
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Zen Buddism and Military

From a reader:

The military is making soldiers do zen meditation (mindfulness meditation). This is similar to what happened with the samurai - they did zen practice (sitting meditation).

They've already got data showing that this practice makes the soldiers stress resilient:

This is their website:

There's plenty of sociopaths in the military. I know one at West Point. For him, doing MMFT is going to help him to distinguish himself and get ahead, so you can bet that he'll do it.

Is anyone familiar with this? It's almost like they trying to train soldiers to have some of the more useful sociopathic traits?

And related comments from another, older, Buddhism post:

why is it that so many empaths expect the sociopath to unfailingly feel things the way they do, no matter how much effort is required, yet are unwilling to put the same amount of effort into managing their own emotions? 


how are buddhists wishy washy Carlos?

to me compassion feels expansive, like a feeling of connectedness where no one is better or worse than you, a feeling where we're all in it together... just like a drug high but without the drugs. compassion makes me want to paint or write, create art. or freely give you money as if i'm giving it to myself. and that's cool 'cause we're one. : )

empathy feels tight and urgent, like a toothache. it's personal, in its own tight little space, and more about filling my needs even though i'm actively filling yours. i may be feeling with you, but not WHAT you're feeling. and the whole point is to calm my own feelings. if i give you money, it's because things aren't okay and i'm hoping the money will change that. empathy that has no outlet just makes me want to get drunk. 


  1. Meditation has been good for my attention span and impulse control, so our other peeps might find it useful for that. I certainly think soldiers need both impulse control and greater ability to self-monitor and police their own urges in the midst of an attack if Feelings, so it's good to hear some will be at least given the option of working on it. How many will try and how many will succeed are obviously another question entirely.

    1. For the past 3 months now I have been looking for good and geniue spell to bring back my ex lover back and also help me to win lottery. and it has been a hard time for me finding the right place until I get in contact with Dr Trust who gave me powerful prayer and assured me that it will take two days before the spell will be effective, truly 2 days later, my Ex Lover rang me, i answered the call, he started apologizing, we are together Now. Thank you for making her to know that we are meet to be together and also making my dreams come true. And he did a spell that make me to win lottery. Please if any body needs LOVE SPELL,LOTTERY,PRENANCY SPELL, DIVORCE SPELL, GET YOUR PARTNER. BACK AND MANY MORE YOU MAKE NEED. Email him now for your own help. or call him +2348156885231 All thanks goes to DR.Trust for the excessive work that he has done for me.

    2. I want to thank God for the use of DR IDUMOTA as my source of salvation after 2 years of unemployment and my lover left me alone for 2 years, only broken heart until I met after a testimony ladies how was helped by the same DR. IDUMOTA, so decided to contact him and when I told him all my problems laughed and said this is not a problem. everything will be fine in three days. Exactly on the third day of my ex lover call me surprised me and what surprised me was that a company applies for more than four months ago called and said I should return to work as soon as possible.Am very grateful to DR. IDUMOTA, if you wish to contact him, his email is ( it makes the spell as follows
      (1) If you want your ex back.
      (2) you need a divorce in your relationship
      (3) Want to be promoted in his office.
      (4) Would you men and women run after you.
      (5) If you want a child.
      (6) Do you want to be rich.
      (7) You want to tie your husband and wife to be yours forever.
      (8) If you need financial assistance.
      (9)Herbal Care Contact him today
      ( Be Useful judge sin emphasize Today

    3. viewers out there
      i am Annie Rose from TEXAS, USA. i am short of words for the miraculous work dr osumandi did for me, i was been divorced by my husband about five years ago now, still yet i still love him and do visit him always to ask for forgiveness but nothing was working out, when i was surfing the internet and reading some reviews on how to restore a good relationship and how to maintain your marriage, i found great dr osumandi email and i decided to email him and share all my worries to him so faithfully i did what he asked me to do and he promised me that after three days that my husband will come back to me not only to come back to me but to stay with me and love and cherish me only, i was so surprised because i never beleived that he can do it so mightyfully he words came to pass through and my husband came back to me and we have spent five months now, we are not having any problem, no more quarrel at home and we both now love and cherish each other and i beleived our love is going to last forever. viewers out there if you are in the same problem do not think too much or worry your self just pick dr email and asked for his help and i promised he will help you okay, contact dr on his email at OSUMANDITEMPLE@GMAIL.COM
      great regards from Annie Rose

    4. my name is Robin Jane. I am really pleased with this service. I am one of those people who said, “I’ll never call a psychic or a magician or whatever” to help me with my problems – least of all my love problems, but I reached the point where I knew I needed some guidance, and I’m so glad I found this man called dr. Trust. I never in a million years would have thought I’d be writing a letter like this, but when I nearly lost Andrew in one of our stupid,fights (he broke up with me), I thought I had lost everything.i cry all day and think that he will never come back to me again.i read a testimony by a man called Taylor Borg about him saying that how dr. Trust help him to get back is EX wife within 48n hours.I quickly email him.and also get back my husband with his love spell. And when I was at my most desperate,he didn’t take advantage of me. You performed a very good service for a person in true need. I don’t know how you did it, or how this magic works, but all I know is, IT WORKS!! Andrew my husband and I are happily back together, and I’ll always be grateful to dr. Trust email him for any kinds of help is very capable and reliable for help or tel +2348156885231

    5. There is a great spell caster called Dr Love who can really solve your problem. Getting my lover back is what i can't imagine but when I was losing gibson, I needed help and somewhere to turn badly but my Aunty told me about this spell caster who also helped her on the internet. I thought it won't work but i just tried to give this man a chance and i ordered a LOVE SPELL. Two days later, my phone rang. gibson was his old self again and wanted to come back to me! Not only come back, the spell caster opened him up to know how much I loved and needed him. This Spell Casting isn’t brainwashing, but he opened up his eyes to know how much we have to share together. I recommend anyone who is in my old situation to try him because he will help you and make things be the way it ought to be. If you have such problem or similar to this, please contact him on his email

      Good day ladies and Gentle men, i want to give thanks and honor to this great man who deserve it, i never taught i could be happy in life again cause my Husband left me 6months ago because i was unable to get pregnant for him after 3years of marriage, but the great DR. KEN brought back my happiness within 24 hours by helping me bring back my Husband and also cast a pregnancy spell for me that help me get pregnant to my first child ever in life. DR. KEN did a thing of surprise in my life within 24 hours by bringing back my love, my husband my sweet heart. I think am the most happiest woman on earth which DR. KEN made me to be, All thanks and appreciations to DR. KEN for putting a smile on my face, my friends out there who need help no need to contacting people which are scams just go straight and contact DR. KEN, cause he is tested and and trusted, If you want to contact him you can contact him via or or view through his website and Contact him there: Call his phone number +2348074433380

      Alexis Kimberly from United State of America

      Good day ladies and Gentle men, i want to give thanks and honor to this great man who deserve it, i never taught i could be happy in life again cause my Husband left me 6months ago because i was unable to get pregnant for him after 3years of marriage, but the great DR. KEN brought back my happiness within 24 hours by helping me bring back my Husband and also cast a pregnancy spell for me that help me get pregnant to my first child ever in life. DR. KEN did a thing of surprise in my life within 24 hours by bringing back my love, my husband my sweet heart. I think am the most happiest woman on earth which DR. KEN made me to be, All thanks and appreciations to DR. KEN for putting a smile on my face, my friends out there who need help no need to contacting people which are scams just go straight and contact DR. KEN, cause he is tested and and trusted, If you want to contact him you can contact him via or or view through his website and Contact him there: Call his phone number +2348074433380

      Alexis Kimberly from United State of America

      Good day ladies and Gentle men, i want to give thanks and honor to this great man who deserve it, i never taught i could be happy in life again cause my Husband left me 6months ago because i was unable to get pregnant for him after 3years of marriage, but the great DR. KEN brought back my happiness within 24 hours by helping me bring back my Husband and also cast a pregnancy spell for me that help me get pregnant to my first child ever in life. DR. KEN did a thing of surprise in my life within 24 hours by bringing back my love, my husband my sweet heart. I think am the most happiest woman on earth which DR. KEN made me to be, All thanks and appreciations to DR. KEN for putting a smile on my face, my friends out there who need help no need to contacting people which are scams just go straight and contact DR. KEN, cause he is tested and and trusted, If you want to contact him you can contact him via or or view through his website and Contact him there: Call his phone number +2348074433380

      Alexis Kimberly from United State of America

      Good day ladies and Gentle men, i want to give thanks and honor to this great man who deserve it, i never taught i could be happy in life again cause my Husband left me 6months ago because i was unable to get pregnant for him after 3years of marriage, but the great DR. KEN brought back my happiness within 24 hours by helping me bring back my Husband and also cast a pregnancy spell for me that help me get pregnant to my first child ever in life. DR. KEN did a thing of surprise in my life within 24 hours by bringing back my love, my husband my sweet heart. I think am the most happiest woman on earth which DR. KEN made me to be, All thanks and appreciations to DR. KEN for putting a smile on my face, my friends out there who need help no need to contacting people which are scams just go straight and contact DR. KEN, cause he is tested and and trusted, If you want to contact him you can contact him via or or view through his website and Contact him there: Call his phone number +2348074433380

      Alexis Kimberly from United State of America

      Good day ladies and Gentle men, i want to give thanks and honor to this great man who deserve it, i never taught i could be happy in life again cause my Husband left me 6months ago because i was unable to get pregnant for him after 3years of marriage, but the great DR. KEN brought back my happiness within 24 hours by helping me bring back my Husband and also cast a pregnancy spell for me that help me get pregnant to my first child ever in life. DR. KEN did a thing of surprise in my life within 24 hours by bringing back my love, my husband my sweet heart. I think am the most happiest woman on earth which DR. KEN made me to be, All thanks and appreciations to DR. KEN for putting a smile on my face, my friends out there who need help no need to contacting people which are scams just go straight and contact DR. KEN, cause he is tested and and trusted, If you want to contact him you can contact him via or or view through his website and Contact him there: Call his phone number +2348074433380

      Alexis Kimberly from United State of America

      Good day ladies and Gentle men, i want to give thanks and honor to this great man who deserve it, i never taught i could be happy in life again cause my Husband left me 6months ago because i was unable to get pregnant for him after 3years of marriage, but the great DR. KEN brought back my happiness within 24 hours by helping me bring back my Husband and also cast a pregnancy spell for me that help me get pregnant to my first child ever in life. DR. KEN did a thing of surprise in my life within 24 hours by bringing back my love, my husband my sweet heart. I think am the most happiest woman on earth which DR. KEN made me to be, All thanks and appreciations to DR. KEN for putting a smile on my face, my friends out there who need help no need to contacting people which are scams just go straight and contact DR. KEN, cause he is tested and and trusted, If you want to contact him you can contact him via or or view through his website and Contact him there: Call his phone number +2348074433380

      Alexis Kimberly from United State of America

  2. The Georgetown link doesn't work but I found this one:

    from that link: "Marine Major Jeff Davis, who commanded the pilot study for the Marines, says he originally feared the training would “create someone less disposed to action or more disposed to over-thinking." "

    I get the feeling that they want someone that will shoot without thinking.

    From reading the other link it seems like they want people in combat to be able to get over shooting other people.

  3. I can't speak to the military perspective (but I'm interested to hear from CC if he hasn't been rendered to a black site for his postings...I'm still here as you can see...), but I have been meditating for most of my life.

    Some elements I started with pretty early on - before 10 years old - as a way of coping with migraine headaches and insomnia. I think some of the aspects I picked up from lessons from the MGM/GATE program in school - I don't recall the purpose of the unit (give the teachers some peace and quiet? ;p), but I vividly recall understanding how being able to calm my body and mind brought relief from the pain. I also recall doing it with some the hippy junkies that lived with us in my teenage years -

    But for me it's mostly been a very practical, self focused exercise and not so much spiritual.

  4. Between the lack of reading comprehension and the lack of context displayed by your reader, I think someone must have helped him/her find your site.

    "The military is making soldiers do zen meditation," Nope. It's a study,voluntary on behalf of the Soldier, and it is an extremely small part of the total force that participated.

    For those who are literate, there are two points to the article- the possible value of meditation to reduce stress-related disorders (PTSD)... well no kidding. You mean a practice that has been used for thousands of years to find balance and a quiet space might work still/again?

    The second point is that meditation might help people in combat. Reactions in battle need to be two things- fast, and sound. You have to acquire a target faster than the target acquires you, and it must be a legitimate target. Can meditation help? Martial arts and eastern philosophy will say yes. Modern psychology will say maybe. Sure doesn't hurt.

    "There's plenty of sociopaths in the military. I know one at West Point." Sure, let's chase this one in circles. In more than a decade of service I have met fewer than 10 bona fide sociopaths in the military (at least on the high-saturation end of the disorder). Newsflash- psychos/socios aren't always great at operating in highly structured and rigid environments in constant contact with a metric ton of other people... and a quick read of ME's book will validate that. What isn't validated is the reader's silly statistic that the Big Bad Military is overrun with Monstrous Sociopath Killing Machines...

    At this point, the amount of ridiculousness becomes a tidal wave and I stop typing.

    1. A touch of BPD in your response? A little narc? Why so intense? One statement in there got you mad, which one?

    2. Cold Catharsis, you say you are upset about empaths being fearful of sociopaths, but you have made several threatening, aggressive statements on this site. It seems like you should remain consistent. Either enjoy the feeling of power of others being fearful of you, or don't show your aggressive side.

    3. "psychos/socios aren't always great at operating in highly structured and rigid environments in constant contact with a metric ton of other people"

      I see the flip side of this played out in start up companies - many of the people that are attracted to the environment are there because they don't function well in large, structured organizations (that would be people like me).

    4. when borderlines start doing the whole chameleon thing, look at me look at me, I'm just like yyyoyooooouuuuuu....does that work on sociopaths?

    5. Anonymous, I unfortunately no longer reply to people who choose not to elect a free, non-attributable name from the easy-to-use dropdown menu below the comment box. You bore me.

      HLHaller, interesting point. I wonder what psych profiles on owners of start-ups worth less than 200K who are successful in their third year would yield.

    6. Hey so it does work!

    7. Hi CC,

      The start up game is an interesting one and a lot of it seems to be a big con. I've done four start ups so far (and have fiends/colleagues that have worked at numerous others with similar experiences) - one I would call successful in the traditional sense (it's an ongoing concern that seems to be making some money as opposed to ways fund some crazy idea and/or lifestyle).

      One trait that I would say they all have is that they are all high on the narc scale. They are smart enough to spin the bullshit well enough and with enough smoke and mirrors to get people to write checks. As one CEO I worked with said, the first five million is east to get, the next fifty you have to have something that actually works and after that you need an exit strategy.

      Most of these guys are smart enough to pay themselves more than $200k/yr, so that wouldn't be a good way to really bound it. I would expect total assets (if you can actually find them - I think just about everyone domiciles off shore as soon as things look real).

      On the flip side, it totally floors me the bullshit that investors will buy. Due diligence doesn't seem to included critical examination of the technology by independent sources.

      @Faust: I didn't get a chance to post this detail earlier - like I said, cons everywhere.

      Someone once said long ago, "I either want less corruption or more opportunity to participate in it." 8)~

      Also, yeah - the proliferations of anon's can be tedious. Hell, even Smartie's got enough gumption to put up at account. 8)~

    8. HLHaller,

      How much "gumption" do "you" have?

    9. Harry, Yup. Everywhere. Even the CEO of my company is a highly functional scammer, to the tune of multi-millions. A poverty pimpcess, man-hating, feminist charmer who sells the public her image as mother and protector of the marginalized. Meanwhile, her callous mismanagement has cost people their lives . . . my co-worker for one.

      Am now reading a fresh stack of library books on psychopathy. Murderous Minds is pretty good so far.

    10. @Faust: I'm glad we're good. I actually don't judge astrology - I regard it all a way of making sense of things and/or giving one things to think about. Like I said, I've seen things that defy the usual reasoning, but I can't make enough sense of it to use it as a means of managing my life. So, I identify as "agnostic" and I enjoy being "incomplete" in that regard.

      @Smartie: "How much "gumption" do "you" have?" Hmm...I can see two ways to answer this and I'm really torn...1) Why? Are you looking to loose your virginity? 2) A bit more that you being as I've at least picked an avatar.

    11. Faust, would you and hlhaller get a room already? Your pheromones are foggin up the place..

    12. least it hasn't devolved to "Faust and Harry sitting in a tree..."

    13. HLHaller,

      I view gumption as innovation in motion. Innovation is chance-discovery, so you don't know what people will make.

    14. My name is Elena Deri. I am from Canada, I have great joy in me as i am writing this testimony about the great man called Dr. Trust When my lover left me i never taught that i will be able to get him back after all he has put me through, But i am so happy that after the interference of Dr. Trust i was able to get my lover back after 48hours and i can proudly to say, that who ever need help in getting there lover back should contact Dr. Trust on these contact details below for proper understanding of what i have just witness. And i promise that he will help you as he help me. or call +2348156885231

  5. Buddhism is NOT compatible with killing. Buddhism believes that the cause
    of human misery is YEARNING. You want a specific result because you think
    it will enhance the ego. When the result is not forthcoming, you feel pain
    because you felt cheated.
    An "injustice collector" can feel this to such an extent, that they become a mass
    A "true" Buddhist would NOT weld a weapon against a hostile, deluded person.
    He would try to remove himself from the presence of such a person, and
    probably would have anything of interest for the troublesome person-unless the
    Buddhist was a "she" and had the measurements 36 26 36.


    2. You mean like all those peaceful Buddhists in Burma?

    3. Anonymous (5:34 AM)

      "God not only plays dice, but also sometimes throws them where they cannot be seen."
      ─ S.H.

      What is it that propels the fuel and luminosity into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe?

    4. I highly doubt that you are the worldwide arbiter of who's a "real" Buddhist. The core liberative teachings of the Buddha are not super conducive to violence, no, but Buddhism is also a cultural system that takes many forms and it's kind of ethnocentric to assume that you know better than millions of Buddhists whether they "count" as part of their own traditions.

      There've been lots of Buddhists in lots of militaries. That's the reality. I'm sorry that that reality makes you uncomfortable but that's no reason to get into dishonest No True Buddhist nonsense.

    5. I thought extremism is the 'mercin way.

  6. Psychopaths are useless as soldiers due to their "anarchy-indidualism", these dont see themselves as part of any team. And having low fear-level isnt really such a great feature when it comes to survival on a battlefield..

    1. You know, I've wondered about the issues they must face with the low level of fear, and interest in self-preservation. How do sociopaths find that balance?

    2. they dont, these remain "reckless impatient cowboys".

    3. a degree, but I'd say they would be more likely to think on the fly and act in the moment to their own best interest and perhaps even comrades rather than to follow dipshit orders from command that has not a clue of the battle region. Recklessness is not synonymous with stupidity. It can be quickly calculated to the best outcome for one or many rather rapidly is my uneducated guess...

    4. @Anon 6:29,
      Add high pain threshold and you got an annoyingly high number of injuries in an even more annoying, short time span.
      I mainly try to rule out habits which would cause damage and condition myself to automatically do certain things in certain situations.

    5. NM, you seem like less of a loose canon than CC, more willing to answer questions, and are more introspective and willing to work on changing some of your behaviors so I have a question if you don't mind. Do you think a lot of sociopaths have died as a result of the risk taking behaviors and lack of fear compared to normal people?

    6. Anon, I don't think you can judge whether CC is less predictable, introspective or willing to change his behavior than me upon reading some comments.

      However I'm here to talk no matter to whom or what, tho it would really be courteous if you could choose a screen name.

      And to answer your question, yes, it would be a logical conclusion to assume that. Especially the lack of fear part seems to be a problem; Last year somewhen in February I think, I ran in front of a train while hurrying to catch my tram, would I have spottet my tram 3 seconds earlier you wouldn't read my comments now. You know, it's not like I didn't hear the train. I just didn't think about the consequences of that in time. Since then, I don't cross rails anymore. Or at least I try not to.

    7. I agree. You can't really judge, but if we were to ask a group of people who they think is the saner sounding, more stable sounding individual that you can trust not to beat you with a baseball based off of the comments posted here, they would probably say yours, but enough about him. He's just here to bitch and whine and cry about the big ol mean empaths, and how they abuse and mistreat him because he wants to be a terrorist and shoot politicians because they make decisions based on emotions, and beat empaths with baseball bats. Your story though, is great!

    8. ...there's a little something on your nose there...

    9. wow this place is like total prison mentality

    10. Empty praise aside, CC is simply a narcissist, and they are classically devoid of introspective capacity.

      NM has the aloof, matter-of-factness down, which is a product of either skill or sincerity.

      Ah, and if someone makes you feel more at ease, consider that it could be their intention.

      Of course, I'm sure NM is a perfectly pleasant fellow inbetween train-dodging incidents.

    11. " CC is simply a narcissist, and they are classically devoid of introspective capacity." HA! agreed.

    12. Nah. Junior High School.

    13. Loving the oxymoronic palindrome. Elegant.

    14. @Anon 9:56, I'm not entirely sure how I should respond to this comment, but let me try: Thank you?

      @Anon 10:56, you mean like this?

      @EP, it's a mix of sincerity and skill. I used to be randomly short tempered in negative situations and decided to stop that. And of course I'm a perfectly pleasant fellow - that's what I intend.
      "Survives train-dodging incidents" shall be my new motto.

    15. Is the train thing risky behavior, or underdeveloped Se?

      You appear to rely heavily on Ni (introverted intuition), so it's possible that your weak Se makes it harder for you to focus on the present.

    16. EP, I would have put my bet on risky behavior since I heard the train - sharp noise indicating it's no good idea to cross the rails - and then saw my tram is just about to reach the station, a sprint and I wouldn't miss it. There was no time to think everything through to the bitter end, plus I really didn't want to wait in the cold rain. I remember that morning in great detail, so I guess everything's alright with my sensing. Interesting site tho. Thanks for sharing.

    17. EP, I just realized this site is about the same personality test stuff ME mentioned in her last post. I did the personality test on this site several times: [link] and got INTP as a result each time.
      The site you linked to is more interesting, tho. More information, better explanations. I'll read through that more.

    18. Emily Post,

      Why did you choose this picture for your profile? Can you talk a bit about it?

    19. NM: INTJ here, though the J doesn't fit me in every situation. I like the cognitive function tests. They indicate that only my Se and Fe are weak. Things to work on (Fe being essentially empathy).

      STAY SMART: Rather simple, it's a picture of Emily Post, which is the pseudonym I'm using. Reverse image searching, or a simple search for Emily Post could have given you that. So, why ask?

    20. Emily Post,

      My familiarity with Emily Post was not in question. I asked because I wanted to know how you might relate to such a person. Also, as I looked at the picture you've chosen, I wondered what you might have seen in it, having selected it as an avatar. In other words, my question had to do with insight.

  7. CC, I also struggled with today's post and completely agree with you.
    As for the insulting "anons" today, when someone expresses their opinion in writing and you attack it and also their "tone of voice" why would they respond to you??
    Reminds me of a charming sociopath I once knew. Discreet, aggressive and cruel, but when he became intimidated he would actually hide-no balls, total pussy (please excuse my vulgar language, just calling a spade a spade).

    1. How do you tell a narcissist from a sociopath?

      If you talk shit to a narcissist, they get defensive. A sociopath will not.

      Sociopathy is 'not giving a fuck' taken to the extreme.

    2. I just figured that narcs are blond, socios/APDS's are brunette, and BPD's are redheads (my favorite).

    3. Daughters of AnarchyJanuary 18, 2015 at 3:34 PM

      Ginger ...ginger. lol.

      Mweee wanna play. I miss my bpd gal.

    4. HL-True blonde and true BPD, though I do agree with you in general.
      Emily Post-LOL great name! The guy sent me an article @ ME and the "everyday sociopath", so I must assume he thinks he is one.
      Great point about narcs-please tell me more, I'm so intrigued.

  8. With all of the commenters coming to this person's defense with some of the things he has said makes me wonder if ME's efforts to make sociopaths appear less dangerous than how they have been portrayed is at jeopardy.

    1. Yes, because the world gives a fuck about what some anonymous commenters say on a blog.

    2. Emily ur fun. I like people who can talk some smack :D

  9. It is what it is. What works, works. What doesn't work doesn't pass on its genes. A hammer is a tool. You can bang in a nail to build a house or you can crush someone's skull. If you crush a skull to defend yourself, you imaginary god will forgive you, but if you don't have credible eye witnesses to bolster your tale of self defense, you will be incompetently executed by lethal injection in Oklahoma or rot your life in jail for life in a state to pussified to execute you. If you do convince someone you were acting in self defense, you will appear on the front page of cnn as a heroine.

    Same with soldiers and cops. Sometimes heroes. Sometimes psychopathic killers. are heroes. To see what a psychopath soldier looks like look up Reinhard Heydrich, one of the most notable German Nazi leaders. Lots of pictures and videos available if you have a psychopath like-taste for studying and basking in the penumbra of past heroes.

    Many of the Japanese sociopaths who helped start World War II and were stars in enlightened events such as the "Rape of Nanking: were devotees of Zen Buddhism. Nothing wrong with being a Zen killer unless you are so sentimental as to think it kind of tacky.

    1. I do love me a good word salad. Hold the olives next time?

    2. Well then it's a good thing I didn't eat them. I fucking hate olives.

      Stick with the sense of humor. The whole 'getting across ideas' thing isn't your strong suit.

    3. Ok, crazy old dude it is.

      You should change your name to 'Radical Atheist'. It's got more pizzazz. Agnostics and Atheists believe the same shit (or disbelieve the same shit), so it's all semantics.

    4. Thank you for your kind suggestion. What the fuck is a nice lady such as you doing hanging out at a path web site. I bet you keep mice as pets, protecting them from cats, and like a baby sitter we once for our daughter (about 45 years ago, who kept a baby alligator (which she fed bloody chicken scraps) and then a pet leech in her bath tub,.( which she then fed with her menstrual blood). Is that the kinds of pets you keep and the kind of diet you provide your pets?

    5. Emily please play nice.

    6. There are probably as many sociopaths in the military as there in all other walks of life. We are all individuals. Some paths are OK with working within a structured environment and some are too anti-authority for that type of life. I think our high pain threshold and lack of fear response can either make a very effective soldier or a very dead one. Depends on the person and luck. We really can't group ALL paths into one neat little package. We are all individuals with different life experiences.

      My little group of socios are wildly different in many ways We think alike but our reactions to what life throws at us are very different sometimes dependent on our life experience.

      On the subject of Eastern religion/philosophy..
      The path to enlightenment in Hindu and Buddhist dogma relies on the idea of "non-attachment", removing the ego from the decision process. Recognizing emotion and logic and using logic to make decisions unhindered by emotional or self seeking. Basically to become a sociopath :) The difference is you are supposed to replace the emotional with a set of moral laws and to follow them no matter what.

  10. Anything that brings us back to zero is good.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. someone helped me find this site. Anyone know anything about that?

  13. Miyamoto Musashi is my favorite example when it comes to the concept of meditation. Stabilizing your mind can be done in many ways.

    Just from the wiki article:

    "There are many ways: Confucianism, Buddhism, the ways of elegance, rice-planting, or dance; these things are not to be found in the way of the warrior."

    It's more how you find a way to meditate for yourself, rather than one unilateral approach. Personally I find my moments of meditation in cigarettes and when I'm driving. This hearkens back to the post about the "mind of no mind" post. It's about shutting down your higher reasoning to attain a state of lucid awareness.

    It makes me wonder though why we have this need.

    1. Hi BKvS4,

      All this talking about smoking is giving me a jones! I miss taking cigarette breaks - still haven't found something to replace those...

      I think the answer may not yet be clear, but we are clearly built to function that way.

      Also, I'm with you - the term meditation is actually fairly broad. I liken it to "stretching" or "exercise" - lots of ways to do it and it's generally good for you.

  14. Everything hinges on whether you are "asleep" or "awake."
    99.9% of people are asleep. They are non-observent "reactionary" people.
    They live completely on "impulse." They respond habitually. The past is their
    ONLY clue about how to behave in the present. When you take your cue from
    the past, you cannot truly live in the present, where true life resides.
    So you insist on "fairness" though there really is no such thing.
    The ego is the junk you've acculmulated from the past. Discarde the ego and
    you can be happy regardless of outcome-as long as you know where your next
    meal is coming from.

  15. What an asshole. Wake up and smell the coffee. You are insane and too crazy to realize it.

  16. Point taken so whats the next step? I mean, u wanted me to find this for a reason. So what is it that you want? (lets keep business good)

  17. The "celeb chef" proves that sociopathic people are accepted nowadays, this is almost "mainstream". They´re popular & respected.

  18. cool so where do we go from here?

  19. "Without change there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for improvement. Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that is inevitable." (W.P.)

    This song means a lot to me. It is closely knit to an unforgettable memory.

  20. good song. Dunno if it was ment to be symbolic but a good song none the less

    1. Thanks, drw. The song has personal/private meaning to me.

  21. My name is LINDA ROSS , I really want to testify to the good work of prophet Fatai for what he has done for me . couple of years ago, my husband left home after we had little misunderstanding, he never returned, no phone calls, no letters, no emails and no sign of him anywhere.and at the same time My daughter got sick so ill, things were so tough for me. I had lost hope, 2 years ago, i met a psychic, he said he would help me, i give him a try but all to no nothing happened, i lost hope completely, my daughter's situation got worse each day. Last month, i saw a posting concerning the good works of the Spiritual professional(prophet Fatai), i told the great man my problem and he told me that there is nothing to be worry about for me contacting him all my problem is solve .. He asked me to provide the spiritual materials needed to cast the spells and of cost which i did (Bring Lover back, Healing spell and Career spells). In a matter of weeks, my husband called me and told me he was sorry

  22. My name is Linda Ross , I really want to testify to the good work of prophet Fatai for what he has done for me . couple of years ago, my husband left home after we had little misunderstanding, he never returned, no phone calls, no letters, no emails and no sign of him anywhere.and at the same time My daughter got sick so ill, things were so tough for me. I had lost hope, 2 years ago, i met a psychic, he said he would help me, i give him a try but all to no nothing happened, i lost hope completely, my daughter's situation got worse each day. Last month, i saw a posting concerning the good works of the Spiritual professional(prophet Fatai;, i told the great man my problem and he told me that there is nothing to be worry about for me contacting him all my problem is solve .. He asked me to provide the spiritual materials needed to cast the spells and of cost which i did (Bring Lover back, Healing spell and Career spells). In a matter of weeks, my husband called me and told me he was sorry and that he wants to come back to me and that he would explain everything when he comes back, three days later, i got a call from the new job i did not apply for, with a Real Estate company, right now, my daughter's is finally healed. I want to thanks prophet Fatai,for what he has done for me and my family. you can contact him via email: he is the solution to all problem i no you are going to be the next to shear your testimony to people.
    Some of his other spells;
    * Making someone love you (new or old love)
    * Break them up and return your lover
    * Draw your soul mate
    * Remove bad energies around your relationship, make it happy!
    * Banish people who interfere with your love life
    * Make someone want to marry you
    * Stop a divorce
    * Cord-cutting (helps you move-on from a past relationship)
    * healing spells for uncurable diseases.
    * good luck spells for exams and businesses.
    * Freedom spell from evil spirits/deliverance.
    Note: It's best to email the prophet explaining which of the above you want him to do

  23. My Name is Jane Wilson from Unite State
    .I never believed in Love Spells or Magics until I met this special spell caster when i contact this man I and my Ex Lover have been having a lot of problem living together, he will always not make me happy because he have fallen in love with another lady outside our relationship, i tried my best to make sure that my Ex Lover leave this woman but the more i talk to him the more he makes me feel sad, so my Ex lover he no longer gives me attention. so with all this pain and agony, i decided to contact this spell caster to see if things can work out between me and my Ex Lover again. the spell caster told me what i will do to get my Ex lover back, so he told me that he was going to make all things normal back. he did the spell on my Ex Lover and after 24hour my Ex lover changed completely he even apologize with the way he treated me that he was not him self, i really thank this priest his name is Dr IDESHI he have bring back my Ex lover back to me i want you all to contact him who are having any problem related to marriage issue and relationship problem he will solve it for you.him email address CONTACT HIM NOW AND BE FAST ABOUT IT SO HE CAN ALSO ATTEND TO YOU BECAUSE THE EARLIER YOU CONTACT HIM NOW THE BETTER FOR YOU TO GET QUICK SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR

  24. I AM Dora Sandy i want to give thanks and i will always give thanks to drokojie who brought back my divorce husband that has left me for 6years within 48hours,i have said about this last week but i promised to always tell people about this every weekend so that those that did not read about it last week will read about it this week,i have been looking for how to get pregnant and how to get my divorce husband back to my life because i love him with the whole of my heart,i could not replace him with any body,one day i was watching my television when i saw a lady giving thanks to priest ina and telling the world how he helped her i was so shocked i could not believe it because i never taught that there are powers that can bring back lost marriage,then that was how i decided to contact him too because i do really need my divorce husband back,when i contacted him i told him everything and he told me not to worry that my divorce husband will surely be back to me, within 48hours at first i could not believe because i was thinking how could somebody that has gone for 6years come back within 48 hours,so then i decided to watch and see,unbelievable within the next 48hours i got a call from unknown number so i pick the call the next thing i could hear was my husbands voice he was pleading and begging me on the phone that i should forgive him that i should forget all that have happened that he did not know what came over him,he promised not to leave for any reason,that he was really sorry for what he did,i was so surprised because i never believed that this could happen,so that was how i accepted his apology and the next morning he came back home to meet me and still pleading for me to forgive him i told him that everything is okay that i have forgiven him,that was how we started again and he has Chang,i promised to say this testimony in radio station,commenting this testimony that now am pregnant,but still okay before this month runs out i promise to say this in radio station and i will sir, thank you very much.World please am begging you people to try and help me thank this man for me,or if you need his help here is his email address

  25. what a wonderful world we are living, i still doubt this spell caster how he did it!!!
    My mouth is full of testimony, Am blessing my husband left the home for two years to south Africa for a tourist,he meant a prostitute and he was bewitch by the girl my husband refuse to come back home again, i cry day and night looking for who to help me, i read a news paper about a powerful spell caster called Dr okojie and i contacted the spell caster to help me get my lover back to me and he ask me not to worry about it that the gods we fight for me.. he told me by mid-night when all the spirit is at rest he will cast a spell to reunite my lover back to me. and he did in less than 3 days my husband came back to me and started crying that i should for forgive him, i,m so happy for what this spell caster did for
    me and my on his email is the best spell caster in the whole wild world. he is specialized in solving of other problems including the following:
    (1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you always have bad dreams.
    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4) You want women/men to run after you.
    (5) If you want a child.
    (6) If you need financial assistance.
    (7) If you want the cure of HIV AIDS
    contact him now for immediate solution of your
    problems on
    Thank you

  26. what a great testimony am about to shear to the entire world, is relay a joyful thing to be happy in your relationship i never have it in mind that i could ever been with my husband again in life. DR UNITY is really a great spell caster he can help you cast a spell to bring back your gone lost caster over lover back, make good money, spell for a good job, spell for protection, spell to guild your money, spell to win lotto and lottery and lot more. well it is a long story but i will cut it short, after 15years of marriage with three kids my husband started keeping late night, at first i thought it was normal, little did i know that he was bringing different girls to our matrimonial bed, to the extent that i was the one washing there cloth, because they said marriage is for better or worst, he started calling me and my children different names, i was so confused and there was no hope, so he told me to live his house with my kids, i left and was confuse about the sodding change, one day i was browsing through the internet, i saw a testimony about how DR UNITY help people with different problems, so i build my faith in him and contacted him, he told him not to worry that in 48hours he will find me and beg for forgiveness, i though it was a joke, when it was 48hours i hard i gentle knock on my door, (guess what?) when i open it was my husband and three of his friends knelling and begging for forgiveness, today he is the best husband a woman will dream to have and we are one and happy family. thanks DR UNITY. contact him because he is the only man who can help you with your problems. email again

  27. My Name is Jones Benady from Australia..I never believed in Love Spells or Magics until I met this special spell caster DR ODIMILI when i went to Africa to Execute some business..He is really powerful..My wife divorce me with no reason for almost 4 years and i tried all i could to have her back cos i really love her so much but all my effort did not work out.. we met at our early age at the college and we both have feelings for each other and we got married happily for 5 years with no kid and she woke up one morning and she told me she’s going on a divorce..i thought it was a joke and when she came back from work she tender to me a divorce letter and she packed all her loads from my house..i ran mad and i tried all i could to have her back but all did not work out..i was lonely for almost 4 years…So when i told the spell caster what happened he said he will help me and he asked for her full name and her picture..i gave him that..At first i was skeptical but i gave it a try cos h ave tried so many spell casters and there is no solution…so when he finished with the readings,he got back to me that she’s with a man and that man is the reason why she left me…The spell caster said he will help me with a spell that will surely bring her back.but i never believe all this…he told me i will see a positive result within 3 days..3 days later,she called me herself and came to me apologizing and she told me she will come back to me..I cant believe this,it was like a dream cos i never believe this will work out after trying many spell casters and there is no solution..DR ODIMILI The spell caster is so powerful and after that he helped me with a pregnancy spell and my wife got pregnant a month later..we are now happy been together again and with lovely kid..This spell caster has really changed my life and i will forever thankful to him..he has helped many friends too with similar problem too and they are happy and thankful to him..This man is indeed the most powerful spell caster have ever experienced in life..Am Posting this to the Forum in case there is anyone who has similar problem and still looking for a way out........ CONTACT THIS POWERFUL SPELL CASTER TODAY VIA

  28. what a great testimony am about to shear to the entire world, is relay a joyful thing to be happy in your relationship i never have it in mind that i could ever been with my husband again in life. DR UNITY is really a great spell caster he can help you cast a spell to bring back your gone lost caster over lover back, make good money, spell for a good job, spell for protection, spell to guild your money, spell to win lotto and lottery and lot more. well it is a long story but i will cut it short, after 15years of marriage with three kids my husband started keeping late night, at first i thought it was normal, little did i know that he was bringing different girls to our matrimonial bed, to the extent that i was the one washing there cloth, because they said marriage is for better or worst, he started calling me and my children different names, i was so confused and there was no hope, so he told me to live his house with my kids, i left and was confuse about the sodding change, one day i was browsing through the internet, i saw a testimony about how DR UNITY help people with different problems, so i build my faith in him and contacted him, he told him not to worry that in 48hours he will find me and beg for forgiveness, i though it was a joke, when it was 48hours i hard i gentle knock on my door, (guess what?) when i open it was my husband and three of his friends knelling and begging for forgiveness, today he is the best husband a woman will dream to have and we are one and happy family. thanks DR UNITY. contact him because he is the only man who can help you with your problems. email again

  29. Life is good when you have your love ones around you, I am saying this because when i had issues with my lover i never seen life as a good thing but thanks to Dr. AGBAGIE of AGBAGIE TEMPLE, for helping me to cast a spell that brought my lover back to me within the space of 48hours. My husband left me for another woman after 7YEARS of marriage,but Dr.AGBAGIE help me cast a spell that brought him back to me within 48hours. I am not going to tell you more details about myself rather i will only advise those who are having issues in there relationship or marriages to contact Dr.AGBAGIE TEMPLE through these details via;
    ( or call him on (+2348052849204).

  30. My name is Mandy Dianna, am from USA. i want to use this opportunity to thank my great doctor who really made my life a pleasurable one today. This great man DR.Godfather brought my husband back to me, i had three lovely kids for money husband, about four years ago i and my husband has been into quarrel or the other until he finally left me for one lady. i felt a life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be strong just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish he would come back to me, until one day i met a good friend of mine that was also in a situation like me but her problem was her ex-boyfriend who she had an unwanted pregnancy for and he refused to take responsibility and dumped her. she told me that mine was a small case and that i should not worry about it at all, so i asked her what was the solution to my problems and she gave me this great man email address. i was doubting if this man was the solution, so i contacted this great man and he told me what to do and i deed them all, he told me to wait for just two day and that my husband will come crawling on his kneels just for forgiveness so i faithfully deed what this great man asked me to do and for sure after two days i heard a knock on the door, in a great surprise i saw him on his kneels and i was speechless, when he saw me, all he did was crying and asking me for forgiveness, from that day, all the pains and sorrows in my heart flew away,since then i and my husband and our lovely kids are happy.that's why i want to say a big thank you to DR.Godfather spiritual temple. This great man made me to understand that there is no problem on earth that has no solution so please if you know that you have this same problem or any problem that is similar, i will advise you to come straight to this great man. you can email him or better still his cell phone number is +2348152716685

  31. My name is MARY from USA .I am here to give a testimony on how I got my ex boyfriend back. My ex left me for no reason 3 years ago. He moved in with another woman, I felt like killing myself, my life became very bitter and sorrowful. Then 1 day, a friend of mine told me about a great spell caster that is very good to help my problem and, my friend also said that the spell caster gave him some lucky numbers that he played in a lottery and he won. I didn't believe it because I've worked with so many of them and it didn't work. He begged me further so I decided to try this great spell caster called DR SALOBA. I still didn't believe. but I used the spell he gave me and the next day I received a call from my darling boyfriend Thomas last week. He apologized and came back to me. He even gave me 10,000USD as a means of compensating me. I'm very happy now. Thank you DR SALOBA, You can reach DR SALOBA ON via email: OR you can call my DR SALOBA on +2349036493771. He can solve any problem like,
    (1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) you need a divorce in your relationship.
    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4) You want women & men to run after you.
    (5) If you want a child.
    (6) You want to be rich.
    (7) You want to tie your husband & wife to be yours forever.
    (8) If you need financial stance.
    (9) He can make you pregnancy.
    (10) He can cure you from any diseases.
    contact: OR call his number +2349036493771

  32. This is my testimony about the good work of a man who helped me..My name is Nina George and I base in London.My life is back!!! After 8 years of marriage, my husband left me and left me with our three kids. I felt like my life was about to end,and was falling apart. Thanks to a spell caster called papa Justus who i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I was searching for a good spell caster that can solve my problems. I came across series of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. There was one particular testimony I saw, it was about a woman called grace,she testified about how papa Justus brought back her Ex lover in less than 72 hours and at the end of her testimony she drop papa Justus e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give papa a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. papa Justus is really a talented and gifted man and i will not to stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man...If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve that problem for you. Try the great papa Justus today, he might be the answer to your problem. Here's his contact: Thank you great Justus. Contact him for the following:

    (1)If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you always have bad dreams.
    (3)You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4)You want women/men to run after you.
    (5)If you want a child.
    (6)[You want to be rich.
    (7)You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
    (8)If you need financial assistance.
    (9)Herbal care
    10)Help bringing people out of prison
    (11)Marriage Spells
    (12)Miracle Spells
    (13)Beauty Spells
    (15)Attraction Spells
    (16)Evil Eye Spells
    (17)Kissing Spell
    (18)Remove Sickness Spells
    (21) Charm to get who to love you.
    (22)Business spell.
    Contact him today on:,
    You can also CONTACT HIM ON whats-app on the same phone number.

  33. Am very happy to tell every one to hear my testimony will say. am Gloribel Stancy from united state,am a nurse,this story of my love life. I have been married for 4years and on the fifth year of my marriage, another woman had to take my lover away from me and my husband left me and the kids and we have suffered for 2years until i met a post where this man Dr. Ehi have helped someone and i decided to give him a try to help me bring my lover back home and believe me i just send my picture to him and that of my husband and after 48hours as he have told me, i saw a car drove into the house and behold it was my husband and he have come to me and the kids and that is why i am happy to make every one of you in similar to met with this man and have your lover back to your self. You can contact him with this email address { or you can still call him on his mobile +2348059795374 Thank you Dr Ehi. I am sure he will do same to help you too.

  34. Hello let me share this testimony to the world to hear about him too
    this man really exit I was hiv positive over 9year I have being in
    medication and I try to look for cure to my problem and I go through
    internet doctor and I found a tradition doctor named DR.edeh I
    contacted him for help he give me all his laws and rule that if I get
    cured I should write about him and that is what am doing now, this man
    ask for some information about me, which I give him this man cure me
    from HIV what a great man thank for your help when he get the
    information he told me that he is about to work on it 20 to 30 minute
    this man email me and told me what to do for the curing which I did
    after all the things needed for the cure is provide the man call me in
    45mins later and tell me to go for test what a great day to me I was
    negative thanks dr,edeh you can contact him now +2349051175814/

    My mouth is short of words, i am so so happy because Dr.edeh
    has healed me from HIV ailment which i have been suffering from the
    past 5years now, i have spend alot when getting drugs from the
    hospital to keep me healthy, i have tried all means in life to always get my health back to normal
    i can to become Hiv negative one day, but there was no answer until i
    found Dr from a well respected hospital personnel whom introduce me to the prince of african who provide me some
    healing spell that he uses to help me, now i am glad telling everyone
    that i am now HIV Negative, i am very very happy, thank you Dr.edeh
    for helping my life comes back newly without anyform of crisis, may
    the good lord that i serve blessed you Dr.edeh and equip you to the
    higher grade for healing my life. i am so amazed. so i will announced
    to everyone in this whole world that is HIV positive to please follow
    my advice and get healed on time, because we all knows that HIV
    disease is a deadly type,contact Dr.edeh for your Hiv healing spell
    today at: He will be always happy to
    assist you online and ensure you get healed on time, contact Dr.edeh +2349051175814
    today for your healing spell immediately, thank you sir

    Hello my name is Julia I want to give a testimony about my HIV virus
    that was cured by a great spell caster. Since last 4 months I have
    being a HIV AID patient. I never think I live long again and am so
    grateful about him dr.edeh who cured my HIV AIDS last 3 weeks. I was
    in a great pain so I told one of my best friends; he told me that
    there is a great spell caster that can cure my HIV. I asked her if she
    had his email, she gave me his email, I emailed him he talked to me
    and he perform the necessary rituals and he told me that after two
    weeks I should go for a test. Which I did, when the doctor told me
    that am now a HIV negative I couldn’t believe myself I went to see
    another doctor the result was still the same, I was human on planet
    earth, so I emailed him and thanked him. Please if you are having a
    similar problem please visit him/contact him on +2349051175814

  35. AN Amazing testimony, i am susan from Canada, on a faithful day as i was walking down my street, hopeless, i meet my old friend Tonia she was so happy to see me and she pick me up to a fast food joint in the city of Canada, she was my old time friend and class mate, but now she look different, looking good riding a big car and wearing all sort of customize jewelry i was jealous but since she is my very good friend i have to ask her some few question on how come about her wealth and she say to me as a good friend and old friend of hers, she told me the secret of her wealth behold i was so surprise that a voodoo spell caster can cast a lottery spell and will send you the lucky numbers to win millions of dollars, as a hopeless lady i have to try all alternative to make sure i get good money and take care of my family, so believe me i contacted this Africa voodoo spell caster name Dr ehiaghe, i contacted him quickly through his mail address at( and he cast the spell and send me the hot numbers to win the lottery big, to cut the long story short i am a billionaire today, Dr. ehiaghe is truly a gifted voodoo spell caster and you can contact him today for a lottery spell lotto any kind of spell he will help you as well. because this is the only way to win the lottery and the best way as well. all thanks goes to great doc, i promise to testifier of your goodness all through my life for making me rich and famous if out there you are pool or your business is not working well contact him today at


    An amazing testimony on a spell caster who brought my wife back to me.. My name is Andy Sowers,i live in Australia,and I'm happily married to a lovely and caring wife,with two kids.A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my terrible that she took the case to court for a divorce.she said that she never wanted to stay with me again,and that she didn't love me anymore.So she packed out of my house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get her back,after much begging,but all to no avail.and she confirmed it that she has made her decision,and she never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my wife.So i explained every thing to her,so she told me that the only way i can get my wife back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for her too.So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow her advice. Then she gave me the email address of the spell caster whom she visited.{}. So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address she gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my wife back the next day.What an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my wife who didn't call me for the past seven {7}months,gave me a call to inform me that she was coming back.So Amazing!! So that was how she came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and she apologized for her mistake,and for the pain she caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster DR benedict. So.
    So,if you are in a similar problem or any kind of problems you can also contact him via his email(}he is the solution to all your problems and predicaments in life.his email again is{}.


    (1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) If you want to be promoted in your office.
    (3) If you want a child.
    (4) If you want to be rich.
    (5) if you have any sickness like ( H I V/AIDS ),(CANCER) or any sickness.

    once again make sure you contact him if you have any problem he will help you. his email address is(

  37. After wasting a lot of time in trying other means to get my lover back, i decided to give this powerful spell caster called dr okhiria an opportunity to see if he will be able to bring my lover back to me.. I blamed myself at the end of the whole things for ever doubting the powers of dr okhiria because through the help of dr okhiria my lover came back to me within the time period of 48 hours which to me was so shocking because i never thought that dr okhiria was going to be able to bring my lover back. I wish all those having problems in their relationships or marriage a success as they contact dr okhiria through his email: because i believe that dr okhiria is capable to rescue and restore their relationship with love and romance.

  38. After being in relationship with him for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that never believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the spell caster, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster of LOTTO SPELLS, Lottery Spell, jackpot win on either a scratch off ticket, ex lover back, MONEY VOODOO SPELLS CONTACT dr ehijele all your pains will be over today on his email

  39. After wasting a lot of time in trying other means to get my lover back, i decided to give this powerful spell caster called dr okhiria an opportunity to see if he will be able to bring my lover back to me.. I blamed myself at the end of the whole things for ever doubting the powers of dr okhiria because through the help of dr okhiria my lover came back to me within the time period of 48 hours which to me was so shocking because i never thought that dr okhiria was going to be able to bring my lover back. I wish all those having problems in their relationships or marriage a success as they contact dr okhiria through his email: because i believe that dr okhiria is capable to rescue and restore their relationship with love and romance.

  40. I'm Linda Harry,am from Chicago,i want to share a live testimony on how Dr IDESHI was able to bring my husband back to me, myself and my husband were on a serious breakup, even before then we were always quarreling fighting.I was going crazy when my Husband left me for another girl last month, But when i meet a friend that introduce me to DR IDESHI the great messenger to the oracle that he serve,I narrated my problem to DR IDESHI about how my husband left me and also how i needed to get a job in a very big company.He only said to me that i have come to the right place were i will be getting my heart desire without any side effect.He told me what i need to do,After it was been done,In the next 24 hours,My Husbnd called me on the phone and was saying sorry for living me before now and also in the next one week after my Husband called me to be pleading for forgiveness,I was called for an interview in my desired company were i needed to work as the managing director..I am so happy and overwhelmed that i have to tell this to the entire world to I have no idea what I would have done without you being there to help me out.thank you father for job well done in my life you can also reach him via email

  41. LOTTO SPELLS & MONEY SPELLS CALL DR clement.. +2347061824880 Hello my name is sanjeeta i am here to testify on how Dr clement help me wine on Lottery Spell-Are you looking for a jackpot win on either a scratch off ticket or the little lottery contact Dr clement today all your pains will be over okay Dr clement is here to help you out okay? This spell can be directed at either type of lottery game in your area to produce a onetime jackpot win. When you do not have the financial freedom to do as you wish life can take a toll on you and your family. Money spell can help increase finance in many ways. We can help with business spells, lottery spells, getting people to pay you back and gambling spells. Better Odds Gambling Spell - Do you go to the casinos and gamble frequently? This spell will increase the odds of your natural win when you go to gamble. You will see larger, more frequent wins. Prosperity Spell - Are you looking for an increased income? This spell will help you in all aspects of your life financially. Whether it be getting a salary increase, better luck gambling or more business coming your way, this spell will help get it done right the first time. For more Info Call DR clement on +2347061824880 . For all your problems and pains to be over contact him now

  42. I wish i had met this great spell caster before! My husband have just come back home to me and every thing happened just the way he had said it i am so happy that i contacted him and now i have my husband back to my family. If you all that are here have not tried him, you just have to do so and get your heart desires fulfilled. Stop being doubtful i have tested him and i am now a fulfilled woman. DR BENEDICT MAGICAL SPELL IS VERY GREAT AND POWERFUL IN ACTION.THANK YOU FOR THE HAPPINESS YOU BROUGHT ON ME, DR BENEDICT You can reach him if you need His help, i contacted the powerful priest through email: and i finally find out that he is really a truthful spell caster and so powerful and he is the most powerful spell caster that i have ever seen, My husband now love me so much and he has now dumped his mistress at work. I am so happy that he is back to his 8 years old baby, i will always testify of your great name once again his email {}

  43. I contracted HIV three (3) years ago, until i saw the testimony of others about a great Dr who helped them out by giving them the permanent cure of HIV, i got his contact and emailed him, then he told me all i will need to do, to get me cure which i did every thing, just three (3) weeks after, i went for HIV test in two different hospital and the result shows that am now negative to a deadly disease. i am completely free from the deadly virus. you too can also contact him on +2348054868459 or (

  44. For the past 3 months now I have been looking for good and geniue spell to bring back my ex lover back and also help me to win lottery. and it has been a hard time for me finding the right place until I get in contact with Dr Trust who gave me powerful prayer and assured me that it will take two days before the spell will be effective, truly 2 days later, my Ex Lover rang me, i answered the call, he started apologizing, we are together Now. Thank you for making her to know that we are meet to be together and also making my dreams come true. And he did a spell that make me to win lottery. Please if any body needs LOVE SPELL,LOTTERY,PRENANCY SPELL, DIVORCE SPELL, GET YOUR PARTNER. BACK AND MANY MORE YOU MAKE NEED. Email him now for your own help. or call him +2348156885231 All thanks goes to DR.Trust for the excessive work that he has done for me.


  45. Hello my name is JOHN,I know a great spell caster who helped me when I
    had problem with my wife if you need a right place to solve your
    problems contact DR WISEMANREVEALSPELL is the right choice. he is a great
    man that have been casting spells with years of experience. he cast spells
    for different purposes like.


    (1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you always have bad dreams.
    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4) You want women/men to run after you.
    (5) If you want a child.
    (6) You want to be rich.
    (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
    (8) If you need financial assistance.
    (9) Herbal care.

    Contact . WISE

  46. i want to say a very big thank you to this great spell caster call alexanda for putting a big smile on my face by bringing my ex back to me and for making me pregrant which made my ex to leave me once again thank you alexanda incase you are out there you are having an issue with your ex or you want to get your ex back or you are having miscarriage or you want to get pregrant you can contact this great man for help through his email @

  47. hollo viewer am here to share my testimony on how i finally join the Illuminati hood and became rich, i tried all my possible best to become a member of the hood but i was scam several times, before i finally come across a testimony on net so i contacted the agent, i was so afraid that he will ask me for lot of money before i can join the hood but to my greatest surprise he only ask me to obtain the membership form which i did and today am so happy to say to the world that am one of the richest by having the sum of $360 millions dollars in my personal account as a new member in Africa and am also known all over the world with the business given to me by the Illuminati and also have power to do that which i want...... i know so many people may be on my lane also looking for help here is his mail you can get in touch with him or contact us whit this number +2348091428654

  48. I can't pretend that i was not surprised by the spell that Dr.Abolo casted for me because through the help of the spell my lover who has left me for some months actually found reasons to come back just after 48 hours that i contacted Dr.Abolo. With this i have discover that Dr.Abolo details will help a lot to overcome their relationship or marriage depression so with this effect i will write out the contact information of Dr.Abolo which are ( or call him on (+2347052534659) to overcome that problem that is eating you up in your relationship.

    Once again Dr.Abolo info:

    {+2347052534659}_______{} thanks. from Suzee

  49. After being in relationship with him for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that never believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the spell caster, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. CAN NEVER STOP TALKING ABOUT YOU SIR HIS EMAIL

  50. Hello
    I'm giving a testimony about Dr. odion. i won $100,000 in my play lottery, I took an advice from some person who talked about this great spell caster called Dr odion the person placed a testimonies on a blog saying how Dr odion helped him win the lottery by sending him the winning number i was curious and i thought it was all joke not until i contacted this spell caster to know for myself how this work cause i have spend a lot buying tickets and i never win. I contacted him and he told me the necessary thing that need to be done and i did it and he told me to wait for 3days and truly he gave me the winning numbers to play the lottery which i did, Can you believe my name was the first among winners. He told me (my son all i need you to do for me is make sure that you share this testimonies to others so that they can also win the lottery cause i do not have much time to spell on the internet) so that is why i am sharing this testimony with you that if you want to win the lottery this is the way online tips can help you, his email is is the only answer to that your problem of winning the lottery

  51. How do you see spell casting? As a fake thing, as a story or maybe as an ideal part of an imagination?Before you finally conculde on how you see or what you thing i will advice that you conduct a research and i mean a good research on spell casting and its history then maybe then you will finally come to know the true power of spell casting that we all underrate.I once had and shared this logical believe before fate fate and my marriage problem made me realize that spell casting is as real as a baby coming out of vagina.In the sense that as impossible as it may seem to you there is a 90% certainty that it works and works well.But you should know there are some fake among the real and honest ones.I was so fortunate to meet a real and honest one just as i thought to give spell casting a shot.H is all over every blogging page and broken relationship sites SHAKES SPEAR. SHAKES SPEAR IS ONE OF THE GREATEST THERE IS.I am not just trying to make you fell like you must contact him , is only trying to express how excellent is work is.Trust me i experienced it first hand.Having a sex addicted as a husband is worse than having a cheating husband.Knowing that he loves you with all hes got but can help but can to cheat on you.I know some will rather suggest a rehab , but just to clear the air he checked into rehab four times and was discharged with a report saying he was well but really outside rehab he was back to being an addict of sex.I hated to see that my husband never stopped loving me but couldn't help but but to cheat on me.W had four kids two teens and two other young one age five and seven.It will be ugly to know that there father i a sex addict that can't help but to cheat on me and still dear to say he love me.Only understood but it as all the same tearing my home down just thing about my husband making love to random women that is not me.We could even had gotten infected with some deadly S.T.D or S.T.I i was ready to live him and take my children along with me.But living the man i love just cos he had a problem was coming to hunt me for he rest of my life so by miracle or by fate rather i read about SHAKES SPEAR on the internet.I read about like ten article about how he saved so many people marriages and relationships though my case was different i just felt like he can help me.I just had to let all my thought about spell casting go and i brought myself to contact him.It cos of SHAKES SPEAR my husband is back to how i and even himself want him to be i mean making love to no other woman but me.I just need some material that he asked me to bring to cast the spell.Believe me it will be better for you to ask him to get the materials for you off course with the money you will be sending cos looking for it yourself will be a total waste of time resources and even should know you must trust him.What ever he ask you to bring just provide it cos his reason are are true. At a time i felt like he was trying to me extort me but i turned out that i was wrong he made understand he was only trying to help complete the worked i asked him to help me do.All thank to the spell prepared by SHAKES SPEAR it save my marriage and family.I will live his email address here for you to contact him for help of any OR ONCE AGAIN HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS: OR

  52. My wife has been suffering from thyroid cancer which was confirmed to be stage four, the doctor told me there was little he could do since she wasn’t responding to treatment but a friend of mine came to our rescue by ordering this cannabis oil from Shakes Spear which he said has been helping some patient fight against cancer of various types so we decided to give it a chance, so far my wife is improving perfectly very well and presently she can walk around the house all by herself. I felt its necessary i let others who are suffering from this acute disease that once you have a good cannabis oil it can really give one a sound second chance of living. by
    chance if you happen to be in need of this cannabis oil you can contact Shakes Spear who supplied I and my wife with this email: OR

    1. Getting your lover or husband back
    2. Spiritual bulletproof
    3. Training
    4. Money spell
    5. Long life spell
    6. Prosperity spell
    7. Protection spell
    8. Get a job spell
    9. Becoming a manager spell
    10. Get a huge loan without paying any fee spell
    11. Getting your scam money back
    12. Child spell
    13. Pregnancy spell
    14. Freedom spell
    15. Love spell
    16, vanishing spell
    17. Invisible human spell
    18. Success or pass spell
    19. Marriage spell
    20. Avenging spell
    21. Popularity spell
    22. Killing spell
    23. Cancer spell
    24. Supernatural power spell
    25. Madness spell
    26. Free house loan spell
    27. Production spell of films and movie
    28. Hiv/aids spell
    29. Tuberculosis spell
    30. Loose weight and body spell

    contact me of any of these problem as I got solution to all... MY EMAIL ADDRESS OR


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  54. My Name is ADAEZE..I never believed in Love Spells or Magics until I met this special spell caster when i went to Africa to Execute some business..He is really powerful..My wife divorce me with no reason for almost 4 years and i tried all i could to have her back cos i really love her so much but all my effort did not work out.. we met at our early age at the college and we both have feelings for each other and we got married happily for 5 years with no kid and she woke up one morning and she told me she’s going on a divorce..i thought it was a joke and when she came back from work she tender to me a divorce letter and she packed all her loads from my house..i ran mad and i tried all i could to have her back but all did not work out..i was lonely for almost 4 years…So when i told the spell caster what happened he said he will help me and he asked for her full name and her picture..i gave him that..At first i was skeptical but i gave it a try cos h ave tried so many spell casters and there is no solution…so when he finished with the readings,he got back to me that she’s with a man and that man is the reason why she left me…The spell caster said he will help me with a spell that will surely bring her back.but i never believe all this…he told me i will see a positive result within 3 days..3 days later,she called me herself and came to me apologizing and she told me she will come back to me..I cant believe this,it was like a dream cos i never believe this will work out after trying many spell casters and there is no solution..The spell caster is so powerful and after that he helped me with a pregnancy spell and my wife got pregnant a month later..we are now happy been together again and with lovely kid..This spell caster has really changed my life and i will forever thankful to him..he has helped many friends too with similar problem too and they are happy and thankful to him..This man is indeed the most powerful spell caster have ever experienced in life..Am Posting this to the Forum in case there is anyone who has similar problem and still looking for a way can reach him here: OR CONTACT THIS POWERFUL SPELL CASTER TODAY VIA OR

  55. Hello everybody i am so happy to share this testimony on how Dr uduka was able to heal me from HIV Disease, well i was detected positive on 23th may 2014, and ever since i have been looking for a way to treat and cure this disease from me, but all ways i try there was no solution, few weeks ago i saw a testimony of some people on how Dr uduka was able to cure them from HIV disease, still on i heard about it on media when a young lady also gave her testimony about this same Dr, well left with no hope i message Dr uduka telling him all my problem, he told me what we where going to do, that he was going to send me a portion which i am going to take, and after which i took this herb portion he sent to me, he told me to go back to the hospital for check up and after i have done that i should come and tell him the good news result, at first when i saw the message i was so shock and still did not believed i will be cured, well friend to make my story short i am HIV negative now after many time of sorrow, i am Negative, and my sickness are gone, i thank God for leading me to this man....
    you can email him on ( he can be of help to you on any problem..
    Sir may God Bless You.

  56. Welcome To PRIEST KASAKIKA Temple of solution. and I am here to help you change and transform your life in the most positive way possible. I use the power of black craft and Wicca spell casting to help people just like you get the love they want and
    the money they deserve and also cure any of diseases. My love and herbal spells offer amazing and quick results. Do you want to find
    your soul mate? Do you want to reunite with a past lover and make him love you again or cure any of your diseases you have been suffering from at the past? Do you need to bind a troublemaker from causing problems in your relationship? With my spell casting service, I can cast a love spell or prepare a herbal cure to your diseases on your behalf that will help all of your wishes and dreams come true. I also do other custom spells, such as money spells, job spells, friendship spells, and luck spells. You may have already tried the power of spells and prayers to get
    what you want. Although it is true that everyone has the ability to cast
    spells and perform magic, spell casting is like a muscle. Everyone has this ‘muscle’ but the more you use it, the stronger it gets, and the more things you are able to do with it. If you are not an experienced spell caster, your spell may not be as strong, and the
    results not as quick as you may desire.GET YOUR PROBLEMS SOLVE HERE AND BE FREE!!
    Hello to people that want to be Great, Note: This Spell casting do not have any effect on any one, But just to
    get your problem solve OK.
    Get your problem solve in master…You can get the
    bellow problems solve here.

    1. help in winning Lottery
    2. Bring back lost lover, even if lost for a long time
    3. Remove bad spells from homes, business
    & customer attraction etc.
    4. Get promotion you have desired for a long time at work or in your
    6. Remove the black spot that keeps on taking your money away
    7. Find out why you are not progressing in life and the solution
    8. Eliminate in family fights
    9. Ensure excellent school grades even for children with mental disabilities
    10. Stop your marriage or relationship from breaking apart
    12. We heal barrenness in women and disturbing menstruation
    13. Get you marriage to the lover of your choice
    14. Guarantee you win the troubling court cases & divorce no matter how what stage
    15. Ensure success in work and business
    16. Mental illness & bewitched
    17. Can’t sleep at night or walking at night
    18. Recover stolen property and whereabouts of people that hurt you.
    19. Bring supernatural luck into
    20.Using my herbal medicine to cure any of this diseases like, diabetes,syphilis,cancer etc.
    21. Extreme protection for those doing dangerous jobs like security guards, Bank manager, cash transporters, etc I have over 20 years of spell casting experience, and have successfully cast spells to help hundreds of people improve their love life, financial situation, and happiness. I can help you, and I want to help you. Found out about my Custom Spells here

    CONTACT me through my Email:

  57. hello,i am From USA. I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about what this man called DR VOKE from southafrica has just done for me , this man has just brought back my lost Ex wife to me with his great spell, I was married to this woman called Lisa we were together for a long time and we loved our self’s but when she was unable to give me a child for 2 years she left me and told me she can’t continue anymore then I was now looking for ways to get her back until a friend of mine told me about this man and gave his contact email to me (DOCTORVOKE@GMAIL.COM)
    then you won’t believe this, when I contacted this man on my problems he prepared this spell cast. and bring my lost wife back, and after a month she miss her monthly period and she went for a test and the result stated she was pregnant. am happy today am a father of a baby boy, thank you once again the great DR VOKE for what you have done for me, if you are out there passing through any of this problems listed below: you can contact him via Email; (DOCTORVOKE@GMAIL.COM)
    (1) If you want your divorced husband/wife back.
    (2)If you want your ex boyfriend/girlfriend back
    (3) If you always have bad dreams.
    (4) You want to be promoted in your office.
    (5) You want women/men to run after you.
    (6) If you want a child.
    (7) You want to be rich.
    (8) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
    (9) Or you have been scammed and you want to recover your lost money
    (10) If you are in love with someone and you want him/her to fall in love with you totally.
    (12) If you want a Tame my Lover Spell
    (13) If you want a Make Me Sexy Spell
    (14) If you want a STOP His Roving Eyes Spell
    (15) If you want a Rejuvenated Love Spell
    (16) If you want a Be Faithful To Me Spell
    (17) If you want to prevent or keep others from talking about my man
    (18) Remove bad spells from homes, business & customer attraction etc.
    (19) Stop your marriage or relationship from breaking apart.
    (20) Read all your problems before you even mention them to him
    (21) Remove the black spot that keeps on taking your money away
    (22)Find out why you are not progressing in life and the solution
    (23) Eliminate in family fights
    (24) Ensure excellent school grades even for children with mental disabilities
    (25) Get promotion you have desired for a long time at work or in your career.
    (26) I destroy and can send back the Nicolas if requested
    (27) We heal barrenness in women and disturbing menstruation
    (28) Get you marriage to the lover of your choice
    (29) Guarantee you win the troubling court cases
    (30)Get the spell to win a lottery.
    Write DR VOKE on (DOCTORVOKE@GMAIL.COM) i can not stop testifying of his good work and i believe that a trial will convince you also

  58. Life is good when you have your love ones around you, I am saying this because when i had issues with my lover i never seen life as a good thing but thanks to Dr.Abolo whose details are +2347052534659 or via email: for helping me to cast a spell that brought my lover back to me within the space of 48 hours. I am not going to tell you more details about myself rather i will only advise those who are having issues in there relationship or marriages to contact Dr.Abolo through his details ( or call his at (+2347052534659)............. thanks.


  59. Hello my name is michael,I know a great spell caster who helped me when I
    had problem with my wife if you need a right place to solve your
    problems contact ( is the right choice. he is a great
    man that have been casting spells with years of experience. he cast spells
    for different purposes like.

    Contact. ( )

    (1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you always have bad dreams.
    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4) You want women/men to run after you.
    (5) If you want a child.
    (6) You want to be rich.
    (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
    (8) If you need financial assistance.
    (9) Herbal care.

    Contact .( )

  60. Hello, My name is TRACY FROM USA, i will love to share my testimony to you all the people in world i got married to my husband about 2 year ago we start having problems at home like we stop sleeping on the same bed,fighting about little things he always comes home late at night,drinking too much and sleeping with other women out side i have never love any man in my life except him. he is the father of my child and i don't want to loose him because we have worked so hard together to become what we are and have today .few month ago he now decided to live me and the kid,being a single mother can be hard sometimes and so i have nobody to turn to and i was heart broken.i called my mom and explain every thing to her,my mother told me about DR.SALOBA how he helped her solve the problem between her and my dad i was surprise about it because they have been without each other for three and a half years and it was like a miracle how they came back to each other. i was directed to DR. SALOBA on his email: and explain everything to him,so he promise me not to worry that he will cast a spell and make things come back to how we where so much in love again and that it was another female spirit that was controlling my husband he told me that my problem will be solved within two days if i believe i said OK So he cast a spell for me and after two days my love really came back asking me to forgive him i Am so happy now. so that why i decided to share my experience with every body that have such problem contact Dr SALOBA the great spell caster on his email addresses

    1. Getting your lover or husband back
    2. Spiritual bulletproof
    3. Training
    4. Money spell
    5. Long life spell
    6. Prosperity spell
    7. Protection spell
    8. Get a job spell
    9. Becoming a manager spell
    10. Get a huge loan without paying any fee spell
    11. Getting your scam money back
    12. Child spell
    13. Pregnancy spell
    14. Freedom spell
    15. Love spell
    16, vanishing spell
    17. Invisible human spell
    18. Success or pass spell
    19. Marriage spell
    20. Avenging spell
    21. Popularity spell
    22. Killing spell
    23. Cancer spell
    24. Supernatural power spell
    25. Madness spell
    26. Free house loan spell
    27. Production spell of films and movie
    28. Hiv/aids spell
    29. Tuberculosis spell
    30. Loose weight and body spell

  61. i want to say a very big thank you to this great man called alexanderthe great for bringing back my ex lover who left me for almost a year incase you want your lover back or you are having any other problem you can contact this great man for help through the following ways or call him +2348164509114

  62. Hello Everybody, My name is Mrs.Juliet Quin. I live in Canada and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of $30,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of $30,000.00 Canada Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs.Juliet Quin that refer you to him. Contact DR PURVA SHAREGISTRY via email: (


  63. I want to share a testimony of my life to everyone. i was married to my husband emma Silvester, i love him so much we have been married for 5 years now with two kids. when he went for a vacation to France he meant a lady who encharm him with his beauty, he told me that he is no longer interested in our marriage any more. i was so confuse and seeking for help, i don't know what to do until I met my friend Miss Rose and told her about my problem. she told me not to worry about it that she had a similar problem before and she introduce me to a man called Dr Bhabumenre . who cast a spell on her ex and bring him back to her after 3days. Miss Clara ask me to contact Dr Bhabumenre . I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the spell caster and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 6pm. My husband called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much, he started crying for forgiveness and that he never knew what came upon him that he will never leave me again or our kids.It was the spell that was casted on him that was working on him. Right now I am the happiest woman on earth for what this great spell caster did for me and my husband, you can contact Dr.Bhabumenre in any problem you are passing through, he is very nice, here is his contact email:
    contact him is the solution to your problem, he will help you get your ex back, email him:


  64. An amazing testimony on a spell caster who brought my husband back to me.. My name is Olivia Phimzile,i live in Florida,USA,and I'm happily married to a lovely and caring husband ,with two kids.A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my husband .so terrible that he took the case to court for a divorce.he said that he never wanted to stay with me again,and that he didn't love me anymore.So he packed out of the house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get him back,after much begging,but all to no avail.and he confirmed it that he has made his decision,and he never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my husband .So i explained every thing to him,so he told me that the only way i can get my husband back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for him too.So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow his advice. Then he gave me the email address of the spell caster whom he visited.{}. So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address he gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my husband back the next day.What an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my husband who didn't call me for the past seven {7}months,gave me a call to inform me that he was coming back.So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster. So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same email,if you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to "bringing your ex back. So thanks to the Dr PAPA for bringing back my husband ,and brought great joy to my family once again. {}, or call +27799527702 Thanks.

  65. I want to thank God for the use of DR IDUMOTA as my source of salvation after 2 years of unemployment and my lover left me alone for 2 years, only broken heart until I met after a testimony ladies how was helped by the same DR. IDUMOTA, so decided to contact him and when I told him all my problems laughed and said this is not a problem. everything will be fine in three days. Exactly on the third day of my ex lover call me surprised me and what surprised me was that a company applies for more than four months ago called and said I should return to work as soon as possible.Am very grateful to DR. IDUMOTA, if you wish to contact him, his email is ( it makes the spell as follows
    (1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) you need a divorce in your relationship
    (3) Want to be promoted in his office.
    (4) Would you men and women run after you.
    (5) If you want a child.
    (6) Do you want to be rich.
    (7) You want to tie your husband and wife to be yours forever.
    (8) If you need financial assistance.
    (9)Herbal Care Contact him today
    ( Be Useful judge sin emphasize Today


  66. My names anabel james, I am from USA am here to give my testimony about a

    doctor who help me in my life. I was infected with HIV virus in the year of

    2015,i went to many hospitals, churches for cure but there was no solution

    out, so I was thinking how can I get a solution out so that i cannot loose my

    life, I lost everything I have my husband run away from me and also took my

    children along because of my sickness. One day I was in the river side

    thinking the next step to take if it is to jump into the river so that I can

    loose my life totally or just think where I can go to get solution. so a lady

    walk to me telling me why am I so sad and i open up all to him telling her my

    stories, she told me that she can help me out that’s the reason she normally

    come here to help people so that they can be cured because she was into this

    problem before, she introduce me to a doctor how cast spells for people and

    gave me he number and email so i called him and also email i gather

    all my faiths and put in all interest to contact him through his Email

    address at okororspell@outlook. com , so after i have mailed him of helping

    get my disease cured, i respond to me fast as possible that i should not be

    afraid, that he is a truthful and powerful doctor which i firstly claimed him

    to be. So after all set has been done, he promise me that i will be healed

    but on a condition that i provide him some items and obeyed all his oracle

    said. I did all by accepting his oracle fact and only to see that the

    following week DR.okoror mail me on my mail box that my work is successfully

    done with his powers, i was first shocked and later arise to be the happiest

    woman on earth after i have concluded my final test on the hospital by my

    doctor that i am now HIV- Negative. My papers for check are with me and now i

    am happy and glad for his miraculous help and power.With these i must to

    everyone who might seek for any help, either for HIV cure or much more to

    contact him now at these following email now,Email: okororspell@outlook. com

    " sir thank you so much for your immediate cure of my disease, i must say for

    curing my disease, i owe you in return. Thanks and be blessed sir. or you can

    call him via his

  67. Thanks to this great man baba amina's that i melt on this
    site. i am vivian adam from canada I am married to adam we both live in
    nigeria. i was an HIV/AIDS victim. i had this sickness
    for over 4years i do
    visit hospital always before the virus grow from
    HIV to AIDS. I was just at
    the point of death with shame after i have lose
    every thing in my life even my marriage and my
    Children left me until my close relative sarah direct me to
    this site to look for
    great baba amina's for healing and cleaning. when i
    read the testimony people say of his good works and they called him baba
    amina's so i
    quickly is cell phone number to get in touch with
    him immediately because i sold all my computer
    and valuable things to get drugs and pay bills. It
    so amazing to see my self back to my feet with
    every thing i have lost. i am very happy because
    Baba amina's did not only cure my sickness but he
    restructure my life by bringing back my husband and my children cashier
    Nissan and barbra
    every thing i lost to the course of this sickness
    (HIV/AIDS). i do not really no where to start from
    in appreciating you baba amina's and the authour
    of this site. please my people out there do not
    play with your problems, go out and seeks for the
    help of great baba amina's he heal me without
    future problem or hidden charges. now i am free
    from HIV/Aids and MY wife, my joy and happiness
    are back. please with out a second choice go
    great baba amina's for the betterment of your life.
    you can also can him with +2348137162683
    you can also can him with +2348137162683

  68. My name is Elena Deri. I am from Canada, I have great joy in me as i am writing this testimony about the great man called Dr. Trust When my lover left me i never taught that i will be able to get him back after all he has put me through, But i am so happy that after the interference of Dr. Trust i was able to get my lover back after 48hours and i can proudly to say, that who ever need help in getting there lover back should contact Dr. Trust on these contact details below for proper understanding of what i have just witness. And i promise that he will help you as he help me. or call +2348156885231

  69. My name is Elena Deri. I am from Canada, I have great joy in me as i am writing this testimony about the great man called Dr. Trust When my lover left me i never taught that i will be able to get him back after all he has put me through, But i am so happy that after the interference of Dr. Trust i was able to get my lover back after 48hours and i can proudly to say, that who ever need help in getting there lover back should contact Dr. Trust on these contact details below for proper understanding of what i have just witness. And i promise that he will help you as he help me. or call +2348156885231

  70. I have not seen anything that is so perfect like DR.ABOLO spell, My name is Mavin from Australia .I have always live a life of a happy man but when my lover left me then everything about me changed, This was because i loved her so much and at times she was always part of my daily life. I was in pains for some days till i came across DR.ABOLO confidential details which lead me in contacting DR.ABOLO and through his help my lover who left me came back to me and right now she is now more interested in me than before. These are one of the things you intend to benefit when you contact DR.ABOLO for help through these following details or you can call +2347052534659.

  71. Hello viewers my name is Gloria Nelson, I want to use this great opportunity to thank DR LUCKY for helping me to win the lottery jackpot, I have been playing lottery for the past 7years now and the only big money i have ever won was 6000$ ever since then i have not been able to win again and i was so upset and i need help to win the lottery jackpot, so i decided to go to inter-nite to seek for a solution and i got a friend called Leo Jerry testifying about the goodness of these man called Dr Lucky how he help him and he introduce me to Dr Lucky, there i saw so many good talk about this man called Dr Lucky of how he have cast spell for so many people to win there lottery. I contact him also and tell him i want to win a lottery he cast a spell for me which i use and i play and won 70million GBPS.I am so grateful to this man just in case you also need him to help you win,you can contact him via email:


  72. My Name is Emil.I will love to share my testimony to all the people in the forum cos i never thought i will have my girlfriend back and she means so much to me..The girl i want to get marry to left me 4 weeks to our wedding for another man..,When i called her she never picked my calls,She deleted me on her facebook and she changed her facebook status from married to Single...when i went to her to her place of work she told her boss she never want to see me..I lost my job as a result of this cos i cant get myself anymore,my life was upside down and everything did not go smooth with my life...I tried all i could do to have her back to all did not work out until i met a Man when i Travel to Africa to execute some business have been developing some years back..I told him my problem and all have passed through in getting her back and how i lost my job...he told me he gonna help me...i don't believe that in the first place.but he swore he will help me out and he told me the reason why my girlfriend left me and also told me some hidden secrets.i was amazed when i heard that from him..he said he will cast a spell for me and i will see the results in the next couple of days..then i travel back to Us the following day and i called him when i got home and he said he's busy casting those spells and he has bought all the materials needed for the spells,he said am gonna see positive results in the next 2 days that is Thursday...My girlfriend called me at exactly 12:35pm on Thursday and apologies for all she had done ..she said,she never knew what she's doing and her sudden behavior was not intentional and she promised not to do that was like am dreaming when i heard that from her and when we ended the call,i called the man and told him my wife called and he said i haven't seen anything yet... he said i will also get my job back in 3 days time..and when its Sunday,they called me at my place of work that i should resume working on Monday and they gonna compensate me for the time limit have spent at home without working..My life is back into shape,i have my girlfriend back and we are happily married now with kids and i have my job back too.This man is really powerful..if we have up to 20 people like him in the world,the world would have been a better place..he has also helped many of my friends to solve many problems and they are all happy now..Am posting this to the forum for anybody that is interested in meeting the man for can mail him to I cant give out his number cos he told me he don't want to be disturbed by many people across the world..he said his email is okay and he' will replied to any emails asap..hope he helped u out too..good Again His Email Address Is:

  73. Hello viewers my name is Gloria Nelson, I want to use this great opportunity to thank DR LUCKY for helping me to win the lottery jackpot, I have been playing lottery for the past 7years now and the only big money i have ever won was 6000$ ever since then i have not been able to win again and i was so upset and i need help to win the lottery jackpot, so i decided to go to inter-nite to seek for a solution and i got a friend called Leo Jerry testifying about the goodness of these man called Dr Lucky how he help him and he introduce me to Dr Lucky, there i saw so many good talk about this man called Dr Lucky of how he have cast spell for so many people to win there lottery. I contact him also and tell him i want to win a lottery he cast a spell for me which i use and i play and won 70million GBPS.I am so grateful to this man just in case you also need him to help you win,you can contact him via email:

  74. Hello I’m giving a testimony about Dr. Olori. i won $100,000 in my play lottery, I took an advice from some person who talked about this great spell caster called Dr Olori the person placed a testimonies on a blog saying how Dr Olori helped him win the lottery by sending him the winning number i was curious and i thought it was all joke not until i contacted this spell caster to know for myself how this work cause i have spend a lot buying tickets and i never win. I contacted him and he told me the necessary thing that need to be done and i did it and he told me to wait for 3days and truly he gave me the winning numbers to play the lottery which i did, Can you believe my name was the first among winners. He told me (my son all i need you to do for me is make sure that you share this testimonies to others so that they can also win the lottery cause i do not have much time to spell on the internet) so that is why i am sharing this testimony with you that if you want to win the lottery this is the way online tips can help you, his email is is the only answer to that your problem of winning the lottery you can simply call him TEL:+2348074623298

  75. i was ever going to be HIV Negative again,Dr Olokum has given me reasons to be happy, i was HIV positive for 2years and all the means i tried for treatment was not helpful to me, but when i came on the Internet i saw great testimony about Dr Olokum on how he was able to cure someone from HIV, this person said great things about this man, and advice we contact him for any Disease problem that Dr Olokum can be of help, well i decided to give him a try, he requested for my information which i sent to him, and he told me he was going to prepare for me a healing portion, which he wanted me to take for days, and after which i should go back to the hospital for check up, well after taking all the treatment sent to me by Dr Olokum i went back to the Hospital for check up, and now i have been confirmed HIV Negative, friends you can reach Dr olokum on any treatment for any Disease he is the one only i can show you all up to, reach him on or call +2348161554365



  78. Hi viewers I’m Giron amity i am giving this testimony about Dr. Friday on how i won $100,000 in my play lottery, I took an advice from some one who talked about this powerful great spell caster called Dr Friday the person placed a testimonies on internet saying how Dr Friday helped him win the lottery by sending him the winning number i was curious and i thought it was all joke not until i contacted this spell caster to know for myself how this work because i have spend a lot money buying tickets and i never win. I contacted him and he told me the necessary thing that need to be done and i did it and he told me to wait for 3days and truly he gave me the winning numbers to play the lottery which i did, Can you believe my name was the first among winners. He told me (my son all i need you to do for me is make sure that you share his good work to others so that they can also win the lottery because i do not have much time to spend on the internet) so that is why i am sharing this wonderful testimony with you all, that is if you want to win the lottery this is the way online tips can help you, via his email is is the only answer to that your problem of winning the lottery or contact him +2348109811855

  79. Hello to the world i am Leroy..i want to say that Dr Bully the mighty spell caster from India. He is the only spell caster that can help you solve your problem in 48 hours...after passing through a lot of problems in my marriage, i contacted Dr Bully Shrine in Mumbai India and in 48 hours, my wife who we were divorced for 4 years is back to me for ever...Dr Bully is highly spiritual and can never disappoint you in any problem. No matter what type of Relationship, Marital, Getting Pregnant, Want a Baby,Court Case and disease you have, he is definitely the best answer for you in 48 hours...his Temple address in Mumbai is 33-D, Gitanjali, Plot 52, Sector 17, Vashi, Navi Mumbai India.. and his Email address is
    he is the solution to your problem..once again the temple email address is website is can also add him on facebook as Kareem Abhida or his page on facebook
    Dr BULLY Temple""..

  80. LOTTO SPELLS & MONEY SPELLS CALL DR clement..+2347061824880 Hello my name is Diana yang i am here to testify on how Dr clement help me wine on Lottery Spell-Are you looking for a jackpot win on either a scratch off ticket or the little lottery contact Dr clement today all your pains will be over okay Dr clement is here to help you out okay? This spell can be directed at either type of lottery game in your area to produce a onetime jackpot win. When you do not have the financial freedom to do as you wish life can take a toll on you and your family.Money spell can help increase finance in many ways. We can help with business spells, lottery spells,getting people to pay you back and gambling spells.Better Odds Gambling Spell-Do you go to the casinos and gamble frequently? This spell will increase the odds of your natural win when you go to gamble. You will see larger, more frequent wins. Prosperity Spell - Are you looking for an increased income?This spell will help you in all aspects of your life financially. Whether it be getting a salary increase,better luck gambling or more business coming your way, this spell will help get it done right the first time. For more Info Call

  81. I became HIV-positive in 2013, while I was working in Africa. I'm a health professional, but like most of the 20 million positive women worldwide, I was infected by my long-term regular partner. The challenge for every positive person is to take back control of their lives, in "Living Positively" with the virus. I'd always believed that good health was never maintained only by taking medication. More than ever, HIV reinforced for me that health is not just physical health, but also mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. An important part of the healing process for me is to be active in HIV/AIDS education, support and advocacy. I volunteer in a number of HIV/AIDS organizations, and in particular Positive Women, because the impact of HIV /AIDS on women is very different than from men. As once a positive person, I will forever be grateful to God Almighty and Doctor Osorba to reach me when i thought it is all over, Today am happy with my family living free after the medical doctor have confirmed my HIV status Negative, I have never in my life believed that HIV could be cure by any herbal medicine, I want to make sure that HIV never happens to anyone else. We can't prevent HIV by punishment, by stigma and discrimination. It's only through building a safe, supportive and caring environment, that positive people still have hope and they should contact Dr Osorba with this email: so they can once again be visible in our community, to educate and advocate, to take better care of ourselves and our families. We're someone's daughter, partner, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt. When we get HIV, it impacts on our families too contact him today and leave carefree Good luck.

  82. Am Angela Shuane, i have been married for 2 years with pain and agony because my husband left me for another lady. I was reviewing some post on the internet on how i could get back my husband then, i saw a post by Marina Choas who testified of Doctor Ebakor the almighty spell caster. I contacted Marina Chaos to confirm about Doctor Ebakor and she guaranteed me and gave me the courage to contact Doctor Ebakor for help. So, i contacted him and he assured me that my days of sorrows are over that i will get back my husband within 12 to 16 hours. I did all what he told me and am very happy that my husband is back to me and we are now living happily like never before and i can boldly and proudly testify to the world that Doctor Ebakor is a good and remarkable spell caster that specializes on different kind of spells. If you need his help, then contact him on E-mail: OR you can call me on: 912-387-2094 if you need more info about Doctor Ebakor.

  83. my name is Robin Jane. I am really pleased with this service. I am one of those people who said, “I’ll never call a psychic or a magician or whatever” to help me with my problems – least of all my love problems, but I reached the point where I knew I needed some guidance, and I’m so glad I found this man called dr. Trust. I never in a million years would have thought I’d be writing a letter like this, but when I nearly lost Andrew in one of our stupid,fights (he broke up with me), I thought I had lost everything.i cry all day and think that he will never come back to me again.i read a testimony by a man called Taylor Borg about him saying that how dr. Trust help him to get back is EX wife within 48n hours.I quickly email him.and also get back my husband with his love spell. And when I was at my most desperate,he didn’t take advantage of me. You performed a very good service for a person in true need. I don’t know how you did it, or how this magic works, but all I know is, IT WORKS!! Andrew my husband and I are happily back together, and I’ll always be grateful to dr. Trust email him for any kinds of help is very capable and reliable for help or tel +2348156885231

  84. my name is Robin Jane. I am really pleased with this service. I am one of those people who said, “I’ll never call a psychic or a magician or whatever” to help me with my problems – least of all my love problems, but I reached the point where I knew I needed some guidance, and I’m so glad I found this man called dr. Trust. I never in a million years would have thought I’d be writing a letter like this, but when I nearly lost Andrew in one of our stupid,fights (he broke up with me), I thought I had lost everything.i cry all day and think that he will never come back to me again.i read a testimony by a man called Taylor Borg about him saying that how dr. Trust help him to get back is EX wife within 48n hours.I quickly email him.and also get back my husband with his love spell. And when I was at my most desperate,he didn’t take advantage of me. You performed a very good service for a person in true need. I don’t know how you did it, or how this magic works, but all I know is, IT WORKS!! Andrew my husband and I are happily back together, and I’ll always be grateful to dr. Trust email him for any kinds of help is very capable and reliable for help or tel +2348156885231


  85. Hello my name is john,I know a great spell caster who helped me when I
    had problem with my wife if you need a right place to solve your
    problems contact ( is the right choice. he is a great
    man that have been casting spells with years of experience. he cast spells
    for different purposes like.

    Contact. (

    (1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you always have bad dreams.
    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4) You want women/men to run after you.
    (5) If you want a child.
    (6) You want to be rich.
    (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
    (8) If you need financial assistance.
    (9) Herbal care.

    Contact . WISE on:(

  86. LOTTO SPELLS & MONEY SPELLS CALL DR clement.. +2347061824880 Hello my name is Diana i am here to testify on how Dr clement help me wine on Lottery Spell-Are you looking for a jackpot win on either a scratch off ticket or the little lottery contact Dr clement today all your pains will be over okay Dr clement is here to help you out okay? This spell can be directed at either type of lottery game in your area to produce a onetime jackpot win. When you do not have the financial freedom to do as you wish life can take a toll on you and your family. Money spell can help increase finance in many ways. We can help with business spells, lottery spells, getting people to pay you back and gambling spells. Better Odds Gambling Spell - Do you go to the casinos and gamble frequently?This spell will increase the odds of your natural win when you go to gamble. You will see larger, more frequent wins. Prosperity Spell - Are you looking for an increased income? This spell will help you in all aspects of your life financially. Whether it be getting a salary increase, better luck gambling or more business coming your way, this spell will help get it done right the first time. For more Info Call DR

  87. Hi everyone, I do hope my post gets read and hopefully helps somebody along the line.i will never forget the help of dr burundi who render to me in my marital life. i have been married for 4 years now. we love each other very dearly . after 3 years of our marriage my wife suddenly change she was having an affair with a guy outside,i notice it then i was praying for divine intervention the thing became more serious i told my pastor about it we prayed but nothing happen. my wife just came home one day she pick up her things and left me and the kids, at this time i was confuse not knowing what to do again because i have lost my wife and my marriage too. i was just checking my mails in the office when i saw someone sharing her testimony on how DR BURUNDI help her out with her marital problems so i contacted the email of Dr BURUNDI. i told him my problem and i was told to be calm that i have come to the right place that i should fill some information concerning my self i did after 30 minute he called me again congratulating me that my problems will be solve within two days. he told me what went wrong with my wife and how it happen.that they will restored my marriage but i will make a free donation to their TEMPLE home anything my heart told me. to my greatest surprise my wife came to my office begging me on her knees that i should find a place in my heart to forgive her, i quickly ask her up that i have forgiven her.friends your case is not too hard why don't you give Dr BURUNDI a try. He does surprises because i know he will also bring back your WIFE or husband. contact him via{DRBURUNDIHADADI@GMAIL.COM}


  88. Need a spell caster?then think of DR,OBEYED he is real reliable and he does what he promise you.I know all this because he helped with my marriage problem.For security reason i will not live my name here but i can tell you all he did to help me.Me and my family live in the US military base here in America,my wife is a solider and i love it that she is and i support.But being a solider means she is half my wife and fully the U.S army.before her three tour we were so in love and we had a kid son who we both love him.It all changed after her two tour in Iraq and Afghanistan,i noticed the distance her second tour she stopped call at first i thought maybe she was part of an accident but i found out that she was OK in Afghanistan.She explained that she always on patrol.It got ugly on the third. I guess in the last two tours she found herself a new lover and then totally forgetting me and our boy.I can not say i did not notice because she always has to be some where instead of with me,coming up with some silly excuse not to be with me that is ( have sex ) and her entire behavior told me all i needed to know. i did my research and i had a hint that it was her squad lieutenant.I had know evidence so a could not take the matter to any body.It killed me to seeing this happen i was going suicidal.What hurt me the most was she going home knowing that i suspect she infidelity,she kept lying to me over and over again.The power of positive thinking helped me a lot.I thought that maybe i can find in the help on the internet with the people who had being in the same problem with him.I found a lot of ways but nor worked except DR,OBEYED spell.At that time five month ago i was so confused that i could do anything to get my wife back so i contacted DR,OBEYED with his email address i saw in some comment on the internet at laid down my problem to him and told him the entire story and he even confirmed my hint was right, how he did i do not know but he was right because my wife told me later after the spell was made effective. DR,OBEYED cast a spell on them both do not know what he did but it seem he made them both forget they ever crossed path romantically speaking like they never know each other expect there official relationship that is squad leader and solider.I owe my life to DR,OBEYED what he did saved my marriage.I can tell you this because i have tried and it worked for me.Your case also have a solution with DR,OEYED contact him with his email:

    1. This is my testimony on how i won $66 million dollars. Johnson Belcher, from USA I want to use this opportunity to thank Great Dr Iyaryi for helping me to win the lottery of $66 million lottery ticket.I have been playing the lottery for the past 5 years now and i have never won. Ever since then i have not been able to win and i was so upset and i need help to win the lottery. so i decided to go online and search for help,there i saw so many good testimony about this man called Great Dr Iyaryi of how he have cast lucky spell lotto for people to win the lottery.I contact him also and tell him i want to win a lottery, he cast a spell for me which i use and i play and won $66 million dollars. I am so grateful to this man, just in-case you also need him to help you win,you can contact him through his email: and he will surely help you

  89. Unimaginable and unbelievable. I am Tracy Jones from the United States and i have a good news to share to the entire world. Do you need your ex husband or lover urgently? I wanna tell you that you need not to worry because i have a good news for those out there that are faced or similar to such situation because there is always a hope and a solution to all problem. There is a great spell caster called Dr Eku who can really solve your problem. Getting my lover back is what i can't imagine but when I was losing Newton, I needed help and somewhere to turn badly but my Aunty told me about this spell caster who also helped her on the internet. I thought it won't work but i just tried to give this man a chance and i ordered a LOVE SPELL. Two days later, my phone rang. Newton was his old self again and wanted to come back to me! Not only come back, the spell caster opened him up to know how much I loved and needed him. This Spell Casting isn’t brainwashing, but he opened up his eyes to know how much we have to share together. I recommend anyone who is in my old situation to try him because he will help you and make things be the way it ought to be. If you have such problem or similar to this, please contact him on his email and just visit and see so many people testifying about his perfect work. thank you Dr Eku and may your gods ever reward you for your good deeds..

  90. There is a great spell caster called Dr Love who can really solve your problem. Getting my lover back is what i can't imagine but when I was losing gibson, I needed help and somewhere to turn badly but my Aunty told me about this spell caster who also helped her on the internet. I thought it won't work but i just tried to give this man a chance and i ordered a LOVE SPELL. Two days later, my phone rang. gibson was his old self again and wanted to come back to me! Not only come back, the spell caster opened him up to know how much I loved and needed him. This Spell Casting isn’t brainwashing, but he opened up his eyes to know how much we have to share together. I recommend anyone who is in my old situation to try him because he will help you and make things be the way it ought to be. If you have such problem or similar to this, please contact him on his email

  91. Hello to all my viewers am Diana yang from USA I want to use this opportunity to thank Dr CLEMENT who help me to won sum of $66 million dollars. thanks Dr clement for helping me to win the lottery.I have been playing the lottery for the past 5 years now and i have never won. Ever since then i have not been able to win and i was so upset and i need help to win the lottery. so i decided to go online and search for help,there i saw so many good testimony about this man called Great Dr clement of how he have cast lucky spell lotto for people to win the lottery.I contact him also and tell him i want to win a lottery, he cast a spell for me which i use and i play and won $66 million dollars. I am so grateful to this man,just in-case you also need him to help you win,you can contact him through his email: or call +2347061824880 and he will surely help you

  92. I will like to share my testimony to you all.i just got married to my husband about a year ago we start having problems at home like we stop sleeping on the same bed, fighting about little things he always comes home late at night, drinking too much and sleeping with other women out side.i have never love any man in my life except him.he is the father of my children and I don't want to loose him because we have worked so hard together to become what we are and have today.few month ago he now decided to live me and the kid, being a single mother can be hard sometimes and so I have nobody to turn to and I was heart broken.i called my mom and explain every thing to her, my mother told me about PROPHET ROBSON how he helped her solve the problem between her and my dad I was surprise about it because they have been without each other for three and a half years and it was like a miracle how they came back to each other.i was directed to PROPHET ROBSON and explain everything to him, so he promise me not to worry that he will cast a spell and make things come back to how we where so much in love again and that it was another female spirit that was controlling my husband.he told me that my problem will be solved within two days if I believe I said OK.So he cast a spell for me and after two days my love came back asking me to forgive him.i Am so happy now. so that why I decided to share my experience with every body that have such problem contact him email.

  93. Hello everybody, My name is Jessica Morgan. I'm from United State. I am happy given this testimony on this forum on how Dr Ekpiku the greatest of all spell casters helped me to restored my son on drug addiction and getting my husband back to me. every night he comes back drunk,it became a big problem to the extent that my husband abandoned me and our son. every night I cried seeking for God's will, until a friend of mine introduced me to a spell caster,she introduced me to Dr Ekpiku.He told me not to worry that everything will be back to normal in 3 days. to my own surprise. a day later my son's attitude changed he quit drugs and drinking,,and my husband came back home to me pleading for forgiveness. Today we are living happily together as a happy family now.All thanks to Dr Iyare for helping me. May you live long sir. Should in case anybody need his help you can contact him on his email address and i assure you things will turn around for your good.

  94. I see know reason why people still share tears, fill guilty, blame them-self and living in pain all because your lover left you, instead of doing all those to yourself why not contact Dr.Abolo via ( call him(+2347052534659) to get your lover back within the space of 48hrs. i am saying this because he was the same man that helped me out of heart-break by bringing back my ex lover back to me after so many weeks of break-up. so contact him today and your days of loneliness and pains will be over.

  95. Midred Jackson Says

    Am giving this testimony cos am happy

    My name is Midred Jackson from Michigan I never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once. when i went to Africa in June 28th 2013 this year on a business summit. i ment a man called DR OTIS DARKO. He is powerful he could help you cast a spells to bring back my love’s gone,misbehaving lover looking for some one to love you, bring back lost money and magic money spell or spell for a good job.i’m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 3 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 2 years… i really loved him, but his mother was against me and he had no good paying job. so when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to first i was undecided,skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. and in 6 days when i returned to taxes, my boyfriend (is now my husband ) he called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married..i didn’t believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do… well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid,and my husband also got a new job and our lives became much better. in case anyone needs the spell caster for some help, email address:

    GREAT OTIS DARKO I thank you very much thank you in 1000000 times.. if not you I would have been losted and wasted thank you. Email Him Through his email address...

    please make sure you contact him for any financial difficulties okay..

    What a powerful man such as DR OTIS DARKO.. he is so much powerful..\\ email him for any difficulties..

  96. Need a spell caster?then think of Dr Otis Darko he is real reliable and he does what he promise you.I know all this because he helped with my marriage problem.For security reason i will not live my name here but i can tell you all he did to help me.Me and my family live in the US military base here in America,my wife is a solider and i love it that she is and i support.But being a solider means she is half my wife and fully the U.S army.before her three tour we were so in love and we had a kid son who we both love him.It all changed after her two tour in Iraq and Afghanistan,i noticed the distance her second tour she stopped call at first i thought maybe she was part of an accident but i found out that she was OK in Afghanistan.She explained that she always on patrol.It got ugly on the third. I guess in the last two tours she found herself a new lover and then totally forgetting me and our boy.I can not say i did not notice because she always has to be some where instead of with me,coming up with some silly excuse not to be with me that is ( have sex ) and her entire behavior told me all i needed to know. i did my research and i had a hint that it was her squad lieutenant. I had know evidence so a could not take the matter to any body.It killed me to seeing this happen i was going suicidal.What hurt me the most was she going home knowing that i suspect she infidelity,she kept lying to me over and over again.The power of positive thinking helped me a lot.I thought that maybe i can find in the help on the internet with the people who had being in the same problem with him.I found a lot of ways but nor worked except Dr Otis Darko spell.At that time five month ago i was so confused that i could do anything to get my wife back so i contacted Dr Otis Darko with his email address i saw in some comment on the internet at I laid down my problem to him and told him the entire story and he even confirmed my hint was right, how he did i do not know but he was right because my wife told me later after the spell was made effective. Dr Otis Darko cast a spell on them both do not know what he did but it seem he made them both forget they ever crossed path romantically speaking like they never know each other expect there official relationship that is squad leader and solider.I owe my life to DR OTIS DARKO what he did saved my marriage.I can tell you this because i have tried and it worked for me.Your case also have a solution with Dr Otis Darko contact him with his email

  97. My Name is AZIBA OLUBOISE. I never believed in Love Spells or Magics until I met this special spell caster when i contact this man called Execute some business..He is really powerful..My wife divorce me with no reason for almost 4 years and i tried all i could to have her back cos i really love her so much but all my effort did not work out.. we met at our early age at the college and we both have feelings for each other and we got married happily for 5 years with no kid and she woke up one morning and she told me she’s going on a divorce..i thought it was a joke and when she came back from work she tender to me a divorce letter and she packed all her loads from my house..i ran mad and i tried all i could to have her back but all did not work out..i was lonely for almost 4 years…So when i told the spell caster what happened he said he will help me and he asked for her full name and her picture..i gave him that..At first i was skeptical but i gave it a try cos have tried so many spell casters and there is no solution…so when he finished with the readings,he got back to me that she’s with a man and that man is the reason why she left me…The spell caster said he will help me with a spell that will surely bring her back.but i never believe all this…he told me i will see a positive result within 3 days..3 days later,she called me herself and came to me apologizing I NEVER BELIEVED IN LOVE SPELLS UNTIL I MET THIS WORLD'S TOP SPELL CASTER. HE IS REALLY POWERFUL AND COULD HELP CAST SPELLS TO BRING BACK ONE'S GONE,LOST,MISBEHAVING LOVER AND MAGIC MONEY SPELL OR SPELL FOR A GOOD JOB.I'M NOW HAPPY & A LIVING TESTIMONY COS THE WOMAN I HAD WANTED TO MARRY LEFT ME 2 WEEKS BEFORE OUR WEDDING AND MY LIFE WAS UPSIDE DOWN COS OUR RELATIONSHIP HAS BEEN ON FOR 2YEARS... I REALLY LOVED HIM, BUT HIS MOTHER WAS AGAINST US AND HE HAD NO GOOD PAYING JOB. SO WHEN I MET THIS SPELL CASTER, I TOLD HIM WHAT HAPPENED AND EXPLAINED THE SITUATION OF THINGS TO HIM..AT FIRST I WAS UNDECIDED,SKEPTICAL AND DOUBTFUL, BUT I JUST GAVE IT A TRY. AND IN 7 DAYS WHEN I RETURNED TO USA, MY GIRLFRIEND(NOW WIFE) CALLED ME BY HERSELF AND CAME TO ME APOLOGIZING THAT EVERYTHING HAD BEEN SETTLED WITH HIS MOM AND FAMILY AND SHE GOT A NEW JOB INTERVIEW SO WE SHOULD GET MARRIED..I DIDN'T BELIEVE IT COS THE SPELL CASTER ONLY ASKED FOR MY NAME AND MY GIRLFRIENDS NAME AND ALL I WANTED HIM TO DO... WELL WE ARE HAPPILY MARRIED NOW AND WE ARE EXPECTING OUR LITTLE KID,AND MY WIFE ALSO GOT THE NEW JOB AND OUR LIVES BECAME MUCH BETTER. IN CASE ANYONE NEEDS THE SPELL CASTER FOR SOME HELP, HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS; ......HOPE HE HELPS YOU OUT OUR OPPORTUNITY ... CONTACT THIS GREAT SPELL CASTER VIA EMAIL:

  98. My Name is Dan Anelos ..I never believed in Love Spells or Magics until I met this special spell caster when i contact this man called Execute some business..He is really powerful..My wife divorce me with no reason for almost 4 years and i tried all i could to have her back cos i really love her so much but all my effort did not work out.. we met at our early age at the college and we both have feelings for each other and we got married happily for 5 years with no kid and she woke up one morning and she told me she’s going on a divorce..i thought it was a joke and when she came back from work she tender to me a divorce letter and she packed all her loads from my house..i ran mad and i tried all i could to have her back but all did not work out..i was lonely for almost 4 years…So when i told the spell caster what happened he said he will help me and he asked for her full name and her picture..i gave him that..At first i was skeptical but i gave it a try cos have tried so many spell casters and there is no solution…so when he finished with the readings,he got back to me that she’s with a man and that man is the reason why she left me…The spell caster said he will help me with a spell that will surely bring her back.but i never believe all this…he told me i will see a positive result within 3 days..3 days later,she called me herself and came to me apologizing and she told me she will come back to me..I cant believe this,it was like a dream cos i never believe this will work out after trying many spell casters and there is no solution..The spell caster is so powerful and after that he helped me with a pregnancy spell and my wife got pregnant a month later..we are now happy been together again and with lovely kid..This spell caster has really changed my life and i will forever thankful to him..he has helped many friends too with similar problem too and they are happy and thankful to him..This man is indeed the most powerful spell caster have ever experienced in life..Am Posting this to the Forum in case there is anyone who has similar problem and still looking for a way can reach him here: CONTACT THIS GREAT AND POWERFUL SPELL CASTER CALLED OTIS DARKO ... HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS : ... CONTACT HIM NOW AND BE FAST ABOUT IT SO HE CAN ALSO ATTEND TO YOU BECAUSE THE EARLIER YOU CONTACT HIM NOW THE BETTER FOR YOU TO GET QUICK SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS...

  99. Hello To The World At Large,

    I am Miss Wacks.,From united states of America.I will start by saying to all that have experience heart break and also cant do with out there lover should please stop here and read up my story, So as you will know how to go solving or getting your ex back from this spell caster..AND AGAIN I WILL WANT TO ALSO TELL ALL THAT THIS SPELL CASTER I WILL WANT TO TELL THE WHOLE WORLD ABOUT IS HARMLESS AND DO NOT HAVE ANY SIDE EFFECT, BUT TO RESTORE AND GIVE YOU BACK WHAT YOU DESERVE, COS WHEN I MEET WITH THIS SPELL CASTER THAT WAS INTRODUCED TO ME BY THE WIFE OF MY BOSS IN MY WORKING PLACE, HE MADE IT CLEAR THAT HE CAN CAST SPELL ON SO MANY OTHER PROBLEMS EXCEPT IN GETTING YOUR EX OR MAKING YOUR LOVER TO LOVE YOU MORE THAT WILL SUITE YOU. Last year December, My lover was cheating on me and was not also give me the attention that a man should give to a woman,And really that was troubling my mind and tearing my heart apart to the extent that i was not concentrating in the office the way i use to before the break up by my lover.And before that incident,I always see how my boss use to love his wife so much. I was binging to think that i was not doing the right thing to him that will make him love me forever,So i really gathered my courage and went to my boss wife office to ask her the secret that made her husband love her so dearly,In the first place she refused in telling me,She asked me why i am asking her such a question,That if is it not normal for every man to love his wife.I told her the reason that made me ask her about this question,That my lover started cheating on me lately,When i knelt down before her for her to see my seriousness in this issue that i went to ask her,She opened up to me by telling me that i should not tell anybody about what she want to tell me,The wife to my boss started to say to me that she used a very powerful spell on his husband to love her,And the spell that she used is harmless, But the spell is just to make him love her and never to look for any other woman except her. I QUICKLY ASK HER HOW DID SHE GET TO KNOW THIS GREAT,POWER,DURABLE AND PERFECT WORK SPELL CASTER,she said that a friend of hers also introduce her to him. Then i also ask her how i can meet with this spell caster.SHE SAID EVERYTHING TO ME,THAT THE NAME OF THIS SPELL CASTER IS DR OTIS DARKO ORACLE TEMPLE. My next question to her was how can i get this wonderful spell caster,She said she is going to give me the email of the spell caster for me to contact him for my problem,Really she gave to me this spell caster email and i contacted him and explained all to him,And after every thing that needed to be done by the spell caster, In the next two days, My lover that hated me so much came to house begging for forgiveness and i was so glad that i have finally gotten my heart desire..I was so grateful to this spell caster for what he has done for my life.. So i made a promise to him that i will always continue telling the world about his wonderful work towards me and also to other that came to you before and also the people that will also get to you from my story that i narrated online now..I will want to say to the entire world that you should not cry over noting again, That there is a great man that has been helping individuals to restore there Joy and smile in there faces !! The direct email to get this man is : ,This is what i want to tell you all out there,That is thinking that all hope is lost ok. CONTACT OTIS DARKO TODAY: Thanks


    Miss Wacks.

  100. My Name is KPELELIO.I will love to share my testimony to all the people in the forum cos i never thought i will have my girlfriend back and she means so much to me..The girl i want to get marry to left me 4 weeks to our wedding for another man..,When i called her she never picked my calls,She deleted me on her facebook and she changed her facebook status from married to Single...when i went to her to her place of work she told her boss she never want to see me..I lost my job as a result of this cos i cant get myself anymore,my life was upside down and everything did not go smooth with my life...I tried all i could do to have her back to all did not work out until i met a Man when i Travel to Africa to execute some business have been developing some years back..I told him my problem and all have passed through in getting her back and how i lost my job...he told me he gonna help me...i don't believe that in the first place.but he swore he will help me out and he told me the reason why my girlfriend left me and also told me some hidden secrets.i was amazed when i heard that from him..he said he will cast a spell for me and i will see the results in the next couple of days..then i travel back to US the following day and i called him when i got home and he said he's busy casting those spells and he has bought all the materials needed for the spells,he said am gonna see positive results in the next 2 days that is Thursday...My girlfriend called me at exactly 12:35pm on Thursday and apologies for all she had done ..she said,she never knew what she's doing and her sudden behavior was not intentional and she promised not to do that was like am dreaming when i heard that from her and when we ended the call,i called the man and told him my wife called and he said i haven't seen anything yet... he said i will also get my job back in 3 days time..and when its Sunday,they called me at my place of work that i should resume working on Monday and they gonna compensate me for the time limit have spent at home without working..My life is back into shape,i have my girlfriend back and we are happily married now with kids and i have my job back too.This man is really powerful..if we have up to 20 people like him in the world,the world would have been a better place..he has also helped many of my friends to solve many problems and they are all happy now..Am posting this to the forum for anybody that is interested in meeting the man for can mail him to I cant give out his number cos he told me he don't want to be disturbed by many people across the world..he said his email is okay and he' will replied to any emails asap..hope he helped u out too..good luck: ONCE AGAIN HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS:

  101. Attention To The Everyone,

    My wife has been suffering from thyroid cancer which was confirmed to be stage four, the doctor told me there was little he could do since she wasn’t responding to treatment but a friend of mine came to our rescue by ordering this cannabis oil from Shakes Spear which he said has been helping some patient fight against cancer of various types so we decided to give it a chance, so far my wife is improving perfectly very well and presently she can walk around the house all by herself. I felt its necessary i let others who are suffering from this acute disease that once you have a good cannabis oil it can really give one a sound second chance of living by chance if you happen to be in need of this cannabis oil you can contact Dr Otis Darko who supplied I and my wife with this email:



    1. Getting your lover or husband back

    2. Spiritual bulletproof

    3. Training

    4. Money spell

    5. Long life spell

    6. Prosperity spell

    7. Protection spell

    8. Get a job spell

    9. Becoming a manager spell

    10. Get a huge loan without paying any fee spell

    11. Getting your scam money back

    12. Child spell

    13. Pregnancy spell

    14. Freedom spell

    15. Love spell

    16, vanishing spell

    17. Invisible human spell

    18. Success or pass spell

    19. Marriage spell

    20. Avenging spell

    21. Popularity spell

    22. Killing spell

    23. Cancer spell

    24. Supernatural power spell

    25. Madness spell

    26. Free house loan spell

    27. Production spell of films and movie

    28. Hiv/aids spell

    29. Tuberculosis spell

    30. Loose weight and body spell

    contact me of any of these problem as I got solution to all... MY EMAIL ADDRESS IS:

  102. HELLO TO YOU ALLOVER THE WORLD I AM KATE HARRY THESE IS THE GREATEST THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENS TO ME IN MY OWN LIFE THESE IS HOW I GOT THE LOTTERY TESTIMONY FROM DOCTOR LUCKY VOODOO SPELL WORKS. Dr Lucky, After he cast the Lottery spell for me, and he give me the winning number i make use of it as he insulted me i won the big jack pot . This spell change my life into riches. I am now out of debts and experiencing the most amazing good luck with lottery after i won a huge amount of money. I have more luck now than I ever had in my life. i won 1.200.000 million pounds. Your Lottery spell made wonders, I can't believe it. Thank you so much sir for dedicating your time to cast the Lottery spell for me.”I am eternally grateful for the lottery spell DOCTOR LUCKY did for me. You can email him for you own lottery winning number. or call +2348159645330. Dr Lucky truly you are the best your lucky name give me luck on my life truly the easy way to win is here with Dr Lucky good-luck to you all out there okay Dr Lucky once again thanks for all you have don for me i will for ever be great-full to you i trust you all my life.VIA EMAIL or call +2348159645330.

  103. My name is Laurie Jonathan, I live in Canada want to share my wonderful testimony on how i got back my ex-lover of my life back, who i sworn to be with until when he left me to another woman for no reason and i try to make things work for both of us yet things where getting worse and i love him so much and there is nothing i could do to get my ex back until i met a testimony share by Maria from USA on the internet talking about a powerful spell caster who brought his ex lover back within 48 hours and i decide to give it a try and to my greatest surprise he also did it for me just as he did for Maria and i have a lot of people complaining of fake spell caster but this one i met was a real spell caster who help me to solve my problem i have no solution to,i introduce many of my best friends that have a similar problems,and their problem were solve with the great help of Dr.Iyaryi. they get back their ex within 48 hours. I am so happy that my ex is back to me again,and the most surprise,is that our love is very strong,every day is happiness and joy. and there is nothing like been with the man you love. I am so happy my love is back to me with the help of Dr.Iyaryi. if you have similar problem i will advice you to contact him ,he is there to help you and put a smile on your face ask he did to me and email(

  104. Hi, I work in a communication company I want to share my testimony to the world, my name is PAUL EVANS, I was a really flirt guy,i sticks to every woman that walk by me and i had a good stature that always make women love me so quickly and easily, I got effected with HIV due to the nature of my life style, In April 15 2011 i was tested positive to HIV, This is not design to convince you but its just a personal health experience . I never thought DR IGUEGA could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing herb spell, i have tried almost everything but I couldn’t find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend a lot to buy a HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i came across a great post about a woman who truly said that she lost her husband and DR IGUEGA helped her return her marriage, and she said the DR can also help cure any kind of disease ,I wondered why she is called the DR great papa IGUEGA, i never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so I quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and so i did all the things he asked me to do,He ask me to buy some herbs and which I did for my cure,only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strength that has left me before rushed back and i became very strong and healthy, this disease almost killed my life all because of my nasty behavior, so i went to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative, i am very amazed and happy about the healing DR IGUEGA gave to me from the ancient part of Africa, you can email him now for your own healing too on his email: DR.IGUEGASPELLTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM or DR.IGUEGASPELLTEMPLE@OUTLOOK.COM or you can call his mobile number on +2347039075856

  105. Hi viewers i am Frankly Nelson, my best regards to you all that are reading my testimony on how i got my lotto winning number by Dr Lucky, am so happy and great-full to you Dr Lucky to you and the magic you have done to me that makes me win millions of dollars in lottery. I would like to say,-Thank you. I was on the edge of losing my house and so many things around me, so I asked a spell from you, so that I will be able to save my house and come up with payment options. He help me with his magic voodoo spell power and i win 100,000.00 $ all thinks goes to great powerful and wonderful magic voodoo spell caster called Dr Lucky for what you have just done for me. Sure enough,-what I asked for. You have proven over and over again, that you are the best voodoo spell caster. any body out here that is in need of these also reading to have a good testimony like me you just have to contact Dr Lucky on these email or for you to also get the winning number and make you own testimony,you have to hurry and get in touch with the spell caster,so that he can help you with hes magic voodoo power to make you win the lottery. Email him or contact number +2348159645330 Thanks again viewers good-luck to you all .

  106. Hi viewers i am Frankly Nelson, my best regards to you all that are reading my testimony on how i got my lotto winning number by Dr Lucky, am so happy and great-full to you Dr Lucky to you and the magic you have done to me that makes me win millions of dollars in lottery. I would like to say,-Thank you. I was on the edge of losing my house and so many things around me, so I asked a spell from you, so that I will be able to save my house and come up with payment options. He help me with his magic voodoo spell power and i win 100,000.00 $ all thinks goes to great powerful and wonderful magic voodoo spell caster called Dr Lucky for what you have just done for me. Sure enough,-what I asked for. You have proven over and over again, that you are the best voodoo spell caster. any body out here that is in need of these also reading to have a good testimony like me you just have to contact Dr Lucky on these email or for you to also get the winning number and make you own testimony,you have to hurry and get in touch with the spell caster,so that he can help you with hes magic voodoo power to make you win the lottery. Email him or contact number +2348159645330 Thanks again viewers good-luck to you all ..,.,

  107. My Name is Alan Pratte, From USA. I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about what this man called Dr OTIS DARKO has just done for me , this man has just brought back my lost Ex WIFE to me with his great spell, I was married to this woman called Sharon we were together for a long time and we loved our self’s but when I was unable to make her pregnant for me and also give her al she needs she left me and told me she can’t continue anymore then I was now looking for ways to get her back until a friend of mine told me about this man and gave his contact email: then you won't believe this when I contacted this man on my problems he prepared this spell cast and bring my lost WIFE back, and after a month she became pregnant for me because he gave me some herbs to take also and when she went for a test and the result stated that she was pregnant am happy today am a FATHER of a baby girl, thank you once again the great DR OTIS DARKO for what you have done for me, if you are out there passing through any of this problems listed below:

    (1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you always have bad dreams.
    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4) You want women/men to run after you.
    (5) If you want a child/PREGNANCY SPELL.
    (6) You want to be rich.
    (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be
    yours forever.
    (8) If you need financial assistance.
    (9) How you been scammed and you want to recover you lost money.
    (10)Stop Divorce
    (12) Winning of lottery
    (13) Cure To Hiv/Aids


  108. My name is Diane Parslow. I am very grateful sharing this great testimonies with you, The best thing that has ever happened in my life is how i win the lottery. I am a woman who believe that one day i will win the lottery.finally my dreams came through when i email Dr Iyaryi. and tell him i need the lottery numbers. i have come a long way spending money on ticket just to make sure i win. But i never know that winning was so easy until the day i meant the spell caster online which so many people has talked about that he is very great in casting lottery spell, so i decide to give it a try.I contacted this man and he did a spell and he gave me the winning lottery numbers. But believe me when the draws were out i was among winners. i win 1.900.000 million Dollar. Dr Iyaryi truly you are the best, with these man you can will millions of money through lottery. i am so very happy to meet these man, i will forever be grateful to you. Email him for your own winning lottery contact him or call him +2348056932763

  109. I came across many testimonies on net testifying of Dr Lucky a voodoo spell caster that will help you cast a LOTTERY spell and give you the rightful numbers to win the lottery, i didn't believe it, at first but as life got badder i decided to take a try, now my try has made me a millionaire, i have been playing all types of lottery since 7 years now but i have not win up to $1000,after contacting him he cast the spell and give me the hot figures behold i won( FIFTY MILLIONS DOLLARS) now i am a living testimony of the good works of Dr Lucky A gifted man with a great powers, it is my secret but i decided to make the world known to it as it might be a help to any one who is interested, this happens last week ago you are free to contact him or email him or call +2348106722608. Am from United kingdom....yours faithful client Melissa Lourdes

  110. I came across many testimonies on net testifying of Dr Lucky a voodoo spell caster that will help you cast a LOTTERY spell and give you the rightful numbers to win the lottery, i didn't believe it, at first but as life got badder i decided to take a try, now my try has made me a millionaire, i have been playing all types of lottery since 7 years now but i have not win up to $1000,after contacting him he cast the spell and give me the hot figures behold i won( FIFTY MILLIONS DOLLARS) now i am a living testimony of the good works of Dr Lucky A gifted man with a great powers, it is my secret but i decided to make the world known to it as it might be a help to any one who is interested, this happens last week ago you are free to contact him or email him or call +2348106722608. Am from United kingdom....yours faithful client Melissa Lourdes ..........

  111. Hello! everyone out here,I am James William from Portland Oregon United state.It has been my desire to help people out with their problems no matter how little my contribution may be.

    As regards to the promise i made to BABA ARUOSA if he could help me get back my girlfriend,i'm using this means to fulfill my promise and also let everybody know there's solution to your problem no matter how difficult you think it is okay.

    I loved a girl for more than 2 years and she told me she was going to marry me.But she would change her mind and tell me she didn't love me anymore and was seeing a guy,which i found out.I begged her to accept me and also tried every means possible to make her know i can't live without her because i really love her but she would pay deaf ears to me.

    We were working in the same company and each time i see her,i wish all this weren't happening.This pain continued till a friend of mine led me to BABA ARUOSA whom he told me was very extremely powerful and has helped with a problem.

    Soon as i contacted him,i knew he was the exact answer to my solution because i felt his powers from his carefully selected words and calmness.I explain all that happened to me and he told me what to do.I did as i was instructed and never doubted him.To my greatest surprise what i felt was almost impossible within the twinkle of an eyes was over.

    She called me pleading for my forgiveness for how she has treated me and that she loves me so much and will never cheat on me again and will marry me.And from that moment till now all we've been experiencing is happiness in our relationship.We'll be getting married

    I would advice anyone with problem to contact him via email : for his help.

    Good day ladies and Gentle men, i want to give thanks and honor to this great man who deserve it, i never taught i could be happy in life again cause my Husband left me 6months ago because i was unable to get pregnant for him after 3years of marriage, but the great DR. KEN brought back my happiness within 24 hours by helping me bring back my Husband and also cast a pregnancy spell for me that help me get pregnant to my first child ever in life. DR. KEN did a thing of surprise in my life within 24 hours by bringing back my love, my husband my sweet heart. I think am the most happiest woman on earth which DR. KEN made me to be, All thanks and appreciations to DR. KEN for putting a smile on my face, my friends out there who need help no need to contacting people which are scams just go straight and contact DR. KEN, cause he is tested and and trusted, If you want to contact him you can contact him via or or view through his website and Contact him there: Call his phone number +2348074433380

    Alexis Kimberly from United State of America

    Good day ladies and Gentle men, i want to give thanks and honor to this great man who deserve it, i never taught i could be happy in life again cause my Husband left me 6months ago because i was unable to get pregnant for him after 3years of marriage, but the great DR. KEN brought back my happiness within 24 hours by helping me bring back my Husband and also cast a pregnancy spell for me that help me get pregnant to my first child ever in life. DR. KEN did a thing of surprise in my life within 24 hours by bringing back my love, my husband my sweet heart. I think am the most happiest woman on earth which DR. KEN made me to be, All thanks and appreciations to DR. KEN for putting a smile on my face, my friends out there who need help no need to contacting people which are scams just go straight and contact DR. KEN, cause he is tested and and trusted, If you want to contact him you can contact him via or or view through his website and Contact him there: Call his phone number +2348074433380

    Alexis Kimberly from United State of America

    Good day ladies and Gentle men, i want to give thanks and honor to this great man who deserve it, i never taught i could be happy in life again cause my Husband left me 6months ago because i was unable to get pregnant for him after 3years of marriage, but the great DR. KEN brought back my happiness within 24 hours by helping me bring back my Husband and also cast a pregnancy spell for me that help me get pregnant to my first child ever in life. DR. KEN did a thing of surprise in my life within 24 hours by bringing back my love, my husband my sweet heart. I think am the most happiest woman on earth which DR. KEN made me to be, All thanks and appreciations to DR. KEN for putting a smile on my face, my friends out there who need help no need to contacting people which are scams just go straight and contact DR. KEN, cause he is tested and and trusted, If you want to contact him you can contact him via or or view through his website and Contact him there: Call his phone number +2348074433380

    Alexis Kimberly from United State of America

  113. Be careful about love spell comments here I got scammed by three of them,I lost over $1570 until a friend direct me to Dr Amina who help me get back the father of my two kids after he left me for over 2 years.and now my ex is fully back and he love me and my kids like never before.if you need help with love spell then mama Amina is the solution to your problem she charge me only $135 and her love spell work like magic.she can be reach at (

  114. I am Dianna from Michigan, i was in a serious relationship with my Ex Boyfriend for three good years.. One day we were in a dinner party, we had a little misunderstanding which lead to a Quarrel and he stood up and left me at the dinner party. i try to call him but he was not picking my calls so after than i contacted my brother and told him about it,my brother had to see him on my behalf,he told my brother that it is over between us.. Then i contacted a friend of mine that once had a similar problem and she directed me to one of the spiritual diviner ( first i thought it was not going to be possible and i contacted him i was ask to come up with a little requirement,so i did what i was ask to do, after 2 days i was in my office when my Boyfriend called me and was asking me to forgive him and come back to him. i was very surprise it was like a dream to me,so ever since we have been happily married with one kid my lovely baby(Ceslav) can contact this great spell caster with name Dr Rasheed from India through his email at( )i wish you the best of luck...

    I am Dianna from Michigan, i was in a serious relationship with my Ex Boyfriend for three good years.. One day we were in a dinner party, we had a little misunderstanding which lead to a Quarrel and he stood up and left me at the dinner party. i try to call him but he was not picking my calls so after than i contacted my brother and told him about it,my brother had to see him on my behalf,he told my brother that it is over between us.. Then i contacted a friend of mine that once had a similar problem and she directed me to one of the spiritual diviner ( first i thought it was not going to be possible and i contacted him i was ask to come up with a little requirement,so i did what i was ask to do, after 2 days i was in my office when my Boyfriend called me and was asking me to forgive him and come back to him. i was very surprise it was like a dream to me,so ever since we have been happily married with one kid my lovely baby(Ceslav) can contact this great spell caster with name Dr Rasheed from India through his email at( )i wish you the best of luck...


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