
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Psychopaths excel at deceptive facial expressions

A reader sent me a link to the article "Would I lie to you? ‘'leakage’' in deceptive facial expressions relates to psychopathy and emotional intelligence."  In the study, researchers tested the ability of psychopaths and those with high emotional intelligence ("EI") in emotional deception.  Here are some fascinating highlights (citations omitted):
  • Emotional deception via the alteration of facial expressions can occur in three ways : simulating an expression involves adopting an expression in the absence of any real emotion; masking an emotion involves replacing a felt emotion with a different emotional expression; and neutralizing an expression involves concealing a felt emotion with a neutral face.
  • Some psychopathic individuals are chameleon-like actors and appear to use their acting skills to effectively manipulate others in various interpersonal contexts. In corporate settings, white-collar criminals with psychopathic characteristics, such as Bernard Madoff, often find easy victims by appearing trustworthy, empathetic, and kind. Psychopathic offenders can readily feign remorse and a pro-social attitude to manipulate their way into lower sentences (i.e., manslaughter rather than murder), permissions to appeal their sentences, and undeserved conditional release. Despite their much longer criminal histories and poorer conditional release histories, psychopaths are 2.5 times more likely than non-psychopaths to be released when they apply for parole . Further, these decisions are faulty; psychopathic offenders in both studies spent fewer successful days on release compared to non-psychopaths released. In fact, extended interpersonal contact with a psychopath can lead to less accurate perceptions of psychopathic traits.  
  • Despite evidence that psychopathic individuals are successful manipulators, the manner in which they deceive and manipulate others is open to question. Psychopathy arguably is associated with effective emotional deception. The psychopath’s distinctive lack of emotional experience may prevent emotional ‘‘interference’’ in feigning emotional displays. That is, because of the lack of real emotion, there may be less genuine emotion ‘‘leaking’’ onto the false face during a fabricated emotional display. In support of this prediction, Herpetz et al. (2001) found that psychopathic offenders exhibited fewer and less intense facial expressions in response to pleasant and unpleasant emotional images relative to controls. We predict that psychopathic individuals, particularly those with strong interpersonal-affective features of the disorder, will have an advantage when attempting to control their facial expressions during deception because of their lack of emotion; such individuals may express less ‘‘leakage’’ of genuine emotion during deception. However, due to emotional recognition deficits and a lack of understanding of what a sincere expression ‘‘looks like’’, these individuals will not necessarily be proficient at creating a facial expression consistent with the feigned emotion.
  • As predicted, psychopathic traits – specifically, high levels of interpersonal manipulation – were related to shorter durations of unintended emotional ‘‘leakage’’ during deceptive expressions. In contrast, the erratic lifestyle element of psychopathy predicted greater emotional inconsistency during deceptive displays.  Individuals higher in EI – specifically, the ability to perceive and express emotion – feigned emotions more convincingly than others but were not more immune to emotional leakage.
In other words, psychopaths are the best at not letting other actual emotions interfere with the feigned emotion (presumably because the psychopath does not have strong feelings to suppress), but that people with high EI did a better job mimicking actual emotion (presumably because they know better what those emotions look/feel like).


  1. I'm wondering how narcissists stack up against sociopaths when trying to deceive neurotypicals.

    If I understand correctly, sociopaths don't feel emotions like neurotypicals. Sure, they feel anger, desire, etc. but they are more toned down. So, e.g. a sociopath will be doing something really cruel to someone, but will have a cool sort of anger (which will freak out neurotypicals).

    In contrast, narcissists seem to have hotter emotions, but they are in the dark about them - they are self-unaware, because they are so ridiculously self-deluded.

    It would seem sociopaths really have to study neurotypicals in order to act like them. I'm guessing narcissists probably have a better sense of what normal people feel (they just don't care).

    Another thing I wonder: it seems that alcoholics have a lot in common with narcissists - particularly the self-deception and dishonesty to others. I wonder how they stack up.

    1. narcissists are always thinking which makes it easy to trip them up. it's like they have to rethink their entire position each time they open their mouths. even if you're only asking about the weather.

      the fastest way to assess someone is to ask the question you want to ask (work problem), then a safe one (weather), then a contentious but unrelated one right after (God, politics, death), all in one harmless friendly burst of verbal diarrhea that begs spontaneity, in order to kind of "frame" them.

      shy people wilt, liars look cornered, and narcissists get tighter. everyone else will jump at the opportunity to chit chat before reverting back to shop talk. especially sociopaths.

      more or less :)

    2. I am getting therapy which will allow me to be a more effective narcissist. My therapist is getting burned out but will teach me to not burn him out, he will teach me the skills I don't have and then I will use these to either a/ be typical or b/ be more effective. It is interesting.

    3. Zoe nailed it. Also if you want to trip up a pathological liar of either sort re-ask the same question in a different manner multiple times in the same conversation or throughout the day. If they add more information to "back up" the lie each time then it is a lie. If you get a yes or no answer it is the truth.

      Reg try an acting/improv class it works wonders in learning how to socialize like THEM.

    4. In answer to your question about sociopath/Narcs and Alcoholism I brought M.E.'s book with me when I would hang out at AA and everyone who picked it up and read a few pages went out, bought it, and said it nailed them. Big correlation.

    5. Probably one of the stupiest ideas Ive heard. And Ive heard it before.

      The easiest way to lie, is to just say "yes" or "no". It is the normal way to lie. When people explain, they dont necesarrily lie. They show their logical or emotional base, often because they know a simple yes or no, isnt really of any value for an intelligent person.

      Yes and No, is the lie of the low IQ people. It is their illusion. In a deluded world and perspective, that makes them safe and off the hook, they think.


      (The foundation, the base-concept, is probably that "emotions cannot be explained", which every intelligent person knows to be utterly crap)

  2. All people do this. Most suck however. Psychopaths just learn to perfect it.

    1. If psychopaths are so good at - then why can't they
      perfect love. They are found out sooner or later.

    2. Because it gets boring, duh

    3. I'm a sociopath, the only time I ever get found out with love, is when I've sucked my victim dry and don't need them anymore. Then I have no need to continue faking love, so I just drop them.

    4. I don't generally drop people, they tend to drop me. Which is fine - it makes for less work on my part. What ends up happening is I find someone interesting, coast on that new relationship energy and when I've got all the interestingness from them I just sort of stop putting much work into the relationship.

      It doesn't always happen that way, I've gotten back together with my socio ex and I'm still absolutely over the moon.

    5. I hook up my ex with a new person that fits them well. This way they are actually grateful to you for dumping them and there is no whining , stalking and hysterics.

    6. Love is an interaction. You cannot perfect an interaction. You can perfect yourself. You can try to perfect your partner, but what do get out of that, but a trained puppy ?

      And even if you do, the interaction itself, cannot be perfected. It is a symbiosis, and when two persons are making the best of each other, the symbiosis approaches perfection. So, you alone, can do little more than your best. But that will not determine the outcome of the interactive process.

      They use other phrases for this in many areas... "A team is only as good as its leader".. and such


  3. i live close to a school and i walked passt it a woman was picking up here kid was looking at me (3 or 4 years old)
    i looked strait into he's eyes with the burning intensety and he was baffeled as if hypnotised.
    i rolled my eyes and smiled and the kids started laughing and so did i the mother was wandering what was going on.

    1. Cool story bro, can I be your friend ?

    2. oooooooo.k. what was the point of that story?

    3. Michael Martin PlunkettMarch 21, 2012 at 3:07 PM

      hes the baby whisperer

    4. If you didn't laugh you're a psychopatch

    5. if you don't understand his story and it's unlikely you're a sociopath

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Patterns thats all about!! When i read your text i felt like i am doing the same thing all the time!! So if i want to be effective an fasti need some recognitive emotions or reactions which occur in such people category!! You try to have control over predicting but to predict you need to take inder consideration the right facts and leaks of emotion body language or whatever the other person lets out on you!! After some time if you thing about it you might not have the best algorithm bht it will sure be better amd better taking you closer to your goal and the beatiful game many of us want!! It will be beatiful as it will be more controled and predictable!!every human works out the same way like id,ego,superego the interaction at whichever moment and the action!!! Try pick up clues om these

  5. I'm not sure how typical this is, but I can compartmentize emotion and summon it on command. Hopefully I'm explaining myself well.. I'm rarely a "reactive" person, and I have conquered most impulse. I have a control over myself that most people never experience. I experience most emotions, weakly. The thing I feel most intensely is power. I cannot grasp empathy. Only sympathy for things that I've experienced personally. Gratefully, I've lived a fast and varied life and that gives me an upper hand when dealing with others. I can use these experiences to invoke the proper emotions like pulling crayons out of box, or conducting an orchestra. When I need to suppress, I can. I can mask very well. Invention makes me uneasy, because I see so many other people fail at it. But when I have to, I can permit myself to be lost in the "character" to a place when I nearly convince myself. This is where I've found I'm most effective. The downside is that I don't have the energy to sustain a foreign identity forever and it eventually gets boring for me. Mostly I work with illusions and insinuations if I have to invent. I make people work indirectly to come to their own conclusions, rather than making bold statements that can be used later. That way they feel more invested in me, and I have another advantage, while remaining flexible enough.
    I do believe I started out somewhat empathic. There are things that have existed in my core that have always remained sociopathic. But I've systematically exploited my own genuine feelings to gain trust with others. I feel like I live in the grey, when it comes to this. I'm not black, i'm not white. I'm whatever I have to be, at any given moment. I'm not inclined to violence, although I like it. I not as promiscuous as most sociopaths because I lack most impulse. I don't fit well with most of the sociopaths on this site, yet I relate to you all better than empaths. So I'm wondering, if anyone can relate to my experience? What is it like when you invent, mast, or remove emotion? Is there anything to draw upon, or is it strictly speculation?

    1. You are a narcissist, not a sociopath.

    2. yeah sure - there are probably lots of people like you [me] out there. people who are flat affect and have no conscience but want to think of themselves as being a good person. i have the most self control of anyone i know and if i didn't i would certainly not be the same person. all of life is an act and you wonder who the real you is, etc etc. mull it over, read up, think about who you are, not who a label tells you you should be.

    3. You sound like a very deep thinker who wants to fnd meaning in his life.

    4. Thanks Res. Good advice. You get it. For years I suppressed this because I didn't want a void for a life. And as incomplete as sociopathic life can be, being in denial doesn't offer any real substance either. I resist labels in general but found myself on this site as a way to better understand myself. I think its on some level, what we are all on here for. Whatever I happen to be, its nice to have that relateable piece.

    5. Sometimes I like to play a narcissist in my head to suppress bad feelings. I don't like having to do that. I don't really even want to do it. But I think it's hard not to do it when I feel terrible too much. It can be a relief to pat myself on the back once in a while! I rather wish I was even more narcissistic. I am very awkward but I don't think anyone notices. I go out of my way to hide the borderline stuff so much and to hide being vulnerable. I haven't figured out how to be, even in my head. I just want to play.

    6. Sort of like a pride defense mechanism? I think thats a natural reaction. I'm learning about the similarities and differences of borderline and narcissism. Its really interesting, but complex. Whatever we are, we can't go through life believing that we're monsters. We would give up and die. When I permit myself to look honestly at who I am, it can be bittersweet and sometimes frightening. The way I see it, is that we have more choices. Empaths don't. They are ruled by the direction their self protecting emotions take them. They are in a constant state of reaction. I think Sociopaths have the only option of being truly selfless, where as the empath's emotions are hardwired to draw back benefit, albeit subconsciously. Who is better?? For that I see no point in feeling terrible. These things are unchangeable in all of us, self hate corrects nothing. As indifferent as i am to "right" and "wrong" - I take pride in the fact that I'm capable of making a decision disconnected from emotional reassurance. I wish games weren't so entertaining.. But they are. Until I find something more fascinating, I will continue to waste my time with them. I think a lot of times, we become our choices. So I take care to make smart ones. Regardless of moral standing. I will never be concerned with virtue and rectitude. But I can place value on making wise choices. I feel like that is the extent of my goodness..

    7. Thanks.

      Haven has a chapter on "borderline narcissism" that I would like to read again.

      I'd love to tell people by the way I am a fraud and then ask for a cuddle. Hilarious.

    8. Should I have put a ~ there?

    9. Ha! Funny. I'll have to check that out.

    10. Youre a resigned borderliner who has developed a schizoid side :p

      You may an INTP according to Myers and Briggs.

      People have just low IQ and too much narcissism. The inversed version is probably the one I find most annoying. Gossip girls..


    11. it appears Grey that you enjoy this forum. what you have described clearly indicates sociopathic tendencies with an effect of deception. I know these behaviors well because I do it on a day-to-day basis and completely understand the person you are because I am you. anyone replying that you're trying to learn yourself is clearly ignorant to who you are. or maybe I'm just speaking for myself LOL. you're not expressing empathy of course for who you are you're displaying your characteristics proudly with complete acceptance.

  6. This is why it is helpful to learn microexpressions (leakage). I think Ive subconsciously picked up on them for years (I believe that is why some people fascinate me or give me the heebiejeebies even when they seem "normal").

    After watching that Lie to Me show, I learned more about microexpressions. Ive used what I learned to be a more effective liar (when I do lie, which I really try not to) and have been able to call others out when their leakage is showing.

    Beware men with facial hair. It is harder to detect microexpressions when a beard is in the way. I had someone admit to me recently the facial hair is intentional because he knows it makes it harder to be read.

    1. It just makes one think the person is a narcisstic slob.

  7. most sociopaths can keep a microexpression on them for a long time. one of the ways to catch them. look for that. they look unreal (specialy if it's less than subtle

    1. You can fake a microexpression, but you need to shake it off as if you didn't really want the other to see you in that private moment. It's a lie within a lie. It's a crafty skill, but it's just something to do in a pinch with people who don't spend time with you.

    2. Shhhhhh!! Don't tell all our secrets man!

    3. Haaaa..I thought that was mine!!

    4. make your mind go blank :)

    5. Will a narcissist dissociate as a tool?

    6. The real problem is not laughing at disaster footage when you are in public. I have gotten caught smiling or giggling at "inappropriate moments" more than I care to admit. Like when I literally slept through most of 911, went to the store to get some dinner and was really getting a little weirded out by how strange people were acting til I caught sight of the TV playing the second plane hitting. I remember thinking two things simultaneously. 1. That is not an accident. I wonder why it took so long to carry that particular play out (I had considered the scenario years before). 2. was the inner monologue of : "Don'tLaughDon'tLaughDon'tLaugh"

      Had to do a whole lot of facial expression checks to make sure I had appropriate shock and sadness going on there. Had to hurry home before the giggles overwhelmed me.

    7. The other catch all for a sociopath to watch is the fact that we will look people straight in the eye when talking about things that should embarrass the begezzus out of us. Norms Blush, look anywhere but at other people, and display nervous tics. If someone starts smiling at you when they should be getting angry and the smile gets bigger and and bigger with each added insult, 100% chance you are dealing with a sociopath.

    8. The other catch all for a sociopath to watch is the fact that we will look people straight in the eye when talking about things that should embarrass the begezzus out of us. Norms Blush, look anywhere but at other people, and display nervous tics. If someone starts smiling at you when they should be getting angry and the smile gets bigger and and bigger with each added insult, 100% chance you are dealing with a sociopath.

  8. A not fake sociopath looking dudeMarch 21, 2012 at 8:51 AM

    Lies, I'm totally real looking. I even have a cock.

  9. Just woke up to see my cat's shit on my laundry. I asked him about it. He just stared blankly (amateur) then rubbed his dirty little chin on my leg (ownership) and walked away flicking his tail in the air all cute. Translation: fuck you you deserved it... clean it up bitch you should have been home last night. Is this typical behavior for someone with control issues?

    1. He is probably just trying to brainwash you. Did you read the blog about Cat PuppetMasters the other day?? Clearly, this is a trap. ;D

    2. naughty kitty!

    3. Cats are primary psychopaths.

    4. change da litter!

    5. lol

      I do. But I can't keep up with his requirements changing. He switches it up. So I can't feel GOOD about myself. As a cat owner y'know? He is dead set against me having any self esteem and frankly I have decided to go no contact.

    6. mine were abusing privileges by throwing up on my bed. never on theirs, i observed. so i started a closed doors policy.

      and added a little harmless gold plating to distract from the limitations of a new approach. you have to keep them in a happy place or they will pee all over your stuff, ya know?

    7. Ha. That goes for a lot of people, myself included.

      My girl is the one who likes to puke in my bed (our bed) right next to me while we are all sleeping!! I just throw her off when I hear her starting to wretch. She has short term memory problems (so she SAYS)says she forgets to jump off before it's too late. It's bullshit.

      I let them walk on the counters and drink from my glass so they complain I give them mixed messages, that I don't know what I WANT.. I mean they really twist shit around to make me feel as if there is something wrong with ME. There's nothing wrong with me. They should know me by now, that is all.

  10. ther's one one 1st

  11. It is interesting that my socio g/f reminds me of a time in my life when I had a space in myself that was my own. I had so many intrusions into me that I lost that or gave it up. However, I see it in her. She belongs to herself.

  12. "Psychopaths excel at deceptive facial expressions"

    Humans make facial expressions so that other humans know what they are thinking and feeling.

    When you excel at deceptive facial expressions you are winning a race no one else is running in.


    1. not everyone runs in the same races.

  13. How to recognize sociopaths:

    I can tell by their expressions, generally they move the FRONT PART OF THEIR FACES while the sides/back of the face remains rather stoic, hard, they mainly move their eyebrows and mouth. A natural expression requires movement of more muscles.

    Also, their facial expressions are SMOOTH, kind of flowing like a song as if rehearsed, and not random noise which would be the natural way of reacting to different emotions on the spot.

    For example watch the following video of DAVID BOWIE:

    Or JESSE JAMES (Sandra Bullock's exhusband):


    Try it and let me know what you find, but you may have to observe for long periods of time to notice the pattern.

    Disclaimer: The examples may or may not be sociopaths, I just showed them as an example of their facial expressions, although they do portray sociopathic traits.

  14. Psychopaths leak contempt. They HATE being around WEAK

  15. Ah, contempt..

    I remember a few years back, only a short time after I met the person who would become my sociofriend, he asked me to do something for him. I said that I would. I am nice, and I liked the guy...

    As I turned my back to walk away from him, I felt his contempt dripping on my back. I could not see his face or his body language or hear anything. No microexpression to read. The only way I can explain it is that I felt it. I did not know he was a sociopath then. Actually, I did not know what a sociopath was. But this contempt that I felt from him gave me a head start.

    I am convinced that most empaths, at least some of the time, can feel others emotions or state of mind without looking at them. It certainly was one of those times.

    So a few hours later, I told him I would not do what he had asked me. He was not mad. He was puzzled. He wanted to understand. I explained. This could be the moment our strange relationship started.

    Do not let contempt sneak into any relationship, particular one with a sociopath. Contempt on either side is a sure poison.

    1. You're completely right. It's when I see weakness in someone I admire that I start to treat them badly.

      I tend to get excessive admiration for people who show traits I like - my boss who's smart and a smooth talker, my prof. who's incredibly smart, my friends who are interesting. But it only takes a little to shatter my idealized image of them. Like when my boss broke down and cried in front of me.

      Then I see their failings and I resent them for it. That contempt does break down the relationship until I start handling them as just pieces to be manipulated. I keep up the facade, more or less, but in my heart I don't feel anything for them.

    2. That sounds like textbook splitting.
      A part of BPD and NPD. In this case, my money is definitely on NPD.

    3. Interesting article, but I'm nowhere near that mercurial.

    4. I agree with NPD..

      Low true self esteem. Needs Idols... Uses fucked up criteria to evaluate those idols. Someone is crying ? Well, they are humans. Someone isnt perfect after all ? WTF did you expect actually.

      Narcissism is, to me, a child in a grown up body (Youre a woman, so it would not be considered a disorder. You would hardly be diagnosed. It is the norm for women)

    5. I think that's reading a lot into my post. I don't need idols, I just naturally idealize people who have traits I admire.

      My criteria isn't that someone has to be perfect, but they need to show a little toughness. The crying was in response to some trifling complaint from a customer. It seems nuts to me to fall apart over it when you know statistically there's going to be customers who are assholes no matter what you do. Take it in stride and keep going.

      But thanks for the attempt at a diagnosis anyway.

    6. Also omg, omg ME quoted my post in her twitter! Omg, I'm so excited.

    7. OMG Run Scarlet Run

      Geee.... That wasnt any particularly narcissistic response..

      Sam Vaknin got a great piece on Inverse Narcissism.

      For the record... Youre a woman... They are all, non-murderers, put into the Borderline gasket.. In other words, excused, as in "tooo emotional" instead of too cynical and egotistic :)


    8. Badly disguised contempt, is Narcissism.


      A narcissist is only as good at the person standing next to him is worse than him

  16. All the "schemes" and dishonesty will bite them in the ass one day. They think they "hoodwink" others, they corrupt themselves. Bright socios do not lie unless pushed in a corner by forces bigger than themselves.

  17. I hope this is the week that Casey will finally get her interview.
    I predict full confession.

  18. I don't really understand how people can survive without hiding what they feel. Covering boredom and annoyance with a veneer of false pleasantness is like breathing. My girlfriend wears her emotions on her sleeve. She may as well dictate her thoughts and feelings to me for all the transparency she can muster.

    Am I a terrible person because everyone else is so honest in their innocence? The honest answer to almost any question is, "It would be stupid for me to be honest about that with you." Nobody wants the truth, and if they did I'd give it to them, if only they wouldn't flip the fuck out on me.

    1. I recon i have a really high EQ, i understand every emotion that a person could have. And i show the right reaction. I often exaggerate it because i'm confident
      that i've got it right. I often laugh inside when someone describes a 'horrible' scenario where someones throat is been cut. I act repulsed and horrified wondering what it would have looked like (googling it when i get home:)). I don't feel horrified when i see someone (getting) murdered. I feel relaxed like someone is massaging my shoulders. I guess killers feel the same way...
      But i never show it. Showing the opposite reaction is fun because of the inside joke i get. I often wonder how stupid people must be to not see trough it. But then again, im glad they don't.

  19. Wonder where all intense hatred socios "run on" comes from? Almost like human sidewinder snakes. Surely a large portion of it is self-hatred?

  20. Why do psychopaths analyse endlessly? Why don't you just admit "I'm a dickhead" and that's all there is to it? Stop going around in circles in the world analysing this and that and trying to prove like your trait is not that bad. You're just an asshole and there isn't really anymore to the story. I should know, I grew up with them.

  21. I'm just going to add that "the truth" you speak of is not. In all of my experiences the psychopaths were wrong. Why? Because truth changes and circumstances change. All you see is black and white, and more often than not, black. You only see limits, the worst. And I have always been misjudged by the psychopath and then blown their minds with my capabilities because they didn't see the force that love and passion can have in driving somebody. They don't see the COLOURS. And so, your truth is not true at all but an "average" of all possibilities sitting in the negative box. Just because you want to feel right. And because you are not willing to SEE and ACCEPT just how much is possible and just how wrong you can be, you will never truly understand what is going on and why. So.. just shut up, watch and learn. It is about intention.

    1. Anon at 5:28 you really don't get it do you? "We want to feel right". Kinda hard when you don't feel much at all. We do have a drive to win any social confrontation if that is what you are talking about. Almost all socios were raised by a Narc parent ( sometimes more than one). We learned early that we are to blame for everything since the Narc would take responsibility for nothing. They would take credit for our every accomplishment too. Complain or react emotionally to a Narc and they will invalidate your existence. So we form a self defense mechanism. We stopped feeling. We fought the Narc by with logic instead of emotion ( this does not work btw but it gives you some small measure of satisfaction) Narc parents are pathological liars, we became like them in self defense. We have stark outlooks because our childhoods were living hells usually.

      Not asking for sympathy here just correcting some misconceptions you seem to have about why we are the way we are. We tend to analyze and over analyze because our minds work super fast. We can see many possibilities at once. We still have the childhood fear of being punished for choosing the "wrong" path or emotional state to display. Yes there often is self hatred, for some of us that falls away. For some, they die of it through suicide or addiction or ultra risky behavior. For those of us that survive it is through two paths. Some of us find help. We find another socio, a group of socios,or a good therapist or spiritual teacher who shows us how to survive and sometimes, even prosper despite our shortcomings. We are the lucky ones. The other path is giving yourself over completely to the Dark Rider. these are your serial killers, or senators :). Indulging themselves to the maximum until caught and punished. They give away the last bits of their humanity and dive full force into "The Game". They do not regret, they do not feel at all, but then neither do I anymore. Do not think this is a slow descent, we all (sociopaths) must make this choice. To become more than we should be capable of or let the darkness take us. It is a conscious choice.

      Yes we are dickheads for the most part. But those who can control it can become amazing "angels". It can be a gift if you sue it correctly. I spend my day helping people. It gives me satisfaction. So would spending my day killing them. My choice. For no other reason than I believe there is hope for society, For individuals. I can create or destroy and both give me intellectual stimulation and that little thrill I can still feel form a job done right. From being more than I was created to be. Or maybe this is exactly what I was created to be. You don't have to be a slave to your label.

      I hope this gives you a little more insight into what we are. Yeah I can be dickhead. It is my default setting. But I can be so much more than that too. I had kind strangers teach me this. I hope the rest of you find kind strangers too.

    2. That is a load of shit. It has nothing to do with protection mechanisms. Explain how I and my sibling grew up in exactly the same environment with two narc parents. My sibling is a violent psychopath and I am a completely normal empathic human being with morals and values. In fact, my family consulted me as the nominated moral compass because they had no idea.

      I watched him as you are saying, ponder choices about roads to take.

      It occurred to me very early on that I never pondered those roads because it felt so bad. To him it felt normal and a relief to be bad. He is a totally weak spirit who needs to transfer that negativity to someone else and bring them down to his level before he can feel OK. Yes he hates himself but not in the way that I might because I have not met the values I had in life. His is about power, mine is about lack of love. He has no satisfaction from love other than a childlike comfort and then realisation that he can't be that adult the girl wants. He is caught in an obsessive and immature power cycle of no self esteem. He isn't a man and he isn't human. he's a thing who has been obsessed with aliens since he was little because he is one.

      But since we were born he was different. He was born wired this way. Same with my cousins. As soon as one baby was brought out to me for the first time to meet me, I knew immediately she was a psychopath. There was an emptiness in her stare and complete lack of reaction to the most basic of love and warmth feelings. She was unaffected and she was born this way.

      I believe you all recite these childhood stories to make it seem like you are more like us but it's just not the case. You can't handle that you don't belong.

      Psychopaths create their internal environment outside. They pass on their world. They know that they should be exterminated because they have no humanity inside. That is why psychopaths such as Hitler went so into control and survival mode that he simply chose another target, Jews, for what he himself was - something to be exterminated. The madness of living with the knowledge that he had no place here drove him to create a distraction to protect the filth that he was. Great tactic!

      My point is that pretending it's a simple childhood damage problem is both inaccurate and irresponsible. My brain, mind and body have always been different to the three psychopaths I was raised with. They always had to have this long dialogue about right and wrong with themselves and for me these things didn't need any words, just a reflex based on moral instinct.

      Yes you see possibilities but most of it is based on fear because of your shortcomings. They will always be there and always create a disadvantage. You will always be disabled in this way - instead of missing limbs you are missing a conscience and shame and these are vital to even be in humanity. Many psychopaths I know are also helpful to others but it is extremely obvious they are unaffected and it is not genuine. It's fine to pass your life this way but in the end gives people false hope about your intentions and who you are, and false hope of a genuine connection that you are just not able to have.

      The fact that you could even CONSIDER deriving satisfaction from killing people puts you out of the running of anything acceptable. You all drop it on this site so casually, almost proud that this is how you manage frustration. We all get frustrated and annoyed but that is disgusting and proof you don't have the tools to build the world we are trying to.

    3. I always love stuff like this. It's like the people who supposedly know and hate us don't know the most basic thing - socios are sadists. This whole angry rant about evil and blah blah blah is just hilarious.

    4. The three sociopaths you were raised with.... you just made my point. You came away with a different set of psychoses by genetic quirk. That was exactly my point. We should be exterminated huh? Then in the very next paragraph you say that "he fact that you could even CONSIDER deriving satisfaction from killing people puts you out of the running of anything acceptable." seriously. Reread that whole rant. You are such a hypocrite. We think/feel in a different manner than you do so we should all be killed since you have the monopoly on how to be human. Btw Hilter was not a sociopath. He had syphilis which makes holes in your brain. He was just crazy. Like you.

    5. The three sociopaths you were raised with.... you just made my point. You came away with a different set of psychoses by genetic quirk. That was exactly my point. We should be exterminated huh? Then in the very next paragraph you say that "he fact that you could even CONSIDER deriving satisfaction from killing people puts you out of the running of anything acceptable." seriously. Reread that whole rant. You are such a hypocrite. We think/feel in a different manner than you do so we should all be killed since you have the monopoly on how to be human. Btw Hilter was not a sociopath. He had syphilis which makes holes in your brain. He was just crazy. Like you.


  22. My Name is Carol Williams ..I never believed in Love Spells or Magics until I met this special spell caster when i contact this man called Execute some business..He is really powerful..My wife divorce me with no reason for almost 4 years and i tried all i could to have her back cos i really love her so much but all my effort did not work out.. we met at our early age at the college and we both have feelings for each other and we got married happily for 5 years with no kid and she woke up one morning and she told me she’s going on a divorce..i thought it was a joke and when she came back from work she tender to me a divorce letter and she packed all her loads from my house..i ran mad and i tried all i could to have her back but all did not work out..i was lonely for almost 4 years...So when i told the spell caster what happened he said he will help me and he asked for her full name and her picture..i gave him that..At first i was skeptical but i gave it a try cos have tried so many spell casters and there is no when he finished with the readings,he got back to me that she’s with a man and that man is the reason why she left me...The spell caster said he will help me with a spell that will surely bring her back.but i never believe all this...he told me i will see a positive result within 3 days..3 days later,she called me herself and came to me apologizing and she told me she will come back to me..I cant believe this,it was like a dream cos i never believe this will work out after trying many spell casters and there is no solution..The spell caster is so powerful and after that he helped me with a pregnancy spell and my wife got pregnant a month later..we are now happy been together again and with lovely kid..This spell caster has really changed my life and i will forever thankful to him..he has helped many friends too with similar problem too and they are happy and thankful to him..This man is indeed the most powerful spell caster have ever experienced in life..Am Posting this to the Forum in case there is anyone who has similar problem and still looking for a way can reach him CONTACT THIS GREAT AND POWERFUL SPELL CASTER CALLED ... HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS CONTACT HIM NOW AND BE FAST ABOUT IT SO HE CAN ALSO ATTEND TO YOU BECAUSE THE EARLIER YOU CONTACT HIM NOW THE BETTER FOR YOU TO GET QUICK SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS.

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