
Sunday, October 4, 2015

Everyone's a little racist

I was thinking the other day about this song, and especially this line "everyone's a little racist sometimes, doesn't mean we go around committing hate crimes." Kind of funny way to think of the difference between what conditions are necessary for some bad thing (racism is probably necessary for hate crimes) versus what is sufficient for hate crimes (not all racists commit hate crimes). Also good to remember that it's easier to judge others for attributes that we probably have in ourselves as well.


  1. That's the problem. The Marxist mind shapers talk down to us as though
    we were little kids.
    It's easy to pontificate from the realitive safety of Salt Lake City. If you lived
    in a high crime area you might think differently. If you had to send your child to
    a violent school, and keep your fingers crossed that the next time you didn't
    see her was in an open casket.
    There's ANIMALS out there I tell you. Con't yourself lucky that you haven't
    crossed their path-yet.
    And we have a political class that caters to them. And a media that covers and
    makes excuses for them.
    And with the emagrent bildge that is swarming this country, the leadership of
    this country is likely resemble Baltimore or Detroit.
    Say goodbye to cops and white guys. Women, the prized destination of the
    immagrent will be south of your nipple, and north of your kneecap.

    1. Oh my dear...
      Must be hard to be white in the US...
      thinking all these "emagrents" could something similar to what white dudes did with the natives...
      always very funny to hear whites in the us argue against immigration (hypocrisy-deluxe).
      well not everybody is a piece of shit like you.

      btw. marxism is more a theory about economy, and class (rich vs. poor) rather than race relations and pc u dumb piece of shit.

  2. unrelated to the post, but I thought this was a funny tweet:

    "Fun fact about psychopaths: they really like reading about psychopathy."

  3. These days psychopaths KNOW EVERYTHING about their condition and which exact subgroup they belong to. It tickles their vanity, just like an oversized "meatball" clitoris get tickled when lumberjack women don´t wanna see the plain truth about their ordinary (but rather "manly") lives..

  4. Uuummmmmmm..... if its not my friend then the cru gos away nuffin fo me dare. I only shoot to score on the top goalies. So whats the question ? A wtq idunno C wtq? Idunno D wtq? So the real question is what does it want (I thought it was groundhogs day today)

  5. if you think you can measure (judge) the quality of another HUMAN (just in capital letters to the piece of shit asshole anon 3:36) by the color of their skin, by their sex, by their sexual orientation or by their religion then you are a retarded idiot. Simple as that.
    generally: one should treat others with respect and dignity. the further you are from that ideal the more an asshole you are, and assholes one should crush.
    of course in reality that is obviously a multi-layer continuum (no 100% ideal people, no 100% assholes). drawing the lines is difficult, blurry and up to oneself to judge. but one should thrive, argue and do in the direction of the ideal (respect and dignity) and against assholes (racist, sexists, homophobes, oppressors etc.)

    btw. racism and sexism isn´t realizing that the skin colors of steve martin and morgan freeman are different. or realizing that pamela anderson and quentin tarantino have different sexes but treating these differences with different dignity and respect. pc generates awaeness of this. if you can´t talk bout persons with different color or sex in a respectful and dignified manner, then you´re just an asshole imo. so fuck u ;-)

  6. What happened to this site? Everyone is "hiding", and letting these morons spew drivel. Boring! Hey Me!!! How about some blood??

  7. This sounds about right. Is everyone completely not racist, or is everyone simply a bit racist but only with "good" intentions?

  8. Marxist pablem destroys my glorious nation.
    I remember a time when the quality of life was 100% better.
    Crime was a fraction of what it is now.
    People could relax. They could walk around their neighborhoods without fear
    day OR night. They could conduct their affairs at work or school without major
    concern of being victimized, raped, and murdered. America was a PROUD
    1st world country. A beacon on a hill.
    Kids today can't believe it. How did it change? It changed like a frog in boiling
    In 1960, a very evil man named Joseph Kennedy made a deal with the Mafia
    to put his sickly son John F. Kennedy in the White House. Kennedy didn't care
    to accomplish much except to have sex with as many women as he could.
    He was just playing a role. His brother Bobby was made Attorney General to
    protect John. (Among the things John did was take "speed" injections from a
    man named "Dr. Feelgood". Once John was running around a Hotel in N.Y.C.
    John and Bobby had to fend off the ocassional threat of exposure, and they
    were obligated to the Mafia for helping John win. World War 3 was narrowly
    avoided because of the Cuban missile crisis. Numerious attempts were made
    to assisinate Castro (The Mafia wanted the Casinos back) who warned
    Kennedy to stop.
    Meanwhile, the communists had put a plant in the Black Church. He was the Rev. Martian Luther King. He was educated at the Marxist Highlander school.
    M.L.K. had many communists around him. He seemed like a peace loving man,
    who used non-voilent means. He worked to end racial segregation and get
    black people the right to vote.
    The South had Dejurie segregation (By law.) Most of the Dejurie segregation
    ended. Then M.L.K. began speaking of Defacto segregation. "Defacto" means
    by circumstance. In the North, blacks didn't do as well as whites, NOT because
    they couldn't go to the same schools, but because they were priced out of good
    neighborhoods. In the South, it was lack of equal oppertunity. In the North it
    was economics and "white flight."
    L.B.J. assisted in Kennedy's murder (He hated him.) M.L.K. was also
    assisinated. This enabled L.B.J. to pass "The Civil Rights Act of 1964."
    L.B.J. also launched "The War On Poverty." What this did was pay women for
    having children out of wedlock. This increased the illegitamcy rate.
    When the family is destroyed crime becomes rampant. With the assistance of
    liberal media, liberal academia, and wicked poloticans, the stage was set in 1964 to destroy this country. It DOES take time for Satan's goals to come into
    effect. The future of the world is one part degenerate Marxist, the other part
    radical Islamic. The Islamic part will likely win out.

    1. yeah, the good old 50s...
      racial segregation in the us. what a " PROUD
      1st world country. A beacon on a hill. " it was when sons of bitches like U could tell WW2 veterans that "niggers" should use their own toilets.

      just 2 be frank about this: U R scum, a piece of shit. altough not because of your skin color or your gender. nevertheless a piece of stinking shit.

      btw. this stupid piece of shit shows why racists and sexists shouldn´t be given a mm (or an inch) of space.

  9. The dog-lover/bartender from the Drop-movie: "aspie-type" of socio? Powerful portrait there, really a "subtle fusion" of clumsy social interaction with diamond-hard & lethal character-core. If they dont give such stuff the most shiny movie-awards, why bother giving it to anyone..?

    1. This is in response to Kelsey's post from a few days ago. I will answer it here, because it's coming a bit late. I want to reply to something North said, too, so I will break my responses into a few parts:


      "@A... You facinate me, as everything you have been saying is highly relatable in regairds to myself. I identify as a full blown sociopath, although I dont believe I am this way by nature. Maybe it has little to do with that but I fully believe there have been many important, real-life events that ultimately contributed to my mental status."

      I'm not sure if I would be diagnosed as a sociopath, and I don't really care. The only thing I was formally diagnosed with is oppostional- defiant disorder, but I lied to my shrink to minimize and rationalize my poor conduct, because I was forced to see her as a teen.

      "I remember being a highly sensitive child up to the age of about 6. My dad used to constantly yell at me (not my younger sibling) for pretty much anything and everything he could justify to himself, and I'm fully convinced he used to be, and maybe still is a narc. Not only that, but I picked up rather early that he saw freaking out as some kind of sadistic game, in which he won every time I broke down, cried, and ran off into my room."

      Yep. This pretty much echoes my childhood- except my dad threw in sporadic and highly unreasonable beatings into the mix. My two earliest memories are of him bashing my head into the wall and seeing stars, and of his stopping the car by the side of the highway, grabbing a baseball bat from under his seat, and going after someone with it. I was scared.... yelling and crying, begging him to stop. He screamed at me in response, doubtless to tell me to shut he fuck up. At least he didn't thrash me with the bat. XD

      "At a point, I got sick of being so weak in comparison and I started to grow this unwavering desire to make him lose at his own game."

      Ohhhhh yeah. Me too. I worked hard at making myself the biggest pain in the ass imaginable. I did this by treating him with utter disrespect and abject contempt. By the time I turned 12, I'd hit, scratch, claw and bite him if he dared raise a hand to me. Then I'd run away. Knowing his criminal background the way I do now (he was a drug-dealer, smuggler and thug-for-hire), I realize I'm lucky he didn't kill me. The man had no self-control, and I knew exactly what buttons to push so as to trigger him, which I did frequently.

    2. pretty much never cried after that, ever, for any reason except on a few occasions which I can remember, but I know for a fact that I purposely manifested my own, rather successful, internal defence mechanisms, to a point where I even felt rather emotionally detached from everyone before I hit puberty."

      Yes. I still remember the very moment my detachment became complete. I was about 14.

      This was an act of self-preservation. I had NO safe place to just be.

      In primary school I was vilified for being a nerd in a tough school. After I left for high school, I determined that nobody would ever mess with me again. The first thing I did was slap the shit out of one of the girls who had teased me the most relentlessly and viciously in grade school. I made it my mission to thoroughly "ruin" her- and I did. I became a huge bully which of course secured my popularity. I had learned not to care one iota what people thought of me. I was numb. I still am, in a lot of significant ways.

      After that, it was all "downhill". I started taking drugs, getting into fights, bullying my teachers, lying, stealing, running away, vandalizing people's homes and cars, etc, etc. That's why I had to eventually see a shrink.

      "I still feel a wide range of very intense emotions but they are always short lived and I find the concept of empathy to be non-existent in my version of reality, and my emotional responses in regards to other individuals are always shallow, either that or I'm faking it."

      ^I could have written that. :)

      I believe that I am fully able to recognize and understand the emotions and plights of others, I just simply don't care about them on an emotional level, and I am utterly impoverished of the capacity to comfort someone unless I'm feeling like playing that game - and usually I am not in the mood. In fact, the majority of the time other people's emotionality is somewhat irritating to me

      Exactly! I relate to everything you said, 100%.

    3. A, Enjoyed your post.

      There's a yin and yang to everything. Moderation in all things. E.g., empathy and Machiavellianism in an individual in equal measure. Extremism, good or bad, tends to create chaos and skews perception.

      Mr. Hyde

  10. @North:

    "Have you seen Simon Sinek's "Why Leaders Eat Last" ( He talks about the cost of being the alpha as self-interest: the group expects the leader to be 'first unto the breach', to protect them."

    I haven't watched it, but I know this to be true instinctively and experientially. I am the one who had a vision, and assumed the personal risk in endeavoring to manifest it. My name is on all our agreements and contracts. One cannot show true leadership without assuming a degree of personal responsibility. I'd even go so far as to say that this is the hallmark of it.

    "I'd be very interested in your thoughts."

    I will share them when and if I get around to watching it. As an interesting aside, in the "red-pill community", only men in my position are considered "alphas". I'm what is known much less flatteringly as a "ball-buster" xD

    It is ironic that I should also have the good-looks of an "alpha" female. Brains, "feminine" beauty, a good body, AND "masculine" leadership traits, such as fearless dominance and a proclivity for extreme risk taking? Wtf?

    Feminists and anti-feminists alike have plenty of stupid reasons rooted in their respective insecurities to resent my ilk. And I *do* like to thumb my nose at both camps. *Bats eyelashes*. :)

    "I consider myself a developing leader in my line of work."


    "I'm not driven to power, but do insist on delivery and will take personal risks to ensure it."

    If you are not driven to power, why are you willing to take personal risks to ensure delivery? What motivates you?

    1. "And through that risk-taking, I've learnt that I am well-respected."

      Yes. Courage is admirable. But I deduce that this is not something that comes naturally for you. Your willingness to step out of your comfort zone to cultivate this trait reveals your ambition, and desire to take initiative.

      Do not let your insecurities impede your willingness to be assertive. You are highly intelligent, perceptive, and analytical, which - coupled with your eagerness to learn and grow - constitute a body of traits that are foundational to good leadership. Don't allow your anxieties and a lack of self-confidence to engender self-doubt, which will hold you back by causing you to second-guess yourself, whilst providing a convenient, quasi-logical rationale for retreating back to the relative safety of your comfort zone. This is a form of self-sabotage. Learn to swim in rough surf. This is how you will get stronger.

      "But good leaders also know how to set boundaries, and respect themselves enough to not allow others to run them roughshod."

      Yes, I agree with this statement too. And the reason this works is that it creates an environment in which people know what's expected.

      I am far from consistent in my work habits. I work very hard, but when I decide that I want a break, I categorically refuse to communicate with people. I will fail to respond to (important) emails. And I *never* answer my phone, much to the consternation of just about everyone, ha! :)

      I (very intentionally) live over an hour away from all of my colleagues. But I commute to the city frequently, and often sacrificially, because I do the bulk of the work. I maintain control of all our core processes- on my own terms and schedule.

      My leverage is that I am currently indispensable. If I walk away, the whole thing falls apart- and I won't have it any other way until I choose a successor. :P

      I have trained my fellow Board members to expect an unsettling combination of inconsistency and unwavering dedication from me. But I always get everything done, whatever the personal cost. My secret is that I have more stamina than all of them put together. If it all goes to shit, I'll happily re-invent myself. This lack of stress positively impacts my performance. Stuff just doesn't bother me the way it does most people- until someone triggers my temper. When that happens, get the FUCK outta my way. But that's another story. :)

      "I just want their respect. That is my "love" language."

      "That sounds very INTJ to me. I like it."

      Actually, I'm ENTP.

      What are you?


    3. Lol. I love ENTPs! Such fun.

      I'm INTJ. We care far more about efficiency and competence than anything touchy feely. Ideas are possibilities; both excite me. Hence my love of ENTPs. Chuck ideas at me, I'll tell you which ones work.

      "It is ironic that I should also have the good-looks of an "alpha" female. Brains, "feminine" beauty, a good body, AND "masculine" leadership traits, such as fearless dominance and a proclivity for extreme risk taking? Wtf? "

      An enviable position and one you've probably designed for yourself to a degree. I am very interested in designing living realities that accord with one's nature.

      ""I consider myself a developing leader in my line of work."

      Why? "
      Fabulous question. Because I take over when others are lacking.

      ""I'm not driven to power, but do insist on delivery and will take personal risks to ensure it."

      If you are not driven to power, why are you willing to take personal risks to ensure delivery? What motivates you?"

      Again, fabulous question and one I am grateful for. I did stop to think about this.

      Two strands to the answer: Firstly, I love making things work. I love to create a vision / conceptual solution design and see the plan come together.

      Secondly, there is something about vision and purpose that unites a group to surmount challenges. A shared belief that an endeavour is worth investment. Conceptual collaboration amplifies the practical value of ideas immensely and is probably my greatest high. My very favourite pleasure.

      Although goals are largely arbitrary, our organisms are wired to pursue them - why would I not take the pleasure I know I can achieve? This is one way I enjoy my own existence.

      Note this is something I've thought about. I thrill to ideas and not power? It may seem strange but pleasure is pleasure is pleasure ;)

      "Yes. Courage is admirable. But I deduce that this is not something that comes naturally for you. Your willingness to step out of your comfort zone to cultivate this trait reveals your ambition, and desire to take initiative."

      Thankyou. Yes, you've nailed it. I'm growing into myself; this past year has seen exponential growth. Even since I posted that I have made strides. The more one changes, the more possibilities open up.

    4. "Do not let your insecurities impede your willingness to be assertive. You are highly intelligent, perceptive, and analytical, which - coupled with your eagerness to learn and grow - constitute a body of traits that are foundational to good leadership. Don't allow your anxieties and a lack of self-confidence to engender self-doubt, which will hold you back by causing you to second-guess yourself, whilst providing a convenient, quasi-logical rationale for retreating back to the relative safety of your comfort zone. This is a form of self-sabotage. Learn to swim in rough surf. This is how you will get stronger."

      This is astute, thankyou. No excuses, only datapoints. You articulate the key a little further on when you say "If it all goes to shit, I'll happily re-invent myself. This lack of stress positively impacts my performance." That ability to let go, that innate self-confidence and optimism is so appealing.

      I'm developing this by listening to myself. It's extraordinary the doors this is opening for me in my own mind. Defeat cannot even exist in this state.

      "Stuff just doesn't bother me the way it does most people- until someone triggers my temper. When that happens, get the FUCK outta my way. But that's another story. :)"

      This fascinates me. I am genuinely intrigued by what plays out with you.

  11. A broken heart can be one of the most painful things to heal from and can take a very long time to heal. During these times it can feel like the whole world could light up in flames and it still couldn't compare to the pain inside.

    Of course, admitting a broken heart can be a difficult thing to do and most of us try to continue on with life masking the pain in our heart. With this pain comes many emotions. I was also trying to masked my pain, until i found help, here is my story about how i save my marriage when my heart was broken.

    My wife and I separated 4 months ago and our children, Emily and Robert, live with her but see me every weekend. I was totally devastated and confused until a old friend of mine told me about a spell caster on the internet called Chief Nwaluta Mallam Zack who help people with their relationship and marriage problem by the powers of love spells, at first I doubted if such thing ever exists but decided to give it a try, when I contacted him, he helped me cast a spell and within 48hours my wife came back to me and started apologizing, now she has stopped going out with men and she is with me for good and for real. you can Contact on { }. If you are passing through all this kind of love problem of getting back your husband, wife , or ex boyfriend and girlfriend. contact Chief Nwaluta Mallam Zack, E-mail:{ } Thank you so much Sir Chief Nwaluta Mallam Zack, i will always be testifying about your good work. Tom Brice, NY, United States.

  12. Just curious if anyone else here is an into personality type. Seems to have some parallels with the socio world view. Just took the test and it says I'm intp

  13. How To Save Your Marriage
    A broken heart can be one of the most painful things to heal from and can take a very long time to heal. During these times it can feel like the whole world could light up in flames and it still couldn't compare to the pain inside.

    Of course, admitting a broken heart can be a difficult thing to do and most of us try to continue on with life masking the pain in our heart. With this pain comes many emotions. I was also trying to masked my pain, until i found help, here is my story about how i save my marriage when my heart was broken.

    My wife and I separated 4 months ago and our children, Emily and Robert, live with her but see me every weekend. I was totally devastated and confused until a old friend of mine told me about a spell caster on the internet called Chief Nwaluta Mallam Zack who help people with their relationship and marriage problem by the powers of love spells, at first I doubted if such thing ever exists but decided to give it a try, when I contacted him, he helped me cast a spell and within 48hours my wife came back to me and started apologizing, now she has stopped going out with men and she is with me for good and for real. you can Contact on { }. If you are passing through all this kind of love problem of getting back your husband, wife , or ex boyfriend and girlfriend. contact Chief Nwaluta Mallam Zack, E-mail:{ } Thank you so much Sir Chief Nwaluta Mallam Zack, i will always be testifying about your good work. Tom Brice, NY, United States.

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