
Saturday, June 4, 2016


Asks a reader:

Good morning, or afternoon, evening depending where in the world you find yourself, I'm in the UK.
The amount of these emails you've probably had I've no doubt must be overwhelming and somewhat tedious, but I am compelled to send you another for your perusal, and, hopefully, an insightful opinion.

It's that age old question you are surely plagued I a sociopath?

I'm a 37 year old male and several times, by several different people, most notably my mother, I have been asked, or, had suggested to me that I am a sociopath, I have based myself on self diagnosis and don't believe I am, but, I'd like your opinion if I may.
There are many factors in me that would suggest I am, but in my mind, there are also many which tell me I'm not.
I have recently met a girl who is a self diagnosed sociopath, and I developed an almost instant infatuation with her.
Like nothing I've known before, I can't say for definite if it's love I feel, but if it is, love is good. It is her diagnosis of me which leads me to question myself to you.
I am different, I know that, I know I think.differently to my friends and family and they know it too, but a sociopath? I'm not sure.
Ok, I'll get down to it.
I'll try and keep it factual as I have, as you may already have noticed, a tendency for verbosity.
I have a remarkable memory, I'm pretty sure I could remember being born if I tried, and I can recall minor events throughout my years in perfect clarity, so, if I may, I'd like to share some with you.

As a young boy my mother feared to reprimand me for wrong doings, not because I was violent or angry with her, but because, as she stated, I would stare emptily at her like I wanted to kill her and it frightened her to the point she couldn't make eye contact with me. I quickly learned that I could use this to my advantage and would push the situation beyond what was acceptable to gauge the reaction I could get from her.
I still do, in all walks of life.
I am a practising and passionate Sadist in the bdsm scene, I use the look to frighten the living shit out of potential partners, and it works infallibly.

You know what? I'm going to stop.
I could go on about every moment through my life, but I'm pretty sure you've heard it all before.

I ruin people for pure pleasure, I let people come to me online and in person and find every flaw in them, physically and mentally, as they talk and move I watch and listen.
I was obsessed, well, am, obsessed with Stockholm syndrome, but now I think it may be more than that. I get into people's minds, make them dependant on me to the point when they begin to panic if I don't reply or agree to see them. I become, effortlessly exactly who they need me to be, I build them up, make them exactly who I know they want to be.
Then watch them burn.
And I love it, I quote lyrics from songs at them as they break without them realising I'm doing it. But I don't let them go, I keep them dangling with promises they're the one, only them, that I can change...for them...then I do it again. And again.
I could make them kill themselves, I know I'm perfectly capable of it, but I'm too aware that our conversations via text will likely be on their phone, and I don't want to go to prison.

I do tend to go on.
Apologies for wasting your time, I'll self diagnose online at somepoint.


  1. First! ... Sorry Vegas.

    1. OldAndWise-


      No apology necessary.:)


    2. Yes you are a sociopath. You should consider suicide, I believe the world will be a better place no offense. Oops, you dont take offense. How is it if sociopaths are so intelligent they don't know what they are? Over rated perhaps? If you came into my life I'd do to you what you do to others, I would also expose you as the real you. This would certainly piss you off and I would laugh at the fact that I beat you. I think you sociopaths are overconfident and conceited. You could try and change , then I would be forgiving of you. Goodbye...

    3. " I could make them kill themselves, I know I'm perfectly capable of it, but I'm too aware that our conversations via text will likely be on their phone, and I don't want to go to prison. "

      The only way to get inside his head is to make him taste what he dishes out. But he doesn't feel it nor cares. He's chuckling away. He's unattached, swatting them like flies ...while they're very attached to him. The play on emotions has no significance to him. To get into him it won't be through an emotional outlet.

      I'm sure he finds more borderline types who are struggling with unstable situations.. or girls with daddy issues. If it holds true - no offence to the women he finds (because they're vulnerable themselves) but this feeds his falsified- ego. The power at play here is the match-dynamics for his sadistic persona that presents with him. I'd be interested in observing the chemistry of women he plays with. The dynamics of it all. Interesting.

      This self diagnosed sociopathic women or the one with strong traits of it will be good for him. She'll challenge him to levels he's never been on. It's literally what he needs to break him in. The other gals mean nothing. He whips them into submission for his cock and it becomes sexualized .....but part of him probably can't stand how weak they seem to him. How needy? How easy for him to gain access. Subconsciously he's crying for a women on his level or higher. He might not even know it but that's why this girl with sociopathic traits is drawing him in.

    4. Hey Superchick!!!

      Your post was a "MASTERPIECE"!!!

      That is what this "interested reader", is here to read.:)

      THANK YOU!!!


    5. @ Vegas , ;;) wink, wink.

    6. Superchick, I think you're more right than you know, thank you for your response, enough people on here relish plotting in to someone's question and just try to be a dickhead, but you've hit some very good points.
      I do like to whip into submission.

      My girl has been superb for me, she is my intellectual superior but has the most beautifully naturally submissive and masochistic way about her that I can get all my kicks without having to hurt her (bad pun I'm sorry).

    7. Thanks for responding. I'm glad to see you hold her in high regard. Best of luck to you and to her. Channel your talents positively and you both will make amazing memoirs together. :)

    8. Superchick-


      I like it, when you wink at me.:)


    9. Oldandwise my friend I have missed you! @OP you will find a socio/socio relationship challenging and fun I am sure. I know among those of us who have/are in them we are content and come to an understanding that is a good substitute for love. It is freeing to be able to "be yourself". Please keep us updated. If you have specific questions I am always happy to help. Just passed the quarter century mark with my special guy.

    10. PuppyBasket - apologies, I didn't see your response until now.
      Challenging and fun it is indeed, it works so much better than any relationship I've ever had, we both see all the bullshit because we've both done it with previous partners in the past, we don't even bother trying to manipulate each other as it's so transparent to us both. To be ourselves is a joy, it's freeing and invigorating.
      25 years! I'm seriously impressed.
      If I do have any questions, I'd come to you without hesitation...but then my good good friend A would no doubt feel the urge to 'put me in my place', and believe it or not, I actually quite like the heifer

  2. "in my mind, there are also many which tell me I'm not."
    which bits were those?

    1. Anon @ 5:06-

      Your comment cracked me up!!!

      I don't think "those bits" were included.:)


  3. "there are also many which tell me I'm not.
    I have recently met a girl who is a self diagnosed sociopath, and I developed an almost instant infatuation with her." Is this really a factor that shows he's a sociopath? Don't all people get this if the sociopath charms well?

    1. agreed, i think it's neutral

  4. The real question ought to be "why do you want to know if you are or are not a sociopath"?

    You're a human being and like all of us you have certain imperfections & certain gifts. You are what you choose to be given what you have. Your sociopathic traits are either inherited or learned but they don't define you unless you accept them as "normal" or good and then start justifying any destructive behavior that may come out of you. Ideally, you ought to recognize the good & bad in you and try to maximize the former and minimize the latter.

    Don't desire to be sociopathic it's a dangerous delusion.

  5. This post made me smile. He'd be the type of person I'd love to play with his mind of course. I'm sure many of us gals would. Just to meet his match.
    He'd try to break me, yes, and I might bend a little ...but he would have too bend as well. Guaranteed. I just have to put these types in their place - in a good way. He'd spot my weaknesses, I'd understand that. But I'd spot his ...but without him knowing what's coming or even knowing. You'd be delicious to fuck around with. But I'd make you feel powerful first. You'd think you were playing me, but I guarantee you, I'd be the one playing you. God temptation. Haha!

    But hubby says calm the fuck down. No more my darling. Just calm the fuck down. Haha. Can get myself in to trouble.

    And i submit.

    You're from the UK. Lordy! Lots of yous there. I have an extended family that comes from this area as well. Strong masculine influential genes. And I spent the last 14 years observing them to a tee....Every single move and motive behind these lovely masks. When the masks break how beautiful. How raw. How lovely to get in.

    We all have them. Anyone who says they don't have one is a liar. And masks come quite naturally. It's a switch, it's automatic, we adapt to the given situation.

    Your girl I believe is right about you and shes a good match for your type of personality.

    Really listen to your mother, she's observed her son for many years. She just knows....

    You could just lean towards the traits of sociopathy.... and not be considered one at all. Possibly not meet threshold but just under it. Or you could also just manipulate yourself and call yourself on your own bullshit if you really look honestly within. But ego has to diminish. That's the toughest thing to let go of.

    We all have a bullshit meter.

    Your sadistic nature would work well within the bdsm community. I like to observe the types of people in them. I can spot a high percentage of personality disorders or just people who tend to lean more towards it.
    I do dabble in it with my husband but we have great vanilla sex too. I just need both kinds. I believe that's important just for us. I don't physically cheat. It's our own moral compass and I respect that.

    Your bdsm side must feed a power within you ...your sadistic facade towards these types of individuals. And we both know what types of women like these sadistic powerful types of men. What types you draw in.

    Hmm what would it take to break you? Tame you. I hope ur girl plays well with you. She will know this. She will know exactly what works.

    Do enjoy the ride!

    How beautiful the love must feel in the beginning.

    But O how beautiful the fall in the ending.

    I wonder who's gunna break who first.

    And if both of you break.... You were made for each other. Stay with the girl. No one else will get you & not understand you fully otherwise.


    1. I admit sometimes - rarely but there are times - when I feel exactly the same way, especially because it would be easy for me to outdo the socio in their game...but that would be violating my principles and make me a hypocrite.

      The sociopath already has trust issues so anything short of 100% honesty with them will make them lose all trust in you. Besides, I have no way of knowing for sure which one is truly psycho & which one is just a product of bad genes and bad environment...

      I'm not admonishing you, Superchick, just sharing a thought. I liked your post. Seriously tho, don't play with a socio it doesn't help you or them. It can be tempting for those of us who can easily see behind the mask but don't!

    2. And I realize you were likely just messing about...

    3. OP.

      Watched another movie tonight. 'The Big Short'. A comment between two characters seems apt regarding the OP.

      Mark Baum:"Why are they confessing?"
      His associate: "They're not confessing. They're bragging."

      Yet another emotionally immature adult 'who ruins people for pleasure'? What is it with you types. You give everyone else a bad name. Having spent the first six months of my extremely valuable time and money, paying several shrinks to get beyond that 'you're all evil and we despise you' stuff - this really does nothing for the Accept Us As We Are Initiative.

      You've just put the hidden agenda back three years, you toe-rag of an OP. And good luck with 'an online self-diagnosis. Honestly. There's one born every minute. [Literally]. Tsk.


    4. How we laughed..! :)

    5. oh, that didn't work, then

    6. Best comment though! Priceless

    7. Thanks Jonaid, I totally get and understand what your saying. Have a good Sunday. :)

    8. You too!

      I just read your 6:29 post. You're right on about the sociopath's need for someone "on his level." Those with reasoning capacities ought to wonder WHY that is the case. Something inside them (a remnant of their humanity perhaps?) detests people who fall for their facade easily. I think it a subconscious hatred of the socio part of oneself...

      The socio ought to want a world where everyone can be easily fooled by him. He only "loves" himself and craves absolute power...yet he detests "stupid" people when they apparently make him "superior."

      These contradictions exist for a reason...because sociopathy is ultimately a delusional state of mind.

    9. Reclaiming vanilla sex.

    10. Vanilla ice creamJune 5, 2016 at 2:02 PM

      Vanilla sex is still hot

    11. Well said Jonaid. I can resonate with your thoughts but just like there's 250 sub types of borderlines.... (we're not ALL the same) not all sociopaths fall into it like the OP's projecting on about.

      What A wrote in 1036 and 1046 is bang on. It usually takes another sociopathic trait individual to put another sociopathic trait individual in its proper place. If he's wise he'll listen and channel the talents within.... Not waste it.

  6. M.E.-

    Thank you for your retweet, from Dinah Soar.:)

    I loved your post-"Why I Hate Narcissists"!!!

    I completely agree.:)

    I'll take a sociopath over a narcissist, any day of the week...


    1. What about a sociopath who is also extremely narcissistic? Just asking. I havent seen many opinions on that on the blog.

    2. M.E.-

      I wanted to tell you, regarding your last post:

      "Now there's an odd sense of poignancy. The pleasant dissonance of an altered 7th chord. I can tell this time I feel more attached to my own role as "part of humanity". I'm actually more curious to see how I keep behaving than to see how the other person does."

      I thought that was beautiful.:)

      I am glad you are feeling more attached to your role as part of humanity, because you are a part of humanity.:)


    3. Glad? ��

    4. You are too stupid to be a sociopath, I misdiagnosed you...

    5. VN-

      Are you asking me which one I'd "take", or what my opinion is of a narcissistic sociopath???


    6. Someone possibly would take a narcissistic sociopath, but they shouldn't. No, I was asking for an opinion in general. :)

    7. VN-

      I have a "low tolerance" for narcissism, so my opinion from "higher to lower" would be:

      Narcissistic Sociopath

      What is your general opinion?


    8. I believe that the less self delusive the person is, the better for himself and the surrounding.

    9. VN-

      I absolutely agree.:)


  7. "Live every day like it's your last because someday you're going to be right." - Muhammad Ali

    I just remembered why he's so likeable. The man had great jokes.

  8. “Frazier is so ugly that when he cries, the tears turn around and go down the back of his head.” - Muhammad Ali

    This is funny.

  9. "Curiosity - there's something more here I have to learn" - GDBecker

    That's why I've been hanging out here, M.E.

    KAT is right; this is a peculiar ecosystem, a shifting, colourful cavalcade.

  10. Myth: psychopaths are godlike beings that can do anything. Reality: more often than not just folks living at home with their parents because they have no money, too weird and unreliable to be employed. And these scruffy characters are shunned by all normal folks, they perhaps are able to "mastermanipulate" pet dogs or hamsters, no other living things spend any time with them..

    1. What I quite like about psychopaths is they don't judge you for being weird and scruffy, even if they're well-dressed

    2. Its just fabric, after all.

  11. You, OP, are a wanker.

    And because I am feeling so magnanimous and bored this evening, I will gift you with a detailed analysis of my diagnosis. I’ll try to keep it factual, as I have a tendency *towards verbosity. No thanks are needed. It’s your lucky night. :D

    I’ll try and keep it factual as I have, as you may already have noticed, a tendency for verbosity.

    Yes. And it would appear that you have quite a penchant for the humlebrag, too. :)

    I have a remarkable memory, I'm pretty sure I could remember being born if I tried, and I can recall minor events throughout my years in perfect clarity, so, if I may, I'd like to share some with you.

    So what? What does this have anything to do with sociopathy? You’re just bragging, narc.

    As a young boy my mother feared to reprimand me for wrong doings, not because I was violent or angry with her, but because, as she stated, I would stare emptily at her like I wanted to kill her and it frightened her to the point she couldn't make eye contact with me.

    Bahahaaa! Yes, yes. I’m sure you were a positively terrifying seven year old. XD

    Either you’re patently delusional, embellishing facts, or your mother is a *pathetically* weak woman who lacked any capacity to discipline you whatsoever, thereby helping to create the entitled, arrogant little pissant that you presently pride yourself on being.

    I quickly learned that I could use this to my advantage and would push the situation beyond what was acceptable to gauge the reaction I could get from her.

    You quickly realized that she was a complete pushover and took full advantage of it and her, you mean. (I know allll about that.) :P

    I still do, in all walks of life.

    Yes, you still bulldoze people in all walks of life. Shocking!~ :P

    I am a practising and passionate Sadist in the bdsm scene, I use the look to frighten the living shit out of potential partners, and it works infallibly.

    Gasp! A sociopath who’s into bdsm. What a surprise.~

    It wouldn’t work on me. Amateur. XD

    You know what? I'm going to stop.

    Finally! And yet, you didn’t. So I won't either. Part 2 forthcoming...

    1. I could go on about every moment through my life, but I'm pretty sure you've heard it all before.

      We have. You’re a sociopath who is also an asshole. It’s very common around these parts. ;)

      I ruin people for pure pleasure, I let people come to me online and in person and find every flaw in them, physically and mentally, as they talk and move I watch and listen.

      You know, you could use this natural ability to benefit yourself and others, within a business or entrepreneurial context, so as to acquire power, influence, resources and prestige. You could lead a pack.

      But instead, you’re wasting time targeting lesser beings, weaker than yourself, for petty sadistic pleasures.

      You clearly have not mastered the fine art of sublimation.

      I was obsessed, well, am, obsessed with Stockholm syndrome, but now I think it may be more than that.

      Your desire to enslave is based on your inability to wield authentic power or control in significant areas of your life. I would wager that in some ways, you feel very insecure, uncertain, and/or helpless. This is how you attempt compensate for it.

      And I love it, I quote lyrics from songs at them as they break without them realising I'm doing it. But I don't let them go, I keep them dangling with promises they're the one, only them, that I can change...for them...then I do it again. And again.

      Here you betray your naivety, and overestimation of your skills. The sad fact is, you’re luring and baiting weak, emotionally broken people who allow you to trample upon and victimize them, again and again. Ew.

      Don’t you want someone who actually challenges you on your own level?

      I could make them kill themselves, I know I'm perfectly capable of it, but I'm too aware that our conversations via text will likely be on their phone, and I don't want to go to prison.

      Ooou. Better watch out, now. We got ourselves a BADASS over here, sociopathworld! XD

      If being able to talk people into suicide is a bragging point for you, then you must only surround yourself with insecure, broken people. Breaking what is already weak and frail doesn’t make you strong or powerful, it makes you a fucking vulture, picking at the walking dead. You’re contemptible.

      Get the fuck over yourself, kid. You give yourself far too much credit. You’re not half as good as you think you are, and your naïve overconfidence will someday be your downfall. It’s your blind spot.

      You’re welcome. :D

      I do tend to go on.

      That you do.

      Apologies for wasting your time,

      Disingenuous apologies are unbecoming. :P

      I'll self diagnose online at somepoint.

      You already have. You’re probably a sociopath, and you’re *definitely* an asshole. There isn’t much you can do to change the former, but you can work on the latter. Good luck with that.

    2. A!!!

      You posted!!!

      I need to share a song, in your honor.:)

      I am digging this song right now-MAKES ME WANT TO DANCE!!!

      Mike Posner



    3. A-

      PS-I Googled "wanker".:) I basically knew what it meant, but I wanted the EXACT definition:


      "a person who masturbates (used as a term of abuse)."

      HA!!! LOL!!!

      I SO LOVE YOU!!!


    4. A-

      Oops!!! My bad...

      Now, I know what you like.:)

      I LOVED THAT!!!

      I'm pretty eclectic, when it comes to music.:)

      That made me think of Lenny Kravitz-LOVE HIM!!!

      I'm always down for new tunes!!!



    5. A-

      PS-You have a HOT BRITISH ACCENT, don't you???


    6. A-

      I am a TOTAL SUCKER, for those HOT BRITISH ACCENTS!!!


    7. A-


      You just got EVEN MORE COOL!!!


    8. A-

      Last one.:)

      I heard some Pink Floyd the other day, and thought about back when I was sharing the Floyd music, and our conversation.:)



    9. Here are a couple of little known gems by Floyd, somewhat relevant to the theme of this blog:



      Careful with that axe, Eugene. (One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces.)


    10. "Your desire to enslave is based on your inability to wield authentic power or control in significant areas of your life."

      Excellent. This statement applies to all manipulative behaviours, including assuming the victim role.

      Being an authentic self is my favoured form of power. All find what they truly seek.

    11. A, you're chikita says yeah!! Well done and well said.

      I really enjoy when you pop in. : )

    12. Aw, bless you, you're a spastic, we didn't realise.
      Do little *asterixes amuse you? Be careful, I've seen one of your lot on a trip to the beach, and when the excitement got too much it had to be restrained whilst it's eyes rolled over.
      Do you have a plastic rod attached to your forehead to type with Spasticus?
      You clearly feel the need to trawl posts and attempt to belittle the writer, good on you, maybe you'll entertain Vegas somewhat.
      My mother, pathetic as she may be, did her job well, I'm the youngest of six and her influence I probably owe my freedom to, badass that I am.
      Should I be putting a retard smiley face at the end of my sentences? *
      You're clearly very tough Rembo sat behind your screen dribbling, I'd feel sorry for you, but no doubt you'd have some articulate retort lined up, I can't be bothered to talk to you as it means you'll respond and then I'll have to listen to your vegetable babbling again.
      You really should get down off your high horse Bran, if people ask a question on this forum, try answering it without being a spastic my drooling friend.
      I don't actually masturbate, I have a beautiful, submissive girlfriend to see to my needs...much like your father no doubt did when they fitted you for the new chair with the fancy joystick, now, be a good little mong, blow into the tube on your left and steer your chair in front of a bus, give Vegas something to properly laugh over.

    13. Whoah see what happens when two sociopathic trait individuals go at it. ;)

      OP, I'm asking you to submit - just for a few minutes of your time and really listen to some points A has expressed. Specially In 1046. She's expressed some good points (just openly listen). You have gifts, talents that just need to be steered on the right road. Really own it in a productive way.

      You come from a large family. I'm also a mother to six beautiful children. You just don't see that too much anymore.

      I have one boy who's on the adhd-odd spectrum. I worry for him but he's full of talent and gifts. It's amazing how I hear a song I enjoy so much and he listens to it and starts playing it on he piano- beautifully!Hes drawn to high risk things, i keep steering him productively. Trying my best! But it's tough. I admit.

    14. Superchick, I am fully appreciative of view points and opinions, yours especially, but A Spastic has felt the need to attack someone they don't know on a very personal basis.
      That I find a bit out of line.
      She does have some good points, I just don't like how they are expressed.
      I'm sure she feels the need to pass judgement on everyone asking a question, I don't like her.

      You're pretty cool though, good work with the son

    15. You both have different styles at expressing things. How it comes across overrides its effectiveness for u. I get where your coming from... I also get where she's coming from. Where one needs it firm, the other maybe needs it with a gentler approach. I do apologize if my posts were hard in some spots. I've just lived with this since I was twenty three (an extended family who has strong sociopathic traits) so I've learnt to adapt and quickly stand on my feet. Trial and error....but I've moulded myself through the years to revamp myself. I don't mean to dump on you by any-means. In order to understand it I had to almost become it. It's made me question myself?? I believe the family (as a whole) changed my life for the better. But I had to observe and implement a particular love language style. ;) I'm extremely feisty and submissive when need be. I'll submit if I feel respected in faucets of areas.

      It's so easy if you respect and have good etiquette/mannerism with ur girl by day; she'll submit and become yours by night. All of yours. I'm sure you know this and are doing this.

      Nights :)

    16. Ooh my! Aren't you a defensive little wanker. On the basis of your vitriolic response, it seems that I hit a couple of raw nerves. How satisfying. :D

      I've been posting here sporadically for years, and I certainly don't pass judgement on everyone who asks a question. But I do have a penchant for tearing down people’s delusions of grandeur, and you were just too full of yourself to pass up. I like to “let people come to me online and in person and find every flaw in them, physically and mentally”, doncha know. It’s what I do here. I wasn’t “attacking” you, I was merely holding up a mirror. Don’t blame me if you don’t like what you see, Trigglypuff. XD

      You brag about terrifying your mother, destroying people for “fun”, and being able to talk people into suicide, yet a simple deconstruction of your post is enough to send you into a rabid, narcissistic rage, in which you froth incoherently at the mouth about how my daddy should have raped me and thrown me under a bus. But I’m the spastic one. Lol.

      Is that how you choose to showcase your manipulative genius? If that is your technique, you couldn’t sell an air conditioner to an Amazonian, let alone talk anyone into killing themselves, you contemptible muppet.

      You even saw fit to defensively lie about your masturbation habits, when it is clear to anyone with half a brain that I was making a reference to the ego-stroking fest that is your post. Vegas caught on quicker than you, and she’s an empath, ffs.

      It is easy to see why you admit that your girlfriend is your intellectual superior.

      You think you’re the dominant one in your relationship, but the opposite is clearly true. She just craves your whip- which you probably can’t wield any better than your words.

      If she is as smart as you claim, she’ll see through you just as I have, and find herself a real man- one who is above taking pride in trampling upon the broken, so as to prop up his own fragile ego.

    17. OP

      That is a bit of a worry, that you were annoyed by A's post. It was just words. They shouldn't matter, if you have a high level of self-confidence, dominance and self-control. And it shouldn't matter whether you like her or not, either. She was mirroring, is all. You do that do you not? You are not 'owed' politeness by a stranger - you probably don't offer it yourself unless you can be bothered?
      There are too many raw nerves with you at present. You need to chill. Ignore the insults. They are irrelevant, and just bluster.
      If you can't ignore such stuff, perhaps consider you are more towards the narcissistic category of person.

      UK men are used to women who don't say boo to a goose, frankly. Not so useful for you, being that complacent. A wake-up call perhaps?


    18. They were not insults, so much as observations delivered in a deliberately offensive tone, specifically crafted to elicit a response. The narc did not disappoint.

      Neglecting to feed an obvious troll is one thing, but ignoring a well-reasoned, aggressively insightful critique is not an effective way to assert dominance. It broadcasts weakness, and a tendency to eschew confrontation.

      He should, at the very least, attempt a less emotional rebuttal- although it is far more likely that he will slink back into the shadows, little tail tucked in firmly between his legs.

      Isn't that right, Trigglypuff? ;)

    19. A-

      The "Meddle" album!!!

      Those are "little known gems" by Floyd!!!

      Thank you-I enjoyed them very much.:)

      I saw a man with a Floyd T-Shirt on today, and it made me think of you, and I smiled.:)

      I get so excited, when I see your posts!!! The combination of your intellect, communication style, and humor-I find to be sheer perfection.:)

      I always find myself smiling, at the end of your posts.:)

      I didn't know what "Trigglypuff" meant, so I had to Google it.:)

      HA!!! LOL!!!

      I hope you keep posting-it makes my day.:)


  12. A

    "Aren't you a defensive little wanker."
    "Either you’re patently delusional, embellishing facts, or your mother is a *pathetically* weak woman"

    "They were not insults, so much as observations delivered in a deliberately offensive tone, specifically crafted to elicit a response....a well-reasoned, aggressively insightful critique"

    Obviously a case of cultural difference as to what constitutes insults.


  13. Quick to anger, quick to calm.
    I'll not apologise, I was pissed that someone asks a genuine question and A felt the need to desalinate it line by line.
    But it's all good

    1. Ya know being pissed can be a real good thing... I'm looking at the longterm outcome. :)

      But ya I understand your the original OP and you were looking for logical unreactive answers to your questions. But honesty, how do you expect some people to react to some things that you posted. I'm not trying to be unkind here - it's not my motive - just some people will be on that stuff in a heartbeat. {Specially the girls that are on the verge of suicide or make you believe they are). Your probably thinking, why would any girl be that weak to even consider, let me alone be a determining factor in their lives?

      But there just a little bit unstable and coming from it within their own issues inside. These types maybe just steer away from quicker. It will only make it worse for them, and ultimately - you. They have your texts. They screen shot that stuff and you are made to look like an asshole. People deflect shit and manipulate wording all the time. It's happened to me with a screen shot. My words got manipulated, I didn't even say the stuff I got accused of. It was sneaky. One way convos are not good. I know you might not understand this because of the emotional attachment they themselves feel, but if the roles were switched?

      Try to understand it from an intellectual compassionate mindset. And I think you are because you mentioned you do not want to go to prison.

      When my hubs is pissed, give him one full day tops to process it & he turns into mush towards me. Because deep down I tell him I rule his roost. Kidding. Well maybe...... :D I just have a humbler & feisty approach ....mixed all in one with my husband. It's automatic and comes naturally with us.

      My mother in law told me a long tome ago - tell him once or twice and he'll process it , but it takes time for you to make him see another way. He's been like that his whole life. I press in- than back off.

      So being pissed can be a good thing, as it gets both people thinking. ;)

    2. The OP,

      "Quick to anger, quick to calm." Fleeting emotions: tick.
      Ability to talk others into suicide: tick.
      Grandiosity: tick.
      Observational and manipulation skills: tick.
      Irresponsibility in interpersonal relationships: tick.
      Verbal aggression: tick.
      Dominance re someone else being aggressive: tick.
      Looking good so far....8-)

      BTW, forget 'online diagnoses'. They are silly, and not to be taken seriously. And aren't, by those whose business it is To Know These Things.
      If, out of idle curiousity you are asking yourself, "why dat?" the answer is they're not granular enough, and there are issues with many of the items in the measures. The measures you would have to undertake - are all proprietary. Except the IPIP-300, and it is unlikely you would have any clue as to the patterns you would need to be looking for, without extensive and directed research [that part is possible BTW, using online research papers].
      Furthermore, the reason you would need to answer several measures is, again, to check for consistency of results. One measure does not a psychopathic diagnosis make, or even two measures. A semi-structured interview or two is pretty 'de rigour'. [Avoid anything to do with PCL-R or SV]. It's stupid shit.
      So, if you want to overcome a little bit of your grandiosity aspect, it'd have to be for the purposes of flinging yourself onto the tender mercies of a forensic shrink, and saying something like:
      [in pleading, earnest voice]:
      "Guv, I desperately want to reform. Become a better person. Woe is me, for I am undone! Save me, oh forensic shrink who Knows All. [They like that part, BTW]. Make me a Useful Member of society; I have faith in you, Oh Forensic Shrink.[they like that part even more]"
      The pathological lying should stand you in good stead there, I trust? 8-)

      Yes, I am lampooning [them] a bit, out of a degree of warmth [ha ha ha] and fondness [true]; but I hope this helps.


    3. "forget 'online diagnoses'."

      Just on this. When I look at online tests for anything, I sometimes feel the framingof the test relies on assumptions I no longer hold. The questions read strangely to me; as if they are presenting dichotomies I don't perceive.

      How do others perceive theses tests? Do they help make sense of experience or do they feel kinda foreign?

    4. KAT
      Why do you feel you have to talk in a special way to your shrink? Exactly what are you trying to get out of it? Are you becoming what they are trying to make you into, or are you pretending to become that, so you can pretend more easily with others?

    5. When I originally sent this post to ME, it was because I sought the viewpoint of someone, in the know, about suggestions made to me which seemed to tie in so many aspects of my life.
      I I had posted said question on a social media site, I could accept the harshness of the response, but thought that by coming here, I could talk openly and honestly without the ridicule A so pleasantly felt the need to inflict.
      You may call the delusions of grandeur, bragging rights, but it's not, I have no interest in being a sociopath, the question was, am I?

      You assume I target vulnerable women with suicidal tendencies, daddy issues, pathetic types...and that someone on my own level might be more of a challenge, but I target the strong, I target the women not used to hearing 'no', women who think far too much o themselves, the fun is building them up, watching them change their core being, questioning themselves and ultimately changing everything about themselves...then walking away laughing.
      Judge me as you will, I'm just saying how it is.
      Your assumptions that I pray on the week are very far from the truth, I enjoy the challenge, the results are far more satisfying.

      You are right about online diagnosis, I find ten much to easy to manipulate and get whatever outcome you wish from them, one suggested (in dramatic red text) that I print out my results and take them to a psychiatrist immediately.

    6. The OP-

      You can talk openly and honestly here.

      I am not qualified to tell you definitively, whether or not you are a sociopath. From your post, it is my personal opinion, that you very well may be.

      I would like to ask you a question. What do the people do, after you walk away laughing???


    7. Hey Vegas, thanks for the opinion.
      As big headed as it may come across, you asked so I'll answer...I'm good at what I do, when I'm done and walk away, it's not so easy for them, they plague me, I've been stalked, they hound my friends, beg and plead. They go through a myriad of emotions, anger and accusations get thrown at me, then apologies, self blaming, guilt.
      It really is good fun my friend

    8. The OP-

      You're welcome, for the opinion.

      Thank you, for your candid response.

      Are you going to seek a professional diagnosis?

      I loved your quote:

      "Like nothing I've known before, I can't say for definite if it's love I feel, but if it is, love is good."

      Love is good.

      I wish you and your girlfriend the best of luck!!!


    9. The OP

      Hmm. I think you have me confused. I made no assumptions about you [re your content of your middle paragraph - preying on the weak etc.] Those were A and SuperChick.
      I made the initial comment about bragging because your phrasing [ie. word choices] suggested that 'tone', is all.

      Was the result in red text, from Dutton's little questionnaire BTW? 8-)

      Anyway, regarding your first paragraph, and:

      "but thought that by coming here, I could talk openly and honestly without the ridicule A so pleasantly felt the need to inflict."

      How can I put this without a whole bunch of people here getting over-sensitive. I'll be very polite. Some people don't take this blog at all seriously. Some take it too seriously. Some just read it and say nothing. Some come to antagonise, some come to chat, some come to learn a thing or two. In a way that's good, but in other ways it's a real PITA. It doesn't seem to encourage much depth of support, as there's not much trust between parties. Aggression at the expense of communication. It's the American Way. What would have been good would have been a response for you from PuppyBasket.
      Her posts are informative and helpful. But she's looking for a job and has a dying car at present.


    10. The OP-

      Also, as KAT touched on-I think everyone was "easy" on you.

      I've gotten "the smackdown" so many times on this blog, that I've stopped counting!!! The last one, was for sharing a benign movie quote, that someone took personal offense to.

      I agree with A, in that you could "lead a pack", as in a company, organization, etc. You could lead 100, 1000, 10,000 people, etc., instead of a dozen, and it would be a lot more challenging, fun, and satisfying for you.

      PS-I didn't use the "retard smiley faces", just for you, even though I love to use them.


    11. The OP-

      PSS-This is a totally personal question that I shouldn't ask, but since it came up I'm going to, anyway. You obviously don't need to answer, if you don't want to:

      Are you anti-masturbation???


    12. Ah Vegas I do like you.

      KAT, the comment was not aimed at you as, in fairness, I have no points to pick with you as you talk rationally and you make sense to me.
      Even if I am a toe rag.
      I agree on the Aggressive nature of chats concept, and I guess here more than anywhere it would be prevalent, I just don't take to it too kindly.

    13. I'm not at all, but in the relationship I have, I impose fairly strict rules on her, one of those is no self masturbation. Being a genial kinda guy, if I impose a rule on her, it goes for me too, if either of us needs gratification, that's what the other is there for...keeps the need and urge for rampant sex bubbling

    14. Anon at 10.35pm

      Two replies for you.

      Version 1. Lampooning:
      "Why do you feel you have to talk in a special way to your shrink?"

      Sigh. I was lampooning [making fun of, satirising] the process of visiting shrinks. It was humourous? No? Yes? Maybe? Being a sign of mental health an' all?

      "Exactly what are you trying to get out of it?"
      To reduce my pathological predilection for lampooning Anons. It was becoming a problem irl. Anyone I didn't know, I lampooned. It hasn't improved much. Sigh.

      "Are you becoming what they are trying to make you into"

      LOL. Yep. I laugh an awful lot more nowadays.

      "or are you pretending to become that, so you can pretend more easily with others?"

      Huh? Nope. I don't pretend to laugh. I actually do. LOL

      Version 2. No-nonsense:
      I was joking. None of your business. No. That would be a waste of time and money.

      I enjoyed writing the first one more. Hopefully, it was nicer to read as well.


    15. Vegas and The OP,

      Oi! Get a room you two. Too much information!!

      "even if I am a toe rag"

      I'd say there's no doubt on that score at this point. [prim look]

      And Vegas, I am extremely gratified you didn't bother asking me if I'm Anti-American, again. Your self-discipline is exemplary and is to be congratulated. 8-)

    16. The OP-

      Thanks for your response.

      I like that you play by the rules, that you impose.

      "if either of us needs gratification, that's what the other is there for...keeps the need and urge for rampant sex bubbling"

      I like your "style".


    17. Thankyou Vegas, though apparently that now implies that you are a vulnerable female with daddy issues.
      I won't talk you into killing yourself though...I actually quite like you

    18. K-

      Sorry for the TMI.

      Pleased to gratify you. Thank you for the commendation on my exemplary self-discipline.

      I am understanding your communication and style of humor now, K, and am quite enjoying you.

      The OP-"but I target the strong, I target the women not used to hearing 'no', women who think far too much of themselves", is actually a good description of me.

      I'm glad you like me, and won't talk me into killing myself...


    19. Vegas,

      "I am understanding your communication and style of humor now, K, and am quite enjoying you."

      It's not a USA style of humour, probably; so there seems to be a need for many LOLs and 8-) , as props.

      "and won't talk me into killing myself..."

      Drat. And I was quite looking forward to observing him do that! Double drat. 8-)

      Good night,

    20. "Hey Vegas, thanks for the opinion.
      As big headed as it may come across, you asked so I'll answer...I'm good at what I do, when I'm done and walk away, it's not so easy for them, they plague me, I've been stalked, they hound my friends, beg and plead. They go through a myriad of emotions, anger and accusations get thrown at me, then apologies, self blaming, guilt.
      It really is good fun my friend"

      I was totally trying to help you with my comments and your going on about me bringing up daddy issues with gals in this thread. It just a generalization. I'm sure many have issues and many don't. It's a spectrum. You're playing on my words using it to your advantage right now to gain ammunition.

      Any girl who stalks you , plagues you hounds you begs you pleads with you has issues within themselves even if there not used to hearing NO when you challenge them and reign them in. I was trying to point out to stay clear from these types maybe so you don't get into trouble longterm. If those girls react that strong then your play on them might have crossed the line and boundary. I'm asking you to just think about that.

      I explained you could get yourself in trouble because they are saving all your info through a devise.

      I'm going to stop now because you can just manipulate my wording. I'm so done with that- had it done before to me when I was genuinely trying to help with supportive information. And for the love of God - I ain't judging you.

      A had some important things to say as well matter how you're perceiving it and taking it. Clearly she dished out what you yourself have dished out onto others as well. Take that, gulp it down and stop getting offended by it.

      Good day, and ya I mean that.

    21. Superchick, I've taken no offence to anything you said whatsoever and I'm not manipulating owt, but you did generalise the type of women that I attract and go for, but it's not a bad thing, I was being light hearted in truth as I'm not on here to argue with people.
      I respected your comments, and said so, but it was a generalisation I felt the need to put straight.

    22. Okay, thanks for the clarification. Sometimes things get mumble jumble in threads when you cannot see the other persons face looking in.

      Again I'm not saying all of these girls are vulnerable you choose but "some" clearly are falling under ur submission in harmful ways if they go to the extent of threatening suicide for you. They are not bending or growing -- they are breaking thinking they can play with this Master over them. Master is two steps ahead. Give them leverage, space... gentleness. But I'm sure you do that and some end up stalking you anyway for it. Where one has true power.... there is always a humble heart with it. That's why these girls succumb to you.

      I can see it, you are very charming in the way you express yourself.

      Take care. I'm out with my Nikon, gorgeous day for that so I'm done responding now. It was nice conversing. :)

    23. Have a wonderful day out with the camera and the sunshine, I'm very jealous.
      I do have to clarify one point though if I may...
      Ive never stated that any girl has threatened suicide...I suggested that I could make them if I so desired.

      Enjoy the sunshine, it's been a pleasure

    24. Let's get something straight. You bragged about terrifying your mother, and the ability to talk someone into killing themselves. I responded by stating that either you’re exaggerating, or your mother and girl toys are already weak and broken. Because let’s face it: someone who is intimidated by a seven year old, or who would allow themselves to be talked into suicide, isn’t “strong”. You claim to enjoy challenging strong women, but a strong person wouldn’t allow you to talk her into killing herself any more than you would, which permits me to deduce that your statement is logically inconsistent, and therefore necessarily false. Whether you are delusional or resorting to hyperbole in an effort to underscore your purported manipulative genius remains unclear. :P

      Thought you might commiserate in a circle jerk with others who like to brag about tearing people down, whose manipulative genius is only being "held back" by a fear of imprisonment, without the bother of being called on being such an asshole, did you?

      Not on my watch. :)

      Other people here might be willing to play nice, but when someone starts bragging about how they only refrain from persuading others from killing themselves to avoid jail time, they make themselves fair game, as far as I’m concerned. Especially when they make such claims to prop up their alleged psychopathy. There are enough misconceptions about our kind out there.

      I think it shows what kind of a person you are- and it’s ugly. Not all of us are like you.

      I am what you are, except I don't ruin people for fun. I'd rather come around here to play on occasion, and target my own kind, among others. Hence my treatment of you.

      I often speak to myself the way I spoke to you. For someone who prides himself in being so proficient at breaking others down, you sure have trouble swallowing it when the tables are turned.

      Quit reeling at my callousness and learn to take what you profess to dish, pussy.

    25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    26. Ah A, I've missed you. Please don't feel the need to repeat yourself for my benefit.
      I was going to go back through my original post and point out to you where you were going wrong and why it got under my skin, but it really doesn't bother me as much as you like to think it does so I left it.
      I'm not getting a nice circle, I'm talking to people as I do, if it wasn't for your outburst bully tactic rant, I'm pretty confident you and I would get along rather well.
      But you're a dick.
      I stated that my mother made comments on how I looked at her and how if use that to my benefit, a truthful statement, not a boast or brag, just, an insight if you will to my childhood memories linked to the signs of sociopathy, I care deeply for my mother, who is indeed, not pathetic.
      Everything in my post was a factual statement, but you surmise to take it as a brag and respond in your delightful way, I can wield immense control over women of all walks, and, yes as stated, I do believe I could push them to serious harm if I wished. Again, not a brag, but a factual statement.
      I have no issue with you coming on here to play around and get your kicks, as you say, we are the same, I just get mine in a way you deem bragging, what you do for yours is your business an I judge you not for it.
      It does seem to me you spend your time looking for folk to abuse on here, which suggests to me you have a very unfulfilled existence, I almost pity you.
      But you do talk well.

      Loving Stockholm syndrome is not a substitute for the lack of power I wield in other aspects of life...I just enjoy making women dependant on me.
      Again, my business for you to judge as you deem fit.

      Let's be friends :p

      See...I even did one of your infantile faces for you.
      Yep...on your watch too

  14. Replies
    1. A,

      Info regarding cultural perceptions of writing style:

      Objective perception: OP is not taking offense, he is amused by you and regards you as impolite. He is male from the UK, you are female from the USA; your humour and language styles are different.

      Objective perception: you are rude and aggressive because you 'relish' being so.

      Objective perception: he has a specific lack of insight about his grandiosity, because in all likelihood he has elevated levels of certain psychopathic traits and is self-aware about only some of them.

      Objective perception: you have 'daddy issues', which you've outlined yourself online, you have a very strongly narcissistic component to your personality, which you've amusedly stated about yourself online; you have practiced your tactics of verbal aggression consistently over at least three years under various 'A guises', again, by your own statement; and 'you avoid shrinks at all costs' [your statement].

      Please, under no circumstances whatsoever, regard this blog, to be "on your watch". On 'your [previous] watch': [a] everybody worth reading left, [b] it had degenerated into a religious war of words of your own provocation because you either had not the wit to realise you were engaging with an intellectually very able Aspie - or you basically didn't give two shits you were being abusive to same; and you are starting all that religious insulting *again* as soon as 'you're back'; having, I suspect, never left; and [c] it consisted of torrents of constant, boring insult-fests between crusading 'socio-haters' and 'anonymouse' hangers on.

      You do [attempt to] ruin people for fun. Male people, online. Or are Bob, Jonaid and the OP, [even sock puppet 'Adam' et al] not 'people'. You have an avoidance of psychologists, and then have the temerity to feel competent to decide who is a 'wannabee' online sociopath so you can have playtimes 'with your own kind'. Over-reach, much. You do not have sufficient impartiality or self-awareness to make any such 'assessments'.
      Not all men are your psychopathic father, they do not all need 'taking down a peg or two' by an aggressive but emotionally volatile woman like yourself, intermittently needing to prove she can take 'him' at his own game, and win. Enough, already.

      Now, my 'writing style' will possibly cause defensiveness, aggression, sarcasm, derogatory spite, from you. Whether you choose to express that online is up to you.
      Re-consider that you are in fact not as 'sorted and mature' as you believe yourself to be. If you truly believe your child [ren?] cannot pick up there is something off in your emotional responses - dream on. Narcissistic-Aggressive A could quite possibly raise a Borderline adult. Have fun with that then, you silly woman. Sort yourself out. IRL.

      Due to probable cultural differences regarding language style, I will be explicit. This comment is not an example of someone being passive-aggressive. This is an example of overt, very mild instrumental verbal aggression. It is a push-back, not a first sally. If you were really 'my kind', you would read it, snuff out any inherent aggression; answer any incorrect observations reasonably and politely.
      That is actually what 'my kind' do; unlike yourself I was not particularly bothered by psychologists to avoid them at all costs. Resulting in a marked reduction in the category of aggression that you demonstrate in many comments, except to sycophants.
      Holding onto that is not good for you, your family, or your spirit.


    2. That's right. I am not your kind. You're a boring, verbose, socially awkward little twit who thinks entirely too much of herself, and I have no interest in anything you have to say.

      You're uptight and humourless. When you do attempt to joke, you make an ass of yourself. Nobody understands what you are saying. You're not funny. You're not insightful. You're not witty. And you certainly aren't interesting.

      I don't give a rat's ass what you think, say or do. You're basically a long-winded non-entity, as far as I'm concerned. Do as you please, as will I.

    3. A-

      I read your post, and smiled, as usual.:)

      Then, the last scene from "Indecent Proposal", came to mind:

      "Have I ever told you I love you?


      I do.




    4. A,

      Please stop talking about yourself like that:

      "You're a boring, verbose, socially awkward little twit who thinks entirely too much of herself, and I have no interest in anything you have to say."

      A: predictably defensive as always.

      "You're uptight and humourless. When you do attempt to joke, you make an ass of yourself."

      Often, I've made jokes about Asses. 8-)

      "Nobody understands what you are saying."

      A: may be underestimating other people's intellectual capacity on this site. Some people have understood exactly what I've been saying.

      "You're not funny. You're not insightful. You're not witty. And you certainly aren't interesting."

      Ass, is it? Spiteful little anon finally Coming Out to play? The nasty, nasty one? 8-)

      "I don't give a rat's ass what you think, say or do."

      A: defiant petulance. Well, it's an improvement on overt rude aggression.
      You are rude to whomever you like. Therefore, you'll be the first to admit anyone else can be highly unpleasant to you. Only fair. BUT FOR WHAT? imbecile. For 'fun'? This is your idea of fun??? Enjoy then. Have fun. Are you having fun yet? Excellent!

      "You're basically a long-winded non-entity, as far as I'm concerned."

      8-) playing tennis, huh? Let's count the lengths of your rants over the years, and lets count mine. LOL. I think you'd win by a mile. And that's just counting your abuse aimed at 'wannabee' sociopath males. Heck, if we included your religious ranting, you'd qualify for a medal for a long-distance marathon.

      "Do as you please, as will I."

      Of course you will. 'Cause you're the Big Bad Bullying A, scourge of big bad bullying males everywhere.
      Go there, team A.
      Except that some others might quite like to hear from new people. Who, 'just looking' may not really be arsed to put up with the likes of you, d'you get that?? Because really, why should anyone come onto a blog, be met with a load of aggressive 'I'm so tough' crap, on their first visit - and be at all interested in returning?
      It's not about 'hanging tough' A. It's about being unamused. Would you return to a bar where you got yelled at by drunks as soon as you stepped into the doorway?
      Do you get that, socially awkward A?


    5. Again KAT is doing exactly what he's describing others do

    6. Yes, again KAT is mirroring. You understood that! Hallelujah! It has not all been in vain!

    7. These daddy issues that sociopaths are always droning on about, do they have anything to do with one's daddy being the devil?

    8. Yes KAT. To describe these things all you have to do is look into your own behaviour. An open book. Too bad it says nothing in it.

    9. Please stop talking about yourself like that:

      "You're a boring, verbose, socially awkward little twit who thinks entirely too much of herself, and I have no interest in anything you have to say."

      Autistic arguing 101: “I know you are but what am I?” You’ve used that substandard tactic before. It is as about as effective as putting “KAT” in front of the things you say, and thinking it makes you funny.

      Ass, is it? Spiteful little anon finally Coming Out to play? The nasty, nasty one? 8-)

      I only ever post as “A”. Must be someone else who fails to appreciate your brand of “wit”.

      A: You may be underestimating other people's intellectual capacity on this site. Some people have understood exactly what I've been saying.

      Haha! You don’t come across as intellectual, you come across as autistic. People have merely been humouring you, you withered old koot.

      You are rude to whomever you like. Therefore, you'll be the first to admit anyone else can be highly unpleasant to you. Only fair. BUT FOR WHAT? imbecile. For 'fun'? This is your idea of fun???

      Actually... Yes!!!
      Yes, it is.

      Enjoy then. Have fun. Are you having fun yet? Excellent.

      I most certainly am- at your expense.

      Of course you will. 'Cause you're the Big Bad Bullying A, scourge of big bad bullying males everywhere.

      Ahem. The records will attest that I'm an equal opportunity cyber-bully. ;)

      Go there, team A.

      Oh, I assure you, there is only one of me.

      playing tennis, huh? Let's count the lengths of your rants over the years, and lets count mine. LOL. I think you'd win by a mile. And that's just counting your abuse aimed at 'wannabee' sociopath males. Heck, if we included your religious ranting, you'd qualify for a medal for a long-distance marathon.

      You don't like theological debates or "religious" objections to Jonaid’s Koolaid? Too fucking bad.


    10. Except that some others might quite like to hear from new people.

      New people like you…? You’re a fucking weirdo snooze fest. People have been kinda, sorta, tryin’ to let you know that politely, but you don’t get it, and you still plaster yourself all over the place.

      Like OP the Suicide Whisperer…? He is free to speak for himself as he sees fit, and he has. I don’t see him running off like a beaten whelp.

      As North stated, there’s room for diversity, here. But I’ll not have you tell me how to post, you Krazy old Kunt.
      Who, 'just looking' may not really be arsed to put up with the likes of you, d'you get that??

      Eh, actually, I am on good terms with North, Mr. Hyde, Vegas, Socioempath, Damaged, and Superchick. I appreciate the posts of a lot semi regular commenters, too, such as Scarlet and NM. I have no beef with them.

      You, on the other hand, konfuse people and/or generally put them off. Some of them are polite with you, but apart from Mr. OP, who’s just happy to see anyone rip into me, everybody thinks you’re a fucking inept weirdo. Clearly, you don’tget that.

      Because really, why should anyone come onto a blog, be met with a load of aggressive 'I'm so tough' crap, on their first visit - and be at all interested in returning?

      Actually, you katatonik kook, for many years, this blog was a much different environment. When more sociopaths visited, the atmosphere was extremely aggressive. The banter was witty, incisive, and it drew many of us back here, over and over again. Including me.

      Many of us migrated to the forum when M.E. made it available and linked it to this blog, but one of the members posted a nude selfie which violated Nabble's terms of use, and ownership of the forum was transferred to someone who messed it up. It still hasn't quite recovered, and only a few original members remain.

      Not that it matters. Now that YOU’RE here, it should be a polite, civilized, philosophical safespace. Right?~

      There’s room for your koma-inducing platitudes. But there’s also room for thrashing misogynistic pissants.

      Incidentally, I don’t necessarily think OP’s a wannabe. That is more along the lines of how I might define a konfused KAT like you.

      It's not about 'hanging tough' A.

      No, it isn’t. It is about kalling people on their krap. xD

      I know why I’m here, and it isn’t to head up the blog welcome committee, be likeable, or kater to your preferences.

      It's about being unamused.

      Yes well, I am sure you are quite unamused, what with that stick shoved so far up your uptight ass. XD

      Would you return to a bar where you got yelled at by drunks as soon as you stepped into the doorway?

      Actually… yeah. Many of us enjoy banter, competition, and conflict. Even OP saw fit to hang around and enjoy the show.

      But you don’t get that. Because you’re certainly not a sociopath.

      There’s room for both of us to do out thing.

      Kongraulations! You’ve become a new favourite of mine. :)

    11. I think that's a shit generalisation and the tone of your questions suggests you're itching for an online fight for some reason?

      My father is a sociopath, a proper nasty one, the neighbours would bring him unwanted kittens/puppies and he'd hold them under the water in the river behind our house before letting them drift downstream. Never flinched once.
      But I don't have daddy issues.

      Everything KAT has said makes perfect rational sense and is worded exquisitely, if there were a book [a KATalogue if you will] I'd happily read it, if it was empty, I'd just read it quicker

    12. J.K. Rowling had (and has) daddy issues but she struggled on and became one of the most charitable & wealthiest women in the UK. She's not a sociopath either.

    13. The Suicide Whisperer OPJune 9, 2016 at 7:50 AM

      A - why would I run from a blatantly obese, online bully with nothing to say that anyone really cares about like a beaten whelp?
      You really have nothing to say.
      If taking people's conversations apart and trying to be a big girl [see obese] does it for you, great, but you do come across as a severe cunt.
      It's not our fault you were touched up by your father dear, it's not your fault either but no doubt you blame yourself, maybe you label my mother pathetic because yours didn't step in and save you? Is it the shame that fuels your anger? Do you feel the need to vent rage on here because no one would ever take a fat abuse victim seriously in the real world?
      You are rather pathetic A.

      But Suicide Whisperer I quite like and may use that in future...don't worry, I'll be sure to give credit where due to A Cunt

    14. Hahahahaa! You're obsessed with Stockholm Syndome and making women entirely co-dependent upon you, so you can tear them down and discard them thereafter, but you "don't have daddy issues"?

      Is that like how you like "strong" women whom you could easily convince to off themselves?

      Fucking best one I've heard all day, mate. XD

    15. I'm not angry, I'm fucking gleeful. It's about time someone with some bite came around these parts again.

      I'm the co-founder and President of a successful organization. I'm also an adrenaline junkie who is into extreme sports like downhill skiing, slalom waterskiing and kite surfing. I'm currently getting certified as a lifeguard, just for the workout. I'm fit as fuck.

      What do you do, except attempt to gather sniveling hordes of pathetic women to whip to a bloody pulp?

      Funny how you pull the fat card when you can't think of anything more substantive to say. You're predictable.

      You'll have to think of something better than that, cocksleeve.

    16. It does seem to me you spend your time looking for folk to abuse on here,

      Nah. I get on great with almost everyone here. I'm very selective in terms of whom I target. :)

      Which suggests to me you have a very unfulfilled existence, I almost pity you.

      Don't. I'm fulfilled on almost every level: professionally, personally ad sexually.

      But you do talk well.

      Thank you.

      Loving Stockholm syndrome is not a substitute for the lack of power I wield in other aspects of life...I just enjoy making women dependant on me.

      LOL! *Dependent.

      You're delusional. A good dom would tear down so as to build up. Sounds like you're more the "abusive prick" variety. :P

      You probably work in a low-paying, menial job, or as a customer service rep for some large telecom company, sweating under the yoke of a pointy haired boss. Amirite?

      Let's be friends :p

      Well, let's see. I am a sexual sadist, and I do like the Placebo song you linked to, very much. It's one of my favourites.


      There's hope for you yet. ;)

    17. The Suicide WhispererJune 9, 2016 at 8:20 AM

      A - I really do think you're fat. I can come up with plenty of insults for you to get your meaty fingers into, but you'd enjoy that.
      Somehow through all the rolls, have I touched a nerve dear?
      I'm very good friends with my father, so I don't really get how you correlate Stockholm *syndrome with that? But like all your rants, it's your little mind convincing yourself.
      Good name dropping of 'friends' on here by the way, does it make you feel popular? Because I've only been here a short time and my impression so far is you're pretty well hated.
      Extreme sports? Sweetheart come on.
      I do plenty, but, you know me...I'm not one to brag of my shit. (Pot, kettle anyone?)
      Again, a snivelling pathetic woman would hold no allure for me...which is probably why I detest you, but just keep going with your generalisations, you've clearly built quite an ego for yourself on here.
      I wasn't siding with KAT, but the way she put your oversized ass in place was terrific, she shut you up and really exposed you for the twat you are...but, in true A style, you take her message apart and try to belittle her...then accuse her of autistic arguing.
      You really are pitiful darling.
      This is a blog site, not cake...let it go

    18. Since we're komparing daddy issues, mine was a full blown psycho, too. He spent a long time in prison for various crimes including aggravated assault, armed robbery and drug trafficking. He ripped out someone's body part, but he was never caught for that. I was born to him after all those shenanigans.

      He thrashed me sporadically, but he never sexually abused me.

      We have a very good relationship now.

      Do you still talk to yours?

    19. The Suicide WhispererJune 9, 2016 at 8:39 AM

      You didn't take my message apart piece by piece and interject your shit?! Aw, you're learning already, there's a good girl.
      I told you we could get along see.

      Yes I do, he's calmed a lot in his old age, he joined the army with the sole intent of injuring and killing and rapidly rose through the ranks until it bored him.
      He never sexually abused me in any form or way but he was a hideously violent man and father figure.

    20. Think what you will, but there are people here who know that I'm telling the truth. But keep believing it if it makes you feel better about your pathetic minimum wage existence, and the whelpy, pathetic women you claim to attract in droves.

      I'm thinking *they're* all obese, since it appears to be a favourite theme of yours.

      Funny how pathetic, powerless little men like you always try to use "fat calls" as their insult of choice. You're like a broken record; you can't think of anything more clever to say, so you trot out the "fatty" card. As though being called fat should be the worst possible thing for a woman. It says a lot more about *you* than the women you choose to insult that way.

      Look, hun. I know you need to see me as something pathetic in order to prop up your own bruised ego. There's always a reason for that. It's a clear signal that you feel powerless in various areas of your life. Just like your obsession with Stockholm syndrome. You need to surround yourself with fawning bimbos in order to feel relevant. If I had more empathy, I might feel sorry for you.

      But as it stands you're just demonstrating your frustration, lack of perspicacity, and shallow nature. Keep it coming. I'm collecting more useful ammo with every post. :D

    21. Yes I do, he's calmed a lot in his old age.

      Mine too.

      He never sexually abused me in any form or way but he was a hideously violent man and father figure.


    22. The Suicide WhispererJune 9, 2016 at 8:48 AM

      I never claimed to be a good dom, ever, I'm not, I do it the other way round, I build up to tear down and if I so desire, build up again. I have a dominant personality, but I don't class myself as a dom, as a sexual *Sadist, I'm sure you are well aware of the difference.
      Are we truly resorting to LOLs at spelling errors? Is that how you did so well in your job?
      And for a little girl who had such an issue with my bragging, you certainly aren't holding back yourself now are you sweet cheeks?

    23. Also... Haha re: Katatonic KAThy "putting me in my place."

      I put you squarely in yours, and having reduced you to a spastic, frothing rage, you klung to her because she decided to white-knight your misogynistic ass.

      KAT is a more recent incarnation of "smartie", an autistic, universally reviled spaz who used to post under various anonymous acronyms. You sure do know how to pick 'em! xD

    24. So you're a krappy dom, too?

      I'm not surprised one iota. Called it! :D


      You could do a lot better if you learned how to sublimate your nature more effectively.

      Speaking of which, I have a garden to tend to, and a meeting to plan for. Catch ya later, SW.

      (SW... Suicide Whisperer... Sociopath World... Clever, cleaver)

      I'd best shut up, lest I start to sound like Spaztikat. xD

    25. The Suicide WhispererJune 9, 2016 at 9:04 AM

      Again dear, you're assuming you know me, I'm not frustrated by you in the slightest, I find you highly amusing.
      Being put in my place doesn't matter to me, I was angry that you decided to jump on me without a second thought, which reminded me of a spastic.
      I do believe you're fat though sorry, you have all the *symptoms of an angry fat girl.
      Make fun of my job by all means, as with everything else you presume, you know nothing but decide you're right, but then really don't like it when it's done to you Tubs, you are the definition of a hypocrite.
      Cling to KAT? Hmm, maybe she's a strong intellectual woman? I do like that after all.
      You on the other hand are a simpering bag of rage, you can't let it out in your 'extreme sports' (depths in the local pool and hauling yourself out of the bath aren't really classed as sports 'hun')
      Just because you want to act like a troll, doesn't mean you have to look like one too...remember this is an anonymous blog site, you can make yourself out to be whoever you want

    26. I hate to break it to everyone here but your all sociopaths. Every last one of you. Except north,vegas, Joniad. And of course me. And I suspect your all so cranky because you all have to share the same brain. I'm here to tell you that you don't. Break those chains. Cough up that alien furball thing. You can do it!

    27. There you go with the fat card again.

      What are the steps to becoming a lifeguard? What is the best move to take someone down who approaches you from behind? How many mph do travel down a slalom course? How does the term "donkey dick" relate to a powerkite?

      Oh, that's right. You can't answer those questions, because you literally cannot afford to have that knowledge. XD

      Look, asshole. I don't care if you think I'm two ton tessie. I'll just shift my rolls and sit on your face.

      Yeah, I could make myself out to be whoever I want, here- but this is the one place where I am totally honest, and strip off all the masks. My posts over the years attest to this via their consistency.

      Yeah, I can be hella narcissistic. But at least I have something real to brag about. You, on the other hand, can only boast about your non-existent harem, and purported ability to pick off the walking dead.

      My insults are targeted to your weaknesses. You're just firing blanks. Is that a theme, oh manliest of domly doms?

      I could call you a middle aged, balding, wannabe sadist who wouldn't know what to do with a flogger if it whipped him across the ass, but that would be a stretch. I like to craft my insults on the basis of a logical deductive process. It's a lot more effective and accurate than going around screeching "fatty!". Clearly, you have a lot to learn, padawn.

      So keep it coming. Bantering and gardening it is. Multitasking is one of my specialties, doncha know.

    28. Was daddy so angry because you were so overweight? I can imagine it would piss me off if I had to go to work all the time to feed the 'special' one, but, fortunately, like me, my kids are all good and lean.
      Well I didn't want it to become a list off, but the great anti bragger insists, so...
      I've been doing martial arts for some 30 years, so if you want to know what to do with someone approaching your rear, I'm happy to tell you.
      I'm actually a very good dom, I just don't class myself as one because then I'd need a reason to hurt, I'm a *Sadist because I can inflict whenever I want for no other reason than pains sake.
      I'd do what I always do with a donkey dick, and fuck my girlfriend.
      I have all my own hair.
      I make cloggers amongst other things as a matter of fact, I have taught several people to use them proficiently, that goes for the whips I make that I supposedly can't handle too.
      You really do clutch at straws hypocrite.
      Do you have any more brags for me?

      If you're this sexual *Sadist you claim to be, you and I probably share the same bdsm site where you can lovingly look on my toned body by all means, just remember Tubs, I'm not cake either so no salivating.

      Whoa...was that a giggle?

      When you've finished sucking melted chocolate off your fingertips, you should try out that Stone Sour track too, the singer actually knows what he's on about and it's a cracking track.

      Happy gardening

    29. A you crack me up. I'm not a sociopath but I appreciate your sassiness! ;-)

    30. A

      well, I've sure just walked [back] into a verbal frenzy, huh?

      "My insults are targeted to your weaknesses."

      LOL No they're not. They are stabs in the dark as to what you think other people might get sensitive about. They say more about you than anything else.

      "KAT is a more recent incarnation of "smartie", an autistic, universally reviled spaz who used to post under various anonymous acronyms."

      8-) Of course. That's it. Dream on. You are indeed clutching at straws. You need help here. Not only have you not been correct about me at all, but your guesses just get wilder and wilder.
      It is not surprising the people you say you get on well with here, are the ones you've listed.
      That makes my point. None of them are psychopathic, they love 'philosophising', some are pretty narcissistic like you, and they love thinking they're being talked to by a 'civilised' sociopath who hears them out.
      Which is why no-one else of note, stayed around A. Because it became a talk-fest of self-indulgent people, with your 'wisdom' at its centre. I read it, during that time. I went back to the archives. Puppy Basket, Dev, Tii, UKan/Lycan, The Notable Path, Haller, Dr. Ginger, Dr. SciFi - are worth ten of you.
      You're just another nasty woman who loves getting unpleasant online. And this is indeed giving you what you need, you junkie you.
      You're not thinking straight, or communally. It's just all about A's fun. And yes I can predict what the response from you will be on that one because you are *that* predicatable.

      Poke A - she responds with verbal aggression. That's what you like, that's what you've been used to in life. It just gets tiresome for anyone else, who's 'over it'.

      And no, I'm not 'Smartie'. Or Ginger. LOL. at least UKan had the nouse to realise, when he asked 'who was I 'before', that in fact my answer was truthful and correct. You, woman, are not as good as you loudly claim to be.

      No amount of shit-stirring online, Ass, is going to change the fact. The blog got boring.
      Just give posting a rest for a while. Unless you've taken up shares in SW, and therefore it's 'yours'.
      Does it not strike you as 'pot calling kettle black - all that stuff you're 'accusing' me of?
      Not even for a few seconds? If not, you are not very self-aware.

      Woman, grow up. And don't be so proud of your professional status, considering how other people have to 'pick up the slack' of your organisational sloppiness [yes you stated that online, too.]

      @ SW
      "Keep it coming. I'm collecting more useful ammo with every post."

      8-) True enough, SW. LOL


    31. Anon @ 9:15-


      I have not laughed that hard and long, in awhile.:)

      Thank you.:)


    32. Wtf are you going on about, you Krusty old Kunt?

      Most of the folks you listed were far less civilized than I ever was. Funny, then, that you should fawn all over UK, when he would have been the first to disparage a dry old bore like you. Now you have something to say when I poke at Mr. Misogyny? I'll take one of him over 6 of you. At least he's interesting.

      So which is it that you want, then? A dull, self-indulgent circle jerk, or the kind of banter psychos tend to enjoy? Because you're condemning me for a dynamic you're now claiming to miss. Are you konfused again?

      If you aren't smartie, then you're every bit as tedious and uptight as she was. There's really no difference, in my mind, since you're both autistic, awkward little twats.

      As for my professional accomplishments: perfection isn't a prerequisite for success. People at my level can afford to delegate. Don't be jealous that you'll never even kum klose. XD

      Just give posting a rest for a while. Unless you've taken up shares in SW, and therefore it's 'yours

      Hahaha! You wish, bitch. I'll do as I please. In fact, I'll be sure to pay *special" attention to the walls of text you plaster everywhere- if I get get through them without snogging, that is.

    33. A

      "you come across as autistic."

      Careful, A. 8-) Your prejudices are showing. If one needed to choose, A, between being around you, or them; no guesses which side I'd choose. Because they are nice people A. Friendly, amusing people. Like many normal, empathic people too.
      So, you and some other Americans on SW don't get the humour; it seems to be something you dislike that some other people do get, can't really join in. It's 'beneath', or 'above' you, A. But trying to attack someone's confidence level, doesn't really work. Give it up as a bad job, A.
      Maybe, spend a bit more time diagnosing your own antagonism, and lack of sense of humour; and less time attempting to throw wild 'diagnoses' in all directions, at all and sundry. You are somewhat under-skilled, under-qualified and inaccurate in that area.

      Regarding your professional life, described and held up for examination, occasionally. No-one said that one has to provide a current CV to post into SW, A. What if one were between jobs? Resting? In a course of study? or just a bum who liked being one? Can't post? Oh dear.

      "Now that YOU’RE here, it should be a polite, civilized, philosophical safespace. Right?~"

      Ahhh. Not so unperceptive after all, are you A. That does seem to be your problem, yes. Not much ranting and raving any more, and you're feeling left out. Well. People chat. They don't rant like demented dervishes any more. Angry is so last century.

      "People have merely been humouring you, you withered old koot."
      "you Krazy old Kunt."

      There's a saying about insults being the last refuge of the....obtuse? belligerent? moronic? desperate?

      "You don’t come across as intellectual,"
      "you’re certainly not a sociopath."

      Dr. A, PHD in clinical psychology, one presumes.

      "You’ve become a new favourite of mine. :)"
      "I can be hella narcissistic. But at least I have something real to brag about."
      "My insults are targeted to your weaknesses. You're just firing blanks."
      "I like to craft my insults on the basis of a logical deductive process."

      Ohh yess. LOL. Classic. This is you being 'self-aware' is it? No wonder you have no friends irl. They've all died laughing, except you couldn't tell.

      Oh well, off to my non-existent, blank page of a life now. LOL. Which I will scrupulously NOT be bragging about. Because I Don't Feel The Need To. LOL.

      Enjoyed the opportunity to lampoon you again, A. Perhaps others, more amusing than yourself, have enjoyed it also. Perhaps not. One is damned if one does, and damned if one does not.

      Hmm. Better add this last bit, for the humour-challenged:
      Q. What has been happening?
      A. [i] Hostile person A, feeling somewhat left out over the last month or so, has had a go at a new person B, and a person C with a non-USA sense of humour, who got in the way of person A's 'fun'.
      [ii] The occasionally zany person C then had a go at the predictably hostile person A.
      [iii] The suave new person B has joined in with glee.
      OK, all? Just another day at SW. Now move on, nothing to see here. 8-) 8-)


    34. Was daddy so angry because you were so overweight? I can imagine it would piss me off if I had to go to work all the time to feed the 'special' one, but, fortunately, like me, my kids are all good and lean.

      The only time I've ever been overweight are the months after pushing out a 10 pounder. But I work out like crazy, so those extra lbs are long gone.

      My daddy had other reasons to get pissed at me, like the fact that I was just a bit too much like him. :P

      Well I didn't want it to become a list off, but the great anti bragger insists, so...

      I've been doing martial arts for some 30 years, so if you want to know what to do with someone approaching your rear, I'm happy to tell you.

      What would you recommend that I do in such a situation?

      What martial art did you study? I'm taking a course given by am ex-Navy Seal who is also a 3rd Dan in Aikido. It is awesome. I've never studied a martial art, but I've learned more in a few hours with him than I could have in a lifetime of street fights.

      I'm actually a very good dom, I just don't class myself as one because then I'd need a reason to hurt, I'm a *Sadist because I can inflict whenever I want for no other reason than pains sake.

      Why would you need a justification for sexual sadism? The right partner will understand, and give you what you need, medieval Stockholm stocks not required. :P

      (But those could be fun.)

      Can you take what you like to dish?

      I'd do what I always do with a donkey dick, and fuck my girlfriend.

      Mmm. You took that bait exactly as I thought you might.

      I have all my own hair.

      ::Clap, clap, clap::

      Do you want a cookie?

      I make cloggers amongst other things as a matter of fact,

      Uhh... Did you mean "floggers", or the wooden percussive shoes made for folk dancers? XD

      I have taught several people to use them proficiently, that goes for the whips I make that I supposedly can't handle too.

      Braided leather bullwhips? :D

      You really do clutch at straws hypocrite.

      I prefer to clutch bamboo canes. They're a hella lot more sturdy than straws, and land on bare flesh with a nice sting. Don't you think?

      Do you have any more brags for me?

      Ask away.

      If you're this sexual *Sadist you claim to be, you and I probably share the same bdsm site where you can lovingly look on my toned body by all means, just remember Tubs, I'm not cake either so no salivating.

      Eh. Thanks for the invite, but your pecs don't interest me. But I think I know the site you are referring to. What's your handle?

      I'm a sensation oriented switch in a physically monogamous relationship. Things are so fluid between us now that we've developed a language of sorts, in which safewords are no longer even necessary.

      We are both fairly dominant, so neither of us would have it any other way, but admittedly, I am in control, whether I top or bottom.

      Whoa...was that a giggle?

      Yes. :)

      When you've finished sucking melted chocolate off your fingertips, you should try out that Stone Sour track too, the singer actually knows what he's on about and it's a cracking track.

      I'll check it out.

      Happy gardening.

      Thanks. It was indeed a happy, productive session. I'm filthy, but satisfied.

    35. Hmm. A, have just read your comment at 5.26pm.

      There is now enough evidence online, for anyone with even one brain cell to work out how rational and pleasant you are. As in: not.
      As you are becoming increasingly abusive [for fun???? You nitwit], you are presenting as someone who needs to validate her pathological mental state intermittently on line. Or a narcissist who has been prodded too much. You need help. Seriously. Read what you've just written. You embarrass yourself.
      Your verbal 'accomplishments' are now up here for all to see [again]. 'Look on my works ye mighty and despair' type stuff, huh? Yes, your words do speak of you. Clearly.

      This one particularly concerns me:

      "Bitch....I'll be sure to pay *special" attention to the walls of text you plaster everywhere"

      I think not so long ago a poster warned people about personality types like yours. Something about poison and running.

      You know that there are people online, who will read your stuff, over and over, like I did, and have a good laugh at a pretentious, rude, aggressive, approaching-middle-age horrible woman. That is your online 'legacy', A. Something to be truly proud of, at SW, where you are 'yourself'.
      None of the description above is even insulting terms, A. It's just YOU, here. Maybe you function OK irl, but as you state you have no friends, by choice, who would know. Who would care.

      You know why I went to a shrink A? To not end up like you.

      I'm glad you and I have had this little spat. It's a good lesson as to why it's best to do something about oneself, [take heed, Sociopath Whisperer] before you get to the mental state you're in, A.

      So, SW/Northern OP, lesson learned? Do you really want to be an A? Or a KAT?

      [Mind you A, like you've often said, as long as you keep behaving well enough irl, maybe that's all that counts.]

      PS. I wish you'd 'delegate' your posts to someone who is more, well, pleasant.


    36. A-

      YOU AMAZE ME!!!

      I think I have a "girl crush" on you.:)


    37. " far less civilized than I ever was "

      that was my favourite bit

    38. I love brainteasers

    39. Oh my!
      What a fun little exchange of pleasantries!

      Now now, KAT. Before accusing somebody of embarrasing oneself, of being unpleasant and irrational , you should really take a good, hard look in the mirror. I find you quite unpleasant, dull, uptight, lacking in sense of humor, you display an inability to banter at all, you take things quite literally, you try waaaaaaay to hard to "prove your superiority", you try to present yourself as "above it all"...

      When you are cornered, you present us with a supposedly "rational analysis", so as to make it seem as it was all a "part of the plan". You try to use "fancy words" in a bid to seem "cultured", and your humor seems dry and forced.

      That was my opinion of you, which I based upon the deductions I made from reading your comments, as well as my preferences and tastes, and I have presented it all as bluntly and as matter-of-factly as I possibly could. Since you, apparently, like logic and rationality so much. Will you now launch another "rational tirade" and tell me how rude, inconsiderate, pretentious, uncivilized... I am, for having an unfavorable opinion of you?

      Wanna know something? Banter is good! Banter is fun! Banter is a very efficient way to gauge and demonstrate your mental strength and agility, as well as a good way to practice your verbal skills. But you wouldn't know anything about that, now would you? You just see the surface and the rudeness, while the intricacies and the humour completely escapes you.

      You're so uptight, that I can stick a piece of coal up your ass, and have a diamond come out in 'bout a week!

      Have a break, have a KitKAT!

    40. Socioempath-

      I've missed your posts.:)


    41. Vegas I'm glad my post made you laugh! :-)

    42. No, Vegas, I have the girl crush on A.

      Okay we both do.

      Winks ;)

    43. Anon @ 8:14-


      When I think about it, I start laughing again!!!

      When I re-read it, I CRACK UP LAUGHING AGAIN!!!

      Thanks, again.:)


      We can have a "girl crush" on "A", together.:)


    44. A - I did indeed mean cloggers and have been kicking myself over the typo since, though I could probably make clogs.
      I make whips out of paracord with a ball bearing centre, every inch as good as a braided leather.
      Safe words don't exist in my dynamic, I don't bottom, by giving her a safe word, I give her all the power she supposedly gives up to me, a favourite quote if I may...

      'A sub with a safeword is a domme on her knees'

      Since KAT has put the question forward, I'm inclined to be an A more than a K, I can see both sides, and As attack on me as I walked through the door has left a bitter taste in my mouth, but once she apologises for that, I'll have no further issue with it, but she's hilarious and i do think this place would be another tedious chat fest without the insane humour she and her type bring.
      Don't get me wrong, I love the way K talks, but every night on the piss needs a lunatic to make it fun.

      A, I started out in judo, I've done Wado Ryu karate fought under the world taekwondo federation (I'll type the full name otherwise it's wtf) and I currently do/teach Togakure Ninjutsu, Aikido is great but a bit of a peaceful art for my liking, you should look into ninjutsu, it's like Aikidos big nasty brother, you'd love it.

      I do think you live in a dream, this hyper successful slim girl just doesn't cut it, I have no doubt you founded your own organisation, but truth be told it's more likely a mothers tea drinking get together during nursery hours...something that allows you to garden on a Tuesday afternoon whilst the rest of us do our menial minimum wage slogs under sweaty spiky haired yokes (my boss is bald, no cookies for him)


      too much for him to feed? I understand

    45. Oh well, off to my non-existent, blank page of a life now. LOL. Which I will scrupulously NOT be bragging about. Because I Don't Feel The Need To. LOL.

      Um, ok then. You keep on “scrupulously NOT bragging about your non-existent blank page of a life because You Don’t Feel The Need To”, Smartie.

      Look everyone! It’s SW’s resident Krazy Kook, NOT bragging!

      What are you waiting for? A round of applause? Sorry, I’m fresh out of those. I spent all my claps on Suicide Whispering OP. Because he has hair. And hair is kool.

      Unlike your boring posts. And most unlike the contrived laughter masking your thinly veiled, sputtering rage. XD

      Which is why no-one else of note, stayed around A. Because it became a talk-fest of self-indulgent people, with your 'wisdom' at its centre.

      It did? Dafuq you talking about? I was never the “centre” of this blog, you klueless karp.

      You're just another nasty woman who loves getting unpleasant online.

      Yes. Because the good friends you admire so much, UK and TNP, were such paragons of social grace and civility.


      You know that there are people online, who will read your stuff, over and over, like I did

      Wow. So now you’re *Kreepy* Krazy Kat Lady, too. The adjectives keep piling up.

      Have you been rummaging through my recycling, too? :P

      and have a good laugh at a pretentious, rude, aggressive, approaching-middle-age horrible woman. That is your online 'legacy', A. Something to be truly proud of, at SW, where you are 'yourself'.

      Oh, I can be rude and aggressive. I won’t deny that. But I can be helpful and perceptive, too. Your analysis is entirely one dimensional. Others don’t appear to share your opinion. But of course, in keeping with your superiority komplex, you’ll dismiss their assessments, and kling to your own, which are bolstered by your inflated self-opinion.

      You're not thinking straight, or communally. It's just all about A's fun

      Yes. Yes, it is. Finally, you say something that makes sense.

      Ahhh. Not so unperceptive after all, are you A. That does seem to be your problem, yes. Not much ranting and raving any more, and you're feeling left out. Well. People chat. They don't rant like demented dervishes any more. Angry is so last century.

      And yet, you’re the only whose panties are in such a bunch over my having "attacked" the Suicide Whisperer. I’m not the least bit angry when I post here- ever. And I'm having a very pleasant evening, thanks for asking. :)

      Besides, I thought you liked all that ranting and raving? You keep going on about your old friends, and how much better it was when they posted.

      Except, they’d have gutted you like a fish- and that, even more effectively than me.

      No wonder you have no friends irl.

      I have many acquaintances, but only a select few people with whom I am intimate and unguarded. That is how I define friendship. It isn't a strong need for me, so I don't seek it out. I'm happily self-contained.

      Enjoyed the opportunity to lampoon you again, A. Perhaps others, more amusing than yourself, have enjoyed it also.

      If you think you’ve lampooned me, or in any way shape or form won this round- you’re not merely on krack… You’re on krokodil, my dear.

    46. Vegas, I did read your post from “Indecent Proposal”, and it made me smile. I like you too.

      Chiquita, it goes without saying that the crush is reciprocated.

      Socioempath, you’re on point and right on the ball- as usual. I wish you'd post more often. You do what I do even better than me. ;)

    47. Yes yes, I'm well aware I spelt it clogged again. Flogger. See, I can do it.

      A 6-8mm cane tends to break if you don't keep it oiled, I use a bamboo stick, the type they use to support saplings.

      Is your theoretical rear approached a friend or foe? Hard to tell from behind but worth knowing, could mean the difference in attacking with your elbows, or, if it's a friend in the sense of my friends, a knife

    48. Do I take what I dish out? Fuck no.
      Being hit annoys the shit out of me, though I am quite partial to a whipping.
      I have a thing for cuts and burns and am covered in scars.

    49. A -

      Well, I was busy slowly but steadily gaining and enjoying more and more success and proving good ol' Jihaid wrong, but after reading JinnAid's and KATastrophe's comments, I just couldn't resist. ;)

      On a completely unrelated note, I have started watching quite an interesting TV series called Hannibal. I think you'll find it much to your liking.

    50. A-



      You read my mind.

      I was going to ask you, if you break the rules and self-pleasure-does your girlfriend get to whip you???

      I was also going to ask, if getting caned and whipped, causes bruising, cuts, etc.???

      Do you keep it to areas of the body, that won't be noticed, when you are clothed???

      When you have less or no clothes on, do people notice, and ask questions???


    51. Socioempath- the first series is a thing of beauty, I could listen to Hannibal read the phone book, but it trails off, the second Swiss does a bit of an A and clutches at straws and the third series does a Jinhaid and just dribbles on boringly, up to you how far you watch it, but thought I'd give you the heads up as I started off loving it, but ended up bitterly disappointed

    52. Yeah, I have read that the third season gets quite boring (I was curious - if the show got such good ratings, then why was it cancelled after three seasons?).
      I'm currently on the second season and I still enjoy it so far.
      Anyway, even if the third season turns up as a pile of unpalatable JinnAidism, I'd still have enjoyed two really good seasons, so I wouldn't really consider it a waste of time.

      But, it seems google was right and that the third season does indeed get boring; thank you for the heads-up! I'll watch the first episode of the third season when I get to it, and if I find the episode boring, then I'll assume the rest of season 3 will not get any more interesting.

    53. Vegas- no, I only get whipped if I choose to be whipped, not if I er, 'ask for it'?
      Of course it leaves marks, how severe the marks can be changed I course, it's very easy to break the skin, especially if the skin is very warm, like after a hot hot shower or bath say.
      I have no shame whatsoever, I am marked on my body in full view clothed or not, I care not, it's my body and I'll do whatever I please with and to it.
      The Sadist tattoo on my arm was quite difficult to explain to my eldest child (of which I have three, and a grandson - which, for an alleged blanks firer, is quite an achievement no?)

      Socioempath- the 3rd series starts out great, but rapidly trails off, by the end of it you're hoping they don't make a fourth because you just know you'll be compelled to watch it and hate it even more

    54. Socioempath at 8.00pm

      "Will you now launch another "rational tirade" and tell me how rude, inconsiderate, pretentious, uncivilized... I am, for having an unfavorable opinion of you?"

      Nope. I had an opinion of you, but didn't ever post it. BTW it seems it took till A 'got back' for you to post yours......8-)

      "When you are cornered,"

      Cornered. No..I was just having a prod and poke. And look who crawled out. All the Old Gang. 8-)

      Here you all are, back, with a nice new person to chat with. You bantering away with A like before, A's here to 'back you up', comment numbers are up - and we're all very, very, happy! LOL

      And no-one's even annoyed. 8-)

      She's right you know. Some of you are quite dense.

      About that humour thing. Would you know if it tripped you up?


    55. SWop-

      Thanks for the clarification. I didn't think the dom would get whipped...


    56. Well, I'll be damned... Look at you go, K! I think I even saw some slight improvement!
      Let's hear a round of applause, everybody! It's KAT's first attempt at... banter!

      Nope. I had an opinion of you, but didn't ever post it. BTW it seems it took till A 'got back' for you to post yours......8-)
      You didn't? Aw, how nice of you. <3
      And that observation... There is just no way that it's just a coincidence, and I simply found it irrestistible to post. No sireee, no. I am completely dependent on A. You got me there, Sherlock. Good job!

      Cornered. No..I was just having a prod and poke. And look who crawled out. All the Old Gang. 8-)
      Ooooh, you're also a mastermind, and a chessmaster, too! You're just full of surprises, K! What talent! I bow down to thee superior being!

      Here you all are, back, with a nice new person to chat with. You bantering away with A like before, A's here to 'back you up', comment numbers are up - and we're all very, very, happy! LOL

      Oh no! You've discovered our secret! Just how do you do it, you perceptive mastermind, you! :O

      She's right you know. Some of you are quite dense.
      Yup. I Know of one dense Kommenter on the blog. It's a real KATastrophe, but oh well, what can you do.

      About that humour thing. Would you know if it tripped you up?
      Nah, not really. I picked that up from you, unfortunately. Thanks for nothing!


      SW -

      I see. I'll watch it until it gets boring then. Thank you for your opinion.

    57. Vegas- I'm not a dom, and I have been whipped several times.
      I'm of the mindset that if I want to put someone through something which basically scares the shit out of them to the point where they emphatically refuse, I'll let them do it to me first.
      Fucking hurts too.

      KAT- I'm not nice, if I remember rightly you were one of the first to rip into me too, I did like your breaking down of A and appreciated you sticking up for me, though I do think you've been hankering a desire to do that for a while, I gave you good reason to dig your heels in and unleash that fantastically eloquent vocabulary of yours.
      I'm new here of course, but I've browsed some of the other posts on here and managed not to kill myself (see A, I even have control over my own suicide), from what I can see, this post has become a bit of entertainment for all involved, surely that has to be better than some piss drivel?

    58. SWop-

      "I'm of the mindset that if I want to put someone through something which basically scares the shit out of them to the point where they emphatically refuse, I'll let them do it to me first."

      I dig that about you.

      "I'm new here of course, but I've browsed some of the other posts on here and managed not to kill myself..."

      I completely understand, where you are coming from. That's why, I attempt to make breaks, from the "Philosphers' Anonymous" meetings, with songs, quotes, etc. The last time I did that, one of the "philosophers" felt insulted, accused me of having the desire/power to make sociopaths come after her, told me this wasn't "my adventure", and to "fuck off".

      I was just trying to make it, a little bit more interesting.

      "...from what I can see, this post has become a bit of entertainment for all involved, surely that has to be better than some piss drivel?"



    59. SWop,

      I'll try to be brief. Yeah right. LOL

      Yes, correct about A. But why? I hate narcissists. Especially ones who talk about psychopathic traits like they're an expert. And in case you ask yourself, well KAT's doing that too, I'm saying nothing.
      Some people, cause she likes stirring, and insults people for fun, like to think A's 'the real deal'. Because that's what 'sociopaths' do. Right? Stereotype, much? Except 'they' don't, not all of them or even, many. Except the ones like her dad. She will not, in any of her years on SW, get it thru her head, that she can't bloody tell. To her: they're all supposed to be like her dad. Fuck. What do you do with a dipshit like that. You tell her politely, she starts on. You tell her to shut up, she gets really pissy [for fun, yeah right] - because 'that's what sociopaths do'. Except some - don't.
      And then there's the truly real and actual SocioEmpath, who, I kid you not, 'convinced' himself over a period of weeks? who cares? to 'become' a sociopath at the flick of his 'mental switch'. Funny, huh?

      True I don't like people ranting at and insulting me. It's boring as hell and it's too easy. I've read stuff here worth reading. Not by any of this lot on this thread. So they get pissy. It's what they can manage.
      I'll be honest. It was a test, SWop. I'm not nice either. I played: what would I feel, in a shit storm by these dipshits. Nothing. Mild interest, barely. But I'd seen it all before, predicted the level of insults, even provided an easy syllable for 'insult creation', which everyone knows A gets her fun with. Got much amusement? Not really. UKan amuses. PuppyBasket informs. This lot? I wish The Pretenders would fuck off, and go pretend to be something else. Narcissists - show 'em straight to the ladies loos.
      LOL. [They won't get that one either, stupid sods.]
      So yeah, it's better than some piss drivel. Which ain't sayin much. My observations, for what they're worth. They're too shit-scared to be played with, most of them. Don't bother being 'polite'. They don't like that either. Too many long words. They can't tell when you're playing, serious, joking or aggressive. [Well I guess that's a plus LOL.] They can't even produce a glimmer of effort to see layers. When something in plain sight, isn't. And you should 'feel bad' about that. Not them of course. They're all sorted. Onto it. Point is, why just repeat. And repeat. And repeat. Do I confuse you SWop? Am I 'bantering' enough to be a SW 'sociopath' 8-)?
      It'd be hilarious if it weren't so low rent.
      Shit. I should be looking morosely into a near empty pint of beer, irl, right about now. In fact I think I will.
      Good night. 8-)


    60. KAT. You are causing all the "trouble". No ones insulting you. You are just going around commenting on everything. And then they do. I cant help but believe that is what amuses you, even thought youre accusing others of doing that. Youve rarely if ever contributed anything to this blog. And if it is this way youll find again one or two silly insults to say in this. Dont you have anything better to do? You admire Puppy Basket but youre quite the opposite.

    61. Circle k if you are a female I'll eat my hat. I just don't buy it. If you are female prove it.

    62. I was trying some "friendly banter" with you, KAT, in response to your comment which I found, frankly, somewhat amusing, and responded in kind. I've even included a smiley as a sign that I was having fun and just joking with you so as not to, god forbid, offend you (and still, you got offended, as I suspected you would)! I simply enjoy doing that; it's one of the ways how I, as they say, "get my kicks". I can see now that you are too fragile and take everything seriously. Okay, I'll stop "bantering" you - will that make you happy?

      However, what I do not get is, why are you getting so worked up over some meaningless comments, made by people you do not know, people you will probably never ever meet in real life, and who probably do not, and will not, have any serious impact on your personal life?

      And remember what I wrote above?
      When you are cornered, you present us with a supposedly "rational analysis", so as to make it seem as it was all a "part of the plan".
      Was I wrong here? You did offer us an analysis and told us that was all "a test".

      Instead of taking everything so personally, maybe you should instead be introspecting and recognizing your weaknesses and triggers, and work on eliminating/minimizing them. Otherwise, you're going to face a lot of situations where your anger/irritation and other emotions get the best of you.
      If you were so worked up by blog comments, then I can only imagine how much worse your reaction would be in person.

      And do tell us, please, what constitutes a "real sociopath"? What rigid criteria must one satisfy so as to be "worthy" in your eyes?

    63. Anon at 5.58
      "You are just going around commenting on everything....Youve rarely if ever contributed anything to this blog."

      Obviously one of the simpler ones.


    64. A real sociopath? What I am seeing from my short time here is that the word sociopath is seemingly used as an attempted insult? Such as, ha! You're not a sociopath! I'm glad I have A to abuse me if that's the case, who, in fairness, is yet to throw that one at me.
      Socioempath, I found your first reply to KAT more sarcastic than humorous, but I have to agree with a lot of what you've said here.
      I think you do take things too seriously on here, you may well retort about my reply to darling As original rant, but if you read our table tennis since, you'll see that's just how I throw an insulting conversation, 'when in doubt, bring the child out' type thing, I'm sure I couldn't out do either of you if it came to a battle of words, but fuck I could get under your fore warned, I have a 1001 fat girl gags just waiting in a bag by my side. Don't take this too much to heart, but this blog does look like it could be a lot of fun, I found the 'test' comment a bit childish in truth, like a school teacher who got the lesson plan wrong, but jokes with the class he was 'just testing'.
      Chill out, if infantile banter is below you, leave out, but you're making more of a target for them by biting at their comments...something you early on in the post criticised me for

    65. SocioEmpath
      "Instead of taking everything so personally"
      "why are you getting so worked up over some meaningless comments"
      "What rigid criteria must one satisfy so as to be "worthy" in your eyes?"

      LOL. Try harder. 8-)

    66. Socioempath, I found your first reply to KAT more sarcastic than humorous
      Yes, the first one was more sarcastic (I wanted to see KAT's response). But after seeing KAT's reply to that comment, I decided to engage in some "friendly banter", as I perceived the reply as "somewhat playful".

      @ K@
      Try what harder? You've stated you are irritated by "pretenders", and you put me in that group. Please point out which of those three quoted sentences are false, in which way they are false, and why do you think they are false. Two of those sentences are meant as advices (which, predictably, fell on deaf ears, but hey, I tried), and the third is because I want to know, what constitutes a "real sociopath" in your eyes.

    67. SWop,
      hang on a mo, who're you talking to BTW? It's easier if you answer one person per comment.

      If you're talking to *me* about taking things too seriously, it's just my style of writing. I write like a research paper. Actually I struggle very hard to take very much seriously, LOL so it may be working.

      The test was for me. I was testing me. Don't you play people? Course you do.

      "you're making more of a target for them by biting at their comments"

      If that's to me again - I know that. Now you've found your feet, I'll stop winding them up. You have observed the dynamics, yes? OK. Job done. Enjoy. 8-)

      You're welcome.

    68. SE

      "Please point out which of those three quoted sentences are false, in which way they are false, and why do you think they are false."

      LOL You what?!!! Are you fucking serious? Get outta here! Go walk the dog or some such shit. ROFL.

    69. Ooooooh, look at K@! All bantery and stuff!
      It's alright, hun, don't worry. You'll eventually get the hang of it. Hopefully.

  15. The OP-

    Is this your 1st time to the blog???


    1. Vegas, it is yes, and may I say, KAT, you certainly have a wonderful way with words.
      I'll not jump on the bandwagon as I don't feel there's any need.

    2. The OP-

      Did you get the information you were looking for???

      I get the feeling, that you didn't...


    3. The OP-

      PS-I have another personal question for you, please feel free not to answer, if you don't want to...

      What would you do, if your girlfriend broke the rule, and you caught her self-pleasuring???


    4. Vegas -

      I can't say I exactly got what I was looking for, but it's been entertaining all the same!

      I'd cane her to tears.

      You don't have to worry about being personal...I do love to brag after all

    5. The OP-

      Would you watch "the show" first, or would you cut it short, with "the caning"???


    6. Northern OP
      [the 'owt' gave it away 8-)]

      "may I say, KAT, you certainly have a wonderful way with words"

      No, The OP, you may not!! Because, I am, in actuality, a boring, verbose, socially awkward little twit, uptight and humourless, not insightful or witty.
      Furthermore, no-one on this blog understands what I'm saying. Including of course, yourself. So how could you possibly discern that I have a way with words? You cocky male upstart!!

      Dear god keep coming back to this blog, Northern OP. It would be so relieving to have more people here with a proper sense of humour. Anon 'Feelings' 2 and I will then Not Be Alone. We can all make asses of each other, not feel embarrassed, make utter fools of ourselves; and We Won't Care A Bit. We can be Heroes, just for one day. [Yes Vegas from the Bowie song. KATs too can quote music they just choose not to 8-)]

      I'll leave a 8-) in case you're actually not from the UK, Northern OP, but pathologically lying like you're supposed to be, according to all The Literature.

      I trust I have KATalogued the full nature of my non-entity so no-one is under any illusions as to the KATastrophic nature of my impertinence.


    7. KATaclysmic yes.
      I'm actually Welsh, but Northernisms amuse me.
      If I was going to lie, I'd say I was from somewhere inherently cool, like Swindon, but alas, I'm just a poor boy from a poor valley see.
      I do apologise, I said I wouldn't jump on the bandwagon, but can't resist a song quote.

      I apologise for my insinuation about your word swordsmanship, you are clearly inept, but I am still impressed with your ability to worm KAT into your work.
      I don't think I need a smiley face for this with you do I? Just to be safe...8-)
      I wouldn't want that boring, verbose, socially awkward tongue turned on me now see would I?

      Vegas- catching her in the act wouldn't be the same as her going against the rules, I'd see that more as a provocation on her part as a Masochist, and treat her accordingly. Possibly a whip, unlike dear As assumptions, I'm actually very good with said Weapon of Ass Destruction. And she's a breath takingly beautiful woman, so by not 'enjoying the show', I'd actually be punishing myself no?

    8. K-

      Do you prefer "K" or "KAT"???

      I thought it was "hot", that you quoted music.:)

      The Northern OP-

      Just to clarify:

      Breaking The Rules= Cane

      Provocation= Whip

      Is that correct???

      " by not 'enjoying the show', I'd actually be punishing myself no?"


      Here is a song, for you and your girl:

      Kings of Leon


      Thank you, for being so candid.


    9. K/KAT & The Northern OP-

      You two, have quite the chemistry...


    10. Vegas- excellent choice my friend, we play that track regularly...but usually only if we have thrush.
      Try Placebo, Every Me and Every You
      Ooo ooo, or Sadist by Stone Sour

      The cane is a viscous bastard in my hands, so yes I'd say that's more a punishment implement, though in fairness, she never needs punishing. The whip is her personal favourite, so if I feel she's 'asking for it', I'm kind enough to give her what I know she wants.

      Chemistry? Pah...I have no idea what KAT goes on about [safety first...;)]

    11. The Northern OP-

      I like your sense of humor.

      Thank you, for the song recommendations. I am familiar with both Placebo and Stone Sour.

      I like that you give your girl, what she wants.

      I might have to get you and KAT a room...


    12. The Northern OP-

      Do you know, what country KAT is from?

      I've asked her, but she won't tell me...


    13. The Northern OP-

      PS-It's so unfair. KAT knows I'm American, but I don't know, what country she is in...


    14. The Northern OP-

      PSS-If you stick around, maybe you could protect me. Like I said-I've had more than my share of "smackdowns" around here...


    15. The Northern OP-

      PSSS-I think I'm pretty tough, but man-this place is ROUGH!!!

      They seem to like to "go for me" here, too, for some reason.

      You got it WAY EASY, man!!!


    16. Blimey, Northern anywhere near this place?

    17. You don't need anyone looking over you, to take the 'smackdowns' you suggest, and to keep coming back, says to me you're a hell of a lot tougher than you give yourself credit for.
      And of course, you talk nice and friendly, which some will take as weakness and target you for.

      I have no idea where our linguistic friend hails from, but they must have one heck of a well stocked library there

    18. The Northern OP-

      You are right-I don't need to be protected, but it's fun to say.

      Yes, I have been taking "smackdowns", for about 10 months now.

      I am pretty tough-I should give myself more credit.

      I am "nice and friendly", which I realize, makes me look like "easy prey".

      I haven't been paying enough attention, to see if KAT dropped any clues, as to where she hails from. I thought she might have, and that maybe you'd notice. They must have ONE HELL OF A STOCKED LIBRARY THERE!!!

      HA!!! LOL!!!


    19. The Northern OP-

      Sorry to bother you at work-have a good day.


  16. Anon...I'm in work so can't open your link at the moment I'm afraid, but chances are, yes, I think after the last census the population of Wales was estimated at 48...

    1. This link any more accessible?

  17. Vegas, you're no bother whatsoever, I just can't watch videos when I'm in here.

    Is KAT a she? I will refer to her as such, but, apologies if 'she's' not. I'm going to go with her being from the UK, because of her humour and spelling, she puts smiley faces on, I'm sure as a way of showing that some of her comments are intended as jokes but may not be perceived that way by an American audience.
    Or of course, I could just be wrong and she's an American with a sense of humour [i.e. An American who watches a lot of British television]
    Anon, I will watch your video when I get home and let you know how many of the sheep in it I know personally

    1. The Northern OP- no sweat, just posted it incase you just had a fbook ban. No offence if you don't want to answer either, I just found the possibility of coincidence so amusing couldn't resist it!

    2. The Northern OP,

      Nope. Neither USA or UK. And there are few libraries. 'Fraid it's all spontaneously out of my head. Shocking, huh? 8-/ Surprises the hell out of everyone irl. Haven't worked out why yet. Dispiriting really.

      "your ability to worm KAT into your work."

      One reason it was chosen. Useful syllable.

      "I'd say I was from somewhere inherently cool, like Swindon,"

      !!!!!! words fail me, Northern OP. Which you may imagine - is almost unheard of.
      'Swindon' and 'Cool'. Nope. Can't be right.
      'Cool' and 'Swindon'. Naah. The man's uttering gibberish.
      Ahh. That's it. He's not psychopathic. Got it! He's psychotic. LOL. Northern OP - learn to spell!! Endings are *important*!

      "way of showing that some comments are intended as jokes but may not be perceived that way by an American audience."

      Ain't that the truth [glum look].

      48, huh? Breeding like rabbits then. 8-) 8-)

      And it's goodnight from me.

      PS if you ever wish to pursue more formal enquiries re a certain matter, a name at a Midlands univ. may help. Or a name in Scotland.

    3. Hmm, ok, let me spell 'humour' the British way even when it's said to you the American way, you picked up on my Northern colloquialism, you have names of helpful sorts from The Midlands and Scotland...I'm going to go with either Irish or a British citizen who has exported herself? Going by the time you've gone to bed, being 1pm here, I'll take a wild stab that you've emigrated down under.

    4. Mr. Northern I was hoping you can help me out. I'm a little whore and I have trouble submitting to one cock. Would it be possible if you can whip & close my mouth shut with your well-endowed cock? I talk too much. Tap my lips with it and let me relish on its juices. Is there enough goodness in that cock of yours to feed me right?

    5. Ewwwwwwww!!!!

    6. Hot. I wanna also sign up.

    7. The Northern-

      I'm glad I didn't bother you at work.

      I don't know if KAT is male or female. When in doubt, I use "she", since it encompasses both genders.

      Great minds think alike. I originally thought KAT was from the UK. For a millisecond, Canada came to mind. Most recently, I have come to the idea, that KAT is in Australia...


    8. The Northern-

      PS-It looks like I need to get a room for you and KAT, "A little slut", and an Anon!!!


    9. A-

      Did you see my Indecent Proposal "love quote" to you???

      I hope so.:)


    10. Anon @ 3:37-

      Did you want to "give" or "receive" cock???



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