
Thursday, August 16, 2018

Italy and Munich in September

Hey friends, I’ll be in Italy in the second week of September, starting in Rome, Naples, Florence, and a couple other Northern Italy destinations before ending up in Munich around the last weekend in September. Hit me up if you want to meet up. 


  1. Pfft.

    You going to or, uh...gone to meet up with M.E.?

    1. Are you/did you? How did it go?

    2. I did yes, she's a good laugh with a wicked grin and a seductive wink

    3. And a shitty ass.

  2. How is north's abusive relationship going?

    1. the more he hits her the smarter she gets. at least every smack makes her read another book about him. by the time this whore is done getting romped around she will give robert hare a run for his money.

  3. The most little known fact about socios: they usually don´t just have ethics, but MORALS. Yes. Socios almost always have strong views on something, like animal rights, neo-liberalism or environment. This confuses some who expect to meet socios with dont-care-about-politics attitude.

    1. Psychopathic animal rights activists? I gotta meet these people. Where are these people? and you can't say borderlines cuz there's tons of borderline animal right activists..i wanna meet the psychopathic is that really a thing?

    2. Many are lost in the "lack of conscience"-maze when socios are discussed, they think this means that the specimen don´t have morals. But it means that the animal rights-socio can cry genuine tears of indignation when turtles are mistreated, wanting new tough laws so those turtle tormentors NEVER see sunlight EVER again! It mostly does not mean much more than that: some specific moral "areas" (strong ethics there).

    3. Did you just make this up in your head, or do you actually know these people?

    4. It´s clearly visible in celeb-psychos: few of those are just "hedonistic drifters" in life, they almost always are like small fascists about some creed or cause..

    5. How do you know they are psychopaths?

    6. If it rattles & hisses, then most likely its not a garden hose. Lots of famous psychopaths, some so obvious its strange why nobody seems to notice. Fame seems to "erase" sociopathy, it somehow gets cured.

    7. Which celebrities do you think are?

    8. The stove-ranter. The short action-guy. The old weightlifter.

  4. Gordon Ramsey, Danny Devito and Lou Ferringo?
    Your powers are enviable yes. Dude goes round shouting and swearing to get his high powered job done...psychopath.
    I'll give you Devito. Crazy lil bastard.
    And playing the Hulk doesn't necessarily mean you're a psychopath, but he had scary eyes I guess.
    It seems the ability to differentiate between a rattle snake and a hose pipe serves you well. A*

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Many socios seem to like the title psychopath. Few words sound so ominous (perhaps the only competitor is "white shark"?). But there are far worse mental conditions:

    1. Sexual sadism
    2. Malign narcissism
    3. Psychopathy (or paranoid psychosis)

    Socios may have the baddest title, but there are hairier monsters in the wardrobe, so to speak..

    1. We know this, but try explaining that to an empath. Other, more extreme, personalities are "known". The crazy homeless guy that talks to himself, sure he's "crazy", but not nearly as scary as the socio. That's because you don't know who the socio is...not until you're in a long term relationship with one or happen to know one that openly admits it to you. Both situations being uncommon.

    2. Many appear to be rather unaware that the condition they "claim", as socios, in reality is the malign narcissists cruel and sadistisk (extrovert) behaviour. THAT is the mindset from horror-movies, when giggling "psychos" play cat & mouse-games with people for no reason..

    3. Though socios and narcissists have some similarities, they are distinct personalities. Narcissists think they're better than everyone else, even if they aren't. A socio understands their own limitations, but they won't stop until they are the best.
      Playing cat & mouse games isn't "for no reason". We enjoy the challenge, it's mentally stimulating. It's a little dramatic to call it something "from horror-movies". Usually it's pretty harmless.

    4. A misunderstanding about narcissists is that they love themselves, they love a "perfect fantasy" about themselves. They are social actors and wannabees. The horror in the psycho-movie genre is often based on active, playful evil with no apparent motive. But socios are high end-autists, they are passive, isolated, quiet, silent & introverted. Malign autists don´t bother others for no reason; socio horror movies should be about vengeance or madmen with "principles" (Movies like Saw or Phone Booth are relevant psychopath movies, Funny Games and the Knock Knock-movie are not).

    5. You've lost me. I get the feeling we're not quite on the same track.

    6. Some socios do not appreciate the image of themselves as "super-retards", loners or hermits. It wasn´t the handsome vampire in cape they wanted..

    7. Malign narcs are deeply insecure and need reassurance from their partners. Sociopaths do not. Want to know the difference the malign narc will walk into the bar and want to be the best and look for validation from others to ensure this. The sociopath walks in knowing they are the best and looks for fun to be had.

    8. Narcs "play" a character they want to be, someone important most people consider a winner. If they see a quiet socio in a corner they may view him as a weak loser.

    9. Yes true and the narcs are the weaker ones because they wear their weaknesses on their sleeve.

    10. They puff themselves up and "become" almost as feral as they would like to be, in their imagination. People trying to prove things (to themselves or others) can be dangerous. The quiet socio in the corner don´t have that kind of "self". Sometimes even his name feels like some weird, alien label on a jar. The thought of strutting around like an aggressive peacock looking for trouble is "irrational" to him. Dummy-stuff..

    11. But socios are high end-autists, they are passive, isolated, quiet, silent & introverted.

      what the fuck are you talking about. when have you seen a quiet, isolated, introvert sociopath

  7. There´s one thing socios cannot do: look into themselves. Because they can´t. Then they begin to think about suicide. It seems odd. Socios are so perceptive when it comes to "reading" other people and situations, so very good at that (almost supernatural). BUT NOT THEMSELVES. It´s been carved in stone somewhere. Wise men have agreed.

    1. Book-writing psychiatrists sometimes give the impression of hating socios, painting them as mindless machines without ability to look in the mirror. Such hatred can be understandable; meeting an intelligent psychopath in a game of "mind chess" most likely is not an easy, flattering task for haughty people who think that their high education is a shield against ending the session looking like fools & jesters..

  8. Is the story in (the book) Murder by Family less eerie than the true crime classic In Cold Blood..?


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