
Thursday, December 22, 2022

Sociopath Lessons Part 2

The reason I don't upload these as a podcast format is because it seems time intensive to list them on all of the major podcast apps. But if you know a better way and especially maybe if you can help, let me know! 

For now, for just the audio of this and other Zooms:

Confessions of a Sociopath author M.E. Thomas and Tony talk about Tony's application of Part 1 sociopath lessons in not caring what other people think. They continue in talking about how to not live in your "chicken feelings," i.e. how not to live a life primarily motivated by fear. They also talk about identity and not self-mutilating ourselves for the approval of others or because of fear about what might happen to us. 

Part 1 of this series:

The twitter thread referenced:


  1. Please make an episode where you talk about contract law.

  2. Great video, wish Tony had his camera on

  3. I didn't listen to the podcast, but imo, this is bang on:

    "They continue in talking about how to not live in your "chicken feelings," i.e. how not to live a life primarily motivated by fear. They also talk about identity and not self-mutilating ourselves for the approval of others or because of fear about what might happen to us.

    Fuck yeah.

    Voice "unpopular" opinions unabashedly-- *especially* amongst those who would castigate for you for not conforming to "approved" narratives.

    Throw yourself up against the hardest, cruellest, most immovable brick wall, and emerge victorious. Win. Or at the very least, remain standing.

    True freedom entails empancipating yourself from what other people think. And just when you think that you have-- rest assured that you haven't.

    It is a glorious, life-long process.

    Freedom > everything.


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