
Thursday, January 4, 2018

Humans of New York Sociopath

A friend sent me a photo of this Humans of New York post where the featured New Yorker self-identifies as a sociopath. It was recently posted with a fresh and ongoing comments section, if people feel like following along or contributing to what has become a debate on various topics.


  1. oh cool, I can move on from sociopathworld now. A new site to go. Thank you sociopathworld!! I luved you sociopathworld!! xoxoxoxo!!!!! I know this site is kinda evil but I learned a lot. Thanks professor!! :D

  2. I'm back. I relapsed. I was trying to kick the sociopathworld habit. I made it like 2 hours. It's like a bad addiction. This shit is like crack cocaine.

  3. Oh crap, that article is on wastebook. Wastebook tracks my IP address, and they block every new fake account I make so I can't get on there anymore. Makes me sad because I miss goregasm. That's the only page I miss from wastebook. I miss Cherry, the owner of it. The bitch was kinda evil, but it's prolly why I loved her. (Wipes tear from eye) :(

  4. This man is describing how I operate at the most basic level; I am exactly what I want to be and do not let others believe they have shaped me.

    1. But wait, someone did shape you as a child , into a sociopath. There is no YOU , only a human mirror. Don't tell me that you are exactly what you want to be , you had no choice.

  5. Oh my, he is rather hot ;)

  6. When very normal people meet each other, what happens? Don´t they often get into heated arguments, trying to "win" discussions & having strong "they think this, they think that"-views, presented like these opionions were really important? Aren´t socios more detached talkers, often just describing a "workable solution" to a problem, without "investing" much of themselves into the debate? If the listener don´t take the advice, the socio just shrugs..

  7. Why do psychopaths play mind games? Does it serve any kind of purpose?

    1. Why do people play chess? To lose & see the winner win?

    2. hmm, well i suppose some people would play just to try to be the winner. I'm not a big chess player, but I would play a game just because it would be fun, not necessarily to try and win. So if the point is to win something, what is the psychopath winning exactly?

    3. The psycho plays mindgames to dominate other people, to be able to control situations.

    4. The purpose is enjoyment. Control. Dominance. And most importantly it is fun.

  8. I'm taking a poll: Do you think psychopathy is a mental disorder, or do you think it is a personality type that was designed by nature to serve some kind of purpose?

    1. Most likely its a "predator-type" of human. Socios are not unique in this: the zodiac Scorpio is supposed to be made by nature to hunt.

    2. Well what would be the point of human that preys on it's own species?

    3. Like any other human configuration that survives, psychopathic patterns emerge for various reasons and are sufficiently successful. There's no purpose in nature, only what works.

    4. I would like to see some objective stats on how successful psychopaths really are. Some become highly successful, but they have to have the right combination of things like intelligence and impulse control. I'm not convinced 1 in 12 people is a psychopath. Who even came up with that stat anyway?

    5. How bout that Machiavelli feller.....he was pretty smart. I was on the search for a delectably diabolical read one night, and with the reputation Machiavelli has garnered, I figured The Prince would satiate my need for the time being. I flipped through the pages excitedly waiting for the gore, and the violence, and the chaos, and mayhem. With the way that people describe Machiavelli, I thought that Ivan Vasilevich couldn't hold a candle to this guy. I got to the end, and was really disappointed. He's been totally misinterpreted. I mean, there were a few parts that even made me go, woaw slow your roll Mach, but outside of that he didn't sound like he was that bad of a guy. I would have lived in Mach's kingdom.

    6. I forget to explain myself properly. By successful, I mean any organism that reaches maturity, especially one who facilitates its own inclusive fitness. So, I meant "successful" in a technical, evolutionary sense. I'm not much concerned with any other type of success, i.e. my view is that status for the sake of status incurs increasing costs and diminishing returns.

      Status is more a narc pursuit. I think sociopaths are more interested in advantage than status, but I could be wrong. What do you guys think?

    7. What´s nature´s intention by dividing animals into grass-eaters & meat-eaters? It´s just happened/developed that way. Too little grass? And why do the meat-eating animals have to be so sly, aggressive, calculating & cold? To be able to have dinner in the woods, perhaps?

    8. "Status is more a narc pursuit." Seems like plenty of sociopaths express an interest in pursuing positions of status. As a behaviorist though I'm less concerned with these clinical diagnostic categories, and more interested in behavior that can be observed. From a behavioral perspective for example, nothing is really wrong with the person this article is about, but a clinical psychologist would still say he has a mental disorder. Unfortunately, it would be impossible to study an entire population so researchers just examine samples of a population and attempt to generalize, but I would love to know the real statistics on how many "narcissists" if you will, are in positions of status, and how many sociopaths are. You would first have to define what status is.

    9. Your comment about predators in the wild, I mean most humans are pretty apathetic towards animals. A lot of people say they care, but they certainly justify all kinds of cruelty towards animals if it benefits humans. Humans prey on animals all of the time. It doesn't harm the human species to do this. My question though is what purpose is served by having a human that preys on other humans?

    10. ? Most humans are apes, animals. Some humans refuse to believe that, and perhaps they are not because they´re so certain of this, so convinced. Psychopaths don´t eat empaths, but many see them as weak sheep to exploit. Predators.

    11. True. The human animal. The naked ape.

    12. By the way, sociopaths target each other too. Not just the normals.

    13. I'll be sure to tell Jeffrey Dahmer that psychopaths don't eat empaths.

    14. Socios are supposed to avoid each other (like tigers in a forest). But I remember a small group of creepy people from my youth, almost like a tiny "social club" with strict membership regulations. The local psychos had "gravitated" to each other!

    15. lol i member those days in my teens. Yea i got caught up in some crazy stuff during that time so i hear ya. I broke out of a place i was locked up in with a girl that i now understand was a sociopath. As fucked up as i was, this chick was even more depraved than me. She was predatory, and would target people for attack. I was never in her line of fire, but i always thought it was kind of interesting. I noticed she had a really fast processing speed, of course i wouldnt have described it that way back then, i would have just said the thoughts come to her mind really quickly especially when she was being bad and now that i have worked with children with conduct disorder ive seen the same things.

    16. It has been my experience that Sociopaths can group together for limited times. I have several good friends that are sociopaths, and as long as they do not wear out their welcome we are fine.

      The idea that nature or evolution has a purpose is silly. Those that survive, survive. If they pass their genes to more survivers the evolve eventually. If not they do not.

      Predators is such a harsh word. We use what is useful and discard the rest.

  9. I'm bored and trapped in a sociopathworld loop. What's everyone up to? I saw this pic today on a dark fantasy site where this girl dressed in black was eating a heart....made me waf

  10. sociopathys turning hipster as fuck

  11. I wonder if @K still looks at this blog

  12. @K is still looking at this blog ;)

  13. Do they have work-related activities in the USA, where there´s an option to "be surrounded by sociopaths"? (for empaths to experience, understand & handle the phenomena)?

    1. you seriously have the weirdest questions ever.Why would anything ever be set up like that?I mean, what you're describing sounds like when I went and swam with dolphins in Florida where they're kept in captivity to allow people to have the experience of interacting with a wild animal. I think the net is the closest you'll get to psychopaths. Also, why do you put everything in paranthesis? I dated this attorney for awhile, and like every third word on his website is in paranthesis. What fuels the compulsion for you guys to do that? I'll tell ya can come hang out with me. Im not a sociopath, but I'm the next best thing. Im like the generic brand. Im still pretty dark and deeply pathological. We can talk about killing people or burning buildings down or know, whatever gets your rocks off, and I wont even charge you.

    2. But isn´t there (or was?) a strong how to do-trend in the US, with lots of practical books about how to marry, how to swim etc? Perhaps many librarians or teachers wonder about psychopaths in working environments: there are horror stories, are they true, how to recognize one etc?

    3. You sound worried.

    4. There are books, but they are mostly fluff

    5. Bum fluff, like the Trickster bullshit. The narc stench that comes off it, is unmistakable.


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