
Friday, March 4, 2016

Quote: caprice

"Your advantages are prosperity, wealth, freedom, peace—and so on, and so on. So that the man who should, for instance, go openly and knowingly in opposition to all that list would to your thinking, and indeed mine, too, of course, be an obscurantist or an absolute madman: would not he? But, you know, this is what is surprising: why does it so happen that all these statisticians, sages and lovers of humanity, when they reckon up human advantages invariably leave out one? They don’t even take it into their reckoning in the form in which it should be taken, and the whole reckoning depends upon that. It would be no greater matter, they would simply have to take it, this advantage, and add it to the list. . . .that is, that man everywhere and at all times, whoever he may be, has preferred to act as he chose and not in the least as his reason and advantage dictated. And one may choose what is contrary to one's own interests, and sometimes one POSITIVELY OUGHT (that is my idea). One's own free unfettered choice, one's own caprice, however wild it may be, one's own fancy worked up at times to frenzy — is that very "most advantageous advantage" which we have overlooked, which comes under no classification and against which all systems and theories are continually being shattered to atoms. And how do these wiseacres know that man wants a normal, a virtuous choice? What has made them conceive that man must want a rationally advantageous choice? What man wants is simply INDEPENDENT choice, whatever that independence may cost and wherever it may lead. And choice, of course, the devil only knows what choice."  

Fyodor Dostoevsky


  1. 1st!!!!!!!!!!


  2. "Caprice", is a new word for me.:)


  3. I have never regretted doing what I wanted to do, even when I knew it likely to end in tears.

    The heart wants to SEE, wants to FEEL, wants to EXPERIENCE beyond reason's predictions. The heart makes it's own calculations and satisfies itself.

  4. Life has been hectic with work and stuff until a little while back (say maybe four or five days). I think I need to be busy because when I'm not I start to feel more sociopathic wanting to do damage and cause destruction. I don't even dare to say what I feel like doing LOL. Luckily these are just thoughts and me being a rational being I'm not going to act out. But the boredom... oh my, it's such a p-a-i-n. I have to come up with something soon.

    When I'm really busy and have things to do and stuff to solve I start to think "oh, I'm not sociopathic at all, look at me, I'm just so happy and content" but then... my god if I rest for a minute. Perhaps I just have to keep going... forever...

    Anyone else experiencing this? What do you do? Commit crimes? Sky dive? Take drugs? What?

    1. Hey Lola,

      Nice to see you again.

      Have you ever tried meditation?

      When I feel restless or lonely (or anything really), meditation helps me get down to the cause and satisfy it.

    2. Boredom has always been the one thing I don't deal well with. It's when I find that my usual guidelines start fading and worse the boredom gets the more I think of actually acting out. Granted for me being busy doesn't keep my mind at bay so all that changes is what I think of or to what degree. Then again I also have some friends I can just be myself around so not everything is always having to be bottled up inside, though some of it is. Plus I've never wanted to keep my thoughts all in check, I enjoy how my mind works I just am particular about what I act out on. I've also taken time to just be me, get in a setting where I can be myself without worrying about social repercussions. If even then I am limited as to how far I can push things, it's something and makes a nice release.

    3. I've tried meditation but not to 'treat' boredom. It just sound so... boring. :D

      "Then again I also have some friends I can just be myself around so not everything is always having to be bottled up inside, though some of it is. Plus I've never wanted to keep my thoughts all in check, I enjoy how my mind works I just am particular about what I act out on."

      I'm the same. I have a few people around me that I can talk to about this. I'm not trying to control my thoughts and I quite enjoy my private thinking sessions. It's just that at it's worst the boredom gets so unbearable I start acting in ways that are not very useful in long term. I get restless and make decisions that are destructive more than not. I suppose this too shall pass.

    4. Lola how would you describe the boredom you feel. I'm not a sociopath and I don't ever get bored unless I'm stuck having to listen to someone boring talk. Then it's more like frustration. Would you describe it like that?

    5. I get bored with boring people too. To me that feels like someone was pouring porridge in my brain. Hard to stay focused during such slow and dulling experience. I often felt like that at school when I was young.

      Feeling the type of boredom I feel when I feel 'bored' is like a massive lack of stimulation. It feels like desperately needing a dopamine kick. It actually feels like an addiction, it's an itchy feeling. I just came up with this now, I've never tried to describe it before.

      Perhaps that's why I have tried to relieve this boredom by drugs, alcohol, sex, sports, driving and stuff.

      North suggested meditation – that would not relieve the feeling. it would be more like accepting it I guess.

      The best I can do is acknowledge that feeling bored is just a feeling and try not to feed my addiction. But even then I don't feel content and no matter how hard I try to accept the feeling and acknowledge it without reacting, I do react. I start making these crazy plans to get my kicks somehow.

      Weird, eh?

      Thanks for asking. It was actually a good realization that it's a bit like an addiction. Maybe I can conquer it now that I've identified it.

    6. Hey Lola,

      I enjoyed reading your explanation and agree that once the mind recognises a pattern the brain can resolve it. All the best to you!

      I realised after writing to you and absorbing your response that meditation has helped me a lot with restlessness but not so much with recklessness: I am still impulsive, but it flows now from confidence rather than desperation. It's still a dopamine rush.

      Meditation is more than acceptance, though. It's an immersion, a making space for. With me, the restlessness had the character more of loneliness than boredom; but it was always actually something unresolved. Immersing in that energy and being at peace with it creates the space for the underlying drivers to bubble into consciousness where they can be addressed. And I find the deep stillness at the centre of my being; from here it's very easy to notice the bubbling and transient nature of thoughts and feelings - which you already have a great grasp of (and helped me understand.)

      Perhaps underneath the boredom you will find some other energy. A friend once said to me 'resistance is suffering'... Maybe embracing it in a new way will give you some insights.

      I realise we are different but how different really? Consider the myriad ways in which all human brains work similarly; the differences between us are in this respect pretty minimal.

    7. Thank you Lola. I'm not a sociopath but I do understand addiction as I have struggled with some pretty relentless addictions. I know that itch. I still get it and it can be almost painful. I also love adrenaline rushes but I also love to get lost in my own creative thoughts. Do you ever find yourself getting lost in beautiful positive thoughts? It is very helpful to me to delve into my imagination.

    8. Lola I don't know how my addiction compares to what you describe as addiction but I do know mine was all consuming. That's why I knew I had to stop. There was no room for creativity. It was all about not feeling that itch. I quit cold turkey and slowly began to feel myself come back. I still struggle with having an addictive personality. That's one reason I got so lost with the sociopath I knew. I agree with north that once you identify these things about yourself they are easier to manage.

    9. Anon.: What was your addiction about?

      I started wondering that if this really is an addiction, then the only way might be not giving into it. Because if and when I do (give into it), the addiction gets stronger. It's like Pavlov's dog – it becomes a habit. I like the idea of practicing self-restraint. It's a challenge.

      When I think about it logically I KNOW it is just in my mind but the itchy feeling does trick me into believing it's something real. It just feels physical.

      North: I have tried meditation before but not for this reason. I'll give it a go. I do sing sometimes and I think that's a bit like meditation. And I love walking in nature a lot.

      Anon.: I was going to say that I need adrenaline but figured it's not that. I love adrenaline but this is more like craving that sweet satisfaction, feeling something, a reward, and I believe it's an addiction to dopamine. And yes, I do get lost in thoughts. I spend quite a lot of time by myself and I love traveling back in time for example and reliving some past times. It's a lovely way to spend time.

    10. Lola I of course never intended to become addicted but addiction is a very real physical thing that occurs over time and once I was addicted I was just trying to feel "normal." the initial fun rush was gone. You know they say you are always chasing that first initial high. Well I was past that. I used opioids which are essentially little bursts of pure dopamine. It helped with anxiety and filled an empty space within me-for a while anyway. It also provides one with a false sense of well-being. I believe your correct in saying that once you become addicted to anything you need more and more to satisfy yourself. Quitting cold turkey was the most effective way that I could stop but it still left me vulnerable to other addictions. I would recommend that you speak with someone specializing in addictions. I know I need to do the same as I am by no means cured and still struggle. I know fighting a physical urge can be nightmarish. I do believe there are things that could make it easier on you and I hope you can find those things.

    11. Lola I am not a Dr but it is just a theory of mine that one of the differences in a sociopaths wiring is that thoughts or actions that could be seen as self detrimental are "rewarded" with dopamine. Over time like with any addiction patterns become fixed. I believe it may be a matter of changing those patterns and rewards that might cause dopamine to be released in a different way. Again this is just a personal theory.

    12. I apologize if I am way off and I wish you the best.

    13. No need to apologize, this is interesting. I have several theories and I'm open to try different solutions. I doubt that I will seek outside help though as suggested by Anon. at 10:08 AM.

      Either I'm a socio who just needs a little kick here and there and it's the way I'm wired and I need to learn self-control OR I got myself addicted by always responding to my selfish needs like a little dog.

      I do notice that I start to get needier when I'm not actively pursuing a goal. Yes, to top this off I'm also a workaholic and tend to work seven days a week apart from these little breaks I take once in a while because working so much starts to piss me off.

      Overall it seems that I find it hard to tolerate 'not doing anything'. When I take a break from stuff I get bored.

      Here is a stupid story: last year I got The Itch and decided to relief the boredom by doing sports and getting super fit. Without going into details I trained super hard four hours every day (and I mean SUPER hard) and ate a super strict diet. I was so tired and hungry I started to suffer from insomnia. After a while I was so tired I could barely function for a few months and lost my period for five months. This whole thing pisses me off because I'm still recovering and it frustrates me that cannot train now (and do it all again). :D So this can be quite self-destructive even when something like training to get rid of The Itch can seem like a great idea in the beginning.

      OK. I'm going to solve this whole addiction thing. I'll let you know how I get along.

    14. Lola I know when I'm trying to be really perfect and in control I'm fixing to blow it in a major way. In other words there must be some release. I know sociopaths have much more willpower than I could ever dream of having but it seems to almost be a built in component that shoots them in the foot. They sometimes fall prey to their own quest for perfection. All I'm saying is be kind to yourself. Its a lesson im still learning myself.

    15. Yes, you nailed it. I keep forgetting that when I try to be perfect I blow it too. And when I have too much time in my hands I start making plans to be perfect and create this perfect reality. I get obsessed and force things and the result is never great. Power comes from being relaxed. It's the same in martial arts and even weightlifting. Maybe I should tattoo this in my arm: just chill your boat.

    16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    17. I can relate to the feeling of boredom and boring people and how it feels like your head is getting filled with sand. I noticed you said you're a workaholic and was thinking maybe that contributes to things. You came to have work as a distraction of sorts and the feeling of not having to really worry about anything else made it into it's own addiction. Perhaps if you found a way to dial a bit back on being a workaholic other things might clear up a touch. Also perhaps provide some balance so you're not always on yourself for not being perfect. I know for myself I have the luck of how I was raised to not make that as much of an issue for myself.

    18. I think you have a point there BPS82. It's hard for me to relax and I'm a control freak and work is definitely a distraction but it's also a passion (or an addiction). I love what I do and want to get better and better. But at the same time it's something I could give up just like that because I don't feel attached to it. If I let go of the work I need something else. Silly cycle. Maybe I just need to jump off and suck it up.

    19. @ Lola

      Don't wish to intrude into a private conversation, but:
      these have worked over the years for me, in about even percentages, if I interleave all three of them during my year:

      1] Work physically very hard, in bursts, to achieve a specific goal I value;
      2] Learn about intellectually challenging stuff that interests me for its own sake, to a very in-depth level;
      3] Travel long distances, with minimal organisation beforehand.

      Done in about equal proportions, in chunks of a few months, they seem to avoid me getting addicted to any of them, as all are equally rewarding [to me].

      If all else fails, I watch lots of violent action movies to put the brain on hold. 8-)


    20. Thanks for the tips XK. I do some of that too but not because I've planned ahead, just automatically switching from one thing to another. I think one of my main problems is that I keep going and push myself until I (physically) collapse. I don't know my limits. If I could learn to better read the signs before I collapse, I could avoid the crash. But it's just so much FUN to just speed-up and go as fast as possible.

      I guess your three different slots stimulate the mind and body differently – physically, intellectually and by providing new experiences. Clever thinking.

      I like films too. Especially crimes and serial killers. :)

  5. "They don’t even take it into their reckoning in the form in which it should be taken, and the whole reckoning depends upon that. It would be no greater matter, they would simply have to take it, this advantage, and add it to the list. . . .that is, that man everywhere and at all times, whoever he may be, has preferred to act as he chose and not in the least as his reason and advantage dictated."

    I think that most people, if not all, (less the mentally insane or those who aren't given a choice) always act in ways they *think* are ultimately reasonable & advantages for them. Why it sometimes appears to be the case that they are behaving in counterproductive yet "independent" manners is because they fail to grasp the full picture (due to stubbornness or ignorance). In failing to do so, they are shortsighted and ultimately end up doing that which is not the most advantageous for them. Now most people, once they realize their mistake, do NOT admit it. They will not say "I was stubborn, arrogant, refused to listen or study and thus made a mistake..." but rather they will justify their foolishness and try to make it seem as if they knew all along what they were doing. Something like "I just don't care to be so successful, I value my independence more and am happy with what I have" - this may be true for SOME people but most are just lying to save themselves some embarrassment in the short run.

    "So that the man who should, for instance, go openly and knowingly in opposition to all that list would to your thinking, and indeed mine, too, of course, be an obscurantist or an absolute madman: would not he?"

    This also I believe is a matter of insight, at least for most people. I find it very hard to believe that "lovers of humanity" exist - people who love humanity so much and just for the heck of it. There is no rational, logical or even emotional reason to love everyone so much that it reduces your own quality of life considerably UNLESS you do it for God. Once the concept of God becomes a known reality for you, and you begin to understand His plan, everything fits into place. I mean everything. In the end we're all in a race against time. We want to accomplish as much as possible in the shortest amount of time. Without God, you're left with only yourself and your own accomplishments, goals and ultimate legacy. You have a finite amount of time to get that sorted out while simultaneously not dropping dead out of exhaustion or boredom. You can easily why empathy and genuine concern for others MUST be sidelined here. However, when you realize that God created this world as a test to prove to us our real ranks, you realized that material success in this life is utterly pointless IF the ultimate aim was your own pleasure. I wanted to be a wealthy when I was an atheist because I wanted a comfortable life - one where I'm never unable to do something only because of financial shortage. Now that I am a firm believer in God and the afterlife, I want MORE wealth than I did before because that gives me more power and influence to impact the world in a beneficial way. In other words, I want less for myself but more within my power which I can use to help change our condition. That's my strength - wealth is not the only means to affect change - most people bring about positive change without it.

    P.S. I love The Brothers Karamazov. It's an amazing book.

    1. I think that most people, if not all, (less the mentally insane or those who aren't given a choice) always act in ways they *think* are ultimately reasonable & advantages for them. Why it sometimes appears to be the case that they are behaving in counterproductive yet "independent" manners is because they fail to grasp the full picture (due to stubbornness or ignorance). In failing to do so, they are shortsighted and ultimately end up doing that which is not the most advantageous for them. Now most people, once they realize their mistake, do NOT admit it. They will not say "I was stubborn, arrogant, refused to listen or study and thus made a mistake..." but rather they will justify their foolishness and try to make it seem as if they knew all along what they were doing. Something like "I just don't care to be so successful, I value my independence more and am happy with what I have" - this may be true for SOME people but most are just lying to save themselves some embarrassment in the short run.

      You just described yourself, you tool. Thank you, Joanie, for doing our work for us :-)

    2. In the name of God, The Merciful, The Compassionate.

      "Know that the life of this world is but amusement and diversion and adornment and boasting to one another and competition in increase of wealth and children - like the example of a rain whose [resulting] plant growth pleases the tillers; then it dries and you see it turned yellow; then it becomes [scattered] debris. And in the Hereafter is severe punishment and forgiveness from God and approval. And what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion."

      Qur'an 57:20

    3. The difference between my darkness and your darkness is that I can look at my own badness in the face and accept its existence while you are busy covering your mirror with a white linen sheet. The difference between my sins and your sins is that when I sin I know I'm sinning while you have actually fallen prey to your own fabricated illusions. I am a siren, a mermaid; I know that I am beautiful while basking on the ocean's waves and I know that I can eat flesh and bones at the bottom of the sea. You are a white witch, a wizard; your spells are manipulations and your cauldron from hell yet you wrap yourself in white and wear a silver wig.

      C. JoyBell C.

    4. In the name of God, The Merciful, The Compassionate.

      "Woe unto the defrauders:

      Those who when they take the measure from mankind demand it full,

      But if they measure unto them or weight for them, they cause them loss.

      Do such (men) not consider that they will be raised again

      On a Mighty Day,

      The day when (all) mankind stand before the Lord of the Worlds?"

      Qur'an 83: 1-6

      I'm not a fraud like others here. Those on high horses and the frauds like to preach to sincere people by projecting their own diseases onto them. That's no way to make yourself feel any better. Besides, even IF I were, that does not change the fact that God will raise us all again and judge each and every one. I'm not a coward but I am a realist and I have no intention of getting on His bad side. May He guide us all.


    5. He was very religious; he believed that he had a secret pact with God which exempted him from doing good in exchange for prayers and piety.

      Jorge Luis Borges

    6. Sounds like a psychopath with a religious mask.

    7. Doing good IS the everything. Prayers & piety are meant to help you with that - and to be thankful to your Creator. It's not the other way around. This is exactly what Jesus said about the was made for man, not vice versa. People forget the spirit of God's message and stick to the letter. That's if their ignorant. The worst of them are those who deliberately put on the mask of religiosity and then behave in ways contrary to the commandments of God.

    8. Sounds like the quote went way over Joanie's head.

    9. Yeah... I agree. They forget, just like you.

  6. Scorpiopaths dont need books, they ARE knowledge & wisdom.

    1. nobody needs books. but they are the catalyzers of mind which will make you find the efficient approach to some problem or just life as a whole faster and with less suffering. you should read about dunning-kruger effect. then you will realize under your arrogance there is only ignorance.

  7. Theme Songs for SW RegularsMarch 5, 2016 at 4:19 PM

    UKan official theme song (this is how I imagine UKan :D)

    1. Smooth.

      Also: Just relax...

  8. The most silly advice concerning socios probably is the: "No matter what you do, do not try to outsmart the psycho..he´ll always win!". They´re not superheroes or gods! Socios look for soft & gullible people, the way to handle a psycho is for the victim to stop acting like a target. This will make 90% of them go away. Then the victim is no longer a victim and have won!

    1. Seek what you want. Exactly what you want, without detouring. The cost-benefit ratio is then way too high for both parties and the relationship dissolves.

  9. i just trolled some borderline slut. the shit boredom makes one do

  10. LOL

  11. I've started volunteering four days a week, three hours a day volunteering at the homeless youth shelter near where I live. My influence on that environment has greatly improved it; I've set the bar higher on what's to be expected to be done by staff there by going out of my way to speak with and help the youth often, organizing the supplies throughly, pushing for clearer and more efficient communication amongst staff, etc.. I speak with the administrator of thr day services while I'm on the job and work my charm upon him, and by natural extension I share the role of leader in that space. The organization itself is well aligned with me, as I've gotten my case manager, his boss, and others aligned with me. I think I can safely assume word has spread about me within the organization that runs the shelter for youth and so on, so it wouldn't be too far fetched if the admin for the day services at tue shelter knows what I am by now. Regardless, he greatly respects me. The admin for the night shelter services I used to have a close relationship with, until the events of when I had that man (who proposed to me to join a group of serial killers) fired from there. She still won't even look me in the eyes. No matter, that relationship will soon be mended as it's within my best interests to do so if I want to immerse myself within the organization to use it as a spring board to rising up in power within my community. I want to work alongside the organization, or have it as a tool at ky disposal, to be a leader and create the kind of change and impact I want to have in this world.

    I picked up "Co-Active Leadership: Five Ways to Lead" by Karen and Henry Kimsey-House and "How to Argue and Win Every Time" by Gerry Spence from the library. They look like good reading material for me.

    ESTP Sociopath

  12. Socioempath-

    Dude-where's the party???


  13. I saw a rainbow today-RAINBOWS ARE COOL!!!

    Life is "Rainbows & Unicorns", baby!!!

    HA!!! LOL!!!


  14. Something I definitely notice about introverts is that some of them are capital L Loners. If you come at them too sociable, you can trigger their lonerism and they can snap at you in anger, be extremely passive aggressive, behave destructively, etc.. I also recognize how much of a social butterfly I am, fluttering here and there, wings of ever shifting vibrant colors. The key to interacting favorably with loners is to slow the dance of fluttering flight down, shifting the color of my wings to a calming deep blue with hints of warming red, lightly landing upon their skin to acquire the essence I desire from them through social interaction. Then I take flight again and flutter off to find another host to harvest sweet nectar from.

    ESTP Sociopath

    1. You can have my sweet nectar any time.

      Lol, seriously, as someone who is more introverted and who has run into this problem I agree. Someone came up to me the other day just out of the blue and started asking me some fairly intrusive questions so I told them to fuck off. If they'd been a little more polite, introduced themselves first, slowed it down I'd have been pretty amiable.

    2. Maybe I'll take you up on that. ;)

      Yeah, a lot of introverts, at some significant minimum amount are Loners; knowing how to respect their personal bubble so interactions with them are OK is important if I want beneficial relationships with them.

      ESTP Sociopath

  15. I love this quote, and thought I'd share it:

    “People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.

    A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave.

    A soul mates purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master...”

    -Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love


    1. Warning, Vegas: I'm going to be blunt :)

      M.E. made a post in December with some words from this creature.

      I think it's justifying some pretty horrendous behaviour. Someone who deliberately uses you and hurts you is not a soulmate. I could say my experience with **-* ticked all those boxes... But if he ever shows me that puppy face again, I'll knee him right in the balls. It's probably beyond his learning capacity but that puppy face of feigned innocence is his protection, his armour, and there's no fucking way it will work around me again.

      I won't settle for that shit.

      I'm learning there's so much more to be experienced. I mentioned that I'm working with the guy who was my boss for the last three years and that we've been slowly opening up to each other and developing trust by sharing vulnerability. Today he asked my counsel. It felt natural and good - and I felt for the first time this is how alliances work and friendships made.

      I like it so much better. Oxytocin beats dopamine every time. And this is so important, it's a real focus of mine to impart to my sons.

      It's my energy that changed me and I will always grow.

    2. North Dopamine wears off really quickly. Its amazing the changes I've gone thru in just the past few days. I'm so over it. I just catch myself saying outloud what an idiot when I think about them.

  16. And really who goes around saying they are your soul mate?! How. Cheesy. I was told this about 100 times a day. Damn they are an idiot.

    1. Indeed. I got "love of my life" or LOML for short.

      But he doesn't know any better. Seduction is his only MO.

    2. North congratulations on your decision to write a book. I look forward to reading it. And if you need any true stories your welcome to mine. Its a real page turner.

    3. Thankyou :)

      Great, I think this can be a wonderful and useful project!

    4. My marriage has been restored. I'm excited to share this with you all, you can fix your relationship and Marriage form Divorce or Break up! I am so happy to have my Ex husband in my life again.! A very big problem occurred in my marriage seven months ago, between me and my husband . so terrible that he took the case to court for a divorce. he said that he never wanted to stay with me again,and that he didn't love me anymore.So he packed out of the house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get him back,after much begging,but all to no avail.and he confirmed it that he has made his decision,and he never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my husband .So i explained every thing to him,so he told me that the only way i can get my husband back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for him too.So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow his advice. Then he gave me the email address of the spell caster whom he visited. TEMPLEOFLOVEANDPROSPERITY@GMAIL.COM. So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address he gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my husband back the next day. What an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me, and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my husband who didn't call me for the past 7 months, gave me a call to inform me that he was coming back. So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster. So, i will advice you out there if you have any problem contact Dr Frank Ojo, i give you 100% guarantee that he will help you.. Email him at: .

  17. Testimony By Wendy Owen, Getting my Ex back !

    I was hurt and heart broken when a very big problem occurred in my marriage seven months ago, between me and my husband . so terrible that he took the case to court for a divorce. he said that he never wanted to stay with me again,and that he didn't love me anymore.So he packed out of the house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get him back,after much begging,but all to no avail.and he confirmed it that he has made his decision,and he never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my husband .So i explained every thing to him,so he told me that the only way i can get my husband back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for him too.So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow his advice. Then he gave me the Email address of the spell caster whom he visited. So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address he gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my husband back the next day. What an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me, and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my husband who didn't call me for the past 7 months, gave me a call to inform me that he was coming back. So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster. So, i will advice you out there if you have any problem contact Dr Frank Ojo, i give you 100% guarantee that he will help you.. Email him at: ,or visit his Web site to know more about him: ,and i lives in United Kingdom. Thank you sooooo much!!!


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