
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

My sociopath girlfriend?

Some of these guessing games from readers tickle me a little, either because I see some of myself in them or because the thought of this person out there in the world doing whatever he or she wants is sort of charming to me.

Despite these people being too young to tell, something tells me that this story will seem familiar to some of you. From a reader, regarding her girlfriend who gives off sociopathic vibes:

I think my girlfriend is a sociopath. We are both just finishing high school so I don't know if you can "diagnose" her at 17 but I just want some input. I've been with her for a year and a half now but I'll just give you a list of some of the things she does.

Whenever she's done something wrong to ME, she can somehow turn the situation back on me posing as though it's my fault. The issue is It always works. She'll try different methods of getting the same reaction from me. She'll fake hurt, as though she's sad or upset as though I hurt her. If that doesn't work which all this depends on my mood at the time she'll try ignoring me. This normally works as her giving me attention makes me feel good about myself. So when she ignores me I fee as though I've done something terrible to her and I'll consistently apologize and then get angry at her for doing this which just starts the whole cycle over again. But after a few rounds of this it always ends in sex. She wants sex all the and it an be odd especially when I'm declining and she's pushing for it. It feels like she's bored and she gets stimulation out of this. She told me multiple times she doesn't even like the feeling. So I don't know what she's in it for. Another thing is She's amazing at it but one thing I think might be of note is she likes to be on top, and dominant. Not like a dominatrix but she wants to be in charge. 

This girl is one of the most unique I've ever met. She never judges anyone for anything and I believe that's because she does terrible things herself or she just doesn't care enough about other people to remark on their business. 

She's dominant, abrasive, highly intelligent, but her reactions to things are off. Her father just died last month and she hardy cared about it. 

One thing she does is she sees things as a win or lose, relationships for her are either beneficial in some way or they're useless. I actually believe she's incapable of having healthy relationships she was cheating on me with 2 guys and 1 girl at the same time. When confronted with this she told me she never liked me, I was terrible in bed, and i just give her relief from the boredom. This visibly hurt me and she knew it, but the next day she spoke to me as though everything was fine! 

She's very popular in school for her weird but charming personality, she's befriended the creepy kids and the athletic popular ones. She's known for being "wild" and funny but also loud, and promiscuous. She's not even considered beautiful ( she really could be if she put effort in) but she acts as though she is. 

She's constantly asking how people see her as though she doesn't know how she acts. But one day she's the life of the party the next she's indifferent about her "friends" which she doesn't have many of. She's popular but true friends she has 1 of and I assume it's because the girl is like her. She's calculating, and seemingly indifferent about everything. She's smart as hell but can't understand people's emotions enough to comfort them through anything or even relate. Oh and another thing is she's  training to be an actor. Go figure. She mimics perfectly. Once while meeting a Scottish friend, after he introduced himself she said something back but in his own accent. These might be small examples but these are just a handful of the things she does. She's truly cold. I can see how she intoxicates people, but she can be a bitch because she's so strong willed and capable. 

Do you think she's a sociopath?


  1. Sounds like a sociopath to me. Enjoy!

  2. I was going to suggest you move to the next stage of your strategy - and here it is!

  3. Sounds like someone who never got anything remotely close to a decent upbringing.

    1. In the name of God, The Merciful, The Compassionate.

      "On no soul does God place a burden greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns. (Pray:) "Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error; our Lord! Lay not on us a burden like that which You did lay on those before us; Our Lord! Lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Blot out our sins, and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. You are our Protector; help us against those who stand against faith."

      Quran 2:286

    2. You try raising a sociopath.

      If I knew my kid was a sociopath, I'd train them to take over the fricking world.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. In the name of God, The Merciful, The Compassionate.

      "Alif. Lam. Mim.

      Do men imagine that they will be left (at ease) because they say, We believe, and will not be tested with affliction?

      Lo! We tested those who were before you. Thus God knows those who are sincere, and knows those who feign.

      Or do those who do ill-deeds imagine that they can outstrip Us? Evil (for them) is that which they decide.

      Whoever hopes to meet God, the term appointed by God will then most surely come; and He is the Hearing, the Knowing.

      And whosoever strives, strives only for himself, for lo! God is altogether Independent of (His) creatures.

      And as for those who believe and do good works, We shall remit from them their evil deeds and shall repay them the best that they did.

      We have enjoined on man kindness to parents; but if they strive to make you join with Me that of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not. Unto Me is your return and I shall tell you what you used to do."

      Quran 29: 1-8

  4. Just the other night I befriended a psychopath, another homeless youth. Handsome, charming, very easy to get along with naturally of course. With a friend he runs an organized staff fighting club by the river not too far from the homeless youth shelter.

    I met him earlier last night, he was standing outside of the library blowing clouds of vapor with his vape pen. Our eyes met, a prolonged stare, so I struck up conversation with him. The way he spoke, what he had to express about himself, it all sounded all too familiar. So I asked, "So, are you a psychopath?", and without skipping a beat he said "Yes." We spent the rest of the evening going back and forth in conversation, even flirting. He's got a girlfriend, but he's ambisexual so I'm sure I could negotiate some kind of deal with him. Would kissing him, as if I were trying to suck his very soul out from him, be like tug'o'war as he's also sucking right back? The game of stalking the prey who's also a predator just seems so delicious to me.

    ESTP Sociopath

    1. It's happened to me. I once met a sociopath. Before I even knew what a sociopath was. He was in the same class as me and I noticed how smart he was, and how proudly he talked, and that weird puzzled look he sometimes gave, which I mistook for hidden insecurity. I thought to myself, that’ d be a very interesting target. So I started giving him extra looks, and he caught up right away.

      We would stare at each other way too often. I started talking to him. I noticed his dominant character. The way he sat and the way he stared at me. So I became extra fragile and delicate(on the outside), which is something I often do, in order to seduct. But he saw right through it, and acted like he indeed was a victim to my seductive character. That's when I started realizing something was not quite right. All my efforts to manipulate him went directly to the trash. That had never happened before. I became extra observant. I noticed his behaviour was like an act, and it was different depending on where he was and who he was talking to. He was too familiar to ignore.

      I tried to get through to him. It was like hitting a mirror. Trying to win a person who makes the same moves, and always knows what you’re going to do next. We were predictable. We had the same patterns, so we started trying to be subtle and unpredictible. Which didn’t result to anything. I was more curious than irritated. I always knew there was something different about me, and where do we go when we need information? Google. So I went to the internet, and saw myself analysed, written about, ripped appart until there was no more skin on me. And yes then I understood he was a sociopath, and I was too. It wasn’t going to work, and I know better than to waste my time. I felt like I spoiled precious time from my life. But I at last felt like I had an identity. I lost interest and I let him go.

    2. An interesting read. Thank you, VN. I may have more commentary on it later, as I'm busy at work; I've only ever met one other psychopath in person, my roommate's older brother of all people. Allegedly diagnosed too. Interesting specimen of a man, of the Christian faith. I believe I've mentioned him before on the blog.

      ESTP Sociopath

  5. I find it rather charming how often my life story, how real I am as an individual is scrutinized and questioned. Everything is verifiable, you could even meet me in person if you know how to acquire the information of my location; I take little to no precautions with covering up my trail on the internet. I don't hide my IP address at all, no apps or programs on my phone to mask my identity. The smart phone itself is stolen, no SIM card, just picking up wifi with it.

    If you do acquire the information of my location, I'd like it if you would send me a box of edibles, preferably special brownies. Or if you drop by my place, leave a note on the door. A hotel is maybe five minutes away downtown from where I live, I can't have guests over. See if you can bring lots of weed and blunt wraps, we could take a stroll by the waterfront smoking and talking about anything. If you want and have the time to do so, I could set up an appointment with my mental health therapist so the three of us could discuss my psychopathy.

    I've had maybe one interesting note left in front of my door so far. I've been a bit more active lately with the Whisper app, and recently I've begin to notice interesting characters crawling out pf the woodwork in the areas I post my Whispers at.

    ESTP Sociopath

  6. We all get what we want.

    The trick is wanting what we will truly benefit from. This requires vision and deep openness to change. It's a journey.

  7. I actually believe she's incapable of having healthy relationships she was cheating on me with 2 guys and 1 girl at the same time. When confronted with this she told me she never liked me, I was terrible in bed, and i just give her relief from the boredom. This visibly hurt me and she knew it, but the next day she spoke to me as though everything was fine!

    ha ha ha. you are emPathetic

    1. Ha ha! You have something I do not. I will marginalize it and aggrandize myself!

      For real-- sociopaths do themselves the most injustice or show their greatest vulnerability in how they view themselves as superior for their lack. This is what leads to a lot of remorseless "discarding". It isn't that the sociopathic personality has won, it is because they have lost and they're throwing a temper tantrum. I think, in some roundabout way, a personality of this type is so unable to recognize losing that they must reframe themselves as the subtle aggressor.

      This is sad, because it is empty. Sociopaths harm and lose out on much of the depth and breadth of life. What to feel about a predatory personality who suffers so much harm? I don't know.

  8. Sounds pretty damn sociopathic to me.

    Also sounds like the reader has to do a bit of work on not being emotionally riled by manipulation (though if he somehow still values the relationship, he should keep up the false front).

  9. She sounds like a lot of 17 year old girls and you sound desperate to be with her. She knows this and uses it to wrap you around her finger.

  10. I don't have much to comment on as far as this particular article, but if the Google search pics that claim to be you, M.E. Thomas, and really are you, damn, you're smokin' hot! As far as the reader who is concerned her girlfriend might be a sociopath- well, is it really that important whether or not she's a sociopath, and more important whether or not you get along with her? By the things you're saying, her behaviors bother you and you don't sound very happy with her. That's really what it comes down to. Sociopath or not, those aren't things a lot of us would want in a partner.

  11. You say "it always works" ... the thing I find most curious about all this is your behavior, not hers... and I express that with no ill intention and with well wishes.

    Right down the line

    1. aspie-

      That is a sweet song.:)

      I LOVE IT!!!

      Thank you.:)


  12. Replies
    1. aspie-

      Another sweet song-thank you!!!


  13. Replies
    1. aspie-

      That was beautiful-thank you.:)


  14. Replies
    1. aspie-

      That was a great guitar solo!!!


      Did you listen to it??? I think you'll like it.:)


    2. Oh yeah, you can bet I liked it! :-)

  15. The movie character Rusty Nail (from the joy-ride movies): has anyone heard a more psychopathic sounding voice?

  16. Yes, I think she is psychopath- or perhaps someone with a lot of psychopathic traits. She sounds exactly like me at that age.

    This struck me:

    When confronted with this she told me she never liked me, I was terrible in bed, and i just give her relief from the boredom. This visibly hurt me and she knew it, but the next day she spoke to me as though everything was fine

    When a woman like that has berated you sexually, it means she will never respect you. She will only ever use you. Dump her.

  17. I wonder what a female sociopath would feel if she'd be raped.

    You should rape her OP

    1. I wonder what abc would feel if someone bit off his dick and boiled it in some alphabet soup.

      You should get rid of your psycho and sick her on him instead, OP. XD

    2. A-



    3. Yeah give her here OP. I'll tame the bitch

    4. it's hard to say whether she's clinical (30/40 on the PCL-R) or "merely" subclinical without having her assessed by a professional with a good contextual understanding of the criteria. in any case, it's probably best to end the relationship unless you're a masochist and you get off on behavior like that.

    5. Female sociopath who has been raped here. It's not a lot different from a normie being taken advantage of- I think the main difference is that we don't blame ourselves, we blame the perp whole-heartedly and have the mental instability factor to seek vengeance in one way or another. I have waited four years to get my predator his justice, and it's in the process of being enacted as I type this. Incredibly satisfying, too.

    6. I'd blame the rapist and seek revenge too and I'm not a sociopath.

  18. It doesn't really matter if you're girlfriend is a sociopath or not. A far more important question would be to ask why you are investing timecand energy into a relationship with someone you even SUSPECT oc being a sociopath. Seriously, what the hell are you doing? Do you secretly love the drama? I can't think of any other reason you're still with her.


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