
Monday, June 1, 2020

Alex and George Part 2 Video and Mormon Psychopath interview

Here is the video for Alex and George Part 2.

Here's the information for my interview with an ex-communicated but returning to the church
Mormon (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) psychopath-identifying individual.

M.E. Thomas is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Mormon Sociopath
Time: Jun 7, 2020 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 784 4852 3671
Password: 9VDqxh


  1. The power to first get trusted, and then use this trust against that person. It's the greatest pleasure of all ...

    1. Each to his own, I guess. My greatest pleasure was different to that. Still dream of it...

    2. Ah, you’re assuming I trust people. I don’t. That’s an expectation in itself and I don’t have any. I’ve always thought trust’s a funny concept. What does it mean? Trust whom to do what? Anyone can do whatever they want anytime, people are unpredictable. If someone harms me I’ll act accordingly. But nothing really surprises me. I’m not naïve and my internal boundaries are rock solid. I’m more interested in why people do what they do. If someone is trying to hurt me, I usually know it. That doesn’t hurt my feelings; it makes me curious as to why they do it and why that feels good.

    3. A once wrote "everyone has their tells"

  2. Men do get a good deal in the mormon church from what i have read.

  3. Why has this forum become so soft? Where are the good old days? I only read pussy talk ...

  4. The snarling kitten I found in the drain still pops out every now and then. Cat sized now, paunchy too.

    All creatures find their own ways to live. Life expands into every available space.

    1. He will never be tame. I will never be compliant. Still, I respect that cat.

  5. Side bar (if you can forgive lawyer term) killing Eve third book is out. The author is in the culture magazine talking about the book he mentions you M.E. interesting his take on sociopathic personalities.

  6. RT, if you have time, would you mind sharing a brief synopsis for those of us who don't wish to sign up? What are your thoughts?

    1. Not sure what you mean by sign up. But i am willing to talk


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