
Sunday, May 13, 2018

Central Europe: Poland, Germany, Italy?

Hello friends! I am already planning for this September. So far I have plans to be in Poland, Germany, and Northern Italy. Are there people in those areas or other parts of Central or Eastern Europe that would like to meet up? Also, really if you are anywhere in Europe let me know, because I might be able to arrange a little trip or long layovers in your city as well.



  1. What happens at those meet ups, do people come dressed in long, black coats and sunglasses?

    1. .....Yeah thats definitely wrong. Not all sociopaths are like that.

  2. Lol, like some comic convention!

    1. This douchebag blogger is comical alright. To think there are people dumb enough to believe his bullshit. A true sociopath doesn't realize he or she is a sociopath, and they certainly don't advertise it for the world, or create a ridiculous blog looking for self validation.

      There are no therapy groups for sociopaths to attend. Douchebag: "Hi. My name is Douchebag and I'm a sociopath. Group: "Hi Douchebag!"

      These two sentences should be enough for anyone to understand this fucking moron thinks being a sociopath is cool: "Still, I sympathize with your position, empaths. You're creeped out that there are these otherworldly beings wandering around making your life miserable for their own sport." From "How to fight a sociopath -- and win!"

      I blame the PC culture for this. It's gotten so out of hand that all manner of shit we used to shun, and rightfully so, are now considered cool to the "I'm special" millennials.

      Sorry for the rant. I've just had my fill of these idiotic "I'm a sociopath" types.

  3. Inviting self-proclaimed sociopaths for tea may be similar to joining a club for self-proclaimed "higly intelligent" people (based om a test which gives high scores to folks who know everything about cranes mating behaviour)..

    1. Cranes -> mating. Comic -> convention.

  4. Aren´t narcissists WORSE than socios? Extroverted megalomaniacs, merciless, no conscience, violent and always looking for frail & ugly people to taunt and bully? Almost every school-yard hooligan I can remember behaved like that..

  5. apparently you weren't here when dev was postin about bein a relentless bully. it sounded pretty interesting as long know...i aint in her line of fire

    1. sometimes it seems like you venerate psychopaths and other times it seems like you're taking pot shots at them

  6. In a fairytale a wise man with staff talked to a monster in a wardrobe. "-I´m used to being pampered!" yelled the monstrosity. "-I´m not here to comb your horrid hair, I´m here to find the hard truth" said the man.

    1. Sounds like some navy medic I know. Guy had a raging insecurity about his ordinary human aptitude/ intelligence.

  7. Please come to Madrid M.E.! It has no sense to travel to Europe and miss Spain. Here you'll have a lot of fun, good food, good weather, sightseeing and of course interesting conversations about your book.

  8. In a fairytale, a sea monkey was evaluated by his teachers. "He tends to learn material slightly better than most students his age" they said, as the sea monkey smirked a smarmy smirk. "Come here" said the adolescent psychologist. He pulled out a deck of cards. The sea monkey sorted and sorted and sorted. "Look here" said the scintillated psychologist exposing the test scale. "You're an exceptionally bright young man" he said.
    Though.. there were those who didn't take kindly to the sea monkey. Those that attempted to subject the sea monkey to duress. And yet, the sea monkey, in his abject situation and unreasonably hostile environment, persevered with a stress and emotional resiliency threshold impressively superior to that of their children.
    Why so punitive? Why are trivial mistakes criticized so disproportionately? Why such asinine and jackassed claims?
    The sea monkey treaded on...

  9. In a yarn a wardrobe-monster talked to a wise man with staff. "-If you don´t like me I´ll cry!" roared the wardrobe dweller. "-You are far too sensitive for this monster-charade" said the man and opened the door. Inside was a weird woman wearing a hairy costume with rubber claws. "I admit you are kind of cute, almost like a naughty squirrel, but perhaps if you just accepted your minor flaws you would not have to create all this fuss, so much drama?" said the wise one.

    1. After much deliberation, the old man with staff let out a long, loud sigh. He went to sit down, silently chuckled to himself and began to soil himself in sporadic bursts.

    2. The wardrobe monster accosted him. "Can you see me?" said she..

  10. ...the sea monkey was abstracted. He was too alexithymic for this charade. "What is going on?" he pondered. He drove for coffee.
    The sea monkey was at his station.. Tacitly demeaning the same people every morning...

  11. Thank you for your analysis. It is new and different aspects I know before. Looking forward to reading more of your posts

  12. Where do you stop in the city of Germany? wuxiaworld

  13. dude was telling me i don't understand why men can hit a woman
    my answer was if you think i man can be hit but a woman can't you are a sexist

    imho i think ppl do not understand the price of a relationship and the reward
    not nowing that is what keeps ppl going

  14. watch?v=db5xA9R1syg
    total psychopath

  15. I would be delighted to see you in Poland! Can't wait ;)


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