
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sliding scale of emotions

From a reader:

I just heard your interview on CBC radio and was totally fascinated by you.

I could really identify with your perception of yourself as a child, and the knowingness of being different, your high intelligence and your ability to read people.  As  I listened, I was right there with you.  Funny enough, I am a highly empathetic person. I feel people and in the same way you enjoy "ruining people" I enjoy building them up.  I  hone in on an attribute and try to mirror it back to them to lift them up. It is a skill that I have and I derive much joy and satisfaction from expressing this aspect of myself.  Lucky for me, society looks upon this as an acceptable trait and therefore life is made easier for me.

I have come to believe that we all reside on a sliding scale when it comes to emotion.  If you are a sociopath, what would we call those who are so into their emotions that they are constantly surrounded by chaos, drama and never ending suffering. I love the way you see yourself, I love that you have rules you live by that allow you to exist in society and to find a solid balance between being o.k. with who you are and being o.k. with how the world sees you.  We should all be so lucky.

I just wanted to say thanks for sharing.  I wholeheartedly believe that we are all aspects of the whole and I was able to experience what you have to give today and for that I am grateful.  You are magnificent and I just wanted to express how much joy I felt listening to you.  I look forward to reading your book.

My response:

I actually also enjoy building people up. I enjoy seeing the effect that I can have on people, the power that I have over myself and my environment. I even have a preference for building people up, for whatever reason. But that doesn’t detract for me at all the pleasure in seeing something torn apart. Maybe being in law is a good career choice for me — tearing apart people’s stories, the lies that they’ve decided to live or at least try to pass off as truth.


  1. This is for Radical Agnostic if he cares to respond:
    You said something to the affect that because man can't walk through walls that
    there is no God. What does that have to do with the existence of God?
    It takes faith to KNOW that God exists, and that faith can't be mustered up on a
    human level. The faith must come from God Himself.
    "By grace at ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God."
    There are two ways of looking at the world. The "Greek" (Scientific) way, and the
    "Jewish" (Religious) way. The gentiles believed in "logic" and "common sense."
    The Jews awaited the coming of the Messiah. Jesus WAS a miracle worker, but
    He didn't do the percise miracles that the Jews expected of Him, to lay claim to
    the title of Messiah. "Come down off that Cross and we'll believe." The only
    credentials Christ had to the title of Messiah was His resserection from the dead
    three days later.
    The "Greeks" (Romans) believed in "knowledge" like you do. "Son of God?
    The Apostle Paul said, "To the "Jews," Christ is a stumbling block. (He didn't
    perform the "proper" miracles, and He was refered to as "The stone the builders
    rejected.") To the "Greeks" Christ is foolishness. (Nonsense.) Show me.
    RE: Casey Anthony. She is an outcast and might never be loved again.
    Considering that she is a Narcasscist, THAT is the ultimate torture. Would YOU
    change places with her? I have been regarded in such a light, though I've never
    killed. (It was all due to my Astrological chart. Life is not fair.)
    At least Casey has known love. You Sociopathic ingrates! You torture people
    through sex. I am a 56 year old virgin and will die in this state. Do you have any
    ideal how much it hurts to go shopping in the summertime, or look at the website
    Interracial Breeders?

    1. Daughters of AnarchyJanuary 12, 2015 at 5:44 AM

      Then go and have a good time. Go to a high class escort agency and have a good night socializing with a women. You might actually really like it and have sexual relations afterwards if that's what it leads you to - or it might help you open up to some others. My suggestion : don't talk about Casey Anthony the first time; you might really scare her off. Always show respect to the women.

    2. Keeping SW weird... :)

    3. I am equally amused and irritated by the perception that sociopaths experience pleasure only from negatively influencing the circumstances of another. We make convenient bogeymen, but the reality of the matter should be clear to anyone with an objective viewpoint. Why don't we teach people *how* to reason anymore?

      We are cause and effect junkies. We love it when we touch the surface of the pool and a ring of ripples spreads in every direction. Maybe it propels a sailboat a little faster, and we are delighted. Maybe it capsizes the boat, and we are thrilled. It's the ripple itself that satisfies us- because unless you attract our attention for some reason, you are the sailboat in this metaphor- you don't matter enough for us to care which happens to you or what that might mean for your stupid little life circumstance. You're barely even real.

      If we "choose" you though, now it matters. You epitomize our want and focus our efforts for the fleeting moment for which you occupy our soul-space and we already know how the ripples work, so we propel you or capsize you as we feel you deserve... Which in turn gratifies us through both the ripple and an ambiguous sense of cosmic rightness.

    4. Should women respect male escorts?

    5. As I am slightly narcissitic (as well as slightly senile) I am please that Anon first to comment today paid attention to me and asked for a comment and reply.

      Anon the stupid said, “You said something to the affect that because man can't walk through walls that
      there is no God. What does that have to do with the existence of God?
      It takes faith to KNOW that God exists, and that faith can't be mustered up on a
      human level. The faith must come from God Himself.”

      I only know the world through my empirical senses. A wall is “real.” I can't walk through it. That is a real barrier. Not imaginary.

      “It takes faith to KNOW that God exists.” “Faith” does not have meaning in my universe. I have beliefs and expectations. The sky is cloudy today, the weather forecast says rain is likely. Either it rains or it does not. That's an expectation and it will rain or it will not.

      Almost all of what you wrote and posted makes even less sense. As I've said, “The stupidest thing I know is to tell someone don't be stupid.” Anon: Please stop being stupid. But thank you for paying attention to me, even though I am wasting my time trying to “enlighten” you about reality.

    6. Daughters of AnarchyJanuary 12, 2015 at 3:02 PM

      Of course women should respect male escorts. :)

    7. You have no excuse for being 56 years old and a virgin unless you willfully chose to be. There are so many ways to get your cherry popped that it's comical.

  2. Compared to you guys i´m actually very sane...

    1. ...on a web site for and about people considered disordered...go figger...

  3. I like a nice garden, so I go to some lengths to see to the needs and well being of all of the things growing there. This is one of my peaceful places - where I can sit quietly. The people in my personal life get similar care and nurturing because I like a peaceful and orderly home life - there is enough chaos and drama out side the front door for me to indulge my destructive urges without messing up my space.

    And, not unlike our gracious host, I often find that my "nature" to be useful in the work that I do (engineering). As a group, we critique and tear apart each others ideas/designs/etc. as part of a normal day. And, from time to time, I am charged with actually doing some "dirty work" -

    On a lighter note - this video had me holding my side I was laughing so hard - thought it was HYSTERICAL!!!

    1. I don't think sociopaths have a funny bone. They won't find your video funny. They take themselves dead (heh dead) seriously. They may think you are making fun of them. Maybe you'll get tortured and killed :D

    2. Zodiac scorpios have gallows humour,"chuckle in the dark"-type of stuff. So why should the socio-majority go around stone-faced? The more intelligent the more "witty", most likely..?

    3. wtf is a zodiac this site is weird...luv it

    4. Daughters of AnarchyJanuary 12, 2015 at 9:20 AM

      Omg! ! Me and my friend watched this together. I almost fell outta my chair in laughter. That's a classic video HL. :))

    5. I absolutely cracked up at the video. Does that make me a sociopath or prove that I am not? My wife is as empathic as one can be. Just yesterday she said, "The gray squirrel is back in the yard. Shoot it! Shoot it!"

      I missed. I am an incompetent sociopath. Is there no hope for me?

    6. I think it proves you're just a bpd. I have yet to see a sociopath make fun of themselves.

    7. That was fun, HLH. Thank you. Made me think further about match-your-disorders idea. I wonder if eharmony is matching disorders.

    8. Personality disordered people can't date each other. Just think about it.

    9. Glad people enjoyed that -

      Sceli: I did (dis) and ended up dating a complete train wreak. That was the worst of the dating sites from my experience. It was almost 15 years ago - but it was nothing short of awful.

      However, I haven't done well with nom's either - just about anyone that's ever been interesting to me has been...different. 8)~

    10. :) sounds funny. I did eharmony more than ten years ago, too. I ended up making friends with a couple of guys, and I still am in touch with one of them. No romance found, though. I just went through their questionnaire, I like the questions. I noticed how ambivalent I'm in answering them, now that I'm not as black and white as I used to be, or I should say I now know that I don't know myself as well as I think I do. ANyhow, there were this one question of which 4 words your friends would choose about you. I copied the choices and will go ahead and pass it by some of my friends and see what they would choose about me (or, see if I was right about what they would choose about me). I'll be happy if I'm 50% at guessing what they would choose.

    11. Harry, I loved the cat killer guy, "I wanna find someone who has an equally busy fake life" rofl

    12. ROTFLMAO!!! That or the couple going into the BPD ex and I all but did that. But the cat - that got a certified guffaw out of me - the smirk did it...

    13. Ma just watched it - too close to home I guess...

    14. The driver lady ain't bad either - used to play that game with dad when driving, shouting "10 points!" or "20 points!" whenever we spot a pedestrian or others who *could* be run over easily. Cyclists were 15 points, as far as I remember.

    15. From what you wrote it, sounds like your dad is a fun guy (or at least sympathetic). I hope my son speaks fondly of me in 15-20 years.

  4. "Petty" pathetic socios love to bully others or frighten others for no reason, because it gives them "a rush of (silly) power", true. More developed ones give their surrounding exacly what they deserve, no more no less. This could be rewards to folks that "met standards" nobody else cared about, other than the refined psycho. It serves some inner purpose for the socio; it could be a "judge-type" of individual.

  5. “I feel people… and try to mirror it back to them to lift them up. It is a skill that I have and I derive much joy and satisfaction…”

    I hope this uber-empath person doesn’t get offended but what I personally experienced being around some empaths is that they like to project their “own” feelings, needs, wants, problems… as someone else’s. Sometimes they are right but most of the times they are not. The problem with these types of “projectors” is that the projected person has no choice but to either correct this empath’s prophecies, or ignore it. If you decide to correct them, they interpret it as weakness, defensiveness or whatever pleases their own righteousness… and if they feel ignored, they go around and poison the whole well for you.

    So, I strongly recommend you to read the 10 common signs of an uber-empath and avoid them anywhere you see them. Or you will be surrounded by their never-ending dramas… Also, I hope this reader utilizes his/her abilities to do some self-reflectory job before taking the mission of “helping” another individual who he barely knows.

    1. Anon,

      There is one thing that I don't quite understand about your comment. Before I expand on my thoughts, I would like to clarify that I am not referring to the reader in today's post, who mentions that he or she mirrors the thoughts and behaviors of others (i.e., there is no intent to offend the reader in any way, and I would like to say so from the start). Also, I am not referring to anyone else who is a part of this blog. Having said that, you view this reader as a uber-empath who "projects" certain ideas, needs or wants onto others, your thoughts having derived from the mirror component mentioned in his or her post to M.E. So, this is the part that I don't really understand, which is my true emphasis to you in this comment. You wrote that people project, but do you also consider that others have their own thoughts and specific behaviors, and instead of projecting through life, they are just being themselves? There is such an existence as originality and/or individuals that are original (i.e., surely not in everything that they do, but there is the real drive in them, making them who they are at their base/foundation). I, for one, strongly believe in true individualism and in the idea of the "self." This is not to say that I don't relate to people, or that I don't understand the inner workings of human relations. I would also like to include the important fact that I am not trying to sound conceited or to negatively criticize others (i.e., I am repeating this as a reminder for ongoing clarification), my point having to do with making you, personally, aware of the existence of another possibility, meaning yet another type of individual. Not everyone in this world is a "projector" in real life (i.e. some people do so online for different purposes, which is their personal choice, take on something/technique, and freedom to do so). Granted, having a background in this, there is more to my comment. My thoughts are directly linked to a controversial (i.e., among contemporary artists, progressive writers and blasé/jaded critics) article that I worked on a few years ago, having to do with refuting the idea that "everything in this world has been done" and upholding the notion that originality is a real, never-ending and existing possibility. Actually, I see it as inner truth, the source of which is connected to a person's authentic essence. Do you see my point of view?

  6. When does the world start to make sense? Isn't this the right web site to learn about making sense? If not, point me in the correct direction.

  7. An argument can be made that every station on the spectrum, i.e., from empath to socio, uses empathic information in order to grease the wheels of society. I don't personally care which tools are used to build the ark so long as the boat floats, equally for all passengers. To create something, especially something that reflects truth and beauty, something that both incorporates the known laws of physics and appears to move beyond them, seems preferable to destruction. Personally, it's way too easy to destroy . . . though I don't hesitate to do so when it's necessary. Building and creating are much more challenging.

    As for projection in general -- don't we all sometimes do that? It takes practice to catch yourself in the act, but insight is possible. After the egg-on-the-face has been wiped clean, you simply move on, a little more carefully and self-reflective.

    RadicalAgnostic: The world will never make sense. Follow the mystery.


    1. "Building and creating are much more challenging."


      The above is a good topic of discussion. Why do you find building and creating challenging? The reason I ask for your perspective is to understand you better. I have always found building and creating to be a natural occurrence for me, having been so from a very young age (i.e., this also relates to the topic we discussed yesterday). In fact, this is what I remember doing through the years, and this is where I feel most comfortable. So, as you can imagine, I am wondering why you find this challenging? Can you elaborate further? Also, what does MM stand for?

    2. "Personally, it's way too easy to destroy . . . though I don't hesitate to do so when it's necessary."


      While thinking about this, I find the opposite to be true when it comes to me, but as we discussed this yesterday, too, people's personalities differ, which is the point of diversity. So, since I am curious about your thoughts/actions in this area, why is it easy for you to destroy? How does this happen?

    3. Anonymi says, "The world will never make sense. Follow the mystery."

      1. You are a mystic. I don't have a mystical gene in my body.

      2. You are a drug addict. Just say no.

      3. You are an artist. If you are (writer, painter, musician, etc.) why aren't you creating great art instead of trying to build imaginary arks on a pathetic website of bad people. Perhaps you are shooting people in gay Paree?

    4. Hi SS,

      Creation takes effort and the results can never be certain. When you create, you put yourself out there, naked so to speak. Just because you write an essay doesn't make it good; burning someone's work is easy as lighting a match, as easy as it is to destroy someone's reputation with a bit of well-played gossip. I take pleasure in creating because I discover things about myself; and no matter how dark the fictive product turns out, I know that I've found a piece of truth -- my truth. Destruction, on the other hand, makes me feel ugly. So I don't do it unless I absolutely have to. I don't enjoy hurting others -- I like building them up, so I can see the beauty they hold inside. It's very difficult for me to destroy anything; I'm a nurturer, which, as you know, is not always rewarding, in fact the opposite.

      MM means nothing but candy to my mind. Or perhaps, Many Minds. Like most people, I am made up of many minds. Some are very good, others not so much. I have a terrible temper once I let loose. And a knack for pushing all the right buttons. Naturally I'm not proud of this particular talent and don't often let the verbal venom fly; I'm just being honest.

      I have been known to squash bullies from time to time, and yes, I did rather enjoy it. At least in the moment.

    5. MM,

      It is the intent that matters in the situations you've described, and this is what I really meant when I said that I find the opposite to be true about destruction. In other words, I was referring to my lacking of malintent. I hope this explains things better in relation to some of the content in your comment.

    6. SS,

      Thanks for clarifying.

      Intention is clearly the creator of our own personal heaven or hell, far as I can tell. One can never escape the ugly or beautiful secrets that lie hidden under one's mask.


  8. Been reading some old posts, and noticed that astrology comes up rather often (slamming Scorpios and Virgos, mostly).

    If you really want to know about psychopathy as seen through astrology, it's not about signs. A person's sun sign is but one tiny piece of the astrological puzzle. What astrologers look for are planetary themes. Moon/Venus/Mars/Sun in aspect to say Pluto or Chiron, for example. If Pluto rises in the horoscope and aspects many of the personal planets, they are Scorpio at their heart even if their Sun shines in watery Cancer or fiery Leo. The more dominant a planet appears to 'dance' with other planets in the horoscope, the more that person's life will reflect the themes/myths of that planet. Weaving together the planetary themes into a chart reading is a very complicated business. And just because you have Pluto dominant in the chart does not make you a socio.

    There is a book socios who are into astrology might enjoy: The Dark of the Soul, by Liz Greene. She writes about the planetary themes found most often at play in the charts of sociopaths.

    1. Hi June/Faust!

      Nice to hear from you.

      I was thinking of you a while back - as my last job was winding down, I was talking to my former boss who is German. His wife called while we were talking and replied to what I presume was the question, "can you talk?" He responded, "ich bin mit Faust." (I'm with Faust) - his nickname for me it would seem.

      I hope all is well with you -

    2. Hmm... DARK OF THE SOUL.

      A nonsensical book (astrology) about evil ('pathy).

      Should I scan this as an evil book about nonsense? Or the other way around. On a web site which seems to trying to transform itself evil, but embracing the nonsense. I don't think human beings are ever going to get anywhere in trying to solve this puzzle. Unless we start a genocide against astrologers, psychopaths, and sociopaths. Kind of a new Crusade, if I may be so bold.

    3. RA " Unless we start a genocide against astrologers, psychopaths, and sociopaths"

      Astrologers have always been burned at the stake. Same with psychopaths, etc. It's called being murdered for being different.

    4. I wonder if borderlines got burned at the stake...actually they were probly doing the burning..

    5. Astrologers were burned at the stake for being ignoramuses. Only the dumb psychopaths were burned at the stake. "Evolution in action." Eventually we arrived at Hitler and Stalin. I forget. Which one of those two brilliant leaders conquered the world? I am not sure who I am supposed to abase myself to. Or is it you?

    6. Anon. Lol. Lighting fires is definitely a bpd thing.

    7. Ha! :D lol..totally

    8. BPD's fanning the flames of chaos and drama!!! Say it ain't so!!! LOL!!!

  9. Hi Harry,

    I'm ok. True to my Faust pen name, I'm using the stars to navigate through a perfect hominid storm. Seems like just yesterday we (my family) were happily hunting moose and tanning hides. Oh well.

    As Zeke the sneak used to say to me when the chips went flying, Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.

    I don't think many of my astrologer friends would understand, but I missed coming here; I had to take a break, for the sake of peace at home. You would laugh had you seen the row my family made about me visiting this site.

    How you doing? Got a new job lined up? I'm going to quit my job soon, too. Need something new.

  10. I wonder if Hellbilly (HLHaller) has a selfie?

    1. Of course!!! You'll either have to go to Facebook (Harry Haller) or someone will have to explain to me how I can add pictures to this profile (besides the avatar - I want to keep that as is).

      But if you're already calling me a "Hellbilly," then you won't be too surprised by the picture.


    2. Mmm...moose steaks!!! I love game meat but I am far too lazy to actually hunt. Nothing against it - just a lot of other stuff I'd rather do, like play with my kids or surf or ride motorcycles on SW!!! ;p

      Or, joke 'em if they can't take a fuck!

      I'm doing OK - enjoying time with the little ones and getting some projects done around the house. Ma and I are deciding to split up, so we're starting to work through that - but that's really not all that bad at this point. All the real drama's past - now it's just working out the mechanics of a split.

      Nothing lined up - they whacked us just before xmas (classy, right?) and I didn't really want to spend my holidays looking for work, so I've really only started looking in earnest last week. There's work out there - just trying to avoid corporate work if possible.

      My friends and family mostly just nod and say, "yeah, that makes sense." They know who I am. Many of them have checked out the site, but have decided that it's not for them - I bring enough darkness into their lives maybe. *smirk*

      Actually, I think Ma, with her degree in psychology had the toughest time with it - and in time it'll likely be one of the reasons she can't live with me (it's a mutual split).

      What's your family's beef?

    3. hellbilly, you sound like a nutjob.

    4. Harry,

      Sorry to hear that your family is going through a rough time. The mechanics of breaking up are painful and . . . a million other things. Hope you figure out how to part with the least bitterness.

      My family doesn't share my fascination with lots of stuff, including astrology, psychology, criminology, literature -- I could go on and on. They also worry about me laughing while hanging out on the internet with a bunch of socios. :) I think my delving into dark subjects, talking to self-labled socios scares them. So it goes.

    5. Well, Faust - we, or at least I, enjoy your participation. 8)~

      Thanks for the "well wishes" - it's not that bad for, me at this point. Emotionally, I'm pretty well "processed" at this point. In an odd sense of irony, it's like the opposite of the scene from "When Harry Met Sally" - "when you figure out who you [don't] want to spend the rest of your life with..." I'm ready to be "on the other side."

      The previous year was rough - now it's

      Sorry to hear that your family isn't...accepting of how you see the world. Lots of people are not comfortable with dark subjects. The family I grew up with (bio mom and step dad were; bio dad and step mom were not) were very comfortable with them, so I feel fortunate in that regard -

    6. Jr and I haven't really discussed it yet, but he is not shy about telling his mom that he wants to hang out with dad. And, it's not like I'm a pushover...

      He likes clear boundaries - I tell him, "this far and no farther." He gets that. Ma seems to want to discuss this to no end and that confuses least to hear him ask me for clarification...

    7. Harry, Thanks . . . if anyone on this site would get 'me' and my family's position regarding my dark interests it would have to be you . . . I feel connected to your dark humor and wit. Now that you brought up When Harry met Sally, I'm afraid that you and Billy C are merged in my mind.

      Kids are remarkably tough. I'm sure your son will pull through OK. Your love for him shines very bright on SW, so I'm sure he knows how much you care and will always be there for him.

  11. so what is it that you want (for this to go away)?. Had she made it clear she was not interested instead of giving mixed signals I would have left her alone along time ago

  12. so shes the socio or all of u guys are or whats the deal here

    1. Hello, come in. Welcome to our world of darkness.

  13. Is that the only solution I mean I cant just up and move. Im not bothering you.

  14. Daughters of AnarchyJanuary 12, 2015 at 3:54 PM

    Love this song. So full of emotions. She was sexually abused by her father when she was young. She sings/screams about it here. So dam good.

    1. Daughters of Anarchy,

      Why did you mention the abuse? Is there more to this, or did you mention it solely in relation to the singer? I certainly don't mean to sound intrusive if this has to do with you on some personal level, and I don't mean for you to take this the wrong way. I saw that you included two other songs, too.

    2. Stay Smart, are you a socio?

    3. Daughters of AnarchyJanuary 13, 2015 at 6:53 AM

      SM, hello, good morning. I just mention the abuse because I read on a blog that this particular song she wrote was a representative of her father who really hurt her.

      Yes, I'm a victim of sexual abuse. So I was steered towards listening to it. Her songs have many messages -- if we listen closely we see what she's projecting out. She's wonderful. So many different tastes to music. I enjoy varieties.


    4. Daughters of AnarchyJanuary 13, 2015 at 6:55 AM

      representation* grr, auto correct, lol

    5. Daughters of Anarchy,

      I am very sorry to hear that you are a victim of sexual abuse. In this specific case, I can see how you relate to the inner message of the singer/song. As in all situations, sometimes it really helps to have something to relate to in addition to other kinds of support (i.e., it counts so much when it helps one to feel better).

      Again, I am genuinely sorry.

  15. I have left you guys and her alone.

  16. Daughters of AnarchyJanuary 12, 2015 at 4:19 PM

    Here's another one. So metaphorical (it's meaning.) Message inside the song. I can listen to her all night long.

    1. ur in to some weird stuff

    2. DoA,
      I like this song. My first thought was, "Sounds like something Marylin Manson would participate in", then I scrolled down to the description...
      I don't quite get the message you're referring to, but I have to say I like this song.

    3. Daughters of Anarchy,

      How do you interpret the message?

    4. Nihilistic Mind,

      Why do you like this song? Or what does it mean to you?

    5. Stay Smart,

      I like the e-Guitar riff and her voice, I can't quite define what it really is.
      I have a weakness for dark music, my favorite bands go in this or similar directions.

    6. What are your favorite bands?

    7. Anon, I have quite some. Listing all would be... too much work.
      Can't sleep anyways, so here we go: Hex Rx, Psyclon 9, Combichrist, God Module, 5 Finger Death Punch, Hollywood Undead, Nine Inch Nails, Amon Amarth, Nirvana, Mindless Self Indulgence, Autoxie, 3 Days Grace, Down of Ashes, Run Level Zero, X-Rx, Exemia, Heaven Shall burn, Highfish, Korn, Slipknot, Marylin Manson, Mad Sin, Neurotech, Psykkle, Pain, Oomph!, Papa Roach, Rolling Stones, Spineshank, Tactical Sekt, Tekhnotron, System of a Down, Tool, Noisuf-X/X-Fusion... well, those are the ones that come to mind right now, but I'm sure I missed some. Can't keep track of them all I guess.

      Oh and Beethofen's 5th and 9th, and that one song "Völlig Losgelöst (Major Tom)" from Peter Schilling, listen:
      Perfect to sing along... 'bout an astronaut who gets crazy and commits suicide beside ruining a very expensive mission. I love how normal people sing along without paying attention to what happens in this song... fabulous...

    8. you said you're 19 right? is retro in or what? wow, NIN? Korn? Nirvana?

    9. Haha, I've seen a lot of those bands. Good stuff.

    10. @Anon, yes, I'm 19 - so what? Do you say I can't enjoy good music because of that? May I ask how old you are? You sound old and still you use the internet - hipster or what?

      Besides, your definition of "retro" seems to be slightly off. Correct that and we might talk. Neither NIN nor Korn depict nostalgic values plus they are both still active. Ask Google if you don't believe me.

      Nirvana might be considered retro. Someone in the family gifted me a CD from Nirvana and I happened to like them. Kurt Cobain's story is fascinating.

      @HB, you listen to this kind of music? What are your favorite bands?

    11. Daughters of AnarchyJanuary 13, 2015 at 6:43 AM

      NM, I love Marilyn Manson music. God his voice is so Gggoood on the ears. Thanks for the list of bands, I recognize some I really enjoy. :)

      The songs message : About the song. I found this.

      “It's really just about taking the power back from the word, and when you get past all the controversy of the word, you have a bombastic rock and roll song with crushing guitars and huge drums that will have you screaming whore at the top of your lungs!”[ Singer Maria Brink took a more artistic approach by posing nude for the song’s online campaign. Brink writes one the band's Facebook post, "I decided to pose nude for the visual art for 'Whore' to evoke a raw vulnerable emotion. The word 'whore' written down my back, and the dunce cap symbolize me placing myself on the stake for those who are suffering and I can only hope to encourage at least one person to find the self worth and love they deserve to transcend out of a painful situation into a beautiful one. It is about finding our power and taking a stand.”

    12. Wow you really took offense to that. Are you sure you're a socio and not a beeper?

    13. @DoA, Marilyn Manson was kind of my childhood hero xD
      You're welcome, glad you do c:

      The text makes sense, thank you for sharing it and the music!

      @Anon, I didn't take offence, quite the opposite actually. Thought your troll comment deserved an equally trolling answer, tho I admit I'm not that good at trolling. I started internet communication only a few months ago.

      Regarding your question, no I'm not sure that I'm no beeper. Wouldn't change anything for me tho. Also, it might be possible I have rather histrionic PD minus the "need to be center of attention"-thing. Might also be that I'm just an Aspie. Or just some idiot using his brain too much. I don't know and doesn't matter much.

    14. I'm sad...I was Hoping you were really socio but it is what it is

    15. Why did you hope so, Anon? I'm a nihilist: I don't believe there's a tangible truth out there anyways. Create your own truth. If you needed me to be your (anti)hero, you're free to believe whatever you like.

    16. hehe antihero :) I think that's a lot of the reasons why people like socios. They see them as sort of the antihero. Actually the reason I was hoping you were, or anyone else on this site is because I am trying to learn more. By the way, bpd's make excellent antiheroes....if you only knew ;)

    17. Well, I'm a self-identified socio-/psychopath, so I gathered as much information as possible and still continue to do so. If you want to learn something specific, just ask me.
      Reality is relative - that's why I told you I'm not sure. No one can be sure about anything. Especially not about something as insubstantial as a pd diagnosis.

      I have no first-hand experience with bpd - at least not that I'm aware of - so I can't judge how they are or aren't. Would definitely be interesting to meet one tho.

    18. Someone with BPD is no different than anyone else. We eat, sleep, and breath. It is more about attachment and a sort of a push- pull relationship, but it is controllable with DBT skills.

  17. video wasn't found, got any other metaphors for me?

  18. Who's in for a little horror story?

    The last paragraph almost made me gasp for air. And that means something..

  19. Daughters of AnarchyJanuary 13, 2015 at 6:46 AM

    Will have to read it after work for sure. :)

  20. @NM Sorry to post as anon. Wanted to make a name, but didn't work. I followed the link to the test you posted saturday. I turn out to be an ENTP. The report really described my personality. By digging further today I found out that ENTP's are linked to sociopaths. I'm definately not a sociopath. I read people really well and empathize. So I figured not all ENTP's are sociopaths. I filled out the Levenson Self Repot today and was suprised to find that my primary score was higher than 63% of the people who have taken the test and secondary score was higher than 89%. I can't believe it. I hate lying, always take care not to hurt people and couldn't hurt a fly (well, a fly ok, but really i love animals). Now my personality is up there with The Joker. Really makes me think about myself. Thanks for sharing the link.

  21. As a comment on the idea of all being aspects of a whole:
    This makes sense. The human brain has a distinct base form, but naturally it has evolved to produce all shades of expression- from the person who cares deeply and personally for another, to the person who is categorically non-empathetic- and each acts according to his nature, most of the time without conscious consideration of the essence of his activities.

    As for tearing down vs. building up:
    I think on a basic level the human species has a need to find patterns. It was advantageous to survival in primitive times, and continues to be so. Generally we don't think about it much, instead it is a natural, maybe even inescapable tendency. (When was the last time you looked at a cloud and didn't see some kind of shape?) We also have both a supportive and a destructive instinct; consider the predatory animal, which rips apart prey and then brings the best part to her cubs before cuddling with them and playing with them gently. These instincts enforce social bonds, or take down dangerous others. M.E.'s love of ruining others could come from destructive social energy- as a highly successful woman she has few real threats. Or it could come from destructive predatory energy- people nowadays have no need to take down animals with claw and tooth, and often this innate drive is redirected into more socially acceptable outlets, such as football, or law. There's an element of empowerment involved as well- again, the chosen pursuit of many a primitive human. It could be her logic- she's good at ferreting out inconsistencies, recognizing masks and lies for what they are. Perhaps it feels good to rip apart that holey pattern to reveal the form underneath. (Ever take apart a theory, remove the bits that don't make sense, and come through with something more elegant? Elegance of articulation is categorically rewarding, I find.) Or, it could refer back to that basic pattern-solving mind- what's more fun than figuring out how something works, taking it apart, and experimenting with what you can make it do?

    I say not that M.E. is primitive or base, save in that sense we all are. We are all the animal, shoved through the sieve of the social model, and this must be taken into account when attempting to understand the human mind.


    1. D,

      "M.E.'s love of ruining others could come from destructive social energy-... Or, it could refer back to that basic pattern-solving mind- what's more fun than figuring out how something works, taking it apart, and experimenting with what you can make it do?"

      Based on your comment and reasoning, you're straightforwardly questioning M.E.'s thinking and behavior in more than one way, but here is your clear answer/clarification:

      "— tearing apart people’s stories, the lies that they’ve decided to live or at least try to pass off as truth."

      Having said that, it is not questionable as you've phrased your comment. She is indubitably concerned with the truth (i.e., obviously, sans lies and pretense), which is a virtue and noble endeavor, as opposed to destruction in the way that you have posed your questions. I relate to that as well, and having understood her thinking, I find it appropriate to clarify it for you.

  22. As a caution: The Levenson self-report, may I be so bold as to question the deities, tests less on empathy as on thought patterns. A person's thought patterns and way of rationalizing and compartmentalizing things has a large impact on his score.

    My score for primary psychopathy was 3.8. The score for secondary, 3.6. I scored higher for primary than 88.25 percent of people, and higher for secondary than 88.6 percent of people. I understand the quantitative progression in likely not linear (that is, from 3.6 to 3.7 is less jump than from 3.7 to 3.8) but these results reflect my logic more strongly than they do my empathy, although it is true that for me logic often outweighs empathy.
    Furthermore, the test commits minor errors of attribution. For instance, making money is one of my main goals. Why? Well, I like clothes. I also like having money on hand to help people out when they need it. I can't buy someone else food if I can't even afford my own. (I could. But not regularly.)
    But a caution to my caution: Sociopathy means little or no empathy, not just no empathy. Much of the sociopathic personality is pattern of thought. The Levenson weight on thinking patterns isn't entirely misguided. I only wish to show that it is far from the most thorough of examinations.



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