around here. We'll fail to identify with another sociopath no more or less than an empath.

    It's not really a BROS before HOS kind of situation.

  100. Woah, I leave for a second and look at this. I don't even know where to begin. Um, er, uh.. Who are all you people. What happend to my punching bag Thunderball? Who are these new ones.. I guess I'll leave it to the new blood.

  101. Wow. All of you are f*cking morons.
    I chimed in because I wanted to give my opinion. Not because I was looking for a pat on the back from this group of social retards.

    And, also hoped that your empath readers would "feel" encouraged". They could too, fuck with a sociopath, if they're ever targetted.

    No, Alpha. I was not molested. But, I'm flattered that you projected that on me.

    I mean, all of you claim to be sociopaths, so... something must've happened to you, other than just having f*cked DNA.

    Back later!

  102. Not all of us claim to be sociopaths. Some of us refuse to label ourselves, and admit instead that we're insecure fools who seek fulfillment by wasting others' time. C'mon, dirty, give me some credit.

    Dirty, do you really think it's wise to advise random empaths to put themselves in harm's way? Even if you were able to handle a so-called sociopath, most victims can't. That's why they're here, looking for advice. For many of them, all you're doing is providing false hope, and potentially putting them back in the line of fire like never before.

    Unless you're a sociopath, I would hope you'd feel a little guilty about that.

  103. DirtyHarriett said, "All of you are f*cking morons."

    Oh come on Dirty Harriett. Resorting to pointless name calling is beneath you… Oh wait, people who have this particular personality variation are trash to you, huh? Never mind then. Carry on.

  104. Peter,

    "Not all of us claim to be
    sociopaths. Some of us refuse to label ourselves, and admit instead that we're insecure fools who seek fulfillment by wasting others' time. C'mon, dirty, give me some credit."

    Wow. I really relate with that:

    "Seeking fulfillment by wasting others' time...."

    "Dirty, do you really think it's wise to advise random empaths to put themselves in harm's way? Even if you were able to handle a so-called sociopath, most victims can't. That's why they're here, looking for advice. For many of them, all you're doing is providing false hope, and potentially putting them back in the line of fire like never before."

    That made me laugh.

    My theory is that it wouldn't be impossible for an average joe to get a handle on a sociopath, if they know what they're dealing with.

    I guess it involves a lot of role-play, lying, baiting, redirecting, inconsistent thinking/behavior (best way to throw off a socio, btw), abusing (yes, you can abuse a sociopath, preferably in a situation where they can't retaliate), sprinkled with rewards heres and theres, and taking into consider your strenghts and your particular socio's weaknesses... so, hindsight, all of this probably can't be achieved by a normal person.

    I don't recommend anyone doing it unless they're getting something from it (amusement, sex, sadistic reward, etc.)...

    And, it's a very good idea to make sure your motivation is not to "change" or "love" a sociopath.

    AND, I would make sure your sociopath is moderate to high-functioning, otherwise it's just trashy.

    I still think people should try - again, never initiating (almost an impossible task), but in a reactionary role.

    If they come to you...

  105. Daniel,

    "Oh come on Dirty Harriett. Resorting to pointless name calling is beneath you… Oh wait, people who have this particular personality variation are trash to you, huh? Never mind then. Carry on."

    Well, that was for them.

    I'd never speak to you that way ;)


  106. Inconsistency is not the best way to throw of a sociopath you fucking piece of toilet paper. That's how you get caught. Sociopaths notice routines and when they are broken that's what catches their eye. Stop blabbering on about your fantasies already. You bore me. Take out your revenge on us by sticking your feet in a bucket of water and sticking a paperclip into the light socket. Every time you do that a sociopath dies.

  107. UKan,

    You take the bait, everytime. You just can't help yourself, I know.

    Don't worry. I'd f*ck you, maybe once.

    And, your mom.

    And, your dad.

    But, you should pay attention to the author of this blog -

    He suggests mixing up your emotional and thought patterns to throw off your sociopath. It's a very good tactic.

    I'll quote it in a sec...

  108. How To Beat A Sociopath - And Win:

    ...but with that said, i could predict situations in which you might want to beat a sociopath at his or her own mind control games. what next? well, as mentioned in earlier posts, one of the sociopath's main tools is mimicking human emotions. how do they know what to mimic? by watching you. how do you trick them? by feeding them false information...

    ... a sociopath's ability to act normal is only as good as the information he has available to him about what you expect from him. when you feed him false information, it ends up like one of those dry british farces where misunderstandings and confusions abound. but you're not confused. you know what's going on. and then you've beat him. that's all there is to it...

    Eat it, UKan.

    P.S. You're a narcissist.

  109. Dirty Harriett said “I'd never speak to you that way ;)”

    Right back at ya sunshine!

  110. Intentional inconsistency is really only useful if used sparingly. It's a pattern just like any other, and he'll quickly pick up on the constants in your "inconsistent" behavior. Once he does that, he'll extract meaning from it and read you like a book.

    You'd have to be genuinely insane, or be dealing with a very stupid sociopath, for the above not to happen.

    Please forgive me, but I'd like to quote Eminem here:
    This is what the fuck I do!"

    They don't understand emotions, so their version of socialization completely revolves around identifying patterns of behavior, finding constants, inconsistencies, etc. You won't last long, because as an empath, you'll have no idea what they're looking at, looking for, or how easy it comes to them. You won't know when you slipped up. You won't know when they catch on. You'll be a sitting duck due to your false sense of security.

  111. I can't wait till people from LFraud start trying to take your advice. How many times did your mum's boyfriend buttfuck you. It seems like he kept shooting into you till that sperm hit your brain you dumb fucking cum stain. You're reinventing the wheel. You're not the first nor the last that will come on here with your fantasies of defeating sociopaths and making amatuer diagnosises. Your story is on Love Fraud you dumb cunt. That's why you came over here. You came over here, because I went on your pitiful BLOG as 'gettingup' and baited you over here. You fucking idiots. I baited you over here and so these socios can beat up on you all day. It's no coincidence that right after I told you stupid cunts that I was 'So hurt by this site. It brings up old wounds :(" You stupid cunts fell for it running here to save everyone. HA HA HA. You stupid fucking shit smeer. Tell the rest of those fucking victims I said Hi.

  112. Peter Pan,

    Good point! Playing the insanity card works!

    And, I don't have a false sense of security. I know how dangerous sociopaths are, and I don't think there's a "winning combination" that works, all the time.

    There IS a way to "win".
    You have to fight ugly. But, you can and should, if circumstances warrant it.

    Or, just get out early.

    Or, just stay and cut the head off of that nasty beast.

    Sociopaths really need to accept the consequences for their behavior.

    And, I'm always happy to help shove those consequences down their throat, if they come my way.

  113. Or just keep talking to your boyfriend like you do and keep getting abused over and over again like the rest of your dumb cunt friends. Then you can go on Love Fraud and post another story. How many times did you soak your sheets in tears. How many lies did you swallow Dirty Harriet? How much cum did you swallow before you stopped sucking his dick?

  114. UKan,

    "I can't wait till people from LFraud start trying to take your advice. How many times did your mum's boyfriend buttfuck you. It seems like he kept shooting into you till that sperm hit your brain you dumb fucking cum stain."


    "You're reinventing the wheel. You're not the first nor the last that will come on here with your fantasies of defeating sociopaths and making amatuer diagnosises."

    I did defeat my sociopath. He's up shit's creek without a paddle, now... (and it feels better than an orgasm, when I think of it)

    "Your story is on Love Fraud you dumb cunt. That's why you came over here."


    "You came over here, because I went on your pitiful BLOG as 'gettingup' and baited you over here. You fucking idiots. I baited you over here and so these socios can beat up on you all day."

    Are you wheelchair bound, or maybe crippled & fat, or like...completely non-functional?

    What are you doing wasting all your time on this site (and love fraud)? Can't seem to get the same results in real life, ugly goon?

    What's the matter? Your junk is broke?

    "It's no coincidence that right after I told you stupid cunts that I was 'So hurt by this site. It brings up old wounds :(" You stupid cunts fell for it running here to save everyone. HA HA HA."

    You're insane. Seriously. Like an old senile man screaming kids off the front lawn.

    Very, very delusional.

    But, go ahead and crush the imaginary "victim" pawns if it makes you feel better!

    Get em. Get em.

    "You stupid fucking shit smeer. Tell the rest of those fucking victims I said Hi."

    Go tell them yourself, tool.

  115. UKan,


    "How many times did you soak your sheets in tears."

    Crying would take a lot of self-deluding.

    But, you can try to make me!

    Come on! Go, get em! Get em!

    "How much cum did you swallow before you stopped sucking his dick?"

    Probably as much as he swallowed going down on me. And, he was GOOD at it.

    You know, sex and oxytocin have some sort of relationship going on.
    You should try to get some.

    Go get em, UKan. Go get some!

  116. You came on here right after the comment I made on Love Fraud so deny it all you want, but it's obvious that you came from there you stupid bitch. All I have to do is apply a brain cell of intelligence the size of a crumb to trick stupid birds like you. That's how you keep getting fucked you dumb bitch. Maybe you should learn. We play on your pride and self esteem. Something you don't have. That's why your still here getting verbally abused by me. That's why you keep responding. This isn't candyland. You came as a fish to swim with the sharks. Nobody here is stupid enough to believe your fake stories. The minute you stop deluding yourself and have some self worth you might stop being a victim. Till then your just sociopath bait. It's no coincidence that everytime you Love Fraud bitches come on here you have the same stories. The funny thing is reading your real stories.

  117. UKan,


    Grrrr. Get em! Go get em!

    Go get those victims! Get em!

    P.S. Bet your drunk, broke stepdad beat and raped both you and your mom.

    P.P.S. Go get em! Get em!

  118. You are on Love Fraud. Everyone here can see through you like a champagne glass. You smell like a victim. Hurt and bitter against whatever you want to blame your problem on. That's why your here: To try and get you symbolic revenge. All you're doing is hurting yourself.

  119. UKan,

    You're my b*tch.

    And, no, I won't have your baby.

    Go get em! Grrrr! Get em! Get em.

  120. This comment has been removed by the author.

  121. I don't want you to have my baby you stupid cunt. Abort it like you did with your mom's boyfriends child. Feel that same guilt you did all over again.

  122. Hahaha.


    Why change to such a stupid username?


    Tell me...

    Did your stepdad burn your crotch with cigarette butts before or after you gave him a hand job?

  123. This comment has been removed by the author.

  124. UKanFuckDirtyHarrietOctober 14, 2009 at 2:27 PM

    You were better as anonymous, since all those victims on LF are drug addicts anyway. I don't mind you changing your name to something I put on you though. I love controlling people like you. I love masturbating with your tears after I break your pathetic soul down piece by piece till you are nothing left but a pile of hate and anger. Go on to your meeting and give your little testimony about what he did to you, then you can go home alone where you can dwell on nobody wanting you because you're broken. You can reflect if it's because you're ugly or if it's because every time someone takes off your pance they see the razor scars next to your vagina that your mother's boyfriend left behind.

  125. Its obvious ukan is the delusional one here. Dirty harriet is allll over your lame

  126. Uhm, Anon, I don't think UKan is actually trying to do anything. If he is, he's an idiot, I agree.

  127. DirtyHarriettFUckinKanOctober 14, 2009 at 3:01 PM


    "I don't mind you changing your name to something I put on you though."

    All I hear is that you wanna own me.

    "I love controlling people like you. I love masturbating with your tears after I break your pathetic soul down piece by piece till you are nothing left but a pile of hate and anger."

    Yeah. It's clear you'd love to f*ck me.

    "Go on to your meeting and give your little testimony about what he did to you, then you can go home alone where you can dwell on nobody wanting you because you're broken. You can reflect if it's because you're ugly or if it's because every time someone takes off your pance they see the razor scars next to your vagina that your mother's boyfriend left behind."

    My vagina is beautiful. And, I know you'd like to tear her up. But, another time, UKan.

    You'd have to buy me a plane ticket to Britain, and I know you socios are cheap bastards.


  128. This comment has been removed by the author.

  129. What I see on this thread, and I assume on all other ones are hurt victims slinging mud at each other and exercising their sharpened literary tools to… bond?!??..... You are here to do “friendship”… you are pen pals, regardless of whether your method of interaction is based on positive or negative emotions and intentions. Real true sociopaths do not bond, they lack that ability. Same as mosquito would not bond with a mammal. Not many here are likely to even see the true full fledged sociopath in their lives. They are truly rare. They do not waste time on sitting chatting about sociopathy as it is counterproductive to their objective. Sorry, but it is just what it is. Having Axis 2 (and I don’t mean pervasive developmental or the like) traits doesn’t make you a sociopath.. we all have many of those quirks to a degree, some more some less. Western power and money hungry culture thrives simply because those character traits are advertised to be popular. We are all just victims of the pop culture. Not to say that you shouldn’t bond and have virtual friends. We are social creatures and it’s a support system, especially when we are on the fringe about how to cope.. What I am saying is the faster you will realize (and I know you know that, but I mean actually internalize it enough for it to become useful) that anything is a spectrum, and bunching up each other in one camp or another is just immature tunnel vision induced perception of reality and is simply too limiting the better you’ll feel. And do not say that you are not here to do just that, I will not believe you.

    Anteah A. (way to lazy to create an account)

  130. I'll send you a ticket after I get the money from your bank account you stupid skank.
    Anonymous get a watermelon and shut your gaping asshole up with it. Who's doing anything here you fucking clown? This isn't a argument this is a back alley abortion, and people with your dim witted minds are the ones being ripped out with coat hangers now go hang yourself.

  131. UKan,

    "I'll send you a ticket after I get the money from your bank account you stupid skank."

    Only if you promise to call me "stupid skank" when I'm on top, and slap the slackjaw off yer face.

    "This isn't a argument this is a back alley abortion, and people with your dim witted minds are the ones being ripped out with coat hangers now go hang yourself."

    This is a late-term abortion, you're attempting.

    Likely, I'll be alive and kickin, here, tomorrow.

  132. Ukan.. I apologize I interrupted your “Romeo and Juliet” moment there with a female. Let’s review very quickly what you said, or to be more precise what you REALLY said: “..Asshole.. fucking clown, abortion, ripped out with coat hangers”… Do you see where I stand now in terms of full heartedly believing that you are a victim, like most of the posters here? You pretty much just told everyone here what has happened to you. It’s good to share, and I applaud you. It could not have been easy. The anger behind your post just solidifies the fact that I am right.

    Anteah A.

  133. I don't think so ant, uk is just an angry old brit who has hate for women in general. I think he was abandoned by his mother, rightfully so on her part.

  134. "Let’s review very quickly what you said, or to be more precise what you REALLY said: “..Asshole.. fucking clown, abortion, ripped out with coat hangers”…

    Anteah what is this a playground. I'm rubber you're glue type thing. The ol' I know you are, but what am I. You're not original, you don't matter, and your english seems to be off. Let put this in your language for you so you can understand. "Garble garble barble bob bob". What that isn't your language? Well how am I to know you talk with a dick in your mouth constantly? Why don't you stop turning tricks long enough to finish a read you bloody whore. Wipe all that cum out of your eyes.

  135. "This is a late-term abortion, you're attempting."

    I'm sure they'll make it allowable considering the circumstances. I won't say anything if you don't.

  136. Thundercunt strikes again.

  137. I am bored at work and it is for now a playground, you are correct. And yes I sort of used you as a slinky because you agreed to be one. So thank you. I do not matter, I am completely fine with it, but not to matter and still get a rise out of people is fun sometimes. Quite a paradox huh… )).

    In terms of this isn’t being my 1st language, you are also correct. My native is Russian (let’s hear it). I’ve learned yours from scratch written and spoken within 5 years so I am sort of proud of it. Unless you have something unique to add (something that I have not heard while being a foreigner and having an accent) about how I write or speak I’d suggest you not waste your time. But then again, you probably enjoy it, so who am I to stop you.

    And while you hear "Garble garble barble bob bob"… (Bob… hmmm…) I read: ”.. dick in your mouth constantly… turning tricks… bloody whore… all that cum”… Sorry just can’t turn off the therapist in me. You are an open book and again I am proud of you. It takes a heart.

  138. UKan,



    You're boring me.


    Is your libido as disappointing?

  139. Fuck you cunt. Why don't you slurp some more cum out of your dad's rancid asshole? Then you can suck his shit off of my dick, and then we'll see about my libido. If your vagina weren't already so stretched out from all the rape, you'd be crying begging me to stop.

  140. Anonymous 3:47pm good job. Next time don't jump in to save idiots from feeding trolls.
    You saved this communist from further divulging more information about herself. I can't believe how much bait you two idiots ate. I could have kept you on here for weeks. Good day retarded Love Fraud. We will continue this on your site. Tell Donna I said Hi.

  141. UKan,

    Woah, woah, woah!

    You'd fuck my dad's ass?


    You're a latent homo.

    You're a latent homo.

    Why don't you just admit that you hate women, because you really wanna f*ck dudes, but, you don't wanna f*ck dudes, cuz you'd have to be a bottom?

    (I am not judging you)

    But, are you giving head to your best bros in the bathroom, when nobody's around?

    You're angry cuz you're gay!


  142. Shows how much education UK has Russia hasn't been communistic since early 90's. And for the last 12 years I lived in US, and I'm 30, so let's see.. last 3rd of my life that is I couldn't have been a communist regardless of the regime in my country of origin as US does not allow communists to legally naturalize. Releasing any information about myself here is as benign as doing it on the forum about love for kittens... Dog's that bark so loud rarely bite. Nice to see UK retreat. It was fun )).

    Anteah Allan ))

  143. Manipulation only works if the "victim" thinks he'll be getting something out of it. In order to manipulate, you must understand what motivates your target and what he desires. Like Sarah says:

    "If you got taken by a sociopath, it [was] because you were trying to take something that didn't belong to you...and found yourself out of your own league."

    Intelligent greedy people are notorious for making their money off of stupid greedy people. Madolf is a perfect example of this- the investors were so blinded by their own greed, they didn't realize how unlikely his constant winning streak was. If people think they're going to get something, they're much easier to con.

    "Like every famous con-man has said at one time or another: I never took anyone who didn't think that were taking me."

    Most people (sociopath or not) are mostly concerned with themselves and doing what they believe is in their best interest. It would be much easier to con someone using their own inflated ego. People who are not invested in what you're doing (because it won't benefit them) are much less likely to fall for your con (or even pay attention to it).

  144. Lol. Such hate. Such anger. These things are making you all powerful. I would love to fuck the whole lot of you but electric bolts shoot out my cock when I come and I cannot without frying your asses. And there would be nobody left for me to enjoy watching. Sigh.

  145. This whole thing is a joke.

    Anonymous, you're a vindictive snitch who's going to get got at this rate.

    "He's no more a danger to me now, than he's ever been."

    You sound like a vindictive bitch with such seeded vengeance issues that you are constantly in danger. Didn't you even say he was a threat? I hate to agree with UKan but he's right about you.

    What you're really about is fulfilling your childhood association with love, which was pain. Even if you did do what you say you did, you deserve to die for it. The justice system is only in place to make people seem like their protected. People who can't take care of their own shit. When you pull this with a criminal, like say, a murderer, drug dealer, con artist, etc, you'll be killed or any number of other things. You think you're in control and that attacking the world that was so mean to you will serve a purpose but you're wrong.

    I couldn't even finish reading this shit! You don't understand the system you're trying to play against sociopaths. You don't know that people like Daniel understand the system and work around it's laws. And these sociopaths are people who's wrath you subject yourself to. You are the dumbest broad with a death wish I think I've heard of. You aren't a sociopath, you're broken. You aren't helping the world, your getting back at it and giving it your issues.

    My response may seem a bit off, but as I said, I couldn't keep reading this weak as claim to fame.

  146. Snowflake has turned into Brimstone

  147. I haven't turned into anything. I've always been honest. And currently fed up with your bullshit defenses for being the foulest of the foul. Snitches die in prisons for reasons. What world are you from where you think what you're doing is ok?

  148. Jasnowflake,

    "This whole thing is a joke."

    I'm sorry, but it's absolutely true. I am tired of going back and forth with you "doubters", and sociopaths who are so revolted by the "snitch" card - which works PERFECTLY, when dealing with an arrogant, crime-breaking criminal.

    "Anonymous, you're a vindictive snitch who's going to get got at this rate."

    Betcha love it if I didn't have a sense of self-control. But, I do. And, I don't just turn anyone and anything into the cops. I save it for especially dangerous criminals, who think they've got everyone fooled. And, are especially dangerous, because of it.

    "You sound like a vindictive bitch with such seeded vengeance issues that you are constantly in danger."

    Blah, blah, blah.

    I'm actually quite nice to people who aren't stupid sociopaths.

    "Didn't you even say he was a threat? I hate to agree with UKan but he's right about you."

    Yes, he was a BIG threat. But, no more.

    "What you're really about is fulfilling your childhood association with love, which was pain. Even if you did do what you say you did, you deserve to die for it."

    All I hear is that you want to off me. That's fine. What I did, worked, and to relieved my own building sense of hatred for a man who had no sense of self-control.

    "The justice system is only in place to make people seem like their protected. People who can't take care of their own shit. When you pull this with a criminal, like say, a murderer, drug dealer, con artist, etc, you'll be killed or any number of other things."

    You're an idiot referencing crime fiction. Many criminals, just like victims, do not retaliate when hit hard.

    "You think you're in control and that attacking the world that was so mean to you will serve a purpose but you're wrong."

    Hahaha. You're envious. That's ok.

    But, again. I don't do this to just anyone. I mean, what does the average person have to worry about, if they don't have a dark past that they're trying to foster and cover up?

    If you come to ME, and you're so arrogant to believe yourself "above the law" and I catch wind of your crimes, I WILL turn you in.


    "I couldn't even finish reading this shit! You don't understand the system you're trying to play against sociopaths."

    Yes, I do.

    "You don't know that people like Daniel understand the system and work around it's laws. And these sociopaths are people who's wrath you subject yourself to."

    Yes, I DO...

    "You are the dumbest broad with a death wish I think I've heard of."

    You are the cheapest and weakest imitation of UKan I've ever conversed with.

    And, I know you wanna dominate what I did. That's ok. I get it.

    But, I'm not going to back down. As long as you snotty little b*tches are running around, destroying lives, and creating chaos, I will be helping take out the trash.

    "You aren't a sociopath, you're broken. You aren't helping the world, your getting back at it and giving it your issues."

    I'm not giving it anything. I'm a catalyst. I'm just delivering YOU to the system that you hide from. I am not GOD. I didn't make you commit your crimes. Nor, did I wave a magic wand and create them.

    The sociopath found me. He tried to f*ck with me and my family. He was so st*pid and arrogant and sloppy, that he left his weak spot out, and I took advantage of it.

    Just like sociopaths do. Only, the game is rigged against the empath, because the socio bets on the public not playing by the same "win at any cost" mentality.

    "My response may seem a bit off, but as I said, I couldn't keep reading this weak as claim to fame."

    It is off. And it's not a claim to fame... I threw in my 2 cents as matter a fact, and as plainly as possible.

    If it's become famous, it's been because of people like you and UKan who either want to trump me, twist me, or turn me into a fictional character.

    Good luck with that.

  149. I would also like to add that if you're so ignorant to believe that there are NOT people just like me working for the law enforcement, well... you're just... ignorant.

    The only difference between me and an agent working for law enforcement, weaving my way in and out of a sociopath's life, and turning that information over to the proper authorities, is:

    1. That I've admitted that I deeply sadistically and sexually enjoyed the process.

    2. I'm not making payroll.

    3. And, the sociopath came to ME.

    I kinda like to believe, when you parasites come my way, wanting to stick your hands into my particular cookie jar (considering my personality traits and way of life, which is adversed to breaking the law), that somewhere in that maimed head of yours - you're looking for correction, in a perverted way.

    Testing the waters and seeing if you can get away with your sh*t.

    Somewhere in there, you must really want to be relieved of the power which you're so drunk on and addicted to, that you can't control.

    And, I'm willing to help you with that.

  150. Logic would dictate that you sociopaths would be quite happy that sites like Love Fraud exist, and quite supportive of their melodrama. They pepetuate and reinforce the very victim and survivor mentality that you require from others in order to add color and spice to your otherwise empty and gray existences that masquerade as real lives. Then again, since many of these sites actaully help the so- called "victims" begin to see their own duplicity in maintaining sociopathic games, perhaps they prune you of your choice pickin's, and that's really what has your panties in a bunch...

  151. "Betcha love it if I didn't have a sense of self-control. But, I do. And, I don't just turn anyone and anything into the cops. I save it for especially dangerous criminals, who think they've got everyone fooled. And, are especially dangerous, because of it."

    You save putting yourself at risk for the really dangerous criminals? Really? And you think this is self control or life preservation? You'll be a shining example of Darwinism.

    "You're an idiot referencing crime fiction. Many criminals, just like victims, do not retaliate when hit hard."

    I'm not actually referencing Crime fiction, you dumb bitch, I'm referancing my own personal experiences with the matter. I am not talking out of my ass, but out of my environment. I know criminals, and understand them, which you obviously do not.

    "I'm not giving it anything. I'm a catalyst. I'm just delivering YOU to the system that you hide from. I am not GOD. I didn't make you commit your crimes. Nor, did I wave a magic wand and create them."

    Your attempts at rationalizing this don't even convince you, which is why you are still trying so hard to convince all of us. I'm not convinced honey. Your over-defensive arrogance is a sure sign of your weakness. You're as sure a thing as Sarah. Responds to every comment, and you think you're fooling who? This site is your own coping mechanism for yourself.
    And it's actually laughable at first, but plain annoying now.

  152. Gooood. Yessss. I love it. More controversy! Here we go with Dirty Harriet. This whore likes to sit here and tell us contradicting stories every night. Every night it's a whole new stroy of her incredible plot to destroy sociopaths. She's got more stories than Tom Clancy. Listen here you asshole licking skank. Your nothing. Your a snitch. If you think calling the cops on someone is clever or brave you are lost. That's like saying shooting lysol into your neck is good for you. No it really is. Please dirtyharriet give it a go. After that I'll have you do another trick. Go cope with your daddy tieing you to a door knob and buttfucking you till your voice goes horse somewhere else. We don't want to here it dick breath. Your boyfriend fucked you, left you with a baby, beat you silly till you went to a hospital and now your sitting in a battered woman's home trying to sell this fucking crap story.
    So you ladies and gents know, this bird Dirty Harriet is on Love Fraud. I read that your boyfriend did quite a number on you. Like when you said that your boyfriend was the sweetest most passionate person till you got married. You went through 13 years of manipulation and violence. It wasn't till he killed your baby that anything finally happend. What did you do after? Call the police? Nope even then you couldn't pull your cowardly snitch move you want to keep clucking about in here. You went with him. After the police caught up to you, you told them he kidnapped you. You were so weak that you didn't save your own son. That's pathetic. You stupid fucking cunt. How can you let it happend. It's your fault. The murder of your son, the beatings, the control he had over you. Get the fuck of this site. Your fucking pathetic weakness sickens me. Leave us. You disgust us all you maggot shit.

  153. Thunderball,

    "Gooood. Yessss. I love it. More controversy! Here we go with Dirty Harriet. This whore likes to sit here and tell us contradicting stories every night. Every night it's a whole new stroy of her incredible plot to destroy sociopaths. She's got more stories than Tom Clancy. Listen here you asshole licking skank. Your nothing. Your a snitch. If you think calling the cops on someone is clever or brave you are lost. That's like saying shooting lysol into your neck is good for you. No it really is. Please dirtyharriet give it a go. After that I'll have you do another trick. Go cope with your daddy tieing you to a door knob and buttfucking you till your voice goes horse somewhere else. We don't want to here it dick breath. Your boyfriend fucked you, left you with a baby, beat you silly till you went to a hospital and now your sitting in a battered woman's home trying to sell this fucking crap story.
    So you ladies and gents know, this bird Dirty Harriet is on Love Fraud. I read that your boyfriend did quite a number on you. Like when you said that your boyfriend was the sweetest most passionate person till you got married. You went through 13 years of manipulation and violence. It wasn't till he killed your baby that anything finally happend. What did you do after? Call the police? Nope even then you couldn't pull your cowardly snitch move you want to keep clucking about in here. You went with him. After the police caught up to you, you told them he kidnapped you. You were so weak that you didn't save your own son. That's pathetic. You stupid fucking cunt. How can you let it happend. It's your fault. The murder of your son, the beatings, the control he had over you. Get the fuck of this site. Your fucking pathetic weakness sickens me. Leave us. You disgust us all you maggot shit."

    Who are you? Are you UKan's alternate drag personality, jumping out of the closet, glitter and streamers, with a new name?

    I have not lost a son.

    I have not been brutally beaten by a boyfriend - ever.

    I have not been with an abusive man for 13 years.

    Again, thanks for your weak-cock attempts.

    I'm guessing you measure pretty average.

  154. Jasnowflake,

    "You save putting yourself at risk for the really dangerous criminals? Really? And you think this is self control or life preservation? You'll be a shining example of Darwinism."

    I didn't put myself at risk. I only gradually realized the risk of being around him when I started discovering his lies - then I was temporarily curious - then I turned him in.

    Again, Jasnowflake, all I hear is that you wanna off me.

    I think you should take that anger out on someone and tell me about it, exact details and all.

    "I'm not actually referencing Crime fiction, you dumb bitch, I'm referancing my own personal experiences with the matter."

    You're afraid of women.

    "I am not talking out of my ass, but out of my environment. I know criminals, and understand them, which you obviously do not."

    Yep. You sound like some of your best friends are upper-class criminals, stealing money from their moms to buy crystal meth. Again, you should write a book on your extensive criminal knowledge. Already, you stand to enlighten EVERYONE - starting with, how every superior and dangerous criminal has the internet, and checks this blog daily.

    "Your attempts at rationalizing this don't even convince you, which is why you are still trying so hard to convince all of us. I'm not convinced honey. Your over-defensive arrogance is a sure sign of your weakness. You're as sure a thing as Sarah. Responds to every comment, and you think you're fooling who? This site is your own coping mechanism for yourself.
    And it's actually laughable at first, but plain annoying now."

    Oh, I'm SOW SOWWY Jasnowflake. I know you have a problem with annoyance and boredom, cuz your pee pee is SOW SMAWL, and you're too scared to use it. But, PWEASE... don't lawf at me. I can't stand it. Yowr bwain is so big and important dowing such amazing things SOW FAST, thawt you're ANGWY when you spend all YOWR FWEE TIME on me.

  155. "Again, thanks for your weak-cock attempts.
    I'm guessing you measure pretty average."

    I'll give you a hint. I'm almost as big as your father's.

  156. Awww. Thunderball...


    Delete your comment, and make another one.

    I won't accept that as your best work.

    "If at first we don't succeed, try, try again!"

  157. I love you dirty!!! You're the best.

  158. Anonymous,

    I love you, too. Because, I'm not a sociopath.


  159. I take it back, Snitch Bitch, your ignorance toward me is actually becoming amusing. You're actually dumber than I'd given you credit for. And the funny thing is, I mean that sincerely and literally.

  160. By "take it back" of course I mean the fact that you're plain annoying. Everything else I still mean.

  161. Jasnowflake,

    "By "take it back" of course I mean the fact that you're plain annoying. Everything else I still mean."

    Cool. So, now that we're cool.

    I wanted tell you one of your friends from the "Pretentious Fag, Sociopath Association" downtown wants his cherry flavored lip gloss and his "How To Not Get Ass Raped at School, For Intellectuals" book back.

  162. Sweet rhetoric, though widely known that the only driving force in a Sociopath's life is to "win the game" at all costs. The best of the best already know that it's easier to win by wearing down an opponent who already has the means to squash them like a roach. Even from a jail cell, they relish the victorious feeling of watching the opponent jumping, twitching and dancing about in an effort to put out all the little fires you start, all the while being distracted from the main infliction of discomfort.

    Stout had it right all along: sociopaths expend enormous amounts of energy in Nixonion tactics, and unless you're willing to do the same, you will lose. At best, it will be a draw anyway, as you illustrate so well. Best course of action in this tug of war: let go of the rope and walk away.

  163. The advice here applies regardless of who or what you are fighting for or over. I'm amazed at how we fight, even *argue*, with others, over things that have no real bearing on our lives, such as professional sports teams, the modern bread and circuses which distract us from society's real ills.

    No single conflict is an isolated incident. If someone "beats" you say by cheating on you, they've actually saved you a lot of grief by showing their true colors early on. One time I knew a guy at the track who owed me $5.00 like forever. Before that he would bother me for money every time he saw me. Best $5.00 I ever spent: he avoided me thereafter.

    When I deal with a REALLY rude woman, I focus on the best women I've ever known, the ones who have treqted me the best, and who deserved to be treated the best. I then realized that the probelm wasn't the bad woman I was talking to, but that I just needed to find a better one, and, thanks to the inferior one, I found out sooner rather than later.

    Religious people say to trust in God not just becuase the Bible says to, but becuase it is wise to have faith in whatever created you to see you through whatever it has created for you.

    Ray Gordon
    Bettor Off Single: Why Commitment Is A Bad Gamble For Men


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