
Friday, July 12, 2019

Making Better Podcast

You may have seen my re-tweet this on Twitter, but I realize not everyone is on Twitter.

This is a podcast I recently did with Making Better.

They have an interesting philosophy. I was talking to Francis, one of the hosts, about how he is interested in the concept of a human Utopia and what is keeping us as a race from getting there. He wants to explore some of the things that we could be doing better now, as well as things that might be keeping us back or that we would need to work on before we reach a Utopic existence. I liked this idea of reverse engineering Utopia and having a vision of what we want to achieve rather then just henpecking each other about perceived faults. With no offense intended, there are certain "weaknesses" I often see in neurotypical people that I think keep them from being happier in their lives and more pro-social themselves. That was, at least in part, what we talked about.

Here's a link to the transcript.

Thanks to Making Better for having me on.


  1. You know, you say a lot "you know"

  2. In a fairytale a man had always thought he was weird. And he just got weirder. One day he dicovered his weirdness. "-So this is why all my sandcastles fall?" he wondered. But maybe his odd behaviour was something else, something grander? Then an owl shat on his head, it said: "-Don´t tell me fairytales dork, I know weird when I see it.."

  3. A thought provoking podcast. I agree with many of your key arguments.

  4. you cant be a diagnosed sociopath
    there's antisocial in the dsm and psychopathy with the pcl-r

  5. Are you sure you are not autistic ME?

  6. More bright than usual aspies seem to hate the thought of being "retarded" & seeking escapes from this condition by inventing yarns where they are the genius protagonist with superabilities.

    1. Bears, lions, aspie, adhd, depressed, psychotic, oh my!

  7. Hi ME,

    Your new podcast is behind a paywall. Are you able to share more of the content so we can make an informed choice about whether to buy?

    The last interview was interesting, but the interviewer posted in the comments section about deploying sociopaths to fire people or about people he didn't like which indicates his understanding is low. Although maybe sociopaths could start consulting businesses as "assholes" for hire of that's what the market demands. If that's what interviewers are taking away as the value of sociopaths to society, I think they are missing the point.

    **-* starts by assuming others are assholes and adopts a policy of being a bigger asshole in the face of threat so as not to be disadvantaged.

    My personal experience is that narcissists are bigger assholes, but perhaps this depends on the person.

    Alternative conception to "asshole"? Self-contained, counter-dependent, will not tolerate being at a disadvantage, acting swiftly in response to threat or opportunity, laser-like focus that shifts completely from one goal to the next etc

    1. I think it's valuable to give the cold and mean behaviours context. What do those behaviours achieve for the sociopath?

      When we can articulate that, we find the isn't such an unbridgeable gulf between sociopaths and other people. Everyone wants to protect their own interests and people know this full well. It's easier for people to see this of morals aren't part of the discussion... Practical examples work best.


    3. Meaness is an interesting concept to me. Why are some people just so mean? I think it has to do with superiority but also a need to purge the negative parts of themself.
      Also, it may just feel good. It may *feel* better than being nice.

  8. Sociopath megapower: they don´t need friends. Not one.

  9. Are there psycho zodiac signs? Some think that serial killer signs do exist (Scorpio & Aquarius). Virgo is the name of the sun sign others see as the psycho-sign (they think about cold & calculating individuals with sharp minds). But can this really be true? Most virgoans look like cute pixies, surely they do not belong to a psychopathic sun sign?

  10. "Utopia" what delusional bs is this narc twat promoting now?

    And of course, controlling the 'narrative' of this pile of crap, the posts will be limited only to the minions of doofus.


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