
Thursday, March 30, 2023

Two Psychopath Stars Talk Life

Author of Confessions of a Sociopath M.E. Thomas talks with B00daW, an individual diagnosed with bipolar and PDD-NOS, who identifies with aspects of antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) talk about childhood trauma, schizotypal personality disorder, psychonautics, intuition, and the new world order, among other topics. 

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Borderline Personality Disorder vs. Psychopath

 Confessions of a Sociopath author M.E. Thomas interviews BorderlineSane about what it is like to experience borderline personality disorder and thoughts on other things like the baby psychopath fantasy of being nothing at all, the difference between Myers Briggs N's and S's, chicken people, breaking out of the stories we tell ourselves, how political movements intersect with various identities we may have like religion, marijuana induced schizophrenia, inventor of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and fellow BPD sufferer Marsha Linehan, and childhood defense mechanisms expressing themselves in adulthood.

Audio only available: 

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Psychopath vs. British Film Student

 Confessions of a Sociopath author M.E. Thomas has a conversation with a British film student about things like stoicism, chicken feelings, who is more scary psychopaths or chicken people, and film portrayals of psychopaths.